Lies of P Beginner's Guide: Everything You Need to Know

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Shields up iron Breakers rook and here coming at you with another video and today I'm going to be bringing you my beginner's guide for lies of P I've been struggling with this game over the last couple of days and I figured I'd put together a quick set of tips for those of you that might also be struggling with the game so when you get started you're going to be greeted with this UI that we see right here so let's get started by taking a look at that on the top right hand side you're going to be seeing your health gauge represented in red you're going to be seeing stamina gauge represented in green and you're going to be seeing those little blue Pips now those blue Pips are for your Fable Arts now Fable Arts is a type of special attack that you can do with your weapon or with your weapons handled but I'm gonna be diving a little bit more in depth when it comes to the weapon handle thing a little bit further ahead in the video for now just know that those little blue Pips are for your special attacks another thing that you'll notice on the bottom left hand side we have are potions which if we actually select them right there you can see that we drink a potion these potions do get refilled whenever you rest at this game's version of a bonfire which is called a stargazer so you know drink as many potions as you want just be aware that once you run out you're going to be struggling a little bit now there is a really cool mechanic that this game has which is when you run out of potions if you engage in combat with enemies you'll notice that there is a little pink gauge that is filling up so basically even if you're completely out of potions if you continue engaging in combat eventually You're Gonna Fill one more potion Usage Now this only this is only for one by the way potions in this game are called both cells just in case you're looking at guides or anything like that I just call them potions anyway but um once you run out of potions it will only refill one potion so once you use that then you get to go ahead and attack enemies again and you can recharge it again now this is actually something that I think is really cool because it basically allows you to continue exploring even after you've ran completely out of potions but naturally you know you're you're still gonna have to be doing well in combat in order to be able to regain um the potion charge to be able to use another potion but you know it is there and it's a neat little feature so I figured I'd talk about it now the the item situation here there's actually two belts that you can have uh which as you can see upper belt lower belt and you can put all kinds of consumable items in here and stuff I'm not going to go to in-depth on consumables and the things that you can put on there just be aware that there's an upper belt in the lower belt and you access them by pressing up on d-pad or lower on d-pad and if you're using keyboard you're gonna have to look at the key bindings my apologies I'm going to be focusing on a controller here now the other item that I have selected is the grindstone now the grindstone is particularly important because if you divert your attention to the bottom right hand side you'll notice that the more we attack the more our durability starts going down now different weapons will have different durabilities in this case I'm using this saber blade and the saber Blade's durability is actually not that great so it keeps going down now the way that you use items is very much like you would in most Souls games you're going to press square so basically you select Whatever item you want to use by either pressing up on d-pad for the upper belt item or down on deep end for the lower belt item which by the way you can cycle through different items so in the case of the lower belt I also have this Lantern thing and press square and it will either turn the Lantern on or off and if you select the grindstone which is one of the most important things you can press square and it will sharpen up your weapon and recover the durability this might be something depending on the weapon that you're using it might be something that you'll need to do in combat so keep that in mind you'll want to sharpen up your weapon now another important thing that you'll notice on the bottom left hand side is there's another gauge a yellow gauge that is your legion arm now right now I'm using the most basic Legion arm they give view which is the puppet string so this fires a uh kind of like a scorpion spear type thing which you can like yank smaller enemies towards you so that's what this does naturally it's not going to yank the training dummy towards us but you know it is what it is now notice how much gets used when I press it because the thing is that right there does not recover until you rest at a stargazer unless you do something special with an upgrade that's called the P organ that I will be talking about a little bit later in the video as well but just keep in mind this is something that you're going to be using uh throughout as you are navigating a level but you need to you need to basically manage how much you use it because eventually you're going to be running out of it now the legion arm doesn't just do this as a matter of fact I've Barely Used this