The 20 Hour Journey to Beat Mario Maker's EASIEST Level

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Pause the video at 0:55. The level code is shown on screen

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/bgriff1986 📅︎︎ Oct 22 2022 🗫︎ replies

Code is TGQ-NH4-QNF

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AbleAbroad4430 📅︎︎ Oct 23 2022 🗫︎ replies
super mario bros 1-1 is one of the most famous 2d levels of all time so famous in fact that not only is it the most used phrase in mario maker across all user-made levels but nintendo themselves included a version of it in the game story mode so how could a level so simple that takes at most 30 seconds to beat takes me nearly 20 hours well it all started a few months ago when i was attempting a level making challenge on stream after playing countless 1-1 remakes across all modes of the game i decided i wanted to make my own version using only my memory now while the challenge was fun it left me wanting more i wasn't sure what exactly until a few days later later that week i was doing some poking around on discord looking for fresh content to bring to stream when i noticed a new message had been posted in my content ideas channel super one one world now i'll be honest i didn't know what this was at first but after doing some searching i got my answer an entire eight world 40 level super world where every single level was one one i was hooked i put it on my schedule for the following week and eagerly waited making sure not to spoil myself so i could get the full experience the following week i booted up my stream and eagerly got into it after a short intro i started up the timer and began my journey into what would soon turn into a one month long affair so here we go this is uh super one one world created by one one i don't think that's actually the person's name but you know they have to make sure that they're staying in theme so let's get this started world one was fun and simple enough it contained the original one one one one but it's made from memory one one but it's squished the bizarre one one but it equals zero and finally my personal favorite one one but it's an airship flute with only a few silly deaths along the way after 10 minutes i was already moving on to world 2. dude i was not ready for it to all be on the screen like that world 2 is more of the same innovative approaches on a classic level using mechanics you can only find in mario maker it starts off with one one but you're an smb2 mushroom which i had no problems with whatsoever okay all right so far so good don't go in the pit though get the jump [Music] okay let's go try again next was the mind bending one one but it comes in waves a really unique 1-1 but it's spot the difference where i had to find enemies and blocks that were in the original one one but it's a water level and to end it off 1-1 but now this this is where my trouble began this level is a 20-second speedrun level that utilizes the lakitu cloud mechanic to go through the level quickly now unlike the previous levels where i had full control of my character in this one i was constantly being pushed to the right by this canon after a bit i found out that holding right sped up the cannon and holding left slowed it down but i was always moving right this meant that if i made one wrong jump it was over dude what the heck i pushed jump why didn't he why didn't she go and if you're thinking i could just go through the shortcut underground or stay behind the cannon those didn't work either it goes back that's what happens fortunately this didn't take too long to master after learning how to control the speed of the cannon i was through the level in just about 10 minutes nice we've done it [Music] first try just don't look at the life counter but this got me thinking that was only world two there was another 30 levels and six worlds that i had to get through if things were getting tricky already i could only imagine what was in store nevertheless i pushed onwards to world three here i ran into my next snag almost immediately 1-1 but i can only look left so we only look left [Music] okay maybe i was not ready for that one now the premise of this one was simple i had to make it through the level without ever letting my character look right now this might seem impossible but in the original smb theme this is actually possible using good jump control by jumping while facing left tapping right wall in the air then tapping left again before landing you're actually able to consistently move right while only facing left however one misstep and game over it took me about 20 minutes to complete but soon enough i was done it was here where i first noticed something that set off further warning bells in my head because the game lets you save your progress if you can't play it through it once it actively tracks how far you are in the world this is then displayed to other players on the same world by a ninja number the higher the number the more players who stopped playing the super world on that stage using this number you can really quickly gauge the difficulty of each level so the fact that on world 3 not even halfway through the world there was a drop off of over 700 to under 75 didn't bode well as i moved on that being said the remaining levels in world 3 were very tame in comparison the remainder of the world featured the minimalistic one one but nothing is unnecessary the confusing one won but it's a maze one one but it's a scavenger hunt and ended off with one one but it's a surfing course after i headed on to world four i began to doubt my initial concerns sure a few of the levels had been hard so far but maybe they were outliers as i loaded into world 4 and saw that there were a few levels with over 100 ninjis on them it further helped to calm the nerves however world four quickly showed itself to be on an entirely new level of difficulty with each and every level being surprisingly more technical than the last this world contained a leaf parkour level where i had to reset p speed on enemies as i moved forward a surprisingly tricky spin jump level if i beat this right now everyone has to subscribe to raise