Oil Painting, New Washi, Packing Orders

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[Music] hey guys it is monday it is the start of a new studio vlog i'm going to keep this intro short i just thought i would explain what you're going to see in this video the first thing i'm doing is packaging some orders that came in over the weekend and then for the rest of the video i'll be working on my painting because i have the acrylic layer done but need to start with the oils and i want to design some washi tapes because i'd like to get those designs sent out before christmas so that's what i'm going to be focusing on for the next few days so let's head downstairs right away to start that packaging close the door let's hit import here see how many we have last night i saw 21 28. oh hi baby oh hi another baby okay well it looks like the sketchbooks are officially sold out daisy cream was the last one in stock but there are no more this one's for jessica okay these sleeves are kind of in my way i gotta roll these up for this one for casey we have a cloak print shoes and flowers seahorse and two daisy washes plus a sketchbook but i'll grab that last so okay they're all done now two more came in while i was packaging so we have a total of 30 orders to take to chit chats i don't know why i'm talking about this i'm kind of tired i got back had a little bite to eat and now it's time to tidy up here because i have all my acrylics out and i need to switch over to oils now these ones have always been in this bin all the tubes but i got a whole bunch of these as you saw in the previous vlog so i need to find a spot for them and i'm going to see if they fit in here it's kind of ugly but if i could fit those golden fluid acrylics in here too that'd be nice it does bug me how not all of these liquitex have the same cap honestly i wish they were all just like this because this caps kind of weird oh they're going to fit they're going to fit now for the oil paints really i should keep the acrylics on this trolley too they could be on the second layer i'm just kind of running out of space though i mean that canvas is taking up a lot of space and the bottom is where i keep jars oh that reminds me of a new little jar i think those were drying at one point but they can go back in here okay i'm ready to begin i think i'm just gonna do a voiceover for this next segment because i'm just not in the mood to talk i just want to sit here and be silent i'm feeling very mellow today so with the oil layer i did not start with that orange and yellow background simply because i want to work from right to left on the painting since i'm left-handed so on this edge it's mostly the water so i figured that's where i would start and so the last thing i'm going to paint in is the background and then go fix some edges but that's why i'm starting with the water and i did the water before the cats and flowers and utensils just because those are technically on top of the water so i made one thing a little easier for myself but the goal with this was to try to do as much as possible in one sitting well technically it's a couple settings but before the oil has dried so this is technically all the first layer of oil and i'm trying to get a lot of the color down because i have a bad habit of doing a little bit and then being like okay now i need to wait for this layer to dry and then four days later work on the next layer and so on and so forth so i was really determined to get a lot down with this first oil layer and the beauty of it is we do have the acrylic layer under it so this is technically the second layer of the whole thing so yeah just doing my best to get that in there and i don't plan on this being a super high contrast piece so that also really worked out like i will have to go in and darken a few shadows add a few extra highlights and everything's gonna need an outline which it doesn't currently have but i think it should be pretty quick ish maybe i'm speaking too soon but i feel like once this is dry and i work on the next piece there won't be that much left to do really also one perk of waiting for another layer is mixing certain colors like it gets tricky when you're layering the yellow and blue because they want to mix to make green so for some things it's easiest if you just wait till that's dry and then layer on the other color in the future i wasn't sure originally if things would have an outline i mean that tends to be the way i go with my artwork but the water it looks like it's outlined right but that's because looking at reference images i have the water is dark along the edges like that but it seems kind of silly in terms of this cartoony style it just looks like i did outline so if i don't outline everything else it'll look weird plus i just think you know this could benefit from some outlines either way so yeah i think it will look a lot better once we're at the next stage but it's coming along it's coming along i'm liking it and i cannot get enough of the texture of the oil paint it's just so good especially when it's wet it just looks so nice when it's dry it's not quite the same but then you can varnish it to add a certain finish whatever but the look of the wet oils is just it looks so creamy looks so yummy yeah okay well that's where we're at so far with the painting you'll see a little bit more progress later in this video okay it's now wednesday i'm feeling more energetic and peppy today i did sleep in this morning because i was up late last night i was doing my usual gaming stream and then my sister was chatting in the chat being like oh mom and i are having drinks tonight we want you to join us that kind of thing and i joined it was my mom's official last day of work before the holidays and my sister's visiting her currently my sister's been in the u.s i haven't seen her novels two years just like a combination of coveted travel restrictions plus her whole visa application process she couldn't leave the us until now so i'm gonna be seeing her over the holidays but yeah they wanted me to hang out with them so we had a discord call and chatted and stuff and stayed up late so it was a wild tuesday night right now i'm just