if you look with me on page 33 on page 33 it's very important say very important there's certain things that are very important one of them is you understanding the personality of God and you think well how am I gonna send understand the personality of God well it's through Jesus it's through the Word of God but it's also through Jesus because he was the exact representation of the Father so when you see Jesus do something you're seeing the father because the father is working through him but it's very important to know please please get this it's very important for you to understand the personality of God it's very important for you to understand the personality of Jesus because if you do your faith is gonna quickly Excel because the bottom line is if me and you are gonna get along we got to learn to walk together okay if you cannot find a way to agree with someone you're not gonna walk together and it's gonna be a big job trying to you're gonna be dragging people around and that's why that's why when you marry somebody it's not the prettiest person you know the Hat most handsome person it's the one that can stick with you the longest without either you killing each other and what I mean by that is you know it's not you you think you think one thing about it and then it's it's not true what's true is can you get along and can you agree and and um with Jesus he's very very strong in his personality so didn't just to be honest with you how many times did he roll his eyes hi d'Alene how are you it's very it's very hard to listen to me it was very hard for Jesus to tolerate unbelief so he was constantly rolling his eyes and saying how long will I be with you every time that they wouldn't do what he taught them to do they would come to him and say it didn't work or else you know the public would come and complain about their disciples and he would say why did you doubt why did you fear he would say things like that okay because his personality is that he wants you to believe what he says is true and he wants you to get it if you do not there is a a-tearing with this with your relationship the Holy Spirit can be grieved you know there's many verses on that so please don't write me because it's it's just it's just too many many verses the Holy Spirit's a person he's not a bird he doesn't want bird feed when you when he shows up he does he doesn't have a beak he's a person he's just like Jesus and he's a person and he can be grieved why can he be grieved because he was sent to help you so if you don't let him help you he can't do what he does and he feels grieved because he's at a loss of trying to get you to cooperate so it's just like when you have friends the reason they're friends is number one they're either very they're using you and they're not real friends or they really love you and they they care about you enough to sacrifice for you so a true friend is one will give his life for you so you know the to me to stay in certain relationships just like with you there's degrees and I'm not going to give you all my secrets but you know the bottom line is is that people have to earn their right to be at a certain place with you and I don't care I don't care what people say it's what they do you know it's it's there their heart is going to come out so so Jesus taught me he said no this is what you have to understand we're going to talk about this tonight we're going to talk a little bit about it today then we're gonna get into it tonight but your relationship is going to cause confrontation in the spiritually your relationship with God will cause confrontation if it doesn't your relationship with God is not very strong because you're in a world that's fallen and who hates God and hates you and you're you're here visiting but you're not wanted you rejected why because jesus said that that the prince of this world has already been judged he's already been rejected so because he's rejected he's going to reject you Satan is we're gonna reject you but you can outlast the devil okay so with the personality of God you've got the Holy Spirit coming to want to help you and if you do not allow him to do that then he feels grieved okay when Jesus who tells you you're gonna do greater works and people come against that and yet they're arguing and we haven't even done the works of Jesus yet and already people are arguing about the greater works if it's even possible now how many know that I can't heal anybody okay but yet I can believe so if the gifts of healing is not working it's as gifts to the spirit gift of miracles as a gift how many know that the gifts are operated by God and are given to you severally as he wills I'm quoting the Bible so say yes Paul said that okay so Paul said this that the the it's the spirits idea to give you the gift that you have or gifts severally as he wills it's just like the fivefold ministry and Ephesians it says that God sets in the church some to be apostles prophets pastors the teachers evangelists it's not up to you Paul said I was I was destined I was ordained to be an apostle since birth but he didn't walk in that for years he killed he killed those people thinking he was doing God a favor which is what Jesus told the disciples so your relationship with God is like relationships with people you have to find common ground but he is not going to come down to your level again he already did that now he took you with him and sat you with him at the right hand of God but no one's gonna preach that so just forget I said anything because you know you start offending people but see God came down to our level but he came down to our level to learn how to be human that's what that's what I was told by my spiritual father but see you have to learn how to be spiritual now that's what Jesse Duplantis said to me two weeks ago he said God came down and learned how to be human to identify with us but now we have to learn how to be spiritual so Jesus walked in the spirit in the flesh to teach us how to be spiritual but God sent Jesus so that he can identify with us in our weakness you got it okay third that the exchange that happens here is that now our whole goal is to be spiritual so you can't expect God to lower his standards to get along with you and this is where we have gone so wrong with the grace message is that you're never gonna plumb the depth of God's grace but I am NOT gonna test it I'm not gonna sin so that grace abounds that's what Paul said he was speaking to these people you know I'm not gonna censor God's grace is revealed I'm not gonna go there I don't care if you tell me the guns unloaded I'm not gonna point the barrel at myself or someone else right you just don't do that I don't tempt God I don't test him I don't i only test him in one thing tithing is this on tithing tithing because it says that in the Bible test me in this glass Old Testament will you tell Abraham that because he tied before the Old Covenant what yeah the Abrahamic covenant is not the Moses Covenant the law the Abrahamic covenant was before Moses before Moses floated down the Nile as a baby Abraham met Melchizedek and tithe Melchizedek gave him the implements of the the communion table bread and wine Melchizedek is not Jesus Melchizedek is not Shem Melchizedek doesn't have a birth certificate Shem has a birth certificate Shem died he was born it says one like an unto milk is EXO can't be Jesus Jesus is one like and unto but he is not Melchizedek I'm sorry there are beans in heaven that you would not be able to classify the elders the twenty-four elders are not human and they are not angels either the Melchizedek line was sent but I'm not allowed to tell you this but the Melchizedek lump is kidding the Melchizedek line was sent to rule on the earth to keep order so that we wouldn't kill ourselves until Moses came so there were these beings on the earth that were judges so when Melchizedek came out of Salem which were later became Jerusalem he was coming out because what Abraham had done was defeated all those kings including sodom and gomorrah all of the loot was unclean now you read this in the Bible where some were not allowed they were not allowed to keep the people were so vile they had to kill the animals and not take anything with them right okay what happened is is was Salem ëthey but you know he was a king of righteousness he came out and Oh pink what did the portion and the whole is taking care of okay so God's personality is revealed in these things so when people write me and say why do you have an Apple computer why'd you take that off the podium and the Starbucks company which I didn't have it was just a plain cup but they were complaining that it had a burn bait on it which it didn't but you know what thousand years from now it's not kind of matter I got my coffee and I got my Mac computer which doesn't crash my PC does so whenever they fixed that you know and I really don't care as long as my Bible soft software works on it and my my Word documents come out and I can get them to my publisher I really don't care about the mermaid or the Apple you don't want to know why because it's set apart the minute I got it and I I can you believe that I eat bacon sometimes you believe that and Smith Wigglesworth they put they had they had ham Smith Wigglesworth was ass to say the blessing and this is what he said dear father I don't know how you're gonna bless something your curse but do the best you can amen so God's personality is revealed in what happened in the garden when Adam and Eve became naked what was happening was exactly what Jesus was saying to the churches the seven churches in the book of Revelation I talked about last night essentially what happened was they were disrobed but they were full they were when I was when I was outside of my body I automatically was clothed but I did not see my resurrection body because it hasn't happened yet but I was let allowed to see it later and it was different than the robe of righteousness that I had on see no no my body is on the table and I'm outside my body talking to Jesus and he has a body but then when I looked down I was robed then I saw my body on the table which is to return to us even if you're cremated everything comes back together and you're giving your body back because God doesn't sweat these things I saw my body and I looked is this on I wanna make sure this one cuz I had one friend unfriend me last night I was kind of disappointed I really went I mean I was really rough I had one this morning too so it was probably Benny Hinn you know but you know I mean I mention these certain keywords and bam the algorithms kick in you know no no really I owe a lot to these men and women Oh God I changed my life there is a man that you probably don't even like but I listened to a tape of his and he said you can drop me outside of out out in the desert in Arizona out of an airplane with my Bible and in three years I'll have a city there changed my life but you wouldn't even like this person some of you but he changed my life I'm never I just I just met him a couple weeks ago I didn't really even met him just put his hand on my shoulder why's preaching but here's the thing that Apple on that Apple computer is not the Antichrist because that bite out of that Apple I was told is the Apple that Adam and Eve ate and that when they launched the computers they