Baldur's Gate 3- A DM's Blind Playthrough

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just realize the stream died that is unfortunate [Music] so we're gonna make sure we have our tutorials well pardon the scuff has a bit of an intense opening cut scene we're gonna try this [ __ ] again dark urge are these like presets Mark will Starion Shadow heart hmm boy this is gonna take a while isn't it ability okay so who do we have we got elf tiefling drow human race features base speeds of a militia and human versatility [Music] agency with light armor and shields okay see they could be a little halfling that's fun half elf Best of Both Worlds the Civil militia art vision and Fey ancestry dwarf get the Yankee we're gonna get astral knowledge oh interesting so that's like a once per long grass one's proficiency we get magehand Marshall Prodigy and base speed okay gnomes they get known cunning oh and then the sub race is very interesting there it is soft release there oh dominant energy hmm okay softly's gives Mage hand what about Dragonborn oh looks so cool face features sub base there we go blue say that's lightning resistance and lightning breath oh it's just for the calm a fire [Music] own a fire interesting [Music] so here's what cold as well Dragonborn would be pretty cool that looks dope [Music] um foreign s [Music] I think I'm going to go with Dragonborn I really like the idea of Dragonborn [Music] well I mean burning breath really blazing breath Karine fire breath that's a column that's a cone it's also a cone okay I think we go we go gold this looks cool initiative [Music] I'm assuming we're gonna get to tweak all that a little bit okay on Google Dragonborn I guess they're no artificer I figured they wouldn't because that's a lot more expansive of a play test thing Barbarian oh hard cleric drew it oh [Music] okay actually so picking the glass is going to be tough so here's Here's my thought process on it I have I have there are so many options I want to play Because as a long time dungeon master not really gotten to play a whole lot myself but I think oh a monk would be fun I've been wanting to play a monk for a long time like in an actual game they're just having like the they just seem really cool [Music] although there's also the sorcerer because like wild Magic um oh what subclass it is so draconic is on the nose but like come on okay I guess actually let me look at that then real quick [Music] that doesn't help me it's not going to tell me what subclasses I'm eventually going to get so I'm assuming things in the bass player's handbook thing because I'm not seeing anything else that's outside that hmm [Music] I don't know I'm assuming the abilities weren't going to be able to adjust everything [Music] rebounds plus two use my recommended oh we can assign our racial bonuses that's nice that's nice that's how Tasha's updated it I'm glad they did that foreign I think we're gonna go with bunk because I've been want to play monk for a while so this should be interesting got our Monk [Music] um it's your life no I don't think that I like the idea of a folk hero though I'd be a folk hero maybe they were outcasts from the original Dragonborn uh hatch like cluster and so they grew up to defend the people painted as their new hatch mates they mean innocence and I mean they'll make your Legend grow indeed it will [Music] this gives me animal handling survival which I don't think are normally under the monks uh skill list so we'll definitely take that abilities yeah that kind did that did it for me already recommendations um although if I want to be technical about it right [Music] so I get a plus two plus one which means that if I want to if I want to be the gamer um So based on the recommended it gives me 1514 see it uses so this is point by we need principally dexterity with also really good wisdom so I actually think I'm going to do this that way I've got the two 16s to play with and then hear me out hear me out gonna get rid of my two points in strength but the minute Constitution that way I'm a little more tanky because I'm supposed to be like a DEX tank but there's a non-zero chance I'm still gonna get the [ __ ] beat out of me so I think this is going to be pretty good because honestly we are not we're never going to use strength for anything um and I I'm hoping I can get a companion that's going to help me do that I think this is this is going to be doing pretty good because this gives me good con wisdom and dexterity because like again monks are they're supposed to be more of a DEX tank than anything just like dodging everything coming at them um but we can't make any guarantees on that so I think it's fine and like it's to me it's silly that um I always feel bad having a negative stat but at the same time it it makes for interesting stuff it makes for a definitive weakness so [Music] improve spellcast for wizards me not wizard be very dumb like the idea of him being wise enough to to just like sense things but not actually understand why they're like that I think that could be fun okay so we're starting with a fire breath Flurry of Blows some simple weapons short swords all right and yep so we get animal handling and survival because of our backgrounds and we're gonna do acrobatics [Music] hmm I feel like maybe [Music] can I not take perception is that not on the list huh okay well you know what stealth it is we're gonna be a little bit of a stealthy one right smarter not harder [Music] cool and I'm assuming I can't change like my my oh this is supposed to be like male and female yo I'm kind of thick oh okay [Music] oh my edit appearance duh where to next hmm what was let's hope the locals Health something just woke up down here be wary it's opened I wonder what's back there more of those wretched things there's magic keeping this chest sealed I can where to next hmm what was that hell's something just woke up down here I like that [Music] and take that um [Music] [Laughter] I can change up the crest however I want to uh uh okay you know what ah I'm digging this one for the crest I think I'll form Apex oh oh this gives me the okay oh my God there's so many options here lunge goblet handles [Music] I kind of like the quills makes me look like I have a bit of a white hairdo going on [Music] um oh for a chin what do I want tentacle I want to clean one some of these are so subtle like you don't totally notice them either I kind of like apogee it seems to just blow really nicely I mean they all do in their own way [Music] I really like apogee though because it kind of continues a little bit of spikes he's got on the side jaw oh my God jaw spikes yo [Music] calamity [Music] foreign [Music] that's nice I really like this though it's nice and subtle and subdued [Music] oh my goodness [Music] okay I kind of like the gold and blue I really like that body art [Laughter] Honestly though I I do think just because you know dragon scales probably doesn't have any of that easy breezy Minotaur ring 's Crimson Hilton Dirks Bethune serpents night tears lapis stud muffin it's in Stars oh eyes yo I kind of like keeping the blue though what is silver we're gonna go with blue I kind of like the Striking blue makeup yo [Music] I like the idea of having something to be like Monastery markings [Music] laughs okay I like the little bit of red to contrast with everything it's like his monastic markings and we can choose if we want a tail yo I want him to have a tail I feel like he should we'll go with the more refined tail I like that I like that all right I'm gonna name him after by Dragonborn DND character he is call off also is call or Cal [Music] M need a guardian oh we do get a second character huh foreign I guess you know for I'm gonna get to pick um sure you high wood or a drow sure we'll we'll make a wood half elf why not I can't tell the difference too much oh that looks unnatural um yeah yeah no scars God are those wrinkles being added [Music] foreign what does that mean oh okay I was like the idea of a monkey man being youthful like they just got out and they're like yay we're ready to go and then oops it's oops it's all downhill from here [Music] um yeah no body Arts gonna have the piercings [Music] well I actually really like that it's like little leaves almost we're gonna go with that [Music] um we'll give her the the light hazel eyes makeup no well maybe a little [Music] sure why not I don't know how makeup's normally supposed to go [Music] and then hair oops so many options I kind of just like the ponytail to be honest um like maybe a little darker for a little they're normally supposed to have a generally darker complexion amongst all the elves but we don't need any facial hair highlights oh I see a little variety go back there we go and then no facial hair oh you're gonna be my friend oh we've been oh your buddies are dead we've been tadpoled [Music] not a Lloyd incoming up [Music] ring the bell son The Wilhelm scream [Applause] oh and here come the guess yeehaw K sir [Music] we're getting dragons foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right that was a hell of an intro [Music] no match it's on fire we are still flying probably not for long [Music] what the hell swarm Dear God well whoops once some torches keep the Darkness at Bay fire surfaces work too noted [Music] oh we're starting oh look that's me [Music] I'm awake [Music] my hat okay so wasd moves the camera there's gonna be a point include all right middle Mouse button might still be stuck inside if we hadn't been attacked click the ground or hold left Mouse button to move towards your cursor you can always refocus the camera on your current character by home or left Mouse button double-click portrait to Center camera what to do what to do what to do indeed someone else got out yeah that uh that gift chick we were looking at a moment ago [Music] this is this is gonna be weird for me to adapt to at first Player dead it's mine now dead