Learn To Pray From The Heavenly Realms! Session 2 Pensacola Spirit School - Kevin Zadai

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[Music] hey Cathy you got some books to give out okay who doesn't have a the praying from the heavenly realms book the book okay there you go we'll get those out to you what happened with this can i why your why your it's this one right here now I want to tell you I'm not trying to sell these I don't need to sell anything actually actually I just wanted home and retire but this I wanted to tell you about this book is it's very special I go ahead honey what else do you have there oh okay well I wanted to tell my story but okay all right all right here heavenly realms heavenly realms hold that up heavenly realms book heavenly visitations I'm sorry okay heavenly visitation this was my first book this is the one that I did not ever want to write because it's so personal and the Lord appeared to me said it's a mandate you must write this book and then my wife came and said it's a mandate you must write this book so I had two people so anyway he said if you get it into the hands of people he'll take care of the rest and I had angels appear to me and tell me that I was not to let any publisher publish this book so that the everything in it would not change so I self-published it so this book is exactly what Jesus went over with me it so it's the seven basic things he went over with me about it all right and also what's the next one they're the agenda of angels the agenda of angels actually was another encounter I had I did not expect it I was actually working on another book and I had this encounter and they told me the title they told me the chapter headings and you know if you don't believe in angels don't worry about it but you can have my book if you want it alright supernatural finance is another one that I didn't expect to write of course it's very controversial so you know when you say prosperity you know you get people freaking out so I called it supernatural finances because Jesus told me that I need to write the book about the harvest and about if people weren't gonna believe prosperity for themselves would they at least believe for it for others and for the harvest and so I wrote the book on receiving from God and about the fact that Jesus never he told me he said you never saw money going into the bag that Judas had but there was always money going out and he told me to write the book from that premise and he also said this he said he told me that when he had to pay his taxes he didn't take it out of the bag he told the disciples to go down and get a gold coin supernaturally out of a fish which they were net fishermen but he told him to throw a line in so he caught one fish that had the gold coin in so that this book is written from that it's from a perspective that's different than anything you've ever you know probably read before and a lot of my books are like that because I don't want to be like everybody else I want to be like Jesus and I met the original the the CEO of the universe you know so I don't want to talk to his assistant you know I want to talk to you know like I the he's the one that wants to take over your finances and however that looks you know and if you don't believe in tithing if you don't look believing 10% well then give 50 but but give give God what's do him give give God let's do him and he will always he will always take care of you you'll have plenty but it's all about you and God it's you know Jesus said to the rich man he said you just lack one small thing he said sell everything you have and give to my ministry no he said give to the poor he said then then you'll he said then leave everything and follow me and you'll have a great reward in heaven what he was trying to do was get that man not to depend upon his wealth that's why it's hard for a rich man to get to heaven it really is but it's not impossible and the bottom line here is trust can God trust you with great wealth so that's what this book is written on ok and rig them in your favor the Lord told me that this was gonna be the best book that I ever wrote and it just was on Sid Roth so this book is based on Psalms 139 which was written by Jesus even though it sits in the Psalms in the Old Testament okay and um Oh days I have it on earth prayer prayer guide this is all the prayers that the Lord gave me about the book in the heavens so it's all prayers you just pray okay what else you got there honey heavenly realms heavenly realms heavenly realms yeah you can give him this one too do I get two of them okay now the heavenly realms book was the first book that I did with a publisher and I didn't want to do that but one morning we were praying in tongues and we prayed in the spirit about three hours and then we break and then we pray some more and it that's our time together we pray in the sparrow every - over where we go like this morning we prayed three hours and tongues just for you guys so we pray in the spirit we've been up we've been up since 6:00 praying in the spirit we wake up usually at 3 a.m. every morning when we're home and we pray in the spirit with our tea in our chairs and after praying in tongues one morning the Lord told Kathy you're supposed to write a book on prayer and yeah my wife told me to write up a comprar I mean do you understand the words that are coming out of my mouth okay so I I said well that's that's my that's my track that's I know that okay so I went up to my study and I wrote the first chapter called getting ahead and heaven's attention as soon as I closed my laptop Sid Roth called now I haven't met him yet because I haven't even been on the show for the first book he said is that right I got that right yeah I know I know that but okay so this is what he said the Lord just spoke to me and said you're supposed to write a book on prayer and I know what it's called praying from the heavenly realms and he said I'm gonna make sure that everybody in the world gets it they're gonna be on my show I'm gonna call the publisher right now so that's what happened with this book it was so confirmed by the heaven and this is how I do things I've never invited myself anywhere I've never invited myself to speak anywhere oh boy here we go okay oh okay okay thank you okay thank you alright do you good what you hey can you go get some more I just feel like I'm in a giving mood is my bring it get a case [Applause] isn't this fun you know I want to tell you something were you were you all we all we all learn a couple things from this do you see why you need a prosper cuz you got to be able to take the people that don't want to believe in prosperity you got to be able to pay their for their meal I mean I'm serious I I have to prosper just to help my friends who can't afford to go out to eat because they don't believe in prosperity you know I'm talking about right when the bill though bill comes they got a little alligator arms they can't reach the belt they're like this alligator arms but I know I know I know I know Muslims that have come that have committed to Christ and they started churches and these guys we we go from church to church when we go up there to minister we have somebody who speaks Farsi that ministers to these Muslims now listen to me I know you want the book but you got to listen to me these guys used to be Muslim now they're Christians and on the way up there we've got to go through the United States from Seattle up into Canada and when we cross Canada we always get gas okay when we pull in they are fighting to put their charge card in to pay for the gas they want to be the one to bless the minister they want to be the one that bless each other that they understand this they're in America they're like what a country you know right okay all right oh dear God I there a kiddin now do you see me worried I'm not worried I'm not concerned at all at my publisher as soon as I as soon as I go to print I ordered ten thousand copies of my own book that's how much I believe in my books I believe in what God is doing here there like there are publishers like you're the only one that does this in the world I go really you know yeah I go I read my own books i watch my own YouTube I learned something every time I'm gonna learn something this morning I guarantee I'm gonna learn something now though each one of those books there's probably ten books within that book but I'm not I'm not concerned because I still got 56 more to write so I'm not gonna run out of material okay I want to talk to you a couple things I want to go over some things with you last night was an introduction I had a break through some things with you I was was being given constantly through the two hours words of knowledge on things to talk about so it seemed like I was just kind of like just flowing with what God was doing what I was doing was I was taking this stuff out of your soil that's not supposed to be there removing rocks and I was getting rid of the thorns that the cares of this life the deceitfulness of riches you know like jesus said there's things in men's hearts in their soil that need to be taken out because jesus told me the first night he said you know how many when you do something you want to do it right I mean how many wait woke up this morning wanting to fail I mean how many businessmen and women go to work think of hoping that they lose money today you know you don't think that way right okay so there are certain ways to minister to people and because I don't even consider myself a minister I'm a flight attendant appraised in tongues and I can fly a jet you see God's gonna use you and he's gonna use you in crazy ways to confound the wise see I'm not even a musician but I have four albums out my fourth one came out a couple weeks ago it was on it came on Amazon on Monday by Wednesday it was it was number four under Lauren Daigle best selling on Amazon I only left it there for two days because the Prime membership they get it for 99 cents I'm like dear Lord you know 99 cents are you like yeah I got to pay all my staff you know yeah pay my stuff so anyway the bottom line was I took it off I took it off because it was I I I'm not doing it for money I can't play the instruments unless the Spirit of God comes on me but I play all my instruments in an atmosphere of heaven I replicate what I hear now I have a music degree but I can't play instruments I can sing I'm a voice major but the Lord wouldn't let me sing on the albums because that's something I can do so the last one I was allowed to do some oohs and ahhs you know finally okay so if you're disappointed because you can't do something that is a sure sign that God is up to something he's going to push you into the areas that you're not familiar with because he wants to get glorified in the situation so that's why he told me to listen he told me the first night I have to talk prophetically word of knowledge but don't pull people out because as soon as I pull one person out the other twenty that it really that would apply to think it's just that person so I don't do that but the words of knowledge come and I just flow with it what what he told me to do was he told me Kevin if you want to understand the kingdom you have to understand the parable the sower but it's not the parable of the sower Jesus told me it's the parable of the soils know thing about it he spends one sentence on the seed which is not money by the way it's the Word of God now within that is all the things that are on the table that is set before you in the presence of your enemies you know you have healing deliverance you have prosperity you have all these different things that are part of the Bible you know you my Jewish friends they might they they don't they don't even talk about prosperity they just prosper I mean you never gonna get into an argument with a Jew about God wanting to prosper them you know they're they're they're going to prosper because of the covenant but one who is greater has come and the new covenant is based on better promises okay so last night I did what the Lord told me to do it's in Matthew 13 I focused on the soils so there's paragraphs on the soils there's four of them but there's only sentences on the sower and the and the seed no one one grain of wheat what I did last night was I just set your tract for eternity because I was obedient but it was the Lord that did it what I did was I took one seed of wheat and I planted it in your heart out of that seed now listen one one one shock one wheat one thing of wheats gonna come up there's going to be eight heads there's gonna be 40 seeds on each head 320 seeds come up your your for your first harvest