sold them for six hundred sixty six dollars that I they want to know why I if I was going to heaven why do I have a Christmas tree and why do I have a Mac I don't like you got to be kidding me I like Christmas because everybody's nice for three weeks and I like to stare at Christmas trees I don't worship them I don't worship iMac but here's this here's house two how silly we are the tree that they ate from was the tree's leaves that they covered themselves with because if you found yourself naked the first thing you would do is grab whatever was near you which was figs where does it say in the Bible that was an apple tree I mean every every no Minister I know says that Satan Lucifer is an archangel he's not he's at Arab I can keep going so you should be studying the Bible all the time okay so they grab fig leaves because that was a closest thing to them and they covered themselves but see Jesus said to me because I asked them why did you hurt the fig tree he said because I hate religion he said when Adam and Eve grabbed those fig leaves and covered themselves he said that was man's way of dealing with sin mine was dying on a cross on a tree that was cursed tree that was curses is still on tree that was cursed it said curse it is he who is hung on a tree says that knee Old Testament Jesus said he announced to the disciples how he was gonna die and when he's going to be resurrected he said I'm going to Jerusalem I'm gonna suffer and die I'm gonna be buried and on the third day I'm gonna be risen from the dead he said anyone who follows me must pick up their own cross deny themselves and follow me this is before he died on one okay how many people were waiting at the tomb on the third day even though he had told them that none so the tree I said were you in a bad mood that day why did you curse a tree right before you went to the cross he said because number one that tree was full of FIGS all year round because you didn't eat them green you wanted them to dry and beyond there there were so many of them that you could pick all year he said it had none which is religion he's number two is if that was man's way of dealing with sin mine is blood so he cursed a tree at the roots because it didn't bear fruit because the law doesn't bear any fruit he told me that Moses could not take the children of Israel because the law cannot take you into your promised land only Joshua could which in Hebrew is Jesus the law can't take you into your promised land so Moses couldn't take them in Moses was supposed to speak to the rock the second time he struck it again in Hebrews it says that the rock that followed them in the desert that gave water was Christ so Moses struck Christ twice it says in Hebrews that you cannot strike Christ twice it's unpardonable Jesus is not coming back and dying again for you am i right see how you have to know the personality of God you see these things are in the Bible so jesus cursed the tree then he hung himself on it he cursed that tree so man's way is to hide sin but God's way is to expose it and take care of it with blood he taught them blood right away because he killed two animals they didn't unzip their fur and hand it to God to give to Adam and Eve was in pajamas those animals died that is not God's perfect will but it became God's perfect well because of our weakness because of our disobedience because so you cannot frustrate the grace of God you cannot feed your flesh and let your flesh dominate you because it says that you're not to give any provision to the flesh that's what Paul said he said he who lives in the flesh cannot please God it's impossible the word is impossible but he who walks in a spirit pleases God and they're called sons of God so that's why John says in chapter 1 verse 12 he said that those who dearly loved him and adhered to his sayings he gave them the power to become sons of God the word there is exo's which is Authority please don't write me I know I pronounce that wrong I get I get oh there's so many people watching everything I say I just want to share Jesus and go home to be with them but you know you didn't pronounce that right okay all right so I'll get rid of the mermaid get rid of the laptop and get rid of the Greek so I got Hebrew and homebrew left okay so personality of God says let's deal with sin my way so he said he said Jesus said if you will ask me I will give you a robe of righteousness I will give you a salve so you can see and I will give you gold tried in the fire but see they were saying there there they can see there they're rich and well clothed but the fact of it is they were opposite okay so once the sin is taken care of then what you have is the word EXO sia is authority it's not Dunamis which is like the power that we think about in the charismatic movement the resurrection power its Authority so Barney Fife because he was a police officer it didn't matter how much of an idiot he was he had authority behind him from Mayberry he could tell somebody to stop and if they didn't listen they were arrested well that's a joke with him anyway but he had authorities he wasn't the power the physical power of he weight you know barely a hundred pounds but his authority of his badge meant that if you didn't obey the officer then you would be punished for that in discipline and so it is with God God gave us authority to become sons of God it's not the power you think it's the authority well with authority you don't have to work it it's who you are is it is it coming on in your mind because this is the personality of God Jesus said you can have this because I told you you could have it he said this is the way you're supposed to will operate this is how you pray our Father who's in heaven holy is your name may your kingdom come and your will be done on this earth as it is in heaven it becomes a command if you don't believe me have your five-year-old look up the Strong's number four for the the discourse that Jesus said ask and you shall receive seek and ye shall find knock and the door shall be opened for you there's no explanation beside the obvious there's no way to explain it away the word ask in Greek is the word demand no matter what you do you cannot make it any less than what I just said I've tried I've turned it upside down I've looked in the nearly inspired version it still says it well what is it about the personality of God that you would learn how to demand something because you know we're just servants you know well are we or are we sons and with that sonship you know I'm not going to disrespect my father and of course I'm not going to ask anything against his will which is his heart so whatever his desire is is his will so if he wants you to have something in your life and it's not there he'll make it for you because that's God he's a father it doesn't matter if he doesn't have it on the Shelf he'll make it there is a Hebrew word that's not known in our language it's the word no please don't write me because I'm gonna premiss pronounce I'm not Perry stone ex nihilo which is something out of nothing which we're not familiar with because if you noticed that all creation as far as we're concerned on terra firma is formed out of something that exists so God formed and he took the earth and he made man from the earth okay but at one point God went like this and braced himself and just spoke and when he spoke things got framed by the his word write something out of nothing it was a intention in his heart and a thought he voiced it and it became outward and we now enjoy even though it's fallen we still it's still beautiful there is still beautiful I mean the colors are kind of messed up but in heaven you can see the real colors these are kind of you know boring I mean my shirt is more like what I saw in heaven can you hear it all the colors were so yummy that you wanted to eat them you know they had sound they had smell colors have sound and smell and they're alive everything is living and you can't you can't hurt anything there's no hunting in heaven because there's no death there like fun is something from this soulish world down here you have joy up there you you you can't wait to talk to the next person who's gonna testify about what Jesus did it's constant testimonies people just coming up to you and talking not about themselves not asking if the robe makes them look fat no they want to tell you what Jesus did for you for them and they want to know wait what Jesus did for you and then you get to see all this perfect stuff and and it only takes a couple seconds to not want to come back here because this has fallen very slow very bad place I sound like Trump again it's very bad very bad but we're gonna drain it we're gonna drain it [Applause] yes missing oh well and it's interesting to me how like like they had the word of the day from his tweets and it was believing I thought oh you know it's just cool he's having a like a biblical word so that the day that the word of the day was believing and then he used it in a sense I will not be leaving the White House for another but anyway I'm ruining all my algorithms the Lord told me not to use any of this stuff that's why I'm still on Facebook I'm not in facebook jail it's because I do not go I do not go there I don't have men in black show up at my house cuz I don't say certain things because I'm here to preach the gospel Jesus Jesus never spoke against Rome never spoke against the government he spoke against religious leaders so if you notice that's the kind of the language that I I come against I come against those who are coming against people that want to move with God because I'm a defender of those people because I fought I gave up everything to have the power of God in my life I'm not going to sell out to some some religion that's gonna destroy my dreams my ability to hear from God and move with God and live within in the power of the Resurrection see people come out of hell Mazal just go there because I'm feeling mighty ríos right now I'm feeling I'm feeling something because it's interesting in 30 years I have never once had anybody stopped me from sharing about my experience with Jesus even though it wasn't allowed to tell everything that you know I did use it mix it in my testimony every day at work so I talked to people about Jesus all the time never got fired I got fired from churches for talking about Jesus too much yeah oh yeah but I had never listened no do you think I I you know I calculated I I I met I had to say hi and goodbye to 800 people a day no I only saw five of those people again out of 800 ever again I'll take that times thirty years and how many people I've met out of that I testified and talked about Jesus to everyone that I could talk to now out of that I have never had one one unbeliever stop me but I've had Christians tell me that that's not true because it says that it's appointed for man wants to die and then face the judgment so you didn't see Jesus no one has seen God you know I quote all those scriptures and I'm like okay you tell that to Mary because he appeared to her and you tell you do you know you just go down the John on the Isle of Patmos I mean I mean you know it's just stupid but anyway so the personality of God is revealed in his word and it's how he likes things to be done okay so in in that before we go on to the next chapter you have to realize