Easy Millions of Ergo 180k per Hour - Best Ergo Farm Guide for Lies of P

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three different methods to farm Ergo early middle and late game plus a vendor for all the throw bolts shot puts electricity caners all the needs to just get bosses obliterated first the setup then the Ergo Farms time stamps in the description below how would the setup look for the Ergo farm from a weapon perspective I'm using the salamander dagger together with the acidic Crystal spear handle which are both getting exactly before the first Farm we're going to be fighting carcass opponents and that just burns them into pieces you'll see that being said you could use any weapon P organ wise before you start any Ergo Farm you want to have the increased Ergo up and eliminating an enemy that one you can get straight up on the beginning and then as soon as you reach phase three there's another one plus two and I think in Phase five I had another plus three later on so you can make your Ergo F even more efficient now the final piece is the Hunter's amulet increases Ergo acquisition when killing enemies that one you won't have if you start straight up farming the melum district after killing Bishop Andreas because it drops in the Lauren cini arcade it's also 100% impossible to miss as you're in the Lauren arcade you'll be having to go to this little bar and into the Cella area and there will be a crazy clown puppet with two Cleavers slamming on the ground fighting versus you best advis is take something with electricity with you trigger the clown who's jumping Behind These tasks and then they will be freed and will be fighting the clown he's going to be very annoying but if you strafe around him usually he's easy to beat or just bring yourself electricity canisters to just Spam him down as soon as he's dead you can actually continue and that's what I'm saying you have to kill him so you will 100% get the Hunter's Amulet the final component is the puppet string yes you want the puppet string and you want it maximum leveled up puppet strength Trace Dodge and attack link because the attack link truly trivializes combat bits against the enemies we're going to be facing you haven't seen the attack link yet that is the update that allows you to pull yourself in jump up and HD him down you'll see why this is so important to just speed up the whole process now a final honorary mention if you're actually doing NG plus Ergo farm for example in lini arcade there's the noblest oblig you get for killing Simon Manis and the tool top rates a mystical cudel made from an ergo Crystal tree while battering enemies at Aid spores increasing the Ergo acquisition r that is 10 12% bonus as you're killing enemies with this more Ergo the ultimate mid maxing now off to the farm the first one begins at the melum district Stargazer just after beating Bishop Andreas you will have to make your way around the area to unlock the Red Lobster then you're just going to run in and it helps to have the puppet string as we mentioned keep to the right side of the monster cuz if you keep on the right side it just hits straight up past you heavy attacks to stagger it and then keep heavy attacking because that just gets it down 611 orgo hold up by another 119 into another 119 and then this dude usually falls down and if it doesn't fall down don't bother about like killing it just run back you could use the stopwatch but honestly the stopwatch loading time is vastly longer than just running back and forth to be honest and this one would be with a puppet string if you already have it Max out if you found enough Legion plugs if you did discover and explore again stagger finish I mean you see how simple the weapon is these two can be finished off boss or the elite often drops also very useful items shotput star fragments Vivid Eros can drop so all these things that give you even more bonus Ergo because as you see we're getting around 611 + 119 + 119 so in under 30 seconds you can get already almost 900 Ergo plus a fragman which gives another boost chunka Dunka on top and the shot putts which also cost each 400 Ergo so you notice there's quite some coming together that would be Fable Catalyst another Vivid Ergo fragment because they buff that these actually drop and the Vivid is another 300 so per run you can up to get in 30 seconds 1,200 Ergo gives us 2,400 in a minute and if you do it faster you know 20 seconds you can get even more 2,400 per minute 24,000 per 10 minutes and then oh there it jumped down perfect which enhances your ARG by another 119 which gives you roughly 100K Ergo per hour early on if you want it if you need it if you need this for thring items leveling and so on the best part is the vendor for these items is actually straight up here so if you want to spend a sad Ergo or Shenanigans yep there is the mum District vendor who does sell you the shot puts the Sawtooth wheel the saw blades the electric Bliss Connors throwing cells everything now off to the next Farm next Farm two act later Lauren CI arcade a we bit more efficient in order to do this Farm you will have to progress a little bit through the senior arcade already and activated the shortcut at the well you'll get here no matter what turn straight up left then you can kill the first one which gives you a who ping 189 so then the drop down thingies are actually going to release another one to kill and this dude also to stab which gives you another 200 200 another 200 roughly and then the last one you want to kill is Dave here and Dave is very simple to kill especially with a