Pokemon Diamond but every battle my team is random

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this challenge is pokemon diamond but every battle my team is random so they turn into a random pokemon that random pokemon can be anything gen 1 to gen 4 and it will know the moves that it should know at that level it's gonna be a bit tricky but uh yeah we'll see what is our starter going to be we want turquing chimchar piplup all right piplup it is let's see our piplup in battle is gonna be such a good little piplup oh my goodness ooh ghost feel all right good start spiel use powder snow it literally didn't matter there we go your piplup totally rocked thanks it turned into a seal you feel cheated i thought it was funny i like how we got this pokemon at the mystery zone original trainer doesn't exist january 0th 2000 apparently met at level five yeah you can see we are chingling we still have a changling and uh at the end of every battle you can see our pokemon changes so now we have a gold duck with all the moves it should know at that exact level that's how this works hey sorry to interrupt but i got a youtubes coming out soon if you wanted a chance at a free one there's a giveaway link in the description for that but if you don't win one they're available for a limited time starting on the 23rd okay thanks so we leveled up i like the buzz we were level six very nice and now we have at the end of the battle a level six celio our starter evolved would you look at that we should definitely buy some pokeballs try and catch a pokemon here soon and it can be anything cause it'll turn into anything let's see what are we gonna catch starly okay no problem got it first try starly so now that we finished that battle we caught the starly we will have a makuhito and a combustion that will take out this starly here okay that's good that's good oh 90. that's some good exp dude i should probably raise up makuhita a little bit sick all right let's use our gold dean okay a bidoof we could take it out with a golden right i have a wait i could have swore it was a golden switching pokemon out of battle randomizes them so check this out so we swapped our pokemon via plume oh so i am not going to abuse that i think the reason why that's implemented is if we get stuck in a spot where we have pokemon that we can't use hm's and we're just trapped there we'll switch our pokemon around until we have a pokemon that can use those hms so that's what we're going to use that for okay 94 that's a level let's go so we need to start raising both of our pokemon for sure all right let's battle these kids okay abra what do we got for abra give me some good that's definitely something good a mole trace good god i do if you don't pokemon to choose from yeah i don't have pokemon to choose from either i just get him in my team anyways let's go talk to these clowns you're already talking to clowns the ones in chat where's the other clown am i missing it check the mirror bro oh we had the poke beautiful well oh we gotta fight our drivel are my pokemon even healed we did not heal this is fine it's going to growl we can amber it's chill got the burn nice character grid level seven pound hour levels up again very nice but it's an inter twig you know what we're gonna switch i wanna move around the exp a little bit you know what i guess i could take this guy out with poison stings right he's gonna have what like tackle oh how much this do okay no that's a lot i'm out all right one more amber should be easy no problem well character and levels up get some exp okay last time you'll ever lose no that's the first time of many yeah i should make the bottom screen so we can see which pokemon we have that would be cool yo we actually have the party viewer okay that's so cool we can always see our pokemon i like that a lot you know what let's catch an onyx why don't we that's it's a high level pokemon oh okay we got the onyx well let's go fight the gym leader now you ready let's do this all right rourke guess what i got my own geodude it's not gonna be good though i'm not using my own i'm going to use my bay leaf rock throw no big deal bay leaf can handle it because bay leaf has a grass type move right oh razor leaf let's go dude bay leaf turned away oh no so this was a glitch with the mod uh but luckily the creator of the challenge was in my chat uh he told me to just keep playing until you get it fixed so for the next little while my pokemon also didn't obey me because the game thought they were traded oh and if you're liking the video so far consider subscribing thanks this challenge might be a bit harder than i thought apparently it randomized into a pokemon that isn't my own oh dear but it thinks it's traded because only traded pokemon don't obey maybe it's like super rare for that to happen i don't know that didn't know why did that do so little i guess razeleaf is physical but still screech that's chill i did not think that this was going to be a problem we have at level 11 it doesn't obey what i'm going to use the potion on bay leaf it's up to 10 with no badges okay i'm just gonna tackle i don't know we might be able to take it out with my geodude he's gonna put oh he has potions tackle oh my god or used a potion just take me out onyx just remove me okay bay leaf now and we