you don't eat that you put all 320 in the ground and by the third year you have you have fields for your harvest by the third year that's where we're at right now in our ministry which is our fourth year three years of just path you cannot even in words explain what's happening because the Word of God is starting to produce fields it's exponential by the fourth fifth and sixth year you got millions and millions and then billions of stocks coming up okay so the Word of God is that powerful okay so the Lord said take care of the soils because in a hundred people there's four soils only one of them produces so you have 25 people last night out of a hundred that actually received the word and out of that 25 people only eight got a hundredfold return so you got out of a hundred people you only got eight that actually got it to where they produce what I'm talking about thirty sixty or a hundred you know you've got eight eight and eight I'm just using this as a as a touching point but the problem is not the seed and the problem is not the sower so why are we focusing on the seed and why are we focusing on the sower the problem was the soils you had hard soil you had rock soil you had thorn soil and United one that was good but so when I'm last night so one of the one of the things that you know there's gifts of the Spirit so there's manifestations of spirit but do you know there are several things that have happened individuals if you study them they had manifestations of the Spirit that weren't listed by Paul but they had like these these these things happen to them and I remember one minister who was a president of my college he would lay hands on the back of a person and on the belly of the person and if there was fire that jumped between there was an evil spirit present well that's not it now Paul didn't talk about that in Corinthians you know okay but there's certain manifestations over me what it is is I want to commend you because every time every place in the world that I go I start that first night with what I did last night I started addressing issues see that the woman with the issue of blood is not the only one who had issues men have issues too we all have issues it wasn't just a woman okay you want to pluck that stuff out of your soil so that the the seeds can go in okay last night note the manifestation of the Spirit that you don't know about is that when I speak the word if you all have put the brakes on me or if you are not receiving it it comes back and I can actually because I worked on a farm I've had I've had it where that we were putting the seed into silos and stuff like that and it it came out where it was spitting it out and you feel it hit your face it feels like and fill it hurts and um I will actually feel that hitting me the seed I'll fill out I'll feel it I've been in countries where it just came right back at me it's a manifestation of the spirit for me personally I did not have that happen last night no no one okay all right so so the the the soil I believe is clean this morning so I want to go over some things with you because of spear the Lord and I'm I was wanting to know the Lord had given I forgot to look it up but the Lord told me Psalms 19 this morning now can you look it up and then then maybe read it to me okay all right we were talking about getting you have his attention last night I just want to go over a couple bullet points before I go on so I'm gonna start on page the bullet points on page 12 and I'm hoping that you because mine's a little mine's a teacher version I hope that that it's the same I believe it is at the top of the page this in page 12 is to say first he taught me the words were the most okay all right this is very important it's gonna go through these quickly because we're gonna go on to the next lesson but Jesus began to teach me with conviction about the use of my words and he explained it the supernatural realm responds to me when I speak by the Holy Spirit with authority and faith born from the spirits revelation not from my own understanding producing what is called faith rest okay so there's this idea that you have to enter into faith rest what what you need to learn to do like right now because I was out of my body I saw some things about myself I saw how humans were made and about the fallen world versus heaven so I was in heaven I didn't want to come back because this realm restricted me but and I didn't understand myself I I had misunderstandings about who I was because I didn't understand how I was made because there's we're in were fearfully and wonderfully made as for very intricate okay but in that environment of being intricately made we were made to be in a perfect world they'll hear me out when the Spirit of God comes in and you causes you to be born again everything becomes new the old has passed away but your mind and your body are not redeemed so if you get born again you don't necessarily get healed of something that you're encountering in your body and you might still think the same way you did after you leave the altar because your spirits born again but your mind your will and emotions which makes up your soul is a different part of you now I had heard these kind of things but when you are dead and you don't have your body and then your soul its redeemed at that point - I still had my feelings but they were in check so whatever Jesus said that's what that's how I responded by what he told me so for forty-five minutes he was it and I was not and I didn't have an opinion I had I was all ears so I let him talk if he asked me a question then I would answer him but I didn't want to hear I didn't want to hear myself talking to him that would be foolish if you get 45 minutes with Jesus and you want to talk about yourself just trust me that won't go over well okay and what does Psalms 19 say huh the fear of the Lord is clean and his word goes out yeah just say okay day and today he utters his speech and night and tonight shows forth knowledge there is no speech nor language where their voice is not heard talking about God's glory and his handiwork and it also talks about the circuit of the end of the earth okay cool okay well that goes on and the feared Lord is clean okay so that was the word that the Lord told me to give you this morning he said give him Psalms 19 and I came up here without even looking at it it kind of backs up what we're talking about here but his word goes forth and the fear of the Lord is clean okay where was I what was I talking about yes because when you're taught when Jesus is talking to you it's more about forward-looking with him okay but if you're settled in the faith rest then he doesn't have to go over and counsel you on your stuff your soil should be getting clean you should be having a cleansing happening with the Word of God the the the Word of God should be playing all the time I mean we have we have all kinds of stories to back this up but the environment around you has to be conducive for growth so you have to start to limit what you do them like my brother-in-law played for the Pittsburgh Steelers he would he was in four Super Bowls with with Terry Bradshaw he was like amazing that team they prayed all the time they read Bible studies but my brother-in-law like I would go to all the games I would sit right there behind the you know like right there and I'd go the locker rooms and you know I eat his food he had steaks and as a refrigerator all the time you know the guy was the guy came the guy was like the second in the world strongman contest Wide World of Sports second in the world and this this this this guy this guy was amazing as a football player but there came this this time where football didn't mean as much to me and I wasn't sure why I wasn't sure if it was because I had you know had gone to the locker room and and and I had seen what it was like to have a Terry Bradshaw pass coming at you and I realized that I couldn't even catch it if I caught it I'd be in the hospital but I thought you know I would criticize him Monday morning for throwing that pass and Lynn Swann wasn't even turned around looking he hit him right in the back in the numbers but it wasn't his fault Lynn Swann Lynn Swann was supposed to make a right turn but he was getting rid of it so he he was getting rid of the pass he threw it right in the direction all these different variables when he hid it in a number that guy was supposed to already be turned around he just thrown it at a place its forward leading everything is forward leading but you can't catch a pass you think you can it's the same way with Andrea Auggie I guess I wouldn't learn how to play tennis so I watched him over and over and over again always watching Andre Agassi so I went on got a tennis tennis racket and I thought ok you know so I had this guy he's you know really good and so he he said he served me one I go I'm just standing there and um he switches sides I'm like what are you gonna serve he goes I just served two but what no I mean I'm it's almost kidding but you know they were that fast I I tried that then I try says okay I'm gonna try stick my racket out there just stick it out there you know I couldn't do it okay smell all the sudden I'm humble that's what happened when I was with Jesus is I realize I need to enter in the faith rest and receive but I'm not all that so I I didn't criticize quarterbacks anymore but then I I got to where I didn't really need to watch a game anymore okay my environment started to change now I'm not speaking against anything you can do what you want but listen to your spirit I got to where I grew out of certain things and that's what I'm trying to say as your soul needs certain things but see I would I really wanted to keep my environment so that I don't pollute it my life okay is the same thing with diving I watched great Greg Louganis and I watched him so much that I thought I can do that so I joined a swim team and all I did was I mentally did the dives and you're laughing cause you think you know what you know what I'm gonna tell you but I actually went to state championships my second year it was the top diver for the team okay so with golf you know what's-his-face huh Tiger Woods watched him every Sunday after church I lived on a golf course I've lived on three different golf courses and don't golf we're on the ninth tee right now it'd never been there it's my backyard but I've never been there I just look at it through my window and shake my head every time that somebody tees off there and misses the ball you know you know it's like it you're setting yourself up for failure it's like dear Lord that's a hard game okay alright so I would watch Tiger and I'm thinking you know how hard can this be you know I'm saying you watch Tiger Woods you watch and araga see you look Greg Louganis but it takes years to walk in what they're walking in okay - listen this so I had this guy he kept what he was if he wanted to build his own confidence up so he's trying to get me to golf coz he wanted to beat me because he knew I'd never golfed because I've never golfed so I finally said to the guy his name was Scott I said okay I'll go so he said no I'm paying for the clubs I'm like okay so now if you can get me on the green you know I'd put putt golf tall my life you know if you get me on the green I'm unbeatable but it's getting there it's getting to the great so he told me he showed me how to hold the driver and he's like you know this is gonna be really easy I'm gonna beat this guy that's what he's thinking you know I teed off Matt and all I thought about was Tiger Woods teeing off and and that guy Daly was it was his first name John Daly remember he's to take that driver no must be on the other side of his face when he any khakha thing so I just I would I don't have I don't have any experience except TV so I in my mind all I'm doing is visualizing you know Greg Louganis Tiger Woods daily when I'm teeing off and that thing went it went it went half way down there auto like a par four I was already at a three shot for the hole but like I was already under okay I beat the guy so he said meet me here tomorrow I'm like no I'm serious I had to come back Tuesday after I Monday and I had to well it wouldn't be Monday they have off so it to be Tuesday Wednesday so the I beat him again I kid you know and he broke his clubs in his net and I never golfed again that I know of what happened I got out of my limitations because my environment was enforcing only the correct I was watching a professional do it and I didn't know how to do it wrong now when I got all my ratings to be a pilot it takes three years I did it nine months but what I did was I bought from