LEGAL TWINS play TWINS in Baldur's Gate 3

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foreign okay I don't listen I want to be hot I said this earlier I said I don't care if this is I don't care about the Patriot I want to be cute and hot yeah look whenever I play a game I want two things I want to be hot and I want to have my titties out all right that's all I care uh humans are just boring drow it could be drow too yeah apparently do I have like eight different like penis options which is wild okay why do they have so many penises I do not know okay so there's two sub-races in drow we could separate ourselves well actually maybe we picked the same sub race and then different class yeah we can be different glasses let's be the same subway so versus the corrupt and merciless Gods oh okay and the other one is uh allies over feyron aiming to settle their conflict I kind of think that's more Vibe yeah that's nice that's nice so would we do like we both do Wizard or we both and have completely separate spells or we'd both do totally separate like ones up ones uh you know what I mean like oh can we pick our own spells yes we can yeah you pick yeah yeah yeah okay no I just see I see the Spells now oh no okay no I think I think this would be fun but also I know that bards are also incredibly like you get like them their spells true we also could do like one wizard one sorcerer same magical Vibe different different spellies yeah okay so which one do you want okay yeah I'll do I'll do uh I'll do sorcerer then okay cool I'll be a little wizard I kind of would dig like I think I'm shock seems kind of fun I didn't want to shock some people I'll shock some people yes are you gonna do like light with your shocking I feel like that's the same lightning and light I don't know why yeah I was thinking something like to illuminate stuff being a chronic bees spooky scary look it's usually me that's like the [ __ ] up spooky scary skeleton it's true if you're doing like acid necrotic what if I do lining and fire because I'm thinking Avatar rules okay okay yeah because you if you strike lightning you things gets lit on fire yeah yeah yep I see it I see it I kind of dig it I kind of dig it you have listen witch Bolton Thunder waiver right there you got thunder and lightning they're right next to each other oh Thunder way hey out look at that sorry I'm I've I've changed over and I'm gonna be so we're both sorcerer sorcerer it matches the twins it matches the twins yes but we're different types of sorcerers I love that okay manipulate interact a matron is kind of fun I get an extra can trip but I get less spells okay that's what I'm trying to try to tell you all I can put out of this no I do not know storm sorcery oh oh my God my robes look so sick get out of here oh are they different yeah they like they're like they are cool yeah listen the draconic bloodline gives you scales and that is the most tempting thing in the whole world your favorite veins carried your coding magic and the result of a powerful Dragon ancestor oh that's so sick hello I might do it maybe our maybe our great great grandfather was a dragon and I got born with the scales yeah I mean oh oh and you can pick the dragon that is your ancestor and I can pick poison done it's been done oh there's acid too oh I love oh I love that that's amazing there's also you if you picked a dragon as well there's a lightning there's two lightning we can both be Dragon Pals okay let's be Dragon girlies does that make this play through Dragon Tales yes okay I'm sorry but matcha said nicknames bolt and Venom could be cool twin names volt and Venom Volta Venom would be so cool Bolton Venom Tweedle as last name yeah we keep the Tweedle Tweedledum okay I don't know what okay let's let's go all out like we're making you know when people do that challenge where they're like I make SM and they're all one color Yes that'd be so funny we do that to match our scales I would love that that is not what what happened to you I'm clicking blue but it's like 100 not blue and it's like way more of a natural skin tone which is very funny to me for some reason did you click all of them click on I did I did click oh I see that I'm clicking some of them yeah hello the ones in the middle towards the bottom the storm tone those are very blue yeah storms are pretty solid I wonder what kind of Scar poison would give me maybe this I'm so scared I'm face burn I'm I'm literally because I'm scared I'm doing my hide clothes but nobody can see oh my God I can't wait to wait to see the hide close oh my God are you just doing it right on stream oh my God I [Music] I'm breaking the law but nobody can see oh my oh my God oh my God the the balls are hanging low are you breaking law on stream people can see I am I'm breaking the law on stream I'm so scared loving that we get to pick our PB hair that's so nice there we go I need you to stop right now I need you to stop everything you're doing and go to the last tab we can change our draconic bloodline scales everything just changed for me so I can be literally pink I can literally be pink I'm sorry I didn't say anything simply because I was flabbergasted and I just my jaw was dropped I almost just want to cycle through all of the options just for chat so I can break the law fully and then turn it back off that's what I did I broke I went through all and