Food Theory: The Pink Sauce Mystery SOLVED (TikTok)

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2022 🗫︎ replies

He should try sauce riche, a pink sauce used on fries in Belgium

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/_Wild-Wolf_ 📅︎︎ Aug 21 2022 🗫︎ replies
guys we have discovered the secret recipe for tick-tock's famous pink sauce it's perfect matthew i'm i'm not feeling really well have you seen the pepto minty [Music] hello internet welcome to food theory the show that stays fresh without refrigeration today we're looking at the latest viral food phenomenon tick tock's infamous pink sauce this neon nash has been sweeping the internet all summer leaving the tickers tweeters grammars and tubers all clamoring for a squeeze of the stuff and then clamoring for the nearest toilet as the sauce arrives unprotected spoiled or exploded all of this false propaganda that's going on on the internet i'm just a victim of clout victim of clout huh well i'd rather be a victim of clout than a victim of botulism for those of you who are unaware of what i'm talking about because you refuse to download tick-tock and fear of our international corporate overlords i mean in fear of how much you're gonna love your time on the platform the pink sauce is a condiment that was invented by the self-proclaimed flavor genie chef pee a private chef who somehow doesn't know what the letters fda stand for what do you mean fda approved i don't sell medical products who could have expected that the food and drug administration would show interest in a potentially unsafe food no one tell her i'm sure she'll figure it out eventually the food that she's trying so unsuccessfully to defend here is this unholy concoction pink sauce basically if you took pepto-bismol and put it into a squeeze bottle one video a verse lather and some fried chicken with the stuff blew up overnight thanks to its unnatural color suddenly everybody wanted to know what this thing was and you know what they're still wondering despite hundreds of bottles of it being chipped out because the packaging is absolutely riddled with errors so while everyone in digital commentary land is out here telling you all the reasons that consuming the product is dangerous which let me be clear it absolutely is you should not buy this stuff and definitely don't consume it i'm here today to instead figure out the question that everyone seemed to skip in the process what even is the pink sauce and can you make it at home safely thereby allowing you to avoid paying twenty dollars for this sampler of salmonella we're just gonna use our noggin and everything we know about food science which isn't a lot to make pink sauce the safe at home way yeah all the virality of the pink sauce minus one key ingredient the actual viruses in the past we've managed to figure out kfc's secret recipes so i mean how hard could this possibly be well off the bat there's one key thing that separates the pink sauce from the kfc secret recipe and that's the fact that you know kfc actually has a recipe it's consistent it's repeatable meanwhile here's the first video of the pink sauce and here's another and another one more and this is how it looks today the color is different in literally every video posted about the stuff for a sauce that is purely branded around its color the color isn't even consistent heck i wouldn't even call it pink anymore sometimes there are seeds in it sometimes there's not sometimes you can see chili flakes sometimes not this stuff is never the same sauce twice but i hear what you're saying people already have the sauce they have the label that label has ingredients on it and nutrition information right well i can't tell you the ingredients that i use to make it pink but it's pink no no you you do kind of have to tell people the ingredients again that is probably why the fda wants to have a conversation with you pink sauce has only been an official product since the first of july we began production you guys are judging a prototype nothing like beta testing your sketchy food product on the people who paid twenty dollars a bottle for it okay now to be fair the bottles she's shipping out to people do actually have themselves a label and a sticker on the back of the bottle that says nutrition information then again i can literally slap a sticker that says that onto anything and it doesn't necessarily make it true and in the case of pink sauce if you think that nutrition label is going to give us an accurate picture of what's inside the bottle well your stomach is going to be paying for that mistake i won't go into this too much because this is territory that's already been covered by plenty of other channels but the label on the back of this thing is so far from correct it's almost useless for instance the label says that there are 444 portions of the sauce inside of the bottle 444 i mean do i even need to go further than that have you ever seen a food product with that many servings the highest that i've ever seen is whipped cream and that's only in the 70s for almost any other condiment a bottle of this size would usually contain between 30 and 40 servings based on a serving size of one tablespoon and you can probably imagine that if they weren't able to