LEGAL TWINS find a HOT WIZARD in Baldur's Gate 3!

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foreign [Music] oh we didn't do this last time did we no we have not even been over here this is all new okay okay so exciting all right do you want to go like that position player let's take a look are you controlling yeah I keep accidentally controlling her instead of me oh God no you do talk I'll I'll I took her Circle oh my God you did you stole it oh compassion oh is it no no because is he making me feel compassion yeah look at he's got his hand doing them you should be furious shouldn't you I think so because he's like trying to [ __ ] with you but also I'm like you feel hate and do you deserve to be punished for oh no wait I'm going to Bow before this creature and shame assessing your mind ill forcing you to love it disgusting feelings I'm sorry the creature's mind seems to feel sorry wait concentrate on his thoughts you got Complete because we're we're doing it right I'm doing it yeah yeah yeah yeah let's go add bonus wait can I add a bonus for you oh I can do it oh you can do it yeah no she can give you a bonus okay I'll take it oh hell yeah all right we're adding it okay hell yeah let's go sick oh all right we didn't need it but that's okay for help it's fine your mind's fuse lusting for something that is gone I'm sorry am I horny right now claws back with a vengeance a vice locking your nose into obedience to survive ew no do you you can provide oh you host the blood of the mighty dragons will to resist the Abomination yeah do it yeah yeah yeah yeah reason sorcerer hell yeah God lean wait lean in first five oh come on get wrecked oh my God dude everybody in my dad is begging me to kiss them yeah I remember my trash just didn't give him a smooch don't smoke he'll like wrap his tentacles around your face and I don't think we need to go there today close those eyes forever oh leave it to die slowly oh I feel like we should I don't trust you'll be alive either yeah I get wrecked you stop that [ __ ] oh my God sorry he tried to he was playing with my emotions that's so true no I'm not that's actually you can loot him you stepped on his face oh my God that is so sweet thank you so much there's this butthole over here I'm going to it looks unstable somehow I'm touching it oh my God [Music] are you sure yeah oh the purple glow is doing something for you who it is uh I don't know I'm yeah touch it don't touch the butthole oh I'm sorry oh look I look so mad I'm like how dare you shock me okay that's a Bard who's Gail yeah pull him through are you kidding I don't know if I'm gonna be able to I can sorcer Charisma tune herself and then bit it to quiet down yeah I feel like I'm if I get straight he's I'm gonna die slap my hand just slap it away I love them let me try to do this oh plus three you've got this yeah come on come on don't [ __ ] me I don't got this you don't I'm that one you don't have it that hurt my heart oh my God cool your only option now is to grab the hand what if I just run away and you do it instead do you think I can't don't we have the same strength oh we'll just have to will it work like that I don't think so no I think he if leaving him to his family he'll die let's try to pull him out I guess do it why not you've got it maybe you've got this oh no I'm negative one and you're gonna get it not 20. I cannot believe it I cannot believe it some people out of the way look oh my God it really just said I'm sorry who are you bestie what if it's just an arm could you imagine who are you is that a earring earring just staring like earring hello hello I'm sorry Gale of Water Deep it's lovely to meet you I just bit my tongue a little bit they're wearing Louis Vuitton I think they are look at that oh my God no need to apologize yeah I'm like the stairs literally right behind us so I'm like tucking my hair behind my ear again but I know my God don't die in a manner of speaking you're on the noise Lord as well yeah never mind the not alone how'd you get stuck in that stuff yeah what's up with that you don't trust this event draw your weapon I don't know just because I got stabbed in the neck before almost broke into pieces and I suddenly found myself in free fall [Music] of words and found myself on the other side as it were how about you how did you survive the fall oh to be honest yeah um fair enough but even so I have the unfortunate suspicion your survival is still very much in Jeopardy back on the ship you two were on the receiving end of a rather unwelcome Insurgent in the ocular region were you not listen they're talking me right off my little toesies the process known as ceramorphosis and let me assure you it is to be avoided I can't believe we didn't touch the burning sigil and there was a hot man inside it I can't believe it he's giving me I don't know if you've ever played the game but he's kind of giving me Alistair from Dragon Age Origins Vibes no he I've never played it but I trust you I persist I'm gonna need you a cap that's so cute it's not exactly a Coleman affliction not being a common Affliction we sure have everybody knowing