fire on youtube okay a super unique one one that was broken down into four quick time attack sections a one one speed run where i had to go through the level backwards including the music this is a hold left though i don't like hold left [Music] wait wait what is the music playing backwards too and finally one one but it's a shoot em up which i'm convinced is probably the only level in this whole game that uses the shooter tag correctly at this point i was already halfway done undoubtedly the levels had increased in difficulty as i moved on but wrapping up for the day i felt accomplished in what i had done being able to complete 20 levels in under three hours at this rate finishing the whole world was bound to be a breeze coming back a week later i was feeling energized and excited to dive back in while tricky at times the super world had genuinely been a lot of fun so far so i was eager to see what else it might have in store for me today was the start of world five the beginning of the int world 5 started off with a similar challenge to an earlier level a parkour level but this time i was using the acorn power-up instead of the tanuki leaf while i was able to get through this level fairly quick it was the first time i had to change my approach and how i viewed each level in order to beat it sure each level was technical as well but at this point i couldn't simply out platform my way through everything these levels were reaching a point where they had an intended solution and if i didn't follow that solution my chances of success were basically zero that ending is it's kind of hard to do honestly though this is kind of just like this level is like imagine you're just you're completing a puzzle but in order to like actually solve the puzzle you have to have the tech also figured out it's like a tech puzzle the next level in world 5 was more the same 1-1 but everything is breaking this level removed the floor of one one and forced me to jump from platform to platform using the mega mushroom now because of how jumping works with this power up and interacts with brick blocks this was again a puzzle to figure out just exactly where and how i needed to jump to make group it took a bit but eventually i finished my god that was closer we'll take it then i got hit with a curveball next stage 1-1 but you're a rocket 20-second speed run the levels i'd played before this in world five were tough sure but both of them combined would only be a fraction of the difficulty of this one now on the surface the levels seemed harmless enough you're given a p balloon and tasked with collecting all of the one ups floating through the stage fun right well that's what i thought too until i noticed the timer with only 20 seconds on the clock every single movement of mine had to be perfect even the slightest mistake would cost me the run if i made a turn too wide i lost acceleration after hitting a block or i missed a one up along the way game over this level would require near perfect mastery of the p-balloon mechanics so i got to work it took over 200 attempts and nearly 45 minutes but as my patience on this stage was beginning to wear thin things finally came together caught up on the doula flushers [Music] oh wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait we've done it while i was relieved after getting this clear the earlier fears i had experienced about this world the day prior had returned tenfold i was only on world 5. these levels weren't supposed to take me nearly an hour per attempt how was i ever going to make it through the entire super world did i even have the skill to finish the levels at all luckily for me the remainder of world 5 was pretty easy containing only a frog suit speedrun stage which was basically a hold right level and the final being a bowser chase stage here we go here we go we're this part again i swear to god if he hits me with another flame i'm out of here dude are you kidding me what what is this some type of game what do you think this is some type of joke uh both of which were tricky but nowhere near what that p balloon level had brought again i began to doubt my initial fears were these levels really getting harder or did i just happen to be really bad at certain mechanics either way i had made it through world 5 leaving me with only 3 worlds and 15 levels to go regardless of how i felt there's one thing i don't do once i decide to start something and that's give up so i pushed onwards and began world 6 as the timer neared 4 hours the start of world 6 was a power-up dodging stage a type of level that's really common across all of mario maker this level while tricky was nothing too terribly difficult the levels that followed were similar a speed run level where i had to kill every goomba in one one and getting over it themed vertical styled one one maybe these levels really weren't that much more difficult and i was just simply psyching myself out sure i'd run into a few rough stages along the way but i mean at the end of the day it was only 1-1 how hard could a stage themed after that really be and then i got to this level 1-1 but it's a bonus stage oh i love bonus okay i can't even begin to make this one seem difficult this this is literally just a bonus stage going into the final stage in world 6 i was feeling on top of the world in my mind i wasn't even thinking about the game at this point i was thinking about what i was going to be doing after because at this pace i was sure to clear the remaining 10 or so levels today so i started it up almost overly confident and gave it an attempt 1-1 but it's a hot mess oh we're finally getting to the content the little timmy classic oh god they meant they meant actually hot what is this and then a second and then a third i wasn't even close you see this level walls simple utilizes a mechanic that you rarely see in super mario maker 2 enemies in lack of two clouds by putting an enemy in a lakitu cloud it will begin to move horizontally back and forth but not the way you'd expect when you move to the right and scroll the screen to the right rather than moving past the enemies in the cloud they actually move with you this means that by moving