Absolute Beginners Guide to Twitch Overlays

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all right so hello guys welcome to the live stream well welcome to this video tutorial I will be uploading this on at YouTube once I completely edit it we're gonna be making a basic overlay today something similar to this I have a video on my channel that's sort of similar to this video you're seeing right now however that one is getting a lot of attention and at the time I was very inexperienced at creating overlays and I wasn't really too good at explaining on how to do it cuz I received a lot of comments from you guys you guys right there that uh you don't understand how to do it so gonna do my very best to try to explain everything will go into as much details as possible so this is what we're gonna create I don't know if you guys can see this it's gonna be everything you see right here this is just a basic tutorial in the future we'll do some more intermediate tutorials and advanced tutorials like let's see thumbnails no no no thumbnails I'm it overlays which móviles that look how many overlays we made oh my God look at all these overlays you've got no place for everybody webcams we can make like webcams like this I don't know if you guys are interested in webcams like this we made this for segi but it's just an experimental one we got it we got a lot of Torres interview sure right but just for today we do this so first things first open up your Photoshop start a new canvas now you want your wife to be 1920 by 1080 for 1080p your resolution could be 300 you guys following along you guys follow along come on into Photoshop sout now I'm kidding so I start with a width of 1920 height 1080 and resolution of 300 go ahead and create so here you have a blank canvas your Photoshop crash date I'll see you later dudes tutorials over all right I'm gonna create another layer down here and delete our layer 0 now let me see if it agrees I could show you how it works so before when you first at the canvas you have a lock section right here just unlock it by clicking the lock create a new layer right here and just go down here to layer 0 and delete this layer by hitting the Delete key on your keyboard I have my webcam right here too so you guys can see whatever I press hopefully what do we want to do basically we want to get a picture we want to use some pictures right let me let me find a quick picture you won't see this on the stream there we go all right well how's that for now okay first things first Oh professional tutorial already going bad you want to go to your bucket tool right here you could press in G on your keyboard as well go ahead open a new layer and then just click anywhere on your canvas right doesn't matter what color it is black red green whatever you have you just need something in the back you just basically just need a backdrop so you go to blending options you could do you could leave it red if you want doesn't really matter you could go to color overlay choose whatever specific color you want we're gonna go for like a nice pinkish color but just a pink background is kind of bland so what we generally do is make a gradient and in your blending options you have a gradient section called gradient overlay right here and what we're gonna do is change the gradients so we're just gonna use two colors if I could get two colors please so what a first color is gonna be like a light pinkish color like right there and then the second color is gonna be like a darker darker pink you know or should we go if like like that you know white come on bro yo who said black yeah we said black alright I like to go off an angle so if you guys see right here right for my gradient is going from light to dark but in like a 90 degree angle what I like to do is make it diagonal so in the angle right here I put it to 125 degrees so it's coming from like a diagonal so like if you look at my webcam is going like this way so the pings gonna go darker from left to right and then the scale I like to leave it out a hundred percent so that basically it covers the whole entire picture now we got a background what do you want to do next is make the border for a game so to make this border right here usually people play this game at 1920 by 1080 1600 by 900 1280 by 720 it's all the same so on your left side we have this tool it's called a shape tool and you can squish to any shape you want however we are using a rectangle tool go ahead and click your rectangle tool click anywhere on the canvas and then you'll have this thing that pops up saying create rectangle for your width let's just do 1280 by 720 you could always readjust it click OK so I get a lot of comments from des hey ace and when I use a rectangle tool I'll like just get as a big blob and the reason for that is if you look at your live shaped properties on the right side right here you have to change two formats basically the background and a border so first things first you see that we have this big red blob change anything you want basically I would like to make it transparent so right here it's like a white box so if I redline diagonal click that it'll make it transparent okay on the right side you have another transparent but you want that to be a color I'll just put it black all right so now we have this press Enter we have its black rectangle box it's the only one pixel though so no one's gonna use this for the game they're not gonna be like oh yeah I'll use this for my game cuz it's a perfect size perfect box not that's not gonna work out let's make it 10 pixels okay if you change the pixels right here to 10 you can see that the border is a lot bigger you can see it's more thick because I know how much you guys love thick stuff this is not how big the game overlay is gonna be you can make it bigger while keeping the aspect ratio of 16 by 9 go to your rectangle tool hole ctrl T to free transform at the shape while holding shift you can hold on my mouse it's like pretty bad too you can