8 AWESOME Secrets in Lies of P!

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all right what's going on guys we are now coming up on a week since lies of P hit public markets and players are enjoying their journey through the city of crowd although you're probably dying a lot in the process but one thing that is for certain about this game is that it is filled into the brim in Secrets the development team did a fantastic job at packing so much into these levels that even if you play through them multiple times you're bound to still miss some things so today I want to dive into those secrets and show you 8 things that you probably didn't know because there is so much to this game even now we're only scratching the surface of what we understand this video will contain minor spoilers for the first 75 percent of the game I'm still working through it myself so no worries about seeing the final boss or anything like that but with that being said if you enjoy all things Souls like soulsborne or from software go ahead and hit that subscribe button and now let's get into it for the first one today we are going into Hotel crawd the main Hub of lies of P where you can conduct your business with the games and PCs or just take a moment's rest now the developers did a fantastic job in making this place feel like home one of the ways they cemented that feeling was with spring the cat the resident pet of the hotel when the player first encounters spring and tries to pet him they'll receive an apprehensive approach with the cat hissing and biting at the player's hand however if you choose to go down the path of humanity spreading a little lies and listening to music then spring warms up to the player now accepting the outstretched hand in receiving some pets it's a nice little touch to the overall atmosphere in the setting reinforcing the fact that as our journey goes on we are indeed becoming a little more human in other ways you can go towards that goal or by engaging with many mechanics in the world one of which is a secret the game takes a pretty big tonal shift when you get to the path of misery where a world of Puppets inserts elements of horror and monsters and as we walk this path of misery we'll find that we're introduced to Cathedrals and statues of angels and gods one of which has a message for us if you approach the statue of a woman without stretched arms you'll get a message that reads pray you who are exhausted and injured but there's more than just a message here if you've acquired the gesture for prey you can activate it in front of the statue for a secret interaction and take a look there are actually many secret gesture interactions throughout lies of P including this one here which rewards the its owns hunting apparel gained by using the check ground gesture at the vista of Hotel cross which is almost definitely a bloodborne reference and in my opinion is one of the best looking sets however this one requires a few steps in order to make it happen if you simply perform check ground at this spot chances are nothing is going to be rewarded first you have to obtain the jeweled cryptic vessel which can be found in the Estella opera house down a path outside the boss room and after bringing it to venini for decoding it'll give you the hint that reads as follows orders check the ground at the end of the Cliff of Kroc Central Station Street and unless you've read the name of the gestures you have unlocked it is a very easy secret to miss so if you really want to scratch that bloodborne itch I can't recommend doing this one enough but speaking of gestures they can be acquired in a number of ways from Quest completions to in-game events it's one thing that the game doesn't tell you in one gesture that you may not have is prey that we talked about earlier because it's actually very hard to find some rewards and including a few gestures can be acquired by reading letters and this means scrolling through all the pages prey can be acquired from cecile's written confession the Frozen man's letter will give the player the remembrance gesture whenever they read through all of it so as you go through the game whenever you pick up a letter or any points of lore for that matter make sure you scroll through all the pages even if you don't read them all at least get to the end because you never know if there's going to be a secret reward for doing so if you made it to the baron swamp and encountered the NPC rookie Explorer Hugo you can exhaust his dialogue to receive another cryptic vessel and he tells you it leads to stolen goods guarded by thieves who are fighting over it taking it back to venini will tell you to go through a ransacked Shack in the mallam district next to some clothing lines once we arrive we can find an NPC called the slum resident who's very suspicious about how we got there so tell us about the Shack nearby in the stolen goods within claiming that he doesn't actually know what's inside and he's more than happy to give us the key to the shack so we then have the choice to take him at his word and go inspect it for ourselves and once we do something interesting weapons foreign [Music] if you're a long time player of the souls games then you know exactly what is going on here this slum resident is a play on none other than the character Patches from Dark Souls and nearly all of from software's games patches is a reoccurring character in The from software games who