Lies Of P Review

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what's up everyone and welcome to another review though this isn't going to be my typical review since I'm a little late to the train with reviewing this game and you've probably seen 50 billion reviews I figured I would go in more depth with what I thought of this game so I'm not going to make the categories or even rate this game with my normal scaling I don't think it would do this game Justice and I figured it would spark up yet another conversation with those from The Souls community and that conversation is whether or not round 8 did soul better than from software I know I'm a huge fan of from and I love everything they've done up until now and I'm looking forward to their next body of work I'm fairly positive that most of us have played many imitation Souls games some of which we may think either was a good substitution or they just miss certain elements all of which would be a very long conversation so with that being said I will be breaking this down into a series where I will do comparisons of each of the souls trilogy bloodborne and even seyo to go over whether or not Li of P actually did do it better I know I know Elden ring should be on this list too but I have to re-record the footage for that game and that's going to take me a while to do LOLs all right I've rambled on long enough so let's get into the review of lies of [Music] PE welcome to the city of crot the city of the future a once bustling and peaceful City filled with everything that you would expect from its society that is except puppets that were brought to life by Argo that live to serve humanity and under the grand Covenant puppets and humans coexist in a thriving Society until one day the puppets rebel against the grand Covenant which is known as the puppet frenzy and began destroying the humans they were once meant to serve and as the son of jepetto you are tasked with stopping whoever orchestrated it all sounds like a pretty straightforward story right and for the most part it is if you take out all of the other elements of Storytelling this game presents and those elements are not very clear at all when you consider that it's not just the puppet you have to worry about just a little ways into the game you will find yourself invested in finding out why there may be more to the puppet frenzy that meets the eye at least I was I was also quite impressed by how they took a story written a long time ago and made it into their own with the elements of the real story of Pinocchio woven into the soulslike storytelling it all seems to come together perfectly in fact I had to revert to actually researching the actual story of Pinocchio just to see how they constructed this whole story in the game so well if you've watched the Disney version of the story then you're not going to get the scope of the actual story which depicts Pinocchio as a mischievous puppet Jiminy isn't his actual conscience but rather a lesson to be learned after Pinocchio kills him with a hammer and he puts jepetto through a lot of crap sounds dark for the time that this story was originally written and it is pretty straightforward lies of P manages to take such a simple story and make it more complex and darker spoiler alert for new players they also pay homage to the author by adding him into the story I won't say when but you'll know when you get to that point so why did I feel the need to go and look up the actual story because this story was so impressive that I needed to see the elements that they took from the original story to better understand it and I just can't and I'm okay with that ever since my journey into the souls franchise I prefer stories to be told in a manner like this to keep the game and the elements within more engaging and they go the extra mile by not only leaving you with FL around the city that tells you of important events and important people but with the few side quests that they have and there are very few I mean like you can count them on both hands few they managed to use those side quests to paint a better picture of what life and crop may have been like before the puppet frenzy and if that doesn't tell you then the survivors at crot hotel will even some of the optional mini boss fights with the stalkers tell a vague story of what life is like for them after the initial puppet frenzy the main question of the story always remains throughout most of the game is always what started the puppet frenzy why would the puppets turn on the people they were sworn to Serve and Protect and what is petrification disease what you learn about if you decide to do the Weeping Woman side quest you'll learn how different ideologies clashed in the times of Peace before the puppet frenzy and where you actually fit into the grand scheme of things when I got to a certain point in this game I was left with the question question of where else could they possibly go with this every step of this story leads to new questions and new possibilities for how it is told of course like any other Souls title this does force the player to do a little digging by exploring the areas that they are placed into and that makes for great storytelling but what is great storytelling without scenery in a story like this one the actual story is only one piece of the elements needed to make it great you have to have the scenery to match and boy does this game have that from the moment you wake up in cr's Central Station you are met with the mood of a former population's fear piles of scattered luggage empty trains abandoned carriages destroy businesses and homes and bodies the works all surrounded by puppets already you can tell how devastating this attack was which again is straightforward for all until you reach a certain point once you reach the path of misery kiss what you thought you knew goodbye dead puppets litter the path and mutated human zombies these clicker looking things only leave more questions but the scenery that surrounds them is so fitting it's an eerie feeling that can only leave you guessing what's to come next look at this area for instance you're walking into Warfare in an area that looks so beautiful