Things I Wish I Knew Earlier In Lies of P (Tips & Tricks)

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so we finally have the platinum trophy in lyso P which means it is time for tips and tricks I wish I knew earlier very quickly before we jump into this just for those of you out there who are maybe on the fence about getting this game and I've maybe played the demo a little bit I've got to say hands down this is the best Souls like game that isn't actually a from software title of any of the songs like games I played it's incredibly good it does resemble bloodborne a little bit more than Dark Souls but it's definitely got a little bit of both and even some Sakura with the parians in there so if you are a Souls like fan definitely pick this one up it does not disappoint with that said it is a difficult game a very difficult game in fact and there's no really easy cop-out way like there is in many of the souls games such as summoning your level 600 friend in or just having your Source revealed destroy the bosses from afar in this you actually have to as they say get good and that's exactly what we're going to be showing you in this video let's start it off with the most OP broken thing in the game which is pretty much like the easy mode on this game and this will probably get nerfed so definitely try this out before it does and we are of course talking about the Aegis Legion arm now the reason that this Legion arm is absolutely incredible is not its base form it's once you upgrade it a couple of times using Legion calibers it has an ability that allows you to attack at the same time as garden now there's if you haven't tried it yet you probably don't realize how op this actually is in this game the amazing thing about this as well blocking like this you actually take guard damage and not actual damage which means the bar goes transparent which gives you a chance to attack the enemy back and if you hit the enemy in that time you actually recover that health so if you're guarding and attacking at the same time you're constantly getting that Health back now of course many of you are thinking you actually do lose stamina when you get hit while guarding as well as while you attack so you're probably thinking your stamina gets depleted incredibly quickly like this well not really especially if you're wearing the patience amulet which by the way you should definitely be aware in the patient's amulet as it recharges your stamina quickly this is equivalent to the chlorency ring on Dark Souls so it's a must on pretty much any build but especially on this one as your stamina is going to be recharging pretty much as quickly as it's getting depleted if you use specific weapons the best weapons for this are the Pokey weapons such as the Rapier or the etiquette which is the umbrella weapon which by the way absolutely amazing used that all the way through the game destroyed everything with it on my first playthrough the reason for this is that these weapons are actually relatively quick and use not much stamina at all to attack so you are literally recharging the stamina almost as quick as it's taken away even while taking hits Garden so you're not losing any health you're practically losing no stamina unless you get hit by those really heavy attacks consistently of course it's not infinite as we do have a legion bar down at the bottom left and this is constantly going down while Garden not just when we take hits to start with you can increase your legion bar to insane amounts just by upgrading the capacity stat which is actually hands down the best stat to upgrade mid to late game as this stat allows you to carry heavier stuff especially for amulets and defense gear this is going to be essential in later game and the thing not many people actually notice about this is it also upgrades that Legion bar the special thing about the capacity stat is unlike every other stat in the game this doesn't have any drop off all the way up to level 50. meaning most other stats such as health and stamina once you hit 30 35 the benefits you get for each level are going to be in less and less for more amount of Ergo so this really becomes not worth upgrading much more than that however with the capacity it doesn't fall off at all you're constantly going to be getting pretty much the same amount all the way up until Level 50 which means you can get insane amount of weight capacity as well as Legion but all at the same time so after you've got a decent amount in either motivity or technique as well as your health and stamina definitely dump a bunch of points into capacity and then of course later on in the game you have the veterans amulet that increases the legion bar further you can buy infinite Legion charges from the very first shop in the game from the start of the game meaning you can do this block stab Strat against the boss all the way until your legion bar runs out then simply back away a little bit use a few of these Legion charge consumables recharge your legion bar and go straight back in and continue cheesing away at the boss okay that's enough about easy mode Let's jump in some tips and tricks that we can actually use without choosing the game let's say most of you have probably noticed by now that when you're just wailing away at bosses eventually their health bar will start flashing with a white outline this means that if you hit them with a Charged R2 or a lot of the Fable attacks they will go down and be staggered when they get staggered you can stand in the red sort of beam of light that appears in front or behind them you can do a fatal blow or reposed attack whatever you want to call it and do a decent amount of damage I see most people panic and quickly get into the red beam as soon as they possibly can just to make sure they don't miss their fatal blow however you can really take your time a little bit with this and actually stand outside of the red beam and get some free hits in as they're obviously not going anywhere and then just before the time runs out then you can stand in the red beam and get your fatal attack but honestly it's just free damage against the bosses which can be really useful against some of the harder ones there's actually a passive ability in the skill tree the P organs that use the chords for that expands the window of time that they are actually staggered for so as soon as I seen any of these in the skill tree upgrade them instantly as having