Level 5 Spell Tierlist & Guide for Baldur's Gate 3

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hello welcome to the level five spell tier list as with my other tier lists this is my own subjective opinion if you do want to tell me I'm wrong please do me the courtesy and tell me why it is very much appreciated I will be looking for things such as what other spells on that class spell list does it require concentration if it does it will go down now we're at level five so instead of thinking about o is this useful throughout the game I'm going to be thinking about it kind of in Reverse as in do some lower level spells do the same or similar thing so if there's like a damaging spell for example do lower level spells perhaps do it better if they are upcast or are they just a little bit worse and it's probably worth spending a lower level spell slot than level five because at level five and the level cap we get a maximum of two level five spell slots per long rest unless of course you're warlock someone's going to tell me and you get three level five spell slots per short rest if you're a pure warlock anyway does the spell have any sort of utility or other effects that are very useful what type of damage does the spell do do if it does damage lightning and cold and radiant damage are generally going to put them higher because they can either be doubled or help against certain enemies and I will be avoiding thinking about specific items and subclasses for most of the time because that would take far too long and also something I don't think I've said is I am considering these when they cost a spell slot not from an item and not from a special subass ability otherwise I should be comparing items rather than spells so the first one is banishing Smite kind of interesting this is only ailable to BS via the magical Secrets at level 10 so BS don't get to pick this apart from at level 10 and just with the magical secrets so what does it do you get two different options either ranged or melee you roll to attack if you hit you do the weapon attack plus 5 d10 Force damage if the target ends up with fewer than 50 hit points then they will be banished if requires concentration to keep them banished one nice thing is there's no save against the banishment so I'm going to try this against that doesn't really matter which one let's say she's gone ACS have drawn the and so now this enemy can't be targeted also can't receive Buffs healing or do any damage to us just like banishment does at level four I'm a little bit torn for banishing Smite the damage it does is pretty good it's Force damage rarely resisted 5D 10 can crit and it can banish people but there's very specific hit point range I would probably I think for the most part if I really wanted to do damage I might use one of Glyph of warding or lightning bolt it won't do as much damage but the damage could be doubled it's a level three spell slot or I don't have it here actually but maybe polymorph just to take them out the battle or if I had it this banishment level four I I do like the effects that we can send someone away and what I really do like is that we can banish someone without them getting a saving through but we do require that would do require them to be in the hit point range of 1 to 49 see yeah I'm a bit torn kind of like it but for level five spell slot maybe I'd rather do something else but I don't think it's bad we get some damage and potentially get rid of them for two turns I do want to point out that this does use your bonus action if IID missed it would not have used up my bonus action next up is cloud kill available to Sorcerers Wizards circle of the spores and circle of the lands if they pick swamp or underduck now it can be upcast to deal an additional 1d8 poison damage I didn't say it earlier but banishing Smite can be upcast but doesn't do anything so we get this area and when we plunk it down the enemies make a saving throw which is a constitution saving throw if they fail they take 5 d8 poison damage look at that nine on 58 now it is poison damage so for example the steel Watcher didn't take any damage from that so this is definitely not going to be S TI now at the beginning of their turn if I can maintain concentration oh the Ste Watcher might ruin my plans yeah down she goes right I'm going to have to try that again so lella is going to cast this [Music] again it will affect allies so we do have to be careful now she's going toine what's he saying get out of Dodge at the beginning of their turn they take more damage so we see what happen for all of them they get another saving throw made against it so enemies will try and get out of the cloud which makes sense that it's not the end of the world and try use it against you which is a bit worse and what you can do on your next turn I obviously didn't think about this very well what you can do on your turn is recast Cloud kill now the range is a bit low so she's not going to be able to make it I could cast it here but obviously I would hurt will any of those outside of the globe of invulnerability would be hurt which actually would just be this fist but that's just my fault that's not the spell cloud kill's fa going to leave this at a yes it's concentration so that's a bit annoying and yes it's poison damage so some enemies are resistant or immune but it is very useful for thinning out large groups of enemies so they take damage when you cast it great and take