about to work on a washi tape design i'm going to be taking the design for the my packaging tape that i put on my orders i'm going to turn that into a washi and i'm thinking a 20 millimeter washy so it'll be thicker like my yellow gingham washi that i use to tape orders like envelope shut and stuff it'll be wide like that so not not like the other washes that i've sold it'll be a little thicker and this will be a super easy design to make because it already exists in tape form i just really need to scale the size of the file and then move some items around and that should be it okay i'm going to keep the fall guys webcam border because it's just cute why not so originally i made this file the same size that was specified in a template because this is the template provided by vograce which is the company i'm going to try out this time since i'm switching washi manufacturers since like my last ones were kind of botched and they refused to remake them or do any kind of fixing or discount so we're going with someone else whoa grace i've worked with them before to do my acrylic charms and they do all kinds of products so i'm going to try out the washi's through them so there are predetermined lengths i have to fit into here and i feel like the closest to my tape length would be the 92.5 i think so anyway i made this file then i'm like wait i don't have to paste over the flowers individually and i don't want to merge them to permanently crop them because i'm going to adjust the bleed on this so what i'm going to do is just resize this file this is the actual packing tape file i've saved it off as a new file as a washi tape i'm gonna go to image size and change this so because of the bleed it needs to be a height of 23 millimeters 23 not 233 92 dude wait didn't the template say 92.5 this is almost exact oh my god this is going to be minimal tweaking i'm going to undo that little locking thing so i can add that point five there i got it so tiny now so i'm gonna hide the bailey j logo on this because you don't really want that on a washi tape i mean if it was really subtle fine i could lower the opacity or something but for a washi tape i'm not gonna have that there i'm gonna shrink these down slightly i think because see the pink is really close to the edge here i don't want it to be so either got to move it down and shrink it down maybe shrink it a little bit i guess it depends if i do want that to go all the way to the edge of the tape or not when it's actually cut i think i'll just i'll just nudge it a little bit same with this blue one i'm gonna bring it down a little bit man this is less tweaking than i thought i was gonna have to do these layers are not named properly oops so i guess there it is here's the washi woo easy i could save that off wait what did they say they said png is good no wait cdr psd jpeg i'll send the jpeg save done oh so simple i'm gonna be working on my oil painting here but first i'm gonna get some food because i haven't eaten yet it's 1 p.m i'm hungry and instead of having something breakfasty i think i'm just gonna make some spaghetti we'll skip right to lunch oh my god we got a smudge when did that happen wipe it off looks so weird in this lighting the orange looks so strange ceiling lights daylight there we go that bubble will need to be redone i mean the edges are going to get kind of mucked up anyway when i redo the background let's get a nice close-up of some of this it looks kind of chunky actually ew no close-ups no close-ups wait wait what about right here less chunky well don't look at the kiki trying to show this petal in the water yeah smooth i love the look of oil paint oh my goodness i have it up on the easel because it's at that point where i just can't risk a cat jumping up and stepping on it the paint takes too long to dry so yeah it's up right now on the easel anyway spaghetti spaghetti i portioned out some leftovers and then poured the rest into two bowls and it's a lot i maybe should have made more noodles because there's so much sauce like the sauce to noodle ratio is out of control i know i'm not going to be able to eat all this right now it's on your tail some floof that's as far as i got so there's supper the microphone's casting a shadow which would bring it closer to me the mic needs to be as close to my mouth as possible but and i'm trying to not kick over this tripod so the first thing i'm going to do is kind of smooth out midness fur because it still looks a little too fur strokey like i don't want a bunch of texture i decided i'm just gonna kind of blend it out a little bit if i can might be semi-dry oh yeah oh my god it actually kind of is oop that was quick especially considering like these bubbles not dry i mean i can just go on top i kind of also think she's maybe a bit too dull at least compared to the background like it's not gonna look exactly like midna it's gonna have to be stylized a little bit and i don't know how many of her dark patches are actually gonna be on her this position's so awkward there's oil dripping down here i have nowhere to put this palette except in my lap i usually have it just sitting beside the painting but the painting's so long it's blocking the desk it's kind of hard to color match the background when the background's not done yet not in oils at least it's just hard to simplify a torti pattern because it's just so detailed but i don't want all the detail so i mean it could be just an orange cat like this with the dark paw tips and tail tip although right now you do see some of the darkness underneath which i kind of like but i don't know if it really suits the artwork this paint is running it's running down maybe if i just do some blended patches for the dark areas on midna i forgot how awful the burnt number is the gamblin one i just i mean it is a little crusty and dry for some reason like it's so hard to squeeze out but it goes down so streaky so i'm using the holbein burnt umber this time so yeah instead of first strokes i'm gonna go in with just patches and i can blend out the edges of those patches it's kind of hard to simplify though i'm looking at a little video of midnight right now okay i kind of hated this when i was