the government they sell for each rating there was a thousand questions possible but they only asked you a hundred so when they hand you the test you don't know which one you're gonna get so you have to memorize and you have to study all thousand questions for each rating there's nine of them so I did I I did in nine months every month I took a test but I only they have the answers in the back of for all thousand questions but you don't know which ones are gonna ask you so I only memorize the right answer for all thousand questions I didn't look at the wrong answer so I was the first one to finish my test because none of the wrong ones look familiar to me now I knew my stuff so don't get it wrong don't you you don't have to be afraid to fly with me what I'm trying to tell you is is that if you learn the right you don't have to know the wrong which takes me to my point about what I'm talking about here Jesus said that man was never made to operate in a fallen world we're very intricately and fearfully made and with that we only are were made to know the right we were never made to know evil right when we were presented with good and evil we chose evil but if we didn't know evil we wouldn't choose it man was never supposed to know about evil their eyes were open when they ate you follow me okay so faith rest is what Jesus made for us how he made that is you've got to make your soil ready to receive the corruptness is in this world is we're supposed to escape that that's what Peter said we were these precious promises that we've been given it says that through these we can escape the corruption that's in the world caused by lust desire to have something that we feel like we're left out which is what happened with Eve and Adam they felt they were somehow they got convinced that God was holding something back from them but just like I kid about my brother-in-law he was so good that he could sell you your own house and you think he got a good deal on it that's how good he was so Adam and Eve were sold on something they already had they already had it in fact it in fact Jesus's question is why it was why was Eve discussing theology with a snake God came down and walked with them every day not with the snake I don't know if you're catching what I'm saying here I hope you're catching the meaning from the Spirit of God is that if the spirit if the spirit is visiting you every day which he is he's with you forever you're never gonna be an orphan ever according to Jesus I mean if you want to bring him into it is it come to that jesus said if you love me passionately to where you obey me me and my father are gonna come live with you and the Greek brings out just to impress you but you can do how you teach a five-year-old to look up a Strong's number listen we're gonna bring our furniture and move in so you get the father and the son living with you if you passionately love him to where you obey Him can you bet can you imagine loving God so much he actually obey Him he drives you passionately drives you into this relationship with him to where you you desire every word that comes out of his mouth and you're ready to act in any one moment this is when your soil is clean you're not you're not captured by money you see I'm telling you if you look at money you can watch it it'll jump three feet in front of you continually you'll never get to it it will evade you if you face put your face toward Jesus and you passionately loved him and you set your face you repent you turn your gaze back to him money will follow you because it wants to serve you because money was not given for the war old-world made money there is no currency in heaven it's just a piece of paper when I when I was being trained when I was being trained I I was trained to take guns off of people so I want people to get as close as they can to me he'd be freaking out I'm like no Kiki I'm a little close I wanna see your teeth because that's what I wanted to get back to a wall cuz I was gonna use that as leverage just the person's head was gonna be in the wall in a second I wanted them to back me up see it's opposite of what you think but this guy who was Secret Service for President Nixon place aside his sidearm on the on the table this is before we took it from him when he pointed it at our head he said is this Ken is his gun dangerous and everybody said yeah he goes no it's not it's not dangerous until someone who knows how to use it picks it up and the Lord spoke to me and said that's what money is it's worth nothing until someone who knows how to use it picks it up you see were we're children were in we've inherited the kingdom of God now the Gospel message is free but I want to tell you something if you go to the Christian bookstore right now and just take a Bible off the shelf I guarantee you you will not make it out to your car without someone tackling you and getting you arrested why because Thomas Nelson doesn't make those for free now you can go to my hotel room and you're gonna have the Bible on there from Gideon that's not stealing okay did you know that the people that made these pews that they got paid to do that and they might not even be Christians so what you're sitting in right now costs this church something so money is still needed in this fallen world but in heaven there is no money you're the most expensive thing in heaven wherever you go everything serves you it's based on what you sowed into this life not just money it's who you are as a person what you did with what you were given it's not money so Satan had to get off the all the countries off the gold standard because you can't make gold which is why gold was used as a standard okay so in order for Satan to completely take over he had to get what we call float we had to float your currency so that he can devalue it and entrap people into debt come on now okay so I'm not gonna be in debt to anyone because I'm just supposed to love people not being debt to anyone I'm down here ruling and reigning when I go to work I could get fined well if I was thirty seconds late for work there's people on my airplane waiting for me to come so they can go somewhere they've already paid for their ticket if I'm thirty seconds late I get fined twelve hundred dollars you don't do that very much after you do it once right because it costs you more than if you were gonna get paid for a whole week and you can't make it up you go home and you're not allowed to make it up you sit at home for a week paleis and you think about what you just did because you have to honor it's called accountability okay it's the same way when God gives you his word you have to enter into the faith rest you have to honor what comes out of God's mouth as being one seed just one word that you get from this France will produce a crop of 4033 what I say for it 4 times 8 to 33 220 ok then you take that 320 times 320 and you keep doing that it's it's it's it's exponential its fold not times so what Jesus was saying listen when the so or so is the word and it goes into good soil it's much more than you could ever calculate by the third year you have orchards you have fields coming in from what was planted okay if you take your gaze off money and it serves you come on now you make it work like right now the Lord told me I mean I'm gonna have to say this Sid to ask me to say this in fact just so you know Sid feels like Kathy my wife is to be launched into ministry so he's having her on March 5th a live show me and her Cathy are going to be on live and Sid wants to launch Cathy hallelujah but this is what he I told said he said look what about healing Kevin because a lot of people don't get healed and you know I said I know but I met the healer I said the problem is not the sending its the receiving God is sending he sent his son the redemption that he encountered if you saw what he went through and I he went he took it further than I have ever heard on this earth being taken but Jesus explained everything to me from behind if you caught what he did for you you would readjust inside of you to receive healing because it's already been paid okay but you're gonna sit down here and argue with people all day because you know their grandma you know didn't get healed and you know my mom didn't get healed or whatever you know and you keep doing that but we're in a imperfect world we're not we're not made to function in this world we're gonna be frustrated all the time when I pray I know I get my answer but I might have to fight devils for twenty-one days that's not God's perfect will it's a fallen world and angels come to help you get through but it takes 21 days sometimes that's what happened with Daniel now by the way Jeremiah wrote about Daniel and Daniel was reading it one day I said my god this is us 70 years captivity one two we're in our 70 and a half years it's time for us to cry out to God and when we call he's going to answer he's going to bring us back into the land for I have plans for you to prosper and an expected end see you quote the eleventh verse but if you read the whole chapter Jeremiah wrote about Daniel when Daniel saw it he set his heart to seek God but it took 21 days but it's already written is there anybody follow me that's us there's stuff written but we have to discover it so this life is about you moving into a faith rest where you have faith and you rest in it and you receive the word which is incorruptible and it it causes your soul to be saved your spirits already saved but your soul experiences a transformation by the renewing of your mind as it saw it talks about it and believe Romans chapter 12 right now the only reason I'm doing this this morning is because the Lord had spoken to my heart about a pastor who's he was here last night and he's not here this morning but his in some of his families here this morning and I already told him that I was going to talk about him this morning but he's got to go to Nigeria but we've got his daughter right here Christian right here right I don't know the Lord had spoken to me that during this conference that I'm supposed to use him as an example and some of the things that he served his country and and so I brought a prop to show you where you're going with this what I saw in heaven Jesus took me around and showed me different things about behind the scenes and he showed me how I can readjust my life to start to operate in the supernatural continually that I don't ever have to leave it and that I don't need anyone to help me and unless God tells them to so I don't need to manipulate anymore and you don't run after money you set your gaze on Jesus and God starts to 'trust you now think about this I knew someone an individual that did not like me and I was not I was not a man of God I was not a prophet to them but the Lord spoke to me to give him fifty thousand dollars and I said well that's the correct way to do that then tell my wife the exact amount which is a whole year's salary so I said hey pray about this we're supposed to give it someone so some money tell me what what the Lord tells you what the amount is she came back after being on the treadmill for 30 minutes so it's fifty thousand dollars I call great here we go okay so I we gave that to the item okay he ended up coming back to the Lord and now I'm a man of God so why is it that if I give you money I'm a man of God but if I say repent you know like Jonah did you get it okay so it can't be about money you can't do anything for money you got it you gotta let it serve you it's got to come it's got to come because Jesus told me he said before I give you your vision I already established your provision so the provision is provided for your vision before he gives you the vision because it's backwards because he's standing on the end and it's the beginning the same spot that I was formed in my from from from his heart to his breath that went into my mother's womb the same spot I stood in and gave an account for my life it's the same spot so the man was right here where they're sitting was is her father and he worked on in the Air Force a certain type of jet now you're thinking you're thinking bullets about this big okay now I could shoot a bullet and I could I could probably hurt or kill someone with this bullet this size but what I saw in the spirit realm was is that if you cooperate in the faith rest where your faith is established in a relationship with God where you trust and he trusts you money's not gonna be a problem Healing is not gonna be a problem what Sid told me is will you tell the world this this is what I told him I said Jesus told me you don't start quoting your healing scriptures when you're in the ambulance on the way to the