good hell yeah what is this restoration field I just get healed and I'll take it Nursery what is this it's the pool that thing came from the parasite now Rising oh yeah I ooh first roll hey skill check tutorial oh this is literally I I have a negative one to this sure first roll of the game National 20 is that scripted I need to know is that scripted because that was amazing the casing is fragile slightest touch could cause it to crumble so I want to touch it right now that [ __ ] hurt see okay I healed up oh let me get the heck out of here painter why is it called that just why line my step oh probably should yeah [Music] options gold hey this is gonna be super weird for me dude is there an option I'm like Key by it's camera backwards okay is there just a gameplay thing land direct save options [Music] Mission highlights turn base highlights metric karmic dice carbon diesel void feeling stressful keeping the results mostly random sure Mouse 2 window doing learn Central on the main menu Edge panning painting speed Dynamic combat camera camera Shake followed creatures foreign I guess not that's fine [Music] well brain jar can I break it help us I don't know if I trust you [Music] Marinette under operation this oh still twitching come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us the exposed brain Quivers and expectations see the perception before they return they return the enemy so many enemies you realize you're talking to an intellect Devourer who abducted you yeah remove us from this body from this case free us um [Music] you see the thing is I I know an intellect Devourer is gonna try to attack me so I mean I really prize it so see I don't know if it's going to try to save itself or what and I know it's part of me is curious because I want to know what happens if I free it the other part of me just says just just no fine I'll try it plus three on this oh nope not quite where [Music] yeah I'm not I'm not getting that the brain went fudge sorry bud [Music] well I don't feel good about it necessarily but it had to be done um okay [Music] foreign do anything okay um there's something over here I can look at eldrick tablet a thousand years of humanoid history elves dwarfs humans and more flash behind your eyes oh okay a Horticulture and break it I don't think I can um that shit's on fire oh yo [Music] what up my fellow Dragon Ken hello Abomination this is your end chill you had throbs and your skin Visions Rush past a dragon swing a silver sword and a flash of your face seemed through the way just neural link [Music] what is this blesses me this day together we might survive cool Hi friend we carry mindfully of parasites unless we escape a pain process tainted and twisted within days we will be gay mind flayers in your eye we can do nothing until we escape that must be our priority yeah that's very nice find the helmet helmet take control we will not just the matter of a cure for this infection once we reach the material plane that's right we're not on the material plane currently I'm gonna kill some air amps these all right come back get ready to fight combat happens in rounds each participant gets act on the turn game pauses around you during combat so you have time to plan your actions well you can take an action and take a bonus action and I'm a monk so I have a lot of those um what do I have here I have jump it's a bonus action strength effects how far you can jump and dip oh dip a weapon into a surface to alter the surface or enhance the weapon all right shove okay hide yeah throw improvisement yeah I'll pick up an item or creature help up a down character or a move any of those so we can Dash disengage main attack topple wipe it a creature knocker Pro interesting so everyone essentially gets a super weak trip attack and then there's my fire breath and it comes back on a long rest oh topple is a once a short rest thing okay and I got my class action thing takes up a key point I have two little Scrolls high and one potion of healing the combat [Music] or nothing enemies you cannot flee while in this region cool well I guess then we're just going to first of all we're going to move both hands main hand only gets a topple okay so I'm just going to play another fight and I just instantly popped him nice can I loot him when you're finished click the click the button to end your turn um oh asses non-lethal attacks items Monk oh man all of them not enough movements [Music] and I'll move a little bit closer I think [Music] oh okay she has a few things nice dual wielding so she has second one so she's a fighter knowledge she has a range attack Rush attack pushing them off balance doesn't provoke opportunity attacks lacerate make it bleed ooh hamstring shot also reduce their movement speed so she's like a Battle Master almost that's cool and non-lethal attack although these seem to all be maybe weapon attack like Melee like a melee slash at your target little attack [Music] Okay so if I want to do this little hamstring shots [Music] okay cancel that let's move first I'll be right here okay so once you move you can't undo it good to know so we're gonna go with [Music] I feel like this thing yeah it's only got six British and it's dead and then yeah he's awesome so that's it not the fiery Bolt you're low on health use a healing potion to recover I have only I've only taken two fine that was bonus action used okay I'm gonna recharge once per turn interesting [Music] oh for your Blues is my bonus action so I don't have I thought monks got the martial arts thing super early maybe not so that comes back on a short rest yeah I'm just gonna take a basic attack you proved surprisingly adequate situational actions you've unlocked an action base oh unlocked an action the result of another ability feature condition it will remain set your heart bar until those conditions expire some allies will join you opportunity attack camping resting turn-based mode inventory equipments Analytics sure [Music] incinerated Bostic bulb ooh I wonder if I can throw the Slime at them and then set them on fire what is the Imp have it's another weapon indeed inventory camp supply pack okay oh that's gold Alchemy pouch keychain especially with his weapon unlocks not proficient with those um can I equip it as a secondary weapon doesn't look like it can I put this like crossbow on I can yay four okay so they're dead let's go look at the death thrall um we'll take your gold catch a break and heal let's check this other thrall we need to get out before it's too late yeah yeah I'm working on it arterial mesh uh not another sphincter here we go auto save successful it's nice oh [Music] sacrifice cultists [Music] what does that mean the target has been psionically drained thank you the Joel nothing without knowing its purpose hey sorry sorry Jesus [Music] that looks like not alloy tank [Music] yeah yeah don't touch it what does this do that working on it we have no time for stragglers we do [Music] construction is too alien nothing looks familiar yeah this [ __ ] is crashing do you intend to die for a stranger absolutely try that contractor next to the pod they did something to it when they sealed me in hurry please [Music] Alice the console appears dormant [Music] mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first it's by an empty socket let's hit it nothing the console remains dormant okay so there has to be if it's in that sock it must power this thing yeah there's got to be [Music] oh one the bet you gotta pick this up yeah you are beautiful huh the console appears the mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first but then you spy empty socket can I put the brain in it can I put the brain in it um not now we must go to the helm [Music] fine fine um hold on can I drag this module thing hey Maybe [Music] the console appears dormant the mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first then you spy an empty socket [Music] nothing the console remains dormant okay so I just like dropped it on top of the thing without actually doing anything um [Music] I know I didn't think about that they use tools or Define the key paint images appear in your mind a brain a good Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness okay let's go try pushing a button oh no their mind collapsed hey hold on okay I just gotta pay more attention to this stuff I hope you don't mind I'm just gonna take all your stuff um I don't think I'm one of busted not a Lloyd tank all right [Music] I'm serious what's wait hold on do I do I need to check the sacrifice cultists are in the desecration of your bodies they're awesome now hang on lady we're we're gonna come back um captive okay so we need to go that way which means I'm gonna go the exact opposite way Open Says Me Open Says Me what if it did oh that looks important ah my players just vibing [Music] okay was there keychain I'll go try this again the console appears dormant nothing the console remains dormant the mechanisms are completely unrecognizable at first okay still not letting me go so do I have to go towards the helm first I'm assuming [Music] woman is trapped inside the Pod oh she doesn't notice you discus chair touchless [Music] as you place your hand on the Pod you hear something to the Pod commanding the person inside to change oh [Music] change her change to the pull of a lever how if we are yeah that's normally supposed to be a lengthy process before it's our turn what's in the chest push into healing oh this might unlock those controls next to the Pod hey I knew we had to go go over here sometime [Music] all right let's go open this thing the console appears but what what is purpose will it free the captain like that other unfortunate oh don't let me go yes a pulsing glow and organic lines of the device make it seem more like a beating heart than a machine device is different from the one that caused the other captive to transform perhaps it will open the nearby pod okay