learn to make (cute) FREE overlays for twitch! -- beginner tutorial

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okay so here's the one that i made last night with the same technique testing all this out and here's the one that i made with y'all today but this is what this would look like once you have it all set up and we're going to build this together using a website called photop.com which is a free photoshop duplicate [Music] hey everybody welcome back to my channel i'm hey shady lady and today we're going to be doing a hopefully super quick tutorial on how to make a pretty basic overlay for your twitch streams using a free website called photop and free resources like pixels.com and pixabay.com to get stock images to make your graphics hopefully by the end of this video we will make an overlay that looks very similar to this one if not the exact same and you will learn some new techniques and how you can make an overlay that looks similar to this so this is what the actual graphic looks like when it's not in overlay mode but the gray areas of this are transparent and we're going to build this together using a website called photop.com which is a free photoshop duplicate i've used photoshop since i was 15 so like 15 years and this is a almost perfect duplicate the only complaint i have as a photoshop user is the the keyboard controls aren't the exact same but other than that you're going to be able to make the same stuff that you would be able to in an adobe program but it's totally free and you can even export files on this as psd files if you wanted to pull it into photoshop at a different point uh we will also be using another free resource called pixabay.com which is a website that you can use to get free royalty-free stock images uh that you could use for all kinds so many different things i mean you could even make a whole instagram queue out of just these pictures and maybe some like crafty text overlays and stuff but for today we're just going to be making an overlay so i have already gone through and picked out a couple of images that i thought would be good for this so you can see some of the ones i've chosen here and you can play around with any number of these we're going to begin by creating a new project in photo p first we need this to be 1920 by 1080 up here in the upper left corner over here and make the background transparent and do create and that will give us our new document another area of this that i want to familiarize you with really quick is right above my head and it's these the layers we're going to be using layers a lot first of all i want to familiarize you with let me zoom in a little bit here so you can see what i am working with so this little lock right here usually shows up when you start a new project you just want to click off that lock lock just means that it can't be manipulated moved around cropped edited in any way so you can always add a lock on if you're pretty satisfied with the layer but we're going to keep that off because we need to work with this we're just getting started another thing that would be useful for you to know is at the bottom of that down there is a couple of different buttons so the one in particular that we're going to be interested in is this one right here because we're going to use this quite a few times and when you hover over it it'll tell you that it says new layer and you can see here when we click this new layer button it's going to generate layer one and we'll continue i'll continue to say make a new layer when i do it just means hit that button down there okay so when we get started we have our background layer fully transparent and we are trying to make an overlay that you can have your gameplay come through and your webcam come through this is a fairly basic type of overlay that i see most streamers using i've been using myself for like five years so we're just going to pick a nice background whatever suits your fancy it could be literally anything whatever you think looks nice there's definitely some advice as far as not too busy is the first thing i would say this image looks a little busy but we're gonna we're gonna mess around with this so i'm just gonna right click copy it and paste it into our file you can see it doesn't fill up the full screen which we definitely need it to so we're going to go into edit free transform and that's going to give us the ability to click and drag this around you want to hold the shift button while you click one of the corners so that it will remain in the original ratio or dimensions that this image was and we're just going to stretch that out so it fits the full thing and we'll click this confirm button up at the top toolbar to say yes this is the size we want it to be now we have our base layer background it is very busy and crisp and a lot going on so the first thing i'm going to do is blur this out a little bit and we're going to do this by coming into the top toolbar filter up in the top middle and we're going to choose blur and my favorite is gaussian blur feel free to play around with all of this stuff to your heart's content to learn how they work but gaussian blur you can see makes it very very very blurry or we can do just a slight little just a slight little blur this is also nice if you want to crop yourself out of an image and blur the background a little bit and then put your cropped selfie back on top of it it kind of gives that illusion of that special lens