damage on their turn great and then you can recast it to do even more damage it's such a large area and 5 d8 is pretty good I I think it's deserving of a tier cone of cold follows Cloud kill and it is available to Sorcerers Wizards fend warlocks but by the magical secrets and Arctic landroid skelets as well is lasel the famous wizard here it's kind of cold 88 cold damage if enemies pass a constitution saving through that will be hared there a cone quite a large cone I would say it will affect allies sadly but it is cold damage so what we can do make everyone wet and then we do that and we'll find one of them died already the others are very nearly dead simple effective it's in evocation spell so if in evocation wizard then you don't have to worry about your allies deals damage and it can be doubled with the wet condition what isn't to like next up is conjure Elemental this is available to wizards but by the magical Secrets Druids and warlocks if they pick the minions of chaos Aldrich invocation so the spell can be upcast I keep forgetting cone of cold can be upcast for an extra 1d8 cold damage so if you cast it at level five you get a normal Elemental there are four different types that each have their own different attacks so we've got an air Earth fire and water but very interestingly we can upcast this to level six so let's get a uh water merodon if that's how you pronounce it madon madon and so for example this madon can heal everyone within range that does include enemies but it does also make them wet which means you might be able to use a cold or Lightning Spell on them to kind of override any extra damage you do to them such as with chain lightning and next turn for example this water madon can do the same thing again the wet condition does only last for one turn some of them have got it for three or two there but usually is just one turn straight up to S tier the conjure spells don't require concentration and we got loads of different options and when you you can upcast it and I don't think any lower level spells can actually really do the same job as coner Elemental it's an amazing spell contagion is next which can be learned by cleric Druids and Bs via the magical Secrets it's got a few things going on this spell so first of all there are six variants each one is linked to one of the attributes so we've got wisdom strength Charisma and so on if you target wisdom the enemy can be blinded and they have disadvantage on wisdom checks and importantly saving throws strength disadvantage on strength check saing throws and attack rolls that use strength for Charisma quite looks really cool right is Afflicted with vulnerability to all damage sweet for intelligence they become fuddled so a bit like being confused basically can't control his actions and wanders around without Direction dexterity disadvantage on checks that use dexterity basically and attack rols and lastly Constitution they when they're hit they become become stunned and disadvantaged on saving throws for constitution they all sound pretty good I'm going to go with the stunned one let's go for constitution so you have to make an attack roll to actually hit the enemy and they get contagion poisoned stage one so at the moment they have disadvantage on attack rolls and checks that's okay I suppose each turn it must exceed a saving throw or the poisoning will worsen on three successes it recovers on three failures it contracts a disease all right so um going have to wait a few turns to see what happens now we can't upcast it to do anything extra so we'll see this enemy should have disadvantage on this attack R yeah disadvantage there awesome now let's go and check so they failed their saving Thro dc18 and have now got contagion poison stage two and at the end of his turn poison stage three and the next time if they fail they will then finally have the disease and finally they're now stricking with slimy Doom see if we can uh put this to work and now they're stunned awesome but that took three turns almost every enemy can be killed in that time for a level five spell slot this is not worth it the vast majority of the time you do not need to be waiting three four turns to make sure this happens and you might not even work you could wait three turns and they pass pass pass and that's it level five spell slot wasted so what you can do is cast this on someone who's neutral and they're going to make their saving throws and they don't become aggressive until they potentially fail fascinating and even now that they failed they're still not uh aggressive still not hostile so now I can do this and they're St no talking your way out of this I'm really not impressed with the spell it takes far too long and it's not even guaranteed if you've got a very high spell save DC and you've got a boss that you can cast this on before they become hostile then maybe I can see it working but for my guess is 95% of the fights out there 90% of the fights out there you're just going to do better at killing the enemy than casting this and you're having to wait three turns before you actually get any use out of it at a minimum after contagion we have curriculum of strategy Artistry of War this is not a Dungeons and Dragons fifth edition spell this is a spell larion have added and it's quite unique there's only a single Scroll of it in the game it could be found in rami's Tower in Boulder's Gate so you can't actually get this before act three