Leaving Things In A Volcano For A Month (Experiment)

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"Mount Palo Floris" -- Palo Floris. Hmm. How can we rearrange those letters to spell what day today is?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 42 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RamblerMerganser πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

It took 7 long minutes to realise what day it was today.
Fell for it, AGAIN!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 34 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/supercharrette πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Took me waaaaay too long to get...

Also the teaser clip bit had me dying!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 31 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Neat_Caterpillar πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I thought I lost a few IQ points watching this. Turns out I never had them to begin with.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 25 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/mojogirl_ πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was wondering what happened to this series. Before this we hadn’t had a β€œLeaving things on a shelf for a month” all season.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 19 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/SwaggiiP πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This one was great. I didn't catch on until they showed the first ones then....yep.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Detronyx πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

this has the been the best april fools joke in years. usually their jokes drag on for too long or theres no content due to the joke but at least this episode had content, jokes, and a narrative. it was enjoyable to watch in comparison to other jokes such as the chewing and the silence.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BasedGodKebab πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I was like "i know its a joke, but how would you even do this? You'd need a super duper heat resistant casing that can't melt in lava"

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 12 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/hpfan2342 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

After the the playstation and switch I turned to my girlfriend and was like, "son of a...they had me for a sec". That was good.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/RelaxYourself πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 01 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
- What happens when you leave a PS5 in a volcano for a month? - Let's talk about that. (upbeat music) (volcano erupting) (upbeat music) (flames sizzling) Good Mythical Morning! - Remember playing the floor is lava, where, inevitably, you would accidentally drop something like your phone on the carpet, and then just imagine it sinking into the boiling lava, and then wonder what would actually happen if you drop things like that into an active volcano? - No, but I do remember being in the running to host that Netflix game show, The Floor is Lava. - I thought we weren't going to talk about that. - We're not. (Rhett laughing) - Well, today we're doing some (beeping) - Yeah. - Research like never before for the lava of science, get it? - Ah, yes. - So let us now head to the geological feature that we leave things in, which we call The Geological Feature That We Leave Things In. - Please welcome back to the show, from the Cozy Robot Show and from our real life friendship with him, it's Mike Mchargue. (all cheering) - Woohoo, how's it going, everybody? - Glad to have you back, man. - Good to see you, Mike. - Oh, it looks like you're- - Looking very svelte. - Your mobility has increased. Does that hurt? - Not at all. That is a true articulation joint with massive mobility. (arm thuds) - Whoa, hey, man. - Whoa, hey. - Only the finest engineering here. - Okay, Mike. Will you, once again, do us the honor? - They've done Coke, bleach, air, Guinness, salt, pool water, nail polish remover, mouthwash, champagne, Shamrock Shakes, and Irish whiskey, a '93 Infiniti G20, margaritas, dirt, wine, glow sticks, citric acid, Red Bull, eggs, Febreeze, coffee, pumpkin beer, hot sauce, and eggnog, but today, they're truly gonna blow your minds. It's time for left on a shelf, volcano edition. (woman screaming) (volcano rumbling) - Okay, so this is Mount Palo Flores, on an island 170 miles off the coast of Northern California. And yeah, we've left an assortment of items in, well, kind of in, kind of over this volcano. - Here's what actually happened. Mad dog Lucas connected with a volcanologist from UC Berkeley, and worked with him to suspend items just off the edge of the volcano's vent for a month, and this is in an area where they're already doing research. - Yeah, finally, your friends have paid off for us, Lucas. (Mike laughing) All right, so here's the deal, Mike, if we get three or more of these right, we get to watch a personalized video message from the hottest rock on planet