particular Legion arm the puppet string I've used it maybe once or twice but there are other Legion arms that you can use and I'll show you guys those uh but first let's start with some some more basic stuff I just wanted to get you guys to kind of get familiarized with the UI and all of the things that you can do and now we can actually go ahead and start with the very Basics so for basic attacks you're going to be using R1 if you're on PlayStation or the right bumper button if you're on Xbox this is your basic attack most weapons will have a two attack sequence that they repeat I don't know all of the move sets so my apologies if oh no this weapon has like a four attack move see I I don't know okay most of them it's like two attacks and they repeat okay uh and then you also have your right Trigger or R2 which will also do a sequence of two moves now the thing about the right trigger attack though is that you can charge it for more damage as well as additional stagger on enemies which is very important so this is kind of like your bread and butter for combat you have uh your light attacks your heavy attacks which can be charged and then you also have your special attacks now I'll talk more a little bit more about your heavy attacks but first like I said let's get into the basics now as you attack enemies eventually their health is going to show that that little glowing white thing that means that they are about to break now this is very important because when enemies are about to break is when you're really going to want to do a charge stack that's gonna happen this is going to open up the enemies for a devastating counter-attack boom right there as you can see now there's a little prompt there this is for a post you press R1 and you deal devastating damage to your enemies okay now you can also trigger this state a little bit faster if you use more charge attacks you'll see that this got them instantly into that state so using charge attacks is a good way of ensuring that you're going to be breaking enemies and then you're going to be smashing them with the I don't even know what they call it I think it's called a fatal attack in this game but it's basically a repost right now you're also able to backstab I don't know if they let you backstab this one okay you can't backstab this enemy but there is a backstab it's a little bit tricky to pull off while during combat this isn't like Dark Souls 1 where you can just like oh I'm just Wing behind you backstab you you can do it but it feels a little bit trickier than Dark Souls one as a matter of fact I seem to remember that the spamming of backstab felt a little bit easier in the beta but I could be wrong there it's just I've been struggling to do backstabs Midway through combat and also you can't backstab every enemy certain enemies you just quite simply can't backstab them so you have to rely on actually breaking them either with charges attacks or by spamming or their own attacks and then just absolutely destroying them right now the thing about this game there's naturally a Dodge like with every uh Souls game there's going to be a Dodge now in this character I do have an improved Dodge so the Dodge is actually not too bad so it is circle or on the Xbox it's going to be uh the B button which by the way when I said square that would have been the x button earlier but anyways it's Circle or B depending on which controller you're using and as you can see your character does a little side hop if you're locked on locking on by the way is R3 and you'll want to get used to that in case you're new to souls games you definitely want to be locking onto stuff when you are doing combat because it allows you to kind of like circle around it is now mandatory and in certain situations is not even advantageous but it is something you want to get used to like lock on lock off lock on lock off it's just pressing down on R3 our three by the way is a right analog stick you press down on it okay just in case anybody doesn't know that but yeah so you can dodge and dodging does give you invincibility frames uh in my case supposedly I have link Dodge which lets me Dodge twice really fast but ultimately in my opinion from my experience over the last couple of days I think that dodging in this game is really bad uh I struggle to Dodge in boss fights because their whole thing is they want you to Parry now how do you parry so the block button in this game is left bumper or L1 if you hold it you're going to go into a block now blocking unfortunately the target dummies here don't give us don't actually deal damage but if they were to deal damage when I'm blocking you take uh chip damage but it is recoverable chip damage so if you block a hit you're going to be able to attack the monsters and regain the health that they took away from that chip damage however if you get hit twice in a row then that health is gonna go away it's kind of similar to the regain system in bloodborne but only if you're blocking if you take damage normally like so you don't get to regain that one at least not in the current version of the game so they do have a regain system but only if you block the enemy hits so that's blocking but ideally what they want you to do is they want you to Parry so this is a block but if you block at the exact last second that's a parry and you'll notice that the differences in the sounds