Canva Tutorial for Streamers - Designing overlays, scenes, Twitch panels (Twitch VOD)

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hello hello everybody hi my name is dell i am a variety streamer and this is the slice of life cafe where we hang out we play games we talk about things we care about we get cozy we have a nice time who are we making today i haven't i haven't given any names to anything we're making we're making stream elements we're going to divide some stream define define divine i don't know what i just said we're gonna we're gonna make stream elements we're gonna make overlays we're gonna make webcam things um yeah so if you if you click on the link to sign up for it to sign up for canva um it will give you points to use towards like getting some free elements and we'll talk about what those free elements are once we get into things then like i'm really excited because i'm not i'm not a graphic designer but i i made all this the only thing i didn't make on this screen um my lemon e mode was made for me um the coffee link is from coffee and then this frame right here this i bought on etsy but the rest of it i made on canvas so we're gonna go over that all right well how are y'all feeling should we should we start should we start crafting should we make the things and yeah if you wanna if you have um if you wanna make things with me or if you just want to watch if you want to work on a craft you're welcome to i invite you to join me um or we could just hang out or if you're going to lurk and do other things you know what who am i to tell you what to do you do you do you i'm excited we're going to have fun um if anybody has strong opinions about our theme um start thinking about that start thinking about what theme you want because i haven't picked a theme and we can do we can do anything we could do cottage core we could do rainbows and unicorns we could do um like um like plant themes mine's like cafe plant themed we can do whatever we want you have some crafting or writing and stuff that you could be doing um pull something out to work on her but yeah we're crafting yeah dildo legion does the legion that's what we're doing excellent um let me open the correct browser and then we'll start we'll start canvaing and it's going to be delightful i'm excited i think we're gonna have a good time i'm drawn to the cottage core idea that's just me yeah throw throw what you want to hear out into the world setting up factories for sub components i just know it's one of those things where i just know the day i sit down to try out dyson sphere i'm not gonna stand up for 12 hours because i'm gonna i'm gonna be brought right in i'm gonna be brought right in for it okay let's craft let's do some crafting so yeah like i said i'm not a graphic designer i like spending times like making things look nice um but uh yeah i like art i'm not a graphic designer though i'm just the person who needed uh stuff from my stream and who has very little money so i just made stuff and it worked out so let's let's move it over factory style games i like builder games factory style games just happen to be a bulk of like the builder genre i prefer it when they're cute like oxygen not included or like city skylines not not isn't cute but it still looks nice um i i like builder games i'm a big fan of builder games okay i think this is the right here we go so you can you can see all my desktop stuff let me get rid of that discord notification because i know my eye is drawn to it i'll put on my do not disturb there we go so then we shouldn't see any of those and we can get started so this is the home page of canva once you've logged in and once you're in this is what you see we have no current designs so let's just before we start making something we'll just go over some of the stuff that's here that we can use um so recommended for you this is just like they're like oh you can make instagram and posters and there's a bunch of templates here um all your designs is when you make stuff everything will be here shared with you you can use canva for teams and so if you're working with somebody like say you were making an overlay for them or you were working on something together you can work on things together it's a little bit like google drive um i don't really use this feature because i just i do my my own thing the brand kit is really cool so here's where you can upload like if you have if you have a logo you can put your logo here i just put my lemon in my name here you can also make a palette which is really nice so if you have like three or four colors that are like cornerstones of your brand or like a theme you want to go with or like you spent time on pinterest and you made like a color barn you can put your colors here so that they're always easily accessible when you make a new design so that's what the brand color is for and then the brand fonts once once you have those fonts that you really like you can add up to three different fonts you can upload custom fonts and then so anytime you make a heading a subheading or a body it'll default to the font that you choose um choosing a font is something that could take a long time is really good i'll type that in chat uh hold on there we go default um for like free fonts and stuff like that so that's that's excellent um for finding stuff they also do have a lot of fonts in here some of them are pro um so the way canva work it works is there are free elements to it but there are also paid elements to it and we'll go over what those things are i'm on a free trial right now which is why like in this corner underneath my webcam it's trying to convince me to buy it um it is i wrote this down earlier it is 16.99 a month canadian or if you buy like a year package you get a discount or things like that um but there is a one month free trial for canva chrome um and so we'll talk about some of those things too when we get into things they also have a content planner so if you are a person who plans out all your posts ahead of time you can use this to be like hey on this day we're gonna have this post here on this day we're gonna have this post here so you can plan that i don't use that because i'm not that organized i love the border around your webcam thank you so much thank you so much peanut that is that's one thing i did not design i got that off of etsy and i'm gonna link it down below once i get my stuff together um and then yeah teams is you can you can add people to your team so that also gives them access to canva pro so it costs money and like if you're on the trial you can invite people for free to work on things together hey ariane thanks for the boop how are you doing today and then folders this is these are all the things that you like which we'll go over um if you buy assets if you have things shared with you things you've thrown out your logos this is just another spot to find all of this stuff so that's just another spot for the things um so that's like the main page the only thing i really use here is once i've uploaded my brand kit stuff and like i haven't done my palette or my headings yet um then i usually just go straight into designing um so we're gonna make stream elements so a lot of things on here like say you need a twitter header thanks for the bomb crows super fresher time okay to disappear oh see you later stephen i hope you have a i hope your day gets better i hope tomorrow's a better day i'll see you later um yeah so if you need a twitter header you can type it in and it just tells you the dimensions so if you want your posts to look good on twitter um you don't have to google what the dimensions are you can even just google like twitter uh twitter post and it it knows the dimensions for a bunch of things um there's birthday twitter post there's love twitter post there's quote twitter posts or you can just go with a generic twitter post um and it'll size everything for you it's for the best um best display for these things so if you want if you want your things to look really good on twitter if you use their sizes it'll help things