Earth. Dwayne "the Rock" Johnson himself has a message for us in Good Mythical More, but we can't see it. - No pressure. - We can do this. - No, we can't see it. - We can do this, Mike. - Unless we do it right. - Yeah. (upbeat music) (woman screaming) Okay, first up, we left both a Nintendo Switch and a PS5 in Mount Palo Flores for a month. Which one completely disintegrated, like Davin, after I spoiled the ending of the Falcon in the Winter Soldier. - Oh. - Sorry about that, yeah. - You spoiled that for him? Or what? Oh, it's just- - It's just which one completely disintegrated. - The Switch, the PS5, both, or neither. - Or neither. - Oh, four options. - Mike, you ever been to the cusp of a volcano? - So I love to watch them on TV, but not a thing I've visited personally. - Okay, but if you did put a Nintendo Switch and a PS5, I mean, is there anything about either one of them that you think maybe makes them different in how they could withstand the heat? - Both are made primarily of semiconductors and plastic by volume, and the most durable and robust plastics we can make have a melt or burn temperature somewhere between five and 600 degrees Celsius, while the absolute coolest magmas in the world are about 650 degrees Celsius, and magma can get up to 1800C and greater. If this volcano's active at all, and any amount of lava came into contact with these consoles, they are gone. - Okay, so he's saying both were completely disintegrated. - But the PS5 is newer. It's got, I mean, it's got better tech. - Yeah. - Well, the only hope you'd have there, common materials that could conceivably survive would be things like cast iron or stainless steel. So, if there was like a stainless steel EMI shield somewhere in the PS5- - Get the special edition. - That would have to get above 1500C to melt, so that could be plausible, but I just don't think that stuff's in there in any significant degree. I'm still going with both. - But you're agreeing with me that it's probably the PS5 that's still got some pieces? - Yeah, yeah. - I'm sorry, Mike. I know you know more than us, but- - I don't think this is worth doing if there's not something to see. So first let's show the Switch, which we think is completely disintegrated. - All right. Oh yeah, that's, it's- - Okay, there's not- - That's nothing. - It's kinda, it's just ash. - I mean there is- - Okay. - Yeah. That's just ash. - All right. But the PlayStation, let's take a look. Oh. - Oh. - The exact same. (buzzer beeping) Okay, all right, sorry, Mike. we didn't trust you on that one. - [Rhett] Okay, well, we'll work this out. - Volcanoes are really dangerous, very hot places. - Well, I mean, okay. - You were right on that one, but listen, we've got three more. (upbeat music) (woman screaming) (flames sizzling) - Okay, next up we left a bag of Flaming Hot Cheetos and a Domino's Lava Cake in a volcano for a month. Which snack was totally incinerated, like all of my puba-looba-loobies when I tried to warm my junk with a Yankee candle? (Rhett laughing) - Oh gosh. - I didn't think I was filming that. - Yeah. - Showing it to anyone. - No, Christy told us about it. - Sorry, Mike. - Mike, as you can see, I think the writers got a little cute with this one, because we've got Flaming Hot Cheetos and Lava Cake, it's got the, sort of, the fire theme, but which one survived is really the question. - I mean, you're talking about two food items that are primarily carbohydrates and lipids, which are just absolutely energy-dense and love to burn. Either of those items. Lava Cake would be a little more resistant, because there's a higher moisture content, so it would steam before it burned, but it would still burn. We're talking about magma being pressurized by tectonic activity. - Yeah. - Heated by the core of the earth, which gets energy from the cycle of the moon orbiting the earth. The energy levels here are not comparable. Both of those food items are ash, and ash quickly. - I think the Lava Cake survived. - It's got lava. - It's got lava in the title. - Right, I mean, Cheetos- - There's lava in it. So, I mean, does lava incinerate? - Cheetos are literally, listen. Cheetos are literally on fire on the bag. So, you know those are- - You think they made it too? - No, they literally burned really early, like I think as soon as the scientist hooked 'em up, it was like (flames sizzling). They'll probably send us the video. - Right, but like- - But the lava cake- - But lava on lava, what happens? - Let's just confirm it. - It'd go hard. - No, the water becomes steam, and it's a violent reaction if something like a Lava Cake or a high moisture content gets anywhere near lava. - Mike, you weren't there. Okay? (all laughing) All right. - That's true, I was not there. - Listen, there's only one way to prove this. - What's the point if they both incinerate? - I think this one's gonna be completely incinerated. - [Link] This one's obliterated, yeah. See? - We were right, nothing but ash. - Mike, but you were also right, Mike. - Yeah, you were right about that one. - I mean, look, if I'm going to use it, - [Rhett] Not a Cheeto to be found in it. - [Link] Nothing, not one little Cheeto. - [Rhett] All