what the [ __ ] is going on with it no I want you to join me can we get rid of shadowheart yeah how do we can well they we can have them meet us at Camp maybe we can kick someone else out that's true it's true okay sounds like you're welcome to join me yeah no okay we'll fight with my bare hands Syrian go away for a minute yeah sorry all of a sudden that vampire doesn't exist I want a succulent slow cook to be consumed upon your return [Music] damn they're my new favorite character Shadow Hearts gotta go okay traveling with this group of suspicious men he's spicy he's a wizard he's a wizard oh he's a wizard you're a wizard girl hey wait when we came over here last time we saw one of our companions yeah we like met up at the top here but we're coming from like the other side now yeah we're going like back here is where our companion is yeah up on this little Cliff yeah one of ours I don't know who's is whose will be oh I'm so excited maybe they won't be here oh they are they are wait is it only the one oh they're both here oh hold on I'm gonna listen the thing's dangerous leave it for the Goblins to kill your skull pounds in response to the prisoner's White Horse dead wait so this isn't any of ours no no no yet you hear her voice get rid of them oh this is where lazel is I see I see I was confused under elf playtime oh I'm gonna intimidate him plus three charisma oh yeah that's right that is right get out of here that's right come [Music] yeah and I don't have to bite anybody I'm just so intimidated yeah that was way better than last time never say please get out what a goofball oh sorry scrambled all your senses auspicious but the longer we wait the more it consumes man why does everybody have to be so hot I must find a crash you will join me yeah we're finding the crash she obviously sees your kindness as weakness don't let her take advantage whatever you're literally lying to me shadow heart truly always okay we would journey together right and then they'll just meet us at camp uh because we know what a crush is already right yeah we just have to find it's like a fresh is like her place because they do the extractions right yeah yeah wait at my camp my words Yankee I must interrogate this story our very live depend on it I will be at your camp do not keep me waiting okay I don't know I kind of like how mean they are like a little bit although they said please and she said never and I was like okay that's fine I'll just help you oh my theme I lack that Gene of I find things how when they're mean to me for the most part I'll cry I'm like twiddling my thumbs and you're like crying I'm like the only thing that was nice we met that man yeah that old wrinkly man but we can do that another time when we're a little bit higher of a level I think because that's fair um so do you want to go towards the cart I think so yeah I think that's yeah we have to go because this is yeah this is where the big encounter is where they're like oh my God you brought goblins I'm just going snare trap I think puppy is gone forever you know what and they should have given us a death scene or something I don't understand yeah I'm still wondering like if some oh the Goblins are upon us I'm wondering if um we might just see you I'll be at another time just later it's like we'll like look at us in recognition and I'll cry that's true if you don't see Buffy die There's Hope exactly what do you really need puppy puppy will pull through that would be so nice because like even like even our pal is like they might fight you but like they didn't seem confident that they'd fight us what if they don't fight us what if they remain loving us okay I guess I can skip this because we have done this before yeah yeah oh oh yeah your body got absolutely shouted where's where's will yeah give me will there we go pretty spicy oh I'm a Starion first oh you spicy spicy a little [ __ ] that was not as good as it could have been but that's fine I guess that's fine I guess Zev lore you go Bud foreign [Music] you blow that horn sir you blow that horn oh baby nice let's switch both this guy Goblin boss more like Goblin oh he did not get that hurt from that that's actually so chill are you still holding it like that I don't quite know that's fine but if it'll continue damaging oh maybe yeah oh get stabbed in the back huh oh nice mess again loser no wait wait [Music] oh who is on the ground in the grease Shadow heart Shadow I'm sorry the way that shadow heart's legs are sticking out of the crease we are so greasy oh it's me oh no it's asterian get [ __ ] on loser all right shadowheart is a mole person confirmed yeah just digging in the Earth real quick a mole person why does everyone want my [ __ ] why does everybody want to slap you so bad I do not know it's kind of rude not today it's my turn now oh you're gonna just kill him yeah for sure [Music] I can't move so that's fun uh-oh possibly poisons the target that's not good enough for me I can like heal up oh hello will wow wow we're pretty good like the only guy that's looking at us right now is bug there which is yeah very nice really at the end of the day