it is only available to wizards by virtue of the fact that it can only be scribed from a scroll it can only be cast at level five and only casts once per short rest now what does it do it sends out six projectiles there is actually a mistake here it sends out six projectiles each dealing 8 to 18 which is 2d6 plus 6 damage per projectile this 18 to 78 is wrong the 12 D6 is correct but this shouldn't be plus 6 this should be plus 36 so the actual damage range is 48 to 1008 and it's pretty much exactly like magic Missile but way way way way better so I'm just going to launch oh I can do quite a lot of damage here so maybe one two three three four five [Music] six no I split that maybe I shouldn't have split that up now all of these can be linked with the spel my gloves like will is that was it a star this currently got on any bonus you can give to magic Missile you can give to curriculum of strategy Artistry of War if you upcast magic Missile to level five you get nowhere near this damage because magic Missile each missile only does come I say only only does 1 D4 plus one damage here each missile does 2 D6 plus 6 damage there's nowhere else for this to go except up to a s tier this is just a supert magic Missile the only downside is you can only cast it once per short rest but then again you're only going to get on the Wizards two level five spell slots to begin with you can use Arcane recovery I suppose to get one more and there is at least one item one item that gives a level five spell slot back destructive wave is next which is quite a rare spell to have it's only available to Tempest and light domain clerics no one else so you get two different variants either one variant that does necrotic 5d6 necrotic damage plus 5d6 Thunder but the other variant does 5d6 radiant instead of necrotic I'm probably going to go with radiant probably all the time it's got this AOE one lovely thing is it does not affect allies so not only does it do damage but you also knock enemies prone in fact I killed two people with it in that one go the saving throw is actually for harving the damage not for resisting being knocked prone the only reason the steel Watcher wasn't knocked prone is because they're immune to being knocked through so this spell not only does damage in an area of effect it doesn't affect Ally and automatically knocks people prone which is really good because then allies will have advantage on Attack Force from within 10 ft and also they have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws which could be good potentially for another spellcaster I don't have it here but I chain lightning for example that's a high level spell but you know I'm torn between A and S for this uh this is a very very good spell the only thing I dislike well not dislike the only thing I think could be better is if the prone condition lasted longer or or if there was a way to keep doing damage on subsequent turns it doesn't require concentration but compared to insect plague which has some other things going through it as well if you can have an enemy take damage from this just for two turns that's as much damage as it's going to be about the same sort of average as Thunder Wave has done a destructive wave is done not Thunder Wave don't get me wrong I think this is an awesome spell but it just doesn't quite get up to s for me next up is the throne this is very very similar to curriculum of strategy Artistry of war in the sense that we get it from Ram Tower and it's just a scroll so only Wizards can learn this and it's a Boulders Gate 3 unique spell so you can cast this once per long rest it can't be upcast the enemy makes a constitution saving throw if they fail they take 10 D6 plus 20 damage if they succeed they take half the damage so let's use it here 54 damage this is awful I'd much rather get used culum strategy Artistry of War let's keep that one alive and be guaranteed to do pretty much more damage it's netic damage which can be resisted or some enemies are immune to and it's once per long rest maybe for some items or maybe the necromancy subass or something it's fine it's bloody awful but when we've got these two spells there's almost zero reason to take the throne when we've got the Artistry of War spell up here and this you can even spread the damage out across multiple enemies down here you can Target a single enemy and for level five spell slot please this is not a enough damage nowhere near enough damage especially since we can only cast it once per long rest it's just I think fan of all the Spells they added they missed the mark with this one the spel evil and good is up next which is only available to clerics aberration Celestial Elementals faith and Undead have disadvantage on attack RS against you you can also break enchantments that charm frighten or possess allies hang on a second hang on a second protection from evil and good so Target can't be Charmed or frightened or possessed by them by any of these types of enemies and when the creatures attack it they have disadvantage now the one difference is that the spell evil and good can actually break these enchantments whereas protection from evil and good protects you against them you know prevention is better than cure and all that but I mean I just I haven't actually used this um I'm not saying that is useless it probably says more about me than it does about the spell but I find a long rest cures most things or just killing people