like luck I listen to bang Barry see that right there's Barry it's a little bit more flashy more particle effects all of that stuff now they want you to Parry a lot in this game and if you are somebody that does not like Perry you're gonna have a bad time with this game let me just sell it because a lot of souls likes and whatnot they'll give you an out it's like oh you don't like pairing fine just dodge block do something else this game Perry if you don't Parry you're gonna have a bad time and the Perry window is very tight so you'll want to practice it and a lot of the bosses are probably going to end up being trial and error do not be discouraged do not feel like oh I'm bad at the game because I can't Parry or something like that I'm sure that a lot of people are going to be going through that process a lot of the bosses are going to be trial and error you're going to be like okay here's this move and this move and this move and then came this other one that I wasn't expecting and you're going to assimilate that go back into the boss fight and until you you finally get the the Parry Rhythm now a cool thing about pairing is that the more you parry it also contributes to the breaking of monsters so look how as I Parry more and more he goes into a break state which then you can do once again the charge attack you can counter into a Repose remember reposting you do it with R1 or the right bumper but yeah now dodging does have invincibility frames like I said like right there that was an invincibility frame however those red attacks you can't invincibility frame through them so as you can see I invincibility frame through that eventually invincibility frame through this but the red one I was I was too off to the side let's do that again it's like the hitbox there is actually a little bit tight come on hit me with that big deeper seat right there I dodged right into the into the punch you can't do it on the red ones the red ones you either Parry or you get the hell out of Dodge now the game tells you you gotta Parry the red attacks you gotta Parry the red attacks no no no no if you feel like you're having a tough time pairing the red attack let me tell you what you got to do okay you hit Circle or B and you run okay you run away you run away from the attack that's an alternative to pairing red attacks that you're struggling with particularly in certain boss fights where the red attack is coming and sometimes the boss takes up the whole goddamn screen and you can't see what he's doing and you see a red attack run the opposite direction just run the hell away okay that's a good alternative unless you're Giga Perry master and you're just like no I can Parry anything this monster throws at me then go ahead and Parry it it's always better because that helps you breaking monsters now combination is naturally going to be the best way of doing things so basically parrying heavy attacking regular attacking that is going to be how you're going to be breaking monsters but your objective should always be to break the monsters and then do a Charged attack okay don't forget that you're also expected to sharpen your weapon from time to time which is a very important mechanic okay so let's very quickly talk about Fable Arts I forgot to record this bit so it's being added in post so if the transition seems a little bit forced that's why but uh Fable Arts is basically special attacks that you have on your weapons so if we look at our puppet sub saber blade and puppet saber handle each of those two pieces that formed the weapon has a special attack so in the case of the saber blade you get storm slash slash an enemy in front of you multiple times now if we go ahead and we do that the first slash if you know if you notice on the bottom right hand side you'll see that it is the triangle button so we hit the triangle button and there you go that uses up your entire Fable gauge because we're in the training area it gets instantly recovered and it does this special attack right there now there's another special attack that you can do with this weapon which is if we look here it is the concentrate which increases your attack temporarily so basically if you press uh L1 or left bumper plus triangle it's actually going to activate the Fable art from the handle of your weapon that's going to give us an attack buff if you look on the top left hand side you'll notice there's that little sword symbol that means the buff is active as you attack you're going to be dealing more damage than you would normally be dealing until that buff icon disappears it actually lasts quite a bit it seems which is a good thing and there you go it disappeared no longer you're dealing additional damage so that is essentially the way that Fable Arts work you attack monsters you gain the blue stuff once you get the blue stuff you use the special now keep one thing in mind when it comes to Fable arts and that thing is that you don't really get hyper armor in most Fable Arts what that means is you really want to make sure that you have an opening otherwise you're going to be popping this and the enemy is going to hit you and instantly interrupt you let's do a demonstration well I was trying to do a demonstration but I failed I'm on recover see if you can interrupt me come on okay it's it's kind of hard to do with the training dummies but trust me on a boss this is going