hey Barth Barth kind of name is Barth how dare you I'm gonna try to do another thing and I'm gonna get this guy I'm gonna try to visit you because then yeah attack the the Warg and then Barth I think and then I'll be able to like okay just like shock that guy again and maybe kill him you want to do the work or do you want to do the goblin booyog that's right in front of me oh [ __ ] I already got the the bug bear because he was like okay seven inch piece no you're fine I'm saying I'll do that oh yeah you you do whatever you want yeah as long as it's not the guy that I am chain lining sorry I can end my turn all right Romero she's actually so cute hello oh just kidding I can I can't have anything apparently oh hey she's up front of her I can just get her out of the grease with a dash oh she's dumb the way she just immediately fell to the ground again like she's almost got out fell and got poisoned look at her she's drowning in the grease right now my God me every time I go to Taco Bell but I love it no it's okay I have a healing thing I can use next turn it's okay I was just trying to throw it with my free hand he just told he healed me will just threw a potion at us he's splash potion that's all I am thank you yeah wait yeah what difficult are we playing on the middle difficulty the normal one we're playing on yeah whatever it starts out with in multiplayer yeah yeah whatever it be would ever do it's like a balance there's like a really hard oh he is he looked like he was not for a second just kidding okay so we just have this work now that works where's all that's left oh I can't do that no I'll kill people maybe I want one no I'll kill people well everyone's everyone's gonna I'll just no I don't know why I did that he killed me I'm an idiot don't leave me I didn't waste that nobody literally nothing I didn't see a thing no no it's fine we did it oh we're good we're so good all of you [Music] oh find a cure Journal updated yeah I think this is the way to the crackers we have to because there's someone in this Camp right I like nose stuff so we haven't gone past this children you gotta punch it and then we were done for our lives straight to us and you let them take the Druid too unbelievable oh my God right and cat jumped up to punch this stupid guy in the face okay uh backstabbing it feels just like oh I kind of want to I Love It show some respect This Woman Saved your pathetic life well I didn't uh ew his face was horrific there sorry Timmy Gates oh no the human's eye twitches he's about to blow what if I just smack him in the butt just like he'll get really thrown off oh if you want me to take both of you down I will whoa whoa wait should I persuasia don't you huh oh more violence yeah you do don't couldn't you do Charisma intimidation yeah it was persuasion is charisma persuas yeah I think I can do that I can get everybody to come and hold on oh wow 15 difficulty that's kind of rough but we'll see wow why they're laughing at us twins laughs hurt my feelings I cannot believe this should have done that a long time ago arrogant prick had it out for me from day one or am I supposed to be on your side why people out cold hey you know what against him you put him in a bind yeah you know what you did you put them in a bind too little too late coming back to this hellhole was a mistake the gold can put right I'd rather face another round of goblins than stay in this pit okay bye a cheap shot I should have expected you really should have like aren't you the commander was help out there from a drow thank you okay there's just like several what the [ __ ] I don't understand how there's always a Venom Tweedle um but you have something against route sure say that yours are a people at war with themselves I've never known I mean we did bring that up we did whatever your business we did bring that up quickly Druids of seeing everyone out this attack will only strengthen their result I'm no quarrel um why are you forcing you out goblins have been many attacks like that oh kind of healer yeah like let me in and out dude healer but he didn't make it back from aaradin Expedition if it's not too serious you could try his Apprentice she's with the other Druids in the universe it's not too serious like we literally have worms in our brain we have brain worms like for real brain worms it's worse than worms they're getting legs now oh is there no way to okay now we have to convince The Druids all right well I have a high Charisma that wasn't really showcased there but I do we both do wait do I have a Higher One than you I don't know perhaps you could persuade her for more time to prepare if nothing else okay yeah I'll see what I can do you get why we're here doesn't want us to help The Druids wait I'm sorry we can do a sidecastle they'll die question mark no we can do a side quest to help The Druids but you know obviously our clock is ticking oh yeah our clock is ticking but is it really hard surely they'll heal us Nettie is with The Druids right so we know Nettie is at this camp but all the drawers are elsewhere healer is is oh okay okay okay oh [ __ ] okay so we can go in