Lies of P - BEGINNERS GUIDE - Spoiler FREE - Combat, Weapon Assembly, Level Up, Heals and more

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hello everybody it is ebontist and in this video I want to go over some tips for lies of pee now this is going to be very early game for where I demonstrate just about everything you can find or screenshots of things just to point it out the goal here is to spoil as minimal as possible basically nothing beyond the demo for sure and just to show you guys mechanics tips and things to help your journey through the Liza P be a little more smooth even though trust me it's going to be bumpy ride this is a tough game I had a boss whoop my butt for a while um if you're looking for a Souls game though this is a really cool combination of like bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 and second row a little bit of each with some twists upon that so first thing I know this is going to be really obvious but I guarantee you there's somebody out here who needs to hear this run button figure it out and basically Dosh or Dosh well I put the words together Dash or Dodge you can roll you can dodge but if you hold that button and move around you will run I promise you there's somebody who watched this who didn't know there was a run button for a little longer than they like to admit I've done that in other games so I figured I'd tell you first there is a run just hold down your Dodge button and you've got a run second thing as I said you've got a Dodge you've got a roll I've actually got two Dodges because I've actually got a skill into that and then you've also got your Perry so your Perry is going to be your perfect timing and then your block is going to be when you hold it down now when you hold down block you will take partial damage from somebody so let me go find this guy over here the partial damage is gonna go in a darker color red and what that is that's damage that I can actually get back if I attack him so he hits me I hit him back and again this is an early weapon you'll probably find it pretty easily so hopefully this isn't too much of a spoiler so you can actually block and just take the damage no big deal you just will now the other thing you can do is you can actually if I wake this guy up you can perfect Parry now the perfect Parry you won't take any damage will take stamina a little harder at a perfect Parry when you see the big funk in the big spark when you see the big thunk when you hear the big thunk now if you actually perfect pair you can break their weapons normally that's a thing you only do on lower level guys but those are perfect pairies I don't take damage and you can do them in as quick of a succession as you're capable of hitting it and perfectly timing it so I'm just gonna hit you with like one two three four five and you can time all of those as perfect parries then enjoy the skill because that's going to help you really well and you're kind of gonna break their posture now I'll look for a couple screenshots but basically if you break their posture by blocking enough or doing big damage to them and by big damage it's usually going to be a heavy attack that you charge it's not just going to be the quick swing it's going to be whatever you charge up that big hold down the right trigger and then let it go that's going to let you stagger them you'll see their health health bar go white if you see a white health bar it only takes you one more to do that to actually get them to fully stagger and then you're going to be able to do like a fatal attack now a fatal attack is gonna look the same if you're behind an enemy you can only do it to certain enemies so let me reset this real quick so fatal attack is gonna be either when you've staggered an enemy completely or you're in like you're behind them and you'll notice it does a big attack so if you're behind normal enemies if you stagger a big boss if you get someone to a point where that thing shows up always take advantage of it on bosses you'll see a little red circle on the ground you stand in that hit either attack button you're gonna do a fatal attack before further I'd like to thank the sponsor of this video is it a meal kit no VPN mobile game ding ding ding it's raid Shadow Legends you've probably heard the name but what you may not know is you can collect hundreds of unique Champions team those Champions up for intense PVE boss fights upgrade them with in-depth RPG systems like gear skill trees and even more and all of that with amazing Graphics still not sold all right follow me let me guide you through a journey in raid let's start with the campaign 12 chapters of voiced story cutscenes with six three stage fights as well as a major boss battle in each area then you can tackle the dungeons with each boss presenting a unique challenge to keep you mixing up your team to see if you can get it just right the arena holds PVP if you fancy dueling your fellow player and then you've still got an in-game with the Doom Tower you can climb until it challenges just too much and don't forget to take all those leveled up Champions into Clan boss fights just to see how how big of a dent you can make in those massive health bars raid offers so many different ways to test how strong your Champions really are there's always another battle waiting just around the corner now for new players you can get stag Knight and a skin designed by JonTron just by using promo code JT skin before