right here we go we're breaking the law chat everyone we're breaking breaking the law look at all this b c d e we have um e options we got e dicks y'all okay hold on hold on oh my God oh my God oh my God someone in my chat just had such a good idea is it the what if your eyes had matching colors yes yes yeah we have to what if you both had heterochromia but for each other's colors that would be so cute we have to we have to so I'm making one of my eyes red four okay red four so which which eye because I think it should be opposite okay I'll do right eye red four so you do left eye red four perfect okay and then my right eye is blue six okay I'm looking okay I see it it's like the fiery Blue double tone thing that looks sick oh that is somebody okay all these literally someone in my chat was saying the same thing and all he said who said that in Ash's chat we have to get married love it wow this is you know what it's giving it's serving the eels from The Little Mermaid that have the matching random eye oh I love yes oh [ __ ] I forgot we have to do our names okay are we doing do we want to do uh Venom and Vault yeah I'm super Venom involt should we do last name Tweedle yeah bolt tweet wow that I turned on cast log Vault Tweedle come on get out of here he's kinda he's kind of like I don't know I thought it was kind of memes but now I'm I'm a little I'm here for it I'm a little bit demon Jesus true it's true it is a great day to be by you're right chance oh my God I can't wait to see you sorry I'm seeing myself yeah okay I love seeing myself and I love her I love seeing myself I love I'm so excited for us to run where are you oh my God look at you your hair oh my god oh the fact that I have really short hair and you have really long hair are you kidding oh my gosh I love it hold on I can inspect you right can I yeah we can examine examine oh my God I'm so gay hello you're so cute oh I'm obsessed with us look at your little Port our little twin board just thinks we really are giving pain and panic so hard oh my God I gotta turn I feel like I gotta turn in-game audio up maybe oh God all right there's the brain guy up here shall we go and examine the brain guy it's like yes you've come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us damn exposed brain Quivers expectation oh please before they return they return oh my a man or a brain oh um you sound afraid why yeah why are they afraid yeah so many enemies oh okay so many enemies I don't know if I wanna I'm scared of saving whatever's in here but like oh I think you're past the point of saving tell me what to do yeah let's do that from this body case oh investigation I feel like I'm smart inspecting exposed oh Jesus okay wait you've got the plus one yeah please please God please God yeah baby that 20 critical success swelling of the brain causing causing pressure where it's ew and Medicine attempt a cerebral extraction okay do it you're a doctor babe you're a doctor now we're a surgeon you're a doctor oh my God okay very nice situational advantage yeah oh my God I want I did it Dr bull is in the building can you drink Dr volt can you do a brain extraction oh my God I'm scared oh my God but you notice an opportunity you could [ __ ] the strange creature making it more subservient should it prove a threat oh my God sorry Dexter mutilate the brain ah I don't I mean it's very obviously part of the hive mind right like that guy's gone yeah so after just removing it with a like surgery thing I'm gonna just break it why wouldn't I just break it before yes I mean Spirit at least if we need to we can attack it yeah well a lot of people in my chat are saying too so we'll just do two all right all right we'll keep it maybe it'll just turn into one of the little sweet Brain Buddies oh oh it's running away I oh it is maybe they won't hurt us because we freed one of their friends okay listening something behind your eyes seizes in recognition do you see it now oh you had to refresh oh well did okay okay yeah well we are needed that's yeah that's where we did we did the the stuff right yeah all right let's go we are going to I mean we had to work with the Mind player as well to like survive yeah right it's called newborn so exciting that congratulations bib thank you so much I cannot believe I gave birth to a brain puppy love that look at it you look at me and tell me that's not a little brain puppy oh that's brain puppy oh my God I can control the brain puppy [Music] oh you have earrings in yes I got nice I missed that how cool oh my God it's Cindy Lou Who hi and Cindy Lou Who has done some flips oh my God she is seducing you swing she is we're actually seducing each other it's like dueling brands [Music] blesses me this day oh the head of chromia on our eyes is so good yeah all right we need to figure out where we are I'm just gonna try to squeeze past this real quick yes please unpass it we exterminate I'm excited to get to use our new Edition yes our powers our twin Powers our little twinkle stars man maybe if you puppy dog adopted a brain puppy together so cute I love it oh hey bud [Music] oh their bodies make me very nervous yeah oh my God I'm controlling brain puppy get out I think we go puppy go get them I love your amazing so much array of sickness love it I love that for you so much okay hold on no thank you 18 meters let's see if there's anything that's like