a little yeah yeah we might as well go and see what nutty can do actually [ __ ] you I can't help and then yeah that happened to me too oh I gave them I don't know if I can do it because you're controlling him I gave a Siri on another dagger if you want to give him two oh okay hold on let me see well oh there we go oh dual wheel nice handsome devil you look at you thumb devil devil sorry hello refugees adventurers and even a drought wow and thank you there was a [ __ ] dude most Brave of you there was a whole ship it's true ACT first if you do the ritual will be complete before too long what do you mean what ritual oh they're locking down the Grove yeah those ruins the Druid ritual that they don't want to do well like the silly me silly me okay I'm selling so how does this work I can just toss stuff in the middle and then oh oh do you have a thing open a trade yeah because it's literally I'm just staring at this man who's looking up at you and there's nothing happening again I'm bartering right now he's really introspective about it he keeps like looking off to the side like wow oh there's hungry Ox board Ox strange ox I want to go talk to the strange dogs I don't have animal talking animal talking killed oh no I bought some red dye I can't help myself um how do you use it the aux makes you uneasy time try to discern why Arcana sorry I'm looking at this strange Ox something's wrong with it on that 20. I'm I'm gonna know what the hell is up with this Ox right now off this creature isn't what it appears to be are you a druid oh my God a man just moved at me he like just went moo he moved yeah no all right listen don't no worries don't check your inventory nine I'll take it uh whatever you do don't dye your clothes with the diet put in your inventory I'm literally doing that right now I'm we're about to be still autochromatic is it amazing oh my God I'm gonna cry yes it's amazing oh my God shut up oh my gosh we're amazing it's incredible hey I'm sorry I need to go find out why these people are arguing to get us killed something over there else we can't just leave yeah you let me know I'm uh sorry I wanted to see why these loud arguing people are arguing loud also I fully think the ox is a druid and wild shape 100 that's the Druid as a cow over there don't blend health oh yeah louder that's fine too okay what is it I'm gonna persuade these people real quick I'm gonna I'm gonna just um do we need a complete guide to the behavior of Nymph I hate how I keep rolling so low it's actually hurting my feelings I got a net 20 just now on a cow um I could have got a Nat 20 trying to get these people to stay and help fight things though this place is a death trap let us leave immediately or would you deny your brother here his chance at fortune in Baldur's Gate coin and if you stay I don't know what to do come on sis well let's have a Target alone we should leave ah fine let's sneak away like God's damned cowards all right but it's so expensive it's on us I hope you know that that just made me so sad I really wanted them to stay what buttholes um where is zoru where's the the Druid we were looking for um oh up here up up and around oh I think I'm going into the Druid Grove because this is like there's a bunch of animals that oh I love these I'm coming when I'm coming I'm coming I love these so they're so cute shut up oh oh I started something right now I'm here I'm coming it's a thief hell spawned are they fighting electric damn throat out oh god oh he's a bear food I've seen this movie is it bad that my first thought was Brother Bear I know that's even better hi Squad I love baroness sounds I really do they remind me of World of Warcraft give her a chance you step back she's so dirty tolerate drow in here oh great racism is that from the grace hmm she's so dirty from the grease oh maybe remember my Goblin oh what's the story with that odd little artifact you have are you talking to us I'm talking to the people in the in the in the Grove yeah for some reason I'm talking to Shadow heart oh okay well um I'm not looking for trouble can you just let me pass by I'm actually get Chad to help Chad can't apparently it's not working why I'm not looking for trouble and you'll find trouble all the same unless you get out of my sight a moment giona what I would chill out one of them hi I suppose so you apparently Corker wants to see you go ahead he looks so cute one wrong move that every single animal here will tear you apart all right lady get out of here relax your ass okay she's here somewhere I thought she's back here and it's like in here is tusk and they're doing something oh chat with me oh oh are you chatting you're chatting you're chatting oh my God they're glass but yeah here's my surprise you were at the gates just now no when the Goblins came you saw the map close few questions if you please I think we're in my son's diapers uh oh whatever yeah nothing how would you describe that particular batch of goblins are you saying I think this guy's like a little Bard I just saw like Daniel in the air and it just made me think it was a Witcher reference various details oh my gosh