Lies of P - Double Dragon | BEST Technique DEX Build | Tanky Counter Dual-Weapon Build Guide

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what's up guys it's par a new action RPG equals new builds and I'm gonna give you guys the best builds the game has to offer for the first build I'm gonna cover my technique build I used to beat the game with it is a medium roll counter build utilizing the boss weapon to dragons a very powerful Katana with s scaling in technique at Max upgrade which I deemed the best technique weapon in the game to complement this weapon I also used a tyrant murderer dagger which is also very strong giving you two options between a counter Parry playstyle with a katana or a fascinating crit dagger for those faster enemies or enemies you have trouble pairing most of the photos you'll see is on New Game Plus or the end game of new game which would be noted by the warding in the top right so a little bit of spoilers ahead before we begin make sure to give the video a like if you want to see more builds the more likes the more builds and which build should I do next sound off in the comments now I have tested most of the technique scaling weapons like the final boss weapon or Spears and they just don't seem to come close to the utility of the weapons I'm using the final boss weapon in my opinion is too slow and lacks that stagger potential of motivity weapons and while its special does a lot of damage that's just kind of it it can be interrupted because we have no hyper armor but you still have to choose when to do the full animation and its normal moveset is nothing to ride home about but what makes the katana A Cut Above the Rest though is its special charged attack holding R2 puts you into a certain stance and makes a shing sound with a light effect and during that small time frame you can Parry any attack that comes your way it's almost like EI stands for Monster Hunter except you can't choose when to Parry unfortunately you have to time the enemy attack to line up with that Shing moment now you might be thinking that's clunky and hard to do but the Perry frames are much more lenient than perfect guarding or fable parries and since it's not a fable you can use this freely because it's just an R2 so the katana quite literally has the best Perry in the game and with a special p-organ upgrade you can cancel any multi-hit bull crap combo any enemy does on your first counter and the counter attack also does a butt load of damage as you see here which then you can follow up with the katana's Fable art by pressing triangle or Y three times to do a Dodge and then you leap forward to do two slash attacks and you can see how much damage that combo is now compare that to proof of Humanity's Fable art the end game boss's weapon and well the enemy has a lot of HP left in comparison so the counter into link Dodge of katana is just too strong also its normal move set is fantastic when locked on if you hold a direction and then attack you can spin around the enemy which lets you avoid some attacks and it's non-charged R2 just pressing R2 once does a slash backwards so your normal combo would be R1 then R2 backwards and then R1 or R2 again to attack forward again and even its running R2 is also fast so yeah best Dex weapon or AKA technique and again as scaling a technique at plus five after you use a technique crank on it now you can obtain this Weapon by beating the Swampy's boss in chapter 8 and talking to alidoro to exchange its soul for it or the second weapon is the Tyrant dagger this is a normal weapon I cover this in my best early weapons video but this dagger comes with 30 bass crit chance and its Fable play art gives it even more crit chance for what seems like 60 combined with the Fable and you can get 100 crit chance with the crate grinder or you can use the crit amulet for more consistency but the bass handle while its Fable art does kind of suck is still the best with it since you do a ton of stabs very fast this allows you to poke poke poke and then Dodge or guard with minimal animation that I compared to any other weapon up till I got the katana I just use this and still use it for human fights that are too fast to Parry with the katana and I could just run around them and get lots of backstabs easily as well but its downside is that it barely does any stagger damage so you rarely get any visceral attacks but with the tech crank you can get a scaling with technique and I'll show the location of the dagger later on in the video now if you do suck at pairing with a katana but still want a medium or large alternative instead of the dagger the third weapon I recommend is the puppet Ripper I would say this is the runner-up for best technique Weapon It's got huge range the moveset isn't too slow and it's R2 and charge R2 do 360 slashes with a lot of range so very good at killing groups of enemies whereas Katana or dagger is more 1v1 but yeah this is probably the widest AOE weapon in the game if I'm honest so this is your group killer its Fable Arts are also very strong the first doing a single strike and the second doing a tornado Spin to Win which is good at applying status once you put like a fire grinder on it or something but it is heavier than the katana so you will have to drop it dagger this is a boss weapon so you get it from beating the puppet King in chapter 6 and you want to use a technique crank on it to get to a scaling for amulets you want the foco Amulet the conquerors Amulet the katana's Parry counts as a perfect guard or fable Perry so when you parry your counter hit is boosted here is his damage without the amulet 1433 now here it is with the amulet equipped over 1800 so about a 30 damage difference which keep in mind damage numbers vary a lot in this game for some reason I guess there's like a Min roll and Max roll so getting the accurate