for the time of day if you turn to your left you can see the path you walk to get here from high above crot cliffsides some scenes even come with their own themes Left Behind as a hint to what the area once represented I mentioned the time of day too which like in soulsborne echy ring games changes depending on how far you are into the game making certain areas feel peaceful when they're not and even Illuminating the darkness of certain areas the mood of the game never changed changes knowing your objective but it's details like this that make the areas even better each area is also very cohesive to each other from just the areas you are in opening shortcuts is very important especially in a game as challenging is this one and those shortcuts make sense I found myself backtracking quite a bit to figure out if they made these Pathways Mak sense especially because a lot of the time there are multiple shortcuts in certain areas and if that wasn't enough then they take a page from from software's book and make a world that comes together perfectly taking you full circle and making it make sense which I would imagine is very hard for devs to do most Souls like titles have worlds where the game must be separated into different chapters and different areas without being able to bring them together but this one brings that world together and creates chapters in that world to help understand how far you actually are let's clear this part up now too while we're on the subject of sceneries and areas in most of your original Souls titles you will get areas where you have to move through poison rot whatever the area may be in this game there are certain areas where you have to move through corruption and decay in this game however there are certain areas where you will be able to eliminate having to constantly move through those problems if you explore for instance I thought I was going to have to fight this thing and that crappy water but I explored a certain area and found out that you can get rid of it with the flick of a switch with all of this loving positivity I have for this game I do have one simple bone to pick while their areas and scenery are amazing and in some areas more complex than others it doesn't feel like there's enough there I mean if you're not exploring each area there are some areas you can just Breeze by now now that's not all bad it's just a minor nitpick because there are areas that left me wanting more with that being said I can kind of understand why that is again this game is challenging in many ways like where you have to move to progress and the enemies in each area which we're about to get into the enemies in this game are no joke especially given the fact that you have to balance out the objects you've been given to start and the objects that you get as you progress through the game let me start with this and I realize that we may disagree on this and I also understand that every one of us played this game differently for those that beat it and for those that have yet to play this game you will find your play style as in any other souls and souls like title but this game is fair in every way let me list off the things you'll get a hold of and everything you have throughout the game you have perfect guard if you time your blocks right which is the chance to break certain enemies weapons if done consecutively or with the right weapon and it gives you a chance to stagger the enemy to give you a stagger attack you have backstabs you have fabled attacks which works wonders if timed properly your weapons will break in fights but you have a grinder for that you have your legion arm which there are seven that do different types of damage depending on which one you equip and upgrade you have the ability to build new weapons from existing weapons that can help add damage depending on which blade you match with certain handles you can also upgrade your weapons with different kinds of moonstones depending on the weapon you can alter your handles between motivity technique or Advance with the use of cranks to add more power but this also depends on what you level up as well well to help give you more power the little ways in the game you can use quartz to enhance your P organ that will increase your abilities such as giving you more bars for fabled Arch use and every time you enhance your P organ you get extra attributes stacked on top of that such as guard enhancements you have amulets and defense Parts which enhance certain elements in physical defenses and increase health and Legion later you'll get a wish Cube that with certain wish Stones give you in your specters certain abilities in boss fights I'll get into more detail about bosses later you have consumable and throwable items that stack Elemental damage on top of physical damage and can even help your immunity to certain elements and I didn't even talk about the leveling system which helps more than you could ever imagine depending on what you use your AO to level up for and yes Argo is also the currency so spin wisely I mean what more could did you ask for to help beat enemies the rest is going to be on you and how you use the tools that I listed enemies are scaled like any souls and soulslike title based on story progression and areas and if you're at a high enough level you won't have as many issues with that being said the enemies have some of the same things that you do like fabled Arts which actually require you to get a perfect guard on to avoid damage there are certain special enemies that like the bosses you're going to want to pay attention to their patterns like this guy for instance he might as well be a boss fight with how it moves and however I chose to defeat any enemies that I encountered is just that my choice and that's my point with all of the options I'd been given it's up to me to guard or Dodge and what and how I choose to attack enemies and yes they will swarm you if you let them so you'll have to be aware of that I didn't have any issues with hit boxes but but I will say that the enemies in this game have impeccable tracking when it comes to their attacks that can get annoying if you're focusing on dodging the enemy in front