I had a history succeed um there were common variety goblins led by a latter and flank by boo Yorks give an exact description description goblins word of rare gem-colored Hue and wielded magic blow guns and the dragon they had marching in the rear was it of the brass or silver variety oh there's no dragon there's Dragon blood in my veins I know of any of them oh I gotta Witness es can you not see my scales bro last question you'll be quite did the attackers rally to the absolute when they fell upon the gates they called out the name like a work right I don't think so I was concentrating on not dying that's really funny I was concentrating on not dying I love that he's gonna make a really sick song and they rally the absolute I don't think they said a damn thing I don't think so well this does complicate things but then again well never mind I hope he sings at the tune a captive In This Very Camp She reports they've abandoned their God the glove yet in favor of someone called the absolute the Scandal okay Goblin superstition I'm just gonna hold my tongue yeah I'm on my way to their Camp as we speak oh are you is that a good idea I just picked up a correspondence note would you like me to read it a message scratched in a worried hand received message from hag via serith one of netty's birds We buried siruth a 10 day ago not sure how Hagg found him message itself was threat but also invitation she wants to meet haven't replied buried sarath again beneath a heavier Stone oh have you tried to open this door where she is oh no no no oh oh no I just went inside that's okay okay oh yeah she's here stole the idol of Sylvanas yeah because we're trying to talk to kaga oh snake oh how cute hello I'm sorry this is my Arabella this is just a what wrath a thief a poison a child a baby I will imprison the devil and I will cast out every stranger um okay what's her actual crime yeah when you're scared of a baby yeah hello go you mean parasite okay relax [Applause] [Music] [Applause] plus one oh persuasion is High um I have plus five in Persuasion oh oh my God yeah yeah I would do persuasion yeah let's do it oh thoughts and prayers oh oh we got a child uh well we are we're just we're just getting children she made it nice nice break your word and myself Tina to me out Thief my Grace has its limits she seems oh her hand thank you Koga Master hulson daughter of Darkness uh-oh keep his name off your tongue lest Tila pierce it what the hell is going on oh yeah so she if there's some dialogue options with her oh no why is she mad at us it's just an old wound that hurts liar yeah what why why are you lying about it why do you lie it's nothing to do with the tadpoles at least in case your imagination is in danger she just grows a tentacle it's just something I have to live with how badly does it hurt I don't care but I'm gonna ask quite a lot if I'm being honest but it always passes quickly so I can manage are you sure it's not connected to the tadpoles I'm gonna turn to other matters yeah I was like I was gonna say like I don't think it's an issue um should we get to know each other a little more oh maybe but I feel like then you're gonna go on a date right now maybe just a little one no harm in a little mystery don't you think okay so I just don't trust her to get we have to rely on each other oh that's interesting besides with plenty of reason to rely on each other already you can't confide in just anyone about a monster in your head um maybe I'd like to get you no I don't like you um you're deflecting are you hiding something for me that I was do you think your blunt approach would get me to confess all right relax blunt is all I have left if you keep being so evasive you feel that way just don't expect me to entertain your questions if you won't respect my privacy you don't have privacy we're in a group babe yeah this is where I can see into your pockets and I stole your d20s I have your D20 by the way babe where is Nettie is Nettie over here nutty's in here right nutty Maddie are you in here not Neddy are you in here no he's in here I found Nettie I've been asking the wounded bird oh yeah that's uh just give me a moment is there anything I can do to help a moment there oh wait life or death why are there wings like that I don't know drove last time I saw one of you folk he tried to slip me open I hope you're more agreeable oh my God why does everything seem kind of mean I'm just trying to chill man what about I'm just looking for a Nutty I'm just looking for Nettie you found her but I still don't know what she can do for you I love her voice I love her accent uh same I was just about to say that you know anything about mind players why are you asking help I have a tadpole man help me help me yeah babe hey can you help me it's not like a frog hopped in my eye can you help us please babe I'll do what I can oh okay follow me I might be able to help yeah yay this way okay nutty whatever you say I'm following you I'm stealing The Druids notebook Secret Door Secret Door don't worry about him on the table oh sorry huh ah wait a minute why did she dissect the drought a pack of