get a basic number like that right then things are really gonna fall apart once they start doing actual math like here where the total number of carbs doesn't equal the sum of the sugar in the fiber it should be 15 but it's instead listed as three or what about here where there's only one gram of fat listed but supposedly there's more sunflower oil than honey inside this thing based on the order of its ingredients list and sunflower oil is pure fat so there's a gram of sunflower oil and less than a gram of all other ingredients here per serving i mean i guess if each of the 400 servings is like the size of a raindrop then sure checks out there are also very few ingredients here that could provide shelf stability to the product which is a big concern when you have a sizeable amount of garlic and pataya both products that are perishable it's also notable that this sauce in every video and every different shade of pink always appears as a creamy sauce it's opaque and it has a similar consistency to honey mustard ranch or mayonnaise and yet the ingredients list on the package contains nothing that would create a sauce that looks like this there's no mention of dairy or egg products to be found that could serve as a binding agent that would give it this creamy consistency also there's an ingredient here named vinegar we actually had to get this imported from some backwood shed really a specialty ingredient see what i mean it just completely breaks down at the end of the day this isn't an ingredients list it's a word scramble so in our attempt to uncover the real pink sauce we're first gonna make our best attempt based on reverse engineering the nutrition label here and be aware i use the heaviest of quotes when i say that if we don't come out with something that looks like or tastes like the pink sauce we're gonna modify the recipe as little as possible to achieve something that looks and tastes closer to how online reviewers have described it can you compare it to anything sweet ranch it's like sneak mail also just as a side note no one even likes this stuff on her tic-tac page chef pee keeps uploading videos where she forces the sauce onto people and then everyone's just too polite to say anything negative about it your sauce is delicious says the woman who practically refuses to try it herself blink twice if you're being held here against your will she says even before she tastes it and then she refuses to look at the camera yep you saw the caption reviews are coming in and they are bad but this stuff is delicious and i don't know what it tastes like you don't know what it tastes like huh well that my very uncomfortably scripted friend is what we aim to find out today so let's try making the sauce using the listed ingredients and nutritional facts to figure out the quantities you're going to be attempting to make the sauce as it's sort of written out in the ingredients and the nutrition information on the back of the actual pink sauce bottle we'll explain in the video why we couldn't exactly uh suss out a recipe but we did the best we could sauce this recipe is pretty sustainable now now we're legally obligated to also make a venting reference so i'm going to go over here and invent this vent vent vent here i am this is me venting vents oh i see it oh there's a vent on the floor yeah have you ever heard of venting gregory back to the food channel in order to make a decent sized quantity that we could test on a number of foods we blended up 10 servings so each part of the nutritional facts is going to be multiplied by 10 as well starting with the sugar there are 11 grams of sugar per serving and only two listed ingredients that have sugar content honey and dragon fruit knife oh whoa this is really serious it is a very serious knife brought to you by our friend andrew thanks andrew there you go picking up quality merchandise wow thanks for commenting on my amazing shirts oh my gosh your shirt is amazing wow which is available right below this video quality game theory merch this one's white ask you how you are you just have to say that you're fine when you're not this one's gonna be red look it's like a loot box which one are we gonna get today here we go come on red we used 122 grams of honey giving us 100 grams of sugar and 130 grams of dragon fruit giving us an additional 10 grams of sugar thereby amounting to 110 grams total just call us chef p chef p as in patrick chef p as in precision chef peas in pretty cool i think we should keep moving on with the recipe next up we needed 40 grams of fiber we already have four from the honey and dragon fruit so we still need 36. the only other ingredient on the list that contains any fiber is the garlic which has 0.2 grams per garlic so we just need to add 180 cloves oh geez this is already starting to break down i'm not putting that much garlic in here so we'll just do the rest of the recipe and see how it goes the rest of the ingredients are distilled vinegar water himalayan salt and sunflower seed oil before we get to the less than two percent ingredients if we go buy the one gram of fat per serving then that means there's only one gram of sunflower oil in there that's pure fat so that's 10 grams of oil the watch in the video of chef pee making the sauce