October 7th do that and it's yours and if you aren't new you can still earn stagnite and the skin through the in-game event and for players brand new to hardened veterans alike it's free stuff time just log in on seven different days between now and October 23rd and you can get this legendary champion sung Wukong raid's Take On The Monkey King from Chinese mythology he just got into raid and all you have to do is log in for a week and he's yours it's really that simple with everything coming to raid right now and new stuff being added all the time what are you waiting for seriously if you haven't started yet use my link in the description or scan the QR code on screen and you'll get an epic Champion Knight errant energy refills skill tomes and an XP booster all worth thirty dollars to jump start your journey right out of the gate once you're in game come find me under ebontus and if there's still room you can join my clan for some epic boss battles I'll see you in teleria now back to the video now on the left hand side of my screen I've got heels if you take damage and you're gonna heal you're able to just heal up now granted I wasted one now the thing to know about heels is however many you have when you get down to your last one I'm just gonna waste a few here since this is not going to be difficult and then if you're able to do damage you're actually going to be able to earn one back so you'll notice that little pink bar will fill up and as that fills up you're able to actually get some health back which is going to serve you very well in longer fights I've literally had that save me at a point to where I didn't think that was gonna actually like let me get through a fight and it did so there's a point where when you get late enough in a fight and you're down to zero heals or maybe you're down to one heel and your health bar is at half use the heel straight away when you're at half Health to fill your health up and that way any other attacks you do are starting to charge that next heal so it's really important if you have one heel left when you get to a point where it's not going to get away not like a tiny chip damage but if you're like half the health bar use the heel and that way you're at full health and any hits you do get off could refill that Health part or the heel and then you don't know maybe you get down to half health and you fill it up again and then you got another heel so that's actually a really unique thing about the last heel in this game when you get down to one use it so you can start earning up that free one not free but earn that next one that you might not have had otherwise now there is one type of attack I do want to mention probably just gonna have to throw a screenshot on screen but when enemies charge up red it is going to be one of two things you either have to perfect Parry them or likely run away now the reason I say runaway is you cannot block it it will it's an Unstoppable attack but if you perfect period that will actually still keep you from taking any damage uh it's also a good way to stagger them and then also your other option is to run away now the reason I say run away more often than not the red attacks are going to be a little more of an area of effect than you might expect and it's one of those that you're either gonna really learn the Parry the perfect Parry because it is going to save you sometimes it's hard to run away from those and it's just like a big boss but he just kind of like falls on you or does a really big wind-up and slams but it's like the Unstoppable sometimes it's honestly worth the risk of going for the perfect Parry because if you get it like half the time running away from some of those unless you really get that good Sprint off sometimes it just doesn't happen so trying to block the red Unstoppable attacks it's worth trying because you may think that you're like I may get smashed but honestly if you try and run away and you don't go far enough and it happens quick you may get smashed either way so practice the perfect Parry especially on some of those like Unstoppable attacks it may serve you better than you think now another thing that's going to happen is as I use my weapon I'm gonna use up a little bit of durability now I can tell you I don't think durability adds anything to this game but this isn't a review this is a tips video so you'll see on that right hand side the gray bar above my two weapon parts that is slowly going to go down as I use the weapon so now that little chunk all I gotta do you do have one on you so you've got your little like tools that you can use down here on your belt but you have a grindstone that comes with your arm it'll cover the arm in a sec but the grindstone itself is always there so even if you're in the middle of fighting if you can get some distance and he's doing something crazy stand over here sharpen up your weapon and you're good to go so just pay attention to that if it gets down into red you're near Breaking Your Weapon which you basically have to reset to get it back so don't let that happen if you can but the other thing is you also be doing more damage when it's fully sharp there's things that you can spec into for that either way weapon durability and the grinder just like pay attention to it when you can boss fights are usually the only time it's really going to be an issue but if you just don't like look at it for a while you might notice it but if you're new going through