suddenly you feel a hideous squirming in your head uh-oh a parasite and discomfort Fades and another sensation washes over you thought Authority wisdom will the Pod open or ignore the sensation [Music] um I think I have to do this right oh difficulty too natural one pretty cool failure brain of the con Soul process your command unrejected weird [Music] can we try it again feel the biomechanical brain of the so was I supposed to ignore it you try it let you try steadily awaiting command [Music] Fades of sensation oh so I have to try it hmm yeah she doesn't quite get it nothing in the appearance of the Divine it could even transform the occupant of the Pod it's fine we're gonna try it then discomfort Fades and another satisfaction literally I'll say literally anything but a natural one feel the biomechanical brain of the console process your command you do it runs across your mind you feel sated that must be especially weird for your gift like I feel like this is one of those things where if we fail the first time it guarantees us a success right unless sometimes we just don't [Music] hey lady thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches into her thoughts her gratitude is mixed with weariness you're a gif oh your guess why did you help me and you expect what in return exactly guess Yankee aren't given to charity [Music] that's what your kind does they take that's so I wonder what her reaction would be if I was Hunter is my Dragonborn [Music] wait you're not actually the one in charge of this group are you no offense but I need to speak to a leader I've checked her I'm afraid note good luck to you I'll take my chances alone [Music] okay hold up hold up these things have stayed interesting okay let me try talking to her [Music] I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffee oh thank you let wearing it because you have a gift with you wow way to be a little racist dangerous company I did it must be because of those parasites they put in us I'll have to wait I need to get off the ship alive first let me come with you we can get off this ship and watch each other's backs along the way sounds like a plan Shadow heart one moment gotta get her special item that looks suspiciously like a D20 [Music] it's nothing trust me enough of this chatter we need to get to the helm now she's right lead on let's go we've got a third person hooray yep let's go through the sphincter [Music] area let's just make sure my shield that's fire we're nearing the help once inside do as I see all right who put you in charge I'll Trust my own judgment so much sass hey you can chill with the insults that we can't understand auto save successful no time he's got his brain connect the mouse of the Transformer we must escape after we escape just play along [Music] thank you okay then what is the solicitor hellbour lesser imp we got two melee [Music] we're gonna take Quarter Staff we're just gonna Bop up and take me home I just attacked the ground I think I just attacked the ground [Music] oops [Music] that's awkward uh well you know let's go and burn a key point [Music] your Martial Arts train lets you make an additional unarmed strike as a bonus action after attacking with one weapon or unarmed strike I see it didn't really see that oh that's just down there nice of course they have nothing okay well I'm almost out anyways so time to strike oh and sunshadows trying to do her own thing she's gonna do whatever okay no time to waste enough [Music] gotcha and No Loot blood comes easy these days oh do I still have some movement [Music] I guess I do huh all right now we can let our turn proper yeah mace and that's it you got Legend concussive smack [Music] somebody [Music] oh we have some spells though charm person disguised self structure oh so she's a uh can't give up yeah she's a trickery domain cleric okay uh sacred flame resistance full effects and conditions it's pretty cool [Music] uh let's Ranger's sacred [Music] okay so now in combat wsd does move okay I guess it was a 65 chance to hit we're just gonna okay so it's wounded you know buddy as someone that has gotten to interact with some uh zerial adjacent folk a lot [Music] I can just loot huh actually where is the thing we need to get to oh they're all the way past oh homeboy here well that's fine I think got him nice we're going to finish our movements there's no way intellect if I was having a loot right imp have anything Make Way um can I make a [Music] 30 High defense sure that's fine okay sure thing bud all right you know we're going to Dash [Music] how fast can I go don't mind me bud we are going to uh move right here real quick you don't judge me for looting your buddies right [Music] we must take the transponder yeah yeah I know Dash I'm fast as [ __ ] boy yeah oh hurry before they strike oh there's some additional creatures up here [Music] neat I am death yeah I'm sure you are someone big Angy my employer's like half health uh [Music] oh okay [Music] or what do we have six plane Charmed Skies ability checks inflict wounds [Music] I think we just blame it uh bigger chance of sticking to the Imp so that's what we're gonna do three a whole three points of damage [Music] right foreign oh not enough movement to reach that that's fine can I Bonk him with a [Music] nope not enough movement sad that is fine so does looting take up some movement than I assume [Music] okay we're gonna take a ranged attack at lesser m M dead [Music] how mindful everybody's not looking super great [Music] oh I'll take the hand X and then sacred flame barely did anything not so important to leave melee's enemies melee image out taking taxable opportunity yeah well I could do that or I could try to just kill them here's an idea [Music] yes sir now guess what I'm gonna do it again oh it's already dead [Music] let's see what this does we I made it the Helms alien transponder you've made it in time [Music] [Music] rude [Music] thank you we're into the astral sea [Music] [Music] maybe even the house if I had a lever that's just Out Of Reach noted the dead three ah yeah I know of them you can't be seen some criminal hex can be overheard oh God can we cry it's not always looking rough not my dust y'all we are just vibing [Music] not the goblin worse I appreciate their enthusiasm thinking they can try [Music] oh dear I think this is going to be too much falling damage for us hey [Music] good guy mindful here also where did where did the other two go [Music] then the moon and Gomes oh you're awake as you wake the tadpole squirms in your skull other than the infection you're more or less intact a miracle given everything you've been through yeah all being for nothing if you don't find help soon yeah and the clock is ticking you need a cure dunion here hey wow well he did escape the nautily successfully yeah this is some uh some pretty intense wreckage like a good moment to talk a mangled Fisher I mean he won't be needing those anymore right Shadow heart wake up in your little demonic D20 um you're alive I'm alive how is this possible witchcraft true seems like we're the lucky ones judging by all the corpses strain about yeah wherever it gets chick go I remember the ship I remember falling then nothing yeah you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without you she ran off her she's dead recognize where we just came from you're right first things first we need supplies shelter and vegetable healer we might have escaped but we will have these little monsters in it yeah I don't Like rules is written I don't actually know if there's a way to remove them can't think of better company all right let's go one thing just before we go I wanted to of course it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I remember that lead the way excellent we've got a friend in her chasm wooden barrel and loop that nope or not okay highlight near my eyes when you find less left alt to highlight lootable containers suspension of Mur grass open up take some coin from this dead man they will need it anything of use hold on there's just random pouch here with some healing potions and a backpack ew ruffle some blogger hat sure telling me this Barrel doesn't count they're just trying to Bamboozled me there I was holding alt and it did not have anything amp supplies be sure to collect food and drinks you will need them to restore your health and resources when long resting hmm I see so there's like two paths we can go abducted commoner more of those wretched things yeah fortunately they don't really seem to be caring for us right now um so we can go forward that way or go back this way we're gonna go back this way first [Music] dagger root waypoints you discovered a waypoint you can teleport to it from the map maybe there's another entrance probably Barrel ooh rope and these tools I'm not good with them but I'll take it Belladonna that sounds like your extra and can I just Harvest more our grass check both the barrels I like to just be thorough a spot of water and More theme stools I mean it can't hurt right mangled Fisher did I not already check this one oh that's probably supposed to be for someone there's some bucket of fish in them backpack all the way out here water spare settlement nearby yeah probably it was intellect devour I don't know if that means there it has something I just haven't looked at it yet it just because I haven't looked at it yet okay good to know oh one strike you could be lethal I mean you're not wrong hello little devourers I'm just going to move up a little bit shot oh and I'm just going to wait oh it wants my brains they both want my brains oh that one's way the heck out there all right I have two level one spell slots can trips hmm so I have fire bolts [Music] it's interesting that they're I want to know how they're split up common specifically cleric interesting so how do I have this I'll look at it later because of Smash thank you um we probably kill this one right that's all I have