to be a lot more challenging for you to pull off without getting interrupted but anyways that is Fable Arts okay now in terms of Legion arms I want to show you a couple more so very early on they're going to give you access to another Legion arm which by the way uh this stuff only shows up in here after you free this dude which happens a little bit later in the game but and very soon they're going to give you like a tool thing that shows up right about where I am and in there you can switch your legion arm so very early on they're going to give you this one which is the full minis now the full minis is a more offensive arm which does shock damage so you can come up to anything charge this up unleash boom big shock AOE lots of damage particular puppets tend to take more damage from shock as a matter of fact I think that when it comes to damage types I think that shock is good against puppets then fire is good against carcasses which is the type of enemy that you're going to be facing off that look like zombies and then um acid which is another element that's going to be coming into play I think that one's going to be good against humans but I haven't you know I'm also still like 20 something hours into the game I'm still learning a couple of things but just keep that in mind but anyway uh so yeah that's how you use your legion arm you just hold down on L2 or left trigger charges it up lets it blast off or you can hit it once and it does a quicker Blast for Less damage there are other Legion arms that you can unlock the one that I'm actually using on this particular build is a shield Legion arm which uh I forget what the name of it is I think it's called Aegis I'm actually using this one uh you will unlock this one like I don't know maybe eight hours in give or take depending on how good you are at playing the game and this one basically works like a shield you can actually block things but naturally it consumes the um the legion gauge which you can see on the lower left hand side now the cool thing about this Shield is that you can also it does this explosion thing whenever you block a hit which is nice and there's upgrade levels to this um to this Legion arm stuff So eventually as you progress through the game you're going to be able to upgrade not just your weapons but also your legion arm as you can see I'll be able to upgrade into this guard attack if I want to with this Legion caliber thing eventually get a guard Perry counter charge and you can do that for a bunch of different arms I don't want to spoil you guys too much in terms of arms in case you were using the um I guess you're using the the shock one you get movable charge which lets you move while you're charging leakage current which means that you deal damage even while you're charging and then overcharge which increases the maximum charge level and makes a deal more damage so this is something that you'll be able to upgrade as well as you collect materials but that is your legion arm and you know it's a multi-faceted tool that will allow you to do a bunch of different stuff you're going to be unlocking a bunch of different ones as you play through the game choose whichever one you like the most and use that but to be honest the legion arm in my playthrough has taken a bit of a back seat mostly I use one that puts explosives in the ground kind of works out every now and then but it feels very much like a side tool that's not super essential so that is your legion arm we've talked about dodging pairing the red attacks all of that stuff the next step is going to be to talk about stats so this game stats have weird names and I want to make sure that I clarify that for everyone so that everybody understands I'm gonna basically translate what these stats do and you guys will instantly be able to understand it so let's go wait this is now we level up you level up at the lady over here so if you talk with her level up I can't really level up right now I don't have enough Ergo which is that this game's version of souls but as you can see we have Vitality Vigor capacity motivity technique and advancing like what the hell are those so Vitality self-explanatory this is your HP despite what I think Vitality in Dark Souls 2 is actually different Vitality is your HP okay so this is how much health you have that's it it also influences your guard regain so the more you have of this the more you'll be able to recover whenever you block an attack instead of parrying it you'll be able to recover more Health the more the Vitality you have Vigor controls how much stamina you have as you can see whenever you do attacks and stuff like that your stamina gets consumed so the more you have of this the more you can do you can do a tax the more you can uh block the more pairing by the way also consumes stamina in this game so the more stamina you have the more you can block Perry Dodge attack do everything okay that's what stamina is for capacity influences your carrying capacity so there is an armor system system in this game even though it's not really visual because the visual stuff is just cosmetic so you can do costumes and stuff and you can change the look of your character there's a bunch of different stuff that you unlock as you play through the game but uh there's also equipment and there's these defense parts now the fence Parts they basically just have raw stats