putting the brown down but now that i'm blending it out i actually kind of like it oh i just don't know how much brown to put on the torso she kind of has the two darker sections here but otherwise it's very mixed throughout like her face has the very noticeable dark half her tail and her paws are dark but everything else is a little tricky and she's got orange stripes in there too it's like an orange and white tabby with black patches okay this is actually not looking too bad i'm just really scared to go in and add a bit of white now just do the same technique as the brown but put in less of the white i think i've come to realize that most of the pictures i have of midna are from her other side like whenever she's laying down or anything it's usually on the other side so it makes it hard to find reference i need to go take some new photos i like this photo that i have up right now twinning it's the wrong side though okay wipe off my brush now and just try to blend this a little bit keep wiping off the brush because it gets dirty obviously touching these darker colors okay now i do want to add an outline to her which i probably should do right now i kind of like when the outline colors mix in with whatever else you've got like if you do some wet on wet but it's nerve-wracking because you need a really steady hand and it's like well where am i going to put my hand i need a mall stick i say that every time i always forget i need one until i go to paint and i'm like oops don't have that oh no it's just mixing too much i think ah let's actually leave that i'm gonna grab this clean brush and just push this down a little bit because that lines kind of thick there we go i think the blue is trying to mix in too much so yeah i'll just i'll wait i guess until the next layer to outline her okay now can i slide this over so freaking long get that little kiki in view i just worked on this spoon it'll need a little more work but that's where it's sitting for now actually i might blend out that blue just a smidge i can add some highlights and whatever else is needed a bit more contrast when i go to do the outlines and stuff i'm probably going to darken the background behind it a bit just so that it doesn't blend into the yellows like it's yellow on light orange right now so i can just darken around the spoon so it pops a little bit more but yeah we're going to move on to the kicker probably just going with some burnt sienna and burnt umber oh yeah i'm in this kind of skinny in this artwork it wasn't originally going to be kiki and midnight somebody's a little skinnier than irl i should probably paint in that bow before i get too close to it because if i get close to the dark brown color it's gonna pick it up i'm doing this all over without any regards to shading just because it is nice and thick and is covering up the streakiness underneath i mean even minion doesn't have much shading everything and this is going to have light shading even with midnight i might glaze over her once she's dry just add a little bit of yellow highlights maybe some hints of blue in the shadows because i had that originally on her orange layer a little bit but once i added the stripy details and patches that went away but it's something that'd be easy to do once that layer is dry i'm trying to do more wet on wet stuff so i can get through paintings faster but that's one thing i would like to wait for [Music] okay i feel like i'm at a point where i don't want to touch this until this dries and then i can resume working on it add some outlines to some areas deeper shadows wider highlights just wherever i need it i am a little bit scared i did kiki too dark it looks like i straight up used black paint so i might lighten her a bit i'm not gonna do it right now though i can wait for the next layer unless i just darken some of the other areas like technically she's supposed to be this bow color so i could darken the bow a little bit but maybe also lighten her a touch the contrast is nice so maybe it's not so bad i'm really liking how the picture is turning out i still need to do these lines the orange lines but that's just such a precise thing to do when the rest of it is still wet so i'm gonna save that for the next layer oh my god i washed up i forgot to wash off the poop stains i gotta get that before it gets on my clothes i forgot i also wanted to mention that for the pitcher i want to add some pink and blue on it but i don't want the blue mixing in with the yellow to make green so i want to wait for the yellow to dry before adding a little bit of that i'm trying to figure out a new angle here this kind of works it's now thursday gonna work on some washi today i think but first i have some orders to package these are the final orders of the year because i just closed my shop i thought i closed it yesterday then realized i just made the offline message but didn't actually password protect the store but that's okay just means i probably got an extra couple orders in by the way an estimated restock for the sketchbooks is about april i don't know how accurate that is but it's the number i could or like the month i can give for now it's always the shipping that's so up in the air because the shipping is supposed to take one month but because everything's so backed up at the ports it takes much longer like last time it took a month to get here which was right but then it sat in at the port for a month and a half so the total shipping time was two and a half months so if that happens again it's going to be a long time because the manufacturer said they'll hopefully finish the books by the end of next month so end of january so then if february and march are the shipping time then hopefully april the sketchbooks are here hopefully before that but you know i also need time to quality check them and get the proper stock levels for a verse b grade and i'm hoping to do one shop update before that which is where i'm trying to get these washes ordered everything else i'm ordering i'm looking at possibly um domestic companies the only thing is i'm having troubles with the notepads because they're so expensive like i'm talking 9.50 canadian per notepad for an 8x8 