hospital you create an environment of healing healing is actually for the lost oh yeah here we go we're supposed to be walking into fine health but see people will stone me for that I might even get escorted out of here no no think about it what if the bar has been taken down to accommodate our lack of activity you know in an ungodly environment what if we have accommodated our unbelief and kept notching it down to where now you mean if I listen if I if I took every email that I've been sent telling me to stop talking about this this this there's nothing left except the fluffy animals on Noah's Ark that's the only thing I kept I'm left to talk about because if I if I listen to everybody say you know you need to back off this you know you're talking about this too much this too much and it's every subject you'd have a really Holy Bible I mean with holes in it they be pages of chapters ripped out what did Jesus come back to do say khun's seek and save those who are lost what did he do he went around healing everyone that was oppressed of the devil every where he went he cast out Devils he never put Devils in people he was giving out money he didn't take money they'll think about the woman with the with the with the mites the two mites he didn't run after her and say oh it's okay because you're not gonna eat tonight you can have it back or here here's some money did he did he send Judas after her no she went home she had nothing did you ever think about this stuff I asked Jesus sista he stood there and said she gave more than anyone but he didn't try he didn't go and help her you want to know why faith rest it's impossible for God to be mocked that woman's gonna reap what she sowed so you start to sow into your health now you don't wait the bar has been lowered you just don't know it I'm not waiting for a problem to arise so I can put my faith to work my relationship with God causes cancer to die in my body while it's trying to form you have to be proactive it's the same with your finances just just just find a child and give them a dollar they're angels gonna report you that's I'm telling you the truth you don't have to have a lot of money you just have to take the Word of God and act on it okay so getting back to her dad CJ he worked on an airplane now how many how many of you have shot a gun okay wow I'm safe here no listen listen to me ha I was just at the shooting range my goal is to shoot a thousand rounds but I got to like 250 maybe 500 rounds and I was ready to go home because I got to come here but there is no way that I can go faster than a certain point it on on shooting because of the limitations of the gun but what if what if the bullets were this big because this is an actual bullet from her dad's airplane that he worked on called the a-10 tank killer and I'm gonna give this to her because I forgot to bring it last night to give to him but listen to this this is a real bullet it's just it's already been expended and then they put a new primer in it it's harmless so please don't report me ok no no listen to this this in the nose of this airplane one of these will go through a tank ok but guess what in one second how many you think go out of the back gun in one second seventy four hundred four thousand two hundred in a minute but it's only holds like twenty three hundred so when the when the pilot goes like this you got hundreds going out if it's more than a second seventy in a second they went to retire this airplane two years ago and they said the problem is we don't have anything to replace it so they kept it okay so you're thinking okay I'm operating at this nine millimeter faith but this is 70 millimeters and the tip on this you know in a nuclear power plant they have the rods they're really heavy very strong and they put them down in water and it boils it and that's what you create your electricity from that generator okay they take the depleted rods and they make the head out of it okay I'm telling you this because in the spirit realm you have to remember that God's got angels that have a sword that killed a hundred eighty-five thousand Assyrians in one night because they made God mad okay no this is an invisible sword that even Darth Vader would love to have this sword killed a hundred and eighty-five real soldiers flesh-and-blood with an invisible an invisible sword but they're dead so if you ask any of those soldiers they're gonna say that was a real sword but it came from an angel whose name isn't even mentioned this is just one of the stories we know of okay so you didn't how many of you just what I just told you you didn't know about this right okay but yet this existed you just didn't know about it well I'm telling you if you saw what I saw on the other side there's tons of stuff like this but it has to do with you being trusted so you're you're believing for revival but see people that are alive don't need revived this is for you to give it to your dad thank you amen on the other side I saw these things that if you would just set yourself to pray and you would just refuse to be interrupted for 10 minutes and you would take one verse and sew it into your heart just one verse and you would take ten minutes and think about that verse see like right now Cathy read Psalms 19 a little bit from it it says his word continually is coming from his mouth I've been thinking about that as I've been talking to you for the last half hour that's all I've been I'm feeding myself I'm praying in tongues you can't even hear it but I'm praying in tongues within myself I'm thinking about that verse I'm thinking about what I'm gonna eat for lunch and I'm talking to you from the other realm you see we are very complicated beings however if you manage yourself correctly down here if you win your soul over then then your soul and your spirit team up is there anybody here your soul and your spirit team up and you vote your body off the island you tell your body this is what we're gonna do today I don't want to hear any lip this is yeah but that chickens in the refrigerator it's like we're not eating right now and if you keep it up we're not eating all day no you start to use Paul said this he said I discipline my body daily the word there in Greek is beated black and blue I discipline my body so that after I have preached Christ myself that I am NOT a castaway that I don't lose out my body can disqualify me there are there are so many people that you have seen on TV that have changed my life and some of them are not even operating and what they are they were they've let themselves get knocked out and they changed my life there are there are musicians that have renounced Christ I used to listen to their music all the time they helped me through hard times with their music and now they they're like well I don't even believe in Jesus anymore like well you can't just do that no no no come on but you got pastors renouncing Christ now what happened I'll tell you what happened this is not a perfect world down here and there's going to be distance between your appointments it's called disappointments you're gonna see your courage but there's gonna be distance between your courage and you it's called discouragement yeah the the bullets the bullets would exceed the speed of sound so my wife wants me to tell you this so I have to obey because I love it so CJ said when that gun would fire that you would see the dust from the target and it would turn into Swiss cheese and then you would hear the sound a couple seconds later is that good okay I'm sorry I keep all questions till later prion them okay you'll have your time yeah you're good to go amen I can't read your lips I'm sorry we're live we're live we're live yeah yeah you're beautiful all right moving on the the process of what you're going through is you're going to learn how to be trusted with everything so if God speaks to you you have to do it so you're fine you're fine you want to hear God's voice but when he tells you to take something that's yours and give it to someone else they can't pay you back well then all of a sudden we're gonna see exactly where you're at right it's gonna be an audit so it's the same thing if you want if you want to fly me somewhere put you in a cockpit but not with me the FAA is gonna check you out it's the same with everything else you got to be bonded you got to be like qualified to work on electricity I don't mess with electricity there's two things I don't mess with plumbing electricity I know when to walk away just talk to Tim the Toolman he's blowing up more stuff thinking that he knew how to do it but the Binford 5000 was much too much for him so you qualify to walk but it's because you enter in the faith rest okay so the tools the the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds and anything that exalts itself above the knowledge of God we have to bring it into captivity to the obedience of Christ and so Paul was talking about your thoughts bringing every thought well I thought spiritual warfare was wrestling with demons okay Paul actually told the Galatians he said here's the fruit of the Spirit here's the fruit of the flesh he lists witchcraft as a fruit of the flesh why I thought witches he had to do with demons well if you saw what I saw on the other side I saw that we were much higher in rank than we think we are and I saw that demons can't do anything and unless they get you to do it they can't do anything with you and unless they can get into your thoughts and get you to start to consider half God said sound familiar it's how this whole thing started the problems we're having here are based on someone a middle man named Lucifer who was a little inserted himself in between God and man what God did say what's she even talking to him for well he did say you'll never see me on a panel arguing about theology you'll never see me arguing with anybody about theology I didn't come back for that I came back to testify that Jesus is too much he's just too much I'm serious all the degrees that I had on my wall I took them down when I came back from heaven and I got my doctorate since then but it's well hidden because I consider to know nothing except Jesus Christ and him crucified period and I'm crucified with him you know that's not a popular message but if you enter into the faith rest then you're gonna be trusted and when you're trusted things are going to start coming to you you're not gonna have to chase them so you have to find people to help that can't pay you back you have to help the hand of God wherever the hand of God is so you start to help God with every part of your life not just money because the Word of God is sewn the Word of God in itself contains everything that's needed you just need to marry it to the soil it needs to go in and those two the seasoned soil they just do their thing without you so I was sent back to make sure that people's soil was ready to receive the Word of God and not to focus on getting some focus on receiving something I receive my healing and I still limp but I have two new kidneys my hair is growing back I don't need glasses anymore I think I'm going I'm going pretty good okay I'm on my way are you on your way because I think you're on your way you're something going to happen your potential is not writable God spoke it but I don't know if everything that is in what he spoke is actually able to be written even though I'm sure in heaven it's written but I can't explain to you how valuable you are but if you don't grasp this from the one seed you're not gonna get your crop in your orchards your fields you got a plant one seed you've got to let that seed the incorruptible seed of the word of God manifest in your life now what will happen is is everything that I'm doing here no I'm being honest with you and in fact we had planned on just disappearing in December when I took the three weeks off it ended up only being two days but I was done I was done and I warned everybody that I might just disappear and I meant it the Lord gave me another lease of seven years but I was willing to lay it down and just disappear I mean I have a 8300 students I'm gonna be busy for the rest of my life and all my employees we're gonna be busy for a long time I don't need to grow but see it can't but grow because God's not mocked okay but in this time that I'm doing this now I'm doing this so that you can produce crops right and I'm not talking about money if you think I'm talking about money you've missed it Jesus is all you need he quoted himself for 45 minutes and it was like I had heard it for the first time in fact there were several verses that he quoted did I had to go and look to see if he was right because I had