of you while the enemy behind you is revving up for an attack of their own certain enemies also come with certain Elemental damage that can be very detrimental to you and your weapons like Decay does acid damage to you and your weapons causing your weapons to have less usage and your health to drain or disruption can instant kill you if you let it stack too much enemies for the most part are not Relentless if you run from them and they will especially back away if you get near a Boss Arena however that doesn't mean they're are no Relentless enemies I got chased by this puppet for a while before it backed off honestly while this game can be frustrating enemy wise the purpose of any title like this is to find a way to fight with the most efficacy as possible and it's up to you on what way that is I can't find myself finding any flaws in this matter with any of my fights but that doesn't mean there aren't any which leads me to the graphics graphically I didn't really run into many glitches until around the end of the game I found that for most of the game I was Bound by the barriers the developers set if I swung my sword near a wall it was going to tap that and none of the enemies around me if I roll off of the edge of anything I'm done for if I get hit with certain area hazards I just get hit and I have to eat that one up I didn't find a time where me or enemy glitched through walls or anything of that nature at least until I got to this part where the infected dogs disappeared and I kept getting attacked to fix this I just moved to a certain point of the area where I could see them and got rid of them oh yeah and certain enemies seem to lock on to you with so much Precision that it is maddening other than that I didn't have issues the textures of everything looks believable for the story that's being told hair looks like hair even if it's on P things in game don't defy the laws of gravity and upon defeating enemies you get covered with their juices though I did find it funny that P animation has him running bleed down steep floors and stairs but that was it these are just simple things but they can make the difference if not done correctly and it is done correctly again timing of when to dodge guard and swing is all on you that means no matter how much we want to blame hit boxes or timing in the moment there isn't anything that I found that can be set against these elements I don't have much to say about this game graphically everything moves fluidly and textures seem to flow together very well however if anyone has had any issues with this part I would encourage encourage you to tell me about them in the comments with that being said I want to talk a little bit about how the game [Music] handled the controls are the same as a typical Souls game right down to the fact that if you make the wrong move in an encounter you're going to be locked in the animation leaving you open to take damage there were no latency issues that I noticed so again if I spam something and I got payback for it then it was completely my fault the one thing I left out earlier is that it is extremely important to keep track of your stamina in this game or you're really going to suffer the consequences for the most part the controls are convenient and mechanically everything works for how the controls are mapped out there's just one little problem how you switch your items I'll dive more into this in a little bit because I want you to get the full gist of what I mean when I say this because this can either be something that people who have been been caught in the examples I'm going to give can relate to or it may just be subjective to my play style other than that everything is laid out conveniently to fit the player's needs however because there aren't any latency issues you're going to want to learn perfect guard quickly this is all about timing not to say that souls and souls like games aren't about timing but perfect guard can make the difference in how your encounters are going to go especially with the enemies that can do fabled arts this is a major part of what makes this game so cohesive if the player isn't on their p's and q's with the timing of the enemies and timing what buttons to hit and when to hit them the punishment can serve as a road block to players progression this game was designed to be technical in every aspect and that is personally my favorite part about this game well that is right next to the boss fight before you step into a boss fight you better make sure you have everything in order to fit B your needs because if not be prepared to get tossed around the arena quite a few times that means make sure the items you use are in the slot you see fit and where you can get to them in the most convenient manner boss fights are not very forgiving in any way when it comes to switching out anything I found myself in certain fights scrambling to get to the necessary things I needed and nine times out of 10 I got destroyed again timing some bosses are just nonstop with the attacks and if if you back up to distance yourself just know that all of these bosses can close the gap in their own way easily now that doesn't mean that everything that I said before about you having everything you need to even out a fight doesn't hold true it's how you utilize what you have that makes the difference fun fact for new players the more you perfect guard a boss the faster you can stagger them if you have the right weapon leveled up you can even make fights go by super fast remember your lead Legion arm well this can help you do Elemental damage while preserving some of your stamina and yes the legion arm does use some stamina but not nearly as much as when you swing your weapon fabled Arts is really important to use as well personally I would use it a few seconds after you stagger attack them because you may not have much of an open window to charge it up depending on the fight Elemental damage really stacks on the damage too and if you summon your Spectre which uses star fragments to help you you can really end boss fights f fast this still all depends on you though because for some reason the Spectre isn't smart enough to dodge so there will be