cures most things there will be some where this is useful where enemies might be possessed there are some in act three I suppose but I'm not going to waste one of my spells prepared this is a cleric spell only I'm not going to waste one of my spells prepared for this I feel like this spell is made for one one specific fight in act three I don't this might be another one of those spells where I personally just don't know the use for it because I just haven't found the need for it I've never ever been in a situation where I'm like ooh I wish I had topel evil and good you can tell me where where have I missed the use for this because I just don't see myself using it most of the time oh and also add to the fact that to give the enemies disadvantage those particular enemies disadvantage on attack rolls yeah it requires your concentration and that's why I never use it it requires concentration yeah I'm quite happy to stick it down in detail now next up is dominate person this is available to bars Sorcerers Wizards Arch Fay warlocks great old one warlocks trickery and knowledge domain clerics so you have to Target a humanoid and they make a wisdom saving throw attitude laser - 25 and if they fail they will now act as your ally now it does require concentration so I need to get out of here before the steel Watcher comes and gets meth lies before me so then we'll see this fist here attack some of his allies awesome instead of us if he takes damage he will get to make another wisdom saving throw so I would suggest leave that enemy alone do not TCH touch them now this does only affect humanoids if it affected more enemies maybe I'd put it up to a tier but it is I think it is a good spell solid pick because you really really do change the action economy so that enemy now instead of me having to worry about him and damage him he's actually going to help out and we'll kill these people faster so instead of having four turns in one round I've now effectively got five and one less enemy upcasting it doesn't do anything if you can cast on two or two people that would be great but my B here couldn't do that some of the level four spells don't quite turn the enemy to your side but you can take them out of action so you've got poor we've got banish we've got a hypnotic pattern we've got like several things other ways of doing not exactly the same but something similar for level four spell slot instead of level five and I think that's probably one of the reasons I'm going to leave it at B but if you don't have any of those options available then perhaps it would be up to a next up is flame strike available to cleric and fiend Warlock this can be upcast at level five it does 5d6 fire and 5d6 radiant damage at level six it's an extra 2d6 damage this is the equivalent damage of a level five fireable however there are some differences one there two different sources of damage both the dexterity saving throws two different sources of damage which does mean it forces like two concentration checks and if you've got any damage Riders any other damage going on top of any damage you already do it will affect both which is actually a benefit you don't need to have a direct path for the for flame strike it just comes down but the radius is a bit smaller nice and the thing is most of the subclasses that get flame strike do not get fireable like the main cleric do and fiend warlocks do like cleric also get destructive wave which I would say destructive wave is clearly better than flame strike it's the same damage but it does thunder and potentially radiant which are both better than fire damage and knocks people prone and it's a larger area and it doesn't affect allies but the other sub classes who don't get destructive wave flame strike will be more useful but with destructive wave here and potentially a level five Fireball for a couple of sub classes I don't think I can place this any higher again it's not a bad spell but there are better Alternatives restoration is next and before I carry on I just do just want to say that until now I was recording during patch 3 patch 4 has come out and I've continued recording so there might be some changes but I don't think any of these spells have been affected anyway greater rest ation is available to BS clerics and Druids and what does it do touch a creature and negates any charm petrification stun or curse afflicting it now I'm kind of very disappointed by this spell because charm can be negated by Cal emotions a level two spell petrification we do have some basilisk oils around in the game which can do the same thing plus I've never found many people to be petrified anyway stun I haven't found anything else to get a character out of stun which so you know works there or curse well we've got a level three spell called well remove curse and cleric and Druids can also prepare that at any time and in the middle of a combat I probably it depends a bit but I probably don't want to use a whole action to remove Stone from someone and a level five spell slot I'd rather use my level five spell slot to let's see flame strike or well in this case destructive wave almost certainly I'd rather kill an enemy then use an action to get one of the of my characters to have an action if said character that was stunned was a very high damage dealing character then maybe if I know that they're going to be able to kill many more enemies than I can maybe I would use it but in all my playthroughs