never heard it before and I'm a scholar no think about that I'm being very transparent with you this is a broken world and I am wanting to insert myself back in and be as effective as possible because I can't lose oh yeah I said it Jesus told me if you go back you cannot fail he inserted me back in and then he said this he said this your mouth your words are what's gonna limit you so talk where you're going well in order to do that I might not be able to watch a football game all the time anymore I might I might not have the time to do the things I used to do because there's a shift going on okay so your environment is what you create on your own and you start with ten minutes now I'm gonna switch the story from what's in the book and tell you this just to show you how powerful you know the table out there is is not for me to make money but my employees are glad that that the ministry does have money coming in but they you know they're they're in a different stage in their life we've already worked 30 years you can't even tell them 94 years old but everything out there is designed to create an atmosphere let me explain it to you when I was in college it was dead so I did a research paper my thesis I got a scholarship on the the origin of that movement that became a denomination so Smith Wigglesworth as part of this when it was a movement and they asked him why did you leave he goes well God kept moving and they didn't so I found myself outside the building so he went to the Salvation Army he went he jumped around they go why did you go to five denominations because cuz God kept moving and they didn't so within that structure I near viewed people from that were from Azusa Street and I and from Kansas where they were seeking the baptism the Holy Spirit and what the evidence of the baptism the Holy Spirit in Scripture and in the book of Acts they found there was only one incident where people when they had the Holy Spirit come upon him there was only one incident out of like fifteen to seventeen or whatever it was don't don't quote me on that but they there was only one time where they didn't speak in tongues when the Holy Spirit came on them so they went to Azusa Street from Azusa Street they went to Hot Springs Arkansas in 1914 and formed this movement and John G Lake even showed up there at his shows that he signed in but he didn't join he went back to Spokane and closed down two of the three hospitals it was voted the healthiest city in the United States okay without the denomination okay so they don't mention this person they don't mention this person they don't man so I would spend all night until midnight not all night but they would close the library down and they had all these books that you couldn't get anywhere else but as part of the fathers of this movement so I would like I do my work my homework and and you know for my classes but then I would grab these books and I would read these people that they never talked about but they would have people raised from the dead and arms grow and things like that you know and I thought that well this is my kind of people I want crazy people because I what I gave up cost me a lot more than then you know then just a dead denomination and I'm not against the nominations I'm against them not moving so when I did the paper I got the scholarship and then they wanted to publish it and I said no I said I want you to live it I want you to go back to this when they would go to hospitals when when the head of this movement was dying in a hospital and they all held hands and they said if we don't get a hold of God this we're gonna lose a good man and the guy was raised up completely healed that kind of faith okay so what happened was I was given a cassette tape of an individual that used to be part of this Minh you would know him if I named him who he is but not with them anymore in fact they didn't even ask him back because he's one of the crazy friends so they I'm not even allowed to have these tapes on my possession I was there were certain things that we had if I name him they're like men and women of God but we weren't allowed to have them because they're off you know so we would I would hide these books and tapes under my carpet so I wouldn't get reported and get kicked out and don't listen my roommate and I Jesus walked into our room one night the power girl was so strong was blowing stuff all over the place for a year after that happened when anyone would walk into our room they'd start crying and get on their knees from the holiness that was in there residual from Jesus walking in and laying hands on the roommate but we had to agree that we would never tell anybody cuz we would get kicked out if we said that Jesus appeared to us so I had these this tape and I would listen to it for four because I could only pray in tongues for ten minutes a day it was a hardest thing that Devils would fight me when I would listen to this tape of this man I could pray in tongues for three hours I never met that man until 1986 this is in 1982 in 1986 I was working in a hotel never don't know don't know this man all I know is it for two years I fasted two meals a day and listened to that tape and could pray in tongues for three hours every day I prayed in tongues listening to this tape for two years missing two meals and the power gamma is so strong and I went on to another college during the time that I work worked at the hotel during the during the day after going to college in the morning this man walked through the lobby and I was asked to take him up and his wife up and their newborn child what was her name Jessica right yeah and Suzanne and Benny Hinn the the same power that was on him in his t-shirt was the same power on that tape it ends up that God tells him to speak to me for an hour in that hour he sat there and he said I have no idea what's going on here but I'm supposed to lay hands on you and give you my ministry this is an 86 he goes I don't know what you've done but you I you're one in a million and and I'm told this is the so he Belizeans oh he prophesized for 20 minutes over me in 1986 and I never see him again he said you're gonna get my ministry but he said it's gonna cost you everything you're gonna die and in 1992 I did die but I don't think he meant that no do you understand that there are people that are crazy that I'm associated with you know you don't have to like everyone but you have to love everyone that man no I'm telling you this that man changed my life he gave me an hour that he didn't have he gave me every tape he had he said Lord told me you're gonna have my ministry but you just listen saturate yourself so I did and he said my phone number throw it away in three weeks I saw I did now everybody claims to have his anointing they're fighting over right now but what you felt last night I didn't even have to touch you I guarantee you that's not me this whole thing is rigged and it's just starting I could go on I can tell you story after story like that where people have handed off they've met with me I'm not invited myself but it had to do with me creating an environment that was not the real person being there you don't need me to come to your house you need God to come to your house you need did not hear my word you need to hear God's Word but I'm telling you I was sent to Pensacola this weekend I don't have to do this I was told to come here I was told to lay myself down and let you walk over me a bridge I am setting myself up Vaughn I'm vulnerable I take hits Satan doesn't want me here which may is fully enjoyable so like like you know in the movies like when the mom puts a hit out on somebody and they come back and go it's done boss and they're sitting there eating and the guy walks in goes sits down with them and orders meal with them they're all looking at each other like you're supposed to be dead that's what happens I just show up I just keep showing up just like you what happens when you realize that you will live forever then you're not afraid to die anymore you just go ahead and allow the Crucified life to work in you now so many people have backed off and messed up but you don't have to let your body disqualify you you don't have to chase after money so you don't back off in the spirit you increase and you go to the special weapons and tactics SWAT the bad boys you let God equip you to go to the next level because I'm not gonna drink milk you're not gonna see me with a bottle of milk I'm going for steak because Jesus bought that for me I'm not a musician but my third album was on Billboard chart number seven and I don't even live in my car in Hollywood I've never I've never gone to do an album in Nashville I do it in my in my office in the dark it's to provoke people to jealousy I want to go fishing we haven't been on a vacation since 2008 because we do 38 hour days no think about last night 5-10 minutes it was 2 hours you sat here no one moved only one person's moved in here scuzz cuz I mentioned Benny Hinn he got up and left but you know I didn't say I liked him I'll just say that I value him and I know if I mentioned prosperity I get two or three at a leave but see it's not about the prosperity it's about Jesus Christ do you want to wrap this thing up I saw the white horse he's kicking in the salt I saw the white horse he's ready to come back I saw the white horse I saw the nail print in Jesus's hand he was steadying the bridle I know how close we are Jesse tells me every time we meet he goes let's wrap this up and bring that horse back let's wrap it up Kevin let's wrap it up let's wrap it up [Music] so if you want to go on then you got to stop looking at money you got to stop looking at your weakness you have to look at his strength his provision now listen Johnse leg went back did not get involved with this denomination but he started Healing Rooms now I'm not talking about emotional healing I'm not talking about sitting and blaming your parents for what happened to you for 30 minutes to a counselor lip it up I mean seriously the army's not for you you need to go to the paintball place today but but don't don't sign up for war oh I think I'll use green paint today no no if you want to be effective in this generation then you gotta know that you ain't going nowhere unless your commander goes with you he's got to send you so you go into this rest and you get it right the first time I'm not taking off in an airplane that's not ready to fly I'm going to let the Holy Spirit counsel me and I'm gonna let people that have paved a way for me I can you know when when we couldn't afford our electrical bill and I'd been to heaven and back we were looking for quarters to pay our electric bill as a newly newly Wed couple and I'd been to heaven I said Kathy there's something wrong here me and you both work we don't have kids we don't have dogs we have nothing that eats except us and we can't pay our bills we both work all the time something's wrong and we just declared war on the devil because we're getting hit like we were Perry stone and we were nobodies so we just declared war on the devil and we said we're gonna declare war on debt and I thought you know we're getting here I told we're in tears this is just a few years ago it was actually in 2007 says something's wrong he said in tears I said to Cathy in my chair I said we're getting hit like we're one of the big boys so we might as well just a Claire a war on the devil because it can't get any worse and so we said you know what devil and you know what we did we bought everything that Derek Prince has everything that lets our summer all the devil Buster's we just saturated because we're just we're gonna hunker in we're gonna hunker down because we're gonna we're gonna get shelled for the next couple of months and we just like quote I mean I'm telling you what it's amazing it's amazing to me you start mentioning these people that you probably don't even agree with you mentioned them to the devils they start screaming no not him not her oh you won't believe this stuff if I just told you stories the Devils tell me please don't mention the blood thank you for letting me know that it's very powerful and I can mention the name of God but if I mention the name of Jesus they said ho that's very powerful name don't mention that name it's like thank you and they don't want to be sent out of the area so that's what I do I do everything they tell me not to do okay it flips then all the sudden you get a raise at work but you didn't do anything differently except what you did at home you declare war on your enemy listen you're in a war anyway someone's gonna win Mazal be you you pull down every thought that exalts itself above