change the shape of it like though the width and the height but keeping the aspect ratio so you can make it this big make it that small like no matter how I move it I'll keep the aspect ratio okay if you don't hold shift it changes everything the aspect ratio the width the height and you lose basically your game overlay so you can't really see what's going on so if I make it like this oh maybe I'll just do like this right and you go and put it on your OBS and then you put your game on it's not gonna fit so let's go ahead and control Z hold shift and then drag the corner of the box to how big you think you want your game to be normally I'll put it like this big if anything we can always go back and fix it okay so we got the game box next thing we want to do I don't know if you guys like having a chat box but we'll make a chat box you can go ahead and go create another rectangle tool but instead of doing that over and over I'll show you guys a shortcut just go to your rectangle that you have right now the one that we just made go to that layer and hold ctrl J to create another copy of it so now you have another copy of this and if I hold ctrl T you'll see that I have a second one this is gonna be the chat I'm gonna drag this over here you can also use your arrow keys to move things along and I like to make everything symmetrical so I'll just drag this like right here and I'll put it like down here okay and what I did right there is hold ctrl and a plus on your on your keyboard this is basically like a magnifying glass if you plus - if you press plus plus to go in - to zoom out so I'm gonna hold ctrl + to zoom in while holding spacebar I switched to my hand tool and wherever I drag well let me drag anywhere across the canvas I hope you guys are understanding what I'm saying so I want to make this even all around so I'm gonna zoom in and out a lot of times hold ctrl J I mean ctrl T and then changing the shape of this just to make sure everything is even you know like I want the top the right the left everything to have like the same amount of spacing doesn't have to be exact but as long as it looked nice it's all that really matters you know what I mean depending on what Photoshop version you use there's a little guideline so no matter where you move it you have like this little you probably won't see it right here but no matter where you move it it will give you like a little guideline ruler so that you don't like basically say for example oh I accidentally move it on top a little too much or oops I put it a little too low the guideline will help you keep everything intact okay so now we have a game box a chat box mostly you guys don't really use webcams but I'll just make it because why not we're gonna go back to our original let's name everything okay to name stuff basically go to your layer box and rectangle one I'm gonna double click it to rename it you can also right click to rename but double clicking is a lot easier I'm gonna change that to game box on top right here I'm gonna change that to chat box all right and for game box what I'm gonna do is do ctrl J to make a copy of this and this is gonna be our webcam box so what I'm gonna do is the same concept as the chat box bought for the webcam box I'm gonna drag this down here hold shift because our webcam is always gonna be 1280 by 720 or I don't know you guys like square webcam say it's all up to you but 16 by 9 is the best aspect ratio if you want 1080p soft so just to make sure I want this and just to line up so I'll drag it to the right until I see that little guideline you can see right there and then not I know it's all the way to the right I just hold ctrl T to free transform it use my arrow keys to move it around and right there okay so that's gonna be our webcam now you can see that this is overlapping this basically we want the webcam to overlap the game box well before we do that we're gonna do something else first we're gonna take this photo right here wherever she is we already have her and just drag it and here hello it's her now I'll put the I'll upload it to like mediafire or something so you guys can download this picture too once you download it all you guys got to do is just drag the image into the Photoshop from either your documents your pictures wherever you saved it ctrl T on the image and then hold shift on the corners you could change the size of it while keeping the aspect ratio I'm gonna put her like right here now you can see that it's a little overlapped like she's overlapping the chat box I'm gonna change this song all right well play the song and basically once you understand layers all you just got to do is just drag under it so I'm just gonna put it under the chat box sort out her legs her knees are below the chat box how do you rotate image and mspaint yo we're not using Emma's paint over here bro all right so there we go now we have the girl what I like to do is make it so that just like no pixels showing like earlier let me show you control Z let me open up my history so right here you see how it's like a little a little spacing I don't really like that so what I'll do is ctrl T and just move her around and move her a little bit lower and then now you see like her legs it's not showing so I'm just gonna ctrl t hold shift dragged corners a little bit bigger like that and now you see now her legs are covered her knees are covered and that's pretty much covered a little bit of this I could just go ahead what I'm using is my whoops selection tool just hold em go over right here right click and make sure it's rectangle marquee and then I'm just gonna delete this basically anything that you select you can delete so like that since we had like a little bit of Ernie sticker now I'm just gonna delete that using the selection tool zoom in on her legs is that what you guys want it says all you guys came for just alright so now we got that right okay know what we can do next is hmm since this is gonna be like an ulcer tutorial I'll show you guys