so far I haven't actually used it because there are pretty much three of the four conditions can be dealt with in other ways with lower level spell slots and it's just not as I've just really not needed it and the thing is stun doesn't last usually outside of combat so it's not like ooh outside of combat I can can unun someone I'm afraid I'm going to have to leave it down here I'm starting to feel bad at how many I'm leaving down here but when we compare it to some other spells that we can have I don't think it really does deserve to go any higher and then we have hold monster this is available to BS Sorcerers warlocks Wizards and War domain clerics this pretty much does hold person except for many other creatures one type of creature doesn't actually hold it doesn't have any effects on Undead but it can be upcast to level six to get an additional Target so I can actually hold a steel Watcher bad behavior caught this guard's eye and just in case you are unaware all attacks from within 10 ft are always Critical Hits so what you can do I'm not saying you should necessarily do this I just want to check necrotic damage good you could upcast inflict wounds up to level six maybe get an automatic critical hit I'm sure there many other things you can do instead of that but just want to show it off anything with an attack for can get a critical hit from within 10 fet I'm struggling between s and a the main downside is it does require concentration to keep this going but I'm going to put it in a I think I'll put hard person in a the reason I'm a bit reluctant to do that is because it requires a level five spell slot and it does only affect a single enemy but if you're willing to use a level six spell slot I guess you could affect two enemies you can twin this and at high levels the enchantment school I think can actually affect two enemies with this instead of just one but holding an enemy is really really strong you take them out of the turn order they have to make a wisdom saving throw and they do get to make a wisdom saving throw every turn to get out of it but by the end game you I would hope your spell casts have a very good spell safe DC and then we have insect plague available to clerics Druids and Sorcerers so you get an area of effect quite large actually pretty good area and it does 4 d10 damage although if you upcast it it will do 5 d10 damage makes the area difficult to rain and it imposes this advantage on perception checks I don't know if enemies actually make perception checks maybe when they try to locate a hidden person they will but let's see it in action witnessed assaulting someone the enemies do obviously try and get the way out of it so we got some damage done now lots of enemies either past the saving throw or got resistance against it when they fail you know for d10 is is respectable so what we can try and do come on L there we are it says succeeded on a saving throw against insect plague and the DC there was 14 whereas originally DC 18 which does seem a little bit bugged at the moment it's difficult terrain so very much slowed down yeah the DC seems to be set at 14 which is a bug should be 18 because the cter had it at 18 before H concentration broken sadly I think in its current state as of patch four because of that bug dc14 by the time we get this at level 9 most enemies will pass that not all but most had it not had that Burg and the DC was what it should be at 18 i' probably leave it at B it does require concentration which doesn't help and it does affect allies unlike destructive wave up here if you can keep enemies inside it you've got a good place to cast it actually it can go up it is a bit dependent as I've shown with some other spells in other videos as well but with the current bug I don't think it's worthy of being higher than C tier next up is mass cure wounds available to BS clerics and Druids so what does it do unleash soothing harm of energy right so you heal up to six targets must be allies you can't heal enemies but why would you want to do that anyway you cannot heal neutral characters interestingly and you get to choose who it goes on is you have to click the targets manually if you upcast it it's extra 1d8 healing it does normally sorry 3d8 plus 5 healing for a level five spell slot uh you know what I don't think it's enough healing yes we can have some items that affect it but do you know what if you want to heal allies and have the effects I'd rather use Mass healing W to get people up I'm sure some of you do use and have used M cure wounds they really get you out of a tight spot but in general healing during combat is just not as effective as killing enemies and stopping all future damage from that enemy in the first place for me this is another C tier spell there might be some Niche uses I'm sure with life clerics actually be very good because they get to add an extra 10 hit points to that and that actually does make quite a lot stronger if you want to heal outside of combat take a short rest or long rest I would suggest or Prayer of Healing for level two spell it's good maybe as an emergency backup but if you want to as I said earlier if you want to give out the Buffs from the items for healing I would use Mass cure wounds instead enemies here are doing way more damage than what I just healed 27 damage 19 damage and I you know I healed as much as one enemy's single action and using my action to do it really really isn't worth it next