I'm OBSESSED | Lolth-Sworn Drow, Warlock | Baldur's Gate 3 | Ep. 1

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Hello everybody welcome in my name is sin I am so excited to be sharing my playthrough of this game with you guys balder's gate has completely consumed my mind I am obsessed with it every time I have to stop playing it I get really sad I love this game started playing it over on Twitch and I will continue to play it on Twitch Monday Wednesday Friday 6 30 p.m Eastern Standard time I'm in love I know nothing about Baldur's Gate I didn't play the other three games I know nothing about DND all I knew was that I wanted to be a warlock so I'm currently playing as a drow Loft sworn Warlock and I love the setup it's a really fun character it's a really fun game I've been loving watching my friends play the beginning of this game as well and just seeing how different everyone's stories are so I'm super excited to be sharing this game with you guys for those of you that are wondering yes Spider-Man videos are still going to come out Uncharted pre-recorded videos are still going to come out but I couldn't pass up the chance to start posting Baldur's Gate content because that is going to be my main focus over on the streaming platform at least until Starfield comes out so yeah really excited to share this with you guys there will be a time stamp for when character customization ends and The Story begins also quick little disclaimer this game was a little bit bugged when I first started it so there is a cut scene of which my character is completely upright and stagnant when she is not supposed to be I have seen the cut scene when it is fixed so I know what's happening and what's going on but I did leave the bugged cut scene in because I thought it was really funny outside of that this game's absolutely amazing it's a good time I hope you guys have also been enjoying Baldur's Gate 3 if you are playing it if you are playing it leave a comment down below tell me what your race is what your classes what are you doing just I'm obsessed with how other people's Journeys are going also who are you trying to romance that's really important as well but I do hope you guys enjoy the video there will be a time stamp for when character creation is over and I do hope you guys enjoy oh he floats and that's one of our pre-made possible characters right the one in the Cocoon foreign I don't like bugs oh hey it's Cthulhu I did not need to see that sir it's making my eyes water oh no oh man my eye actually is watering that is so gross yes I do want tutorials oh man that's oh God that is so gross hey look at us we're hot all right all right okay this is a barbarian we definitely want to stick to a custom character I've seen a little bit about the dark urge I don't think the darker just customizable at all and like you play as someone who's like natural alignment is evil in the very beginning I kind of want to be an elf what's a drow driven to the underdark I've adopted a ruthless oh pragmatism wow Loft sworn Delight in the goddess evil tenants reject her attempt to overthrow the leader of the Elven Pantheon so like evil elves like dark elves I'm kind of down I do not want to be a human how boring I'm not a fan of this but I would like to know what this is ruthlessness born from the Mind flayer enslavement get the Yankee ride astral C atop Red Dragons bringing their silver swords and some might to Bear against the trace of there are so many words that are just made up actually for those of you that are on Tick Tock the um narrator for this game she posts all of her back scene bloopers on Tick Tock and it's hilarious okay so this is the half elf no Community to call their own no I need a community I need people I can call upon [Music] cool don't want to be a lizard person actually what's the background of Dragonborn here but I use Clan and skill Above All Else one's enslaved by dragons they strive to be self-sufficient not wanting to beholden to anyone not even the Gods okay so let me look at the step okay so elf and drow have pretty much the exact same stats but their proficiencies are different oh wait no this is those stats don't matter because I'm currently a Barbarian so I need to be looking at race features Superior dark vision I can see in the dark that's pretty chill they and stressy you have the advantage of saving throws against being Charmed magic can't put you to sleep so what's the difference okay so long sword short sword and this is just my race training okay so all of these are are these exactly the same no I have better dark vision as a drow I kind of like being a drow okay we'll focus on the race stuff and then we'll go to edit appearance because I did see if I switch too much of this around and then it changes the appearance of the character okay Loft sworn drow raised by Lofts Colt in the city of minzo berenzan has drought embody the virtues of their corrupt and merciless goddess although the marks are followers with bright red eyes and those in the underdark and will learn to fear them on sight what's this one can be found seeking allies from all over faram Faron aiming to settle their conflict with Loth and each other by any means necessary okay so this I'm in a cult this I'm not in a cult I kind of want to be in a cult I feel like if I go Loft sworn I'm already like enslaved to a god on top of being a [ __ ] warlock so I have like two Gods but that also means if I play it the right way maybe my God will show up and save me you know I kind of want to be in a cult I personally feel like I best align with being a warlock I got Eldritch blast which is going to be my favorite thing ever blade Ward half damage from bridging piercing or slashing attacks you gain warlock spell slots and one of those is the ability to speak to animals which I really wanted to do and turn invisible monk seems pretty chill no and then the only oh my God this outfit though ill I kind of would like to do some vicious mockery I really want Eldritch blast prevent targets from you using reactions still take half damage or enable you use reactions armor temporary hit points and deal five cold damage to any enemy that hits you with a melee attack okay let's go with that gain the advantage on Charisma oh I kind of want that instead of Blade Ward oh okay this is where I figured this one out uh work towards corrupting corrupting destructive ends intentionally or otherwise and receive hellish blessings in okay armor and arms of Hadar okay dark one's blessing reduce hustle creature to zero hit points this gift your Patron grants you for temporary hit points what's the great one oh I get some stuff from The Bard with the great old one far realm or towards in man I need glasses gaining strange Powers over and Ruby of the mind I do like this what's the arch phase though oh sleep would be very helpful I imagine foreign presence being able to charm or frighten we'll go with Arch Faye for now we'll see if I stick with it oh I can change these arms charm person oh but that's kind of like oh no because I get sleep and that okay let's do hellish rebuke and hex okay background acolyte you spent your life in service to a temple oh hell no learning sacred rights and providing sacrifices maybe to the god or Gods you worship serving the gods and discovering their sacred Works will guide you to Greatness but that's skills to Insight and religion okay I like the sound of the sage I like the sound of the oh actually I really like acolyte because of insight and religion checks yeah I know I want to go with insight okay these are pretty assigned bonus okay so I have a plus two on Charisma I'm happy with that and a plus one on decks [Music] all right now we can move into the other bit of this all right you should lower your intelligence and raise your wisdom add wisdom to religion and insight checks lower number because you don't have any more points hold up [Music] so do like that does that make sense okay okay let's get the hair out of the face I don't care what it looks like right now let's just get it out of the face okay what's body type oh that's a dude oh okay ooh buff lady with big boobies I'll do the average height one because I am of average height I have kind of a rounder face so honestly that makes sense right there this and this are very round so that'll work for me where to next I don't like that what was this type of Hell's something be wary this place is trapped that sounds sexy it's opened oh those wretched things there's magic keeping this chest sealed we're like four next let's hope the locals are friendly that sounds a little raspy I think I like eight be wary this place is trapped and let's hope the locals are friendly health something just woke up down here be wary this place is trapped it's opened the locals are friendly I like ape okay so because I'm a drowd I guess it would make sense to like stay Within These like fantasy skin tones I kind of like the Dusky purple okay I'm a fan of these Dusky tones [Music] firm I'm a badass warlock I don't have scars how mature can we get oh hey actually those those wrinkle lines aren't that bad but we're an elf so if we have wrinkle lines we're probably like 500 years old or something I don't know how elves age see this makes me look very culty where's the white I need I need like now that's too white this feels very culty warlocky to me [Music] oh wait I can have piercings let me see this oh I don't like the eyebrow one though classy I love the way piercings look on elf ears yes I do like oh we can do heterchromia oh that's kind of freaky what if we do no I want normal eye colors for the race that I chose nah that's too much that's too all over the place that's too busy I like the red eyes with her skin tone oh my God I watch so many of my friends start this game and