crazy long I'm supposed to try it oh yeah I can whoa baby okay why is the brain puppy named us I don't know oh I guess I can also control you not enough movement can I like I can't throw anything that sucks oh the brain puppy is doing that's not what I wanted I wanted her that's what I wanted so silly so goofy um I love that improvised melee weapon is an option that's so funny I don't do that so true I didn't ask our brain puppy's name that makes sense well the boppy they're calling it The Puppy the puppy puppy has the Zoomies also I just realized I will cry if anyone draws bolt and Venom oh yeah I can't yeah I don't think we can pick the law because we don't have any thieves tools yeah no stars are kind of the Mad there's magic determine what kind oh boy oh I'm an artist I'm proficient in Arcana because if I'm a little say or yeah I I'm a well-read girly oh that makes sense sporting runes you feel them drawing energy from the console near the pot oh yeah we needed to put a little key in that pod yeah I don't remember where we got it it's definitely the other room oh you're right through one of our stinkies yeah I'm heading through a spinky oh okay you go through that stinky I think the other stinky is like spooky oh this is the room with the other the other sphincter the other oh I got a gold key hold on I mean yeah is that the same I think so yeah um let me see if it'll open this uh I want to try it I do not want to push this button because that turned this yeah perfect button um that's what we got last time I feel so bad them the good hero I think we can get them out we're smart I don't know if we can actually say this person I think we can just accidentally kill them and then it's just really sad hey you want to sit in this chair with me oh my God there's a hermit crab above us oh hold on hold on hold on what's your chair oh my God yes oh my God this is like a great photo op is there a photo mode in here where's our photo mode I need it when oh I didn't want to touch it oh I didn't want to touch it because I need to inspect it it picks in the mind players chip so true oh inspected hold on I'm turning the console on okay take a closer look at the powered up console oh my god oh your Arcana is slapping right now yes it really is okay damn success so happy that I've seen the blue and organic lines now beating hearts I'm aware it will but oh [Music] um suddenly you feel a hideous squirm in your head it's a parasite then discomfort Fades oh that's right you have to will it yes connection Authority oh [ __ ] will the podcast will it okay you've got this really class two if I don't get this thank god oh in a 17. love to see it you're wide beyond your years I am apparently we love this foreign companion join us oh my God yeah we have room for companion yeah we get that we get to pick and choose who we add now hey babe yeah apparently there's a way that I could give you control over Jesus she really flops out of that poor thing hope she's okay bye thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin oh she's gonna be nicer to us because we're not a gift huh yeah I think so her gratitude is me oh before we have a gift with us not the Grinch keep dangerous company we're literally in a dying ship why would we be talking about this dangerous companies what you need in a fight are you kidding so true looks like there's plenty of fighting ahead truly we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way I'm loving their armor okay whatever I'm volt Tweedle Shadow heart Shadow heart wow yeah and you grab your D20 and get a move on and why are they secretive about it yeah wait what's that what is that nothing trust me enough okay hold on I need to get to the hell all of the sudden I don't like them she's right okay so now we go through the other butthole love this one love the the butthole gang how to save successful are you ready to enter the house yeah okay it's time no but I'm sexually attracted to them oh dear oh dear oh wait wait the get is the gift not with us no why you don't even touched me oh it's my fault she doesn't Auto follow-up what that feels confusing and weird well that's she is somewhere where is she can you like make her like run to us oh my God yeah let me try she has to group she's running she's coming right now she joined the battle she's just really far yeah she's just hanging out it's okay okay I don't know if I can do that in battle but I'll try my best later y'all also yeah we I should be able to just run oh oh I walk through fire I'm on fire and I got super hurt by it like really really bad that's oh no I'm gonna heal up real quick and I'm gonna end my turn and then my brain man can go and smack this guy love it and then she can do some shenanigans I feel like she might have more movement speed she's got like she can go she's running we're making her go he is running she's gonna dip dive and Dodge whoa oh oh hey I'm so sorry I thought you were also in the same one as me yeah don't worry okay I don't know why I'm um go that far but that's okay you're going for it I'm just a little further babe you can't oh hey you oh you dashed right I see I see it yeah I had to ask if I couldn't do anything okay um one more time babe I'm just gonna fire I don't think it's gonna do anything oh Dad he's dead so do you think we can pick up this flaming sword I want it oh can you we can't give it to