Let's RUIN Pokemon Mystery Dungeon

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yes i too watch the boat


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/buttface1000 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
as a kid pokemon mystery dungeon made me sad and now with the six-foot middle school bully with repressed emotions and no outlet for it but through my mouse and keyboard that i am i wish to hurt it I wish to destroy it dude I love pokemon mystery dungeon though although don't worry we hopefully will not by the time we're done with this live screen pikachu one in the bottom-left corner forget the watches we dissolve the main forces on the main screen put a timer of like thirty seconds on the board now it doesn't start crashing in just about a second for now yo can I make like surprise Pikachu out of Bellsprout oh I have an idea guys alright what do you think has something to do with sans guys okay thank you all for enjoying Dobb on the channel but uh from bell boat was telling me that he made a a tell video now he's like an undertone TV yeah why show your moves apparently one guy just said I was a was an undertale content creator and all of a sudden all the people who didn't know who I was was like oh okay that's Phil bow he plays the maze I mean he does undertale on his channel well I mean it is true you are an undertale creed I hate you guys stop it I'm like y'all who's starting this rumor this needs to stop I don't know what I'm doing anymore I'm lost I've lost motivation for this perfect that means they're already on the right check my guy hello everyone oh I'm a bit late I was too busy watching sailboats undertale video scream this is modern art that is that looks like a screaming person I forget with it exactly that's exactly how do you I do the repeating thing they I swear they just hold shift and drag it oh yeah hold shift and drag and paint oh like crying pig it's you in the bottom-left corner this oh hey do I just beat him like a sight like I like a five-sided face brush oh oh my god I have also gotten soul leaves his body smudge it dude this is awesome this is the first I found a way to make it work [Music] it's like golden alright looks like the Disney logo it's like okay hey everybody I'm filming you're watching the Ken this is just Bellsprout what are you talking about I'm not a doctor but I'm pretty freakin sure it's not see it's bills bro it's like facial reconstruction surgery except some is an actual see it's more like closer to Silence of the Lambs like this skin mask or something then that is not Bellsprout man you know I don't really know who made this I took the guy who made this masterpiece yeah yeah shoutout to the artist on this one I got no I got no idea who this is okay how did you just do that wait a minute whoa that was witchcraft how did you don't worry about don't worry I'm worrying or you know Thank You Mario for the concern I'll just present mine for the group you guys have already seen it I saw you guys peeping at my screen here but uh yeah this is just a nice normal oil painting it looks really disturbing I call welcome to Belle think about it it looks like it's winking because the pink rim around the other eyelid yeah my requires a piece of music to be played with it oh okay okay already and get into the atmospheric presentation it's so good with the music I just saw the Bellsprout and now that's buffed Eevee was always ready for damn girl what a buffs I like that you like crying then what would happen to him depression doesn't discriminate Dobbs we didn't get a storm so we can't evolve you know yeah he's just a level one TV I cry in memory of the gains I have not gained that is a high quality stone finally Buffy on oh it's a fighting-type that's perfect [Laughter] you are now in on the fight here yes I have a question can we make video well that's a new one oh you know what I would feel ashamed to say no close it this had nine tails but it's just tale may be singular tale okay I'm doing it No my pen your pet are you using a drawing tablet yes for oh my okay you know what go go ahead see you got this you just wait you're gonna be like wow you actually just did it do you know what maybe I will say that maybe I'll say please never make an appearance on this channel many things could be said many things who knows what I could say give me some more lights eyeballs is harder than I thought it would be you know what okay that I'm glad I'm glad it's harder than you thought it would be otherwise this is just be too easy of a job now wait I mean you could always give him googly eyes but that would be too easy you always stop I mean we don't do that on these three people here we're up we don't serve that the boring test for boring people what if I just define the shape of a but Contador awareness is like forbidden weapon it's so useful but at what cost must you use it I gotta make it frown - it can't experience the happiness joy from what I'm doing no I don't estrellas re it's actually a good way to improve your photoshopping yeah and then absolutely contribute nothing to your