everyone's like trying to make their character look like them I'm like purple skin oh okay purple skin red eyes I'm role playing people I'm role-playing I'm not sure if I like the bright Reds or if I like these dull kind of blood red these look more natural but these are like I like I like this this is more in your face you know if we're doing this [Music] nice gate of balder right here I feel like that integrates well with her tattoos it's true we could see what the heterochromia looks like with it's too busy it's it's too busy for me especially with like the tattoos the earrings it's too busy laughs [Music] okay now for the most important piece I do like the hair kind of like with the shaved sides I feel like it works for a drow I'm not a fan of that that would really screw me up in combat if we were being realistic that's kind of fun but it doesn't fit the Whimsical look that I'm going for right now that's very myself oh I like the braid but the oh I feel like the hair is too puffy I love the long braid I do like this this [Music] hmm that's also good the messy low bun that'd be good for keeping your hair out of your way oh I love all the braids in this ponytail [Music] I don't know I like the idea of some type of braid when it comes to elves I feel like the media has just sold that idea to me okay yeah that's the one we started with I don't like that games are like shoulder length I know I'm happy to have like actual hair options that I don't have to try to mod for because I don't like modding it's too much oh that's fun there's a God what is it it's an old TV show about a woman who gets some type of magic and there's like a legion of badass women warriors who all do their hair like this okay I'm between long braid in shave side braid it's not Charmed it's not Xena it's um it's more of a more modern show it's not Xena I'm kind of feeling the long braid I do like the white so that's too close to her skin tone so I do like [Music] that's a nice bluish White [Music] yeah that's a nice offset blue white oh no we're not doing that but that is nice okay we'll do white three let's see okay these are our highlight I can kind of see them right in there and right there this makes her look like a candy cane no that's like two perfectly distributed but I do like the way oh look at the way it kind of laces into the braid wait no no we're not done graying I can be graying can elves Gray oh wait that actually okay I know they call this graying but it actually adds some depth to the hair yeah okay ew no I kind of like that it adds like a little rose gold tone to her hair wait no yes okay we are vibing we've got our Warlock that did click right no [Music] I have to confirm there we go what do you mean I can't have facial hair dare you is this against the drow way what do you mean I can't have facial hair how dare you I at least wanted to try it on specifically okay that's just mean what we can't even buy a beard and just like stick it on okay how are we feeling I like her she looks like she's gonna cast Eldritch blast and steal your wallet which is what I'm going for him oh oh what's a guardian for [Music] oh I love the way the highlights pull into the hair which is kind of fashionable yes yes [Laughter] wait no no It's gotta be the classic turned up devil stash okay horns I kind of need the twisty ones that she has now those are too tall she's gonna get stuck on a door frame [Music] those are nice I'm happy with this are we good with our devil bestie she looks really cool actually okay Adventure fourth I don't get to name my new best friend oh God we're back with the eyeball guy see sleeping on the job or is he dead [Music] Lawrence this obviously is in Florence Betty's beautiful though yeah this is when you make peace with your God and you're like nope not today oh that's how he kidnaps people are the other mind players dead this is of course oh these are the Tiamat guys okay the TMR guys do not like the Mind player foreign works get Yaki gotcha oh all of those tentacles are the control panel okay they're after her because she's obviously one of them ah foreign [Music] [Music] oh we did end up in hell thank you that's a very cool cutscene okay foreign okay so I click how do I know Journal escape the not the Lloyd um reactions events triggers even outside of your turn you can toggle them on and off whether they automatically Trigger or ask for input okay how do I make the screen go away how do I oh okay so I can move my camera but I don't know how to rotate oh I can also use mid Mouse oh that's so awkward to do okay this works better because it okay okay okay that works a little bit better actually okay I can't do anything [Music] can I look at these other pods someone else got out might be other oh this is oh no that's gross [Music] isn't your eye I'm not gonna I I'll investigate the pool I'm not touching this pool okay skill check I don't know if that's good that seems like a middle ordeal hey I was successful though the casing is fragile slightest I don't wanna did it explode recently I know the Dragonfire touched it I don't like I said I don't play D D but I think the slightest dumb decision could probably end my life so I'm trying to be careful not everyone made it out alive can I oh I want to touch that I just thought I wouldn't touch anything better oh trippy okay what's on the other side of this room anything gross vicious chair don't sit in the vicious chair what's wrong with you I wanted to investigate the vicious chair oh thank you I apologize for what's happened to you images of goblins their habits and histories into your mind your mind it's a brain in a jar can I hit it flashes into your mind as much living being as [ __ ] oh so this is a very fleshy ship okay ill can I not read these oh here we go okay can I my little child just whispered to me it said you're trapped and I'm not okay with that I'm taking these I don't know what benefit they're gonna have but they're mine now that level I will sell them probably humanoid brain alive in perfect condition suspended in fluid I probably don't want to poke this foreign [Music] cool can I pick it up no okay sad I I don't want to sit in these creepy chairs I don't trust them a cerebral they have their own aquariums I can use them to things that's so creepy oh a thousand years of humanoid history elves dwarves humans and more flash behind your eyes I'm just getting all kinds of downloads imma sell these I just gotta hold on to them I'm definitely gonna sell them are you what's whispering to me how do I use it huh oh under operation oh dude all his brain is exposed [Music] yes you've come to save us from this place from this place you'll free us huh the exposed brain Quivers and expectation please oh before they return they return don't quiver in my presence uh I think you're past the point of saving tell me what to do am I yeah this doesn't seem like him is Brighton is it his brain a newborn a minion of the Mind flayers who abducted you how do I break it you know what I want to talk to it a little bit from this case free us oh all free all right I just don't think you're gonna like it will this tell me anything else not 20. look at me go swelling of the brain show where it strains against the shell of the skull I I'm way too curious I know it's a servant of the Mind flayer I kind of want to pull it out I have I I have like no medical experience I'm probably gonna break it anyway I totally broke it I broke it it's okay [Music] the swelling is too great cannot lift the brain out of the skull ah get rid of it he's dead anyway basically dead yeah oh God my hands are so gross okay whatever you do do not touch your face after this you have nothing in your pockets okay that will where will this take me it doesn't do anything no there's so many brain jars we're now on a quest for hand sanitizer what's that in the background fire okay yeah oh oh they're back okay [Music] they did manage to follow oh okay excuse you are we fighting Visions rushed past Dragon swing a silver sword flash of your face through the strange woman's eyes ah [Music] [ __ ] what is this [Music] blesses me this day oh we might survive okay she's realizing we're allies okay uh who are you we need to I'm sure I can learn more about her later so let's X this out uh we need to figure out where we are what do you suggest why did she think we were a thrall tainted and twisted that makes sense within days we will be gay mind players we're turning into mind players there must be something we can do she just said we can be cleansed and once we reach the material plane okay sounds like a plan to me I will follow you lady foreign get ready to fight combat happens in round each participant gets a turn to act the game pauses around you during combat so you have time to plan your actions okay what am I looking at I've got a pommel strike a rush attack range attack I don't think I have a bow does it matter oh I miss I'm her right now I do have a bow should I hamstring shot I got an 85 chance of hitting this [Music] I must say that was a tutorial Miss okay screw that come on can't stay idle where's my Eldritch blast I probably should not do that [Music] um I don't think this works on them it would be interesting if it did though [Music] I kind of want to see what it does but I can only use it once right I want to see see laid Zell that's how you do that I have to keep going oh new sword [Music] okay nice lizelle rude I don't know if fiery I don't know if this works on imps though I'ma try it I'm learning here last break sweet everyone dead oh it's an okay uh I got speed potion and avoid bulb throw this alien bulb at a Target and possibly pull in nearby objects or creatures fall expand and can trick rhythmically as a breathing they hatch on anything they can get a hold of that sounds