Lies Of P | 8 HIDDEN Features You MUST KNOW (Tips and Tricks)

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lies of p is a true Souls game at heart taking huge inspiration from Dark Souls and bloodborne but in classic Souls like fashion it is intentionally and not very good at explaining its mechanics and systems whether you're a Souls Pro or total newbie to the genre this spoiler-free video should provide you with some useful tips and tricks to help you understand the things that lies of P just doesn't really explain to you number one don't sweat this first decision first up this starting choice about which class you want to pick doesn't really matter all that much you're basically picking a starting weapon and a slight buff to skills that can be evened out pretty quickly through leveling up just a couple of times it's also worth noting that you can buy all of these starting weapons from the first vendor right outside the first major boss room so this isn't a decision that will haunt you for the rest of the game out here alone you can use some help if you're new to souls like games then pick the balanced option for well-rounded offense defense if you're more of a bloodborne fan and you want to stay in the fight relying on perfect blocking and dodging then go for the Rapier option and if your typical Souls like play is all about being heavily armored blocking your way through hits and hitting hard when it counts go for the great sword regardless of which starting weapon you'd pick I'd encourage you to buy them all when you get the opportunity from this vendor as this game has an extensive weapon list and enormous amount of customization that allows you to make any weapon suit your playstyle but more on that a little later number two Don't Fear The Fury attacks if games have taught us anything over the years it's when enemies start glowing red you should run and while that is absolutely a valid tactic in lies of P it's not your only option the game will tell you that these Fury attacks cannot be blocked or dodged but they can be perfectly blocked and it dodged backward out of your attacker's range then they can be avoided so if you nail your perfect blocking you can stay in the fight and build up some decent stagger meter on the enemy in the process and if you learn your foe's attack patterns you can leave them exhausted swinging out thin air and vulnerable to a couple of quick free hits number three altering weapons one aspect of lies of P that might be easy to overlook is the ability to swap weapon blades and handles at first it might seem like a bit of a waste to put a tiny dagger tip onto the end of your giant green sword handle but the truth is it can be extremely valuable if like me you're concentrating on one playstyle and leveling up to match then certain weapons you may find may not be that useful for you at first for example I suspect all of my levels into motivity or strength I was all about hitting hard and having decent defense so when I came across a dagger that inflicted fire damage and scaled with technique or dexterity I thought I'd leave that in my backpack for the rest of the game that was until every tooltip and NPC in this early game area kept telling me that all the enemies here are vulnerable to fire so I threw that little fire dagger blade onto my police baton handle that scaled better with motivity and it quickly became one of my go-to combinations you can swap the blades and handles out at Eugene in hotel karate and it's worth experimenting with the handle dictates the move set and damage scaling of the weapon and the blade dictates the damage type and defensive capabilities of the weapon it's also worth knowing that the first Fable art is tied to the blade while the second is tied to the handle try some different combinations out on the dummies in the courtyard of the hotel and Find Your Perfect combo and if that wasn't enough customization for you then let me introduce you to cranks cranks allow you to change the level associated with damage scaling for a weapon so if you had a great sword you really loved but you'd put all of your skill points into technique then you can chat to Eugene and use a technique crank to change that weapon to scale with technique number four the best defense can be a good offense lies of P borrows combat mechanics from all of the best Souls games and the intricacies of that can be a little overwhelming the important thing to note is the blocking enemy attacks will still chip away at your health but some bigger weapons have better defense than the smaller ones for example the starting Greatsword as a blocking value of 65 7 while the Rapier only has 37.32 meaning blocking through attacks with the Rapier will cause you to take more damage those values may change as you level up and upgrade weapons but the difference is still worth bearing in mind if you do get hit though or take a fair bit of damage while blocking then fear not as just like in bloodborne following up with a bevy of your own blows can restore some of that Health that you just lost indicated by this faint red portion of your health bar perfectly timed blocks will negate all incoming damage and can even destroy your enemies weapons if you perfectly block enough attacks perfectly blocking and Landing heavy blows will also increase the chances of Staggering your enemy if their health starts to flash white Landing a Charged heavy attack will leave them vulnerable for a fatal attack which you can pull off with a light attack when you see this icon if you're well placed you might even be able to sneak in a couple of extra cheeky hits before going in for the Fatal attack but don't wait too long number five clothes aren't just an aesthetic Choice Pinocchio looks great in Eliza p and as you explore the city of karate you'll find new outfits that you can dress up you're not so real buoyant but this isn't necessarily just a fashion choice to avoid spoilers I won't go into too much detail here but there is at least one early NPC that will react differently to you depending on what you're wearing when you approach them so read the law behind those snazzy new outfits and pick your wardrobe carefully number six read your item descriptions and speaking of reading those descriptions you should probably get into the habit of doing that for most items that you pick up in this game this will be second nature to experience Soul players but if you're brand new to the genre you might not know that item descriptions are not just for lore Hunters they can contain hints to Side Quests and tips on how to get the most out of that particular item for example large Ergo sources rewarded when you defeat bosses will give you substantial Ergo if you use them from your inventory but the item description hints that these might be sought after Treasures for certain NPCs finding that NPC and trading with them will give you the opportunity to get some powerful weapons and ambulance oh that's odd I thought I was the only one with a sound mind here number seven emotes aren't just for fun that's right emoting isn't just a fun quirky thing you can do in Liza P sometimes they have more value than that take the check Grand emote for example that's not entertaining funnel quirky at all so then perhaps it's useful at some point wink wink nudge nudge I won't spoil anything here but when dealing with certain situations characters riddles or quests try not to forget about your arsenal of emotes number eight check for side quest markers there is no map or Quest log in lies of Pete but if somebody wants to chat to you to progress a storyline or Quest then an icon will appear next to that location when you enter the Fast Travel menu you'll often see this in hotel karate because that's where a lot of your friends are hanging out but every now and then it's worth scrolling back through old locations to see if there are any new opportunities to explore or conversations to be had unexpected guests I hope you found some of these tips useful and if you have any of your own please do drop them in the comment section below I've been mad for fgs make sure you subscribe here on YouTube to discover something new in gaming every single day foreign [Music]
Channel: FGS
Views: 40,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: FGS, Future Games Show, Gaming, Lies of P, lies of p xbox, lies of p pc, lies of p PS5, videogames, video games, gaming, pc, xbox, series x, series s, xbox game pass, soulslike, soulsborne, gameplay, boss fight, boss battle, reactions, preview, impressions, lies of p, lies of p gameplay, lies of p boss fight, lies of p boss, lies of p tips, lies of p hacks, lies of p things I wish I knew, lies of p gamepass
Id: -pDX3fmfYnA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 54sec (474 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 14 2023
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