is planer binding which is available to B cleric Druids and wizards so you target a Celestial Elemental Fay or fiend and pretty much it's the same as dominate person but for these particular enemy types or character types NPC types so let's do it on the water Elemental obviously people aren't very happy about this but now the water Elemental is on my side I'll skip to its turn so it will act in my favor on its turn yeah go nice since I've already shown you dominate person I don't think there's much more to say I think it's fair just to put it in B it does the same thing as dominate person but it just affects different types of creatures that's all the enemy makes a wisdom saving throw against it same as dominate person upcasting planer binding doesn't do anything for you either so you're pretty much stuck at doing one enemy of course there are some sub classes that can Target too and now we have seaming which is available to BS Sorcerers Wizards Arch Fay warlocks and trickery domain clerics so seeming disguises up to four members of your adventuring part party you have to Target the members upcasting doesn't do anything 1 2 3 4 it chooses some appearances at random this is pretty much disguised self but applying it to other people as well and there are some good uses of Disguise self one I could go and commit some crimes mostly and then come out of these disguises back to my normal self shouldn't be targeted if you kill someone once you speak with dead on them you can disguise yourself before or after the fact ask some other uses though so lasel let's turn you and you can adjust your disguise let's turn you into a [Music] gnome because I do have some gloves Nimble fingers here they are so gnomes are granted a plus two to dexterity let's see it's at 16 she isn't usually a gnome but it we we are essentially a gnome here we don't get the benefits of gnomes but any items that give benefits to certain races do get those bonuses so now the dexterity is 18 some items give bonus to GI Yanke there's a few of them and also some places require you to be small to get inside such as this hole here the game is telling us being smaller is good for getting inside holes whereas the larger races cannot get in man does not fit in a small hole well said will but if we do turn him to that doesn't have to be a gnome let's say a halfling this time I can get inside now the thing is a few quite a few classes do get the sky self which is a ritual this does cost a level five spell slot you will be using this outside of combat there I don't really think there's much use inside of combat unless you really want to get through a hole somewhere I don't think there are many combats with holes right near right next to where the combat is but on the flip side not every class gets access to disguise self there is an item that gives you the same effect as this I forgotten who's got it it disguise kit now before I use the disguise kit I do want to point out you can dispel your disguise by using a button on the right back to his usual Dragon Bor self and then I can use the disguise kit I don't know let's say a fome although a disguise kit is one one use only I can only be in this disguise or dispel it and then I can get inside the hole so the fist got a bit of a brick for this spell I don't personally use it that much but I can see its benefits outside of combat it's a completely a utility spell really the one thing I don't like about it is that it's a level five spell slot and we only get two of those per day I know some classes can regenerate them there are items but I'd rather use usually use one of the ones above over seeming but there will be times where I guess seaming will be very very useful for you Lights of the cely summon diva is up next and this is only available to wizards same reason that curriculum of strategy Artistry of War and the throne are only available to wizards because it's only found on a single scroll in the game and once again it is from ramit's Tower down in the basement down inside the vaults fascinating so we can cast it once there's no option once per short rest can't upcast it and we get a diva this diva is exactly the same as a diva you get from using a level six spell oh what's it called the level six spell pler ally so if you're if you want to use a level five spell slot instead to get a diva get a wizard to do it and another reason this is an amazing is that now a wizard can summon a diva that's not usually what Wizards can do so what can the diva do well its weapon attack does 1 D6 plus 4 plus 48 radiant damage cool stuff it can fly it can revivify you Wizards now have a way to revivify people it's got massive Wings it's a bonus right so it can fly around which is always useful and it can use wrathful Smite concussive smash 136 hit points Armor class of 21 pretty good for a summon they have now permanently Divas so we can't steal these ones quite so easily so yeah pretty useful violence hasn't gone un notic H gets to go first he us his action already anyway straight up to S TI most summons are amazing there an extra body on the battlefield soaking up damage dealing out damage and this has really got a lot of hit points High Armor class can rify anyone who goes down and does fairly decent damage like what's not to like next up is telekinesis available to Sorcerers Wizards great old one warlocks and knowledge domain clerics now if you come reloading here all the time you'll find that