that in order to get along with Jesus he's already lowered himself and became nothing he became poor he left everything he became poor I'm cloning the Bible don't get mad at me so that you can be rich now that doesn't mean you have to be you you have that be hoarding money I'm not talking about money but somebody's got to pay the bills right somebody needs heal then somebody's going to have to pray in faith well you got to know the personality of God and the will of God in these situations if God's will is for you to walk like Jesus did then it's not something you have to pray about so there is this place in the personality of God where you demand no I haven't gotten carried out yet but it gets on really really tender territory here because there are certain things that I don't need to ask God if it's his will or not because it's revealed now listen wouldn't it be silly if all you made the effort you'd have to be here wouldn't be silly for you to come and not expect God to meet you here what what kind of father is that if you ask for bread what'd he give you a stone what did Jesus say just take take heart it's my father's desire to give you the kingdom you ask a Miss when you don't know the personality of God the revealed will of God you demand your rights as a believer which means that every devil whatever they do or say you are to drive them out there they're not it's not negotiation time so you won't see me arguing theology in the world I never had to argue I had tears and I led them to the Lord I grabbed them by the hand and say just repeat this they're shaking under the power God they don't even know what it is in here it might take me two hours for you to even feel God well that's unbelief because this is a believers meeting but why can't I be in my uniform at work at 35,000 feet and have the power God hidden people and I have to tell them what's happening to them and lead them to the Lord okay you get it but religious leaders will come against you religious people will come against you but did you know that I can win an argument with a theologian and they can still go to hell even though I won the argument because my goal should be to get people into heaven which has already been done through Jesus Christ the message needs to be said they need to receive the way which is Jesus Christ he is the only way I am the messenger you are the messenger you're supposed to relay the information and then let them make a decision but if they don't make the right decision you pray for them but you you don't you you don't push them you want God's goodness to be revealed to them so that it wins them over and they repent because it's a goodness of God that leads you to repentance if that sounds familiar it's because it's in the Bible that is the Gospel message but I have had more religious people fight me over the power of God and the personality of God the G the Jesus that I met is the red letters of a Bible he quoted himself for 45 minutes explained himself I learned a little bit about him I learned that there are certain things that I don't have to pray about which sets me apart from a lot of believers in Oh offends the religious leaders but think about it what did they say about Jesus to the Pharisees no one has ever spoken with this kind of authority not like the thatch disease and the Pharisees that's what they said about him so what kind of gospel message do you want because I I could build a sixty thousand member church based on my 30 years of experience with people and I can tell you what you want to hear just make you feel good just like I did in a corporate world Herb Kelleher he told me he said the key here is we won't return customers he said we're not competing against other airlines we're competing against the car he said you take care of people and I'll take care of you he said no matter what it is you take care of them and they'll come back it's not like that now unfortunately it wasn't just because I left but you get bigger and you lose why you're doing what you're doing it's for people think about it I had a call the airline that I use now because I have to because I they go overseas I had to call them they hung up on me but I said you know I had 30 years experience with an airline you need to take care of your people you just dropped them off in a city that they weren't scheduled to be in no one was there to give them a voucher give them the instructions we were went through customs and we stood there for hours no one was there well I had to find a hotel myself you got a whole Plane full of people wandering the airport in a city that general law did I said that's illegal you can't do that you didn't give him any instructions you told him to get off the plane we thought we were gonna be transferred to another plane next thing you know we're outside customs well you ain't getting back yet so I went through three people and they all clicked click click click and I'm not even being mean ok I'm standing up for people and I don't even work for this airline why because for 30 years I learned how to take care of people but see a pastor is not just taking care of people a pastor is supposed to provide grass they're supposed to provide for the environment for people to live and grow spiritually if you're not getting fed in your church you need to leave that church you don't even have to talk against them you don't have to like do anything just say you know I'm moving I'm moving on you don't have to take half the congregation with you you just just leave but don't sit there with your arms and be mad at a pastor because it just will cause frustration but a pastor's supposed to feed you they're supposed to take you to get water and get grass and sit there with a slingshot and and and and hit lions and bears and clubs and Club them that's what Paul did he said you have many teachers but you don't have many fathers he said I birthed you see Paul was a true apostle because he was a father so that's how I know that these are these people that are apostles really aren't because they're not father's right same with prophets they're self-made a lot of them are self-made oh you wouldn't believe how much I get excluded not that I need it I don't need any more invites but you wouldn't believe it because you know what I'm a straight shooter fitting I've got it ain't no God I'm not gay I don't care and I'm not paying to play is this on pay to play you got to be kidding pay to play no I just won't be on your network off by my own that's what I did oh you wouldn't believe it yeah maybe you would okay so I don't have any problem just like Jesus didn't have any problem he didn't have any problem with the poor the needy the sick they came and got healed they were upset with the disciples when they couldn't do that but this was the religious leaders that came out in full force against Jesus because they were losing control of the people and Jesus was working himself out of a job by handing over the disciples the disciples were handing it over to the people and they died early Jesus died early but Jesus was always wanting to replicate himself so he told me to replicate him and back out so I don't want repeat customers but see it's all set up so that you come to each seminar and I got the new revelation and the new book out there but you know when does it end no I'm asking when when does it end it ends when you read John 1 chapter 12 and you realize I'm a son of God not the son of God but you are a child of the Most High God and you have rights and privileges you are in the family which means you are fully invested in everything that God has it's yours Jesus said everything that I have is yours he even said in John 17 he said the same Gori that mean you share before we lit up the universes together he says you're sharing it with them he said you loved them just like you loved me that's you guys that's us so when do we stop depending upon the prophet coming into town I mean the Holy Ghost is in me he's the Prophet he's speaking right now through me I feel a rumble what I'm talking but but I can pray in tongues and interpret myself oh yeah that went over well I can pray in tongues and I can get the interpretation and God just talked to me know I can go somewhere and a prophet will confirm what God has spoken to me but I don't live by prophets I'm actually nonprofit but but the Spirit of God wants to speak through us but it's the personality of God so please please do not leave this place today without remembering that it's very important that you glean from the Bible what Jesus has already said and what God has already revealed and take Jesus as the fulfillment of the law and that you are no longer obligated to obey the law because you are now walking in the law of love you love God and you love your neighbors yourself if you do those two things you won't need a cop to pull you over you're gonna obey the law because you're thinking of others because not everybody stops at a stop sign but you're going to because someone might blow through you don't speed because someone might do something even if it was wrong you need to be able to stop they do test your minivan can't stop when you're going 60 and a 35 they can't stop in time these are all all the laws are are really to help others who might not do the right thing it's it's to honor others Jesus did not make the Sabbath and then create man to fulfill it he made man and then he knew that we would work ourselves to nothing and we'd have our cats and our dogs work into McDonald's to to make money you haven't you be sending everybody to work so he had to set a day it's not the law like okay you don't it's it's because God loves you and you love God and you honor him I'd go to church if I if if our church was open I'd go every day it doesn't have to be one day you know and it's not Saturday for me okay because I I preach all every day I do breakfast on Tuesday sometimes I mean is that is that the Sabbath - well you don't obey the Saturday Sabbath that's it you know no I don't I go I guess it goes now I'm with the Mac and my my mermaid cup now I don't obey the Sabbath on Saturday you know I'm in trouble right I'm in trouble no no no no the same with the tithe as I see time this is on the mat God didn't make the tithe and say okay I need somebody to obey that so he made you know he did that because he knew that the devil had hijacked the world system and you are gonna need to set a portion apart so that your whole was set apart so the devil can't touch it just read Melek I mulashi 3:10 read it now and think about what it's saying there tests me in this it's the only place in the Bible that God said test me he said and and he said you're not gonna be able to contain what's gonna come to you and he also said this I'm gonna rebuke I I the Lord I'm gonna rebuke the Devourer for your sake you're not gonna need to rebuke him he's rebuked because you gave a portion to him and he took the whole and set it apart he did that to help you but you need the cop because you won't do it on your own so the cop has says sit there and you hit your brakes every time you see a cop car until you realize that you might as well just go the speed limit now your life can continue on the way it is or you can get smart and come out of the rain you're going to go through pressure times because your character