Lies Of P Everything You need To Know About Stats Attributes And Status Effects

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today Gamers we're gonna be jumping into a bit of lies of p and I'm gonna be going over to Stats attributes and some of the statuses that you should know about in order to get the most on the game and what's going on with your character if that interests you then stay tuned that's coming up next [Music] So today we're looking at lies of P that newly released Souls like game that can be a bit of a nightmare this game is pretty tough especially for people that aren't used to these type of games and has a few new mechanics and terms that you just may not be used to as such I'll be going through everything you need to know and also give you the best possible start to the game so very early on in the game you're going to make your way through you're going to tackle some enemies and you're gonna have certain bosses and sub bosses that you're gonna have to eliminate when you get past this very first sub boss then it's going to allow you to proceed a little bit further through some double doors and you're going to find your very first Stargazer at this point you're gonna be greeted with this screen just here where you can invest your Ergo and upgrade your character this is great but at this point there aren't really many tool tips explaining exactly what's going on so I'm going to run you through what each of them means and why you may well be invested in them so the first one a nice and easy Vitality this is pretty much going to be your equivalent of Health it's going to increase your maximum HP it's also going to increase your guard regain meaning if you've taken a bit of damage you're going to get more Health back if you attack an enemy after a successful Parry it's also going to increase your defense against physical fire electric Blitz and acid jumping over to Vigor think of this as your different term for stamina this is going to allow you to kind of Dodge roll attack more often and it's also going to increase again your defense against physical fire electric Blitz and acid over to your capacity this one is going to be how much weight you can carry the amount of weight you can carry before it affects you for example when you go into your fat rolls making life difficult and it's also going to increase your legion max ammo for an arm it's also going to increase your defense against physical fire electric Blitz and acid Avatar motivity think of this as your kind of strength option this is going to increase damage for weapons and Legion arms with motivity scaling which most times tend to be the heavier and slightly slower weapons and it's also going to increase again your defense against physical fire electric Blitz and acid over to technique this one is pretty much the equivalent of dexterity it's going to increase damage for weapons and Legion arms with technique scaling and technique weapons tend to be smaller and slightly faster most times again every time you upgrade this it's going to increase your defense for physical fire electric Blitz and acid now if you've played Souls like games before such as Elden ring or Dark Souls 3 you'll probably understand the scaling but if you haven't played these before then all you should know is that most times you'll probably be specking in a certain path for example you'd go mainly through motivity which would be your strength or you'd go down the technique path scanning into your dexterity if we jump over to the weapons this will show you exactly how that works the higher up that you've got for this scaling so with this one I've got a big old sword on my shoulder and the motivity is B with the technique being D this means overall I'm gonna get a lot more damage if I'm scaling into motivity whereas a little bit of it will carry across if I've got some technique But ultimately this one scales mostly it's motivity so if this was my ideal weapon then that would be the one I'd be upgrading most in order to get the most damage from this weapon however jump in over to advance there are a few special cases this one increases your legion it increases the damage for weapons and Legion arms with Advanced scaling and most times these tend to be ones with likely added effects for example if they gave off fire electricity poison things such as that it also increases the resistance to shock disruption and Brake status effects and this is the only one that actually does that so if you struggle with those this one may be something you won't look at now if we jump over to the character screen a lot of these we've gone over now so I won't go over all of them but one you may want to know about will be your legion that's going to be your big old left arm whatever you've got on that this one will scale exactly the same as your weapons after a certain type for example special or motivity and the more you have invested in this the more often you'll be able to use it Fable slots are going to allow you to use your special moves on that weapon on that weapon blade on a handle and some of them consume more fabled than others later on when you get into your P organ system basically your upgrade for your character you'll be able to enhance this further but being able to put a few more on if you wanted to guard regain which we've touched on earlier if you've been hit by an enemy you'll have some HP desk recoverable if you manage to Parry and then attack them within a certain window you're going to be able to get something back the higher the guard regain the more Health you'll get back quicker over to the right hand side and we've got your damage reduction and your resistances most of these are pretty obvious the higher they are better it will help you to negate whatever effects going on for example if you had massive physical resistance if you're getting hit in the face you're going to take less damage but a few of the ones you may will want to know about is going to be overheat this affects you and the Monsters the same overheat occurs when fire damage builds up both your character and the Monsters will take increased fire damage and receive continuous fire damage as well in addition monsters will experience slower natural HP recovery and your character's guard regain recovery amount will decrease the higher your fire resistance the slower that overheats gauge charge speed if you want to get rid of this you're going to need to use a purification ample to remove the status ailments over to electric shock this is going to occur when electricity Blitz damage builds up and both your character and the Monsters will take increased electric Blitz and physical damage your character will receive continuous damage to your Fable slots making it harder to do those special moves monsters will experience increased stagger damage and the higher the electric Bliss resistance the slower the electric shock Gates charge speed again a purification end pull is what you're going to be using to get rid of this over to Decay decay occurs when acid damage builds up for both your characters and the Monsters it increases the acid damage taken and it inflicts continuous weapon durability and acid damage on your character this one can be a bit of a nightmare nobody likes trying to kind of sort out their weapon in Native battle so this may well be one you want to avoid it increases the destruction damage dealt to monsters and the higher your acid resistance the slower the decade fills again using the purification ample will remove the status effect next up and we have corruption corruption occurs when corruption damage built up when the status effect triggers your character's HP continually drains you are going to want to make sure you have quite a few of these purification ampoules ready because there's some ailments and status effects in this that are absolute destroyers to your health and this is definitely one of them speaking of a destroyer to your health next up we have disruption disruption occurs when disruption damage builds up and when the gauge is all the way filled up your character will just pop so you're going to want to make sure that you catch it in time use the purification ampule otherwise this one's pretty much a straight game over over to shock and this one's not going to be the shock you're thinking of it's not like an electric shock when in shock your character's stamina recovery immediately decreases this is just gonna make your life a whole bunch harder everyone knows that if you can't block you can't Dodge you can't run in games such as this you're pretty much in trouble so you're going to want to so you're going to want to clear this latest effect as possible possible and lastly we have break when in break your character's HP Recovery through pulse cells immediately decreases this means being able to get back your health from regen everything is going to be a nightmare so that's another element that you'll definitely want to be aware of right hopefully that covers pretty much everything and you're set to go now there's going to be a lot more content from me as always for friends gaming take care I'll see you on the next day
Channel: Sofa Supastar Gaming
Views: 29,021
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Keywords: Lies of p everything you need to know, lies of p status effects, lies of p status ailments, lies of p stats, lies of p stats explained, lies of p statistics meaning, lies of p stats guide, lies of p best stats, lies of p stats legion, lies of p understanding stats, lies of p, lies of p guide
Id: Vv3_AjqXJ3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 18sec (498 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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