some fights and you check just take a second stop grind grind you know sharpen it up and you're good to go so just one of those things to not forget about now just like most Souls games you're gonna have an amount of souls this game calls it Ergo in the upper right hand corner don't worry about the gold currency that's something you'll get to later but the one on the far top right corner mine says 691 right now that is your souls that is what you use to level up and buy things in this game now I will say there's a nice little tweak they do in this game right now it's a white number because it's 691 and my levels pretty high so it takes a lot for me to level if that number is ever blue like the actual 691 numbers are in a blue color that means you have enough to level up now a quick tip when you start early on you're going to use this Stargazer to level up it's pretty much what you have to do then when you get to a point where you get to the hotel which you'll know when you get there it's pretty early but when you get there once you get to the hotel at least as far as I am into the game in about you know 15-20 hours you're going to be leveling up at the hotel which means you won't just always be leveling up a bonfire it's very early on you'll use the Stargazer and then as soon as the hotel is an option you will always have to teleport back to the stargaze or to the hotel from a stargazer and then talk to the NPC it's the lady in blue you'll see her and she will be the one you level up at took me a little while to figure that out in the demo then I kind of made it clear but early on this is like the first one you'll level up at and then when you get to talk to the lady in the hotel the one in the blue dress kind of a light blue dress she is the one you will level up at for a very long time there might be something after that I'm not sure but for a large chunk of my playthrough so far it has mostly been all in the hotel so you have to teleport back every time to level up now you may not be a fan of that but there are also sometimes icons on that now I'm going to show you guys hopefully this isn't too much of a spoiler but if you teleport back if you haven't got a couple right now see Hotel crat is where I would teleport to even if I'm here second area if you teleport back to hotel that's where you're going to be leveling up most of the time now sometimes depending on when you go through some of these chapters there will be like a NPC kind of little baby icon portrait whatever you want to call it sitting next to a place to teleport most of the time it'll show like NPC pictures next to the hotel those are like kind of story beats so after you beat a major boss you can go back to the hotel talk to a couple of the characters see if you've unlocked any new NPCs maybe they send you somewhere to do a certain thing but if you go through any of these and you see the fact that there is a icon of a person sitting next to one of the places that you can you know teleport to go talk to that person there's probably a reason it's there sometimes you picked up a box and it's going to show you take the box to a certain place so it may not be like my favorite decision of them leveling up always back at the hotel but the reason is it's their way to take you back there so you can interact with the NPCs more frequently so pay attention to those icons if you see like you know you're at a stargazer and you check and you say there's somebody there go find that person and talk to them it will likely have something to do now when you die it's a little different than previous Souls so I kind of want to show this to you so when you die just like in most Souls if you have any you know recoverable Souls you'll see it in the top right hand corner you'll see the number in Orange is what I can recover it's right over there because I just like died in this little area now what is different in this game is when you take damage that number will actually go down so if I bring this guy over here and he attacks me if I go pick it up right now it's 742 but if he hits me now it goes down to 7 30. it's me again 7 16. but if I hit him and kill him I get some of that back so you may take some damage and see the number go down you may fight back for your souls but it's one of those things that's a little bit different that your souls may be a hard journey to get back to but if you can get there it might actually be worth doing now if you die again with one of those sitting on the ground I don't think you can get that one back but generally it's actually it's a different system and it is kind of beneficial for you to be aggressive but also be weary of what you fight trying to get back to it and sometimes it may be like you know that was a heck of a fight I went through it's not going to be worth getting to but if you can get back there and you know you were able to kill enough enemies to not let make the number be too small then you'll get them back and you're good to go so just when you die where you previously died your souls that were sitting there they'll be sitting there and if you can get back there depending on how much damage you take in enemies you kill you might get all or most of them back one other thing about that Ergo thing sitting on the ground real quick is the fact that if you die in a boss room your Ergo that you had on you will be waiting outside the boss room so if you get to a point where you're like hey I don't