need to hope bay leaf does the razor leaf we don't have another potion it screeches it misses bay leaf stop moving around you're too strong don't do a lot of damage please oh that does so much ignored bay leaf i use tack what are you doing no razor leaf oh it's screech too please bailey thank you we need to hit that again please bailey please hey mr rock throw bay leaf just please yes bailey thank you okay bro good we only have one more pokemon to take out now and bailey's leveling up from that oh does that mean it'll ignore me more synthesis yes forget a move absolutely we'll be able to win this battle then because we can uh we can synthesis if we get low on health as long as bay leaf listens to me honestly this might be a good thing yeah okay kranidos i can take you down nice and easy as mold breaker i have uh smoke screen [Music] poison him i can try and dude okay i don't think synthesis is even i'm just gonna try razor leaf they use pursuit don't do a lot of damage yes take it out now yes it's a crit okay mattered it's totally chill because all the razor corners pokemon league rules so what level can we use pokemon up to now because our level 10 pokemon obeyed us but it was over level 10 that didn't what what level i need to know rourke it's still 10 until you get two badges oh god we're gonna have to catch other pokemon this challenge just got a lot more interesting i guess we'll have to roll into gardenia with a new pokemon okay we have a sableye okay took out that sableye please don't level up [Music] none of my pokemon now obey so that's interesting we'll just catch three other pokemon to use until then but do that'll be fine there we go we'll make it work i guess i will go wait do we have a kyogre if only we could use it in a battle and it would listen how do you beat gardena with level 10s i don't know we'll figure it out what level is the second gym like 20 something what's the strength of your glasses not that strong they're pretty weak they were already broken they've been taped together for months it looks so weird now it does look a little bit weird doesn't it it's just today's style we're going to catch one more because it's gonna be under level 10. perfect level nine that's exactly the pokemon we need caught hey there we go okay we got another pokemon is that a salamance level nine oh ho ho baby yes please and a palkia but the salamence will actually listen to us all right let's destroy this thing let's see okay we got tackle sure it's gonna leech life that does nothing if salomon says dragon rage it's a one shot for i think almost all the pokemon that's you know what i guess i'm gonna tail whip to prepare it for the next team we're gonna tail whip crit that's fine okay that's two tail whips okay squirrel went down after two tail whips so there we go at the intimidate as well i'm gonna switch out for the next one but i mean a headbutt that'll do a ton of damage good moves for level nine does barely anything took out the zubat sick we're going to switch into drifloon that's probably gonna one hit ko yeah aftermath yeah good okay big brain strat switching salamance it intimidates switching coughing although coughing won't listen to us pretended not to notice thanks thanks coughing loafing around you're embarrassing me in front of my friends coughing thank you oh so good we got some poison damage okay probably sir by poison look at that you're going down salamance lower its attack yeah hair across now you're gonna attack me with a faint attack that's gonna do nothing i'm a fighting bug three three damage that's it hopefully we know like a karate chop or something that is an oranberry no big deal well lear i suppose is probably not gonna listen anyways level 12 oh my crit really how was that fair ignored orders endure yeah very nice aerocross super good wait doesn't endure always go first i should endure so i can out speed because then it's going to ignore and it's going to out speed and use leer i'll just use endura every time ignored orders priority leaders and priority horn attack please oh no endure that's fine we won't get taken out this turn then it's a win-win now we'll survive on one hp would you look at that we entered the hit and the perugca goes down nice easy salomon screw level 10 don't level up another time please good okay we finished that off we're gonna have at least one more fight like that but i'm gonna try and ignore as many battles as i can because i just can't continue with that but pokemon center and we do have i think two pokemon that will obey us okay so we'll get healed by this person after every battle by cheryl okay this should be pretty easy we need to survive one battle but let's see okay hitmonchan can still obey that's good we'll revenge the pacharisu wow that doesn't do a lot okay i guess it only does half damage if they haven't attacked me yet are they going to attack me they will chant the egg bomb nice i guess chansey can just take out the whole team that we're fighting against if worse comes to worse himmon chan will no longer obey us yep hitmonchan's loafing around now lovely chansey could you use soft-boiled so you can survive or no good job hitmonchan you did your best kiddo please have just a pokemon that can stomp them waylord if it has like level 15 water spout maybe level 13 water