The Mystery Dungeon demo Experience

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oh man pokemon mystery dungeon rescue team the XPS yes give me birds I desire Burton catch that letter let's go pelipper for smash they literally just have a button that's like admire the illustration they know what you want to do with it not trash-talking if you try to shock that illustration you did not use the bud to it's correct anyway welcome this is the portal that leads to the world of Pokemon but before I can let you through I have several questions for you do you think you're cool be honest buddy I am a content creator I am a YouTube influencer somebody calls you weird but funny how does that make you feel I believe that that's pretty much my branding you're suddenly locked inside a pitch-black room don't ask how you got there honestly this is my old reliable in a lot of situations you're going bungee jumping for the first time you just stepped out of a locked dark room there is no floor you fall you appear to be the lonely okay thanks game thanks I really needed that right now yeah yeah you always that cheerfully jump jocular around other people but insight you have horrifying depression that's only because you are with other people however we don't give me an ellipse like you're about to tell those words in here you find yourself oh c'mon alright it's canonical I've officially had a Pokemon game call me depressed me going into the therapy session hey so what convinced you to finally make it over here Pikachu told me I needed help why don't you call a [Music] stop doing this stream alone I'm just gonna call up tff I really need someone right now someone's gonna pick up please I need someone in this trying time please pick up I need this right now come on no no one picked up load in this cold world a lonely person like you should be no one a cube oh I'm sorry mom I didn't think me playing this Pokemon game would cause you to die but here we are would you like that who would you like to have as a partner look if game freak doesn't want to give us gen 4 remakes I'll just do it myself wait where am I is this the locked room that house trapped him do I start crying now excuse me please wake up you're finally awake great throw up on the ground oh god that's a little bit gross but sure it's another Pokemon and legacy is failure ok me going into my midterm test somebody somebody help me please huh I hear shouts him over there oh it's horrible I gotta be feeling to a cavern I poor baby Oh what am I to do oh dear oh dear that sounds bad we have to help me as a Piplup can kill them with my ice type attacks Oh could this be a mystery dungeon no I think it's I think it's a force it is it is a mystery dungeon ok I guess I'll just shut up then hey come here oh this is range hold on a second this is area-of-effect with range give them the swing oh this is really good you will never approach me oh hello small caterpillar I might not have a pillow for you but I do have a sweet build it in its sleep and then I robbed it pokey is the money of this world you can use it after killing its owners well I mean it works for me what what what do you like it doing buddy go buy beyblade people kill them all yeah get them stupid seed let's go beyblade roll this dizzy with hunger I have an Oran berry Oh can I eat this I need food really badly that not give me food it gave me two food points we got to make it through before I starve I'll have to eat Piplup well there we go I didn't mean to make it that girl I cannot give more of a show Bodi kind of voice we came to rescue me huh your mom is waiting let's get you out I kind of like that a little bit more I'm sorry I don't know how I could ever thank you problem give us your child you will become a part of our work become a part of our team listen failure giving myself a motivational speech if you don't have a place to say you should come along we live with me you pressure a little while yeah parental 750 a night not that bad actually have venom in many natural disasters lately I want to help Pokemon in these tough times I want to help change things so all pokémon can live in peace failure with you I think we could be the world's best rescue team and to do that we need the world's best name as failures okay wait I do like dude I really needed that right now I really needed that right now I'm just having fun with this man this is the whole game right here it's okay it's okay well I'm glad you asked Piplup I think it would be a great idea and if you do want to subscribe please let let's roll let's roll with it let's see where this goes subscribing I like it it's a good name it's perfect see I I agree Piplup I agree rescue team subscribing is that the demo no no is that all the demo I told the demo isn't it the next morning let's go we're awake the demo isn't over yet huh no I was so excited I came out here at dawn to wait for you you could have come inside there's literally no door were you watching me sleep anyway were you watching me sleep today marks the day of our rescue team there's something in the mailbox [Music] telling me let me eat the mail no job offers I heard about you from Caterpillar I heard about you from Caterpie please we need your help Magnemite is in trouble it's stuck Magnemite and Magneton ID together that isn't enough to form a Magneton please we need help grab some Elmer's glue we're gonna stick that last Magnemite on there ourselves okay so I'm coming in here facing multiple enemies at once might as well retreat no why would I do that why would I actually do that when I have noodles swinging sorry I keep on just absolutely clubbing Piplup behind me every brutal swing I just smash Piplup in the back of the head oh so our does the UH does a diagonal input oh okay okay okay I think I think that was also in the old games too there's been a little bit change to leader by pressing Plus that's right that's right that's right that's right good job now we can do the bone blade yes cut them open what do we got here fight good right good interactions so far good interactions you're real close to making things happen buddy yeah there we go this thing