want to fight the boss right now maybe I want to turn around fight a few more enemies and level up a little bit you can run to the boss door grab it and then fight who you ever want to level up as much as you want to but at least it's just not stuck in the boss room it is actually just outside of it so you can pick it up before you fight a boss and do what you want with it so now we're going to kind of talk about consumables and stuff like that now you're gonna get ergo this is a dim Ergo fragment and it is worth a hundred nice thing is it tells you in the game it's not quite being like Souls where it's like use this and you're like I don't know how many it's going to give you you can literally choose how many it's going to give you and it's going to show you you're going to get 200 or go by using them if I use this one it would be worth 300. so you're going to have these in here of all different varieties 100 300 500 700 000 I've seen pretty big ones and then you've got the special ones that are worth five thousand but these are also going to be exchangeable when you beat bosses you'll get these and you can either get a 5 000 Ergo to help you level up or most likely what I would recommend doing with all of these rare ones is when you get one you have a chance to exchange it for gear it's either a weapon or typically an amulet for me so far and they have some unique things that they can do so even though you beat the first boss and you're like oh five thousand Ergo unless you're on your like second playthrough and you know that it's not going to be anything that you care about save it until you get to the vendor and find the NPC that you can exchange these for and then once you're like okay I know I don't want that weapon I can take the Ergo but I do want that weapon I will take the Ergo that kind of thing so you'll see these down here don't use them but these there's no reason to hold on to them and anytime you're like I'm almost to a level like if you you know you're going back to the stargazing you're like I feel like I'm close to a level check with your vendor see how much you need and you've got enough of these consumables that you can use to get to the next level use them there's literally no reason to hold on I'm terrible at that in Souls games there's no reason to keep these things so use them when you can get to that next level and that way you know you'll be running around like 15 or a go instead of 2500 that might be at risk all right so now let's talk about your gear you're gonna have four parts and as you find different parts you're going to level up a little bit and they all kind of do different things so first one you're gonna have just like basic weight and you'll notice we'll talk about encumbrance in a section but the weight of these things are going to change your encumbrance level so you see up at the top which is 39.6 of 88.4 that's my current weight capacity currently I'm at 44 percent so then I'm at 46 49 53 56 then if I go above 60 now I'm slightly heavy and that is actually going to change my role so my role here is going to be a little bit slower because you'll kind of see a little bit of a snappiness to it it's not a huge difference between heavy and slightly heavy I will say that but if you get too actually heavy that's when you'll notice and I can do that usually pretty quick with this ridiculous weapon actually that one's not too heavy oh that's one I crafted I mean I gotta have something that's heavy I think I took all my heavy stuff off so if I put all my heavy things on it's usually not too hard to get there still not so that is one of the things when you get to your stats that you'll notice these are all your stats one of them is capacity and that's going to basically determine how much of a weight capacity you have mine is 88.4 right now which actually allows me to hold kind of my heaviest stuff that I can equip which is a good thing if you don't get too much incapacity you might have to wear something a little bit less but if I'm talking physical damage reduction rate starts at 7.36 and a recent one that I got was 28.6 yeah it's heavier but I'm definitely going to be taking less damage and as long as I can stay in the slightly heavy category I am generally pretty good with my mobility and this is just a ridiculous weapon so I figure I'd show it to you now if you pull up your character screen you're going to see typically what you do on the leveling up area but I just don't want to spoil some of the stuff that you'll find later on so you've got six that's Vitality that's going to give you health but it's also going to give you guard regain remember when I showed you earlier when you guard you take damage but part of that damage that you take is in that like darker red color that you can earn back as health that is what that is so I've got mine leveled up to a point to where I have 22.6 percent of my health that I'm able to actually earn back if I get damaged enough so that is one of those things where Vitality does two things not only gives you health it actually makes your guarding more effective of something you can earn back secondly we've got Vigor that's going to be your stamina literally how much stamina bar you can run around and then also physical defense on the bottom right hand side third one is capacity that's what I just got done got done talking about with the weight and encumbrance it's also going to give you a little bit of Legion amount