the knowledge of God if Jesus has come back to deliver you then your delivered anything that comes against that you bring it down well isn't it amazing to me how a flight attendant and a hairdresser are feeding the poor at night with the money that my company gives me I'm not eating I'm buying hamburgers and giving them to poor people that's after putting up with you all on an airplane for 13 hours complaining to me about your your three Ice Cube's when you asked for four and they write in letters complaining about me because I ran over their foot with a cart and by the way Southwest Airlines doesn't have carts I had one letter will you tell him to stop smiling on the 5:30 a.m. flight out of Houston its offensive I go so what do you want me to do just mistreat you like all the other airlines do know I'm serious like you want me to be mean my name is Kevin it means kind 1 I'm just being myself ok so do you understand I'm not I'm not making any of this up I'm not making any of this up so do you want to be healed or you want to stay sick do you want to be poor or do you want to be wealthy enough to give to others do you want to help others hey in here is there any children in here right now is there any kids how many kids do we have here ok can they come up are you ready for this you ready for this Kathy you are yeah it's yes or no yes yeah good I'll make kids how many kids how many ten bring them bring them in okay out of you guys how many of you have a bicycle y'all have a bicycle who doesn't have a bicycle you don't have a bicycle okay come over here who doesn't have a bicycle you don't have a bicycle over here okay y'all you four right there that are walking who doesn't have a bicycle of your own does any of you you all have bicycles okay bicycles do you have a bicycle you have a bicycle okay who doesn't have a bicycle here anybody else besides these three right okay you will have a bicycle by the end of the day listen a couple must just just a month ago when at Christmastime the Lord said there's gonna be kids that that don't get they want a bicycle and they're not gonna get one for Christmas you're gonna get him one do ya that you ready yeah okay quickly all right Jesus instructed me several different things he said from now on everyone that comes out of the womb is called to the ministry because Satan tried to destroy the deliverer in Egypt when Moses was in the womb the Antichrist spirit came into Pharaoh and he took out all the kids in order to get to Moses but it didn't work favor end up footing the bill for Moses himself and brought him up okay same with Jesus the Antichrist spirit went into Herod and caught wind that there was a deliverer in the womb and so they killed all the babies to get to the deliverer Jesus told me that now the Antichrist spirit has legalized abortion to get to all the the voice of John the Baptist's in this generation that are ushering in the coming of the Lord the spirit of Elijah is upon the children so it's not my generation it's the one coming up Satan aimed at them so now everyone in the womb is called okay so because of that the Lord the Lord said if you if you want to have rewards in heaven that are beyond the capability for you to comprehend you bet you you you soul into children because they can't pay you back and also I want to be the first to support their ministry and see Jesus said you don't touch these children because the Angels their angels always see the face of their father in heaven so I'm about to get reported and so like I say and it happens every if I told you you'd all be mad if you how much the Lord rewards me and Cathy for doing this is beyond your ability to comprehend but it takes about a week and I was angels do something very special for Cathy and I and so this morning I want to minister to that now I want to know how many kids don't have a bike don't have a bike you don't have your own bike besides these three you did say anybody here not have a bike do you have a bike over here okay anybody else not have a bike did you have a bike you have a bike they have bikes they do okay you have a bike cool alright anybody else that doesn't have a bike okay so how many we have here you guys keeping track and one boy right okay so they'll have their bikes by tonight right okay all right you you and then do you have enough to go this is a lot of kids we're gonna help we're gonna sew into their ministry now I'm showing you this because these none of these people can none of these kids can pay us back so God's gonna have to pay us back but I'm doing it to invest in this next generation it's coming up because I've been to heaven and I know how this works you cannot fail so when I when went out we were we were doing the poor on the streets I accidentally fed an angel and the angel told me about both market crashes so we became millionaires on our own as a flight attendant a hairdresser because I took all my money out and didn't participate in the market crashes not as an investor but as a flight attendant that prays in tongues see I don't have to be an investor I just have to do what Christians do you help people that can't help themselves see you you be Jesus to someone without expecting repayment but see I know how this works right you know how it works those angels are going to tell on us now you can do this this is the faith rest I didn't take Andrew Wommack on his offer he said if you don't have money what we didn't you can have my stuff for free I would go to work and work extra to buy everything he has I have everything he has if I could talk as slow as him I could be him I'm seriously I ate and slept and drank him for the last 10 years same with Perry stone except for you know the red dragon and the Antichrist you know it gets a little too much for me because then I got I want to go build a bomb shelter and it's not his fault he's just Beth's that's his job but see I'm not gonna focus on things that I can't really like I I can't I can't do that but so he does so I learn a lot from him but see I'm about equipping people just like he is but I'm going to do it in a way in a way that the Lord has called me to do but I would go to work no listen I would work extra on my days off just so I can buy Andrew Wommack stuff and brother Hagins stuff yeah I said that name and and and you know Jesse Duplantis I didn't even know him but somebody said I feel like I'm supposed to give you this set this CD said it's a guy named Jesse Duplantis I go oh yeah he's on TV I go what's the name it he goes what was the name that I don't want to say wrong honey what's that series that they gave me about hell what in hell do you want like what hey oh who is this guy so then I found out from Jessie he said well you know my book table guy the guy came back smoking a cigar here is I want that what the hell what the hell series he was old no it's not what the hell uses is what in hell do you want he goes whatever I want it see all these people have helped me but I was willing to pay for it why because I valued it okay I value these children because I saw their value in heaven and I want to be part of that so I'm I've sowed into that wow you guys are doing good I might I might just attend my own meetings look at that I remember cutting three acres with a push motor for $20 a week take me two days I bailed hay for three bucks an hour when I got to college I was armed security for three dollars and fifteen cents an hour Barney Fife armed three fifteen an hour how many kids are here now think about this you think that a minister is coming to get but a minister is supposed to be giving I'm giving out of my overflow isn't this fun so so maybe you ought to start to let the Holy Spirit reconfigure your thought process about let's wrap this up let's bring the world to a place of repentance where they can choose between Jesus and not if they don't want to they they can go to hell but Jesus came back so that no one has to go to hell he told me that he said we never give up on anyone he said we write their books it's all planned that everyone comes to heaven but there's people in Hell and they shouldn't even be there like all my gosh I've never heard this he goes he goes my father wanted a family every person has been purchased Paul said in second Corinthians chapter 5 which is what these kids are gonna do he said we have a Ministry of reconciliation where we go out and we tell people that the price has been paid for their sin and they need to come in no one needs to go to hell my pastor I went there and tithes did I say tithe i tithe from 10 til 17 or 19 when I got saved I tithe I wasn't told a tithe I just wanted to tithe it was 75 cents a week I wasn't told I was to be born again to inherit heaven until his 19 and it wasn't by him so you can imagine what I feel right now I want these kids to remember that Jesus visited them and that Jesus did something for them I cannot fail now when you get to this place and you hook up with this kind of faith you're going to hear Jesus say if you do this for me you cannot fail because that's what he told me no I don't care what you think about that because I know what I know about that is that I've been told that I was faithful well done will you go back and if you go back you cannot fail if you will go back and tell people what you saw and you heard it will shift the perception of a whole generation you will reroute they will end up where they're supposed to be because you came back I don't I don't know if you're getting this are we done here father I bless the children as you have written about them in heaven and I see the books open whatever it says about them may come to pass in Jesus name multiply the seed the anointing everything that's on me father is on them they are the Joshua generation they are the Elijah this to come before you come back preparing the way of the Lord for your second coming in the name of Jesus let it be upon them amen thank you all thank you all thank you all okay whose you got you got you got it okay now listen you can do this you heard me last night when have you heard me announce that I'm a prophet it's 40 years since I've been called but I was released to announce it it took 40 years you don't just walk in this stuff I want someone to start taking the songs off the shelves of heaven so that I can I don't have to do that anymore this is hilarious I'm not a musician I believe that I got on Billboard charts just to make God laugh I'm serious you put me in a jet I can fly upside down I can take you from A to B but I can't be a flight attendant but yet I did it for 30 years and lost my hair but now it's coming back but do you understand I was told to do something that I can't do John G Lake went back and when he went back he formed rooms and he didn't go for emotional healing what he did was he read the people the Word of God trained others to sit there every day you could check in and you could stay the longest you could stay in the Healing Room was 30 days but no one ever stayed more than 15 every single person got healed the mayor gave him the keys to the city I've been to the the rooms that John G Lake had downtown Spokane Washington I've been there this is a man who was very wealthy gave up his insurance business went to Africa because he hated what sickness was doing to people down there same thing with Alexander Dowie he hated what the plague was doing he watched people in his congregation dying and as something inside of him got to the place where he decided to do something about it I can go on and on at a zoo zoo Street they announced who has the word of the Lord for tonight and if someone stood up they went up here and they started talking and if it wasn't God they went and you said now anybody else I'm serious and you'd see William Seymour he'd have his head right deer in the box Argentinian revival people crying out for God nothing nothing happened I wanted that book so bad they it was out of print they had one for 300 bucks I thought you know it's worth it says I bought it then somebody published it for 19 bucks and no you buy it now for 19 bucks I guess I just had to buy that one I guess I don't know but here's the thing they said something's wrong someone has been spoken to to do something and they haven't done it is there anyone in this prayer group that God has told you to do something and you haven't done it and this little lady goes like this well about two weeks ago the Lord told me to go up and slap that table or the communion is so she did and revival broke out it's still going on today I've been on a mountain in Moravian Falls where two guys took stones from where that big angel Jesus is that statue is in South America