right, yeah, right. - Okay, but the Lava Cake. - Yeah, on the other hand. (buzzer beeping) - There's gotta be some cake in there. - Is there any? - It's ash. - Nothing, nothing but ash. - Is that cake? - No. It's just a piece of ash. - Is that cake? - Mike. - Okay, Mike, you were right. - I'm gonna apologize again, Mike, I should've listened to you more closely. I was just waiting for you to stop talking, so I could say that Lava Cake is made out of lava. - Well, listen, we just lost the opportunity to have a fricking personalized message from the Rock. We needed to get that one right. - But there's still more to learn. (upbeat music) (woman screaming) (flames sizzling) Hey, you ever wonder what our Mythical Mugs do when we're not looking? Well, don't worry, because today we got a brand new series premiering on the Mythical Society called Behind the Mugsicality. Go in-depth with Mythical crew member, Davin, as he interviews our favorite merch mugs, both past and present, as they spill the tea (Rhett laughing) on what it's like being slurped on by these lips- - Oh, and these lips. - And those lips, and also what it's really like in our office dishwasher. - Yeah, bold. - It's got heart, it's got Davin. Visit the MythicalSociety.com to sign up and really learn something. - Yes, okay. Mad dog Lucas left a Tickle Me Elmo, a Furby, and even Baby Secret in a volcano for a month, which one was reduced to ash like Gina Carano's character in season three of the Mandalorian? (all laughing) - Oh. - Gosh, oh, wow, okay. All right. Yeah, how are they gonna pull that one off? - Okay, Mike, was it the Tickle Me Elmo, the Furby, the Baby Secret, or none of them, or, I guess, any two, any three, which one's incinerated? - They're children's toys, so they have to have some flame resistance properties generally by regulation. - Would you like a strawberry? It's burnt. - But it's not gonna work in a volcano. I mean, these are plastics, these are fabric materials. Even if they resist ignition for seconds or even minutes, ultimately the intense heat and thermal energy of a volcanic vent is going to burn all three of these items completely. The closest thing I could see in this entire time to having something that remains would be like a heat pipe or shield in the Switch or the PS5, and knowing that neither of those made it makes me think none of these toys have a chance. - Okay, well, that's just what you think, Mike. (crew laughing) - Mike, would you like a burnt strawberry? - How about a burnt egg? - A burnt egg? Always. Oh, that's delicious. - Yeah. - Wow. - So good. - Makes you- - Crispy. - It really cleans you out. All right, that Elmo's going up in flames. Furbies are hard to kill. - Yeah. - We know that. - We know, I mean, we know that Elmo's burnt, you're right. Furbies are hard to kill, but it's still fur and plastic. Baby Secret literally is home to at least one demon. - I mean, listen to her. Watch. (Baby Secret mumbles) Pull the string. - I like to sleep with you. - I mean, come on. - No, no. - We're gonna see either a completely intact Baby Secret, or at least the head under there. So let's just confirm. We're going with Baby Secret. - So the Elmo and Furby obviously, yes. - Oh, yeah, of course. - See, just as we suspected. - Yeah, burnt to a crisp. - Mike, you were right, man. There's nothing there. Nothing there. - No trace of anything, - But Baby Secret. - On the other hand. - Yup. (buzzer beeps) She is a- - [Rhett] Are you in there? - [Link] Baby Secret, if you're in there, say something. - Well, I feel like she might have, she might be able to reconstitute. - I know, like (creepy music). - Okay, Mike. - I would leave so fast if that happened. - Okay, all right, we got one more round. (upbeat music) (woman screaming) (flames sizzling) Okay, so technically, according to the rules, we have no chance of winning that personalized media message from the Rock, but Stevie told us we paid a lot of money for it, right? - [Stevie] Yeah, I had to pull a lot of strings and pay a lot of money for this video, so- - Right, so you're saying if we get this one right, you're going to let us see it, right? - [Stevie] Yes. - Okay. - Oh yeah. - Still got a chance. - We're back in this, buddy. Okay, finally, we put our very own Tour of Mythicality Blu-ray in a volcano for a month. So now the question is when we put the Blu-ray in its post-volcanic state back into a Blu-ray player, will it still play like Ridiculousness every hour of every day on MTV? - Yeah. (Mike laughing) - Or be not work at all like teaser clips at the top of Good Mythical Morning? - Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, come on. - Hey. - Too soon. - I mean, I thought they teased. - Too soon. - They teased in a certain way. Mike, I don't know if you were following that escapade, but we tried that and they did not like it. - [Rhett] Yeah, yeah, yeah. - You know, that happens. - I can see that. - It happens. We're not all right all the time. Kind of like you today, man. We'd be watching the Rock if it wasn't for you and all your science input. - Are you talking to me or Mike? - I'm talking to Mike. - Well, Mike's been right every time. - I