pubes oh yeah you wanna you wanna hire me for this job well I got an extensive portfolio here let me show you some of my work why are so many people telling you to give Wigglytuff a gun fail I'm cat escaped I like look okay he doesn't even get oh no okay I'd be the best thing I've ever made my life oh my god we've sent some high standard Dobbs you feeling confident with yours I'm feeling very very confident I I think this will win it all oh okay okay the whole shebang quiet down for this one [Music] it's like you know when you're evolving but you're not sure if it's the right [Music] hold the B button hold it please I don't want to grow older I love it oh no it's so disturbing I don't watch its tail I don't know why he fought against to lose eight tails and a foot just go ahead and give it it at one in South Park Canadian characters are the top of the hailing papa hey buddy I'm not dead what are we supposed to do right now we get a Pokemon and take away its most defining trait oh oh go back with no mouth we're gonna be a electro but it's one color a red ball is reapply the same liquefied effect no I made it with him flip now it's officially a meme um what takeaways a build oh no we're working on the same Pokemon oh right for guy my brush is still Pikachu's face I was wondering like why why is there just like a transparent Pikachu just chillin hey did I show you did I put the Wigglytuff one yet no I never tasted the Wigglytuff one hold on a second well here's the first well I'll tell you this request definitely isn't looking right I dare say they're looking a little fishy everybody well III took away the most recognizable character what the heck is that you literally muscled mine out of the way Machamp that or what are you gonna rat a champ that's actually a might am I took off his arms as well I hate that you've now given me the vision that those aren't those three little disks are removable and they're just like toast [Laughter] consider mod champ toaster you what it is mod champs head but you put in three pieces of bread push it down and they just come back up they said his wig was snatched and his arms were too all right so I went with meows and you people know that the economy is not that good right now Oh so meows gotta had to go and file for bankruptcy okay no we said we had to remove what made the Pokemon Pokemon yeah there is no more payday for me except piece of eel these are very real he's crying makes it even better okay make a Dragonball Z Pokemon care yeah I mean with that gotta catch a ball gotta catch them all that's my dog Duncan oh I love your content I know I don't get it this says it's like transparent they like what I drag it out is not transparent yeah that you'll run into that a lot Google image lies to us then it's a place of villainy and filth a place of villainy and Phil that's right and by the way Google thank you so much for that recent paycheck oh yeah I did forget about that well disconnects from the call yep here's mine so uh I decided poor poor Raisa from before I let my little ray cross a fish friend he needed yours okay go for it oh wait sorry did I just like interrupt your oh yeah I did I thought it was the wreck was over there yeah this is a really weird Rayquaza well its power levels certainly unknown I'll tell you that much I present yeah there yeah I present you the super c9 own the most powerful pokémon of all with a wide selection of move pools mines doesn't make sense cuz I can't finish it in time the finals ended before does that give you more time it's like a deed I call him chillin [Laughter] [Music] I'm sending it now I really did it this is what happens when you try to make each turn see gastro Tianshan huh well let's see mr. mime is it oh no its gastro Don I can't read this emotion I can't tell if he's like ready to fight angry neutral his body stance is looking like he's about to punch you his face says he's still trying to decide what he's getting from the grocery store here nice eye I liked flexing my brain on Photoshop well since the stream is over I guess you could say this video is mystery dungeon hello hey hey what's up doves what's up dude all right so no hello just so you guys you guys are live right now oh oh well we uh no okay maybe I should've clarified that I'm a family-friendly channel completely on me well I guess is an amazing start to the segment welcome everybody to vote photoshopping weird things in Pokhara mystic pokemon mystery dungeon DX probably the most unorganized way I've ever set this up hit me up like 30 minutes ago I'm like yeah sure oh god well good morning get a good afternoon viewers Fantastico livestream okay
Channel: Failboat
Views: 811,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Pokemon, Mystery Dungeon, Rescue Team, DX, New, Switch, Ruining, Photoshop, Mystery, Dungeon, pokemon mystery dungeon switch, mystery dungeon dx, pokemon mystery dungeon rescue team dx
Id: n1zjRmlhvjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 10sec (910 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 05 2020
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