spout i think rollout if we can roll out once i think we'll be good i should have attacked the pacharishu in hindsight it knows absorb ignored orders growled so this is where we white out okay what even happens if you lose with cheryl did cheryl not come with me did i just leave cheryl dead on the ground now it looks like none of my pokemon will obey me so we have to catch a new team so let's catch some level eights there's one kabadoof okay there's another one right so now we'll switch our team around we'll just save you for later buddy so our team has been randomized again let's go okay cheryl i mean we do have a groudon though i think we could do the first battle with a groudon as long as we don't encounter any wild pope so i as we don't get any wild pokemon i like this good bite oh i switched my pokemon that's gonna randomize my team no it didn't randomize my team okay if you swap them back it it doesn't randomize the team the game didn't notice we're good so we have our bite and pacharisu can't damage us i mean it knows like quick attack but it's not going to use it i mean we're going to get taken out in one hit from this patch of resume so i'm just going to take the hit there we go okay so wind goes down it's chill egg bomb i think a bite might know dragon rage if that is the case then oh boy this batteries it was nothing i think dragon rage will be a one hit ko [Music] good we only have to fight one pokemon at a time now and get bite leveled up unfortunately so it's no longer going to listen to us but i believe in it it used dragon rage took it out okay one more pokemon i think that is another level dear god there's a dragon rage but there we go took out the first set of trainers that took more attempts in this challenge than it did in the damageless challenge so there is a fix for obedience at science sets should be fixed now let's go into a battle we have a level oh my god our team is freaking stacked okay so we did apply the fix that that fixes the obedience so now we can use our whole team instead of being super limited wait are we done there's only two battles cool all right cheryl's done we go straight to the gym from here cause like i have an entei at my gym until they've beaten all the other trainers oh i hate you gardenia we have to fight all the trainers that sucks and getting some mad levels okay so now we'll see if the obedience fix fixes it because if it worked this entity should obey me now and there we go good stuff get my stronger monster in the box now i think they can hang out there honestly i think if our pokemon get too strong we might just catch some new ones where's the holder first glasses out they staying on that's a question that everyone is curious about have you ever considered that this is just a filter that i don't actually wear glasses here let me turn the filter off there we go i found the button for it i just liked how i look with glasses sorry yeah those glasses marks on what was that i don't know what you're talking about there's no glasses mark my my nose just looks like that that's why i wear the glasses because i look i look bad without them well we can fight gardenia now i'm just going to give it a go i'm going to do my best okay toxic croak should i taunt i think i'm going to taunt and now i can't use sunny day or whatever it was going to use yeah that's right no growth for you uh and we poison sting now this toxic croak has got it in the bag dude they are way higher level than me but like we're gonna get the poison here it uses grass not that actually does more damage than i thought it is level 19 but still poison doesn't even matter at this point it's gonna grass not again no problem oh she has a potion man that's not cool kind of forgot about potions now i should kind of wish i got the poison can you get the poison now just have to ask sometimes we don't have any potions or anything so we gotta use what we got i'm gonna try and taunt the next one because the cherubi or the turtwig the only thing that they can do to me is set up that's the worst thing yes we taunt and it it uses grass not that's nothing i'm gonna try and poison it that's gonna do a lot more than grass not that's for sure let's shuck it dude so we're going to encore aggress oh god that was a crit yikes i should have used bide chuckle i'm sorry buddy you're going down if only i had used by the first turn then we would have been fine and per ugly should have fake out i'm pretty sure pearly's pretty strong she has two potions well grammar it is he doesn't have a poison type move back to per ugly good one more scratch and there's one more pokemon after this i don't know how we're gonna take it out but there is one more fingers crossed that per ugly level 13 can take on a level 22 roserade if hypnosis hits oh it out speeds oh we can survive one though right just one no we cannot all right we'll try that again yo okay yeah i think that'll work all right let's do this please have a good flying move on you on mega and then this gym should be a breeze we do have double team and sonic boom ain't bad oh we got seated you guys kidding me look at this damage i need to switch though each seat is going to kill me um wingo you've got this you got like wing attack or something right you do oh my god let's go i had no idea that leech seed