to them so as you can see I'm using the basic Union frame it weighs this much and gives me a physical it weighs 5.8 and it gives me a physical damage reduction rate of 7.36 if you go into the light weight it's uh more lightweight as the name implies but it also uh reduces the actually no in this case it increases it no this one's heavier never mind I'm confused yes the union lightweight frame is actually heavier for some strange reasons okay so the union lightweight frame is a little bit heavier but it also reduces more damage and then the Lada is even heavier reduces more damage so that's the the way that you go this is basically like you go from super light armor to Mega Heavy Armor that's what this does and then it's the same thing here this is a little bit different because this influence is like your uh Elemental resistances and stuff like that this is a different part uh so it's something that you'll need to look but basically each of these parts is going to have a weight assigned to it your amulets also have a weight assigned to it and that's the reason why you need capacity the heavier the stuff that you are using the more capacity you are going to need now I am playing right now as slightly heavy uh that means that I get a little bit of a penalty to stamina regeneration if you go all the way to Giga heavy you're going to be fat rolling and the usual stuff that you've come to expect now that is the capacity stat motivity is strength for all intents and purposes that's what this is the more motivity you put in the more you're going to be playing like a big strength build so two-handed weapons stuff like that even though this game doesn't really have to hand it everything's one-handed but heavier slower weapons to swing but you can also customize things which I'll show you about that you can customize things in a way that you can have a strength build and still be somewhat fast technique is the opposite of strength it's dexterity so you know faster bulky weapons that type of stuff uh and then Advance is kind of like magic now my first build which is this one included advance and I really struggled interestingly enough Cowboy said that he was doing Advanced and he just like rocked the whole game so maybe I'm not very good at doing Advanced I don't know what the deal is but basically there are weapons that will specifically scale with Advanced like and usually these are weapons that will inflict things like um shock damage fire damage Elemental types of damage that is what you'll be doing with Advance uh so that's what this stat is all about now that you understand the stats you can also see that you have scaling on your weapons and stuff right this is very much familiar to those of you who've been through a Souls game you'll know exactly how this works so if you look at the puppet saber which is the weapon that we're using you can see that it is scaling C on motivity Xeon technique so this is what we would refer to as a quality weapon in this game they call it a balanced weapon so it is about a weapon that scales both off of motivity as well as techniques so it's a strength dexterity weapon so they'll expect you to level up both both of those stats in order to make this weapon work properly now there's some upgrades and stuff that you can do that will also change this around but for now just be aware this is a a balanced weapon with the stats that you get now the really cool thing is say for instance you have this blade right you have this blade and you're like I really like the blade but I'm not a big fan of the moveset I don't like the move set of this weapon it annoys me for whatever reason right let's go ahead and swap to a different weapon so this is like a club that I took away from one of the puppets and it has a different moveset as you can see and you're like oh man I like the move set on that club that is nice that is a much more straightforward move set has a cooler charge attack I dig that but I don't like the club on the tip of it I want that thing to deal slashing damage very well you can go up to this lady here and eventually these the the functionality gets unlocked to where you can do it over on the star gazers like if you go to this Stargazer you can see that I also have the functionality here which says assemble weapons but at the beginning this lady over here is going to be the one who teaches you this so you go to Herb and she's like okay assemble weapons so how does this work you can basically swap the parts so every weapon not every weapon in the game but most normal weapons have two parts there are some weapons in the game that cannot be disassembled they're like special boss weapons and they're just like one big weapon and you can't juggle the parts around but a ton of weapons in the game you can juggle parts around I actually am not showing you a lot of weapons because I want to keep that a surprise as you guys find new weapons and stuff like that and have a good time I'm just showing you two of the weapons all of my other weapons I put in storage so you can go to new weapon assemble and like I said you wanted the blade on the move set of the police baton that is something that you can do boom assemble that and now if we go in here you can see that we have the blade with a police baton and that is basically going to give this Blade the move set of the Baton and this is one of