cannot keep up with your gifting when you get to heaven you're gonna remember this you say man that guy was right you're gonna turn your gifts in because you get no credit for those because they're not yours you got credit for being obedient you get a return on what you did with what you were given but those gifts were never yours no I want the gifts of healing yes of faith I want people to be healed I want everyone in this room to be healed it is never entered my mind to be it any other way however I can't heal anyone if the manifestation of the Spirit is not there then all I can do is tell you the Word of God and you would have to mix it with faith and receive your healing but the the greatest gifts were not gifts of healing Paul said the the best gift was prophecy because it actually encourages the whole body that was what he said but I would like to operate in the gifts of healings and miracles and I pray for that that's all I pray for I want everyone healed in this room I have never not gone to a place expecting anything less than that but I'm not the healer so I ask the Lord what do I need to do to position myself and he starts to tell me okay this is what you do you need to get your character to where you can be trusted with that because people are gonna look to you and you're gonna start to think it's you he's told me that he said that's why he said that's why you we're in the financial position you were in it's until I could trust you with great riches that I started to give it to you know my spiritual father he was handed a couple years ago he was handed an envelope in Cheesecake Factory he had $100,000 in it for him personally the Lord said that's not yours hold on to it he held on to it for a year on December 31st of last year I believe it was a Sunday because he preached we preached it and he's he caught he called a lady out he goes the Lord just told me I'm supposed to pay off your house and he took that hundred thousand that he got a year prior and paid off her house he didn't know it but she had been believing on her vision board for her house to be paid off and when she walked out to go to church that morning and I know these people so this isn't someone making up or heard I know these people she pointed at the board she said Lord I wanted it paid off this year you've got 12 hours left that's what she said and we're sitting right there and so when when he called Mary up and Mary just said I'm gonna pay off your house she just broke into tears and I can still hear her spirit released through her tears of her voice Jessie didn't know that but see that money was in his when it was given to him it was given to him as his own but de lor said that's earmarked for someone else you're just gonna carry it for a year and he even added to it because it was a hundred and seven thousand was hurt the payoff on their house okay my point is this you got another personality of God and be trusted character wise to walk in this stuff now with you where you're at it it doesn't matter where you begin it's where you end you have to begin now and you have to say Lord this is the last day that I'm ever gonna have to visit today I'm gonna resolve things today and we're going on and I'm never looking back and you do that every day you say Lord what is it today that the Holy Spirit I want to go through the whole day without the Holy Spirit being grieved so what do I have to do to do that he starts to work on your character but this is what's going to happen you are going to be in the pressure cooker at times because you're going to be pressured to do things to get you into a comfort zone because you want equilibrium everybody works that's why you can't get people to do anything or if something new comes they stare at you they don't want to do it they're waiting for someone else to do it first and that's why you know the mile the four-minute mile wasn't broken but with a minute the week it was broken there was another of five or six that that next week but nobody could break the four-minute mile nobody could break the sound barrier we didn't even know what would happen to an airplane at that point then somebody broke it and then everything was you know the same way with everything else you could do this with everything okay the the thing of it is if you want to fly you got to be willing to take the accountability and the responsibility to do that but you're going to find yourself in situations where you're gonna have to make the right decision which is going to be do I stay comfortable or I do I do the right thing and this is where it's hard because your flesh is automatically going to vote and then your minds and say you know what that done sounds you're bad your spirits gonna be screaming no I want to go to church right now I want to phone a friend I want to buy a vowel I want a you know anything just get me out of this you know a lifeline you know this is the war that we go through but I saw that we can win against us if we fortify ourselves with the will of God you have to know what God is saying to you I don't ask him I don't blame him when something bad happens I automatically know that the thief has come to steal kill and destroy that God has given us Jesus Christ who has given us life and life more abundantly I don't have to go there again when somebody's sick I know God didn't put it on them because Jesus never put anything on a person there's no sickness in heaven for God to give out oh I got a move on here all right chapter 3 God's personality is revealed just remember it is revealed through the Word of God the spirit will side with the word and take you into exploits with God supernatural events that you couldn't duplicate on your own Jesus was in three and a half years trying it was attempting to get the disciples to walk on the water he asked them when have you lacked they said we'd never liked Jesus always took care of people every single time there is enough money in this world it's just in the wrong hands there's plenty of money the thing that is is when it when are we gonna get smart enough to know that the devil's crowd doesn't need to have all the money does anybody know who Kelly Johnson was ya know if you look at that guy he's not from this realm I'm not claiming he's a Christian but that guy if you look at his sheet of what he did for aviation all the classified aircraft the high-performance aircraft that has put us to the cutting edge was done by him and he used a slide roll my professor who flew got shot at every single flight in an sr-71 he was Wing Commander he wore spacesuit he still couldn't tell me how high he flew and how fast he flew but he said it was over 3,500 miles an hour and it was at the edge of space he said I got shot at every flight he said you can read in history books things that that didn't happen and they didn't happen because I was in the air over that country and stopped it with photographs at the edge of space this was designed in the late 60s the cutting-edge by a man who didn't even claim to know God my professor he said I would take off from Beale Air Force Base immediately got out over the Pacific Ocean and tanker up with extra fuel and I would fly over the polar ice cap because it was shorter to get to the country I was going to I would take pictures I'd have to come down from the edge of space to 35,000 feet to get more fuel then go up to the edge of space I did that for 14 hours never landed turned around went over the polar ice cap was in a turn over the polar ice cap for final at Beale I went through countries and states on my turn setting up for final and couldn't slow down he said the photographs will show the Titleist trademark of a golf ball that's embedded in the ground taken from the edge of space at 3,500 miles an hour eight and a half by 11 when you use your credit card no matter what country and they know exactly where you are the bank does so God knows everything about you down to the intimate details and he chooses to call you friends which means that it takes it to a different level you are go you are literally at a different level you're treating God as though you're his servant but he has made you sons and he has made you family which means you have all the benefits of being a family member now most of you most of you will be okay with all this but there are some of you and there's there's there's at least 2,500 people just instantly watching all over the world but by the end of we could be 40 50 thousand okay a lot of people have trouble with this because they don't know God they don't have a father image but when I was in heaven you're gonna find this out that you had more rights and privileges through the blood of Jesus than just not going to hell Jesus bought back God's family God had a family okay so he's really he's really sticking up for you right now so he said I'm not gonna leave you as an orphan I'm gonna send you the counselor the comforter you're never gonna be left alone again so if you feel alone it is not God's will and is not the truth I don't know how else to tell you this but I saw that I was accepted by God that I was acceptable and that I needed to relax and just believe in John 14:26 he talks about sending the counselor and we're on page 37 in chapter 3 I can't believe we actually did a whole chapter but it talks about this in Isaiah 9:6 where the Spirit of God that is on Jesus being prophesied one of them is a spirit of counsel and then the Holy Spirit when he came he became her counselor so the Holy Spirit is my counselor no I can tell you a story that happened to me just to show you even though if you would die and go to heaven you would see all this and you would just be like kicking yourself because I was I really didn't discern what Jesus had done for me I realized that Paul had written about in Christ where the Gospels were just an account of what Jesus said and did but even John said if we were to write everything he did and said there wouldn't be enough books to record it all but john has a lot more doctrine in it in the book of john but the gospel account you wouldn't know what happened in behind the scenes in Christ if it wasn't for Paul Paul was caught up and he talks about the what in him scriptures you know in Christ that we are the righteousness of God we we we are made holy as he is holy the relationship everything about what Jesus did behind the scenes not just saving you from sin but the rights and privileges as children of God Paul talks about that a lot so I saw that I needed to tell people if I came back to make sure you read Paul and you study him out extensively all the time and that you live out of his epistles and Paul you know I know I know it I know someone who met Paul in heaven Jesse Jesse Duplantis met Paul spent 45 minutes with him in his mansion sat with him on a windowsill Paul said that Jesse have you read my gospel he goes Paul he said you can get me for plagiarism I I preached it he was so excited he goes really he goes yeah I love your I love your gospel and um Paul was talking about all things that he discovered when he's up here and Jesus said well I mean Jesse said what was the biggest shocker to you when you came here and Paul said without hesitation to Jesse he goes it was when I found out that God made my word his word see Paul found out that God took all his letters and put him in