which is how much you can use for your legion arm which we haven't talked about I'll still show you don't worry and then we've also got all defenses so on the right hand side it'll be physical fire electric and acid it'll give you a little defense for that then you've got motivity balance or motivity technique and advanced now you'll notice my motivity is quite High I went into basically a strength build in a physical defense build now the main reason I went into that is because that's the weapon I chose to use and when you get into weapons and we'll cover this here in a second you'll see different weapons have different motivity technique it's like a Souls game where depending on what the stat is like the one that I've got I've got mine actually altered so my motivity is an a it's not going to be like an S I don't know if you can get that high but again depending on what stats you go into is going to kind of determine what stats you're or what weapons you're going to be good with like this if I wanted to use you know this handle for example which I'll explain what that means it's got a advance is the stat so if I know this is something you'd probably worry about more on future playthroughs and very specific builds and all that type of stuff um we'll cover the mixing and matching of weapons still haven't got there yet but paying attention to those stats is important and that's why for me this one started as a b and then technique was like a d when I literally leaned heavier into motivity that's the only thing that affects this so that's why you actually will notice my my motivity is very high and then technique in advance technique will give you basically a little bit of all defenses and then also will be for very specific weapons that use technique Advance is going to boost your lesion attack abilities and then certain weapons as well but your legion attacks are not going to be like a huge thing for you so my small piece of advice go motivity for your first playthrough it's going to make your weapons stronger and you can actually you know have probably a pretty good time with that if you know your Advance you want to mess with you know your you've played mini Souls games before you have a certain build that you want to go after then get into technique then get into advanced and lesion arms and that type of stuff but just a pure strength build that's going to be motivity so we covered gear and you're just going to get different upgrades like you're going to start with all the basic stuff and then as you find pieces most of them typically are going to be upgrades but not all of them so check like this one is very much it weighs a little more as you go through but it also is going to give me more physical damage reduction so when I start it's going to go up you know my damage direction is going to go up by 21 but my weight's also going to go up so early on you'll start here later on you'll get to that one then you've got defense parts now the defense Parts typically are going to go up a little bit like this one specifically is way up but then when I get to this one that's like the radiation one versus say this one some are going to go up some are going to go down this is a newer one I got so this is definitely like an upgrade across the board it just weighs more so early on you're going to see some that are like you know a bit of a give and take this one's got a little more electric resistance this one's going to have a little more fire resistance and this one is going to have you know a little more physical resistance so you'll kind of do a little trade of what you're running into and then at some point you're probably just going to find a big upgrade and then you'll move on uh in the cartridge category you're going to see that some of these are again similar to like this is the Bedford break and this one's going to weigh more but this one's going to weigh a lot less but it's going to give me more shock resistance so maybe I want shock resistance maybe I want to avoid the brake resistance which is one of those things that's actually really brutal um all of these though they're going to be a little interchangeable and then when you get to the liner I've only got two right now there's a couple others you can buy and find but again this is a little bit of a trade-off so I get more strike resistance uh damage reduction versus slashing and piercing and it's all just the type of attacks that you're taking so you might have to do a little tinkering when you get far enough in the game you're going to get gear that is just better so pay attention when you get new pieces if it's there check what the stats are doing but sometimes it's just straight up an upgrade so you may as well do it now another thing you're going to get early on is amulets take you a little bit your first one's probably going to be this guy increases your health I've got one that increases stamina but you're also going to get some other ones and then some of the stuff when I mentioned those like special Ergo drops from bosses some of the stuff you can exchange those for it's a weapon or it's an amulet so if you don't love the weapon check out what the amulet can do and you might get some good ones this one specifically is like plus four in technique if that's my play style and this thing's giving me plus four for not much of a difference and that's going to help my weapon that I choose to use that's like you know technique heavy