we seem to disagree on the amount of oil there p but i'm gonna continue going by the numbers that you have listed on your official nutrition label anyway we did the same for vinegar and water and about three grams of himalayan salt based on the sodium listed in the nutrition facts finally the less than two percent of ingredients we added six grams of spices which were chili flakes and onion powder 5 grams of citric acid a small splash of milk and lemon juice after all of that we were still missing a massive amount of fiber for the sake of our taste buds and raleigh north carolina's garlic supply i just added two cloves and called it a day then we blended it all up and hoped for the best it's worth pointing out that again the ingredients are supposed to be listed by the amount used proportionally on the recipe our order came out very differently but in truth it's just not possible to satisfy these nutritional requirements with the ingredients as they're currently written out we're getting ready to blend we'll get a sense of what color this actually is also before i try this stuff you have got to subscribe i am putting my life on the line for you look at this this is disgusting but i'm testing it for science and for your enjoyment so if that's not worth a hit of that subscribe button i don't know what is subscribing is free a stark contrast from the amount of medical attention i'm gonna need after this episode at first glance one thing was certain this was not the sauce that chef pee is using the color is purple not the kirby pink that we were hoping for dragon fruit while it provides color is a watery fruit and left us with a runny broth not a finger licking sauce so not a great start visually but remember flavor wise we're looking for something that's close to a sweet ranch and wow that is that is a trip for your taste buds oh man it is sweet on the front end it is garlicky throughout i'm not a squeamish or picky person i do not enjoy that flavor it sort of had that going for it if you squint really hard but it lacked any kind of creaminess because again it has no binding agent or ingredient that creates a sticky creamy texture i gotta admit so far chef p is failing her mission too as the bottle says excite my taste buds and thrill me with their creativity the only thing creative about all this is their creative interpretation of the meaning of numbers so in order to try and get a creamier texture with a color that better resembled pink sauce i went rogue and took two different approaches first i added some mayonnaise to the mixture that we already made why mayo well you see this right here sitting next to chef pee in this video i mean what is that ingredient it's white and it's viscous which honestly doesn't apply to any other ingredient in the sauce it's not mashed garlic because you can see the garlic cloves float in there in the literal vat of oil that she created in the blender in fact i suspect the mayo may be acting as more than just an ingredient you notice the yellow capped squeeze bottles that the pink sauce comes packaged in why wouldn't your pink sauce have i don't know a pink lid yellow is nowhere to be found in her brand unless your main ingredient is mayonnaise and you happen to have a ton of these yellow capped bottles just sitting around repurpose the old mail bottles wipe off the label boom you've got yourself a brand new product anyway i figured the mail would help build a nice stable creaminess where it's lacking right now it tasted i definitely taste the vinegar i definitely taste the garlic and i get a little bit of the honey but not really very much for the other approach i got serious i knew that we were looking for a sweet ranch flavor so why not just cut to the chase i mixed our buddy hidden valley ranch hashtag not spawn and the dragon fruit together so our sauces are all mixed up now it's just time for the taste test so on this side we have our ranch which has all of the great seasonings and spices garlic vinegar it's got everything already in there so all we did was add fruit and basically we've got some nice fruity ranch so so really this is ranch plus dragon fruit yes ranch with dragon fruit that's it right on this side we have sort of the opposite so we have the plain mayonnaise nothing in it but we added our whole mixture to it so in this one our fruit mixture has the vinegar and the honey and the salt and the garlic and all that so we came to a similar color and consistency on both sides i was going to say from a coloring standpoint this is pretty much the the quintessential pink sauce and from a texture standpoint it seems to be about what we see on tick tock yeah from the ranch i mean it's ranch it's great oh yeah that just tastes like ranch it's just ranch you can't taste any of the fruit you see the pink but you don't taste anything remotely pink it tastes like ranch which is lovely who wouldn't like ranch honestly everyone's making a big deal about like no why does it cost 20 for one of these bottles it's because she's buying this plus like a five dollar fruit a dragon fruit's expensive they are they're really expensive each one's five bucks you gotta charge a lot for that yeah okay ready we're gonna go for the mayo plus mixture i kind of like it it's