I now hate Pokemon challenges

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have you ever wondered what your final words will be when you die never forget me i love you we should euthanize half the biduf population pokemon butt hard mode if my pokemon faint they die and i can only capture the first pokemon i see in each new route plus on top of those restrictions lies the hardest hurdle of them all i am really really stupid combine that idiocy with some terrible luck and you have a 22 minute train wreck of a video so sit back subscribe if you enjoy my brand of suffering and let's struggle through some pokemon whoa those are some weird looking pokemon we should just stab them and see if they die i mean we're doing the pokemon challenge run if a pokemon faints it dies if they die that just means they're pokemon oh what an idiot he left his bag now i have to commit theft and robbery all right chad it's time for you to make a very important decision which pokemon will we bring with us to eventually die with us we got hip church wig um and also you guys get to choose whatever you like all right the pole is open all right the pole is closed where am i why was i chosen to bleed my turtle was way tougher than yours oh you took tur wig of course he did blood oh yeah also my chat named my rival blood don't worry about that ooh you found the briefcase press would have gotten to the roof if i knew i forgot it here you use those pokemon oh no he just kicks the frick case into the water i can't let him know you use the pokemon that's fired if he finds out it kicks into the water the chimchar is like wait do we have any pokeballs technically the nuzlocke doesn't start unless we have pokeballs oh who cleans the room here this floor is more polished than the gameplay i really think the pokemon devs were like wow they say our game isn't polished we'll show them they didn't understand the twitter criticism pokemon brilliant wall and pokemon shining floor what are we calling our little piplup clump why do i like clump plump yellow clump all right we're going clump gonna finally give me my pokeballs pokeballs and with that the nuzlocke properly begins time to capture our first pokemon who will be our first travel pie it's a bit of it's just a bit of hello there party fodder try not to immediately die okay clump learned gun good nerves of steel nothing can perturb it this is a plump mouse pokemon wait wait this thing's meant to be a mouse has the dev team ever seen a beaver before or did they just guess you might be able to stop your own hunger but pick a god and pray because you'll never stop hunger hello new encounter again yeah okay here we go what are we getting well hold on no that that's all right i've never enacted the duke claws this fast yeah you can't have repeats so no no badoof on this on this route but those solo run cowards also it's probably a good time to mention i'm allowed to technically use one item per battle of course no i'm still allowed to use as many pokeballs as i want on the first encounter all right here we go second pokemon welcome to sinnoh everybody if we get a third manoop we're just taking them the dupe claws yeah we don't need a dope claws we need a dope claws for these guys we're gonna grind to our first evolution purely off the corpses of the doofs come on baby come on baby new pokemon please no never mind puma noobs two medusa against the world this decision will probably kill me in the long run but i'm a man of my word at least battalion right there we go what what do we name in our badoof another one has been added to your party yeah plump bunga and another one what we have we have the two sides of the same coin we have this bunger who's slow but buff then we have another one which is slow but tanky this is the bunger brothers you cannot take this from me why is this team like putting together a mcdonald's order yeah i'll get two burgers and i'll water please call this team the value meal good sent out bitter fire you know what we'll lower the threshold it's the doof clause if we get two badoops in a row next round we're taking another this is gonna be a problem for us late game like oh jubalife already drew life i forgot it was this quick do i have to go to the pokemon school right now or could i like catch the pokemon first yeah this guy's gonna be like no don't go out there you're uneducated dumb people aren't allowed in nature oh i forgot about this route hello there new pokemon look i don't want to jinx myself but i don't think biddus are this far up please no no don't give me another bitterness just don't give me another video i i was making a joke about it but i need other pokemon in this room if we get two badoos in a row next round we're taking another please please i no no like we need type diversity in order to win this lock it could be anything literally any pokemon i will work with just not padoof again please please please please oh this isn't a real encounter it's not a badoof weakening a little bit clump that's all i ask runs dead but act no no no no no i was reading chat my eyes glazed over nope we do [Music] the bit of run key does anyone know um what about that first route you know that very first route in the very far left oh you got your starter at the lake so you shouldn't be able to catch another one there no no no no no no i stole that one i didn't technically catch it that was not a capture that was a theft that isn't in the nuzlocke rules i don't know what's available in this route the i know it can't be a badou since i think it's only starley claws it's still technically in play it's two badoops for me to take one now i won't have my eyes glazed over this time just give me the bird the cricket the bird the cricket the bird the cricket oh oh sorry i i with my whole with my full chest i was preparing a goddammit okay we get it it's level two i'm not doing this on purpose well funny youtubers killing them on purpose i'm not doing this on purpose i promise birds aren't real you said in the beginning okay have fun trying to fight barry he has grass moves no uh oh oh boy let's see what our second encounter on this route would have been if it weren't a better are you kidding me god