puppet string when you simply puppet string in his attack always goes over you and then you can just heavy attack stab him notice how simple it's going down but the crazy part is dy 1,000 Ergo from him H 1,000 ladies and gentlemen time goes for him in go up go out heavy attacks and due to the burning and everything yes they die so fast there's another one spawning out of this thank you for even more and that is yes 2,200 from both of these plus another 6 700 from all the others and you run through the shortcut again or use your pocket stopwatch I feel like the stopwatch loading times are a bit longer than this and we're going back in to the left now doing everything a little bit faster we get her stab stab stab oh don't actually have to stab her a third time and he's going to be stab stab he's dropping down if you want to be a bit more efficient burning blade zip in and this is why you really want the puppet string due to being so good you notice with a burn I kill him even faster it's actually crazy how much faster I do kill him when I have the burn Act and the good thing is that the burn is able to be enhanced in its duration due to P organs makes life tremendously easier you don't you don't even have to do the stabbing attack I mean kill him because he just walks up to you one hit boom that's crazy my feelingly roughly 3,000 Ergo per minute that's a lot per hour and it's so early especially with the Lauren cini arcade that's that's act seven didn't actually check if they would drop any items I will have to admit so might be might be able to do this a wee bid you know with even more I mean my Ergo is already replenished because we're essentially just heavy attack to get that back my Ergo my feble sorry weird did you actually drop items it didn't even shy oh yeah oh they could drop Viv Ergo fragments which is another 300 Ergo plus that's good to know it doesn't really cost you much time to pick that up he almost hit me with his special attack but almost is not hitting and another oh dark Moonstone of the Covenant here as well think these Farms quite do give some useful items I'm not going to lie the third one is my favorite and that comes with a burning hatred for Alchemist enemies collapsed St in act nine that's the late game farm and here I'm swapping my fire out for acid because they're humans but you'll probably take your heavy hitting weapon whatever you got running and there is The Alchemist and puppet string trivializes this so much jump up push him down go for the double stab double stab double stab then Rush up to the next one on down as well and here you don't even need to puppet string you can just straight up push him in the back because they stagger so easy finish him off that is another 600 so 600 for each of them and then puppet string to kill Timothy he goes down and yes if I would activate my crystal spear to to be poisoning straight away there'd be even more then and there is a final one to get killed by my last puppet string okay he wants the sauce the final puppet string you notice I have enough puppet strings to exactly do it and well I guess if you have a very heavy hitting motivity weapon you can be even more efficient so that is 600 600 600 yes and then you can run up to kill the last one a charge attack helps here as you seen so I run into him charge him in the back he straight up gets staggered now you could stopwatch straightway back but there is technically two opponents they're so easy to kill Rush up to him stab him jump one back so he doesn't explode on you and then fall down and kill him stopwatch out brins him repeat I do hate the Alchemists for what they have done to CR and this is by far my favorite one lorewise and it just give copious amounts I mean let's calculate This Together the speed is extremely fast we're going to be killing four of these which give 600 each again Rush up you've seen it super simple puppet string trivializes it but you can also get him staggered with the Stagger in the back ow that was 600 with another 200 into another 600 and we're going to activate our poison acid sphere in a second to just see how much damage that increased again we at 1,400 already get the acid spear up this time we're going to just give him the dirty one and you notice how like yeah that's that was him another six under it oh I I did hit the wall sorry chn for the disappointment don't forget to loot them because they can drop half moonstones they can drop Argo fragments and everything again so it's not like that they can't have any crazy loot going on staggered stabbed everything to 2,400 for alone killing these followed up by I think they gave 300 you did give 300 each did you step back fall down to prestige quick efficient fun easy melum District Lauren cini arcade or clapping Alchemist cheese which one is it going to be for you and if you're now looking for a build to use that Urgo on how about the lamental stabber or the one hit Smasher two amazing ones to beat the game for you
Channel: P4wnyhof
Views: 307,596
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Keywords: lies of ergo farm, lies of p best ergo farm, lies of p, best ergo farm lies p, erfo garm lies of p, early ergo farm lies of p, lies of p early ergo farm, ultimate ergo farm lies of p, lies of p guide, lies of p build guide, lies of p builds, lies of p advance, lies of p farm, lies of p best farm, lies of p p4wnyhof, p4wnyhof lies of p, lies of p xp farm, lies of p experience farm, lies of p souls farm
Id: 9SoCg7wAhBo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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