numbers is a little hard but yeah around 30 percent and again this is a boss ring that you get from alidoro next is the extreme modification amulet to another boss I'm gonna call the Marines um this boosts your damage depending on your Fable slot number even if they're not filled you still get the full damage at 5 slots which is about a 15 to 20 damage increase next we got carriers amulet for increasing our weight load which lets me equip both the sword and Dagger and amulets in high defense Parts while still being normal weight capacity which means we get better stamina to reach end than at slightly heavy or heavy last amulet is just a stamina regen ring for more stamina region now when you do use the dagger you might want to swap out the conqueror's ring for the crit ring or the boss ring that boosts damage on consecutive hits I think that's a chapter 7 boss which I can't test because I bought the weapons on the first playthrough and haven't reached chapter 7 on New Game Plus yet but yeah that's probably better for the dagger now for stats you want to choose the decks slash Rapier starting class at the beginning I guess balance can work too I suppose if he already chose that but I beat the game at level 69 but we'll go to about level 85-ish for build videos obviously since there's no PVP there is no soul level to stop at so you can just continue leveling infinitely but yeah 85 is the goal I'll set for a finishing Story 25 bit to be recently healthy 15 Vigor for some extra stamina 39 capacity to equip everything because of the dumb way system now if you don't want to use a dagger or are okay with slightly heavy roll speed you can cut back on the capacity to pump up either more HP or more Vigor because lastly we have 37 technique which I believe is the soft caps so past that you barely get any damage and it's not really worth investing points into after that so I think for people planning to go to New Game Plus and reach like level 150 or Beyond or something you probably want to go for a balance build over like a one specific stat build but yeah that's the stats pump capacity lasts as the defensive Parts won't be as heavy until the very end of the game which by the way I forgot uh defensive parts are here kind of pick and choose what you want but I went full defense reduction with highest tier parts and even with this new game plus enemies hurt so yeah can't imagine what a light build would handle in New Game Plus for Legion arm I recommend Falcon eyes or pandemonium Falcon is useful for level progression and picking off enemies from afar just don't fall off an edge like I do like half the time and pandemonium can be good to use the vertical Attack One to inflict the K and D gen on Elites or bosses passively while you wait for your parries even if we're not expecting to advance it's just extra passive damage for free so why not most of the other laser arms are kind of booty except for the uh hook one that's actually good but not really for this build and lastly P organ I will hover over them slowly as I'm not gonna name every single passive but you want to get link Dodge first then Rising Dodge followed by the extra amulets and then the pulse sells stuff until phase four where you want to get the guard thingy ASAP then you go for the fourth amulet and then you start getting the Fable slots for extra damage and for extra Fable stuff and the rest is up to you the double grinder is pretty nice but the rest of the courts I've been finding so far in new game plus I've just spread around the whole tree into the offensive stuff you can only pick one passive per category per node but that means you can just add more passives to other nodes to continue getting attacked stuff because frankly finishing the node to unlock the little extra bonus it's kind of whatever at this point like why would you want two Legion arms or three weapons when they add weight to your character so yeah just get more attack or defensive passes with the new game plus quartz so yeah that is the build now the dagger and sword are halfway into the game so before then I do recommend you check out my early op weapons video for more options to use but I will use the booster glaive Blade with a bramble curved sword handle and use a technique crank on it up until you get the dagger which you have to buy from venini's fembot by finding the stash upgrade in chapter 6 in this location you see here but yeah hope you guys enjoy the build you do have to get used to preemptively charging your R2 to brace for an incoming attack but once you master it the game becomes easy or not easier like the final boss in Archbishop first phases were kind of a joke with two dragons so have fun but if you want to see more builds like this Parry that like button and comment down below what technique weapon are you using if you're not gonna use this build and what build Arch type do you want to see me make next and for any cool op combos you guys have found let me know down in the comments below maybe we can make a build about it but yeah that's all from me make sure not to miss a video by subscribing for more Liza PP epicness [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: PWARGaming
Views: 194,884
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lies of p, lies of p gameplay, action rpg, lies of p review, lies of p boss fight, lies of pinocchio, lies of P lets play, lies of P walkthrough, lies of P weapons, lies of P guide, Lies of P, soulslike, lies of p OP, op build, lies of p best, lies of p best weapons, best weapons, lies of p op early, best early weapons, lies of p all bosses, lies of p build, pwar, two dragons, lies of p two dragons, lies of p technique build, lies of p dex build, proof of humanity
Id: zopEGwJkGnk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 21 2023
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