damn it oh wait no no no no no is the real water type we're rocking three water pokemon on a nuzlocke oh new roots i like weasel by you now wait wait no no extra no i don't want to bunker out first no no no no no no no no no no no blood blood stay back oh why did we name our rival blood you know i'm starting to see the repercussions of naming him that oh hey there buddy um uh oh all right another one you're the tanky one another one can take a hit oh no one's gonna die first one of our pokemon or my controller one bunker two bunker bunker you guys you got this buddy that's all we can take come on ah it wasn't enough first sub out no problem okay from another one to the original bunger just when you thought one was done the other one came equipped with a gun tackle it's dead good okay let's go quick kill let's go bunga okay turn wait this thing is going to have grass moves grass i'm fairly confident is a physical attack the grass one was special oh what do we do physical special split was in gen 4 oh god i don't want to have a really dick we just got it we just got to hit it we just got to hit it harder than it can hit us withdraw no no don't use that one don't use the it's buffing oh no oh god um um okay i don't know if it's physical special whatever but i'm gonna growl it i'm praying that it's a physical move whatever it is because we have no shot otherwise everyone in chat is an even split of physical and special then you have simple oh wait we do have simple everything that happens to us is two times buffed defense girl let's go bunker oh you wanna play the hardening game oh don't test me we're gonna be the stales burger in the goddamn world what are you doing i am actually terrified they are really four times withdrawing well you know what anything that you can do bunger can do better oh okay one more one more defense girl please oh physical it's physical yes okay we got that iron defense on baby this burger is so hard it could be served in a middle school cafeteria they have yet to show their hand on what their their elemental attack is is it leavage or is it absorb i don't know now let's whittle this baby down with all we got this is gonna do nothing this is the most intense trainer battle i've ever seen in the first area there's no actual shot we outlast him with the padoops let's go yes crit that's how we do it bunger that's how we do a bunker so what hits you hard you hit them harder and then kill them actually the first part regardless of if they hit you hard or not you will kill them regardless ah if they get it wait we'll probably just die we are playing a russian roulette right now if you have to show their elements will move i'm actually terrified yes come on bunker okay okay okay we can only take seven more attacks assuming no crit will happen is it time to switch that's my question or do we go one more turn one more turn before the clump switch one more come on one more if he has a potion that would be terrible we're in the red okay okay i think that's as close as we're gonna get him clump it's your time we got to make this work all we can do is water gun and pray come on baby water that goddamn plant that might not have been enough he might heal him i heal he might heal he's only using tackle still does he not have another doesn't have grass kill kill kill kill [Music] let's go beetle brothers did he not have grass moves did he not have a potion did chad just gaslight me dude i'm terrified i'm i'm like shaking right now i don't know dude but i don't care cuz we take those let's go banu bros g absolute get out of my face we stop the blood call that coagulated don't come across me again or you'll walk away devastated man can't leave here without being absolutely berated never talk to me again cause you're overrated i thought dan chose the water type why is he spitting fire he did actually have leafage and with overgrowth it would have been a heavily boost overgrowth okay i forgot about that all right time for a new encounter clump get back out there buddy we gotta get diversity at this point the big bros have had such a legacy just don't give me another bird come on okay fine battle water gun easy nice and easy nice and easy nice and easy [Music] look look you should have gone stabbed you shouldn't have gone for the good move it wasn't gonna die that was a 120 chance i've never killed this many early game encounters i was just like oh i gotta weaken it a little bit they told me that i have to weaken it right that's what that was in the tutorial this is the most scuffed nuzlocke i've ever done we have two badoofs birds just aren't real in a glass of water the nuzlocke can't survive off of just this cave encounter coming up okay okay okay it can't be a bird and it can't be badoof if it's a zubat god bless bats are real birds aren't this is the real ost and gen 4 right here dude we're going to get no interesting encounters this one it's only going to be badoof and zubats you pokemon here we go bunker oh geo dude sure i'll take that no no don't use water gun okay look i won't watch this just a nice simple buy the book pound good another one in the book fine you win look everybody we've done it you guys think it wasn't possible but there it is look a bit oop has been added to your party where is the live chat yeah the bunger bros featuring their adopted sister badoo wow only three videos by the first gym i'm surprised i don't have more route above his pokemon i heard this has a ponytail in it potentially although i think i remember encouraging a match up here before oh well dupe claws [Music] there's no chance that we encounter three geodudes right i felt like like like the paying of disaster struck in my chest there's no way we get three geodudes yeah please please please just another okay oh oh something that isn't wheat to grass wow i didn't know where they made pokemon like that i know messing around this time just getting the stupid ball another one to the party except for another one outside of another one just another one has been added i i can't change the name at this point i think if i went against anything other than buff doof i would be voted off the platform all right there he is but wait no that was