that photographers use to make the background blurred out we're going to blur this a pretty good amount so right there looks decent to me about five pixels and we'll click okay and then to give a little flavor and to teach y'all how to do this i'm i've picked a geometric background here that just has some texture to it you could use any textured background that you like any of these kind of textured backgrounds would be interesting to play around with a galaxy one would be great anything at all so if we just type in the word texture in this pixabay search you can see we've got a lot of interesting textures to play with right here these watercolor ones would be a lot of fun and you can see there's a lot of different textures in here that you can use what we're going to do is we're going to bring this in we're going to paste it on top i know this looks weird but we're going to go ahead and go back into the edit up here free transform so that we can stretch this out to fit as well we'll hold the shift key while we stretch the corner click the check box at the top to say yes we're done now we're going to come in and we're going to mess with this image a little bit so i'm going to go in the top toolbar image adjustments and we're going to go into exposure and i'm just going to try and mess with this contrast a little bit to try and make the lines a little more stark kind of how i want them and again feel free to just kind of experiment and play with this stuff on your own so you get it how you want it to look i'm also going to come into image adjustments and we're going to desaturate this i don't want any of the colors so we're going to come over here on the layer bar above my head we're going to drop down this normal this is giving us a bunch of options of how we can have these two layers blend on top of each other and keep in mind the layers the way they work is when they are stacked on top of each other the one on the top will have the effect going downwards so let's change this to let's just try a couple out this is with overlay not loving it soft light not loving it so i'm not loving any of these which is fine experimentation so let's grab a different one this one looks like it could be interesting so bring that in paste it transform it out to fit and let's go ahead and just merge this down and see what this looks like we're going to try screen so you can see this kind of adds the color palette to it that's actually kind of interesting i'm not uh i don't totally hate this we're gonna stick with screen i like how that looks i like this rainbow effect and we'll say this is pretty good i would recommend waiting until the end of your project to merge layers unless it's totally necessary but i'm going to go ahead and teach you how to do this we have decided that we like how this looks on top of these flower petals so i want these two layers when two become one i want these two layers to merge into one you want to make sure that you have the top layer selected and there are two ways that you can do this you can come up into the layer toolbar at the top and at the very bottom there's an option that says merge down or control e and this is going to merge the two layers together you can see that i only have one layer over here now or you can right click on the layer that you want to merge down and at the very bottom you can see the option merge down and it's going to merge those two together and we have one layer now okay so we have our main textured background now we need to go ahead and set up the shapes for the gameplay and the webcam so here's where we're going to create a new layer so either hit that button at the bottom corner or you can do layer new layer up at the top here and we're going to select the rectangle tool which is over here on the left toolbar now at the top of the bar the top toolbar up here we have a lot of different options for how we can make this rectangle look we're going to go ahead and change the color to something it doesn't matter what the color is right now because we're actually going to erase this space but we're creating the shape so i'm just going to make it a little bit nicer on my eyes for this process now starting on the left here we have options between shape path pixels we want to pick pixels shape is going to leave it having an outline around it that shows what dimension it is and we don't necessarily need that so we're going to drop it down to pixels so it's just creating a pixel path anti-alias is fine this section here that says free fixed ratio fixed size we do want this to be a fixed ratio because we want to try to match what most video game dimensions are and you can find this by just googling what ratio is a video game super simple and we know that it's 16 by nine so we're going to come back over here up into that top we're going to change the width to 16. we're going to change the nine the height to nine and now you can see that when we stretch this no matter what it stays in this same general ratio shape which is pretty much what the shape of youtube videos all of that kind of stuff is now for me personally i prefer rounded corners you can keep it super square if you want to but we're gonna go back up into that top toolbar and we're going to change the corner radius to about 20 pixels or so and when we click and drag this you can now see that my corners are slightly rounded that's just the preferred aesthetic for me feel free to experiment on your own you can