gross I'll take it okay the aquariums dead thrall this is a healing potion it's mine now what's this it's cradle don't get cradled no stop stop putting yourself I know I'm touching them but I'm wanting you more to investigate rather than put yourself inside these weird contraptions oh I can use this she won't be able to take another dragon attack to get out before it's too late oh I have simple robes okay is this where no that's not where I'm supposed to go I'm supposed to go this way right [Music] oh at least these dead people have gold okay I just Auto saved oh hey we found the control panel I will probably touch everything sacrifice cultists okay can I say these people can I talk to them mine isn't dead ly unrest um yeah if you could get out I don't think you'd want to live after this my friend this seems very traumatizing let's not do that let me see what it is inside pulsate's only keeping time with your own breath okay [Music] we have no time for stragglers oh isn't she another one of the characters from the logos uh look at the LA look for a latch that might open the lid there's no time I need to get out of here warlock Arcana come on come on come on [Music] I'll take it runes you feel them drawing energy from the console near to the Pod are you satisfied we need to go lady I'm doing my magic thing try that contraction next to the party they did something to it when they sealed me in hurry all right do some Hocus Pocus over here the console appears dormant [Music] describe the device with glyphs that you sense from the pods warding let's do it I love being a warlock to life the pulsing glow and organic lines of the device make it seem more like a beating heart than a machine perhaps it will open the nearby pod okay we've determined that let's open it only you feel you feel oh does it not one is doing that oh I got this all I needed was a path of two right that's what that means let's go you feel the biomechanical brain of the console process your command do you do it oh because of the parasite we can control the ship oh we really just let her smack the ground hi new friend I thought that damn thing was going to be my coffin thank you your mind lurches of weariness do you have a gift with you you keep dangerous company aren't I a drow aren't I also kind of uh known to be a dick um did you feel that just now we're in each other's heads dangerous companies what you need in a fight Fair Point looks like there's plenty of fighting ahead let me come with you we can get off the ship and watch each other's backs along the way okay new friends uh let's get going I'm sin did you feel what I just felt before I did yeah we're new best friends imagine if I said no figure it out for yourself one moment is that your government name or did you give yourself a cool nickname it's nothing trust me enough of this chatter we need to get to the helm now she's right lead on okay but I want to see if I can't help the people who are stuck to the machine though they look like dead dead can I open this with magic foreign brain alive in perfect condition suspended okay that's not helpful to me right now what's this dude veggies appear in your mind a brain a good Yankee Warrior and centuries of Darkness yeah this is mine now I'll sell it later can I not right I'm just sticking everything in my pockets let's go I'll open this later [Laughter] everything goes in the mystical Pockets that I apparently have what do you mean our kind of failed and even try machine most important Style oops wow so much for peace hold up hold up uno momento Target cannot be an enemy what does that mean I don't want to like murder them okay I'm just gonna figure this out I am death works on neutral people during ah I guess we just you know continue onward until we can punch them in the face okay I return oh what you want to play the Magic game with me bucko we can play the Magic game oh I I'm not sure about that I hit you with that [Music] foreign okay rude times the only way out is through I tried to help okay I did I swear I did I'm gonna take all your stuff though okay well that button did not work it was in fact the wrong button several doors here oh oh should I kill that should I kill it [Music] I feel like I should kill it on my way [Music] okay I'm just gonna come over there liezel disapproves I didn't do anything I was trying to kill it rude [Music] oh this place is crazy amazed woman is trapped inside the pod he doesn't notice you okay maybe if I move slowly I can save her let's not push that maybe I should push that I'm gonna push it okay maybe maybe I'll give it a second I won't push it right now one second [Music] Eldritch rune yeah part of you recognizes a component of a bitter okay wait maybe I do need these can I put them can I give can I put the brains into the people who don't have brains because their brains were replaced by parasites they used woman is trapped inside the pod she doesn't notice you okay this is either gonna make her angry connected to the Pod come on oh God ah dang it wrong button all right I'll just I'll just blast that okay changed at the pull of a lever how if we are not purified this may be Our Fate oh does it not let it out of the box it's just kind of in there stares at you we can dazed all right well I'm Gonna Let You vibe in there um if you do make it out remember that I created you and that we're kind of sort of friends now okay I got a guild key okay we definitely need this for Lazelle I wonder what plane we are nearing the hill once inside do as I say who put you in charge I was gonna say that's very conditional judgment okay can we hold it with the racism really quickly I would just like to get out of here oh really I stepped Through Fire that's what happened right there okay no one touched the fire For the Love of All what is the name of my drought's deity again not the arch Faith thing but then my cult that way I can quote that moth roll For the Love of LOL so don't touch anything [Music] the answer is kind of getting it do it we will deal with the cake after we escape I was gonna say first off I'm not a thrall but as long as you're like helping out we need to get out of here cool okay um let's focus on movement get rid of you okay uh yeah hold up hold up hold up I'm touching too many things at once I can shove things away from me [Music] because sworn I picked up a ranged weapon that's okay guiding Bolt inflict wounds we'll see what this does [Music] oh come on okay let's protect ourselves really quickly just because I know he's gonna hit us next rude little yeah what you got to say about that okay I think we can pretty much move forward then okay let's not do that Let's uh you don't have anything [Music] leather armor okay let's let him do his thing that's why you missed I think I would miss too that works for me okay hold up I have this so let me pop that before I really mess up here thank you can I hold up no nice okay on the move [Music] uh can I hamstring shot this dude it's got a high defense rude um Second Wind we don't need that okay we're just gonna have to let the Mind player do his thing oh okay you you want that you do that do I have anything that will give me more movement uh gain an X an action okay maybe I should do that yes please hurry before they strike I was trying to and then you distracted me I can throw one of these random things I have in my inventory [Laughter] I got plenty of these hold up hold up hold up I'm not gonna use this ax oh wait I have proficiency with that I got proficiency with most the random things I picked up so you know what [Laughter] can I do it again okay I need to cover more distance next time so I need to remember that and okay I'm done being an idiot um use the dash action okay okay okay bam [Music] oh wait is that a dead Lieutenant I think it is okay that doesn't help me though um we can take a couple of hits so we should be fine strike [Music] make way okay mind player stop dying if this ship hits the ground we're dead okay Dash I can't move the camera from here which is there we go this isn't the console though even an enemy melee range allows them to attack you as a reaction avoid this by taking the disengage action okay could you like get out of my way how about what do you mean I'm at a disadvantage for Eldritch blast okay oh Eldridge is a range attack okay I mean obviously but I didn't know that would put me at a disadvantage if I tried to do that ow okay my mind player keeps missing I'm not a fan of this guy [Music] can't give up not now okay foreign do I want the transponder or is it something else it's on a different level on the Move okay I'm just gonna hope the Mind player doesn't die right now okay the Mind player is doing his best can I see what's up here this is gonna put some distance between me and her so I hope she's okay but I do need to see you've made it in time [Music] uh oh [Music] come on lights out let's go strum the weird cord okay do I get a cutscene with whatever character I do a certain action with ass with my character okay I understand at least we made it we made it out for better for worse I don't exactly know where we're going to end up though sequence okay so Eldritch blast gotta use it at range other ways I'm at a diff's Advantage which makes sense because I don't know what the range on an Eldritch blast is or the radius of it I should say so I probably shouldn't be standing too close to someone when I want to use Eldritch blast thank you oh hey that's not my friend [Music] they are so unconcerned with this giant mind okay at least they are a little bit concerned with the Mind player ship coming down they're like oh hey that looks interesting [Music] um [Music] yeah I'm I'm very confused about this Godsey oh my God look at all these weird textures [Music] oh no oh no no I assume we're supposed