how how also stuff works so I'm gonna go and take a no soo image you know you can find a logo on Google anywhere I haven't saved up right here I'm just gonna drag the logo in here same concept press Enter now hold shift drag the corners and make it smaller right I'm just gonna put it like right here right here in the middle okay and then we're gonna put like our name tag you know everything like that okay so we have basically the outline of everything we have the image we have the game box the webcam the chat and the logo so you can see that the webcam and a game box collide with each other and basically we want the webcam to overlap the game box for game box just rasterize it that's the easiest way to do it rasterize layer' it's not gonna be a shape anymore it's just gonna be an image so now I could just like do anything I want I could delete a race that's the fun of rasterizing so we rasterizing once we rasterize that we could just literally delete this like that Wow easy so now you have the webcam over the game box next what we want to do is make the webcam as well as the game box transparent and to do that so for your webcam hold ctrl and just hit click your webcam alright now I'll automatically make a selection of your webcam you can go to your layer for your background image just delete it like that easy so now the webcam is transparent so press em get your selection tool for your rectangle and just make a rectangle of where you want to delete so basically if i zoom in you can see like it's selecting everything inside the box and then I'm just gonna delete that like that see now that's transparent this is transparent we could change the colors of the border so for example I'm gonna change the game box so this layer right here what we're gonna do is click that layer right click go to blending options and then so you could change it using gradient if you guys want to be experimental you could make it so like it goes from a lighter color to a darker color since this is a basic tutorial we're just gonna do a color overlay okay this color there's gonna be like a dark reddish color let's say or pink thanks nice you know thinks we're cool of like double layers of pink but who uses pink pink overlays anyways you know let's say something that doesn't stand out too much you know so like that color why not have some fun color overlay in blending options what I like to do as well is add a stroke click this right here to add a stroke basically what it does is just gives the border like a little outline we want to make that one pixel so right here for your size like say for example if I make a 5 pixel you can see you like duh the border gets a lot thicker if I make it 1 pixel mix it I don't know it's up to you guys you can make a stick as you want you know have some fun experiment that's the fun part about making your own stuff so I generally go with one pixel one pixel please and then down here since that border is black we could change this to any color we want so I'm gonna make it white okay white or black we're going white so now we have a white border right there and you're like oh okay that's a white border but it's kind of bland you know even though this is a basic tutorial I will show you how to make it even more nice by making it stand out so going back to your blending options we already have stroke and we have a color overlay we're gonna do a drop shadow to give it like a 3d type of effect to it and I just realized that my chat for also give me one second okay so drop shadow okay we have like this little shadow behind the border it's gonna give it like a little 3d effect we're gonna go to the option saying oops same concept we're going to make the angle of the shadow diagonal if I make it 90 degrees basically the shadow is gonna come down if I put it 125 degrees it'll come to agonal II so I'll go from top left to bottom right so as you can see right there we don't want the opacity to be 75 if I make it 100 basically it's just gonna put another black shadow I I would say and what we're gonna do to fix that is make the opacity 50% so it's not too black and as you can see it's just a shadow you know not too dark you get a lot of nice 3d effect going on for your border and the distance I usually keep it at 10 spread five and size zero click ok alright if you have some stuff sticking out like that that's totally fine cuz we could just delete it there we go like there we go we're gonna do the same thing with the other boxes but instead of doing it one by one now I show you guys a simple shortcut right click the one that you made sell for example for this game box since we already put the layer styles for stroke color overlay as well as drop shadow we're gonna just right click it copy layer styles and then for the other rectangles all we got to do is just paste layer style look how easy that is see save all the work of having to go one by one when we could just make it do it for us easy right so now we have the game box the webcam and the chat box since when are shadows not black so scheduler we can make the shadows white if you guys are having a big deal with that let's go ahead and make the shadow white real quick and see what happens this is why we don't make the shadows white okay cuz it looks like this do you guys want your shadows to look like that no black looks a lot better okay black is the way to go black is a new white there we go okay so if you look at everything else we have another drop shadow for the chat box see this drop shadow makes everything stand out more if I didn't have a drop shadow you know where we look like this is what it would look like it would just look like a flat box on an image okay it adds another layer of def and to to overlay it's art you know what I mean okay all right except for my coffee break time guys all right what we're gonna do next is take this female right here hello and we're gonna add some layer styles to her hello there just right click err blending options have some fun guys