Pokemon Let's Go! but some funny stuff happens

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uh press the button on the controller you want to use bam ooh guy it rang uh check details yep it's a joy con why smelly was my go-to check details sure whatever ah oh god get down no get off [Applause] oh my god that's so cute [Music] that's adorable oh my god that's actually adorable if you're not sure what to do ask an adult to help you choose a language hold on sam come here i need an adult remember you said to not let me make big boy decisions sam it says in game i'm not sure what to do ask an adult to help you choose a language i don't know what option work with me man what are you thinking i'm thinking i i don't think breathing is a language oh english okay i understood thank god i have a couple adults oh god it's on top of me like the open just like the opening to the movie alien where are we like the matrix hey there glad to meet you help me i'm floating in space i'd pull this out my butt this was inhabited far don't ignore what i just said as well as it happened firewire by creatures called pokemon i kind of want to walk the rock the female character oh look here i love you i'm doing it man how about a name uh right so your name is fail that's that's the one buddy and you got the right person for the job hello evie oh god hey there why y'all just take rockley's pants can they also just be named failure it was failure wasn't it failure made failure yes i think i've greeted failure a number of times in my life already let's go this is a computer it's blue screening sorry about that i looked up cereb.net but i spelled it with ease i think it downloaded a virus some of the robotic i don't know why i laughed so it's about the way they all robotically stare out into the world oh god it's biting my legs help oh just goes under my mind i surely wouldn't expect an evil right here around here yeah me neither man it's like i spent 60 dollars exclusively for this eevee to be here pointing the screen press a to throw the ball am i locked on get ready oh god here we go boys here we go i'm gonna chuck this hold on i'm sitting back ah no don't curve it i know you don't have to give me the tutorial i understand how the rings work that was a pretty fun performance for a first timer my girl now we trade this in and grind it up for candy this is how the real world works young lady just find another eevee with a slightly larger cp that will be your new best friend from now on we don't talk about the ones that come before it tell me okay i'm thinking that with that distant glare he's giving right now oh we can't give it a name yes yes yes oh oh ah ah it's alive oh god oh stairs she's like oh this is the stuff i'm gonna be putting up with today isn't it can i let's go back home are both cars i don't like that what's it doing what's it doing what's it doing the pokemon's gone rogue what do we even call for this can we call animal services for living technology detroit become human the technology has evolved it's become a threat to human society [Music] okay i wanted to make a joke of that like it was just gonna explode but that's actually adorable the only thing that's exploding is my heart right now ah it's actually really adorable oh my goodness this is precious [Music] will it say failure sent out failure that's all i want to know look at it oh come here [Music] my heart this evie's voice is a physical assault on my person the authorities have been notified we can't just sit back and let nintendo get away with this all you have to say [Music] oh i'm sorry lad what i can't wait till someone names that like names their pokemon sans just so they can have the sentence sans looks interested at your mom oh god it's gonna be memed isn't it oh no well isn't this interesting [Music] oh her hair isn't always making an r that bothers me a little bit the meowth doesn't talk hold on excuse me y'all can't put team rocket in this game and not let me out though who is that who is that what do you do with me out what did you do with him gone gone i'm quitting goodbye that's it that's it show's over show's over zero out of ten i really hope there's autosave by the way really hope there was auto save ah continue adventure we have zero pokemon still well then well i guess we might as well speedrun this section of the game all right the joke wasn't worth it i'll admit it the joke wasn't worth it y'all like my speedrun of this game sorry i had to close it out we weren't able to min max the first opening area you see by getting the excellent on that capture we actually save about like five minutes in the post game it's actually really important to the speed run very i'm content with that we got the jokes out of the name failure but now we got as fi i'm satisfied i'm satisfied got him is this victory road or something oh man i got oh i got flashbacks wow wow wow i got like ginormous flashbacks oh my god wow i remember back to me playing pokey mmo i remember i think we lost our bulbasaur or something over here all those years ago dude oh my god okay dad boy oh dude i'm actually oh i'm getting really hyped for this this is going to be really fun isn't it you'd be stuck on the cushions who's the adorable battle of two soft things dueling it out to the death that's so cool evie just rides on you like that that's right my pikachu has left me a long time ago it already filed the divorce papers it won't come out of the ball unless i bribe it with food and money he really doesn't like me ah i have no i have just a thing for you another broken hex please focus the fifth one this week what well here i have another really good measure i have a bunch of these things from the mcdonald's kids meal i gotta give him out to someone look at him ah tell me that isn't d.o tell me right now that that isn't d.o standing up top the staircase oh man fire's good thundershock that's the best you got okay you paralyzed me that actually could be very annoying oh no it's not like this yo please not like this don't pokemon me in the first few seconds of pokemon okay okay we actually got the attack off all right we're in it for just a second i actually thought it was gonna unlock me for the next three turns wouldn't be the first time do you enjoy your first taste of victory young failure don't worry you'll be bathing it much more he has no idea how to play pokemon we picked him out of a yu-gi-oh competitive scene and told him we give him five dollars to be your rival have fun absolutely destroying him at every given encounter please give this game 5 out of 5 stars on the e-shop or else no one will buy it this guy's standing on a wall [Music] this this is for us just a transparent void for which we can see through the room but for this man that is just the canvas of the house i mean at least it's not like jimmy do over there who's just like [Music] planting [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Applause] ears [Music] oh sorry [Music] i need a second you can do this cheeks what really on the development team was like we need to be able to poop its cheeks what godly figure from game freak do i need to sacrifice myself to this sunday it just keeps revving up my evie has been revving for the past 10 minutes how do i shut it off oh my goodness it seems he wants to play it's only more like you want to play evie than he wants to play with you i guess i'm sure don't forget to show it some love from time to time doesn't look like you'll have any problems doing that for what i've seen here today oh my god if he's dancing with the joy-con guys evie's dancing with the joy-con dancing with the joy-con and dancing with my heart i oh ho boy this game is actually just amazing quick attack go kill it i i do we have a pokemon game on the switch i'm so happy oh i've wanted this for so long oh i'm so happy [Music] well we have pokemon quest available i just don't want to admit that please let me have this yeah let's go man oh yeah we go we got a canopy my favorite pokemon oh my god oh my god you can you can pet it at any time by shaking your joycon [Music] there's a hot key to doing this the action of petting evie is only two button presses away yet they still felt the need to give it a hot key to actually go and pet them the game devs of this game are gods among mortals oh why is it curving the canopy is moving too fast my eyes to keep up with thank you for the help this will really help out with my research these the four caterpie shake the joy con [Music] what what's happening what's happening what's happening fire what are you doing vv volley god it's a caterpie and two health whatever you just did to that was unnecessary if you're going in for the tactical nuke goodness cry hold the button just press plus to cry don't worry i'm used to doing that just fine without the button input it's not the realization i wanted to make it two in the morning do you see that it's kind of hard for me to illustrate unless i have a cursor you all see that evie has two darker blacker pupils like things in the middle of her eye which is to be expected for eyes but it makes it look a little stranger she looks like an insect oh god does she have whites in her eyes or are they all just like that kind of gradient what happens if you took away the little white shines i don't know what kind of tangent i was on but i don't like it
Channel: Failboat
Views: 3,094,804
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Let's Go, Pokemon Let's Go Pikachu, Pokemon Let's Go Eevee, Funny, moments, Failboat, Live, Stream, Best of, Switch
Id: e53pLNmRXQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 31sec (871 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 16 2018
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