to be lying down broken and bruised but you know at least we're back to normal a little bit as you wake the tadpoles squirms in your skull stop reminding me of that other than the infection you're more or less intact a miracle given everything you've been through but just well for nothing if you don't find help soon we did stand through the entire landing and the clock is ticking you need a cure okay we need to find the gay unique items personal chests in Camp during the long rest in some of your unique DLC items I don't think they bought the DLC okay uh our sort of friend conditional friend oh it's starting to get clunky I picked up a clam I can probably eat that do I need to eat oh okay she's has health and she has that weird thing that I really want to take what happens if I just you know what I want well we'll be nice to her and she'll tell us what it is later well manipulator I'm alive how is this possible I was hoping you would tell me I remember the ship I remember falling then nothing uh now what do you have any idea where we are what happened to our gith friend you might want to reconsider calling her a friend looks like she ran off without us okay um no I don't recognize this place nothing's an improvement on where we just came from first things first we need supplies shelter and most of all healer we might have escaped but we still have these little monsters in our heads okay we need to be cleansed that's what the gift said oh you want to stay together you each other and we both know what's at stake I can't think of better company besties all right let's go before we go I wanted to thank you again referring me it would have been all too easy for you to run right past my pod but you didn't I'll remember that lead the way okay we made it out with one friend um any more clams I can pick up highlighted items making it easier to find loot left Alt ah pouch if I do do we eat the Mur grass still oh there's a backpack shanties to the [ __ ] Queen fresh water there must be a settlement somewhere nearby a row and spray upon our necks our backs and see beneath our feet the [ __ ] Queen stays the storm wave mother wave mother lashes to the prowl wave mother we sail your skirt if you allow sinkus if you will our skulls are yours Brine and sand to fill okay this is this is an interesting thing alrighty yeah it's basically a D and D video game which means I have no idea what's going on but it's okay I'm taking some fish uh anything oh mangled body can I hold up oh perfumed letter item context menu okay oh I got a keychain an Alchemy pouch got supplies I picked up this elaborate chest that I shoved in my pocket because I didn't want to leave it behind read I love you there I said it and if you meet me tomorrow I'll say it again and again and keep saying it until we're old and gray so let's do it let's go to Baldur's Gate hey there's the title I know it's risky and so staying here the last few months have been hard but they're always a little easier when you're there leave your boat and meet me in the hill overlooking the old bridge ooh bring whatever you can carry okay so we should probably go talk to this Anna person and tell her her boyfriend's dead might be a nice thing to do okay the game's getting a little wonky oh Belladonna make some poisons okay let's make sure to not eat that oh hey what is that mystical magical symbol a map of your surroundings you can view quest locations and place custom markers you can also teleport to waypoints so is this a waypoint overgrown ruins okay so this is nothing is probably a dungeon get that open yesterday maybe there's another entrance why don't I just Eldritch blast the door how about that dagger root okay we got recipes get more Mur grass there's a barrel [Music] take a look at all the barrels oh these tools wait um oh God okay this is not I need to pass a 10. bam give me what's in the box onyx she leaves a path of Onyx behind her sweet I really don't need this anymore I could probably sell this right hey Shadow heart hold carry my burdens okay we got water that's important when you're stranded [Music] foreign should I kill it I should probably kill it stay away from me you weird little crustacean vicious filth best keeps him distant so this will be a short fight are you sure about that oh they these things are actually chunky despise everything okay okay okay so I'm do I'm okay this time around I can't even catch my breath because I please don't miss that minor stab oh I think I just put a brain in my pocket okay there's an abductive nobleman let's go see what he has in his pockets um ooh a silver locket horseradish it's a random thing to keep in your pocket oh a dead mind flayer oh I should really throw some of those voids at people just to see what they do ooh oil of accuracy we do love oils check on this moned flare hey he just has a random skull in his pocket that's cute um okay this is acid I'll take that too all right let's get out of here throw distance strength or decks does anyone know wish I had a bad of holding oh does that mean I'm running out of room for all of my random stuff my collections boom more thieves tools is this um climb on I've got it foreign oh a leather helmet oh okay okay okay that's nowhere near well where okey dokey oh keep oh keep oh keep oh okay I'm kind of stuck there we go oh God we're getting back into mind flayer territory oh could there be stuff hitting under items probably honestly right now I'm apparently root collecting itchy hand can I go down someone's calling me I'll be there in a moment that wall looks fake already trying to convince myself that nice view no no something made a sound something made a sound at me okay okay I'm coming yeah I don't really want to know what that nature check was so I'm just gonna keep going I'm a little bit afraid of that nature check oh hey this is that one guys let's bring things corner in the cross kill it can't you kill the others kill it yourself you look capable um I don't like these options why aren't you trying to kill it yourself he's totally gonna shove me can you see it just a dumb ball you're relieved until you see the flash of a dagger okay if this is robbery you're off to a bad start maybe I shouldn't call him an elf aren't we both technically elves you're in League with it aren't you those tentacles oh you got warm too prowling to try to hold the memory but it fades to the worm the light the fear what was that what's going on uh the Mind player is warm it's connected us honestly I have no idea Put The Knife away and I'll tell you we got yeah it's a worm Club that explains things and think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards I like the teeth apologies indeed we are please allow me to introduce myself my name's Astorian I was in Baldur's Gate when those beasts snatched me uh no he's not getting my story a pleasure so ah they'll turn us into mind players I know we don't want them in our heads maybe I should just be honest or maybe he'll freak out turn us into he'll think it's funny yeah it's a joke it's not real of course it'll turn me into a monster what else did I expect although it hasn't happened yet if we can find an expert someone that can control these things there might still be time uh controller we need to get rid of it should travel with me our odds are better together I need to get moving shelter at my camp you know I was ready to go this alone but maybe sticking with the herd isn't such a bad idea and you seem like a useful person to know don't flatter me you tried to kill me the pale elf aren't all elves kind of Pale in some ways I mean I'm technically pale for my skin tone Okay so we've added a new person to our party line all right this is gonna send us back into the broken bowels of the ship oh potion of speed skull and a spiked Bowl you guys have so many throwables foreign what class is he I assume by the dagger he pulled out and it's hurt he's probably a rogue oh yep I was right can we charm the Mind player sir if you attack me I'm gonna Eldritch blast you dying monster same one compassion I won't be manipulated by a worm deserve to be punished for it me you should be whipped made to Bow before this creature in shame assessing your mind forcing you to love it but then the feeling slips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere concentrate on it oh oh I lowered my intelligence for wisdom I'm still gonna try oh just hit the 10. but then it's grip clothes back with a vengeance a vice locking your mind into obedience curiosity got the captains to survive and body you you can provide oh yes okay this is what I prepared for how did I rule no how did I roll a three well y'all could help me you know warm wet tentacles wrap themselves the first time in your life [Laughter] [Music] I've loved that I kind of love that I want to try again though I want to try again I want to see if I can beat it with how do I survive a wisdom chick an intelligence check and not a wisdom check I literally have been static for wisdom how critical Mission failure my companions are just watching this hentai moment it's like is that supposed to be happening the worm says it is okay I got a health increase class features warlock spells log gained let's go gain a spell okay let's do some attack spells I don't know if I won which uh which bolts are the arms Eldritch study of the cold lore you have unearth Eldritch invocations fragments of forbidden knowledge that impulse imbue you with abiding magical powers agonizing blast when you cast Eldritch blast add your charisma modifier oh unless it is negative armor of Shadows Cass Mage Armor on yourself it will without expending a spell slot oh that would be helpful Beast speech okay this is a purely selfish matter um oh wait I love these game proficiency and oh deception and persuasion