notepad so i'm not gonna lie it's real tempting to try to go overseas for that uh someone did suggest i could look for a company that just does paper printing and might have an option to bind it as a notepad so i want to look into that a little bit more do a little bit more research this order is for aaron from australia oh oh i have one more flat box i might have to seal the boxes that my stickers are currently stored in because those are the last two rectangle boxes so i've been using the square ones instead but now i'm down to my final square boxes okay this one just needs a little teeny box we've got plenty of these this is for delaney we have a mushroom grill pen and daisy grill pin some crepe i'm trying to think of what i if like i want to do the tissue paper in the future i'm going to need so many different sizes like pre-trimmed for the tissue like i'll probably have to trim it but i've got a lot of different box sizes it's part of the reason why i don't want to do custom printed boxes well one they're expensive but i would need so many different sizes and you'd need to order a high quantity of each size and it would just i think it'd be too much i think plain white's fine cute tape the x if i had the different tissue sizes where would they go i'd almost need like a bar under the table that has the sizes hanging or as we fold the boxes lay the tissue in it which i actually did way back in the day when i did tissue paper but i had like one box size back then so it was much simpler another baby box beauty pine and gingee for michelle and there's the batch lots of little bb packages so they fit in this small tub here okay got some food now i'm on to the washi so i thought i could use my christmas critters to make a washi out of them because these were originally gonna be ornaments but i got started on them way too late and was just taking too long to finish them so this arc got put on the back burner this one's not done although i'm tempted to finish it these critters were supposed to be in a wreath although the wreath is not done like there's the pieces of the wreath like a full ring but the the stuff is not put on the wreaths yet because the position of the items would be different depending on the animal and how the animal sits on the wreath and like the front of the wreath would obscure the animal but they would overlap the top half of the wreath like there was other stuff in here there's a bow all the stars over there okay whatever that's kind of the general look of it although if i did a wash you would not be christmas themed and there wouldn't be the wreath there we've got the mouse fawn fox and bunny so they all have something christmassy on them but i did that stuff on separate layers except for the mouth the bow and candy cane are just together with the artwork so that one i would have to redraw parts of it and hope it blends ugh i mean i could keep the bow and change the candy cane into some other object but then it would be weird that the others don't have anything but i could add bows to some of the other ones instead of christmas critters they're country critters i don't know forest friends oh speaking of little critters here's one hello she has come for attention and pets [Music] surrounded by the light she needs your dough all night [Music] thanks thanks for the tummy massage when you're backlit you're truly one with the void oh there she is oh there she is oh now we can see that little kitty oh my god i was gonna wrap my christmas gifts and mail it out today kiki can you edit the vlog for me [Music] yeah you're cute i guess [Music] so [Music] okay the raccoon is done and i fixed up the mousy so that was the og mouse and then here's the new mouse i do prefer the candy cane but for a non-christmas version this works i had to redraw in a lot of the fur and stuff in fact now that i'm looking at it again i could use a little bit more i just feel like it needs a little bit more in here cute cute when it's really small you might not really be able to tell that's a seed though and now the last thing i need to do is give the fawn feet so let's quickly add that past bailey was lazy and now i'm paying the price and here's everything in washi tape form i don't know how i feel about it just because usually i do really cutesy style stuff for washi tape and this is cutesy but i would have gone even more cartoony if i was designing a tape like this from scratch although i kind of do like it in a way here it is repeating does it show up better if i'm making a white background i don't know camera what do you want i don't know if the scaling is weird like that's a giant mouse but i'm obviously not going to shrink it down to the size of a real mouse and i just don't know i don't know i don't know i'm going to overlay the actual file so you can see the actual colors i'll probably just sit on this overnight and see in the morning if i like it or maybe i'll get some idea to do something differently i don't know but i'm going to end this video here because i really need to start editing it so thank you so much for watching and i don't know if i'm going gonna post again this year this might be the last one of the year just since the holidays are coming up there might be something on the bubble bailey channel instead at some point i don't know but it's the holidays and it's time for a little break so yeah thank you so much for watching see you in the next one okay i ended up going for a lot of the colors and then look at all this paint this is the craft paint but well i can't think of anything else i need and i don't really want a dilly dally so i think i can head
Channel: Baylee Jae
Views: 14,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baylee jae, baylee, bumble baylee, art, vlog, studio vlog, art vlog, creative, arts & crafts, crafts, canada, vlogger, pink, cats, small business, etsy, shopify, daily life, business, animals, critter, wildlife, oil painting, painting, kiki, midna, packing orders, shop orders, orders, packaging
Id: oHSga9obweM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 40sec (1900 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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