the Bible and it flipped Paul out did you get it so that's why Paula said we're living epistles read by everyone and I realize we don't really take that to heart but the Holy Spirit is here to help us walk into that so your comfort zone is going to be challenged but if you're ready to fly then we can fly but how we fly as we let the spirit take us he's the healer he's the counselor PISA deliverer he's the enforcer of the blessing the Holy Spirit inside of us is a command about him and he's he's not what you think I know but he can be grieved so he's speaking and this is this is what happened to me I fell asleep even heard this story I'm sure you know is it a hotel every night sometimes I get on a floor that I'm not supposed to be on because we have to sleep eight hours a week we're not eligible to fly we have to have eight hours of rest per the FAA if we don't get that we got to call in and extend our rest well I had a soccer team on my floor and they decided to practice in the hallway and so I just put my headsets on because I didn't want to move you know I'm gonna be in the lobby in four hours I'm interrupted but I'm not gonna say nothing please don't turn me in but put my headsets on I just put scripture on you know so I'm listening to the scripture and I'm falling asleep it and I fell asleep and I woke up and I could hear somebody talking so I'm thinking oh they're still away so I took one earpiece out and I could hear it was a man's voice and it was really close I put me out and this is what I heard I heard I thought it was an angel it was somebody in my room very loud very authoritative the Lord hit shall have his way with Kevin he shall go throughout the earth as a flame of fire he shall go everywhere he wants to go he will get his way he will speak from the other realm and people will change this went on for 45 minutes it was coming out of my own mouth and it immediately my mind wanted to jump in say hey this ain't right where's this in the Bible and I said whoa whoa whoa and I kept yielding to it because I thought you know a prophesy so I just kept yielding to that it went on I looked at the clock it went on for about 43 minutes and you would be jealous at what the Spirit of God was saying about me he was defending me in court against Satan no I didn't have a pulpit I didn't have any place to preach nothing I was just a flight attendant to prays in tongues and yet everything that the spirit was saying that night is happening now and I realized that my mind limits the Spirit of God from speaking to me and doing what he wants to do because my will gets involved and I I put the brakes on and then I don't think I deserve something that I deserve you know if God says you deserve it then you deserve it you can't argue with him he said I've given you the kingdom okay so if we get over ourselves and we let the helper come in then what's gonna happen is you're gonna start to walk not not out of like trying to find a comfort zone you're gonna walk in character which means you can do this even if you don't feel you can you're not relying on your humaneness because you're shed your body and you're gonna you're you'll see you're a son of God not the son of God a son of God when I lost my body I realized that I was complete in him spiritually and I'm not down here apologizing for it I'm not down here defending myself I'm down here doing the works of my father I'm preaching talking about the other realm because I live in that realm and I'm just describing it because I am a a son of the Most High God and me and my father are working together the Spirit of God is working with me performing signs and wonders I'm working with the Holy Spirit it's not my inability or my ability it's his ability if he speaks it over me then that's it if he speaks over you it doesn't matter what your friends say God has already spoken it you have to find out what God is saying the Holy Spirit is the counselor he's the Advocate he's the lawyer that sets you down he goes we're gonna go in there just keep your mouth shut until I tell you to talk and when you talk this is what you say nothing else and quit saying you're sorry by the way the judge doesn't care just tell them this and shut up the Spirit of God was jesus said when don't worry about what you're gonna say when you're pulled before to testify because you're the words will be given to you at the time the spirit wants to talk through you he's counseling you but what he is saying to you I guarantee you is much greater than what's coming to you because you filtering it through a fallen state that you shouldn't be in now you still die your body's not redeemed from the curse but your spirit is born again it's never gonna get any better than what it is I saw this I saw that my soul wants to stop the progress because it doesn't participate what did Paul say in chapter 14 of first Corinthians verse 1 and 2 he said this he said when you pray in an unknown tongue your mind is not fruitful it does not encounter the understanding because you're talking to God you're speaking mysteries in the spirit your mind does not comprehend spiritual exercise so it's left out this saved my life because when I speak in the spirit it's me talking to God in a private prayer language when I'm in a congregation I do my best to interpret everything I say some things are not interpretable they're just me praying because I need to get over myself I feel weak and I gotta pray in tongues and then the understanding comes up but in a congregation you want to interpret your tongues so that everyone can participate in what the Spirit is saying if not you should pray to yourself okay but you can pray in tongues if it's a believers meeting and everybody agrees to pray in tongues there there is no unbelievers here to think you're crazy is what Paul was saying but if you speak in prophecy you edify the whole body if you pray in tongues you're edifying yourself right you get that right okay the Spirit of God wants to do both you can't neglect one pay attention to one you got to take it all you got to build yourself up that when you come together you got to have a word Paul said listen line up two or three because everybody had a word he said everybody has a word everybody has a song everybody wants to share a tongue and interpretation let it be just two or three don't interrupt a speaker they had so many people operating in power God that they had to tell them line up and be in order do it two or three at a time or two or three in succession right okay now nothing happens the spirits wants the counselor so in your prayer life what will happen is you pray in tongues and you walk away you just walk away you go you pray in tongues you tell your body you're not eating you're not answering your phone you're not doing anything but praying in tongues mind just shut up because this is this is me and God talking you don't get that in participate in this you tell your body to shut up you tell your mind to shut up and you pray in tongues then when you're done you get up and you go about your day and you watch what happens it'll start coming up sometimes there's two three hours like right now I'm receiving revelation from what I prayed in tongues this morning as I'm talking to you but it took that long don't expect God to talk to you while you're praying I'm trying to tell you something here we're in a fallen world in the Garden of Eden you can walk with God he talked to you you talk to him you have a snack and he goes but these days it's a fight don't be disappointed when you don't feel like you got your answer see that's what faith is it's the substance of things that you hope for you have it the Spirit of God will take hold of what you need and get it for you I guarantee it I'm telling you the truth he goes it takes you and grabs ahold of it he obtains that which Christ is obtained for you you have the promises you will not be denied you have preference we see one sixth of light if you look at the spectrum of the rainbow that we see it's one sixth of all light we used to see all of it we used to hear all the sounds that your dog hears we used to we used to be one within ourselves we didn't used to oppose ourselves like Paul said people oppose themselves within themselves your you used to be in full agreement with yourself you didn't have arguments with yourself when we fell it's split so now we see one sixth of light we hear a portion of the audio audio but our spirit picks up everything but it makes you feel irritated when there's a devil screaming at you but you don't hear the devil you don't see the devil but you feel an evil spirit faith frames that in the sight your discernment frames it and you determine that I'm under attack and so you just say shut up and all of a sudden it stops you know like whoa if you talk anymore I'm gonna go witness to everybody poof gone it's just like when someone no better not know you you know no you you don't understand you don't understand what's ahead for you if you pass all your tests you can ask my wife I've been hit by God so much that I had to tell him to stop I have been so overcome it almost happened today when I got home I had 20 minutes to get a shower and I had to turn around and come back but it was so strong last night it was so strong I don't know if I can take I said I said lord I don't know if I can keep taking this but you're too much do you realize what's just ahead for you though the gates are wide open before you the glory zone you're entering into a time where the the spirits of righteous men perfect made perfect are standing Mount Zion where the spirits of righteous men made perfect it sounds like a scripture because it is we've come to Mount Zion I saw that already we're on display just like that I could be in glory and this will be even hard to remember what just happened right now in comparison to the glory that is waiting me the Holy Spirit wants to walk you into this reality now but the Spirit wants to frame it it's called faith faith frames your world it's your real world not the fake one it's not based on facts people thought Orville and Wilbur were weird just let the birds fly they say but they wanted to give human beings wings they wanted to put a human being in the air now the airplane I learned how to fly in was a kite with wings I mean in a dive you couldn't even get to 140 miles an hour but when I got to fly in at high performance planes of what I realized that this was here the whole time I just didn't know about it and then I have friends that have been in space I've been to the future and I've been sent back I'm dealing with unbelief and it's kind of silly because we're sons and daughters of God and God wants to make our faith his sight he wants to make what we think known he wants us to know him and it's the Spirit of God that does this which means that your friend is the Holy Spirit so you don't want to do anything that would tear on that relationship with him because you value your relationship with the Holy Spirit he will value you and take you places now I've been I've been taken to places in the future and then brought back and watched it play out exactly how I saw it there are people in here that I have looked at you and I've seen your future there's just there's several of you in here I'm not looking at you right now but there are people in here