Lies of P: All Endings Explained (Lore and Story)

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like any good Souls like lies of P has a few different endings each with cryptic details to uncover and explain the ending you get is determined by your choices in the game and the lies or truths you tell in this video I will be going through each of the three endings and explaining them from the straightforward facts to the Obscure details to even the sequel hints I hope you enjoy and if you do feel free to subscribe to see more content like this obviously be warned for spoilers in all the endings we fight our way up the alchemist's stronghold for a climactic battle with the head of the Alchemists Simon pistries Manus Simon is the main cause for the petrification disease spreading throughout crop he used the resulting Ergo to try to become a new evolved life form that would usher in a world without lies he definitely had deep-seated issues from childhood but I don't want to delve further into that here since he is the same in all the endings his story and the trials of krot are just the backdrop for the more real or personal story going on with our character and Geppetto after defeating Manus and traveling down the elevator there is a chance to get any one of three different endings two of them are extremely similar and one is more distinct and darker I will start with that last one the ending is titled real boy they all lived happily ever after this ending can be acquired regardless of what choices you make throughout the game all you have to do is hear at the end choose to give Geppetto your your heart when he asks for it he will then take your heart out and put it into a body he brought along in his box which will then revive as a kind of evil or destructive Carlo Carlo was the name of Geppetto's real son and the name of the writer of Pinocchio and his heart is the one that powers your puppet body in game we then see the new revived Carlo murder everyone still remaining at hotel krot at the behest of Geppetto all of our friends and companions are slaughtered in Cold Blood then they are replaced with lifeless puppets who all exist to serve us or Carlo and even in this ending when Geppetto is reunited with his long dead son the one who he kind of abandoned in life he goes away again he leaves a letter saying that he will make krat safe for us talking about the petrification disease like it's a minor nuisance this ending is very obviously bad coded the new Carlo seems to be a puppet slave for Geppetto despite being called a real boy the dream of the original Pinocchio from the fairy tale this Carlo kills the companions his heart grew to trust and work with all because he was asked or told to by Geppetto an absentee father who we see in memories the real Carlo hate it we might get a human body of some kind in this ending or otherwise become a real person in some way but it is clear we are really just a puppet dancing on someone else's strength namely Geppetto's Sophia remarks at the end asking us fair to say this is a bad ending and it does give us the post-credits cutscene but I want to wait to cover each ending before delving into that so we saw what happens when you give your heart to Geppetto if on the other hand you refuse his request you can get one of two different endings if you answer most of your choices throughout the game by telling the truth you will get what I want to call the good-ish ending titled free from the puppet string and just a note lots of the online guides say different things about how to get this and the next ending claiming you need to always tell the truth or always lie or other requirements that I don't think are true I know you can get the next Ending by lying only most of the time you don't need to always lie so I think you can get this Ending by telling the truth just most of the time and probably not killing Sophia when she asks but I'm less certain about that requirement so once you refuse Geppetto he will release the nameless puppet on you we learn from its Ergo that the nameless puppet was the first puppet made by the old man that was mounted with a p organ but because it was destructive it was not chosen for the boy's body and sealed away Geppetto takes it out as a last resort to get the heart from us in his dialogue we hear during the fight Geppetto reveals that he gave us his son Carlo's heart he didn't bind us to the Grand Covenant the set of rules that most puppets have to follow so that the heart would grow while having Freedom this was so it could one day be used to revive the real Carlo and that he wouldn't be burdened by the grand Covenant I assume we learned earlier in the game that puppets are powered by Ergo which can come from people especially those afflicted by the petrification disease sometimes a human ego can awaken within a puppet especially if the puppet looks like the original person Geppetto likely tried this with our puppet body but as he points out we never got Carlos memories though if we did we would probably hate Geppetto anyways so probably not too good of a plan for him while we don't have his memories Geppetto remarks how he did inherit Arlo's personality since I suppose Carlo was mischievous that's not enough so Geppetto wants to use Carlo's heart a whole mess of Ergo and the arm of God artifact to make the new Psycho Killer Carlo we see in the bad ending and if that's his ideal version Geppetto probably doesn't want the real Carlo back anyways blinded by his grief and possibly just a selfish person in general he just wants the puppet version of Carlo he sees in his head one who will come live as a family with him and do what he says as his father once the nameless puppet gets to phase two we anime slice its head off and it erupts in Golden Ergo losing the strings Geppetto controlled it with once we beat its second phase we get a cutscene where it gets to beat us in combat Lane it is about to stab us through the heart but Geppetto stops IT the puppet is destructive so it just wants to body us but Geppetto can't let any harm come to Carlo's heart or he might have to actually face the fact that his son is dead and stop running away from it we then turn into gigachad and destroy the nameless puppet's core so far all of this has been exactly like what we will see in the next ending the differences start as Geppetto Keels over and we go to support him in this ending as we hold the dying Geppetto he says all right no you're just useless a puppet then he dies this ending concludes here save for the post-credit scene we will get to later Geppetto's final line will make more sense when we look at the final ending but in short it is about how he views us as nothing more than a puppet puppets are supposed to never lie and in this playthrough we tell the truth more than we lie so we basically act like a puppet we are free from