is a bonus action I have healing word and nothing else okay I'm just gonna fire bolt it Denise and to a crisp [Music] I'll try to show why not [Laughter] [Music] nice okay come on can I move don't waste a step okay so actually this is gonna be four to eleven [Music] it was by Hyrule this this is dead oh yep and then hopefully it was perhaps our survival is in such a distant Prospect and I leveled up yay [Music] it's like devour cerebellum okay so these are actually worth looking at something good [Music] just in case I walk on fire does that burn me well maybe it's just you can't pass over it is there anything else worth checking out around here yes can I just oh nice arsonist oil foreign very nice I can just hop down and you step in the surface that could be dangerous if affected by elements like fire line a potion of speed oh this is a haste potion I got a bunch of stuff I can throw that's cool I almost think they would automatically Pat like around stuff let me Loop this and then let's check out the level up screen I am very excited to see what we can do here you have two Bloodlines and a skull indeed to be or not to be that is the question serious liquid level up monk level two nice what I get additional key point and unarmored movements as well as here we go patient defense step of the Wind and uh Dash and disengage nice [Music] yay love that oh so now I've got these which is phenomenal step of the wind it's interesting that they split it up so I have to specifically choose to disengage or Dash thought that was normal otherwise but perhaps not so if like I click on this does that just automatically I guess we'll find out fun another set of these tools Fleet I love how this is just Chasm like nope cannot go this way of course it's locked and I'm not proficient with these tools so uh uh that's not changing time soon [Music] seems like there should be something back here aha I'll take that alsam whatever that is ashes of Balsam I can just literally burn it you're all no that's uh I need a quick word story I've got one of those bring things cornered this in the cross you can kill it can't you like you killed the others easily chill can you see it oh I just sound not if you want to keep that darling neck of yours and you keep your distance no need for this to get can't believe I feel a perception I need him alive show that blade blade show you just [Music] just but I have other business I'm afraid now I saw you on the ship didn't I you did not splendid and now you're going to tell me exactly what you and those tentacle freaks did me oh don't lie to me surprise twists you're looking out of unfamiliar eyes prowling dark busy streets try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what's going on I get to roll at advantage uh because I'm a mug I can add a bonus oh can I guidance myself sure I'm glad I did that success yeah I soar into your mind they took you just the same as me yep and I think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards no apologies a kindred spirit yeah I probably my name's a Starion Stars I was in Baldur's Gate when those beasts snatched me oh um is that so we clearly move in different circles so do you know anything about these worms yeah they're bad of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet yeah it's it's a lengthy process everyone can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time perhaps well yes of course but first things first I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea oh come on and you seem like a useful person to know all right I accept lead on it's fabulous yay party line drag the portraits apart to split the party no we do not split the party I'm ready oh he's ready to level up let's go level up whatever two cool you get additional spell slot plus Channel divinity or turn Undead and invoke duplicity awesome there's fear of wolves interesting dark vision and Fey ancestry interesting fear of wolves that's a real interesting one #bliss if I get to swap them out when I level up oh I do [Music] I like having less wow and a stereon he's a shroke pretty nicely balanced party so far he gets all his cunning actions now he's a sneaky fella sleep never a dull moment never a dull moment in deed let's wrap your surroundings oh best be on my way oh that's the pig the boar hold on I'm Starion you should be able to shoot it right because you have a boat uh can you just hide cursor indicates the amount of light in an area [Music] oh is there an action frowned upon by others get caught you might find yourself in prison so okay well oh that's a cool animation [Music] yeah we're gonna have to harvest some meat from you buddy thank you for your sacrifice it will be your number locked on my mind and well in it on my way um so we can continue checking around the uh well there's a whole lot around here worth checking out there's a dead Minecraft player please unless can I go out this way I can scratch very interesting over there worth checking for supplies Maybe goblins valverinos fly pack [Music] what's next I wonder let's try this way ancients you approach the sigil on the stone magic Glitters and swirls from it erratically there's a there's a functioning it looks slightly dangerous dangerous I want to touch this sigil oh a hand anyone sure um I have really poor strength I probably should have guidanced myself oh get it anyway did it that's it go on keep pulling I'm not a very strong dragon I'm Nimble but I'm not very strong hey he's here oh hello I'm Gale of Water Deep Water Deep usually better at this hello Gail a bit shocked but friend it's a relief and a pleasure to make your acquaintances he gives me major Gilmore vibes from critical role and I'm here you're on the Norse Lloyd as well I missed all of you all I don't know what transpired exactly but the ship broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in free fall yeah cause I was plummeting to certain death a spider glimmer quite near where I estimated my body to impact with less than Savory propulsion recognizing this glimmer to be magical in nature I reached out to it with a weaving of words and found myself on the other side as it were so are you yourself into some place into the back rooms fair enough but even so I have the unfortunate suspicion your survival is still very much in Jeopardy if you two were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome Insurgent in the ocular region the game won't save potato oh no is it like you're the auto save is broken or it just refuses to save it all raise it more apparently sugar coating it is there the uncertainty we speak of this parasite are you aware that after a period of excruciating gestation it will turn us into mind flayers indeed it's a process known as ceramorphosis there are morphosis it is to be avoided it's bad I'm sorry to hear that potato that sucks a doctor needle that sucks is it only Cloud save can you not do a local one excuse me a cap would keep the parasite nice and cozy but it's Comfort it's hardly my priority we're most certainly going to need a Healer and and soon too how about we lend each other a helping hand once more and look for a Healer together sounds like a plan Gail most excellent a parasite shared is a parasite halved or something like that oh but before you think you're about to embark on a journey with most ill-mannered a man thank you for pulling me out of that stone you're welcome to foresighted kindness I assure you I have a feeling ample opportunities will present themselves for me to return the favor yeah we've got more people in the party okay so we're just save game let's do new safe see if mine works thinking Cloud safe okay sucks potato I'm sorry I had any have you checked like read it or the official forms or anything to see if anyone else says post up anything like that although mine says it's still sinking so I don't know if it's actually saving properly the wicked I see ain't no rest well Wicked watch your back all right what now minster's not around he's a white wizard isn't he he is oh my goodness choices pending oh of class oh punctuation hmm enchantment ah what what school do I want him to have man evocation would be really really good oh I've already got like Monk's not crazy damage but I got a monk Rogue like I feel like we won't be lacking on the damage front necessarily known as bokers I feel like conjuration is probably just going to be broken and adoration probably just gonna let us tank I'm a little sad that the blame singer's not here but it definitely seems like they're keeping it to like players handbook only stuff could also be an Illusionist should be fun foreign Reddit says Clear app data um but is that like just going to clear out your cash or like re like reset everything but it does that like if it works it works but [Music] let's see 4.7 oh uh you know I feel like AB duration might be fun he has necro vibes um I think necromancer let me gain hit points go twice Thrice if it's a necromancy spell ah I don't know I guess you get such work um um yeah I've never had to to really delete a whole lot um especially for Star Citizen I I deleted my shaders once and I've never had any issues with it since then stability get an extra skill [Music] gulps the Arcane Ward yeah alteration minor conjuration create water ah so many options um I have seen from someone else's stream we can apparently respect subclasses later app data gotcha basically same thing hmm visions part of me kind of just wants to grab Illusions to see what what I can how far the game's gonna let me push this I think that'd be a lot of fun we're gonna do that the ends enchantments blind creatures what spells does he already have Mage Armor fog cloud grease sleep witchbolts Thunder Wave um cautious hideous laughter Shield rate of sickness ooh possibly poisons the target they're like camera magic missiles good that's guaranteed damage um we'll do that and I can technically swap these out when I'm preparing