even go up to like a hundred i like to play around with this sometimes and now we've got like super nice rounded corners now we're going to click and drag uh we're going to start in the top left corner and we're going to click and drag however big you want your gameplay screen to be some people will go for about a size like this because they want to fit the chat box on the right with their username and some information underneath and we want the webcam in the bottom right if you want more of a focus on gameplay then stretch it out a little bit bigger like there but keep in mind you won't have you won't really have space for a chat box if you do this so i'm gonna go like a nice little in between i'm not gonna be too worried about a chat box on this one so we're gonna go with about this size here and if you feel like it's not positioned correctly you can always come up to this on the left hand toolbar this little click and drag pointer the arrow pointer up here and you can just move this element around sometimes it will automatically snap to the edges so if you find that you're trying to get like really in depth with the pixels if you hold the control button down while you're clicking and dragging it will not snap or add automatically lock to the edges so we're gonna settle this right about here that's gonna be it for setting up the space for our gameplay next we need to set up space for our webcam so we're gonna create another new layer and we're gonna do the same thing we're gonna come back to the rectangle tool on the left-hand side let's change the color of this so we can see the difference in the two elements that we're working with but again keep in mind the color doesn't really matter and we're going to decide what size we want our webcam to be i would recommend making the corners not too rounded for your webcam if you decide to go with rounded corners just because it's a little hard to crop your webcam properly all the time so let's go ahead and set this up how we kind of feel we want our webcam to be and i feel like this size looks pretty decent so we're going to go with about this right here this is what i call blocking the design out so we know that we've got our gameplay in the black square we've got our webcam going in the blue square so from here we're going to toggle the visibility of our webcam layer because we don't actually need to be working with it just yet and you toggle the visibility by clicking the little eyeball next to the layer and you can see that that turns that layer off and on so we're going to keep that off because we're just working with the gameplay area right now and what we're going to do next is we want to select all of the pixels that this takes up we're not going to click on the name of the layer over here or the eyeball we're going to hold down the control button while we click in this actual thumbnail of what the layer looks like and when we do that if you watch around the edges of the element you're going to see that we have now selected only that space now we're going to toggle the visibility off of this element and you can see we still have those same pixel selected we're going to click onto our background layer and then we're going to hit delete on our keyboard hold ctrl and hit d to deselect those pixels and now you can see that we have a nice clean space for our gameplay to come through now i'd like to add a border to this so we're going to double click the background layer over here and it's going to pop up a layer style menu there's a lot of things in here that you can play around with but for now i'm just going to use the stroke here and you can see that has already added a red outline in here we're going to up those pixels to about five now i'm going to do this with a really big number to show you what's happening here i'm gonna put this on 25 pixels and you're going to see that the stroke is building in word it's building in on top of where the gameplay is going to go if we want this to not take up any more space of the gameplay screen we can drop down this position box here and we can change it to inside instead it's going to change the direction the stroke is facing we can also center it in between both ways so play around with that figure out what you like we are going to drop this down to about 5 pixels because i don't want a super large outline i'm going to do the inside one so that it's not taking up any of our gameplay space and we're going to change the color that this is filling with okay so we're just going to to move around and pick a color that we think kind of complements the whole look you could just go like a solid black or a solid white if you want i'm going to kind of play in these purpley reds to match the way that the flowers are already looking so i'm going to click ok here i might up this to about 10 pixels and i'm going to try to change the blend mode of this stroke to see if we can get something more interesting looking we also can have a little more fun with this so let's up this to 25 pixels so you all can see what's happening here again and we're going to change the fill type down here at the bottom to a gradient instead of just a color and you can see now that it gradients from black to white up at the top but we can change that by actually clicking the gradient clicking in this little box on the left side changing the color over here so let's try like a this type of purple and we'll have this fade to light so again i'm