goblins there's a dissected oh that's that's the drown that she saw that attack oh temporal he has I have the same kind of pair oh okay master house on a right start ew I hate that it crawled out of his head that's disgusting um no it's why he joined the adventurers on their expedition to find out what was happening the pity you got me instead of him he understands these things studied them still oh my God thank you what are you hold in there babe you don't have to be here for this please don't mind me I'll just watch all right you have a tadpole too mister um I'll take anything that can help or what the what's that plan that's good easily facetating something's off yeah no dude don't let her but first things first tell me about your symptoms have you noticed anything strange happening yeah what aren't you telling me yeah what aren't you telling me I'm telling you everything you need to know believe me on that I want to help you but I can't unless you work with me so has anything unusual happen to you I can merge my mind with anyone else it's infected I fell from the ship it I mean all of those happen all of those did happen victims can identify each other not that the others know they're victims of course how'd you pick up the parasite harlson was desperate to find where all this was happening I think Houston's gonna use the Mind players I have a bad Vibe about it I'm nervous I think we're asking a lot of questions she is but okay no no no it's fine I was gonna be honest but and not just yours so tell me where'd you get that thing I'm also like I was kidnapped and infected yeah yeah we were a mind flare ship but Master housing was sure sure what look you've been struck that noise so I'd be straight with you you don't know but I also heard that noise if you transform here we're all dead I'm like a good soul you deserve a chance to save you was she gonna kill us yes this is a vial of wyvern poison swear to me you'll swallowed if you feel any symptoms what about that branch quoted in fatal toxin it was the last resort in case I couldn't trust you I don't have a cure could you imagine if we just died right there he was like I can't help you but I can give you an easy hour babe now do I have your word or not yeah I swear I mean we don't have to actually do it apparent disapproves shadowheart approves here okay a Starion what I've spent my life treating folk and never once saw a mind flare infection then suddenly there's dozens of you maybe more Master Houston Cricket in my dad that I'm interested in knowing when her lips feel like against mine that's what's going on oh my God you should all be changing there should be a small army of mine flares out there but you're not weird powers aside you seem perfectly normal you missed it lady I almost made out with one yeah we had a really we had a moment you must have learned something right yeah for one that thing in your head is like nothing we've ever seen from mind frames it's one of their worms for sure but this one gives you powers telepathic connections hmm and it doesn't okay okay not yet anyhow oh it's only a matter of time hmm you were tracking other victims but there's a lot we don't know in fact so I feel like the one person who was infected needed to be in that pod that we did like the perfect thing to change them right like it's like it needed to be activated I think that was the Syrian he saw a chance to get answered that was a little bit like a little lady in there whenever he found there tell me if I'm wrong so Tim did you just say you made up with the Mind flare how did it go yeah how did it go oh wait I don't know don't tell me oh okay whatever we found that he didn't make it back I'll go and get him like you think he's still alive I think so I hope so I've sent Birds to find him but they can't get close how are you new house is great I'm very happy about it technically speaking I mean they won't kill someone carrying their parasite oh you can find Halton and get him out of there we can discover why we have immunity perhaps one job after another always we have like eight side jobs right now you're making a lot of assumptions that could kill me ah I mean we listen I'm gonna try hard I'd be like we should get them yeah we should get them I mean everything to the groom to me I wish I could tell you more but if we save house and maybe we don't need to fix zevoir all I can say is for sure true is they all went to the old Temple of saloon and master halson didn't make it back rip good luck out there and if things start to go bad remember the vial remember your oath uh-huh yes [Music] [Music]
Channel: AshleyRoboto
Views: 13,571
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3, bg3, astarion, gale, shadowheart, romance, romancable, drow, twins, fun, funny, friends, coop, multiplayer, giveaway, phone, boss, stream, bite, vampire, luxiegames, ashleyroboto, twin, silly, karlach, wyll, playthrough, full, let's play, Gale, dnd
Id: J0Yd25CQFY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 5sec (2525 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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