am I activating it [Music] I feel bad getting rid of witch bolt but like get rid of witch bolt it's it's not good not a good spell cool we have some levels looking ahead [Music] what does the Social Circle do now does it let me teleport Waypoint I see the only way I can go any further over here now these goblins are empty yeah a mind flare that thing's bound to be dangerous even if injured careful it do be dying approach the dying monster this is the thing that abducted you you could end its life here and now if only you didn't feel compassion compassion compassion it's it's the it's the little worm telling me that this is yeah it's trying to do things feel hate and you deserve to be punished for it whipped made to Bow before this creature in shame assessing your mind forcing you to love it and the feelings lips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere is exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice ah I'll leave it Reds it's already dead um the thing is I have absolutely no idea where I'm supposed to be going right now I guess we'll kind of learn that together huh thank you okay so this is where I was originally so it does make a big loop good to know head back over here I love how the monks leading the group because he has faster movement [Music] rogue's morsel plants cool hmm oh this looks like we're eating close ish to civilization Granite bench let me just sit we can okay something over there oh don't fancy getting my hands dirty shovel I have a shovel fine let's go find you a shovel and what is in oh hello people I but we don't know what that thing even is and what about the Crypt I'm telling you it's a [ __ ] and a crypt can wait Mari and bartner be trying to break in for days now we stop got ourselves competition already that's our ship your ship um monk Insight the loud words hide fear confusion looting that ship will bring you no peace yeah guys this is a cantrip oh my God well your old hot chair think you can get us to leave that bounty to you not a chance what are you not waiting for get him you have to fight them now man all right party members next to each other initial work connect simultaneously you can switch them freely and take their actions in the order okay um well I really didn't want to do this but uh sure um actually disregard that escaping wounds oh wow oh I have an idea I have an idea go here he he uh [Music] oh God [Music] what foreign [Music] [Music] oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear oh dear okay okay that kind action Dash get to him get to him get to him get to him can I administer nope that was his bonus action I don't think I can do this okay so let's reposition a little bit here can I do can I hold in action I hold don't think I can Target her yeah below ground what does that mean I wish there was a way the path is interrupted so I can't do anything okay [Music] or no the cleric's coming up soon I'm Gonna Save that okay delete oh [Music] looking down characters of course Gail is sleeping does this help is a chin oh no I can do this I can do this wake up Gail okay and now healing word get back up we're gonna move over to him no turn okay this stupid freaking wizard where are you all the way over there okay [Music] Striking Distance show enough hurry screw you you dumb [ __ ] I am sick of you [Music] get out of there um and I guess that's it for me okay I think God I have one hit point and I just dodge another thing I can do no dip Dash help um I should just be able to do that right common might not have the option to dodge okay you know what we're going to take healing potion that's what we're gonna do and then that was that I don't have anything else for my bonus action you know what I will move up a little bit actually can I make it to him no not quite that's fine death's cold grip hey can I hit her [Music] actually take a few steps back 70 chance I do the same thing 60 okay the range attack I'm just gonna do this [Music] oh she's dead in action we're gonna Dash again oh yeah there we go when I go oh and you are half health so I'm gonna do a cure wound the you my dude actually no no no no no no I should be able to just see you right what about Fireball halfway likely to hit sure [Music] cool oh you know what just because he's gonna be getting up and people well there's only one of them left [Music] well at least you succeeded on both of them that would have been unfortunate otherwise [Music] I attack him with fireballs not enough movements and I can't see him well isn't that unfortunate I don't know what this is gonna do but sure [Music] I have no idea what matron's gonna be able to do here sneak attack Ally adjacent now as with the melee distance of an enemy oh the Mage hand counts for that no no really oh time to kill what [Music] all right then sure [Music] so what does this thing do dismiss it can throw stuff it can fly it can shove or it can try to hide there's one damage with bear Fists just miss it goodbye click to confirm huh what does Calif have on him let's get on with it hey yeah come we'll ever believe this foreign [Music] crate moving ahead I I'm very confused as to what exactly happened because I did a breath thing and it like I'm very confused oh there's a shovel sure we'll take that let me put my magic [Music] my pleasure hey now I can go um dig out here can't use actions there we go hey [Music] so we've picked up a wizard who managed to get stuck in his own portal hardly promising introduction come out dude who wants to tell I'm a magistrate back in the city it's all rather tedious for the tedious all right cool well that did not work at all like I thought it was going to over through oh man that hurt I hurt real bad what's this all that long [Music] enemies a lost guidance um wear and fell to a lethal blow okay here's what I want to know hamstring shot also reduced there Moon speed okay I care about the fire bolts I don't care about the force damage okay here's what I want to know what the hell happened here foreign block succeeded on his save so he took fire oh there was a rope above me destroy the colon rope saved against the fire and then this thing fell and one tapped all of us because down by their own hands yeah wow yeah I did not see that was all the way up there something good here oops also how did my like growl level breath attack get all that like I'm honestly a little impressed [Music] is there anything else let's go let's go check down here I want to know what's down there [Music] [Music] the door everything all right out there yes it is let me oh no I'm not good at any of this ass oh because I didn't mean to like he He Turned aggro and then I was gonna try not to lethal it I was about to do that and then I fire breath and well [ __ ] happens I mean it's a half-truth i triggered the Trap he does need help but uh I'm not very good at this dude spam guidance like a maniac not that I needed it [Applause] wasn't I'll be get inside and I'll rustle up some bandages surprise you're dead oh your enemies are surprised and cannot take actions reactions or move on the first round of combat auto save successful thank God I thought we're all like hmm we're just here mm-hmm he's got guidance Lauren hmm this will probably kill him I do this do I go from here we're just gonna slow down okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna do the passive must be another using the melee weapon doesn't work on Undead constructs cool so now we're gonna do this I like the light source looks very cool we're gonna bounce and I missed because of course I did and another honor wasn't good [Music] okay threatened this is disadvantaged on that non-lethal damage I'm trying to do I don't think that's gonna work and I am so sorry man I miss because of course he did find a bonus action shove I don't care kind of bumped him into the stuff let's go hello okay we're gonna do this first then buddy I am cure wounding you healed and once again going to just shove you I don't know if they have any type of flanking or not on this but we'll find out oh and then he still has a lot of help left I'm just going to Firebolts oh he's dodging everything oh okay we're gonna try this again [Music] [Music] you sneak attack melee [Music] so I was able to sneak attack right it's three plus one D6 so that means I just did a really bad roll three plus three plus three man so even with all that okay so that's sometimes we're again trying to do non-lethal attacks here critical Miss my brother in Christ here we go wasn't trying to kill you bub ba play what though I am gonna take your key and your torch no time to die Shadow Hearts going to hold on to your sword light spells creatures dark vision don't need an external light source yeah I'm done I can't wait to sleep by the way do we know like what time of day it is or anything like that well I don't think there's oh lots of fancy stuff here oh man okay we are going to massives yeah well you can murder people now wits and Blades always shop and what might you be hiding better take a look good morning thesis will break on a failed attempt let's pull the lever oh dear um I guess it's a good thing he's going first huh I can shoot this range right okay I'm gonna do this and bonus action time let's have a little fun like that can't stay idle we're just gonna wait that's what we're gonna do there's no point in trying to get super aggressive with all that oh I mean I guess I can try to plink away with a bow a scene foreign there [Music] why would you hamstring Gail like that miss me idiot [Music] I need heating oh no that one okay she's poisoned too uh bucks actually hold up I know that was her her action through that so to move out of the way we need to Destroyer okay reduce movement because of hamstring which is fine oh this yeah I should have I should have hit with the I thought it would just explode okay now we're gonna let them come to us okay [Music] and we're going to stop attack surprise idiots