clicking on the square and then i'm coming down here to choose the color and we're going to go with kind of uh like a lighter blue maybe like that we'll click okay so we have like a purple to blue gradient click okay on this you can see what that's doing in the background again i just upped the pixel so y'all could see what was happening i'm going to drop that back down to 5 pixels so it's just kind of like a subtle little effect you could add to the outline if you wanted to and you can also change the scale um and the axis that the gradient is actually on right now it's just on a straight line but you could change the axis so that it's at a slant if you preferred which would just make it look a little more interesting i didn't love how that previous gradient looks so i just changed it to a light purple fading to a white instead which is just a little more subtle and just to give you a guys an idea of what this is going to look like with gameplay under it i'm just going to bring a screen cap of stardew valley into this so this is how a game is going to look underneath this overlay now that we have the gameplay section set up we can go ahead and delete this layer that we made that has the actual shape because we don't need it anymore now we're going to move back into that blue layer that has our webcam so we're going to bring on the visibility of the webcam element so we're going to do the same thing we're going to hold ctrl while we click on the thumbnail image of that layer so that it selects the pixels we're going to click down into the background layer and we're going to hit delete on our keyboard if we want to make sure that it works we can toggle the visibility off of that element hold ctrl hit d to deselect the pixels and now you can see that it's created an outline into this area but we don't have an actual outline that finishes the shape off so that's not good so we're going to hit ctrl z a couple of times to undelete that section we're going to turn the visibility off and now we're going to need to do something called rasterizing the layer this is basically finalizing the layer and saying that we can flatten everything into one we don't need the effects to be separate so we're going to right click on the layer right click on the layer in question and we're going to select rasterize layer style it's not going to look like anything changed on the actual layer itself but you can see i'm going to control z back you see how there's this little section that says effect when we rasterize the layer that effect goes away so the stroke is no longer applying to it because it's just integrated it's part of the image so now when we select the pixels of that webcam shape and we delete it from the background you can see that that stroke did not get added around this so we're going to add the stroke separately i'm sure there's a better way to do it than this but this is really the only way that i know how so we're going to come into the shape that we made for the webcam double click that so we can bring up the layer style and click check on the stroke option we can keep it as a gradient if you want to i kind of like how that looks personally so i'm just going to go ahead and click ok so we have the stroke added before we rasterize this layer we're going to right click on it and duplicate the layer okay we have two different layers here both with the stroke on them we're going to want to delete the stroke effect from our original layer so double click on it to bring up layer style and just uncheck the stroke box click ok and now we're going to right click rasterize that layer just to flatten it let's turn off the visibility of the copied layer that still has the stroke effect it's cutting into the shape and we need the shape to be cut out so if we try to cut out right now it's going to delete that stroke too so let's just double click in the copy and come into the stroke and we're going to swap that position whether we're going to swap that position from the inside to the outside so it's cupped around the outside of the shape and now when we turn off the visibility you can see that that stroke is sitting snugly around the shape that we originally created so what we can do here we're going to right click on the copy and we're going to go ahead and rasterize that layer style so that it's flattened and then we're going to control select the thumbnail of the original layer that does not have the stroke we're going to come up into layer two that still has the stroke and we're going to delete that space then we're gonna turn off the visibility of layer two we're gonna hold ctrl hit d for deselect and now you can see that we have the outline remaining but the shape itself is gone there might be a better way to do that but that's just how i've learned how to do it so we can go ahead and delete layer two that's the shape of our webcam and now you can see that we have our general shape that has gameplay and we could fit a webcam spot down in there but i'm just going to show you how that outline is showing up right now now we're going to add a little bit of frill or fluff to this a little decoration if you wanted to you can go again to pexels.com or pixabay.com find you a shape i just searched for crystals i'm going to copy this image and bring it over and hit ctrl v to paste this is way too big right now so we're going to go into edit free transform we're going to hold the shift button down to resize this and keep it