keep wing attacking yep okay grass not man that does a lot let's go back into yon mega and we'll just sonic boom should take it out beautiful i think this turquoise just wants to set up on us so we're just gonna sonic boom and it's gonna grass not it's not gonna do well yeah just almost nothing and took out the turd twig of course one pokemon left and like we have a mew in the background we should have this i'm gonna sonic boom it outspeeds me poison sting it's gonna do nothing yeah six damage easy very easy that does quite a lot of damage wow grass not again that's not gonna do a lot that do more than i expected okay there's a citrus berry i don't have any potions still we're gonna sonic boom yo it used stun spore instead of taking me out sick we hit the sonic boom okay i mean all right grass not i should have done quick attack yeah that was dumb i should have quick attacked um cartivine i'm not even gonna use mew until the end well bite magical see not even half bite take it out that's the second badge proudly grant you this forest badge and now we have after the gym combustion go bite with dragon rage lucario moth him like the best team we it it always happens this way though oh hey it's cynthia obtained caught okay use all this let's destroy commander jupiter um sabine calm down you have a level 18 zubat dragon rage i think it's hp it's pretty low so that might take it out in one hit no not quite it giga drains again that is so strong nice but you skunk tank now we'll stay in what's it gonna do screech uh it's at least half ah citrusberry poison gas like i said what's it gonna do poison me it did she'll probably use a potion right no potion okay should survive that right or not skarmory it does nothing for me see night flash we take that hit easy sick one more pack and then we're done steel types are so good in gen four steel types are just super good up in general up until like recently they bounced them out okay research in the mississippi pokemon ruler of sinnoh keep out of the affairs whatever very much cycle shop let's go get those bikes baby okay we're gonna grab the bike and make our way to heart home now heart home has the fifth badge in this one so i think the third badge is actually the fighting gym so do that next but the time in between the second badge and the third badge is huge you go through like four cities or something any losses yet uh no only wins here all right old man that's actually only like in his mid-20s where are you hey cyrus cyrus cyrus is 27 what he looks like he's in his mid 40s that's a rough 27 he's had a rough life yeah next thing you'll tell me gets this is 30. gets this is 33. i'm kidding he's 49. you believe me for a second didn't you that old man you want a pokemon egg oh yeah for sure dude all right we took the pokemon egg if you take that egg and travel with an energetic pokemon it'll hatch all right my pokemon have more energy than you have ever seen oh my god it already hatched level one cadabra my god it's energetic where do we go wait do we fight him right now we have a salamence we should be fine right it should know like a headbutt at the very least beautiful that's gonna do some damage dude [Music] i got out played by a starly there's no way okay at least we didn't get fully taken out weasel it's gonna know aquajet um our team sucks except for the sal we might lose this now pineco i choose you we're gonna take down then self-destruct i think yeah boom shouldn't do too much good this probably won't take them out it did it's a crit let's go okay i have no idea what they're sending out next but marowak can handle it and we have bone club already let's go okay bone club is pretty dang good dude that's a good amount of damage there with drew all right okay groddle let's not mess around god is going to use razor leaf caterpie's going to tank it caterpie is is so strong you can do it caterpie c told you it didn't even do half easy string shot why not my caterpie out speeds it's just that fast uses razor leaf it's not gonna take me out couldn't even do half see caterpie tackle boom no longer a speed tie solid absorb it gets all the hp back we can always switch and flareon who we have now who definitely knows a fire type move right oh it does okay it's gonna suck because its special stat is horrendous but does more damage than the caterpie okay yeah we can win this i think we might have to hit it with a sand attack though it was a crit miss oh withdraws the idiot we've won this battle no problem now it switches back on a ponyta and we destroy it with our marrow whack and ease you and we took out the man get out of here man got a trainer waiting for me there not yet because i i don't feel like fighting trainers it's level 19 we are under leveled probably because i'm skipping most trainers [Music] let's show who's boss cleffa v klepha my clef is better than yours check this out sweet kiss boom snapped out of confusion it's sweet kissed me we're just making out we're making out all over the battlefield copycat all right you do sweet guess right back we're literally just making out sometimes it's just the way it goes love wins you know what i think my squirtle could take out this ponyta if we have like water gun yeah that's six times the amount of damage with water gun because the rain is super effective