yeah we're going to cutting action disengage and once again move away from the edge there this is worth the cost probably not radical mess there we go you know what it's thrown I'll take this for now to back up a little bit we're just gonna hang out here ow hey ah they're on fire uh I think he's just dead next turn okay we we're gonna have to do something better after this fire right because he's gonna take 1d4 so he could he could potentially die next turn if I don't heal him uh I don't like it but I'll do it and now we're gonna go up and we're gonna Bonk all right or 1d8 versus 1d6 plus one we're gonna do I know we're just gonna Fireball why why are we doing anything besides this not the mess one could always be a gentleman um I feel like we just gotta make sure they're they are just dead so uh low rules on all of them if they failed investigation checks I don't know what that means but [Music] we're gonna fatal funnel these guys as much as we can okay yeah I feel like we go for this and then move actually no we're gonna do cows is gonna go here sorry guys Pooch here bonus action on arm strike it's fine now it's your turn we're going to sneak attack oh of course we miss this is rough cool [Music] and just shoved me anyway I gotta be so rude rude okay we're gonna scooch you over here and savory is playing of course it's safe of course he did uh and then you are hurt so we're just gonna drink in a potion that he leaned Fireball this [ __ ] it's still missed in what world [Music] oh no oh he's not doing good he's really not doing good um yeah Jesus this is going so poorly right now um I do not know what else to do here and I can try just a pretty little range attack 65 percent quickly 65 chance to hit him critical Miss oh my brother in Christ okay one day I'll catch a break they've got to hit this there we go sweet Jesus do not know how you're doing so much um and then yeah that's that's all I can do for this [Music] ocean up it's me okay you're not really doing a whole lot here it will Shuffle over a little bit so I can get line of sight and sacred flame well that's about all I can do away let's Shuffle over here and Firebolts yeah Mage duel [ __ ] what are you gonna do [Music] window damage coward it's just wondering why there's a cat there that's great [Music] oh okay thank you environmental turn with the weave okay stereo you are barely touched my dude well can I use sneak attack on this oh that's good that's really good excuse me and he is still untouched despite everything [Music] Martin these boots have seen everything I'm just gonna move up a little bit more soon and try to get nailed now look at that Assyrian finally took a hit moving any sacred flaming now Target is out of sight okay well I don't really have any other movement left so so move over as much as I can that sucks oh if I had just shot the oil directly I don't know why I didn't okay you know fools these mortals be who's these mortals be uh what are you what are you saying there also can I just say having the the drinking the potion is a bonus action very good call actually now let's move oh I see a new approach foreign Ted [Applause] okay so then let me just hide can't reach destination is it because there's the body Block in the door is that what this is about what if I just Dash [Music] can't reach destination anything of Youth foreign [Music] pickup too heavy well now you're done messed up [Music] you failed that's fine I have to keep going [Music] awkward I just Shout Doom and I oh Kitty I speak they burn thank you I do wish I could get her there past this thing come on can I jump you hey there it is cool in a jump over him hello idiot yeah I'll try to hamstring you why not oh wow take a long rest to restore hit points and other resources yeah it's it's telling me to do that because it is past past time don't waste a step basic poison ooh grab the towards the poison and the gold okay this looks like a fun little side room we can hang out in camp and resting menu return to your Camp to rest and check with your companions long dress good camping in the day yes we will do that [Music] campsite Camp General Joy at your Camp you can take a long rest party you can also manage party members Advanced relationships with your companion storms eventually change your character and recruit more followers or [Music] yo I'm swole as [ __ ] boy [Music] something to ask hello Gail [Music] go to hell excuse me you're a good sport go to hell yeah stung by a bee everyday expression so trivial it's almost meaningless but we've seen hell I'm special luck to you potato I hope you hopefully you can save Devils dragons mind flayers they used to be abstracts you fixed it yeah pictures of a piece of paper makes now we have tadpoles slithering through our heads like carnivorous feet high that's not abstract good buddy quite well made I see I'll wake you bright and early we'll need to find a Healer before the wee one gets hungry yeah okay we're almost good to sleep there Granite bench for us to go sit interactables late can I interact with a plate hot and quill and just pick up the plate from it that oh hard what do you have to say what were you two talking about I see I'd be careful with Gail all they care about is power let's hope we rapidly find a Healer I'm reliable think you know how important it is that we find someone who can cure us best if we focus on that all right good we might even get lucky and find one right away as I see it we're overdue some good fortune rest well oh we will I will also I like that it has a little like blank approves on the corner let you know you're building relationships it gives me very much like a Telltale Vibes where it's like blank will remember that do you mind I'm brooding I'm brooding sorry bud Jesus um does this go anywhere no I'll give it a shot excuse me oh I'll owe books nothing um what's high checks and looks still nothing and the dummy [Music] doing absolutely nothing got Rosa books and nope kind of figured since I've been picking up a lot of stuff Let's uh let's get some reorganizing done yep Supply pack ing a lot of stuff to inspect s oh so that's what Supply pack Pig's head pork shoulder that's just a blind pack okay so the individual characters have the stuff got two bows two short bows oh they're armor Shields that he cannot use there's instruments looks like accessories chain shirts why do I see their underwear I guess this is their oh okay so this is their armor and this is like their General outfits oh [Music] this is where I've got oh and this is how much stuff encumbered and heavily encumbered I see or will be beneficial spell book hey nice learn more spells um I'm assuming these are the ones that I've prepared Arcane recovery can trips last actions so how do they have fire bolts as a common thing that's what I want to know actions opportunity attack sneak attacks hmm character sheets level two Rogue what do you get oh is it because of is it because they're apples is that what it is half Heil yeah cause High Elves get a can trip as part of their uh racial bonuses neutral [Music] this um interesting okay so based on this song Dark Vision domain spell wolves imagine can't put you to sleep yeah I feel like they got um [Music] they both must have gotten Fireball from being a high elf right because it doesn't say where they got it from but they just have it as a thing so that must be racial bonuses right there and then that's just wizard being wizard stuff as an Arcane recovery charge pill casting and then just as a cleric yeah that's what they have okay and then reactions I don't think anyone's got any weird stuff outside the sneak attack choose whether this choose where the game triggered whether the reaction is automatically whether the game pauses for your input huh I mean I can enable and disable it or is this just on the bar [Music] so I think ask is going to be beneficial because sometimes you may not want to burn your reaction on just a swing granted I don't have any of those particulars right now but still excuse me okay Rogue get rid of that a little magic or damage type okay so we don't need any of that okay inventory is there a sort option doesn't look like it what about just okay here's just his nice ancestry get all this sort by there we go now we can do full party so everyone can see what we got so each weapon has their own skills which is nice that's something I think a lot of people are wanting the next like edition of d t to have was like a weapon Specialties uh oh [Music] Do You Believe I'm Gonna want that for Gail [Music] I don't think I have yeah I don't have burning hands there that'll be good to get [Music] real good to get okay is it burning [Music] these tools we're going to give to our Rogue does that just make sense a goblin bow [Music] okay compared to what short bows four to nine Goblin is four to nine two-handed oh I okay I see what it's saying at this point is mostly Aesthetics yeah okay uh light crossbow because that's also two-handed I'll stick one of these with a Starion just so we got options here oh yeah I mean it's yeah I guess we'll keep the regular short bow on for now [Music] was this trap disarm tool kit [Music] you're gonna hold on to all that [Music] I guess we'll let Shadow heart hold on to I guess everyone will have some gold for now simple robe is giving a 10 Armor class and that's 10 13 11 10. yeah so all this is is not necessary I know our fighter here or cleric is gonna have the most carrying capacity so that's where we're gonna put it oh what is a scale mail Purity not proficient with medium armor that's 13. this is 14 with disadvantage nice foreign other boots mastic boots leather boots yeah I mean they looks like they do the same thing there's a worth a lot more but why are herders worth yeah simple boots [Music] okay we got options here I like the idea of putting the gloves on my monk seems appropriate [Music] silly hat [Music] uh I guess we'll just hang on to