pretty good i'm ashamed of myself right now it's a sweet male it's male with a kick you definitely still don't taste the dragon fruit no in either one absolutely not so the main ingredient in both of these is the mayo and the ranch the other stuff is just seasonings and then the color yeah i mean the only thing the only thing that this dragon fruit is even doing is just color that's nothing else so what i think we need to do is actually combine these two guys to get the final final pink sauce and then we'll dunk some chicken yeah that is that is the silverware drawer do you know do you know where things are i do it's your kitchen but i'm on camera and i choked under pressure oh that's it that's it it's sweet ranch so this is it homemade pink sauce plus you can refrigerate it at home that way you can get a viral video without the virus only one thing left to do the chicken test slather it in there oh yeah oh acceptable so what is the pink sauce well we can say for certain that it's not what's listed on the label very clearly there's a major thickening or binding agent that's in the sauce that's just outright missing from the labeling from here we have to enter into the realm of speculation but having spent the last week testing the sauce and zooming and enhancing every video of it i can find i believe the actual recipe for the sauce is a combination of both of our tests if it tastes like sweet ranch occam's razor folks it may just be full of ranch the heat that people talk about is from the chili powder like chef pee says herself on tick tock then there's a bit of sweetness from the honey that she shows in her oh so helpful infographic that leaves us with only one thing left the color now on her tik tok she shows red dragon fruit being used this video by the way looks and sounds like a murder basement now to be fair red dragon fruit does produce a deep red color so maybe she really is using the fruit as it's listed in the ingredients that said it's pretty far down the ingredients list and what we found was that we had to add a heck of a lot of the stuff in order to achieve the color that we were going for dragon fruit is also an expensive ingredient and it's adding a lot of work just to achieve the color that said if we use dragon fruit powder which you can buy on amazon we actually had to use much less it made things much more cost effective and we didn't have to change the flavor of the sauce at all so pink sauce it's basically just ranch honey dragon fruit powder and a little chili maybe some mayo thrown in there for extra creaminess and the bottle so why lie about your ingredients well the recipe for pink sauce isn't rocket science and neither is the question when you experience even a glimmer of fame on the internet you know that you have a very short window of time to make something out of it looking at chef pee's tick-tock pre-sauce you can see that she was already posting regularly creating formats for herself building a personal brand she wasn't a person who accidentally became famous on the internet she very intentionally became famous on the internet and then tried to capitalize on it was she ready to launch a sauce brand no clearly not again we're way out of theory land and pretty far into speculation land at this point but my guess is that she saw a one in a million opportunity and was so afraid of losing it that she rushed in and cut corners both in the labeling and in the quality of the product that she was producing she was afraid of losing her niche so she refused to share her ingredients just in case someone came in and scooped her sauce along the way at the end of the day don't buy the pink sauce duh but also don't really buy stuff in general from people you might not be able to trust on the internet feel like i shouldn't have to say this but here we are friends if you'd like to try the pink sauce then make your own it's not hard we gave you basically the recipe here and remember the next time you see pepto-bismol in a bottle being peddled online maybe you just give that one a strong pass but hey that's just a theory a food theory bon appetit she has this giant blender full of sunflowers i mean it's like a vat of oil she's gonna pour that on somebody at the castle gates i mean it's enormous it's it's just gonna pour it on someone at the castle of gates what is it boiling i i just imagined just imagine it being like one of those japanese game shows where they're trying to climb up the slippery steps all the nights in their armor being like whoa
Channel: The Food Theorists
Views: 6,278,711
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pink sauce, tiktok, tiktok pink sauce, pink sauce tiktok, pink sauce fda, pink sauce review, what is pink sauce, pink sauce lady, pink sauce death, tik tok pink sauce, what is the pink sauce, purple sauce, pink sauce recipe, i try pink sauce, recipe, tiktok recipe, tiktok food, tiktok food hack, food theorists, food theory, food, matpat, food theory tiktok, food theory pink sauce, matpat pink sauce, pink sauce drama, chef pii, chef pii pink sauce, chef pii fda
Id: P0dZIp-K_K8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 34sec (1114 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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