and it's stabbed crazy our first evolution look at the wartortle good stuff [Music] huh that's weird and we're finally in veilstone yo vel's own city okay let's get this badge baby looks like this gym might be a bit of a struggle just because the levels are so high they just jump up so much we do have a drift luna it all comes down to whether or not i can avoid this trainer or not we'll see because like manafee drifloon it's not too bad of a team okay well i guess we don't get that team for the uh leader all right what's our team probably not gonna be able to defeat the gym leader with a core fish and a chikurita if i had to guess but as you can see we do have a spirit tomb and i think a spirit tomb might be all we need spirit tomb has hypnosis and dream eater all right maylene battle let's do it how many pokemons you have three okay that's not too bad meta tight to start i don't even think it can touch me honestly hey can't touch me that's what i thought what can this do though metal claw hypnosis please oh hypnosis missed i'm sorry klepha but you're the one that's got to go we got boned dude i guess we'll send in a cordfish i'm just gonna i'm gonna give this one one one more one more just a oh i have a new team i forgot when i reset the game i have a new team so i can't cheese it oh no crap this team might be better uh yeah the metang is oh this team is better juicy dude astonish we're gonna go for the flinches the paralysis and the flinches crit let's go loud red you can do it it detects again it's just wasting my time at this point paralyze critical hit confusion ah level 14 loudred almost tucked out level 27 meditate that's absurd dude metal claw we'll do more here took it out okay med tang very good job sending lucario i will switch i don't think lucario can take out knocked owl in one hit i'm gonna start with reflect though it's gonna metal claw i'll do a lot and i think knocked out is a tank that was a crit that was a great yikes the sicario man he's got some moves i'm just gonna reset on that no we have two wee viles we're gonna have to level up a bit no no no no no we don't need to level up with this team shaymin riperier no we're good aerial lace it's not bad i'll take that oh is that fair confusion wait a minute yeah i think shaymin might have the win here we'll see we can leech seed oh yeah for sure because we can do this magical leaf magical leaf it's detecting whatever stop detecting i only have i have very limited power points on this magical leaf and i need to take them out please send in machoke yes we're gonna start with the leech seed it's seated the defense fell but guess what i can defense girl my speed fell i'm always gonna be slower we'll just defense curl it can do whatever it wants i this is very fast speed up i know this but it's necessary because like we're just getting max defenses here defense won't go any higher all right magical leaf brick break does almost nothing magical leaf does some damage we get back to full health every single hit foresight they're just wasting time at this point lychee takes them out okay that's good shaymin might actually do this we're at plus six defense so it shouldn't be able to k only if we hit it with the leech seed it does nothing he can't touch me leech seed is gonna steal more health and we get tilt so all we need to do is just sit here in magical leaf and there's nothing that it can do to win unless it gets a crit we win we got a crit let's go middleclaw so scary no crits no problem look at that we've won melee's down and that is the third badge okay so this is day two of pokemon but every single battle my team is random last time we did have some glitches but atsun put a bunch of more hours into this and fixed all the glitches we had last time so what we need to do is we need to catch six new pokemon because i want to be able to nickname them let's do that all right we got one and yeah again this one's gonna be named at sign that sign thanks for making this mod and we need to catch five more now we have some personality with the team i like it there we go and now our team is random look at this team dude all right let's get going how strong are my glasses uh they're pretty we i'm not gonna do it this time i'm not i'm not breaking my glasses again this week the tape is just barely holding them together but like my desktop is like it's just a bunch of random images this on my desktop i got this on my desktop i got the putt-putt 3 box art i don't know what this is i got this what else do i got i got this on my desktop okay back to the game back to the game let's keep going please outspeed please outspeed them oh god i'm sorry turnip this bible is a monster do you see how much damage you just did it's crazy zoe please out speed with this karate chop oh my god we're gonna get swept by a bible [Music] emily please have a status effect they're both females no fake out we don't some damage we have a chance i have an idea it defense curled that is a terrible thing we have quick attack okay that's priority that does very little it knows surf it's level 23 it's in the re oh my god and it outspeeds me it'll one hit kaomi with surf there's nothing the defense curl absolutely mattered yeah outside i'm sorry buddy you're going down it missed hyperfang okay at side notes quick