them stunned for longer means you can get more free hits in before you get the repost off and by the end of the game with the umbrella I was getting the solid six to seven pokes off before even going for the Fatal attack and still getting chance to get the Fatal attack in afterwards so yeah definitely go ahead and make sure you're implementing this into your boss fights especially to actually stagger the enemies like we said you off didn't have to get a Charged R2 attack off on an enemy when the health bar goes white but this if you are using more of a motivity a heavy based weapon this can be very hard to pull off a Charged R2 attack against one of the fastest enemies in the game an insane way to solve this is you can actually use shot puts which are throwable items in this game and if you throw it at any enemy with the white bar Flash in they will instantly get staggered so like we said especially if you're using some of those slower weapons with a long charged r2s this is a game changer and what gets even better is you can actually buy as many shot puts of these as you like from the merchant just before the final shortcut here in malume District we've obviously gone through the shortcut here just to show you guys but it's right at the end in the tavern We're not gonna go all the way around here just to show you in this video but yeah you can buy as many throwable items including shot puts actually like from here this next one if you've been playing video games for a while you've probably done this automatically anyway but in the skill tree make sure every time you get a chance to get the extra Ergo on defeating enemies you upgrade in that every time obviously the more Ergo the more levels the more stuff you can buy everything on that same note I'm making sure you're maximizing the amount of Ergo you're gaining while playing the game if you want to be wearing the Hunter's amulet every chance you get if you need to take it off to put something more useful on for a boss fight obviously go ahead and do that but just roll casually clearing out the levels and stuff like that where the hunter samulet which also increases the amount of Ergo you gain as for the location of the hunter samulet it's in the basement of the arcade it's dropped by the big Jester Elite foe down there where the Wine Cellar in that is obviously for the sake of this video I'm going to be showing you the quick location from the Stargazer with the shortcuts open just so you can see where you've got to end up if you don't know how to get there we do have full guide videos on how to get each amulet on the channel if you want to go check those out but yeah make sure you're picking up that amulet as soon as possible by far one of the most challenging things to get used to in this game are the Red Fury attacks as if you use the Dark Souls you're probably used to just dodge and everything and this game allows you to do that for the most part but then occasionally a red attack will come out of nowhere and suddenly you're gonna panic and realize you've got a Parry well it's actually an amulet that allows you to dodge the Red Fury attack it's called the ghost walk amulet you can get this by trading the boss Soul well the boss Ergo sorry um with alidoro and you need the Ergo of the puppet devaron green Hunter so this is a little bit later on in the game so it's a really really useful ring especially for New Game Plus but the only downside is that the actual trade-off the weapon you would get for trading in this boss Ergo instead of the amulet is the katana which is my other favorite weapon of the game and definitely one of the best weapons so you've really gotta either go to New Game Plus to get two of these boss logos and trade one for the weapon and one for the amulet or really make a tough decision there talking about builds you want to be very careful when combining different handles with different blades as you might just think it affects the sort of move set and watch Fabe watch you get but you want to check each handle for what sort of damage type they increase or decrease so as you can see here some of them will increase slash damage you want to make sure that the blade you're putting on this actually does slash damage and benefits from this bonus something about the skill tree the P organs that many people don't know is you don't actually need to put the points into the previous skill tree level to unlock the next one you can actually put them into one of the earlier levels that require way less quartz to unlock the nodes to unlock the higher levels without necessarily leading to level up the one just before that requires a bunch of chords unless you're actually interested in that specific ability I don't know if I explained that very well hopefully you understand what I mean so a few closing statements for this video If you really are having a rough time and just can't get through it I would really recommend maybe starting out again with a technique build instead of a motivity one as the heavier weapons definitely do make this game more difficult especially from early to mid game uh mainly if you don't have much experience in previous sales titles heavier weapons a lot harder to judge when you get time to get an attack and when you don't if you're just using like a Rapier or something really fast often you'll get times to sneak in a few attacks pretty much anywhere in the fight without having to wait for specific openings anyway definitely leave down below in the comments some tips and tricks for the new players coming into the genre especially if you're a sales veteran as this game is definitely going to introduce a bunch of new people to the salesborn so let's give them a good first impression and get everyone off with a good foot so I hope you did find this video helpful if you did don't forget that Thumbs Up Button subscribe for more content coming very soon and we'll see you next time
Channel: Gamer Guru
Views: 66,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lies of p tips, lies of p tips and tricks, lies of p, tips for lies of p, tips, tricks, how to, best weapon lies of p, best weapon, best build, things i wish i knew earlier, tips and tricks for lies of p, lies of p review, location, how to beat
Id: jUgoVR_kMEo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 52sec (532 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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