lures the player in by telling them about treasure but when the player goes to inspect that treasure he Springs a trap on them and reveals that he's the thief and we're the treasure lies of P doesn't take any hesitation in revealing its inspiration from The Souls games so to see them put a Patch's character is only right and I think is awesome considering that many of the souls fans are playing this game and are going to instantly recognize what's going on here so I think that's a super cool Easter egg one thing that can turn the tide of a battle whenever you're up against a strong foe are fable Arts which can perform a number of different attacks depending on the weapon you're using but after being consumed take a while to refill and it can be a real hassle trying to land enough hits on a boss fight expending your Fable art again and dying just to lose all that progress and having to start with an empty fable slot there is a skill later in the game that can give you an effect to bypass this but fortunately if you don't want to invest the courts there is a way to get infinite free Fable charges if you visit the training grounds at hotel craw one effect that it provides in order for you to test out your weapons is giving you infinite Fable charges this is so that you don't have to worry about grinding down enemies in order to test the new Fable attacks that you have after assembling a new weapon at Eugenie but one interesting thing about this benefit is that it will stick with you even if you leave so all you have to do to refill your Fable charges instead of grinding out enemies is just walk into the training grounds and then go back to wherever you need it to go your Fable Arts will remain charged now of course they do go away if you use them but this is an especially useful tip if you want to enter a boss fight with full Fable charge or start a new level definitely a massive Time Saver so that you don't have to go out and grind for charge in lies of P one of the primary enemies are puppets which is no surprise but all of the puppet boss fights have a unique aspect throughout their fights occasionally you'll hear some static sound and distorted subtitles will appear at the bottom of your screen this is the puppet language and although it might sound and look like gibberish at first did you know you can actually tell what's being said you just have to look really closely at the subtitles we can see the one I showed earlier reads electric judgment you're guilty this one reads I miss the whistle I don't hear it anymore I avenge my friends and then Zach Sophie Eric and then a word I can't quite make out all of the puppet bosses have some form of puppet language they speak throughout their fight and although it can be very hard to read subtitles while you're fighting the boss the lore that these tell is actually very interesting but while I won't go into spoilers about the puppet language here if you're having trouble making out what's being said eventually you won't have to worry too much for the final one today we're talking about the very first cryptic vessel that the player can find in lies of p and this one tells the player to go knock down the body on Alchemist bridge if you can manage to hit it with a throwable which I'll admit is very hard to do and receive a letter with the refuge's address that gives you the key to 221B Elysian Boulevard the house itself isn't very hard to find and is only a short walk from the third Stargazer and once the player goes inside they'll be rewarded with a piece of quartz which is a very good reward but that's not what's important here this room 221B is actually an Easter egg for Sherlock Holmes through 21b Baker Street is Sherlock Holmes address and is very fitting that this is the destination considering what it took to get here I'm sure I don't have to tell anybody the history of Sherlock Holmes but given that this is the player's introduction to the cryptic vessels and uncovering ciphers letting the player do a bit of detective work only makes sense for this to end in a nice Easter egg anyways though guys those are 8 things about lies of P that you probably didn't know I'm honestly shocked at how dense this game is it's so full of Easter eggs hidden mechanics and secrets that I'm sure will still be finding for weeks and months to come and I really gotta hand it to the developers because they knocked it out of the park with this one anyways though guys if you enjoyed today's video be sure to leave a like on it let me know all your thoughts down in the comment section below and subscribe if you're new around here but with all that I will catch you in the next one thank you [Music]
Channel: Ziostorm
Views: 141,192
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lies of p, lies of p gameplay, lies of p review, lies of p bosses, lies of p weapons, lies of p best weapon, soulslike, dark souls, elden ring, boss fight, new soulslike, bloodborne, bloodborne 2, dark souls 2, dark souls 3, dark souls 4, demons souls, elden ring gameplay, elden ring lore, elden ring trailer, from software, fromsoftware games, playstation 5, sekiro, soulsborne, souls, fromsoft, ps5, gaming, lies of p combat, xbox, gamepass, lies of p guide, secret, easter egg, quest
Id: fovkJGrEbYY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 50sec (530 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 22 2023
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