someone that sounds kind of sick but he'd have to die right yeah I don't think we can kill him he we won't be able to kill him fast enough that's rough yeah because I think why don't you try to kill him he like actually like marks you all like I think he does like a big Ali attack marks you all Drac you got his sword took way too many tries oh yeah I bet raise them up there she is oh you did it I just need to speed through it all imagine referring to your party member as their race only what's their name Lazlo I want to ride the dragon that's our grandfather that's fine lazel you got this best day I believe in you [Music] as exciting with it like whatever I guess she could run further than me oh she looks listen maybe she has a suspicious D20 Rubik's Cube but she is hot yeah she is indeed hot it's true this is unrelated to this gun scene but have you gotten any of those videos on Tick Tock at the live video of this girl in like a magical Fantasy Castle with a bunch of puppets and she's dancing does anybody know what I'm talking about no busting I want you to see it so bad this character reminds me of her I don't know why oh my god oh someone of my chat says yes I have it's like literally a woman dressed in armor in a like fake castle with a bunch of puppets and they're all dancing to music I love that for her it's a live stream it's a live stream yeah it's a tick tock live I get it all the time I hope I'm gonna fight next time I get it I'm gonna send it to you and you're gonna be like what [ __ ] what the [ __ ] it's like Muppets on steroids I was gonna say it sounds like that Trope of like there's one human character and they're all Muppets that's exactly what it is I love that okay we've already seen is that your babe who no oh oh I see where they are Percy oh are they the one that make that face oh yeah this girl she's like hmm and then they do the Bingo Bongo got gas like she was like wow here we go oh no [Music] oh making direct eye contact with the mime player and his tentacles are just flapping in the windows it's like a little like I don't know yeah it was like there a little bit of tension there yeah there's a big tension there who did that mind player through the Mind player save us is mind flayer our dad be honest be honest did our weird dragon ancestor turn into a squid we have so much to like why were we on the ship how did we get you know what I mean we have backstory to undercover like what happened if I was bleeding we would never know oh not them calling them tadpoles yeah I hate the tadpole thing check yourself for injuries other than the infection cool let's go thanks all right there we are hello look at us so cute oh my God the tadpole is a death sentence and the clock is ticking just before we go you're an updated daughter of Darkness I wanted to thank you again it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod okay Shadow heart approves it says that under my face shadowheart approves love it oh there's a backpack oh there's a perfumed letter all right that's the that's the romance letter yeah that was like really sad like yeah I said if you maybe I just threw it back back into the water oh this is the song that Mika said shanty's for the [ __ ] Queen mood tag yourself I'm the [ __ ] Queen yeah me I'm sorry ugly uh that's my bad I accidentally triggered a fight oh no unfortunately it's with an intellect Devourer okay hold on I will be on my Wii will you have Shadow heart at least right yeah yeah we're chilling it's not dangerous okay hold on I'm on my way oh yeah you're like in here okay I'm coming oh okay yeah I'm not loving that the our brain puppies are fighting us we are friends not food I wish that if you befriended Buffy that it continued with these intellect devourers in here yeah oh can you just like go like so I can oh [ __ ] I'm trying to make it so like can you move it all I just want to like not oh no okay uh oh I got opportunity yeah you want me to move like out of the way so you can attack yeah I want to try to see if I can go ahead still too far away never mind I guess pack it up yeah and that's my bag because I shouldn't have turned my back on them oh my God what if I kill her we'll get to see what her D20 holds yeah oh no that's okay they keep missing me losers um I'm gonna just bolt this guy you're dead oh my gosh you saved from that hmm okay what I can do oh I can't throw get out of here oh [ __ ] hold on I want to see if I can push yeah try I'm gonna push the guy this little this little turret away go away oh your Athletics bill okay it's okay it's okay it's okay we don't talk about I'm like really nervous that this is gonna kill it yeah okay don't worry I'm smacking oh I have my Athletics also failed when you're weak twins when your twins are weak oh God did well that's fine we might die like a lot oh no no what if we no no that's okay what am I driving that's okay only one of us will wait no Shadow heart goes again right okay well they're opportunity attack failed I need to stop turning my back on people yeah so then maybe Shadow can come and smack we'll be fine [Music] we need to find our oh where did she go was she with us last time I can't remember I guess not no I didn't think we have a room or something okay oh take the brain yeah I'm collecting this and make sure you level up as well oh yeah I would love to I would love to level up thank you for asking