right while they're moving right they'll move even faster and by moving right while they're moving left it actually slows them down they are impossible to outrun throw some enemies and all of one one in the mix and you're bound to have a bad time oh and don't even think about using the shortcut pipe either okay nice nice nice what is this what in the heck is going on here wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is this doable is this what is this [Music] what are these guys doing here [Music] okay well we can't do that the whiplash this level gave me was almost instant in a matter of less than five minutes all of the bolstered confidence i had built up going into this level disappeared and then some it took me nearly 15 minutes worth of constant failure to really ground myself and begin to work my way through the stage but even that seemed to be much more difficult than anything i'd faced thus far have i considered avoiding the dues let me try this all right we're gonna be trying a new strategy on this attempt guys it's called avoiding the dudes for live number 69. okay so far so good it seems to be oh every time i thought i had a viable strategy that would allow me to keep moving forward in the stage i wouldn't be able to replicate it i ended up back at square one again and again i was lost however i'm not one to quit something i've already started so i took a deep breath dug my feet in deep and started to really figure it out slowly but surely things began to come together i began to make it further and further in the level and i learned how to navigate my way through the swaying lakitu clouds using the stairs as a save point after over an hour of attempts finally i managed to pick myself back up again and okay this is it this is it oh hey wait a minute i'm sending it on the axe dude come on you got to give me that what is that that's a scam that's what that is with less than a pixel separating me and the finish line i had over jumped and gotten taken out right at the end now i could have let this get to me and for a brief second the idea of quitting this whole thing flashed through my mind but i didn't come this far just to quit less than five minutes later i found myself in the same situation but this time [Music] no you get the heck out of here mr fireball not today son get him out of here we finished it well i didn't get the chance to finish the game today i had narrowed it down to the final two worlds and 10 levels which i decided was decent enough progress with only two worlds remaining i felt confident i'd finish it up the following day going into day three my original hope was to finish up the super world so far in both days one and two i'd managed to get through at least two worlds minimum so my plan was to turn this into a three-day affair and be done with it i think this summarizes my thoughts on the day as i make my way through the first level a swinging claw 1-1 remake look i played a really terrible level in the last one it was actually like problematic it became problematic okay there were little lava bubbles they were lacking two clouds i was losing my mind i spent like an hour on it so as long as we don't reach that level with the levels today i'll be happy now while that first stage wasn't anything too crazy it wasn't long before i was hit with another massive obstacle one that i hadn't even thought about as a possible stage previously one one but it's a coin-a-thon it's a 30-second speed run where i have to get 39 coins oh god here we go a coin rush speed run much like the goomba killing level we had done prior this level had you collect every single coin present in one one including the sub world in just 30 seconds what might seem like a simple concept on the surface became increasingly more complex the further into it i looked it took over an hour of grueling work but eventually i came up with a plan oh that was clean dude wait a minute wait a minute everyone chill i'm not sure in there for sure and just like that i was done after finishing the stage i was feeling good but because of the time it had taken to complete i was a bit worried about my ability to finish the whole world today it had been nearly two hours of time to simply beat two levels and with the remainder of world 7 and all of world 8 ahead of me there was no way i'd finish today at this rate looking at the ninja counts for each level the 700 plus people i'd seen in the first few worlds had now dwindled down to 15 or less on most levels which was not a good sign regardless i pushed onward the next level brought a fairly straightforward but incredibly tedious no jumping vertical stage it was essentially the getting over it style level i had played earlier but in reverse after about an hour and a few close calls i was out of there and i was out of time for the day oh wait this is huge get me out of here dude i don't want to do it anymore i'm going home we're out of there gaming [Music] now going into day four i had some real mixed feelings while i had really enjoyed the super world up until this point it was very apparent to me that every remaining level i'd have to work for and while i was fine with the grind i had expected myself to be done by now as i booted up the game and prepped myself to dive into whatever was to come next i could feel myself becoming almost nostalgic for that day one experience again the first level today still in world 7 was fairly tame a 1-1 remake but with rising and falling water where i couldn't put my foot down unlike the last two levels i'd done i powered through this one and was out in less than 10 minutes this meant that all i had left was the final level in world 7 and all of world 8 remaining now after the awful experience i had with lakitu clouds in world 6 when i saw them here again my initial thought was fear fortunately for me this level was much more straightforward sure there was a lot going on in the screen but with a much better understanding of these mechanics i was able to figure out a consistent setup for each part of the stage and work my way through in just under 20 minutes with two levels out of the way quick and staring down world eight a familiar