normal and darkness both magical and non-magical wait I can kind of already see in the dark because I'm a drowd um Cass false life on yourself at will without spending false life Grand shoe temporary hit points you can disguise yourself repelling blasts when you hit a creature with Eldritch blast no these are all so cool okay the armor would be helpful agonizing blast would be helpful B speech is purely selfish because I want to find a pet I'm between agonizing and repelling because my Charisma is so high this would be helpful too we're going with it okay I want to try that nature check one more time in this direction okay dude you already tried to rob me once mind your business right now dang it oh you right you write I gotta level up everyone I forgot I'm in charge of more than just one person it's already 4 P.M man this game goes by fast okay so what did you pick up you have a spell slot Channel divinity turn Undead oh fun wait does this okay no it says turn Undead got it so the random bodies that I see lying around I can't just have her pull them up invoke duplicity goes fast when you're bald at the gate I kind of don't want to mess with her stuff because I'm still figuring out what all her stuff does uh we'll leave it until the next upgrade I'll remember next time I don't want to play as you so that's progress hippity hoppity all right let's go get robbed again all right my good sir hurry and I've got one of those bring things cornered okay let's get him on our side and then we'll do an auto save you can kill it can't you like kill the others I kind of want to be an [ __ ] this time I was hoping for a kind soon well to worry oh oh why did you pull us both to the ground this went South really quickly laughs really I saw you on the ship stressing about whilst I was trapped in that pot I didn't see you and those tentacle freaks do to me I'm not an idiot okay what was that what's going on the worm hands I think I was ready to decorate the ground with your innards indeed we are okay it's a Starion Astorian hold his gate when there's a pleasure so do you mind players although it hasn't happened yet let's be besties you know I was ready to go this alone and all right okay F5 now I'm gonna go touch the Mind flavor again I'm gonna beat it at this wisdom check this time if it's the last thing I do that thing's bound to be dangerous you approached the dying monster okay let's let's catch up here and now wait only you didn't feel compassion compassion well level a Starion after I win this I'm gonna win this one feelings lips the creature's mind seems to focus elsewhere oh can I beat the intelligence though I'ma go for it bam okay we just got we just gotta pass the wisdom check your mind but then it needs sustenance to survive we got it we got it we got it we got it the monster lies exhausted defeated its eyes wet orange pearls radiate malice kill it nice what'd you got in your pockets death is too yeah we got it that time okay um we can head out that way and I think we pretty much just go oh yeah a historian not in my presence okay we've quick saved we help a Starion we quick save again [Music] okay so he's a rogue watcher Roger Roger all right oh no I don't Ablaze you not as bad as they could have can I climb this him dead goblins over there worth checking for supplies Maybe oh I I probably should have also jumped over the fire it did not occur to me not a trap good to know can use this right now oh it is a trap it's saying I don't have tools to disarm the strap that's what it's saying to me hmm oh hey it's a dirt Mound it's a good thing there's a shovel I should have made a starry and do this just in case fire Amber more stuff from pockets I'm gonna climb this hill thing oh hey oh do you do you need help okay um what nobody gets in Los orders that patch of goblets will be honest any second what's going on you let goblins here where is The Druids okay um please this is so scuffed [Music] oh big angry cat big Angry fluff wait this probably won't work I can speak to animals [Music] yeah that gate ain't going nowhere don't don't do that don't don't you're gonna break your hands and then how are you going to fight [Applause] damnable Rush oh hi provoke the blade and suffer it sting okay hello new friend oh my God this is so wacky okay he got the hamstrings I am so did you just Grease the store why why did you grease this man [Music] critical okay critical lies how about that restate oh God okay uh uh I could I could probably help him by hiding him um [Music] oh oh oh I oh okie dokie I was like who's laying on the ground it was me apparently [Music] oh cool okay oh wait no no no this is ripe that rallying cry seemed to excuse you [Music] that's right burn okay um can you make that for me pretty please with the cherry on top oh that's there's a possibility you won't make that though laughs okay that's fine I wasn't really thinking you were gonna make that anyway oh you know what I I should have tried Charming it it's not fun I should have tried Charming it did you just put a gun to the back of his head all right buddy please actually hold up that had way less of time okay okay at least that was a critical mess he got Bane though oh hey it gives I have The High Ground I'm guessing that's an advantage these days [Music] gotcha just trying to touch things and understanding what certain things do okay who's supposed to be dead I'm just gonna keep Eldritch blasting they kept breathing so I kept blasting [Music] see a bad dude I can't really tell [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] I should have tried being friends with the org okay if I had used my B speech could I have been friends with the org gloves of power I don't know why I'm collecting all these skulls my way I was gonna say I just saved you guys you're not gonna open the door for me can our children hear you fool we was running for our lives you let them straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable they're oh that's why they were calling for the druid [Laughter] backstabbing this feels like home I'm totally gonna do this one pull your claws in under elf show some respect saved your pathetic life thank you ask for any goddamn help please you are begging me to open the gate anything to save yourself you coward the human's eye twitches he's about to blow oh let's let's not persuasion let's try this I got three plus on Charisma I'm not looking I'm not looking I'm looking at the other screen [ __ ] I did kind of save scum right before that so I should try to oh okay a long time ago arrogant prick had it out for me from day one no one leaves my people out cold but you just left that guy out cold oh yep only way he shot that hole under his nose he was right though coming back to this hellhole was a mistake no amounts of gold can put right I'd rather face another round of goblins then stay in this pit oh okay well he had for that teeth for once let's try to avoid any more punching we need to find a Healer oh he's yeah out called regression a cheap shot I should have expected that what I didn't expect was help out there from a drow thank you I'm several I'm saying what is this place I take my thinks and coin yup yup yup that's oh I need to build friendships before I try to manipulate people well met I should warn you visitors are no longer welcome in this Grove whatever your business I'd see to it quickly The Druids are forcing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their resolve I have no quarrel with Druids why are they forcing you out those goblins mini attacks like this I won't be staying long there have been several attacks by different monsters The Druids blame us Outsiders for drawing them here nobody's welcome anymore they've started a ritual to cut the Grove off from the world outside we can't stay but we'll be slaughtered if we leave we are no Fighters this ritual is there no way to convince The Druids to stop it I've tried Koga their new first Druid won't even see me you who though I know it's not your business but she owes you for saving this place perhaps you could persuade her sure time to prepare if nothing else you're the most lulled streamer I've ever met you can do this sin thank you yeah I'm gonna try to do as much drow stuff as I can I just wanna see if I can get on people's good sides in order to manipulate them a little bit see what I can do I'm sorry I have my own problems I have my own temporal concerns I need a Healer um what are you offering for my Aid we know you're a great debt what little we have we'll scrape together it isn't coin we need time I'll got you I'll figure it out really with Messengers now you'll find The Druids at the heart of the Grove please make them see sense oh and if it's of any concern you're brave to walk around without hiding your heritage I'll make sure everyone knows that you helped us at the gate I'm like the coolest of the cool what do you mean I'm even part of a little underground cult funny how sin is a natural Loth drow but hate spiders do they have pet spiders sounds gross okay make sure we kind of save scum that because I do want to help out with this Druid issue I think I picked the coolest class for myself you know I think this makes a lot of sense I'm not sure what that really says about me but I think it makes a lot of sense but y'all got in these crates is this stealing what if no one sees me I don't need a potato Aaron's back with his tail between his legs I'm glad for your help but I'd hoped you were Hellsing uh that's is that her race hold shift to see NPC sight lines I'm guessing that's when they're walking those thousands drew it in charge of this Grove at least he was guess if he didn't come back with aradon that might not be the case oh that's why they were looking for that guy [Music] gotcha thank you [Music] they're character