know. (Mike laughing) I didn't know if he would notice. - So- - I was kind of looking for a scapegoat here. - All right, Mike, I'm really, I want to get this video message from the Rock, or media message, as I called it, because that's the technical term. - Yeah. - Give us the science behind this. What's gonna happen to this DVD? - I just gotta be honest. I feel a lot of pressure right now because, in addition to being the most bankable star in Hollywood today, Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson is also my favorite movie star. I will watch the Rock in literally anything. What a delightful and entertaining personality. - Yeah, he's good. He's so good. - And, I'm trying to think this through. Blu-rays were designed to be a superior archival media to DVDs before them, they have a polycarbonate coating on one side of the disc to be scratch resistant. They also needed to do that because the dot pitch of a Blu-ray is so much smaller, hence the need for a blue laser to scan the surface and get an information read. - Yes, the dot pitch. - And some Blu-rays are designed to cope with temperatures pretty hot, 80 degrees Celsius plus, but that's still, again, far, far short of the hundreds or thousands of degrees Celsius that we're gonna find in proximity to a volcano. So my suspicion is that the disc and package would be completely destroyed and therefore unable to convey any sort of digital information to the reading mechanism of a Blu-ray player. - We've gone against Mike every time. - [Rhett] Okay, well, you sound pretty convincing. - And he's been right every time. - Yeah. - There's no way around it. - And I actually listened to him that time when I was like that, I don't understand it. - Yeah, it seems real. - But it seemed like I should agree with this. - Seems real. (Mike laughs) - Okay. - Okay, so we're going to say- - We wanna see the greeting. - B, will not work at all, like the teaser close at the top of Good Mythical Morning. - We're agreeing with Mike. - All right, let's see what happens. - We're going with you. Yeah, all right. - Okay, all right. - This is a good sign. - Now I will say though, it's just ash, but the only way to know if we're right is we got to actually see, put it in the DVD player, and see if it doesn't play. Now, I have no reason to believe that it will. - But queue up that- - It's literally impossible. There's no way it can play. - Right. - Based on how optical media works. - Yeah. - But it would still be fun just to put the ash in here. - Yeah, right, yeah. - Don't you think? - Ruin a great player. - That's probably enough. - I mean the packaging is in there. It's total chaos. Entropy rules the situation, no order remains. - Need a little help. - Get it a little bit- - There we go. - [Rhett] I think maybe I can just hold it down in the front like that. - [Link] That's not gonna work. - I got it. No, I got it, I got it. - As long as, if you hold it down, it will work. There's a catch mechanism that determines whether it's closed that allows the laser to power on. - All right, here we go. - In order to spin, but there's no disc. - I'm pressing play, Mike. - Okay, here we go. - I can kind of wear this- - Whoa! - Like some sort of- (buzzer beeps) - Look at that. - I then realize- - Look at that, Mike. - Well, we shouldn't be too happy with that. - That's ridiculous, that's impossible. - We just freaking lost our Rock greeting. - Does that mean we don't get to see the Rock? - [Stevie] I'm gonna watch it myself privately. - Oh, dang it, Stevie. - All right, screw this. - Okay, well we don't get to see the Rock, but we did leave Link's glasses in a volcano for a month. (metal rattling) I don't think they stayed intact. - So that's where those have been. (Mike laughing) - Thanks again, Mike, for joining us today, be sure to follow @MikeMchargue on Twitter and Instagram, and check out the Cozy Robot Show on Twitter, Instagram, and TikTok. - Hey, also follow the Cozy Robot Show channel on YouTube, and subscribe for more science Mike. You can also watch the Cozy Robot Show live on Mondays at 05:00 PM Pacific, 08:00 PM Eastern via, what's that URL, Mike? - CozyRobots.com/watch. - Oh, yeah. - Thanks for subscribing and clicking that bell. - Now you say, you know what time it is? - You know what time it is. - Hi, I'm Stephanie and I'm from Guatemala. And we are at the top of a volcano, and it's time to spin the Wheel of Mythicality. (Rhett laughing) - Oh yeah! Click the top link to watch us eat $2 million worth of Flaming Hot Cheetos on Good Mythical More, - And to find out where the Wheel of Mythicality's gonna land. Put our faces on your faces with the official Rhett and Link face jackets. A hundred percent silicone, a hundred percent us. Available only at Mythical.com.
Channel: Good Mythical Morning
Views: 1,014,436
Rating: 4.5853939 out of 5
Keywords: gmm, good mythical morning, rhettandlink, rhett and link, mythical, rhett, mclaughlin, link, neal, will it, taste test, season 18
Id: lJdDe4JaCRA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 18sec (1038 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 01 2021
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