whatever it is they took two stones from out there and they dropped them up there and then all of a sudden I mean we know the people that that are that owned that place they said we bring them logs down that are glowing there's angels everywhere the Moravians I've been up there the fear Lord is so strong he's like you can only take so much yeah the boy that can't bake came back from heaven you're up there and you're like anybody I've been up there you can't explain this stuff but it's happening so what is it this morning that is now gonna be afternoon in ten minutes what is it about you that you need to do that's gonna be the tipping point whatever that is you need to do it if you need to take ten minutes and listen to someone who has paved the way now I'm not telling you to go buy my stuff what I'm saying is is I use people that have paved the way they had paved the way I don't have to redo something that's already done what's he telling you he's telling you something that you need to do is a tipping point there's something he's telling you to do the Lord wakes me up all the time to pray for people I've never met but I've seen their picture and I pray for them and then they end up in my meetings and I have a word for them I tell the Lord just have him come to my meeting that just happened and I don't think that that she would mind me telling you but the most recent one is there was actually a couple but the Lord would wake me up at 1:00 a.m. and 2:00 a.m. and I'd have to stay up all night praying for this person I finally said Lord you know just sent her to my meeting I'll give her the word I said just send her to Dalton at the same time I said that she's at home never met her the Lord tells her get in the car and go to Kevin's meeting so she's sitting right in row 2 and you guys were there when she was there I knew her name not because I'm a prophet because she's Facebook and I explained that I don't want people thinking that it's something it's not so I gave her the word and then confirmed what had happened in the spirit she had placed Adam and she was saying I want to play under the anointing like Kevin and Lord said what does go just go at the same time I'm praying for her and I'm saying just send her to my meeting this has happened so many times and we were in Australia this family comes in about right now when we're about to close for the morning session on Saturday in Australia and this angel comes flying across here and stands beside this family who there's no room to sit so they're standing they've got kids and the Lord said I want you to bring them up here and I want you to confirm their ministry they want confirmation of their ministry and before me is bullet points of one of them to tell them so I say you back there there's an angel besides you you can fill him right now come up here before they even got to hear the ushers had to hold them up I said thus saith the Lord and I'd go down the bullet points of their ministry and they're crying and they're on the floor so I get the guy up and I go give him the mic I said what what what's your story he said this morning we live for hours on the other side of Australia and we were at breakfast and we're discussing what God is telling us to do in ministry and I said to my wife well let's just get on a plane and go to Kevin's 8oz meeting and believe that God will use him to confirm this they got on an airplane and they're standing back there late and I called them up and I give him the confirmation of their ministry this is the way it should be this is how we're supposed to operate to build the body so I'm telling you this because I want to let you go but the Spirit of Lord is telling me there are so many of you in here that are called to do something that is profound you all call to do something profound but there's so many in you that you're waiting because you've been told that it has to be a certain way so you're waiting for a release based on you fitting in to what the corporate culture of ministry has dictated which John the Baptist wouldn't qualify for no no listen to me I want to tell you something just to show you you have no idea what I've been through they even be up here and if you had been through what I've been through you wouldn't be up here just like if I went through what you going through I wouldn't even come today I can't even think about what some of you have gone through and yet you're still here smiling okay but you got to think think of it this way I was being groomed to go and get my doctorate from this denomination and then teach I was being groomed to be in leadership and I wanted to go to the mission field so that I can experience I want to experience the pastor I did like a apprenticeship at a church was experienced the pastor and I wanted to experience I taught listen I'm not making this up my professor said pulled me aside in my second year of college and he said I'm going to Bolivia because I got to do a conference the Lord told me that have you teach this class while I'm gone I go I'm in your class now I'll think about it I had to teach my own class to my students that are my fellows too I had to teach that class for two weeks do you know how silly that feels they're like what are you doing up there I go I don't know okay I did all of that at the end I was gonna go and get my mic to grad school and the Lord told me not to do that okay but I in order to be groomed I wanted to go the mission field for two years because I wanted to experience that because if I'm going to be in leadership for this denomination I want to be able to relate to every facet of it okay they said well you can't go unless you're married so I'm thinking like okay so I got to just go find somebody married my goal is to find the right person no matter how long it takes but my goal was to go and and help people in another country I want to go to Guatemala and they wouldn't let me go unless you're married okay so I left that denomination because I couldn't get ordained and I couldn't be sent so I went to another denomination another movement and I completed that I was asked to stay I was unpaid staff for a year and then they asked me to stay and be one of the singers and travel with the ministry forever and the Lord told me not to do that he told me to go to Southwest Airlines so I went to Southwest Airlines well you wouldn't believe how mad people were at me for doing that they said you know you're just going to make money you just want money you know you got it you can't work you got to be in the ministry I'm like oh whoa whoa wait wait a minute so I either make money in them B have a job or I'm in the ministry so they wouldn't ordain me they would not ordain me until I quit my job okay no so now I can't go to Guatemala cuz I'm not married and now I can't I can't be in the ministry because I work and I was going to the churches for free paying for everything myself that seemed fine to the churches but it wasn't all right to them you're not showing commitment to the Lord and so this is what I told them well even the Apostle Paul couldn't be ordained by you because he for the denomination he wasn't married and then for this other one he worked and he didn't want anyone to take that brag away from him this is what I've been through so I worked at a corporation for 30 years and I became wealthy I made 2.4 million as a flight attendant for Southwest Airlines over my 29 years that's not including the stock that split 13 times while I work for it okay so now listen so now like I'm done and I'm having two retirement homes no offerings okay so then I go into the ministry so I give it a we we sell both houses and just get the one we have down there now now now you wouldn't believe the confusion with mixing ministry with prospering the doctor that we bought the house off of with our own money on the golf course and it's really too big to wear what wasn't in the ministry I paid cash for it me my wife had to use our phone to call each other in the house we have no kids it was paid cash for out of our own money no ministry we didn't have a pulpit or a board the doctor owed on the house we paid cash as a flight attendant and a hairdresser he opened the first Walgreens pharmacy in Chicago and a flight tenant and a hairdresser paid cash for their house and everybody's thinking how did that couple get that house they're like the whole neighborhood's like how did they get that house because if they go like that but you know what happened before we left we had our pastor's mom in a truck in Seattle we were praying and I said every time we get on a plane by the time we get down there the house is already sold out from under us we need to hear from God and God's got to protect that house we are called to go to New Orleans I didn't know why I thought God was having a bad day I'm telling you this for a reason because if you want to step into this life it's gonna be a life of obedience we prayed in that Annette Annette SUV right outside that favorite restaurant - we always would eat at or they had that that good hamburger hamburger hamburger it's 12:00 it's 12:00 dude Hamburg we were sitting in the car we prayed and we said Lord you're sending us here you're telling us to sell all we have and go to New Orleans we need a house and the Lord said to me clear as day audibly the faith of Abraham so when we closed the prayer we had tried several times we're actually living in the Holiday Inn every month praying in the spirit in New Orleans wondering like what is God doing but look what he's done okay so they they asked me well did you get anything like oh well the Lord spoke to me and said the faith of Abraham when I said the faith of Abraham in Seattle it's very rarely sunny all the time but this was sunny day no clouds you can see Mount Ranier from where we lived was you know it would take two hours to drive there as soon as I said the faith of Abraham on a sunny day with no clouds a lightning bolt came down and struck the building beside us and knocked all the car alarms aren't in the whole parking lot of the mall and we got our house when we got there we got that house because the God wasn't hiding it from us he was hiding it for us it was the right house it's the right wife it's the right hand that ordained me Jesse Duplantis it was the correct hand when he laid his hand on my forehead in front of the world the Lord said call Jan crowds tonight you're taking him to TBN and launching him Jesse doesn't do that he sat there and endorsed me the world he's never endorsed anyone once you obey God with what he's telling you to do it starts this chain of events that causes a whole generation to remember you I'm not kidding you what are you called to do what is God's saying to you I guarantee you that most of what it is that you're going to do has to do with who you are what I found is is a very fabric of your record down here has to do with what your name means and what he has spoken over you before you were born the fabric that you were formed with was from the other realm and it has to do with the the books that were written are in your very being John F Kennedy when he announced we're going to the moon he says we're not doing it because it's easy but because it's hard but it's doable so I'm gonna pray for you and the prayer is this I'm gonna pray that God surrounds you with crazy people to where to where the next generation wants to hide your books because they can't live up to the standard you set hold that bullet up one more time that's where you're going everybody stand up now we're coming back at two I am starting at two because I get fine twelve hundred dollars of them thirty seconds left listen every one of you in here will encounter Jesus and when you do you're gonna remember this weekend I guarantee it you'll remember and you will say my god I was told I was told all this now how that judges you is based on what you do now with what you were told see the Word of God is not ineffective it is very effective you need to enter into the faith rest you have to be just as pleased with God as he is with you father I pray that you would send crazy friends that we would come into the unity of the faith being build up each one supplying to each other I think you that the fivefold ministry will rise and be powerful but I also believe that the children will know their inheritance that their eyes of their heart would be enlightened right now everyone received come on lift your hands up and show the Lord that you're receiving you receive the Spirit wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Jesus that you know the hope to which you've been called this morning you heard now you know the hope to what