might be worth going into this one if it does more there's also ways when you get into skills to change how many amulets you can hold we'll get to that too now there's another thing uh this one took me a long time to figure out sometimes there's going to be a pink butterfly flying around and I know that's going to sound really weird but if you can attack the pink butterfly do it because it's going to drop something that's probably beneficial for you could be important could be not that important but if you see a pink butterfly I didn't know this for quite a while and I've missed a few of them go attack it because that's its goal I thought it was like guiding me somewhere not really doing that it's just something you need to chase down before it disappears and attack it so you can get whatever it's going to drop alright so the next thing is going to be Legion arms now this is going to be your left arm and you can see I've got this kind of attack thing on it basically what that's going to do hold on let me reset and this first one is just going to do the Scorpion get over here and that's one of the first things that you find now you've got a bunch of different ones that are going to have different effects and they also have different tiers to them so early on this thing will only pull things to me we'll also only pull certain things to you later on you can basically grapple and you can travel over there so if you want to cover some ground that'll let you cover some cool grounds um there's electric ones there's flame ones and then there's a few others that do some unique things but when you go to upgrade them see what all of the upgrades do because you get one currency that unlocks the different arms which you'll get to once you get far enough in and you get another currency that you use to upgrade some of the arms use different stats same as weapons so if like one of the arm like Legion arms is a motivity one that's going to be beneficial for me because that's the stats that work well for me if another one of the arms is like Flame but it's like a advanced stat that's not going to be doing nearly as much for me now it still may be beneficial in certain situations but depending on your build and your stats that you go into it will also determine which of your lesion arms are going to be kind of best for your build and play style you could use anyone you want but some are definitely going to be more effective depending on what stats they are and you can check that as you're going through it again I'm trying not to spoil a lot of stuff because I want you guys to find this on your own I'm just explaining it to you and putting all these little pieces of knowledge in your head so when you get there hopefully you remember or come back to the video all right before we actually go through assembling a weapon I do want to talk to you guys about weapon upgrades notice one of these says plus six one of these says plus one and then one of these has a little lightning bolt in the corner so you've got certain weapons these are all normal weapons that I have found out in the world if you find a weapon you're going to use a currency to upgrade it that is going to be a little more on the common side any of the weapons that you get from the boss Ergo once you kill a boss and then you find the vendor that you can trade the Ergo in for and you pick a weapon it takes a different currency to upgrade that one so just something to be aware of if you're leveling up like one of the normal weapons you find and then later on you find a boss weapon you really like you won't have burned through the currency you need to level that thing up so honestly it's good to Tinker with one normal one that works with your stats and then see if there's a boss weapon that also works with your stats and then you can see which of those two you like using the most all right so now let's talk about weapon assembly this is one of the cooler unique things that you can do in this game honestly when it comes to souls games everything's gonna have you can find different weapons or different skills and you know you've got the lesion arm for different skills and stuff like that you'll see between a flamethrower electric shock you've got like mines and a little like Canon launcher the weapons are very unique what you're going to do is anytime you find a weapon more often than not you're gonna find it in a handle and a blade so you go to assemble a weapon you've got a blade choice and you've got a handle choice now knows the handle is one going to determine what stats it's going to be beneficial to and you also notice that this one specifically I have the alteration on to make it pure into motivity they're called cranks you find them at some point you're only able to buy a couple so be very specific if it's a weapon you do or a handle you know you enjoy using then use a crank on it to make it even further work for your playstyle or your stats but don't just use those Willy any anytime you use a crank to change the stats of a handle do it very deliberately because you're going to be you're not going to get a lot of options to do that so just make sure you're careful when you do now blades on the other hand you can find blades that may not have a handle like I've got the Baton head and you've got all these different options but you can mix and match so some of this is going to look really goofy so let's say we've got a salamander dagger blade and again