times when the boss will focus solely on it and if you don't help with the damage pull then your Spectre can die sooner than you want in a fight leaving you all alone to deal with the problem at hand so you'll want to keep that Elemental damage thing in mind when summoning the only thing about that is that depending on what you're using to do set damage you're going to want to preserve what you have for instance weapon abrasives throwable items the wish cubes which are used for you and your Spectre and even your legion arm all have their limits so knowing what you're going to use and when you're going to use them is a must because boss phases in this game are not always clearcut bosses in this game can be very similar to souls meaning that after you get their health low enough down to halfway they'll change up the attack patterns however other boss phases are like Elden ring in the sense that once you empty out said health bar their next phase begins and you'll have to empty out their health bar again some even have three to four faces depending on who you're fighting here's a Telltale sign of this though for the new players if a boss seems too easy and you notice that there wasn't another phase in the fight be ready for that special cutscene in your next two phases now this doesn't happen until you reach a certain point in the game and by this time you'll probably be comfortable dealing with the normal two-phase fights after you encounter this though the paranoia will set in because you'll never know who has how many phases this is just a friendly piece of advice and take it for however you will but don't get comfy ever other than that I love the boss fights in this game round eight developed this game so that the bosses actually feel what you feel if your weapons can break then so can certain boss's weapons and you'll even notice the difference it'll feel like a breath of fresh air not getting pounded at a distance trying to find an opening again though don't get comfy you can still be punished by the boss's patterns and even though you'll notice a difference in the damage you still take damage and perfect guarding becomes a little more difficult because now you'll have to get closer to perform them and make sure you have the stamina to do perfect guards as well because you can get punished for guarding without it you have everything you need at your disposal to beat the bosses no matter how challenging they may be just be patient with yourself it'll take a few tries to learn their patterns and phases just stick with it and you'll learn what to do and what to use and when to use it I know I haven't talked about character customization in this review but that's because it doesn't play a part in your stats I was trying to figure out where I would put this at earlier and decided that this would be a good point because there isn't much to cover here this is yet another thing I have to nitpick where the areas don't seem to be big enough there also aren't enough items to collect you can collect records throughout the game by purchasing them through certain merchants or by means of certain side quests new costumes are obtained by beating certain mini bosses searching areas or by solving the king of riddles or Lino's riddles over the phones to obtain Trinity Keys Trinity Keys unlock special doors that you have to search the areas for to unlock and get special items I should have put this in the scenery portion as well but I figured since I put the Collectibles here that this was the perfect time to talk about it there are also Recollections that are used in side quest missions and can be unlocked by beating certain bosses or turning in cro Supply boxes that you find throughout the game I know this sounds like a lot but the further you get into the game you start to realize that it seems so limited and with that being said I will speculate that that might have been the point to not bloat the game with too much content however in Souls games a part of the fun is being able to collect weapons and outfits to customize to your heart's desire and this game allows that but not on the scale of a Soul's title and even then the amount of Collectibles and costumes fit with the size of this game again everything is is cohesive even with the small nitpicks that I have this game still offers more than what I could possibly ask for it leaves you wanting more and I think that's a very important element never give away everything if you have more to offer in this game all the way to the end has just that this game even shows that it was meant to be played through multiple times by adding certain Collectibles that you couldn't get your first playthrough even the things that you couldn't find in the first play through May leave you intrigued on New Game Plus by New Game Plus while the challenges are noticeable you should still feel good enough to know your play style what to expect and where you're going to explore the sheer value that this game offers even at its size amazes me because they showed the meaning of quality over quantity round 8 showed that you don't need an extremely big game to create replayable value they took what would seemed like bare minimum and worked wonders and I hope that this is one of the games that the industry can use as an example I was hyped when this game was announced and I'm glad that it lived up and even exceeded my expectations I'm not even going to make a suggestion for the game because again I'm late to the review party but I will say this I hope that new players will enjoy this game as much as I have on whatever platform you decide to play this game on if there is anything that I miss I would love for anyone who is played this game to leave a comment below seeing as this will not be the last video I do on the lies of P that's it for this review though you all be easy and I'll see you next time
Channel: Phantom Alucard
Views: 7,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lies Of P, Playstaion 5, Round8
Id: 4wUdHuQagCU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 38sec (1538 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 25 2023
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