fun times Goodwill and on party on I love that fun times Goodwill dot oh there's been a murder I swear this wasn't me oh no he's the one who got shot some help it's too late he's gone can we Necromancer him that's probably not the nice thing to do someone's going to pay for this I cannot wait what are you doing oh okay well what you got in your pockets not for communal use it seems show some respect or some more cunning what do you mean now for communal use that one guy's not even here anymore it's totally gone let me just look at one tempers are rising it's clear not everything you find is at your disposal what's next fine drow do that find pleasure in killing I got a goblin myself yesterday shot her through the throat I love this chain mail that she has on that should have killed her but she kept gasping clawing at the arrow it's a refined taste someone like you would never understand just embrace it the adrenaline the excitement the power makes you stronger we don't all enjoy killing I do what I must I find no pleasure in killing it's a refined I guess it's it's better that way yep yep yep it's it's a refined taste if you don't understand it's probably for the best I don't want competition oh [Music] what is okay hold up hold up hold up senorita um let's put let's put him in between her um yeah you were surprised you should be I hate it when people make me miss my criticals um into the surface ah okay I'll jump closer in your direction that's what I'll do blessing of the trickster Oh okay that's cool I'll take it okay bug bear assassin I was like this guy's not even attacking was it because he was surprised is that how that works foreign the eyeball yeah it's a good thing I healed him and when in doubt no I don't want him running away why would you do that can I run up and shove him too heavy to shove yeah I've been Landing those Fireballs so why not [Music] don't waste a step you have good timing never been much of a fighter so wrestling a bug bear would have gone poorly but you're not here for heroics are you avernus's stenches all over your skin let me guess oh the Hell realm mistress sent you to get her soul coin back too bad I earned it fair and square I'll have you know I serve the arch Faye and Loth okay uh you've lost me you've got me hand over the coin and I'll be on my way this is the thanks I get to explain why you wreak of the hells I just told you I was just there a mind player abducted me that's actually true that is very true that's not a lie well that's quite the story and I thought I was doomed now I feel sorry for you here take this ah it's worth a fortune but a Fortune's not worth much if you're dead we got the coin payment for saving my life a song coin true to its name holds a mortal Soul inside it serves in the nine Hills is very valuable currency oh I've got money and she's stuck oh wait this isn't me let's see what we have here this is still not me looking ahead that coin's worth plenty don't let a squid get their tentacles on it it's my soul now you peer through the telescope oh my God we need glasses I assume that it's a dragon though or a very weird bird uh squinted squint at the distant object Focus the telescope I think I should squint at it squint in the distance foreign to the left the telescope points to the left [Laughter] she's having a good time on that rock did it not go to the left the telescope points straight ahead oh man this is making my bad eyesight feel way worse okay let's leave before I get stuck in this telescope all right we have saved a life and got a soul coin now if I were Druids about to do something sketchy can I have that squirrel wait it has a name can we talk to it I got this spell for a reason okay okay come on come on come on come on come on come on come on can I add a bonus what is this oh this is a uh thing from yeah let's do that from her I need it anyway but just in case I want to be the squirrel's friend you followed the squirrels gaze to a pair of clumsy ugly feet on her territory rude looking around her territory extends from one end of The Grove to another um scoring her come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on squirrel friendship we got it lasts until you you need to oh I need to cast the spell before thing oh understood okay so I cast the spell then I go about my day okay gotcha not easy for twitching her ears compromise after a final squeak of warning break the rules and there will be trouble she scurries away okay so I can just cast this convince Timber to let us walk on our territory or his territory small trinket to keep us away from trees oh cool hyena ear wait can I talk to Timber remember our deal now I'm so happy I got this spell this is all I wanted in life was to talk to animals oh wait this leads me back up to where I saved that person can I oh this is oh wait there's a lever here okay this is where they're doing their creepy little thing do I have to walk all the way around just can I throw something at you oh wait no that's that's an idol that's not a person my question still stands can I throw something at you no you just care about your stupid apprenticeship oh I kind of want to hear them argue but also refugees adventurers and even a drow known in years and suddenly we're overwhelmed well met and thank you for beating back those goblins you're welcome is there anything you need act fast if you do the ritual will be complete before too long walking down the Grove I'm here for a Healer what what are you selling kids and Bobs I no longer need what are you buying I think I might okay can I see these on or do I have to just buy them you guys are arguing okay oh I do like that better okay we'll leave this alone for now okay uh their attitude towards you affects the prices okay I heard you guys arguing while I was trying to do my deal we can't on people who are as good as dead we must leave for Baldur's Gate at once you'll just take a moment please these people aren't Fighters we can help oh yeah louder that's fine too I'll give it a go okay we're good success thank you it's the right thing to do and you know it she's right Roland better than this Zerg fine I'll stay too unless you both end up with your throat slit by Goblin blade thank you Roland okay well that worked out hi Roland we should have left by now damage instead we're just sitting here practically begging to be attacked staying is a mistake you're done you're doing the right thing the teeth please need help why rush to leave and what about us there's every chance we've doomed ourselves by helping these people we will end up father for some goblins blade all because Leah insists on helping every wounded fall we see why is he so eager to reach the city we're looking at laroikan's newest Apprentice I don't know who that is yes that valaroicum greatest wizard in Boulder's Gate that means nothing to me my brother imma knock this guy down a peg I don't know who your master is what you don't know of him no I've admired him for years sounds like a personal thing and political sway are forces to be reckoned with rest assured the name's Roland and laroican will be known to you soon enough you'll see he's so sure of himself my guy I'm just here for the cult stuff this place is a bloody death trap not a sanctuary you should clear off while you can I'm trying to make friends with The Druids so okay you guys are training children oh hey it's a child having the Goblins come I'll be ready kid I could punt you over these walls please stay inside of them I have played Frontiers what a thrill for the children they're tough kids smart too the Futures in good hands go on give me a Best Shot dead not bad again he's way more supportive than I am I'm not like you oh me I don't need you to be like me you just have to buy enough time to run come on I believe in you you can do this um The Hope is hopeless you're wasting your time let's not say that in front of the child we don't want to crush his hopes and dreams just yet hmm you're on the right pathumi go on now practice what you've learned well met the blade of Frontiers at yours oh you're injured is everyone part of the worm Club tears racing the Diabolical figure red skin single curled horn blazes with flame bloodied great ax held high aha hell's great fires you were on the ship we both carry parasites and others can't be thank God I need all the friends I can get who is that woman oh who was the woman you saw her then Advocates diaboli her name is carlak an archdevil Soldier I sworn my good eye to kill I tracked her through the hells to the Mind Flay ship but the Damned lithids infected me before I could end her she's out there now preying on the innocent I don't kill her she'll leave behind nothing but a trail of corpses I'm more concerned with the parasite I suggest we search for a Healer together let's join forces I'll help you cast this devil from the house you have a mindful mind player tapple in your head does that not worry you my dude um let's work together I like your thinking besides I watched you fight at the gate I could use an ally like you all I did was Eldritch blast hmm the famous blade of Frontiers in the flesh clever this hero act you've got going blade name strange there's some tension there my friends call me will excellent if we ever become friends I'll know what to call you oh my this is going to be a fun Journey didn't even notice the story and had a black eye yeah oh my dude um any questions I did not even notice he was kind of [ __ ] up is this sexual tension I'm sensing I don't know Shadow heart has an issue with everyone she didn't like our gift friend Geth get I think it's gift she didn't like our gift friend oh he's a warlock welcome in my brother I'm gonna make you do all the things that I wanted to do all about the maldrige blast I do love a good Eldritch