you've been called you know the glorious inheritance that's in the Saints and you know the power that rose Jesus from the dead that's dwelling in you this is all according to what Paul prayed to the Ephesians in chapter 1 verse 17 through 23 and I pray it over you right now may the Lord shine his face upon you and lift you up into your next place with him you are secure in Christ as long as you stay there but what I'm talking about his relationship you're going to the next phase of your ministry your life on earth I command all debt to go in Jesus name I Drive out debt I drive out fear in the name of Jesus and I Drive out trauma in the name of Jesus you foul line Devils traumatic events that you're stuck there because you can't understand what happened the Lord is healing you Healing is coming to your heart right now receive your Healey the Lord says you shall be married you shall fulfill your call you shall be married you shall have children the Lord says you shall not rent you shall own and most of all the Lord said you're gonna see further than you've ever seen before you're gonna hear clearer because it's the time now the spirits say it's a time for seeing and hearing in the spirit it's a time for interpretation it's a time for utterance coming into an understanding angels coming into an understanding of the movements of God on the earth coming into understanding about the rank of the kingdom understanding signs and wonders understanding the working of miracles the gift of faith gifts of healing coming back to the church to the body full manifestation utterance prophecy utterance tongues interpretation discerning of spirits words of wisdom and words of knowledge coming back it's time I command sickness to leave your body I come in pain to leave your joints command brain fog to leave I command your eyes to respond to the Word of God some of you just want to be able to read your Bible and the Lord is healing you he's healing you right now oh man if you feel the power God on you get up here if you feel the power God on you get up here right now she call abetted the Rocha Tony Bennett that I said that's Ke$ha Montel receive receive from the other realm receive your healing receive your deliverance right now the word the word of deliverance has gone forth the word of healing has gone forth God has sent his word and he's healed you you're delivered Lord says let those people go and I'll give you crazy friends that better believe with you man I just keep hearing no weapon no weapon formed against soup it's gone to succeed the finish the verse says if there's something that does come against you it wasn't of me we don't quote that part of it come on down you know you don't have to wait to die to find out what's true truth is there truth is established in heaven and surely in this room right now truth has come into this realm there is correction coming but you can do this you can handle this you got to upgrade you've got to go on the Spirit of the Lord is here oh man I don't know about you but I'm not leaving my own meeting yet because I I need my package from heaven I can hear it I can hear the UPS truck beep beep beep backing up I mean even it's your Lulu have you received because Jesus has spoken it listen listen to me I didn't come back for myself I came back for you Jesus cares that much about each one of you you are valuable and you are effective now promise me promise me that I can work myself out of a job here I want all of you to walk in this you can all do this I mean at least by the meal for the person behind you in the drive-through just do something yeah and where you never see them again you never get rewarded by them but you did something that God saw oh here's a good one pray for your enemies [Music] because you know what happens the Lord says you might want to step back and make room for me because I'm gonna show up with justice you might want to turn around this isn't gonna be pretty he might ask you to turn around and you're gonna hear the devil screaming but judgment is going to come judgement is going to come on your behalf you need to make room for the Lord it is mine to repay says the Lord make room in other words forgive step back and say you know what it's out of my hands now but I'm telling you I can tell you this please don't write me Jesus told me he said Kevin if you hand over the case to me and forgive he said they're gonna wish they dealt with you instead of me I know I'm talking to people right now how many have been stolen from I have a Christian mafia stolen from me oh yeah Christian mafia if I would have known about them I wouldn't even be in the ministry Christian's stealing from Christians you got to be kidding me how many of you how many you been stolen from they're eating steak you have a grilled cheese sandwich in front of you with spam in it well isn't it about time for it for the step back and let the Lord repay listen I know what I'm talking about my wife my wife and I we were paying people's payments for their mortgage every month our pastor Andy playa because we were sowing into ours being paid off in 2009 of February our house got paid off by someone that was spoken to by the Lord and paid off our house we've had two houses paid off and now I'm paying off cars but I want to get to the place where I could pay people's houses off yeah as a minister out of my own money not out of yours not out of God's it's all God's but God spoke to someone and touch their heart because I touched his I touched God's heart you touch God's heart by you moving up and showing this heaven has registered it oh man I'm telling you welcome to my world but this is your world promise me that in three years I don't have to come back here but me promise me I know you don't want me to come back I will I will come back but I'll say hi and maybe maybe one of you will speak maybe the Holy Ghost will appoint other people to actually do this can you imagine that to where like no one is a superhero anymore because Jesus said there's only one hero in heaven and he said it ain't you he said it's the Lord Himself has set himself up in honor he's the only hero in heaven oh my god in heaven there are people there that you would like oh I can't wait to talk to Elijah he wants to meet you I'm not kidding you because they built a foundation but you are putting up the decorations at the end of the age where ornamenting what God built his house is you the body they longed to see this day but they didn't see it they died in faith but they didn't see Jesus they saw him in a distance but we are counted as faithful at the end to wrap this up I'm telling you that everyone in heaven wants to meet you I'm not kidding you they want to carry your bags even though you're not but they when they meet you they're rejoicing right now I can hear the the sound because I've been there like right now like if you if you were in my world and do what you could experience everyday as a Christian I hear the I hear right now the cloud of witnesses they're singing and they're rejoicing in their they're rejoicing at this moment I hear them I hear the Angels right now they there's so many of them in this room that are singing at this highest and way off the charts right now I can hear it I hear the Saints cherien I have Hyrum right now if we're that close see it is together with them that we fulfill that the ages the mystery the age is about to be revealed you got you got one lap left are you gonna sprint you're gonna suck it up and sprint are you gonna complain to yourself on that last lap you know this is the time to show out this is the time to suck it up and say you know what I'm gonna take the mantle of Elijah I'm gonna go down and strike the water and say where is the god of Elijah and it's split Elijah saw the end of his faith because he followed closely everywhere that Elijah went the disciples they followed Jesus closely when he left they turned the world upside down the Bible says and the people said they took note that these had been with Jesus well what were the things that they saw that they would take note of it I was crying out this morning I was praying for everyone that would be in this service because I don't need to pray for myself so I was praying and this is what came out of my spirit Psalms 19 which ended up matching what I was talking about at the time about God's Word and then I yelled out in and I burst into tears my wife's in there taking her shower while she's in there the heavens opened up and I was in heaven and out of my mouth said I want to come and be with you I don't want to be away from you any longer I want to come to be with you now and now you started crying and saying lord please let me come and be with you I want to be married to him I just want to be where you are Lord and you know what I got in the car and came here but when I came here I have that part of heaven that you all need to walk in so promise me that you will take to heart what you've heard and allow your soil to be healed allow your your hindrances to go and let it go no I I could tell you you can call my brothers and sisters right now they said you're a miracle that you're alive you shouldn't be alive we don't know how you're still alive because I was beat every day by my dad and I would just tell him I loved him they were mad because I still loved my dad but he in front of my wife he said I just want you to know that I am a Christian today because of that man he pointed to me he said he lives it he loved me it became a Christian he just died a couple years ago he called me I didn't even know he was gonna die he called me of the last time I talked to him he said Kevin I just want you to know keep doing what you're doing you're changing the world he was my biggest supporter he said I knew it I knew you were of God when you pulled that tenor saxophone out of a box from Amazon and you played it and I'm he was a professional for 65 years it took him a year to get a sound out of a tenor sax he played all of them professionally I never had a lesson and I made an album within a year he set there my mom said he sat there every day listen to my album all day in tears it was a total miracle to him because he knew can you affect somebody that much to where you win him over and they go to heaven instead of hell when he gets to heaven there's not gonna be one mention of anything that he did wrong to me I'm not a victim that devil left him the devil left him the devil was doing that so you need to let it go whatever traumatic event you've been through I'm gonna let you go god bless you I love you all but you have to understand man this is totally rigged in your favor let the Lord heal you the Jesus has told me to share something very personal with you he told me he told me he said when I was on the cross he said I did it for the joy set before me it says in the Word of God he said I was I had your face before me Kevin I did it for you he said for the joy set before me I enjoyed the cross he said I put before me God's family that I was buying back so he thought of you he endured the cross because he saw the joy that was set before him man when you meet Jesus face to face you're gonna see all this this person Jesus is so much for you and the devil in this fallen world has lied and misrepresented him Jesus I told Jesus I didn't speak that much for the 45 minutes but one of the things I said you are the most misrepresented person on the earth I could not believe how good he is I could not believe how beautiful a person he is I could not believe how strong he is and yet how loving and caring he is I the command about him you you have to brace yourself when he talks he can't kid around people house did he tell you any jokes no he doesn't he can't joke because he'll get what he says I'm serious he could form a universe just joking with you that's why it says that you're not supposed to have crooked speech you're not supposed to joke around you spit you must still let your yes be yes your nobody no because we're made in the image of God that's so what Jesus said the reason why mountains aren't moving is because you're joking around you have to you have to speak from the other realm to your mountains and they're gonna be removed but you can't just take it lightly let your words be few God is in heaven amen Who am I giving this to oh dear Lord man I'm gonna get this CD this is amazing this is I'm so excited [Applause] [Music] you you
Channel: Kevin Zadai
Views: 101,834
Rating: 4.8646107 out of 5
Id: CEnTVtW1K4o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 20sec (8480 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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