that God is speaking to me about I mean all over the world I see people in the crowd that will work for me someday I haven't done a thing about it I've been to my future and seen things that were impossible but yet they happened without me so the Spirit of God is telling me to tell you of how valued you are and that the Spirit of God is going to reinforce your value and then fear is gonna have to go because God is love and perfect love drives out fear because fear has to do a torment so if God is love and there is no fear in God then there is no fear in you which means that deliverance must take place within you whether you believe that you have a problem or not if you are fearing it is not of God it's a spirit Paul told Timothy was a spirit so number one is you're valued number two is you're safe once you establish those two things then you start to reinforce your perimeter and you don't let the devil in and you tell him that I tell them all the time you got to be kidding that's it that's all you got you got to be kidding me so a lot of the things that I've released about the the the demonic realm was because he pushed me so I said I'm gonna like I'm gonna I'm I'm I'm gonna let go of all the info I have I'm gonna tell everybody you're how you operate every person on your is gonna know exactly what's going on around them and you're not gonna be able to make anyone a victim anymore in the body of Christ because I'm gonna tell on you well I haven't heard from him since what happens is they start but I'm serious everywhere I go everywhere I go as I start to talk like this because it's come that time for the holy fire to come into this place and as it's coming in it's because it's come to that point where the last of the tormentors must leave you the buffeting they must they must leave you someone has to stand up and defend what Jesus has done what Jesus has done is he destroyed the works of the devil he didn't damage him he destroyed him he made a show of them openly it's he's come to nothing Jesus told me he's come to nothing he said Kevin we sit in heaven and laugh because our enemies have come to nothing he said you ought to join in so you don't put any confidence in the flesh you know your faith is based on God's God's in will for your life it's by faith it's by faith but the faith is knowing that God will do what he says it's a trust that if he said it it's gonna be done it doesn't matter what it looks like so the demons don't want me to tell you certain things they don't want me to tell you that they have been assigned to your bloodline and they enforce curses through your generations they don't want to leave the area that they're in so they tell people not to cast them out of the area because they built a matrix to enforce curses in family bloodlines so what you're dealing with is because someone didn't take care of it before you these these disembodied spirits used to have bodies and now they seek embodiment because they can't have expression unless they can get into a person's mind and get them to act on it so Eve was fine until she ate an atom everything was fine because it was just casting enough doubt to get them to act on it so if you don't act on thoughts they are left unborn they can't be manifest so the demons create these scenarios that are exactly the same to get you into a circuit of rejection they design it they watch you they don't know your thoughts they do not want me to tell you this I can hear them screaming right now they did this happens everywhere I can hear me screaming they do not want you to know that they cannot read your thoughts they watch for your response when they insert thoughts but they insert thoughts by screaming but you don't hear it as thoughts because it's a spirit realm you hear it in your spirit it comes to your mind it starts as a feeling and you're irritated and you start to change your personality starts to change I see it all the time people's personalities around me I'll start changing I'm like that's a devil don't you know are you there you'll see me walk away because if you're gonna choose to listen to the devil then I'm the next target because he's trying to get to me he's trying to find a weak link if he can't get the me he's gonna find someone he can and they're gonna come at me I guarantee it every time I go to an airport as soon as I touched on that city it does it's the next person closest to me as soon as that devil he's looking for somebody he goes into them and I got I got all kinds of unbelievable experiences happening I got people that have demons confronting me about being in their territory the demons insert thoughts and they watch how you react if you react a certain way they take note of that and then they create a cycle of rejection where you'll find people saying and doing the same things to you every month it's bizarre everywhere you go all it is is reinforcing the curse that they've been assigned to you to keep you in a small place they don't want you free because they cannot beat you if you go into God's kingdom and will operate there we cannot go there in the holy fire that's why you have to have holy fire in your life because he won't go there you submit to the fire of God you let it purify you the devil's get scorched they they back away from you and then they have to start to get you to respond and when you don't respond they literally leave and go to someone weaker because they're on commission they have to have results they get beat in fact the demons like eat every hour don't write me every hour every flight if I had something bothering me as soon as I crossed over into the next state of next country whatever those demons would leave and I'd have peace and then when I land I'd have something else they wouldn't even they're not even allowed to cross over certain territories I'd feel it all the time me and Kathy we we do in our city you know I live in Sodom and Gomorrah all I have to do is go across the water to another another city we spent the whole day over there not one devil they stopped halfway across the bridge they don't go any further and all of a sudden you'll would look at each other BAM they're gone no I don't have a devil but I'm being buffeted I'm being harassed by something that I can't see just like you we're in this world or not of it okay so holy fire keeps you separate prayer keeps you separate studying the words washing yourself with the word the water of the word refreshing yourself praying in tongues building yourself up in the most holy of faith and keeping in the love of God when you do that you continually are resisting fear continually resisting doubt you're allowing your world to be framed by the Holy Spirit in the Word of God it's the same thing it's a sword of the Spirit is the Word of God and the Spirit of God they're all working together for you the demons are working against you so when you start laughing when someone rejects you and you say I mean I'm literally these are entities that if you could see them they look like people but they're hybrids so they're half animal there are all kinds of wild stuff all kinds of species please don't write me there's like little little ones that are little fuzzy animals and then they go up into these things that are half and half and then there's these really big ones that look kind of human they're really freaky and they're very stubborn and they think they're going to rule this world they're the rulers of this this world there they got black capes that you keep going up there's ones in flying saucers it just keeps going up into the heavenlies don't write me I'm we're actually holding back okay so you have all this stuff there's more than you're ever gonna explain but if it's a devil you cast it out if it's in the air and a saucer you cast it out they come as quick as they they go as quick as they come I'm not kidding you I don't have time for all those stories we've dealt with this stuff from the lowest to the highest levels the devil does not want you to know his secrets his secrets is he can cloak himself he wants you to think that he knows what you're thinking what he sees is he sees the Angels visiting you and when they visit you your spirit lights up and they know something's up so they hit you before your breakthrough comes when you receive it like this is like this happened with me and Kathy we were in our Seattle home and I woke up because I heard somebody crying and I went like this and it's it's it's not my wife she's asleep I look over there and Jesus is standing there and he's crying and what it was is when he went to the Father to purse it for what he told Mary don't touch me because I haven't ascended to my father yet I actually got to see this so I looked over and I'm thinking I'm not even in a vision but I guess I was I don't know I don't know if I was in the body or out of the body I just saw Jesus standing there before a huge bench with a judge way up there that I couldn't see and he was shaking the house when he talked it was in another language and Jesus was standing there and I'm looking at Jesus to get his attention and he looked at me and he was crying and his hair was soaked and wet he had all this long-haired I say long hair lots of hair it was curly and he was crying and I said Lord what's going on he said I just bought you your mine it was reading the father was reading the will of adoption so he said come here any I stood beside him and I just went like this and something happened that I can't explain that it's in John 17 I became one with him he became my brother when he says that the Bible so don't get mad he became my friend he rescued me he purchased me and then now I'm his brother and I'm co-heir with him of everything that the father has when that happened I was ushered back to my body I flew back to my body and my spirit lit up and it lit up the whole room and as I'm going back into my body I look and there's an angel standing beside Kathy when that angel saw my spirit light up it lit up the whole area the angel gasped and woke her up and she heard the angel gasp the angel had never seen a human spirit get it like that the revelation of the sons of God they'll see it says in Romans said that the all creation is groaning for the sons of God to be revealed because they fell with us they want to be redeemed they didn't do anything wrong we did but everything fell so she said man did you hear that I go yeah that was an angel right beside you it just gasped it did something inside of me and I felt like I supposed to share this before we go because we're gonna have to go now until tonight the revelation that my spirit received changed me forever and this is after I'd been to heaven what it did was I realized that the Holy Spirit is the spirit of adoption like it says in Romans 8:15 and he's crying out Abba Father but don't stop there because in Romans 8:26 which no one will touch you won't hear it on Sunday in most churches the spirit takes hold of you in your weakness not in your strength he grabs you and picks you up it's in Aramaic and super intercedes for you and I was shown that the spirit is the enforcer of the Covenant he's the enforcer the Advocate the the lawyer that enforces the blessing the favor of God as a child of God through adoption that means that you are part of God's family and you inherit all things now I