attack i bet and potentially might also sand attack [Music] oh okay fake out it's just free damage [Music] that's a quit yes we won mattered 100 that mattered anyways we're here at the gym so let's give this thing a try i think we may be able to make this work because he does only have three pokemon gyarados terrifies me a little bit it's level 27 okay we're gonna shift into zoe because that will bring a drought and now water type moves will deal less use dragon rage oh god it has dragon rage how is that fair ancient power do we out speed we do not out speed use brine why are you so under leveled because we just caught the pokemon like 30 minutes ago all right turnip should be able to handle this and there's a dragon rage [Music] okay i don't know what we're going to do this gyarados is a monster there's a super potion that's an attack up that's really good we have an attack bonus i'm gonna fully heal that away so now we're not confused swagger it just gave us a plus two bonus it used brine it's in the sun shouldn't do much damage i think we wing attack now it should do a lot word plus to attack i mean i am seven levels below but still you know what no we're ring attacking it's gonna miss the first attack it did not miss the first attack okay well let's proceed you have pursuits it was a good run by a good run i mean we had no chance from the start we'll try it again all right new team let's give it a go okay at sign what does that sign have uh of course we do have hidden power electric i don't know if that's actually the case but it would be nice please don't hit yourself in confusion and use electric hidden power [Music] there's a chance nope is there any way we win this i don't think so that's okay we lost a battle that's fine you know something tells me this next attempt might be a little bit easier i don't know what it is perhaps it's the giratina in our party i'm gonna buy some potions though super potion let's buy ten yeah okay challenge by leader wake got a decent team so we're gonna switch out immediately i'm gonna switch into i think later on it's not gonna be able to take many hits but they're not gonna use brian first turn so they will use brian first turn it appears now he's switching to emily and emily is going to screech at this gyarados please emily hit the screech thank you its defense is now halved good job emily did great you got one screech out and then passed away ash might out speed ash is pretty speedy but i think pursuit will do more because of stab and it bit me for whatever reason sure wow that actually does quite a number yeah okay i'm gonna pursuit again survive you can survive this you can survive this now they're gonna potion so i pursued again yeah it's a crit let's go and now we quick attack and this might be enough oh oh okay this might work then now quagsire i don't know what it has but i'm gonna ancient power and ominous wind to try and get boosts so we're gonna start with ominous wind because there's a 10 chance for each of these to get up give us some boosts that's a crit no boost okay defense dropped we got the boosts all right but my defense is still one down yeah ominous wind okay we'll keep boosting give me another ten percent ah mudsport that's nothing you know what we're going to ancient power we're going to try and get the boost from asian power i'm going to try and keep this alive for longer i thought we had levitate honestly no boosts yikes do we have the boost here give me another level of boosts no boosts we should be faster they use brine okay sure we got the paralysis let's go now we out speed for sure okay so barry such as barry no problem paralyzed though use pursuit my defense is lower that's going to do a lot not enough decay oh though okay get a crit please not quite it hit ice fang it's not over we still have a pokemon left i forgot we had super potions this time but here's the thing we have ash we're still able to pursue and that's gonna do a lot of damage it's gonna ice fang no big deal good and now at sign we'll simply dig it's paralyzed anyways and we hit him with the dig that should do it right easy took it out and that is the fourth gym badge leader wake is gone there's the badge and now we can just run to the fifth badge i think sick do you get a haircut no i'm wearing a hat it's a good look right will they let me in now wait what where is the leader come back another time i'm going to go back to pastoria really quick it's weird that they don't give you any direction they're just like wander around and talk to this guy that just happens to be facing a wall this is like gen 1 pokemon yo wait do we battle him here no we don't oh we do battle him here oh yeah i wasn't ready for this the man is here with a level 26 starly why haven't you evolved that thing yet dude what are you doing okay we're gonna start with reflect oh god that does a lot of damage okay it's gonna take me out here no it won't i reflected that's fine easy fly we're gonna do a little bit of damage to it it double teams [Music] and we missed fly all right we're switching endeavor oh my hp is going down dude okay okay metronome embrace the randomness x scissor that's not very effective but it does some damage though endeavor i mean i'm fine if you keep using endeavor that means you go down first no matter what attack