is unhittable I mean it's dead now nothing was unhittable first real you you kill that mudball sorry buddy can you hit the stupid mine on I can't reach it from here okay thank you I think it is that complex of a puzzle Oh together : oh there they are let's get them out safely Piplup successfully completed the job at thunder wave gabe failure died he fell in the water on the way back you are our heroes thank you got a big apple right after my heart these Magnemite are going right to my stomach Gondor and bear they just feed me and provide me money for food I like these guys a Pokemon that have no intention of eating why are they why were they like walking away as if they were taking footsteps this is Pokemon Square yeah yeah dude oh my god I haven't seen this in so long this that's the kecleon shop I like other bolsters like just a little open mouth I got a friend I want it busy yeah let's go you big puppy fish been so long since I've seen you but I love them so much this is drop Piplup off here they stay here pip love who's gonna admit I've lost them they'll never find me again wish gasps I have brought you a sacrifice why you can't really doesn't go all the way up here this is a wonderful kind of this the limit this is the barrier well I can't get him out I can't remove the lombre hold on I might i sir sir i might have gotten you stuck can you uh okay okay could you make it out of there good I felt bad for him for a second you can head to the dungeons from my road let's go to the dungeon and solve the pokemons troubles we got a couple waiting for us now we got three and thunder wave cave I'll take them all on let's do it nothing in here no problem here we go bone club give me the glasses down it's press pan let's press there I'm completely kind of oh hello there hold on Plusle Oh we'll help you buddy stay right there and don't move you found the puzzle you were looking for a wonderful magical porno puzzle that would be so horrified imagine being like actually scared for your life right you just found yourself you're completely lost two strangers helped you out it's just like don't worry buddy we'll get you out of here you must eat Apple actually you know what I'm a min/max this here you know what you can star for a little bit more as long as you're not in control you won't starve no requests left this dungeon yes sounds good to me fellows scape it now yeah let's go oh that's a nice happy Voltorb this is your reward it's a power band thank you exposure I will give great stories about your deeds throughout the lands in fact you should be paying me for being for letting me be saved by you it's a great opportunity for your brand this is your reward it's a pee-pee up drink as well as the defense scarf see my pokemons be gonna be coated out in scarves you won't even be able to see the skein on my cue bone good morning failure let's do our best today me anytime nope what's this I forgot about you whoa digging is so much fun yeah where am I I'm sorry I ruined your nice place haha don't worry about it it's just all are you saying that you will forgive me happy sausage goodbye what you bone oh it's creepy I'm okay I understand I just jump down there like that's it I'm dead so let's hop on over here and here we go bulletin board ah more things that's underway to the cave guess that person is that the forest is never gonna get saved tough luck buddy should have had more people uh get in trouble at that location it's not optimal for me to save your life oh this is your first time trying dojo drills the better the ticket you use the more effective the drills will be is this just XP okay here we go I'll remember this don't sweat the small stuff and don't drills just go for it if you died you died don't don't worry about it okay okay okay okay is it real time it is real time Oh God bone Club great here we go um home club kill enemy defeated oh there's so many of them yes line up at the choke point whoa I see hopeful here I go Gillian yo do these do you think they have to like recruit Pokemon to die in these drills like poor things that's a giant armaldo okay I can't really just one shot these things like okay step up step up come step up come have a giggle just kill that elephant get him get him no animations only death level up I can be even better now yes Piplup bathe in their blood as you reap the rewards there are sparkles around the dungeons name that's a sign that you'll get a lot of stuff I guess we're going to tiny woods I guess we'll have to save them fine sure whatever you should have cannonball at me back off silly eggs perfect come along with us buddy don't mind the giant eyeballs floating our heads I promise you they'll go away soon like you okay a fierce bandana and another addition to my collection cubone places on the next bandana didn't we do good today let's call it a night and get some rest hello ah you are a failure aren't you oh you can't see us of course how very rude of us whoa easy there buddy we're pleased to meet you we are Dugtrio a child Diglett was attacked what Diglett he was whisked away to the peak of a tall mountain we couldn't possibly climb somewhere so high up that is why we must call upon you for your you for your help fail yeah Diglett was abducted by a pokemon named skarmory it's a vile vicious ruffian please we need your help wait piglet was the one digging holes for us right this dig is kidnapping is worrisome let's go that's it for the demo version no no Diggle it is dead for the next four months that scar me this camera is gonna be waiting for a long time for us no I knew it was coming soon it is dead dude we'll never be able to save Diglett bicurious Islam very still up there it's why I really please let me back no
Channel: Failboat
Views: 447,181
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Failboat, Pokemon, Mystery Dungeon, New, Demo, DX, Mudkip, Lets play, stream, but some funny stuff happens, experience, help me, gameplay, funny, highlight, PMD
Id: sPeFeQ-sDxQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 54sec (894 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 10 2020
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