the cooler systems that this game has in my opinion I love that I love swapping weapons around trying to figure out what's going on but another very interesting thing that takes place is not only the blade assumes the the move set of the handle it also assumes the scaling now if you guys remember I told you that this blade was a quality type blade or a balanced type blade that scaled off of both motivity and technique but right now because I applied it to the bottom portion of what was a strength weapon this weapon now scales off of strength as you can see right there motivity b technique D so this now scales off of strength and on top of it you can further customize it by going over to the lady and she can alter the handle to push you in a general direction so you can go altar handle these are materials that you'll be able to get and you could potentially get like a motivity crank right now I don't have enough Ergo to do the upgrade but the motivity crank would increase the motivity scaling of the weapon essentially causing it to deal even more damage the more motivity stat you have so you can change the scaling on the weapons so you can also change it to a different scaling so for instance by default this handle the crop police baton handle is a strength uh weapon but maybe let's say but I want it to be a technique weapon you can do that you can push it towards that tendency first it's going to go to CC because you know it is very much a thing that is uh aligned for motivity and you can take it one step further at least and then it's probably going to be like BD or something like that in favor of technique but you know you can kind of like lean things towards a certain direction that you want to really customize the weapon in a way that suits you now it is important to also mention that naturally a handle that is already favoring um motivity there's always going to be advantage to further favoring motivity but you know it is an option to do that if that is something that you want to do if that makes sense now when you upgrade a weapon that's another very important thing you're not actually upgrading the weapon itself you're just upgrading the blade so in this case I'm only upgrading the top portion of the weapon this makes things a little bit more flexible so let's say I've been upgrading the crap out of the puppet saber blade but then I found a handle that I really like but the the blade that's on that handle is not upgraded you can swap this around to the other one and it retains your upgrades I actually wish that they'd done things a little bit different to where it wasn't as uh as set in stone the same way that Dark Souls is where it's like no you put the materials in there and that means you're investing into this weapon forever I wish we could get the materials back somehow like even spend some Ergo which is this game's version of soul to get the stuff back but you can't according to it Cowboy said I believe that you can uh throughout one playthrough you can upgrade like five or six normal weapons and another like five boss weapons give or take so there is a little bit of leeway free to experiment with different weapons stuff like that but keep that in mind eventually you're gonna have to go ahead and commit but these are the basics of stats upgrading your weapons and customizing them in very interesting ways because to give you an idea I'm actually still using this crack police baton and my main character I found like this really beefy blade that's really big so it gives me a ton of reach and I use this baton with it and I'm just like chop chop chop and it does a ton of damage with a ton of reach it is uh good good times another interesting thing of when you swap the the blade and the handle of a weapon and you make your own custom weapon is that the Fable Arts also get passed on so what that means is you're gonna have the Fable art that I showed you earlier of the blade so if I press triangle That Remains the Same however when it comes to the handle one you're actually going to have a different one which in this case it is Strike chance which temporarily increases your attack for the next hit so instead of the previous buff that you had with the other handle which had just increased your attack for a little bit it's going to do it only for one hit so usually you'd want to make sure that you charge it up or something to really get a massive hidden so there you go that that also applies to when you swap handles and Blades now another thing that I also want to show you guys is something that is called the P organ so we've talked about stats those are pretty much something that you've come to expect but there's also somewhat of a skill tree in this game it requires a material that you will unlock as you play through the game it is called uh quartz the more quartz you unlock the more you will be able to use this thing here which is your character's B organ I don't know what this change shape thing is I still haven't gotten to that point in the game I guess but your P organ is basically a skill tree that you get to put points into now the way that this works is you need to get the quartz once you get the quartz you go into specific parts of the tree that give you something like for instance this one increases staggerable window what does this mean whenever you stagger an enemy like I showed you on the dummies