blast and spicy okay I'm trying to find me Druids he stares right past you as if you're invisible or boring oh wait I don't want to do this as this guy I don't know you stares right past you as if you're invisible boring sir no time to rest there we go I was about to say you are not me where's my long luscious hair as if you're invisible or boring I'm not turning around not turning around he's still staring right past you kid I can tell maybe I should turn around he's I bet you he's a pig pocket I will I will bet you five coin he's a pickpocket you see nothing out of the ordinary when you turn back there's no trace of the child you little [ __ ] he was here somewhere I think he stole something from me but I can't prove it do I fright oh we kill far more children than we enslave oh okay hey would you like to see something fun no go on Take This Ring it's lucky you haven't seen anything yet lady uh-huh take the ring and watch your fortune change um oh I don't have an I do have an advantage on decks oh wait come on come on come on come on come on come on come on come on let's go can't spell love without lull yeah I don't trust this I don't trust any child weeping bleeding health okay maybe you don't need extra luck but since you're already holding the thing oh no call it heads or tails this kid's trying to rob me I I know I can feel it I don't trust him I don't want the ring either I feel like both of these are wrong no I don't you're getting paid and experienced the ring fine I'm not I'm not gonna buy his Rings no I mean good no No you little runt that's what I got uh-huh why do you have a random Pig's head ring a being really invisible infinite wishes resistance to ants I kind of like resistance to ants but no I'm not playing this game with you bucko nothing you suddenly feel something moving against your back and turn oh you tricky Little Rascals ignore her threats and grab her observe her silently maybe these are crocodile tears I do have like a I don't have it but um Shadow heart has it uh scroll for this you see her hand in your bags and the shame in her heart laughs oh you know what I'ma let this be a life lesson for this kid some scared straight right here don't try to rob a drow I can't do this anymore that is I'm sorry I will punt this one though you gave that one of complex yeah I know I was standing right here telling her to rob you thieves make poor slaves until you break them at least I like the Loft sworn answers hey you're not taking any slaves here look you caught her good for you you want a chump like everyone else around her now do me a favor make room for the chumps oh come on the only thing that's keeping me from it is I need these people to be decent with me so that I can solve this Druid issue also I don't I don't want the merchants mad at me congrats I did not catch the kid oh hi I can't use hold dang it we need a smaller person in our party don't we hold up can I jump from here to there probably not right all right let's go see if The Druids are this way let my daughter go right now she's a thief hell spawn and you will wait for corgis judgment now get back oh let me through Miracle Chaparral rickets and throat oh we found a bear mission accomplished okay wait let's put me it hmm we could have taken those Gods I'd rather you not get eaten by a bear oh hold up things over Target might accuse you of enchanting them how do I back out of this if I don't want to do it anymore what do you mean I can't cast on self it's all about the animal chats saves gum okay oh there's more bears more to you too bucko give her a chance you step back will not tolerate drow in here okay uh if it weren't for me you'll be overrun by goblins I'll go where I please take back what why would you chill out one of them hi I suppose so apparently corger wants to see you go ahead but a word of warning one wrong move and every single animal here will tear you apart does that include the squirrel I became friends with earlier away okay oh who are you your eyes just to save me a troll yeah forgive my surprise it's rare to find your kind above ground rare and intriguing on a day already Pat with intrigue you were at the gates just now no when the Goblins came you saw them up close a few questions if you please there's no overstating my interest okay um um there's no overstating my disinterest let's see if we learn anything interesting Glory nothing how would you describe that particular batch of goblins size oh he's some type of research your mind successfully recalling various details of goblin Behavior okay um why not let's see what he's up to word of rare colored Hue and wielded magic blowguns and the dragon they had marching in the rear was it of the brass or silver variety the Dragon it was brass I saw it with my own eyes witness mistook obvious Silver Dragon for browse last question then you'll be quite free did the attackers rally to the absolute when they fell upon the gates called out the name like a war cry and didn't they oh Hulk curious how curious indeed misinformation I've interrogated one a captive In This Very camp someone called the absolute the Scandal okay got some information Goblin Superstition not worth the ink and parchment I like superstitions I'm on my way to their Camp as we speak I always knew my studies in cochlear would come to some use uh why the dragon my friend every story benefits from a dragon okay valo um I guess you're gonna die out there just a moment this man is recording my story I am far from home as the colorful man starts scribbling the bear sneaks a quick look at the page his brow furrows incomprehensible squiggles surround a crude sketch a bear disemboweling a clutch of tieflings uh okay this guy's all right come on all the Druids can understand me you can why can't the man with a pen it's magic my boy traveled a long way I hate journalists thoughtfully that's another dismembered limb to his skin not not cool dude not cool I must prepare to travel good day my friend can I get rid of a stupid little book lets camped nearby of course I've been tracing their doings with great care absolute they're worshiping might be I'll be the first to write about it all right I love how my options are always to throw [Music] I thought you were housing the bull prompts is around haunch is clenching and unclenching impatiently promise me amazed oh no oh no it's made in season please sir keep far away from me can I open that door I'm gonna try later speak what were you saying to the bird doesn't look like you're helping with the ritual the ritual is cool this decision but she is not our leader Master housing welcomed the refugees in I wait for him to resolve this so I should go save housing is what I'm hearing hold your tongue the bird knows she needs to know you do not okay then I will just I helped defend this Grove yeah I'll just ask the bird myself rude woman I give me it is not you I fear it is my brethren more follow culga every day they are afraid and she offers a simple solution ejects the refugees and we will be safe ah and she's wrong it sounds like she has to be stopped how will we do that servant told me what you were doing with the bird it searches for news of Master hulson only he can set this right if he is gone well pray that he is not okay find Nettie in her room through the carved door deeper in the Grove yeah it's just now occurring to me we still have no idea where the gift is birdie no no birdie birdie bird topaz I'm concentrating this look good is the coin in the middle are you nesting it's a bird yes yes you're right that's it uh okay are you nesting yes this is perfect okay so I should Rob the bird later is what I'm seeing I don't want the wheat I want the shiny key I'll be back for you um oh oh tough it cute throat oh I need the elevator who's that I forgot this is an elevator perfect okay now that works again and now he just sleeps over there okay that worked okay this is what I was supposed to be doing okay okay someone stole an idol oh that's a big wolf kaga there we go this is who I'm after oh check out the horn snake I'm sorry this is madness cougar she's just a what Wrath a thief a poison threat I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger okay kind of rude one of the guards outside said you want to see me I'm here we will speak soon enough first judgment must be passed parasite it's our food drinks our water those are most holy Idol in thanks wrath lock her up she remains here until the right is complete well hold up Tila is restless come cougar back the idol surely do it ah yeah I can go for it don't drew a church Harmony Geraldine a girl corrupts Nature's Balance I really don't have a nature check release her oh uh see she stays out of trouble tell the snake to ease the girl must not be harmed foreign let's grab a bonus here four is that a plus four plus three we're good okay we're set how soon is gone I am and prove my authority uh no let's try persuasion I was gonna say with my bonuses I'm fine oh it's a good thing I added that extra bonus very well she may go break your word and my serpent shall feed Tina to me I will turn that snake into boots try me lady my Grace has its limits that snake would make a nice pair of boots too thank you cougar Master Holston halsin isn't here keep his name off your tongue lest Tila pierce it oh try me you and that snake you did well to speak up for the girl snake is fickle a tragedy prevented kaga seems dangerous if I hadn't spoken up what would have happened one meant to see us in meant to steal them out Blasphemous the tree father must see what's happening in his holy Grove perhaps his eyes are on Master hell sin now um I could go look for halson would you I would give anything to see house in return home I'd like a more solid offer than anything our need is great Treasures of This