Most Powerful Boss Weapon you can Craft in Lies of P!

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yeah this is absolutely broken I love it oh hi I've unlocked every single special weapon but which one is the best right now for any stage of the game you get some early some late and some are only usable for ng+ let me show you every single move set light attack fast attacks explain all the Fable Arts weight classes everything are they worth it are they not worth it what should you get first also where do you actually unlock boss weapons extremely easy as soon as you're in the cathedral part right before you fight against the bishop you go up this elevator and meet alidoro at the top he will afterwards be available in the hotel Crow to buy the weapons here first one you're getting is the seven coil spring sword with a motivity B technique C scaling it is very heavy with 20 weade my usual weapon here has 10 weade we got a left swing overhead swing left swing overhead swing that's for the fast attacks and if you rush you get a nice little swipe that is very good as a gap closer for the charge attack we're going with a slow wind up but you get a double for a tap you merely get a little short-handed swing and if you rush you actually jump forward for Gap closer now if you go for one to three light attacks and then charge you do a slight different overhead slash which doesn't differ much for the Fable art we have a little rain of fire a strong downward blow when you cut downward multiple explosion will deal damage to the enemies in front of you really useful because you can do damage to a boss without touching him and for the blocking art you have a guard Parry time the enemies attack correctly to deflect it and trigger a powerful attack which will look like this boom not bad but also not good to be honest that gets followed up by the etiquette motivity d technque a scaling it's a d bagger umbrella that's you get for slaying the wman goes with light attacks for a nice little Gap closer no slashing left and right so if you want to hit multiple enemies you have to line them up for the charge up we have a hit and an umbrella opener still it goes forward so this is really good for bosses that like to step steps backward then for the one two into charge up you get the same but it gives you such a distance I can I can essentially start all the way here and go left right and then B so I'm getting so fast forward for these enemies back stepping it's very light very quick attack speed now the first Fable art is a big single Stam forward very good can hit anyone anywhere and for the blocking Fable art perfectly block the enemy's attack temporarily right after successful guard use Fable Arts to trigger an destroy attack which would look like this next up is the holy sword from the king of flames motivity B Technic C very heavy 21 weight also very slow I have my challenges using this in boss fights to be honest has left swing right swing and if you run up also a decent upward swing but the range is actually not that good if you're charging it that's one b that's your charge attack some overhead Smasher and some underhand Hammer the Fable art is quite nice though first gather your strength for a strong hit hold down the attack button to activate a stronger attack so you're essentially going for and then bam that's a lot of damage a lot but it also needs to be perfectly timed the best part though is with the blocking attack you actually turn this into a sweeping motion spear that attacks a little bit faster F and then also for the charge attack now just has absolute incredible I mean look at the range how far can we do back we can be all the way here was a little bit too much but yeah you notice how incredible the ranges and if you're now charging you're definitely going to be hitting with this and yes if you have this with a fable art as well it's a bit different you're more having this super aggressive slushing to actually close quite some distance and stagger your opponent incredible next weapon is for slay Bishop Andreas and it's a fantastic spear with a motivity on C and A B tier technique scaling you have a forward stab a bit slower than the dagger obviously and then we have the very very fast forward stab kind of nice because it's a big big like you can you start here and you you're still hitting that's very good against some Elite opponents if you're rushing you have this that's bad with the light attack and with a heavy attack you actually have a jump really good for the Fable art rush forward and stab use an extra Fable slot to jump in place and deliver a powerful downward strike we're having as a starch forward and then we can use it again to do another one cool and then there's also guard paring I'm not a biggest fan of the Guard Parry ones you get a Parry to make that work can be a little bit iffy killing the puppet King grants you the puppet Ripper motivity C Technic bam not that heavy and relatively fast for a big weapon yep short range though this is not the biggest one good slices though and the charge up has actually yeah you saw that right you're throwing out the upper handle of the axe which is kind of nice because that that that's incredible range if you're charging you also y I mean look at look at that range that still hits mhm and with the charge fast attack it's a little bit short but good enough to get Clos in P art would be a quick upward slash followed up by a storm spinning slash so we got the boom two really clap someone instead him flying which gets followed up by L1 mhm you all that correct yes they all do need three Fable slots though each next up you're going to be slaying Champion Victor for truly interesting blade which weighs 31 and yes I'm even overburdened right now let me drop my frames so I wouldn't be overburdened and we're not running around in slightly heavy because I hate that and also the reason I don't use this CU I really don't want to be overburdened you got a very slow swing hold up by a very slow swing then you get the heavy attack doesn't look bad decent range that's your charge also slow but the damage speaks for itself and then with the left you do this interesting enough with the normal triangle you unleash the true potential of your blade and suddenly it is way less sluggish way more performant and does Holy balls amounts of damage I mean for the slowness it just does so much instant release your weapon increase attack speed temporarily follows up by a single slash gather your strength for a big slash forward which would be that one it's not a bad weapon and the unleashing the weapon is quite cool but I would prefer the flame sword there after slaying the swamp monster you get the two dragons sword yes you can finally lift your Samurai dreams waste not a lot attacks very fast and especially with a forward slash stab in the very beginning which is kind of nice Bam Bam look look at the travel distance too 1 2 3 in the opponent fantastic