thought began to creep back into my head could this be it will i actually be finishing today in the moment it felt so achievable one world five levels that was all i needed to be freed of this weird one one shaped purgatory so without thinking twice i barred straight into world eight and jumped right into my first stage all right let's get started here we go the first level of world star world world one the eighth one one but you can't see mario and this this was a nightmare i want you to imagine the level that was just played you see all of those different spells and projectiles flying everywhere imagine what the level would be like with them gone now imagine what the level would be like if mario was gone which one do you think would be harder projectile spam everywhere or absolutely nothing don't worry i'll give you a moment now if you said the former i've got bad news for you welcome to the world of 1-1 but you can't see mario a super mario bros 3 auto scroller where mario exists on the edge of reality right here if you can't see him that's intentional on this level he lives so close to the death plane even the slightest bump against anything means that your game is over mess up a jump on the stairs too bad jump too early and hit a pipe try again failed to dodge an enemy that's just walked off screen game over for the next four hours of my life this was my reality usually when i try to do content like this on stream i try to limit myself to just two to three hours max per day so i don't burn out and can save it for the next time if i need to but with this things were different at its core this level was 1-1 a stage that doesn't even take 30 seconds to complete normally which meant that any attempt i did could have been the one that finished it and yet as the hours passed the clear remained elusive the hours began to add up yet i still had nothing to show for it however as the day grew late i had a breakthrough with a level like this there's bound to be no strategy right how could i possibly develop a game plan for a level like this when i can't even move out from the left side of the screen due to the auto scroll i've got one word for you pigtails in super mario maker 2 you can choose to play between four characters mario luigi toad and toadette well the first three characters have pretty similar models in the super mario bros 3's theme the fourth one toadette has one key difference pigtails now in 99.9 percent of cases these pigtails don't affect the game in any way but fortunately for me this was part of the 0.1 percent my chat and i found out that if i played his toe dead and then face to the left the very edge of her model would show up on screen in the form of a thin black line when i jumped uh can i use toadette's pigtails i actually don't know i doubt it but maybe one of maybe one of the one times that the the hitbox is actually broken [Music] because it sticks out i mean wait let me see actually i gotta see i gotta know i don't think so but if that works that would be sick no it doesn't work i mean i kind of waited no kind of does when i jump wait hold up no wait wait you can actually see it look at this this is this might be five head look when i jump it's subtle but do you see it do you see it you can see it [Music] it's on the screen dude you can see it like just the very like it's like one pixel see it no let me zoom in and slow it down for you now this was a good start but it wasn't nearly consistent enough for me to get the clear that's when we figured out strat number two corner booster corner boosting is a strat that's commonly used by people trying to optimize a world record on a level the way it works is simple by jumping at the right time against a block instead of hitting it like you would normally it instead pushes you out to the side forcing you forwards in the level because of how auto scroll worked on this stage if i could corner boost toadette on the row of blocks at the beginning of 1 1 it might just be enough to see the model on the edge of the screen this would allow me to time my jumps better and give me more room if i happen to hit something while jumping it took a bit but after a few tries i was able to do it let's try it okay you can see her on the screen permanently now that's how you know it works you can see the edge of her pigtail using this strat i could now see not only the edge of toadette's pigtails but almost the entire shadow of it permanently while it might not seem like much it was a night and day difference to me using these two strats i was quickly able to make my way through and snag a clear after nearly four hours of attempts okay [Music] oh we're in there the toad attack quarter boost gets the job done get me out of here i'm out of here i'm out of here exhausted and having spent double the amount of time i intended to today i wrapped up the stream and went to bed with only four levels left surely i'd finish it on day five after taking some much needed time to recover from the monster that was day four i came back a week later ready to finish this at this point there were only four levels left and even on a rough day four i had finished three so it definitely seemed achievable i knew i'd psyched myself out if i thought about it too much so i quickly jumped into the first level of the day the second of world 8 1-1 but it's frozen over after a rough first level in world 8 i went into this stage with my guard up but surprisingly it wasn't that bad ice physics can be annoying and some of the jumps were a bit tight but it was definitely doable it even had a checkpoint wow there's a checkpoint already on this level this level's very very generous within 10 minutes i was done now i was really feeling like today would be the last day feeling on top of the world i wanted to push on while the morale was high so i loaded into the next stage of world 8 1-1 but it's a flight course a super mario world cape themed level now i just want to preface this by saying i'm already bad at using the cape i never played super mario maker 1 or super mario world until i had gotten into mario maker 2. so all of my experience using this power up comes almost exclusively from the