know this but I know people who have died for for this to fight for this and now we want to have a discussion about it what I saw in heaven with my body and my spirit was I looked like my father I only have one parent in heaven the church is never going to be able to fully receive this but we were made in the image of God according to Genesis 1:26 we are told to watch our words because they're a rudder for our lives because God created the world with his words so we need to watch ours because we're an image we were made in the image of God that's why Jesus said you've got to speak to your mountains when you pray you should believe that you receive what you've asked for before you receive it when you ask you receive the Holy Spirit takes hold of us lifts us up and super intercedes just like this story I told you and all the sudden I'm operating in something that is not from this world are you ready to move from your comfort if it would mean that your character could be matured so that you can walk in this because God is saying to you by the spirit right now I want to trust you but I don't share my glory with just anybody but he said I'm gonna share it with those who believe Jesus said you're gonna share the same glory that me and you you're giving it to them they're gonna encounter the same glory you loved them lower father just like you love me I don't I don't really look like appreciate people who say well you know this is for when you get to heaven like I've already been there okay so I come back and I'm like okay do I do I do what everyone else does and my goal is to have 60 thousand people in a congregation or do I have 12 because I tell them the truth like like in other words you know what what is it what is success so I have 12 that can flip the world upside down or do I have 60,000 that want to feel good message okay so the comfort is not what God's concerned about with you I mean you're gonna have comfort he's gonna he's gonna give you their comfort but first you're gonna get character because character will take you further your giftings won't take you as far as you need to go the giftings are not yours but you need character to operate in the giftings or you won't be able to handle it you won't go up you'll blow up you'll you'll mess up look at the spiritual junkie all the ministers that have been cast away have blown it in their last leg of their race no one is really immune because if you judge somebody you're gonna be it's coming right at you you better what you get ready to wear it you better order your size if you're gonna judge someone just order your size shirt because it's coming back at you no you let God judge it what you do is you use your discernment to know that I'm not going there I'm not going to judge anybody I'm gonna love everybody but everyone's not my friend because the fabric gets torn when I choose between God and man I can't compromise when I have a choice of making money or being with God I'm gonna choose God because then I get everything all right I'll share this and then I know I know we're supposed to go at four but we're just gonna go a little early you've heard this it's a perfect example for this if you haven't this is a really good story I had a nonprofit that has prophesied and I don't understand this stuff because I'm not into this he prophesied over me that I would have a black Mercedes he saw it in my driveway in four years and I'm like I don't want a Mercedes no the thing that is there's nothing wrong with the Mercedes because in Germany when we're over there everybody has one because nothing else stays together on the Autobahn your American cars they disintegrated 100 miles an hour but that's when you're just getting started on the Autobahn you know how'd you like it like we did an eight-hour Drive in five and a half hours but we were at about 260 kilometers an hour which I don't know what that computes - but we're almost 300 kilometers an hour which was over it was 180 miles an hour for flight it was fast my wife's name but it was a BMW no over here I mean this is a pastor - over here man he'd be fried but but he works for BMW and he has the best so what is it 175 can you imagine doing that for three hours until some polish truck pulls out into the passing lane we we had to lose 200 like I don't know how many a hundred miles an hour and couple seconds just to get to 100 miles an hour or whatever 75 whatever okay so this guy has prophesied to people that you know Mercedes and then they get it well that doesn't mean it's of God but in some countries Mercedes is like any other car but you know why would I want to pay $800 to have my feet my oil changed right okay but the thing that is is when I was in heaven it didn't matter whether I I drove the maximum Maxima that I have or Mercedes it didn't matter you might not even agree with me but it was Jesus wanted to know if I obeyed what he told me to do it didn't matter how I did it whether it was in a car or bicycle a plane it didn't matter did I do what he told me to do okay it didn't matter what kind of shoes I wore if I wore shoes at all it didn't matter whether I spent most of my time in jail or I spent it out as long as I did what God told me to do Paul learned to live in all circumstances no matter what he said I consider myself a happy man obeys wealthy no matter what he considered himself satisfied because he wanted to serve God and be obedient if being obedient means you go to jail then that's what you have to do okay so I just kind of like you know what I don't even like Mercedes that's what I thought and I'm not that's not my goal so I just put it on the back burner and so four years later we're in New Orleans and I got a call to go to dinner and the person who is picking me up is Jesse and he pulls up in his black Mercedes and the voice the Lord said to me I mean it's four years later and there's that Mercedes in my driveway and the Spirit of Lord said to me who's greater what's greater the Mercedes in your driveway or who's in it see I have a father and he said anything you need Kevin you got everything I have is yours but I don't ask him for nothing so do you understand the Prophet might have saw that and Misun and misinterpreted what was being said there or he might have been totally just greedy or maybe I'm supposed to get a Mercedes but it doesn't matter that's not my goal I could care less I would walk here if that's what God told me to do Jesus told me this he said Kevin you know it is a two and a half week walk that him and his disciples did from his headquarters in Capernaum to Jerusalem and he said I walked that listen to my disciples complaint he said you you drove there in an air-conditioned bus in two and a half hours from Jerusalem he said to go to Nazareth from Capernaum is about two days two and a half days to the mountains listening to the disciples complain the whole time and we did it and just you know nothing okay no he asked me why did God the Father put me on the earth then instead of now and without letting me answer it he said you have been given everything he said Facebook is yours YouTube is yours he said everything is yours you take it you get on everything you speak everywhere you go you spend hours like like I've been told but why do you do this why do you do so many sessions you're speaking all day just speak once because I have to create a total immersion for you because we don't have much time left you have to sit here in this in this glory for two hours at a time so that when you go out there you're changed not revived see you don't need another word you got plenty you need to fan into flame those words Paul said use them it those prophecies that were given to you as weapons of war that's what he said in 2 Timothy the Lord has not forgotten what you've given up is not forgotten it what you've walked away from has not been forgotten you don't lose you never lose a thing it's written down in heaven and it's coming back in this next life you will see me you will see me in what I'm assigned to do I will come across you if you're in my territory I will have more than an Admiral's ranking on my sleeve I will have territories patches on me that are complete countries and I'm over it will be rose gold my uniform will be a complete one piece ambassador's outfit oriental like with buttons but that buttons a whole way down rose gold pure gold and your man if a minister goes first-class I'm just kidding Jesus said I'm sending you back here you tell the people they're not down here surviving they're down here qualifying for their next position in the millennial reign you're gonna rule and reign with me forever Kevin you're down here being trained to be faithful for my next assignment which is over countries you got two more minutes I saw you know when the you know there's a lot of confusion because you know prophecy when you read it in Daniel you can see the similarities in Revelation when you when you measure up Ezekiel and Daniel and then you take Revelation there's ways of looking at the commonality of what they all saw but you cannot really put it in a timeline because they were flashes of the future that were recorded they're not they're not in chronological order so you can't you can't really say this is gonna happen and then this is gonna happen except within that one flash you'll see a bunch of things happen but you don't know where to put that so you'll end up throwing away your DVD set and getting another one because the timelines are gonna change according to Revelation okay with that being said they're there if you take the borders that are in Genesis and what God told Joshua to do is 1,500 square miles it's pretty much the whole Middle East so when the New Jerusalem comes down which is 1,500 square miles it will set down right on the property that God had already pronounced in Genesis which Israel is supposed to be that big they're supposed to own all the oil so when that news Jerusalem comes down we will live in it but we will be able to come out but there will be the earth will repopulate according to Scripture and then at the end of the thousand years Satan will be loosed to tempt them which doesn't fit in to most TV programs but I saw that we will go out and no one will be able to touch us we'll be one of those sons of God and you don't mess with them I saw at the end of the age just in case haven't offended everybody yet I saw at the end of the age I saw this I saw revival that we would call revival it's not but it's it's a move of God I saw people waiting to get into buildings we just saw it at the beginning of the year there were people waiting around a building the first meeting we did this year I saw people waiting to get in because if they got in the building they got healed they heard they weren't saved they heard if you can get in the building you'll get healed one person said the other if you can even sit on the back row you'll hear God talked to you they weren't even saved this is going to increase and increase and increase to where everyone will be healed and then will be taken away but we will cross over like Enoch did it's a type of Enoch at the end of the age it's not what you think we are revealed in the twinkling of an eye and we walk over but before Enoch walked over he was walking with God and he had all kinds of wild stuff happened before he