in its proper dimensions and we're going to make this fairly small because we just want this to be a little decoration that goes in the bottom corner over here maybe like right about there looks pretty good so we're going to go ahead and click the check box in the top toolbar to say we're done and then we're going to zoom in on this i'm using the hand tool here to move the canvas over we want to make these crystals transparent so i'm going to use the pen tool which is right here on the left toolbar and you just select that we're going to drop down fill at the top up here we want this to be transparent so we can see what we're doing if you don't change that fill type color and you start putting spots in it's going to fill it up with a color like this so you're not really going to be able to see the shape that you're cutting out so make sure if you run into that problem to just change that to transparent up there so we're gonna start outlining this we don't have to be super perfect but you can take this at whatever rate you want to and we're just going to you can see what i'm doing here you just click at the different points and we're cutting it's basically like think of it like scissors like you're cutting a straight line wherever you add that dot to so we're just cutting out the shape and we get to the end you want to click on the original starting point so you can close the shape out and now that we have the full shape you can see over here in our layers that it has created this shape one and it's the outline so we're going to right click in the shape that we made and do make selection click ok on this window that pops up and now it has selected the pixels of the shape we just traced so next instead of being selected on the shape one layer over here we want to select the layer that's actually the image that we just cut out there's two options here you can either hit ctrl c to copy the pixels and ctrl v to paste as a new layer where you're going to have to delete the original layer so that you do have the transparent image or you can hold shift ctrl and hit i and this will invert your selection and then hit delete and it's going to delete everything except the pixels that we selected and then hit ctrl d to deselect i actually decided i don't like this little crystal so let me erase that really quick the eraser tool is over here on the left toolbar so now we have our nice little crystals we're going to just kind of position this nicely if we want to change the rotation of it we can use edit transform rotate and this is going to let us just kind of twist that around a little bit until it looks like the right angle i'm going to hit the check mark say yes i'm done so now we have some little crystals on the bottom that give this a little bit of personality so totally optional to do something like that now we want to create a section for our most recent follower most recent subscriber so we're going to again select this rectangle tool that we used at the start you can either keep it square if you want to we definitely want to go ahead and create a new layer for this and we want to make sure we're going to turn off the fixed ratio and we're just going to do free so that it's free to be any size or shape that it wants to be you can keep it square if you want to and just kind of click and drag about the right shape i'm going to make mine super round though and we're going to click and drag this about like that i want to fit two down here so about that i'm going to right click on the layer that i made and click duplicate to make two use the sel the move tool up here i'm going to hold the shift button at the same time that i click and drag this and that way it stays in the same line that i start moving in so it's going to stay exactly parallel with this and i'm going to just drag this around until it looks about right so these are not the right color your you could have changed the color before you drew the shape or i can come into these layers and select both click one layer and then hold the control button and click another one to select multiple or deselect i'm going to go ahead and merge these into one layer because i want this effect to apply across both of them i'm going to double click to bring up layer style we're going to add a gradient overlay to this we're going to mess around with these colors again i'm going to try something like this so we're going to go ahead and right click and rasterize this layer to finalize that gradient effect and then we're going to change the blend of this layer onto the layer underneath it we'll try soft light that's so it makes it way too transparent to try darken you want to make sure that whatever you select text is able to show up on that's the most important we want it to match the look of our overlay but we also want it to be opaque enough that text will stand out on top so i actually think i like the look of screen the best which is fairly subtle so feel free to play around if you want i'm going to add a stroke double click on this or i'm actually not going to do a gradient this time we're going to turn off gradient we're going to switch that back to color and i'm going to change this blend mode so that it's not too crazy overlay looks alright i'm going to add a drop shadow to this as well so they stand out a little bit more i'm going to change the angle of that drop shadow i'm going to mess with the distance the spread and the size of it until i'm satisfied with