the boots for now These Boots Are Made for a while again that's just what they'll do they're gonna grab one of these ready to go you have one to the cleric uh shovel does anyone else have a shovel no I thought Gail had the shovel earlier is that incorrect shovel shovel does not get equipped anywhere I guess just anyone in the party can hold on to it that's fine then my goodness we'll give you daggers so you can throw them they will automatically use your bonus action to make an offhand attack well two Ops unless you toggle the option ooh good to know long sword [Music] what sort foreign so I get to use dexterity with it or a scimitar [Music] unprofessional martial or semitar I am provision with short swords is it not gonna let me equip a short sword oh now I could quit two short swords okay okay don't equip that we'll put the staff back so it says it's versatile was there a way I can toggle inspect yields more damage on wield with both hands yeah hmm because normally I thought a short sword was also considered a monk weapon unless I have thought wrong which is a distinct possibility the goblin scimitar hmm okay well I got a lot of stuff uh that I will probably need to switch out the main character sheet I don't think you are proficient with any armors correct it was proficient with oh light armor and shields I stand corrected they've got a simple robe that is light armor or clothing really it's just ten can I give you this [Music] okay that works um caustic bulb we're going to I just quickly split one of these you know what there's probably hot case for this which I will deal with later for now we're gonna give one to each of these people that way they got options for Stuff um it's got cut plates and all that jazz Journey Through the Jungle I'm gonna give this to the nerd so you can hold on to it um yeah and I think that should be it oh give this to the nerd as well perfume letter uh torch let's give so we got one on me and then let's give another one to our human friend here since he cannot uh see in the dark [Music] okay and then healing potions we got everyone's got one and then our main boys got three okay we can work with that oh God I've got a long road ahead all right time to go to bed full resting using the required amount of camp supplies to fully rest or covering your hip points blah blah oh we got a bunch of these okay full rest this is not the world you know rest feels impossible no matter how heavy your eyes become every time they flick a shot to the tadpole seems to Twitch behind them dragons kiss and the hells themselves have come after you this is this creature that lingers in your skull advantages of any situational perhaps I can influence it in return the dice gods are cruel the thought is punished by a spike of pain driven right between your eyes Agony refuses to fade until you collapse against your bedroll in a cold sweat [Music] hmm and we are past the gout yay look at that we're all rested isn't that something well can leave camp and return to our adventure we got the refectory [Music] huh can I break the vase I just loot it ancient scroll [Music] [Music] I don't like how awful this sounds [Music] opportunity attacks yeah Barton is hella dead sorry bud it's not like oh so C is to just hide foreign can I force a perception or does it just passively happen so look Alchemy we can make grenades and stuff what all right sure oh and sit on a stool heavy wardrobe with the clothes oh this is where the thing Dropped In leopard a stack of books death and Divinity are Godly guide well though that'd be helpful I just hang out in the bed that's amazing uh what do we got plate and Bowl sure how does it open that's where our pink sky can come in no handle how does it open no lock no handle can we just beat it in let's get going do not damage it wants to actually damage them see okay can't slow down I guess not this way oh what the hell is this have I mentioned I don't like this um yeah this is all you buddy first let's light this candelabra with some light goodness I shouldn't have wished to live in more interesting times time to press ahead I don't trust this and [Music] curse of vampire might be very applicable to one of our group members just saying okay I don't think the stacks of books are going to continue to be a good let's see what this does fine dust cuts the pages of this with a book Benny bone white powder hundreds of short futurism put it in tiny Scripts um it's a drowning Vivian Arkansas Eva hmm a candle let's just eliminate all of these oh that's curious oh the lever I didn't like that I certainly did not oh oh hang on you do not recognize the language on the plaque [Music] can Gail recognize the language on the planet you do not recognize the language on the plaque okay [Music] I have anything else do I nope there's one normally you're supposed to prepare your spells once per day but can I just swap them as needed because it didn't really give me a whole way to do that oh I can't just swap them out very nice all right yeah I have no clue what that did but I I don't feel good about it that is for sure bus Stone drag action spells and items from your character sheet inventory for quick access I'm surprised the torch is not there honestly but I guess that's what this is for right uh same thing with calloff no no no grab the torch and put it there how's the shovel on here but the the okay this is under their items right can I not put this interesting that just on armed strike so oh I have to re-equip the Quarter Staff interesting whatever comes I'm ready so then they all should have a torch slot huh it says not proficient with simple weapons or clubs it's like specifically a torch I guess they're counting it as an improvised weapon because reasons still breathing despite everything I wonder if the gods are watching me Maybe okay where else do we need to go maybe this way [Music] I definitely don't trust this [Music] uh-oh dank Crypt yeah this is a this is a big uh no for me but now yes I'm getting an extinct whiff of Crypt it's undisturbed too until now um I mentioned I don't trust this at all right items where's my [Music] we're gonna do a disarmed trap [Music] these tools I'll just help myself anything in the damaged vases oh let me just pick one up that works foreign have we not hit any traps yet oh I didn't like the sound of that whatever that was gilded chest I don't like these doors they make me nervous oh I don't trust this in this someone doesn't like visitors oh can we also just walk around it laughs okay oh I got sleight of hand expert three four five six so I have a total of plus seven yep I will guidance major success disarmed oh I don't like that it had to have two perception checks the text on the plaque is a mystery to you I don't like that oh um nope nope nope nope nope nope lost in thought hello Gail [Music] as I otherwise do not trust it let's move okay why is everyone failing perception checks I don't like this is there nothing to light over here [Music] oh I really don't like this Find A Way Forward this place is trapped hella back I want to know what this button does huh [Music] all right oh no okay oh just barely running away here we're going to add a guidance [Music] didn't even need it hey I don't mind if I do I don't mind if I do indeed okay traps how considerates indeed got a pike a stool a studded Shield and a bone we'll grab this why not uh the real question is can I disarm this and how do those activate many many questions I do not have the answers for [Music] we're just gonna let Rogues do rogue things a trap someone doesn't like visitors okay we're originally back to Gail for a second because uh I don't like you have my attention I see abrasure I'm gonna light it try to get as much light in here as we can that might be a little Overkill I don't care okay is there a way to force a perception check that I wish to know skills I guess now's a good time to look at keybinds right action right Mouse button contacts being expensive tip ping is alt plus right attack all the slots this I don't care about that Alchemy short rest in turn in turn base mode I'll just split item stack lift shift e lithid powers what [Music] okay Roblox yeah nope okay here [Music] that's probably fine saying there are traps on those two so there's a try this is more dangerous than I thought well thank goodness everyone else was able to find it okay watch the SEC the second I don't use guidance is when it's gonna matter oh I didn't even need it my goodness oh yeah hell and not trapped looks like a trap then ring mail armor that seems pretty messy silver necklace oh a soul coin I know exactly what those are since I'm running a group through a furnace right now an iron coin I prefer gold oh is that good oh my God critical success I didn't even need the bonus it just worked and then main sarcophagus well then I am a magical projection of Gale of waterdeep and if you see this manifestation that means I have prematurely perished however for reasons that cannot be disclosed it is of vital importance that my death be remedied at your earliest conveniences you may rest assured that I do not speak out of self-preservation alone many lives depend on my return to the living within the span of two days I trust I've made myself clear I have upon my deceased person a magical item that can accomplish my return but such is the value and Rarity that it is protected by a multi-layered security I will now explain the protocol step one is to retrieve from my person a pouch I wear over my heart next you must unthread the purple seam that seals it in a counter-clockwise fashion any other colored strand inside the pouch you will find a folded letter and a tiny flute unfold the letter and note the markings in the top and bottom corners these are the notes you will need to play starting from the bottom right play the notes in correct order clockwise this time upon completion of the tune a magma method will appear which