these are all stuff that I've found I literally have no boss weapons so hopefully this is too spoilery all right this is probably the most ridiculous one I found a big pipe wrench now you'll see the Fable art it's one thing I haven't discussed but this Fable art gather your strength for a strong hit hold down the attack button to activate a stronger hit so I'm gonna make that the head and then you want to do something really ridiculous we're going to make a booster let's do the electric shock coil handle or if you want to get really ridiculous you can do a dagger handle with a giant blade now the dagger handle is going to have a fable art this is a retreating stab stab an enemy in front of you and quickly move backwards so I can technically stab them with a pipe wrench head it's not the most used usual thing but technically it will work now you'll notice the Fable Arts are two different things so in the bottom of this one you'll see I've got a fable art patient Smash and this is gather your strength and it takes one blue bar right now where I am the skill tree and everything I have three blue bars and by doing different attacks you'll charge them up so I could do this patient smash somewhat consistently but over on the handle if I use the dagger handle it's going to take two so this one is going to take me two full bars to be able to stab and then back away quickly and then some of these are going to take three for example like this one here this blade slashing into me in front of you multiple times this is one I've been using but it takes all three of my fable Arts bars to be fully charged and then when I use it I cash all of them in and then I go but just to show you guys what this ridiculous weapon looks like equip it and now I have a tiny dagger handle with a giant pipe wrench so if I run over and attack this guy it's gonna look goofy but I can do it but it depends on what Fable Arts you have and again I can put this handle now you'll notice this is a dagger thing so it has that like thrusting motion to it but that's the way you would use a dagger but again you may have certain Fable Arts but when you get into certain things that you may want to just mix things up I may want to put the fire X blade handle handle on so I can use that one but maybe I want to put it on a let's see a spear handle so go ahead and craft that one I'm gonna go ahead and equip it and then now I've got a spear handle on an ax and again I'm getting more of that thrusting motion now if I go for a heavy attack it's going to be a little slower that's a double but then if I take this and I put it on a the proper handle you're going to see more of a slashing motion so if I put the ax handle with the actual exploding pickaxe handle now if I assemble this weapon and equip it now I've got actually this isn't even the red handle this is like a big like this is probably what the piper inch is supposed to be on but now I've got big swings this is I think what the pipe wrench goes to but you can mix and match as you like so you're going to have different attack Styles different stats but you're also going to have different um just different combinations and it's really up to you so that's the cool part maybe I want this booster glaive blade this is going to have its thing but I'm going to put it with the dancer's curved sword handle because I'm gonna have a rush forward quickly and slash multiple enemies if I do and then I'm also gonna have time the enemies attack to correctly deflect it and trigger a powerful attack so if I put these two together now I know I've got this thing big sweeping slashing handle and then if I actually trigger it correctly so that's the Parry that's the Parry so that's the Fable art now you'll notice up in the top left hand corner I have two blue bars yeah left because that's the periods trying to use but until that Perry actually goes off not that big of a deal but if I can get a Perry that works correctly and then I can turn around and do an attack that may be a really powerful setup for a certain build mine right now pretty basic but it works for me so that is weapon assembly one of the more unique features pay attention to the stats on the handle pay attention to the Fable arts and just kind of experiment and test stuff out pretty early on see what works for you and you'll actually have quite a bit of fun with that weapon system there's some cool stuff in there now there's one thing there's a guide in here if you forget anything basic go check it out but one of the things that you'll notice is there are quite a few like debuffs overheat very simple it's fire you can do it to enemies they can do it to you electric shock is going to be shock but they also have kind of an extra thing that they will do so you'll notice with overheat your character's guard regain amount will decrease with electric shock uh you will can receive continuous damage to your Fable slots so your blue bar that you've been saving up that cool attack if you're shocked you're going to lose that decay is acid and that'll actually hurt your weapon durability which is you know going to make certain things rough corruption just triggers your health just draining continuously disruption will straight up just kill you if it fills up so please fear disruption you will die shock is a really brutal one shock uh actually no break is the brutal one shock basically your character's stamina recovery decreases so if that gets fully up your