we got a game to spell okay what do I want to use I feel like expeditious Retreat kind of slaps because then I'm like lightning fast and I run the [ __ ] away you're like and I've gotta get out of here oh Alice automatically succeeds saving throws against spells that require them okay I'm gonna grab myself a shield okay I want that so I can like hit you with stuff and you'll be okay I think what are you grabbing uh careful spell oh so like if I accidentally hit you with something you need to do a savings report you'll automatically succeed I'm sorry twinned spell yeah I was looking at that too that's the only thing I can Target an additional creature oh no I love that oh yeah okay so anyway perfect oh I don't think they have anything on them right the intellect of hours I just grabbed a brain off of one of them oh okay I'm gonna go and loot this dead mine player oh let's go yeah I'm gonna have myself a little elastic bulb I will take everything sure there's arsonist oil in here you want that you can like set it on fire and [ __ ] apparently apparently oh sure I feel like I don't know you throwing like [ __ ] on people just feels very like acid yeah I feel that yeah it's just puddle puddles of of hell yeah you know Vibes oh that's who was in the thing that's always in the thing um did they walk out of this Pond I don't think that was your starving okay maybe can we talk to him should we talk to him everyone wants to [ __ ] that man never mind I'm sorry I guess I got close enough ah there okay I mean I get it I wanna I get it kill the others tell yourself you look capable enough uh stand back that could be our our pal it's true look oh yeah all everybody my [ __ ] wife somebody just said can you see it oh his voice I'm suspicious of all men at first though I don't know y'all that is a hog oh I found my perception check he's trying to stab me I'm right there by you are you a vampire no the way that Discord is cutting off your like excited screams it's killing me oh head bottom oh I don't know are you I'm a melee attack I'm a sorcerer I'm gonna nod I'm a weak baby I'm a weak baby bag [ __ ] and now you're going to tell me exactly what you and those tentacle freaks did to me they were in the pot dude yeah this is why we didn't see a Syrian in the first one did we kill them I don't think so we didn't come this way okay they took me prisoner just like you what in the house are you talking about oh sure yeah oh you don't think what I'm thinking I don't care mine twists of unfamiliar eyes I can't believe I'm watching y'all have this intense foreplay right in front of me yeah you're literally sitting right there but uh look at her eyes so cool what was that what's going on um whisper a cantrip to burn his hand I have that yes yes do it hell yeah oh Charisma and much please please please be nice yes yes dude get rocked get burnt loser stop being a butthole bro yeah exactly tell them I soar into your mind why didn't you stop trying to stab me in the neck then tons of things I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards potato mode said my Stockholm syndrome Aspen folds so fast I know my heart look you all need help okay but you better have more to offer than apologies mm-hmm I'm out of wine with flowers so I hope an introduction will suffice snatched me are they wearing chaps right now they look like they are uh just not they don't need to know anything about us what the hell they're strong and Silent time now nope no something about these worms they'll turn us into mind flares oh you don't want them in our heads yeah yeah you want them out of that much we can be certain these worms are already affecting me he's so fruity I love him he is look at this little doily oh yeah he's got he's right we can start by traveling together yeah yeah just tuck my hair behind my ear we can start by like hanging out all the time you know you know if you just want to camp with me hello heard isn't such a bad idea oh and you seem like a useful person to know all right I accept the pale Party Line oh level of my Bash not right there and let's go you're like if I have to use a rogue of course he is what a what a guy oh we can't really even do anything we just like accept that he's leveled up let me just let me just zoom in on your cute face hi sir Hey sir he's a vampire he literally has two fang bites on his neck I know who bit you who are you vampire handsome ass is he no he is a rogue Pat wanted to know if he was barred he does give off Bard Vibes I see where you're coming from no it's very true but also just Eyes on Fire is just playing in my head right now this is that is not the song I was thinking of but that's all right it wasn't I just couldn't help myself it's fine you know I was going more like [Music] and all of a sudden I'm in the woods with you thank you thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: AshleyRoboto
Views: 54,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3, bg3, astarion, gale, shadowheart, romance, romancable, drow, twins, fun, funny, friends, coop, multiplayer, giveaway, phone, boss, stream, bite, vampire, luxiegames, ashleyroboto, twin, silly, karlach, wyll, playthrough, full, let's play
Id: jykkg_mOARg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 46sec (2206 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2023
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