order stop using bug moves dude oh metronome again it's just gonna double team overheat solar beam low kick you know what we're just gonna minimize it's clearly not going to wing attack me ever so we're just gonna minimize all the way through oh it quick attacked and i actually did buy potions so we can use the super potion although it's gonna endeavor and everything will be lost but whatever missed wing attack nice metronome please defense drop [Music] we got the defense drop let's go one more metronome for the road beautiful took out the starly now ponyta we're gonna sing you use growl it hit growl now it's sleeping will metronome missed ball that's pretty good yeah look at the damage pretty clean one more let's just use the last one assurance sure it's more damaging double slap probably well maybe not woke up mr ember slap it smack it ready for the double slaps oh we missed double slap we missed another double slap i'm gonna run out of power points we have an ether sing all right you know what we got to do we got to find our ether that we definitely still have yep and we got to use it on metronome we're going to get blast burn check this out after focus energy because we're going to get a crit now ring out i have no idea what that move does [Music] oh it was a crit but they did a lot of damage okay at sign with the sweep perhaps i turned too late outside [Music] right on time never mind it was that focus energy let's see okay so there should be the galactic grunt that the man just interrupted i was trying to take this man into custody have to give this to the commander he's so just stop him what am i doing yo cynthia how you doing can we get the fifth badge yet yeah we can go do it okay let's take her out i hope this isn't an easy gym battle might not be we'll see my pokemon are a little bit under level can we curse i'm gonna curse immediately astonish i don't think that'll take me out don't flinch that's the drift slim down okay no problem that's a quarter of itself gone now we'll send in a pretzel gus does take it out in one hit emily can do the trick that is protect beautiful tries to gust no big deal and then i think we'll just finish it off with an icy wind there we go emily its defense is way lower so we use fly and it uses magical leaf i don't think this is going to take it out but it might be it like a two hit ko perfect and now we can dragon claw because i remember this there is the physical special split in this game so dragon claw is actually a physical move shadow ball though uh we can take a shadow yo let's go i should take it out that did not take it out let's use our milk confuse ray interesting shadow ball yikes you hear yourself in confusion you're done never mind i got a hyrule alright emily it's your time to shine oh that's a crit okay we lost with our rayquaza interesting well i suppose we'll try again it's not bad it's not bad at all let's do it all right turn up against drift blim honestly really not gonna do all that much spite uh okay ash i'm gonna check the moves of hypnosis and nightshade that might be exactly what we need start with the hypnosis good it has bad dreams right yes good and we nightshade this is going to take a little bit night again woke up use astonish there's nothing hypnosis good bad dreams i'm probably gonna heal this turn unfortunately but i'm gonna night again yeah can nightshade miss or am i just getting really lucky oh yeah it can miss it's heal super potion well it minimizes again i hate you i think i need to hypnosis here because it's gonna die from the bad dreams that i need nightshade to take out the other ones we need to put this gang go to sleep hypnosis oh at least we hit that's good nightshade takes us out that'll do a good chunk tormented by ash's bad dreams woke up shadow claw it's not gonna do much not much at all okay uh let's put it back to sleep another hyper potion really come on hit the hypnosis at least okay it will night shade woke up that was quick oh oh i didn't think it would oh pretzel can do it so one hit ko all right faint attack i guess wait a minute if we get to the mismatches with emily we're in we're set oh it didn't use poison jab okay yeah what is it going to do magical leaf we faint attack oh look at that damage we needed two more of those bag milk time i hate that i just hate that that that's just the worst faint attack they use magical leaf like an idiot hit and we can win we can win still drink your milk emily magically please confuse ray okay we can work with that this is still fine no big deal emily's confused come on emily no [Music] magical leaf you can take that hit you can survive that emily please that's it we took her out there's fantina all the way down that was a dumb battle but we made it work severely under level to that defeated fantina all right we got a new surf now that means we can go to gym number six so we'll continue this next wednesday thank you so much for watching everybody let's go
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 3,379,509
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, diamond, pearl, bdsp, randomizer, team randomizer
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 34sec (2614 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 15 2021
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