you stay staggered for longer you might be like well why is that important why can't I just repost because some bosses are so big that when you repost you might be all the way on the back of the boss and running all the way to the front of the button now when you replace when you break them you might be all the way in the back of the boss and the time it takes you to run from the back of the boss the front of the boss to then do the repost you might actually miss it that's why they're giving you this option to be honest I'm not the biggest fan of the skill tree in this game because I feel like the skill tree in this game takes the approach of I'm gonna take a ton of quality of life from your combat away and then I'm gonna make you pay for it as you play through the game to me it feels like a lot of the stuff that is in the tree should be Baseline like for instance the Dodge in this game is terrible I feel like this skill link Dodge or whatever which supposedly makes Dodge a little bit better which to me I still barely feel any difference on the Dodge but like this should just be Baseline together with this other Dodge skill because the Dodge in this game is just so bad but anyways the way that this works is you put the quartz in and then there's a bunch of passive stats that you'll be able to select like I can't put any courts in because I don't have it but to give you guys an idea let's say for instance I want to get you can see what each of these does pulse sells is the healing stuff so I I've gotten an additional healing potion I've improved my Dodge let's say that next I want to go ahead and get another healing actually looks like I'm working towards adding an amulet slot so I'm trying to get an amulet slot right you need to put two quartz pieces in there because you'll notice that there's two sockets but every time they that you put a piece of quartz you get to choose another passive stat so as you can see if you put this one this will enhance the Fable Arts which I just realized I haven't even talked about I need to go back and edit the video and add those in but you guys will know by the time you get to this point of the video you'll know what Fable Arts are uh so this will increase the damage of fable Arts this will increase how long uh mobs will stay staggered and there's a bunch of different stats you can cycle through those using the bumper buttons as you can see guard recovery fatal attack so basically you're putting in this quartz getting uh passive benefits and getting something special in the form like if I complete this one I'll get amulet slots and also if you complete supposedly because I haven't done this yet but if you complete all four things in a node they're going to give you like an additional bonus around all those four things that is the P organ so every time that you get a piece of quartz make sure to come sit on the chair and uh upgrade your stuff and for my final tip I want to talk to you guys about specters now I'm not really going to show you this particular boss fight because I don't want to spoil the experience for you I want you to experience each boss fight for yourself but basically ahead of each boss fight there's always this thing which I don't even know what the name of it is that the name of this is but basically this is a little pool that you can drop a star fragment on now a star fragment is basically something that you can get by just killing monsters or picking it up off of the ground lots of monsters drop star fragments so you're going to be getting quite a few of them on your playthrough and what these do is they'll actually summon a specter to help you in a boss fight my recommendation is I mean you know if you're the type of person's like no I don't want to use summons I don't want to use none of that go right ahead go against the boss do whatever you want but from my experience with this game it feels like the bosses are balanced as if you bring a specter with you could just be that I'm not very good at playing lies of beef feel free to tell me get good scrap up and all that stuff in the comments section down below but if you find yourself hard pressed my recommendation is try it out use Specter it's a good distraction you can wail on the boss sometimes with complete impunity I've been using them throughout my play through the first two big bosses I didn't use them and since then I've been using it particularly because this boss that is inside this room is so friggin nasty it's one of the hardest bosses the skin has I swear to God but um yeah those are all of my tips I would recommend uh if you are struggling with bosses use the specters for help but that is going to be it is there anything that I've missed if you're playing lies of P feel free to leave your own tips and tricks for everybody in the comment section down below thank you all very much for watching this video to help you out in any way I'd really appreciate if you hit the like button and subscribe to my channel for more content like this I'll see you guys in the next one stay strong stay safe peace out
Channel: Rurikhan
Views: 32,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lies of P, Lies of P Gameplay, Lies of P Review, Rurikhan, Bloodborne, Soulslike, Lies of P Guide, Lies of P Beginner's Guide, Beginner's Guide, Guide
Id: b0FZ8a_Naq8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.