stamina is going to be you're not going very far break sucks because when in break your character's HP Recovery through pulse cells immediately decreases so anytime break is on you and then you try and heal your heel is not useless but damn near so it's honestly better to try and run away get to a point of safety wait till break goes away then heal up fully before you go back in and try and smash your head against the wall when your heels aren't even doing that much there's one more thing though you'll notice um something like shock is going to be very effective against puppets because they are in fact you know machines there are other enemies which I'm not going to tell you until you get there but there are other enemies that you get to where fire might be a good idea it's about all I'm gonna say but there are certain enemies where certain effects that you can apply could be very very very beneficial to use and it might behoove you to experiment depending on what you face if something's a bit more organic fire might work that's that's about a spoiler as I'll get now currently I am in hotel crat now I'm not going to show you any of the hotel because I don't want to show you any of the figures or NPCs or spoil anything but when you are in the hotel there is a point in the story where you are going to be able to access the P organ which is your skill tree now the one thing I will tell you about the skill tree pick one skill and focus on it one at a time you're gonna get a currency called quartz now each quartz is going to let you pick two options take this for example you'll notice if I want to retain guard regain one that's just you know level one retains a certain amount of guard regain when I receive damage if you actually take full damage and you don't block your garter gain is gone so it's actually nice this would be one theoretically that would be good to go after if you know you can get some attacks in and your play style kind of leads into that everybody's play style can be different and honestly a lot of the skill tree can really make this game play into your play style a bit more but you'll notice this one is halfway full I don't have the effect yet I have the ability to increase the number of uh amulet equippable slots but you'll notice I have one in here right now and what you get to do is you get to pick a minor trait in each one of those slots but it takes two quarts to actually get the slot to be active and when I started I put one here one here one here thinking I would get the benefit my stupid self then figured out later on you need to fully complete one cell with the top and a bottom you know choice of the minor perk then it's active so make sure when you're going through phase one and then phase two and you'll notice it takes one two and then you unlock the next one and that will actually also unlock higher level things so if even if you get to phase three but you're like I really would like to have you know an extra Fable slot you can come down here and the nice thing is those little minor perks that you can get to you're gonna be able to get to like minor perk tier two or tier three depending on what you've unlocked but the biggest thing I can tell you without you know explaining it all and I haven't even beat the game yet but make sure you focus and do two courts in the same node that you want to unlock the main perk like increase staggerable window put you know get the minor perk in one and two before you move on to doing anything else like going after the pulse cells probably a big one because this is two extra heals that I can go for but you have to do two full like cells here before you unlock this one so I did it wrong please don't make my mistake do one do two do one do two then you'll unlock phase two and even if you want to go after this one once phase two is unlocked you can actually put better perks in your little minor selections for each one so piece of advice don't waste your quartz like I did early on two in each one focus it and then go on to the next one so that pretty much wraps up this tip video if you did enjoy the video If you learned something from it please drop a like below if there's something I you know didn't point out that you feel like is a crucial piece of information put that in the comments and if you guys want to do support the channel nice way to do this click the link in the description go check out raid I've got plenty of hours in it it's a nice way to pass your time on your phone and if you are new to the channel you enjoy my guides my tips videos and you just want to support me because you think it's a good video hit that subscribe button hit the alert Bell and I hope to see you guys in the next one hopefully you'll learn something and good luck out there it's a tough game but I'm having a lot of fun so hopefully you do too
Channel: Ebontis
Views: 112,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lies of P, Lies of P Beginners Guide, Beginners Guide, Beginner's Guide, Lies of P Tips, Lies of P Weapon Crafting, Lies of P Weapon Assembly, Lies of P Legion Arm, Legion Arm, Lies of P Guide, Lies of P Walkthrough, Lies of P Review, Guide, Tips, Walkthrough, P-Organ, Lies of P Skill Tree, How to Level Up in Lies of P, Lies of P Level Up
Id: MMoHDOQpwn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 25sec (2365 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 18 2023
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