will pose the following question is this is ignan for what is my name the answer is pronounce the name correctly and the method will breathe on the letter stay clear because the little scam can melt metal words will now appear on the letters surface effectively turning the letter into a scroll of true Resurrection use it to bring me back to life okay excellent now repeat my instructions back to me please in that case this will be an easy exercise step one have it your way I can only hope your memory stretches further than your patience best of luck with the protocol may my cold dead hands soon be refilled with the warmth of life so they can shake yours in gratitude okay yeah I'm still catching Strays I am still catching Straits are y'all done yet okay is this just stuck in the infinite Loop I'm I'm confused as to what I'm supposed to like oh my God foreign I think it's bugged I'm gonna make a very rough rough estimation that was bugs and I don't think that was supposed to work that way uh okay duly noted that's a bad room to go to yikes what path lies before me this place wasn't built for the living okay well now I know let's have a look um there goes nothing locked so I got to go through the other one be wary this place is trapped someone there I have a Starion time to do your thing done and done reception fails someone doesn't like visitors yeah I wasn't trying to do that foreign just stay back here come on you little rascals Good Golly thank you okay so I misclicked and I guess I just don't get access to this now huh I mean the stuff in the Crips is fine but foreign please yeah I don't know if we're gonna be able to make this happen necessarily yeah I don't think there's a way to disable this necessarily and I have an idea oh my God okay I don't think I actually do have a way of doing this properly then all right well I guess uh GG's I'll try again later and hope I don't freaking miss click this time that's literally all that was it was okay note to self make sure I don't misclick the tube this time oh my God okay we're gonna try it one more time and then it is very very late here so I will have to call it after that but we're we're gonna try this one more time take this stuff take this stuff it's through this one simple enough excuse me keep your distance darling all right let's go a little trap disarmer boy oh yeah so that is disarmed someone doesn't like visitors it's all things trapped ocean is warranted here okay well that's disarm that natural 20. beautiful get rid of this as well done and done nice I can't help but wonder if the button does does things we'll see one step at a time okay someone doesn't like visitors how hard is it to disarm these okay still a 10. 23. Dear God ah radical failure so that broke my trap disarm kit well be wary this place is treat that was that was the only one I had [Music] um let's see a ancient door requires a key there's a trap and please don't walk right over it then is isn't the whole point of my thing to be to have the lock picks with ease we're definitely gonna throw guidance on this come on baby there we go [Music] it's just that easy whoa wow this takes us out I got to the front door pretty nifty Shadows yeah whatever's in there is uh it's just it's just there now simple easy yeah yeah oh just like old times all's well that ends not as bad as it could have not as bad as it could have a long way from Water Deep oh they have a little bit of a lighting difference looks like I wonder what the next move is let's have some fun scrubs with swords I'm saying much for the quill being my dear versive about their words that they commanded protection I don't know ah I was going to sneak Mind If I Do not a sound that sound indeed but my major is going to very casually loot everything around here [Music] good let's wait step Kev look at that juggle the Scribe of the Dead these chaplains the ancient I'm glad you recognize what he's supposed to be quick rummage go one of the 3D audio of like the bats and stuff flying by yeah there's a button foreign something just woke up down here oh yeah let them come the darkness can be to our advantage it sure enough can okay we're gonna kind of like hide and now can I make a range attack [Music] oh yes nine points so much damage oh you know they gotta nope Enterprise throw high jump yep and I don't know why Dodge is not a default action here uh common a song interesting that Dodge is not one of the options here but yeah why not uh so it's a hand it's fine fashion of weights battlefence Pawn to cleric four valuable Firebolts let's toggle enough resources yeah let me put my oh it's an action to swap I see there's a kitty [Music] okay so now I know on the move I think we're just playing this polar bear [Music] it's a douche I'd love to see that oh hi Lance foreign [Music] can I get up here [Music] looks like I can okay here's what we're gonna do first first oh wizard boy here Gail unleash me yeah first of all we're swapping you out okay oh I'll get that a minute so that's that was my action which is unfortunate for him we're gonna move out of the silence and turn there okay now you good sir can you hit that that's what I want to know now they see me is he no longer hiding okay let's have advantage against this target fine just a regular old range attack of course I miss fine here's what it is that's it for your turn I guess survival is all that matters Shadow threatened and suffering from Ray of Frost movement speed reduced by three meters EE it's unfortunate well you are also silent so oh got him this is actually dead foreign [Music] okay you are an intern [Music] blows this the douche oh that was so worth it you're cold and here's old and let's oh I can't quite get out of Silence uh heading there yep not quite enough and can't do anything that's fine um is there no can trips or anything I can I can really do silence can't cast spells with a verbal component indeed heck Yep this is all I can do I've only got one healing potion so I don't want to waste that super early Francis already hurt pretty bad but we'll we'll get there we'll get there Pat missed me idiot critical Miss on me get absolutely destroyed how will you stop Ray of frosting my cleric you guys are ridiculous fill you up brother we're gonna do must-have Advantage what how do I not have advantage foreign successful [Music] nothing will stand in my way hmm can I even reach anywhere I can almost reach this one does my feet can carry me not enough movement that's ahead I saw a 72 percent chance even a disadvantage laughs role in my favor okay can I Fireball the spans path is I don't know that's 85 sure [Music] wow for a whole one point of damage yeah I can speak now [ __ ] [Music] of course it's saved cringe and I will do it healing word on myself no you can only run so far another silence oh really what is with y'all in silence Ray of frost combos like you guys kind of have a weird thing about it there we go whoo finally let's find some prey well I guess I actually successfully hid nice all right we're gonna do this sorry good sir but I'm afraid I gotta beat your ass in it nice I'm just gonna take a plane oh my God [Music] fools rising from the dead just to protect him all right well that certainly was an encounter alluded that I've looted those quite ready for scale we're just gonna do this real quick just so you feel better about this on my way get some some lights up in here this looks kind of spooky oh I've not checked the crab yet every key that seems important okay we're good with that yes where does this door go to oh [Music] this seems kind of scary a chained up book in a long abandoned Temple the temptational friend we meet again Booker dead gods book is far lighter than it should be with such a massive lock knock the lock open with a spell wizard in intelligence three is that only something I can do because I'm a wizard like Arcana is going to give me a bigger bonus [Music] I'm permission with it yep always add guidance oh it doesn't matter ah wait a minute not quite oh but I can roll again easy totally worth it as the lock opens the loose page comes with it magic Pulses from the parchment spell book what was once script is now an obliterated scroll you have a sense these are names a list but of what a religion sure oh it's just that easy dirty 20. it's these are the names of gods once lost but now restored after the second shot the last three names in this book sit close together but are so devastated by the scroll is to be unreadable entire pantheons have dwindled and been reborn silently recorded he's very confused foreign I'm glad you felt so inspired by me just being a goof could be interesting we're all for Rave and feeblements ooh the smaller necklace Don't Mind If I Do another Soul coin never seen a coin like this before most peculiar oh don't worry uh I have a sneaking suspicion it's going to become more useful shortly Chasm nothing but death okay that this has been a grand old time I'm assuming this just yeah cannot cross it okay oh this is a gilded chest I've not looted yet foreign you can you can stop hiding that one's fine as well that ends not as bad as it could have hands not as bad as it could have that is a cracking mood my dude oh I see the lights oh oh hang on all the lever before I do anything real dumb and go ahead and save there and it is almost two o'clock so I'm gonna call it here since it seems we've pretty much explored most of this Crypt at least um but appreciate y'all tuning in potato I always appreciate the support and I will catch y'all next time till then you'll have a wonderful evening take it easy bye what foreign
Channel: DuxDucisGaming
Views: 1,755
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, dungeons and dragons, games, tabletop, twitch
Id: dhD0GIlHVa8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 236min 53sec (14213 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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