a that was a b not a d buff what a terrible party this is oh god i'm going lightheaded okay lightheaded can i encounter pokemon here whoa i can't encounter pokemon here oh and it's a dupe clause too i'm not gonna talk it up again because it's not gonna happen the idea of three manoeuvres or three uh i actually called him a dupe at this point dude my life is falling apart hello there we go what are we getting in here that's not okay are there only geodudes in here oh boy is it gonna be another geodude okay look are there other pokemon in this route properly i'm gonna do one more i'm gonna allow i'm gonna one more if the if we get another geodude i will take the geodude i really don't want to oh [Music] i did not like that i did not like that i did not like that at all oh [Music] we are faster than it right we definitely outspeed it this is a safe move okay good good good good good good to keep you all on your toes you know you can't have a fun little video at all a little bit of rascal okay anyway okay the next pokemon no matter what is our encounter period is 50 what is that fifty percent twenty five percent twelve percent seven percent chance to get four geodudes okay fine we're getting another video geodude oh two geodudes and two minions in a dupe claws run whoa that's not really bad geodoof geoduff all right you know with this team i don't think i'll ever truly be ready for any gym what the heck let's just go for it now what's the worst that can happen death let's do it oh they're level 10. they got a bit of meat on their bones huh water gun oh second one he might be a little bit stronger guys god this is free this is not an issue yeah so we're just actually not even gonna bother like healing or anything call it arrogance whatever i'm just gonna call it a dub this is this is very easy anyway hello there gym leader how you doing buddy oh the gym leader theme goes hard in this version oh no a big snake what are we gonna do it's a big snake look out chat stealth rock that implies switching that was your one attack that was your one move oh goodness it had sturdy oh no now it has to take two hits of water gun he potions the onyx theonix is like no please don't make me activate sturdy again i can't take any more did you take down the next pokemon like the others i don't know oh boy guys oh boy it's his final pokemon oh no oh no oh no wait wait we're like 90 fine right okay i'm switching after this if this doesn't work um i mean i wasn't making a joke about how weak you are i would never do that ah i'm actually switching by the way we do have hunger and bunger has rock smash your water gun will kill it yes but like they attack first oh there's no shot i lift they lowered my defense unless they chain they do lear i will actually die i'm believing in the bunker switch out this is still all right but it's still see this would have killed um okay okay okay we could use oh badou revenge has more damage if it goes second right that's our play can i take two headbutts but what if it leers or just headbutts i don't know ah i was hoping it was gonna do another move and then we could like to kill it remember we have one potion that can be used i'm going to go with geodude if one of the geoduffs takes half damage right now right now we are scared of this thing's headbutt because it's doing like half our health in one hit if we can take this right now we can heal we can heal we're good we have one potion effect we have one potion we can use now attack we won we have actually won the game has been solved use it on a clump send clump back in clump takes one hit clump wins easy puzzle solved i was terrified for a second no no no no are you kidding me ah plump clump we have lost one of our five videos but now thanks to their fault we have gotten the free switching a better shot at smacking you around you didn't just kill a pokemon that i admittedly only knew for five minutes you killed one of the bit of crows and for that you will have water splashed on you just like a little bit god damn it you got a clean switch from that ah actually wait i don't think we actually could have won if that didn't happen because stealth rock plus that still hit me that could have still flinched too wait that actually might have been the run if geode didn't die clump and the rest of the team might have just died right now no one else could have taken another hit clump was our final play the crit didn't matter but the sacrifice did i did not expect our newest partner our newest friend to actually have made a full sacrifice man i'm actually kind of sad we lost one of our four badoofs tm contains stealth rock it's exactly like your geodude because it's a rock and you can't see it anymore man first time i've had to use the box god damn it man i gotta i gotta play i gotta play a song a triumphant send-off i need some kind of nope miss click that misclicked i missed clicked no no no no no no we're good they're not doing dk mario party six music extended ost music geodude with your honorable sacrifice you have done so much for this team [Music] you know what you know what we have too many sad deaths no not this time this is not a sad funeral this is a remembrance of how they lived this is a celebration of life we only knew them for like five minutes but without them this team would have gone down potentially in its first episode that's right we're out here putting the fun in funeral you know what geodude we're where we're taking the coffin and we're funking off with it it's all the badoobs carrying one coffin like that meme your sacrifice let us keep moving forward and we'll party all the way out thank you geodude for your sacrifice please smile and death this run if a death happens it's not a time to be sad it's a time to remember how many more biddus we could potentially fit in the party now that there are vacancies
Channel: Failboat
Views: 370,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Pokemon Brilliant Diamond, Pokemon, diamond, pearl, new, switch, but some funny stuff happens
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 29sec (1289 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 21 2021
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