disappeared because he walked with God knee please God so I saw this happening and the beginning of it is is here it's restarted in January but it started three years ago when the angels came to me they said it'll take three years so they said this this this January three years the people will start to see that the waters are being stirred and jump in but he said you jump in now so for the last three years we have just done it as though it's happening and now it's really happening and people are starting to wake up with angels in their house they're starting to wake up and pray at night they're starting to sense us something's going on in the spirit there's clean it there they're sensing in their spirit what it is is that the angels they told me that they're going to start standing beside people and visiting people but you not gonna be able to see them at first you're just gonna sense the shift what it is is that they are preparing people are gonna come in it's so easy no this is what's gonna happen to you this happened to me at work I called my wife I said I'm gonna have to quit my job I said I walked back the aisle and 15 people in the back session started manifesting demons and all I was doing was checking to make sure everything was fine so I can tell the captain we were cleared to go to Las Vegas from Pittsburgh I was praying in the spirit to myself which I'm doing all the time I prayed in the spirit since I've been up here but you haven't heard me pray it but my spirit has a voice that's beyond the dimensions of this I could start calling you out one by one and start to minister to you by the spirit one by one I could do that but I have to be told by the Lord to do that because my spirit knows things but my spirit is bigger than this room so what you feel when you sit there for two hours you don't know how you can't sit five minutes but you can sit for two hours it's because you've been captured by the other realm so these people were captured by the other realm they had invisible friends and they started to manifest they started to curse me and tell me to leave and I go it's my airplane you leave okay so I I let the captain know and he said well what do you want to do you want to go back the gate I said well they've quieted down I asked the girls and they said no let's go so we went so during the flight I pass enger' has come up to me and they say there's those guys that were swearing at you they just threatened to rape me well you know that's it the f-16s are coming on each wingtip and we're going in and they're never they're never gonna see the light of day again so they were all threatening to do these kind of violent things so when we landed it took 8 8 did I say 8 8 police officers to take 15 people off and they will never fly again ever and I called my wife and I said no this is just as a normal Christian I said you know I can't do this job anymore when I touch people they start laughing but they don't know why they're laughing because they're not it's saved or they start crying but they don't know why they're crying and they're asking me what's on you every time you walk by she starts crying and I start laughing and then sometimes it's like other like men talking through women you know men's voices you know and one time a lady she literally hadn't became a snake and with her down the right at me she got down on and went like this like a snake she'd had no backbone anymore she twisted her head the whole way around said I know who you are I'm gonna kill you I go no you're not she lit a fire in the seat to burn the airplane down to kill me so I just throw a pot of coffee on her they put a straitjacket on her she turned her head around as they're the police are taking her off turned her head the whole way around said I will find you and I will kill you and I'm like no way oh I can tell you I get to I mean we could start now and not finish tonight this realm is real okay so I told my wife it's probably time for me to quit but what I found is is that your spirit is bigger than your body your your your spiritual life is bigger because you're really crammed into a dimension that's limiting but your spirit doesn't like to be limited that's why when when people start to control you you went out you want to scream I can feel it all the time Oh so the holy fire is here and what it's gonna continue tonight the holy fire exposes the demonic exposes darkness it exposes corruptness exposes anything that's contrary to what God's plan is you need to know that you're doing better than you think no I don't know how to do this because if I start calling people out I feel like I almost have to but I'm not because this will turn into a circus force until 3:00 a.m. but if you knew how many of you are that God is pointing out to me that are so special if you that he wants you to know that you just need to stay in there a little longer because it's about to break wide open there is that breakthrough coming but it's over throw it's a flipping where you find yourself in a favorable pleasant position everybody everybody's stand we're gonna dismiss it's four o'clock we'll come back at 6:00 and I've started chapter four which is your relationship it causes confrontation and here's what you got resolved and we'll get into this tonight you're going to win I know that you if you knew how many of you I've seen in the future like I was in heaven I saw though everyone masses of people that were saved by the blood of the Lamb and they were all singing the song of the redeemed we all make it and you have to resolve within that within that as you work yourself back to now that your future is secure but really your life down here is also if it's in God's hands if you lay yourself in God's hands you will become lethal to the enemy but with the lethality of extinguishing and pushing back the demonic within that you also can encounter favor this is something that is not understood favor will happen to you to where it's not fair it'll-it'll it's not fair no listen no listen 8,000 is that 200 students now it's almost three hundred eight thousand three hundred to almost eighty three hundred okay in 12 months Jesse Duplantis started as a skull he's a big boy I'm a little boy he said I had thirty people sign up so I had to shut it down he said I could be jealous right now but he said I'm happy that you exceeded me okay what what you do is based on what God tells you to do and then he makes you look good Elijah when he struck the water with his with his mantle it wasn't how hard he hit it that split the water it was cuz God told him to do it right God told the priest to go into the water first I can continue on with this he said to Moses what do you have in your hand he said the staff the same one that turned into a snake in the signs and wonders of Pharaohs court was now on his hand he said he said shut up and quit complaining tell the people to shut up I mean it says that shut up what do you have in your hand of a staff he said get out of the water I know where you're at right now I've been there and I'm there in some ways right now you want a complain and God's gonna say what do you have in your hand because I guarantee you as Samson can take out a thousand Philistines with a donkey jawbone what could you do with the weapons that you've been given by Jesus Christ in the New Covenant so confrontation happens because of who you are on this earth and what you're going to do by the Spirit is making the enemy come at you but if you're like David and say today I'm gonna feed you to the birds you uncircumcised philistine you uncover knit people Nephilim hybrids he said you don't you don't have a right you're uncircumcised you're not in the Covenant feel that spirit the Spirit of God right now you feel that well let's just say just let's just say it enemy I'm serving you notice you're the victim and you watch to see if he blinks I always watch when somebody confronts me I look right in their eyes if they look away I got him I watched I watched a lot of mountain lion do that I thought I'm done I tried this guy he's in my yard I walked up to him and he looked right in my eyes and I waited to see he looked away what he did was he looked to the top of my wall in my yard and he went from that laying position to the top of that wall like that he looked to where he was going and it wasn't at me and I know I was gonna live he turned around and looked at me and jumped off and when the devil when you confront him he'll blink but he's gonna be in shock because he's not used to Christians talking to him like that and I'm telling you what I know this it's a stutter secret the devil doesn't know what to do those those demons they do not know what to do there is no plan B when you do not respond the way that they've conditioned people to respond they don't have a plan B and they're shocked they're actually literally paralyzed I've seen it I've seen it and it's happening right now in this room there's something has happened inside of you and you seen your enemy blink and he's looking to see his escape route and that's when you just go a step further you want to mess with me you think you can take me I'm gonna live forever I tell them that I'm gonna live forever you're going to like a fire you're gonna be judged in fact Jesus has already judged you the ruler of this world is condemned when the demons that have been assigned to you see that they're pushing you into the glory of God when they see it's counterproductive to even mess with you you just run to God the Father I thank you for today wow this has been beautiful father we worship your father your holy and righteous and we know that you have our lives in your hands we we just glorify your plans for us but we most of all I thank you for your heart that you care about us that you wrote such beautiful things about us before we were even born and that we know that the devil has tried to slander that but we believe you father you're a good father we trust you we allow you to frame our world by your word father speak remind us of things you have said by the Holy Spirit and I'm part heaven right now receive receive the breath of heaven receive the Holy Spirit receive you're healed the Lord's told me that there's there's a lot of people in here that things have not happened and you felt like God was doing something it didn't happen the Lord said it's not your fault it's the it's other people who have not obeyed me I'm gonna make it up to you but the delay is not on my end says the Lord Father I pray for those people to be obedient to fulfill their part to be faithful and the Lord is sin no one's gonna love you like I love you no one's gonna discern who you are like I do now listen to me I just saw this meeting become four times as big as it is right now I don't know when but I saw it four times as big four times that means that there's so many people that want to participate and what God's doing once we get in the unity it will influence the whole city but then you're gonna take this back to where you live this is going to quadruple I don't know how that looks I just saw four of this four of this I know how to do this deep down within yourself you agree with God you resolve it now right now you agree Lord I make it so let's whip some devil's butt right now amen [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]