this reporter is constantly talking out loud so maybe you wanted to get her off the cliff so we can cast Telekinesis the enemy has to make a strength saving throw or the target maybe not an enemy and then you can move them up to 60 ft now I did test this earlier there we are oh saved I'm going to try that again unfortunately this I don't feel like this should happen since the saving throw was made I don't actually maintain concentration on the spell cuz it is a concentration spell upcasting it doesn't do anything you were witnessed assaulting someone she got thrown down there she took some damage not much because she's not that heavy so it's 1 D4 just from the spell itself and then from the falling damage she took five now we're going to put this to good use later hopefully I will Ascend now assuming you maintain concentration you can then use the telekinesis effect again the spell lasts 10 turns so this time I'm going to Target the steel Watcher and it doesn't matter that they weigh ,500 we can still throw them down we got to find a path though they didn't move cuz they had the command on them but that looks like it'll work there they go pretty cool and this time the steel watch took 67 blooding damage from falling because they're much heavier I've gone and put everything my party owns into a single bag my hand bag so it's got an item weight of 2,463 quite a large value I would say still use telekinesis on it going to Target a poor Refugee they saved against it what do they save against it it's very strange World 19 right let's get it back get over here send it back in it to feed my seriously 19 again one lucky Refugee but even when we fill it fill it with loads of stuff it still only does two4 damage now I want to put forward evidence that scratch's strength here should be about 10 times higher not 11 so I'm going to throw the same bag around the bag that weighs 2,463 any picks and runs with it like it's absolutely nothing so here you go buddy get the handbag back I'm going to stick it and B here what I don't like is that it requires concentration and you can use this effect only once per round I I kind of understand why it's kind of how fifth edition works but it means I can't use these other good spells in that turn now obviously you could use on your allies to throw them somewhere up maybe you can use it to get items around through bars maybe in accessible places perhaps you can throw really heavy enemies ones you wouldn't usually be able to shove for example and you can do quite a bit of damage to these enemies as well like that steel Watcher I think it's a solid choice I use it quite a lot on my first playr actually but there are usually better spells to use in most circumstances but still you can play fetch with it with scratch so maybe it should be like above s TI and lastly we have Wall of stone this is available to Druids Sorcerers Wizards nature domain clerics and Bs fire than magical secrets so it does require concentration upcasting doesn't do anything and then you can create a wall of stone it creates non-magical solid real Stone so you pick a place to start your wall pick a final position for it let's see here oh I do not know why that didn't work oh there we are that looks a bit lame right we've got a patrolling steel watch here we'll see what it does and actually now it's decided do you know what I can't go down on the rest of my patrol which is usually down here and back and it's just going to patrol up and down so you can use it to kind of inclose enemies but you can't just do that anywhere if they can walk around a wall of stone I'm sure enemies will when I was actually trying this out the steel watch I created a slightly different wall the still Watcher jumped over it to this side on the left but then only patrolled up and down didn't actually jump back over that way now these Stone pills kind of only have 30 hit points and they are vulnerable to thunder damage and force damage thankfully there isn't a time limit I really have used this very rarely but when I've said that for a few other spells people come up with loads of good instances of where they have used it so kind of going to give it I was going to put it in C tier but I feel like I'm just going to give it the benefit of the doubt maybe just nudge it up to be just in the hope that some of you will actually give me some good ideas of and and not just me but everyone good ideas of where to use wall of stone because I do feel like it has kind of been pointed out to me I think I'm a little bit too harsh on some of these utility spell anyway there we have it for my list let me know where you would put some of these have I really done contagion of dirty put it to low down do I love hold monster and conjure Elemental too much you let me know thank you very much for watching thank you to all the members of my channel and hopefully I'll catch you in the next one
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 44,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 tierlist, tierlist baldur's gate 3, tierlist baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 tierlist, bg3 level 5 spell tierlist, spell tierlist bg3, baldurs gate 3 spell tierlist, spell tierlist baldurs gate 3, level 5 spell tierlist bg3
Id: t47hlOkA19Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 45sec (2265 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 13 2023
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