you could put a stroke we don't want females that have strokes cuz they're out waifu's so just go ahead and add a drop shadow okay now depending on the image is not gonna work out like how rectangles work out so you just gonna have to play around with it I still use the angle of 125 the distance instead of being ten you see how the shadow is too far from her now we try to make the shadow a little bit more closer to her just to make it more realistic okay so you got to play around the distance if three looks good to you five six seven eight nine ten now you're starting to over exaggerate the shadow so let's just go back down to five five seems like a perfect number spread you can make the spread as big as you want hello spread oh it's got a little size the reason why I put the size at zero is to make the shadow as thick as possible if you increase the size of the shadow it will just blur it out so if I put 10 for shadow it still has a shadow effect but it just looks like it's too it's like a blur to shadow you know what I mean it doesn't look nice you could fix it by changing the spread but still it doesn't work you need to make your size zero and then just and just change the spread automatically okay so distance 5 size 0 that's mostly you don't spread it doesn't really matter so any distance and size mostly size size matter okay all right click OK we got that let's look at her again because once we change the layer styles you see things are a little too messed up you see that this is covering some of the borders on the game so all we just got to do ctrl T again to free transform and just move her to the left or to the right just so that's not covering the border okay okay we got that Wow looking good so far what we're gonna do next is add a backdrop so we have two depths of field here with the game box the layers two rectangles being on top of more layers with the shadow effect to make it more how would I say it it just makes things stand out a lot more okay you can see everything individually if we don't have it it would just look like it's on one flat paper it's going from two-dimensional to three-dimensional you guys refer to any girls or 3d girls mostly you're gonna say 2d girls because you guys are weird alright if I put this as a chat that's totally fine you can use this as a chat but when you put like messages on here it's gonna be a little bit too hard to read okay so what I'm going to do is make it a little dimmer to do this I'm just gonna create a new layer right here see it is button right here new layer what we did in the beginning I'm gonna name this layer screen okay chat box just hold ctrl click the the chat box thumbnail to highlight it go back to your screen and what we want to do is go press G to go to our paint bucket tool I'm gonna change the color to you guys guessed it black click enter oh no a so what happened the whole chat box is black don't worry don't worry what we're gonna do is first drag the screen all the way to the bottom so it's like that so now we have the this thing where you call this the chat box okay so you can talk on snapchat dude I'm talking to you guys right now all right so having the screen at the bottom of the layers you can see that we can see the chat box now and this is too black having things to having black stuff is nice by having it too black makes things a little bit too difficult for us all right jokes aside what we're gonna do to make the chat more easier to read it's just changing the opacity so just play around I usually go with 50% 75% if you really want to read the messages but 50% works you know actually 75% is nice yo the darker the better the blacker do better oh we're getting there and it already knows bro and there's already tender it's steps away of you guys already okay so as ender said we're gonna add a pattern overlay it's what I created it's my way of making overlays and I see a lot of people doing it now which is pretty cool so my overlay sartorial is changing the world one overlay at a time now to do a pattern you can see our backdrop you know the little pink thing oh it's nice you know it's a nice gradient effect but it's just too bland you know things are basic but it's too basic let's make it a lot nicer we're gonna copy our backdrop this thing right here ctrl J to make another copy hello hello we have two copies now doing this we're gonna go to our lay bleeding options with the second copy we're gonna take these off okay take all the the blending options off let's make that 100% and we're gonna go to pattern overlay click on pattern overlay change the pattern to dyed diagonal and then change the scale to 75 okay you probably can't see anything yet that's totally fine oh I passed it he has to be a hundred percent though all right there you go now you can see it it's like Oh ace what's this that looks weird don't worry tomorrow it will fix it doesn't matter if this is normal doesn't matter if it's green I usually keep it a screen the reason why I keep it a screen is because what happened to the game box shadow game box oh I think I removed the shadow oh thanks thanks name there you go age back thanks the sky what a helpful guy oh ho that rhyme oh let's go okay all right blending options I got to do it all over again oh no all right take off these blending options and go to pattern overlay do what we just did diagonal 100% opacity scale we're gonna put it 75 the reason why I put it 75 scaling just shows how many of the patterns you want the more the higher to scale percentage the bigger the pattern Wow if you guys really like your patterns to be like that go right ahead I'm not I'm not gonna judge you you guys could do whatever you want but for me I usually put it 75 percent see like that yeah let's do it all right then click okay there we go now what we do is go to this right here where it says normal and switch that to overlay okay so if I take that off it's gonna have like a little it's like a screen effect to it right but overlay and then we're