Geppetto strings as the name of the ending suggests but if we want to really see what it's like to leave behind the shackles of puppetdum we must look at the final ending the last ending to lies of p is a rhyme to the game's title it's called rise of P you can get this ending like the previous one by refusing to give Geppetto your heart the difference is that throughout your playthrough you need to have lied most of the time and you likely need to have given Sophia peace when she asks though again I'm not as 100 sure on that once this ending begins it is the same as the free from the puppet string ending up until gerpetto's death here he still saves us from nameless but once we are holding him something else happens the camera shows a tear running down our cheek Geppetto recognizes this and says foreign sorry before dying I took this to be about how the line throughout the game has made us more human it has caused our heart to grow to the point that we are essentially a real human who can feel human emotions in this final moment either our character developed an attachment for Geppetto or Carlo's heart moves within us and cries at his father's death even if he didn't like him Carlo might still be moved to see Geppetto pass Geppetto's words recognize this they show that he now sees us as his son Carlo even if we may not have his memories we have become a real human who can feel and we feel his death like a human would then we get another cutscene before the credits apparently there's a ready-made Sophia puppet maybe not too weird considering Manus was kind of obsessed with her and we give Ergo to that puppet returning the favor from the beginning of the game when Sophia gave us ergo the Sophia puppet wakes up as we pass out and she says it's so good to see you this Echoes her first words to us at the game's beginning the credits we can explore and find a note from her but before we get to that there is the post-credits scene to discuss after the credits we find the man who called himself giangio on a train janjio is the name of one of the characters in the original Pinocchio story what we see here that the character is actually called paracelsus and he is communicating with someone from an outside organization philippus paracelsus or paracelsus is the name of a real world Swiss physician Alchemist and philosopher from the 1500s when we first met janjio he pretended to be an alchemist pretending to be a pharmacist and he talks about how the dose of a substance determines if it's a medicine or a poison which is an idea attributed to the real paracelsus in our world so this basically confirms the name as a reference the org he talks to has an interest in kinds of humanity and eternal light they mention us as a kind of brother or new Humanity maybe we are a new kind of immortal or Eternal being this new human puppet life form that we have become and this might be a reach but his hair color is a bit like like ours after being influenced by Sophia and Sophia mentions her powers being time related which would tie into the themes about eternity on the call the voice notes that which could be a reference to our mechanical arm that's the first most obvious one but I think that doesn't make sense since we learned that the legion arm is a creation of Geppetto and Modified by venini it is more likely that the eternals are talking about the arm of God the item we get when we defeat Manus this item let Mr eugenics in some way summon a god-like being in the sky and its description talks about being a mysterious Relic even to the Alchemists so this mysterious organization of eternals is likely interested in this God arm and apparently they had it before if they want to get the arm back who or whatever that God is this organization is likely closer to it than anything else in crop except maybe for one new character paracelsus ends his cutscene saying he will find another key to the organization Dorothy and then the camera focuses on an obscured book The Design shown is the first edition cover of The Wizard of Oz which has Dorothy is the main character then in a shot on the rooftops of crot we see someone walking in ruby slippers before they click their heels three times this is another reference to Oz where Dorothy Must acquire the ruby slippers and click her heels three times to return to her home of Kansas maybe this Dorothy was scouting crot out and is now returning to her home which I'm assuming isn't plain old Kansas but maybe that's her base of operations this could be a reference to a DLC or a sequel or more fairy tale characters come into play as part of the world of eternals a YouTube comment I saw pointed out that tin man one of the other main characters of Wizard of Oz was looking for a heart and a metal puppet with a heart like the character we play as could fit as that character maybe Dorothy was scoping us out to possibly get us to join her crew we don't know what form this will take but with the etern internals organization out there plotting something there's likely some grander conflict that we will learn about and maybe be pulled into whether that's by Dorothy paracelsus or someone else there is definitely some greater story that is being hinted at but we will have to wait and see to learn what's really going on and to wrap things up the game lets us keep playing after the cutscenes and credits we can see that everyone in the hotel is thankful that the trials of the game are over and they're all real people in the zendi not puppets Sophia leaves a note marveling that an ergo puppet can become a new form of human that's us and she says she will stay away for the time being we get the option to jam out on the piano in the hotel and we can also find another letter left by paracelsus at his old location near the gold coin fruit tree he expresses excitement at our development and he talks about meeting on the Eternal line of time he signs off PP which confirms that he is named after the real philippus paracelsus the note about time again make me think of Sophia when she talked about how her power is related to time and this makes me think that the Hair Connection Isn't So far-fetched so there we have each of the endings of lies of P explain let me know in the comments if you have any more questions about the endings that have been left unanswered if you like this content you can subscribe and or support me on patreon thanks to my patrons for their support thanks to you for watching and I'll see you again in the next video peace
Channel: MadLuigi
Views: 126,619
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lies of p, neowiz, round 8, soulslike, fromsoftware, fromsoft, elden ring, dark souls, Pinocchio, lop, lies
Id: f2w-Uk4rHUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 52sec (832 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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