the look so those pop out pretty decently you can tell that they're there now i'm going to click ok we can go ahead and delete this shape that we made we don't need it anymore and i might actually want to add a stroke to my crystals as well or my little flare i'm going to make sure it's on normal i'm going to add just a white stroke to this set this down to about 3 pixels maybe add a drop shadow drop shadows all right i'll keep it okay so now we want to add our username over here in this section so we're going to click the text tool we're going to open up make it really wide so it'll fit okay and we're going to have our streamer be called coolgamertime because why not up in this top toolbar we're going to change the size i'm going to make it about maybe about 100 pixels for now and then we're going to drop down the font style and select a font that we like okay i'm liking the look of caveat so we're going to change the size here because we can go a little bit bigger with this particular font up to about 130 and this looks pretty decent to me so now i want this to fit over here i'm going to rotate this so i'm just going to move my mouse around that outside until i see little rotates i'm going to spin this around until it looks pretty much straight we're going to click the check box for yes we're satisfied we're going to get the move tool and we're going to drag this around so you can see here our font is too big so we're going to come back into the text tool click into this select all of the fonts and drop the font drop the size down just a little bit so i'm taking it down to about 116. click check mark yes we're satisfied and then we drag this around until we like the positioning i actually think i want to make this a little bit smaller because i want to show y'all something kind of fun i found so we're going to add a new text layer here because there's a really fun webdings so it's called fridoka dingbats and it's all of these cute little animals so we're just gonna use the letter e for this little kitty cat i'm gonna bring the size up a tiny bit we're gonna rotate this so it's also going to be lined up over here and we're gonna move this over here now we have a really cute little kitty cat that goes along with our logo we're going to change the blend option you can either change the font style or the blend you can see that kitty cat kind of blends in a bunch now i might move it around a little bit move our title around i'm going to also put that on overlay it's impossible to see there so i might just keep this on normal come in add a stroke to it maybe a gradient overlay the gradient overlay looks pretty nice and maybe a little drop shadow since we've been so fun of drop shadows so far and we'll click ok so we have our username on this we have our webcam cut out our gameplay cutout you can add any more elements to this if you want to or play around with some of these techniques but if you want to save this you come up into the file we want to export as a dot png if you save it as a jpg it's not going to keep the transparency so save this is a dot png and whenever you click save it's going to download wherever your downloads folder is on your computer and let me go ahead and add this so y'all can see what it looks like as an overlay okay so here's the one that i made last night with the same technique testing all of this up this out and here's the one that i made with y'all today so it's mostly it's mostly the same i just was in a pink mood today i guess but this is what this would look like once you have it all set up the gameplay would obviously go up here webcam would settle down here and if you need to crop your webcam to fit in these dimensions um i can do an obs tutorial on setting this stuff up if you want but you're going to want to hold alt let me show you over here i know it's crazy but whenever you've got this if you hold the alt button while you're clicking and dragging it will crop this so you can make sure that it fits in the dimensions of the webcam frame that you set up and then we're all set now i'm staying i'm staying where i'm supposed to okay and that's going to wrap it up for this overlay tutorial let me know if you have any questions below or if you want me to go into more detail about any of the techniques or if there's a specific type of overlay you'd like to see me create a tutorial on and if you'd also like to see one that's just purely in photoshop i'd be happy to i decided to go with photop today a free resource because i wanted to be more accessible to people that might not be able to afford something like adobe photoshop so yeah if you like this video leave a like drop a subscribe and i will talk to you guys in the next video [Music] bye [Music] you
Channel: HeyShadyLady
Views: 25,138
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch tutorial, how to start streaming on twitch, twitch tips, twitch, streaming overlays, twitch overlay, twitch overlay tutorial, how to make twitch overlay, how to make free overlays, best free twitch overlays, twitch overlay free, free twitch overlay template, cute twitch overlay, cute overlays, live streaming tips, twitch overlay template, how to make twitch overlays, how to make streaming overlay, free streaming graphics, free twitch graphics, free twitch overlay
Id: 2E0jErXngWI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 30sec (1650 seconds)
Published: Thu May 27 2021
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