few stages that utilize it in mario maker 2 but even if i was the best cape flying player in the world this level would still be insanely tough much like all of the other levels that proved themselves to be incredibly difficult this level looked simple on the surface it's just 1-1 so wouldn't i just be able to fly over everything but not quite with a lowered ceiling any attempts at that would be met with a swift bonk oh and not to mention the clear condition too the second my foot touched the ground the clear condition was over and i had to try again also i mean just look at these ending stairs oh this part in particular is stupid though this one's gonna make it this is gonna make it really hard it's gonna be this is actually gonna be so hard dude how do you do how do you do this crap what the heck is that this meant that everything had to be perfect even if i somehow managed to make it to the end i also had to perfectly navigate over the tiny gap at the top of the stairs to hit the goal so i got to work however things were different this time as the hours passed and i tried over and over and over again i wasn't making any progress i had a few promising runs but i couldn't figure out a way to get things consistent playing a hard level is one thing but playing a hard level and feeling like you're still at square one after spending hours of your life on it that hit's different the timer continued to climb 12 hours 13 14 15 16 17 and yet i was still stuck chat began to question if it was worth it for me to even beat the level no one will know you didn't do it isn't there a better use of your time i began to question not only if it was worth it but if it was even possible for me coming into the 2d game much later than everyone else in the community i didn't really have much of a reputation for being good at the game in the same way those around me did maybe i should quit and stay in my lane with something a bit easier i wanted to beat this level so incredibly badly but with no progress to show for the hours put in except for a few lucky runs that made it towards the end i knew it wasn't gonna happen so i threw in the towel that is until day six one of my biggest personality streaks and weaknesses is my persistence if i start something i refuse to quit it sometimes to my own detriment and this was no exception i had put in over 17 hours of work at this point and i had finished 37 out of the 40 levels in this super world over 90 i didn't start this just to quit right at the finish line so i came back a week later determined to finally put all of this to rest my chat and i decided it'd be best to start with the other stage before returning to the cape one and i agreed it felt only fitting to save one of my biggest battles until the very end so i booted up the next one 1-1 but it's painful after all i'd been through thus far i sincerely doubted that it could be more painful than some of the other stages i'd played but i went in expecting the worst what i found was a technical p-jumping stage now i'm not a tech god by any means but i do consider p-jumping to be one of my strong suits so i went in feeling good the level was tricky sure and it required me to figure out unique pathing for a few puzzling sections but in just about an hour i was done and then there were two since i had to save the castle stage for the end it meant that there was no other option for me it was time to return to the cape stage as i loaded up the level again for the second time i had a rush of emotions flooding my mind confidence that i could do it again doubt that i wasn't good enough fear that i'd be stuck here again and adrenaline that this might be the end today though things were different at 18 hours 33 minutes on the clock i began attempts at 18 hours 55 minutes oh what the heck we're gaming what out of nowhere gets the clear holy buckets what i didn't expect that one to happen it just kind of just kind of worked out that was pretty huge after pouring hours of my life into this level and fighting what felt like it was an impossible to win mental battle against myself i had done it in only 22 minutes on my second day of attempts it truly felt like a weight had finally been lifted from my shoulders that is until i realized that this was only level 39 there was still one level to go apprehensive of what might lay ahead i took a moment to clear my mind take a deep breath and with only one life remaining load into the final stage in the entire super world one one but it's the credits was this it had i done it surely there'd be a curveball here right as the level went on and on it became increasingly apparent that i had made it through but i refused to put my guard down until i touched that final flagpole and then are we done are we done we did it stop the tyler it's over 19 hours 3 minutes 36 seconds we've finished all 40 levels in one one world i had done it after nearly 20 hours of work multiple mental battles with myself and thousands of attempts across all 40 levels i had beaten 1-1 in every possible way known to man and then some if you had asked me all the way back on day one when i originally decided to do this if i thought it'd play out this way i would have pointed and laughed at you so what have we learned even the simplest level in all of super mario maker isn't to be underestimated thanks for watching multiplayer
Channel: raysfire
Views: 1,874,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raysfire, rays, highlights, highlight, clip, compilation, raysfire clip compilation, clips, edits, fails, best, of, funny, hilarious, crazy, moments, best of raysfire, funniest, super mario maker 2, smm2, mario maker, multiplayer, versus, expert, mode, nintendo, switch, rank, level up, mario, toad, luigi, toadette, trolls, trolling, troll, online, S+, road, to, game, 2019, meme, twitch fails, twitch, livestream, live, stream, endless expert, challenge, super, endless, lives, pb, personal, streak, win, wins, pangaeapanga, redfalcon, desbug
Id: PhyG0s9tJaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 26sec (1826 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 16 2022
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