Groove to you Circle hey I like you the presence of a bear he left West with the you won't mistake mistakes drew it for anyone else dude I got you I heard treasure also Shadow heart okay bestie you're wondering why I was in pain before let's just clear the air about that now it's just an old wound that hurts me from time to time nothing to be concerned about it's nothing to do with the tadpoles at least in case your imagination is that why she needs that special trinket she has something I have to live with quite a lot if I'm being honest but it always passes quickly so I can manage um what do you think of all that's happened so far story of the odd little trinket you have there's no story none that you're entitled to hear anyway just forget you ever saw it okay I'll wait on friendship to ask more about that [Music] story no harm in a little mystery don't you think easy is often less interesting besides with plenty of reason to rely on each other already you can't confide in just anyone about a monster in your head I mean we both have monsters in our head though um you hiding something from me maybe I'd like to get to know you better sweet of you but don't worry I'm sure you'll get to know me just fine by traveling together okay we'll wait on friendship interrogation's just yet thank you I'm sure we'll get along perfectly well all right let's talk to the wolf what will you do hunt me grab my tail shout until my head hurts oh who's been pestering you I'll teach him a lesson Apartments your help is not required not by me at least I like your eyeballs I'll leave you alone though oh so many little ragliers at you says nothing okay I can glare right back you little creep a deep elf in our Grove on this day sign or rather a gift who better to understand a watchful brood mother than a beloved child of love oh hey hey you leave Loft out of this don't make a habit of threatening children actually I do uh protected your own without hesitation my compliments no I'd have killed the thief outright no we're not chill also leave my God out of your mouth I've studied drought culture talent for self-president a Viper Bears her fangs defending her brood is it not her nature to strike at Invaders no matter hmm I took back the idol of Sylvanas and the righteous resumed we will seal the Grove free from harm free of intruders uh the right must be born a powerful magic zevar believes the people will perish on the road free from the threat of little children do what you want it's none of my concern the right of thorns it is the tree father's gift that none come to harm when we speak the final prayer the great find will Sprout forth The Grove will be cloaked in Bramble and Thorne no one enters no one leaves sanctuary none of this can happen while Outlanders infect us Sylvanas demands that we choke them out came on zevolar's behalf okay let's not say we're on anyone's behalf because I don't want to get anyone in trouble I got my allies she has hers that's a nice box but there's people near that box I need to test out my invisibility at some point so I don't know seized the battle done the moonrise broke the darkest one you recognize the mark of the dark goddess Char on the broken helmet this Army marched in her name so many dead sent to the night singers embrace Moon rosby of reference to Shaw's Divine sister saluna I also went with acolyte for those of you that weren't here so I have insight and religion checks which just made sense considering I am like a child of law please leave her Hospitality has limits they were crossed long ago okay I'm still gonna go find that one dude is this still silver yeah silver you are not wanted here sorry bro I did not actually want to talk to you all right am I not supposed to be here I'm here anyway what y'all got in this room mugwort cauldron bullying No One's Gonna See Me Take A little Peekapoo with this Keep Your Hands to Yourself you're being watched ah fine play nice for a second I see you just give me a moment a moment okay I will back off there life for death now what troll last time I saw one of you folk he tried to set me open what'd you do to him where'd you see another drow that's neither here nor there look you obviously want something what is it I was gonna make polite conversation but okay I need help I do what I can for most folks that's enough come here let's have a look at you you're going to want to take a look behind my eyes hear from the eyes Maybe not a good way of putting this I have a tadpole in my head that's about right a mind flare type bone you know them can you help what other kind are there it's not like a Frog Hop behind my eye oh yeah I'll do what I can come follow me I might be able to help this isn't just a washer eyes out with fluid this way just a heads up everyone behind me also has mine tadpoles don't worry about him on the table I'm not in the habit of killing drow uh-huh the attack Master Hudson and I in the woods needing a pack of goblins tadpole crawled out of his head soon after oh okay never mind yeah never mind he was on the yeah he was a thrall seems so Mr Hudson a right start [Music] are you gonna poke it out it's why he joined the adventurers on their expedition to find out what was happening a pity you got me instead of him he understands these things studied them still we have options you don't have to be here for this I'd like to stay if it's all the same all right let's see what we can do I was gonna say we all have the same parasite so they might as well watch she shifts uneasily hesitating something's off it might but first things first tell me about your symptoms have you noticed anything strange happening okay I understand her being wary but also intellect of hours spoke to me as if I was one of their own I fell from the ship in the sky and something caught me it saved my life I didn't see that because the cutscene bugged merged my mind with anyone else that's infected it might what aren't you telling me telling you everything you need to know believe me on that I want to help you but I can't unless you work with me so has anything unusual happen to you victims can identify each other not that the others know their victims of course how'd you pick up the parasite harlson was desperate to find where all this was happening on the Mind player ship I was kidnapped and infected might as well be honest a mind flare ship but Master housing was sure why that door closed you've been straight with me so I'll be straight with you okay you're dangerous if you transform here we're all dead owl Eldritch okay you deserve a chance to save yourself this is a vial of wyvern poison swear to me you'll swallow it if you feel any symptoms uh no but sure I hope it doesn't come to that but thank you here if anything I'll just hold it and put in someone else's drinks I never once saw a mind flare infection then suddenly there's dozens of you maybe more Master Houston and I were tracking them studying trying to figure out what the hell's was going on should all be changing there should be a small army of Mind flares out there but you're not weird powers aside you seem perfectly normal which is probably all part of the plan you know get everyone under the control of the thrall put them all in their regular lives call forth on them when needed for one that thing in your head is like nothing we've ever seen from mind flares it's one of their worms for sure but this one gives you powers telepathic connections and it doesn't turn you into one of them not yet anyhow uh you think it's only a matter of time hard to say but there's a lot we don't know infected folks like you have been converging on an old Temple of saloon and I've no idea why when Master Houston heard the adventurers were heading that way he saw a chance to get answers joined on the spot whatever he found there he didn't make it back um ah what do you want me to do you think he's still alive I hope so I've sent Birds to find him but they can't get close without goblins trying to shoot them down you though you're one of them technically speaking I mean they won't kill someone carrying their parasite oh you can find halson and get him out of there we can discover what he learned that's gonna work he can save your life how's that sound uh sounds like suicide I won't do it I was gonna go look for him anyway thank you it would mean everything to the groom to me I wish I could tell you more but only those adventurers know what happened out there all I can say for sure is the all went to the old Temple of saloon and master halson didn't make it back good luck out there and if things start to go bad remember the vial remember your oath I'm not doing that but it's cute that you think I'm going to uh can I check out My Dead Brother really quick I tried it and I because of rising it's clear not everything you find is at your disposal he's literally one of mine you can't tell me I can't check on him I know he's dead but still okay let's make a hard Save Right in here [Music] oh [Music]
Channel: Cynthetic
Views: 93,820
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, larian studios, baldurs gate, baldurs, gate, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, gameplay, classes, races, baldurs gate 3 beginners guide, balders gate 3, baulders gate 3, boulders gate 3, rpg, rpg 2023, upcoming rpg baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 lets play, lets play baldurs gate 3, walkthrough baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 playthrough, lets play part 1, full gameplay baldurs gate 3, lets play, Warlock, Drow, Lolth, Lolth Sworn, Girl plays Baldur's Gate 3
Id: JR3xEbX7ftI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 173min 36sec (10416 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 08 2023
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