gonna change the opacity then click enter first change the opacity to 20% so basically you won't really see much of a difference unless you're looking at it yourself you basically get the backdrop but now you have like this pattern that's a little transparent but it's still noticeable it's the little things that makes things a lot better okay that's it so now we got that you won't see it in the stream I can guarantee you guys almost a zoom in all the way but if you're doing this yourself and you're making your own overlays you can see how much of a difference it makes now we have the game box the webcam the chat box and a logo I usually keep the logo of the same I don't want it to stand out too much because it's just you know a logo I'll be in the background I don't really like this color too much because I want it to be kind of like this so I like this type of color I can see now that it's like a dark bluish to a light beige color and it was never pink to begin with so you know what I'm gonna do I'm just gonna steal it let me see right here hello hello kind of steal your gradient overlay colors please ready this is really a C you're such a cheater but you know what I don't care all right this color is B for AAC for so I'm gonna take that first thank you thank you the lighting options and I'm gonna change the gradient starting with this one it's gonna be what we stole early sure now I'm gonna go over here and you could just use your eyedropper tools all the same eyedropper so right here and double click this to get the HTML and now we're gonna go back to our blending options and we're just gonna add that to the right side hello hello there we go hey we did not just steal the gradient codes from this one to this one because I forgot but there we go I like that color makes us stand out a lot more and a lot better almost here guys almost done not bad ace what's the music look oh hold on hold on I'll fix it now playing properties Knight bought current song the song is called hey I'll copy a link I came and copy that here's the song guys enjoy you guys want to hear it again let's start from the beginning this is a good song I'll raise it up for you guys - there you go yo quack you might get a modded cracker might get muddied up telling that right now all right so you know got the logo we want people to know what our OC username is what we're gonna do is press T on our keyboard this is gonna take out the text so once you have this it's gonna highlight text and just click anywhere right there you're gonna have like a little flashing line whatever you type you can see it right there all right so whatever your username your game tag just type it in all right so example project page why not play around you could change the font you could use this font you could use any font this fonts called hold on let me make this a little brighter blending options color overlay hello and then just make that white you can leave it that font this one's called distant stroke sometimes I go for champagne and limousines that's not champagne that this is champagne and limousines you can go with morning star you could go with early bird you could go with next up there's so many nice fonts just Google specific fonts that you want to use fun to play around with well let's go with my usual champagne and limousines you know we're keeping it basic keeping things clean and sleek so now we have the text right oh wow ace it's pretty bland I know that's why we have blending options throw a drop shadow on there you know change the distance let's make it 5 will we'll make that 50% opacity add a stroke if you want to who knows you play around put one change that color will make it pink you know wow ace how'd you do that I'll show you guys one more time all right let's clear the layer style right you make the text it's bland Oh No right-click blending options color overlay we want that to be a white drop shadow we want that to be an angle of 125 opacity is 50% distance is 5 go to your strokes make sure your stroke size is 1 pixel and then for the stroke the stroke is basically just in border but whatever color you want I like to make it match the game border there we go now you get that look wow that's basically it it's why are you talking alone you've got to livestream it's ok I'm talking to myself and that is how you create a basic overlay for your lap streams you could add more rectangles say if you want to now playing section just make a rectangle have fun you know I show you guys how to make rectangles for everything yeah what's up Casper and that is how you create a basic tutorial for YouTube without having to record it by yourself because I was playing on recording it without streaming it and I was having so much trouble I kept slurring my words because I when you're like and not talking to anybody it's more harder to record things unless you're reading up a script you know what I mean but if I'm streaming it gives me the idea where I'm actually talking to someone even though I'm not really answering you guys so that's it you know you guys have any questions leave it in the comments cuz I'm uploading this video on YouTube you guys are having trouble slow down the video put it at 50% for to speed point 5 just copy what I do try not to watch the video first and then go in Photoshop and try everything yourself and if you do exactly what I do you might learn something new and you could probably do it yourself hey hey no I didn't mean to clap that load we are going to jump into an intermediate tutorial [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Project Ace
Views: 239,776
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: osu, stream, how, to, tutorial, walkthrough, overlays, guide, anime, manga, viewers, subscribers, step by step, tips, basic, 1080p, 60fps
Id: M4gk1QHJeuk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 37sec (2197 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 25 2018
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