then you get your heavy attack which can actually perfect guard hits yep you saw that right first Fable art is link emergency Dodge which Dodge quickly forward and then use an extra Fable slot to perform up to two attacks forward one two Gap closer Supreme the next one is wind of Swords blow a wind of Swords forward L1 and then bam from a range perspective it's quite same thing d love that especially to hit some bosses where you don't want to take damage as you're hitting now these weapons we're around halfway through the game for the next weapons there will be slide spoilers so if you don't want that turn off now if you don't mind the spoilers I'll keep all the story implications out and just tell you about the weapons killing laraia gets you or Boris eye which is currently my number one for many reasons and I'm about to just beat ng+ one with it has fast attack and quite some range for this little stupid weapon you don't have to stand that close to people and you're actually hitting then when it comes down to the overhead attack it's a double swing that travels forward Y and the best part is it travels forward and then it goes overhead to do the same but you keep traveling I mean the distance you make with this is uh and then you go no boss ever gets away from you the best part though is with a fable art that's the distance you can throw that at I think even further way yep absolute crazy best part you can turn this into a and then when you're hitting you're essentially doing a big amount of bonus damage on top and that paired together with a fable art then as your blade is bonus spinning it does bonus bonus also does have a motivity c and a technic B scaling so scales even more with these two telling Samuel will get the noblest black black I think very heavy weapon again 24 only Victor's weapon is heavier it is a gigantic large blunt weapon with an a tier motivity and a d tier technique scaling which yes does feel sluggish but it has this cool smashing attack to just keep hammering someone into the ground which gets followed up by a large wind up slab with a low range yep you just saw that low range but damn does it hit for the Fable art Ergo release a downward blow consume a set amount of Ergo to deal big damage to enemies and the other one is endure allows you to temporarily withstand the enemy's attacks the Ergo release this is the downward slash which doesn't really have the range and it does amplify with Ergo I don't have Ergo right now and the endure I mean it does need you to get hit to be in any way useful and we don't actually want to get hit killing the final final boss after Samuel not more to that gives you prove of humanity no worries there's one more weapon after that and it's absolutely incredible I sadly only have a plus4 else I would use it 24/7 very fast slashing good range if you mhm that's the heavy attack yeah yeah very nice heavy attack and if you're rushing heavy if you're rushing light it's just brilliant especially if you have then the enchantment going on it feels almost like you're you're hitting more and and you know poisoning more for the Fable Arts slash an enemy in front of you use an Easter Fable slot to slash up to three more times one and one and two and three yeah it it's crazy it's crazy and then if you use your other Fable AR you have a better chance for crit strikes well which means that if you're then doing this and then you do like even more damage on top this is one of the weapons that charges your Fable almost the fastest for the quick hitting speed 520 Fable charge with the Fable charge on the two dragon sword which also fast it's only 423 it's kind of crazy and the Damage reduction while guarding is quite High I mean only the sword from Victor actually has more damage reduction while guarding it truly is the Ultimate Weapon that you get at the very end to then absolutely dominate your NG plus if if you're not stuck with uroborus ey or the absolute final weapon that you only get when you're lying the whole game because then you also get the golden Lie from the portray and the golden lie is truly extraordinary for two reasons so first it gets some nice attacks I mean it's sweeping then when you're charging it up it's okay range interestingly enough though if you go one two three and then charge your heavy attack you do this triple Smacker which is very useful like one 2 3 and and then charge up heavy attack truly cool combination for the Fable art trigger three consecutive forward attacks which is just immense damage hold up by Furious golden hits Swing Your Weapon to attack and defend simultaneously hold the attack button down to keep swinging you're pressing L1 that again yeah that's that's beautiful isn't it now for the ranking which one would I recommend for you to use in ng+ and also to finish the game heads up I did play until the leria weapon so the spinning blade that you can wind up with the booster glaive blade and the CR police Batten handle Batten I think that's how you pronounce it because it just was working fantastically well that being said etiquette is just truly amazing going for these quick stabs followed up by the charge attack with an actual decent charge and well the block is not really needed has a very good combination after killing the Watchmen to Aid you for quite a while the Holy sword from the king of flames I do really not recommend even though this is a nice mode it brings more trouble than Joy but as soon as you kill Arc Bishop Andreas getting his spear really is nice for follow-up attacks I mean again you have the stab into which does incredible damage and staggers Elites so godamn easy and that trident of the Covenant after the etiquette I would probably carry over all the way until I reach Ora Boris eye versus laxia to then after the final final boss never leave the proof of humanity because that weapon is truly amazing and I kind of regret not having the moonstones to plus five it right now but I'm also extremely used to the Ora Boris eye because this one just kills bosses and staggers them you use some Fable Catalyst with that get your Fable for perfect guarding and that's what you're looking for ladies and gentlemen which one are you going to choose and would you also like to have a video for S tier scaling Advanced weapons in case you're a magic user if you're now looking for the best Legion arm or how to best use your stats and P organs check it out
Channel: P4wnyhof
Views: 268,475
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lies of p bosses, lies of p boss weapons, lies of p how to boss weapons, lies of p best weapons, lies of p weapon tier list, weapon tier list lies of p, best weapons lies of p, lies of p alidoro, lies of p special weapons, special weapons lies of p, best special weapon lies of p
Id: lYghdTbi7N8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 34sec (994 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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