look better um so for stream overlays i use 1920x1080 for my displays so that's why it's saved in here so that's your width and your height you can do the custom sizes in here so we're going to click on that and then this is this is where we'll be spending most of our time this evening uh so this is just like the working together in real time which doesn't affect us um so yeah this is our main design page so we're gonna go down the left and we'll talk about each of these and then i'll talk about canva pro versus like the free accounts and then we'll start designing so templates is there's there's a bunch of stuff in here and they even have streaming stuff in here already could not stop laughing early because i was thinking of snacking and crying are my specialties yeah it's a cornerstone of my brand all right so um i was browsing through here earlier which is why it's already suggesting some of the streamer ones but if you even just like if you type in under templates what you're looking for you're like i want i want streaming stuff it's like game streaming 101 and there's all of this stuff if you want to make a powerpoint about how to stream video games um that's there the art of streaming games so there's a bunch of stuff like that um and so let's go back to here and then there's a bunch you don't have to use the streaming ones either if you see something on here that you vibe with it doesn't have to be streaming um you can you could just change it to suit your needs so there's a ton of a ton of templates and like say uh what's a good theme say your theme is plants i'll search plants and i know my webcam is in the way so i apologize for that um but like a bunch of plant stuff comes up like there are there are pages and pages of plant stuff and when you see something you like like uh this one you can you can turn that into like a really nice opening screen so yeah lots of good templates if you if you need guidance on where to start my last um overlay that i had before the one i'm using right now i was just browsing i wasn't i didn't i hadn't looked up space i was just browsing but i came across one that was on here that i i really liked and then i just changed it the way i wanted to of course now it's not coming up because there's there's so many there's so many templates um some of them are free so you'll see this one wait that was underneath my things yeah this one this one's free so some of them are free some of them are this one doesn't say anything so i'm assuming this one's paid yeah um but when you get if you get like the subscription then you get access to all of the premium stuff so yeah there's some paid stuff some free stuff i there's a lot of good good free stuff so we'll come back to that in a minute uploads this is where you upload your custom things so i have a picture of me i have my current profile picture i have my my lemon i have my name i also have a video on here this is my channel trailer because you can make tick tocks on here um if you want like a nice display for your tic tocs we can do that too i haven't really used the audio tab but yeah you can add you can add music and stuff as well you earned one can for credit thanks to you well thank thank you that means that means i get one too so it's a it's a win-win they have a bunch of stock photos on here as well this is where like see this one says pro and so if you have canva premium you get this image for free um but if you if you don't then you have to pay extra and so that's what the canva credits are is to help you get access to the paid stuff and again like you can get a free membership for a month trial to try all these things out so there's just a bunch of photos of a bunch of stuff in there elements is where i spend a lot of my time because i don't really use the stock photos i'm looking for more animated things um so they have like they have some featured stuff they have a whole category on lines basic shapes frames for photos the stickers they have a lot of animated assets they just came out with this design for a cause thing or maybe it's not new it's new to me anyways where if um if you use these things as a pro member if you use them they donate to a charity and if you uh where is that where is that it says the charity if you click on it but it's off the screen right now but yeah so if you if you have a pro membership and you use it they'll donate on your behalf or if you have a free membership and you buy one of these designs for a cause the money goes towards the charity so that's kind of neat uh the chart stuff is a lot of like graphs if you're making infographs grids are helpful if you're using multiple photos and photo collages they have a whole bunch of those yeah i really like the charity element i think it's really neat they have a bunch of gradients i really like these you can change the colors of all of these too so we're going to go over those in detail and then they also sort of have like they have coronavirus in case you're making corona images they have like flowers and zodiacs and like all these categories and you can search as well so if we if we were doing a space theme it shows us all of these things but we'll come back to that in a bit text they got a lot of stuff on here um so this is where if you did the brand kit stuff earlier all of your headings subheadings and text will default to the the fonts you've assigned them to um if you haven't it'll just go in in whatever fonts and then when you go on here you can see these little crowns those ones are for pro users um but they still like you can see there's a ton still for free users as well so both exist and there's they have a ton of options and you can upload custom fonts so there is there's no shortage of fonts so there's lots of stuff like that um i'm gonna i'm gonna move me over for a moment let's put me over here and then yeah they have a bunch of like pre-made stuff as well so if you saw my tweets that was like the canva for streamers i used i use this and i just changed the colors and the shadows around a little bit so there's a lot you can do with the text and like there's also other customizations which we'll go over styles so yeah this is i don't really use this as much this is the brand kit i think if i set this up it would probably make my life easier i just haven't done it yet but yeah you could pick like they're like okay you could have these fonts and these colors if you feel like this fits your brand you pick it here and it helps default everything over hey think guard how are you doing today we're just getting started we're just going over like the the starting buttons when you get into here so we're just going down this um column right here i hope you had a lovely day thanks for being here um the audio is not something i've used because i mostly use graphics like that are just pictures or if it's tick tocks i have my own audio i also don't know if these are youtuber twitch safe so i haven't really haven't really touched the audio section here looking forward to this oh i'm glad to hear it glad to hear it and yeah like i said we're just doing a general overview we're going to talk about each of these things in detail so you really haven't missed anything videos these are like the stock photo videos that they have i haven't really used any of them but they have free and pro once if that's something that you do um i have again i haven't really touched the video elements of this video and audio are the two things that i don't really know much about backgrounds or if you are working on something and you just you just you don't have your own background or you don't know what you need and you can edit a lot of these too like i like the gradients and the textures a lot and when you go in like with this purple one you can you can change it around so we'll go through those as well more later this is just a brief overlooking thing this looks pretty interesting might have to pay attention and see if i can get some ideas for podcast things yeah for like you can use this for instagram posts you can use this for twitter headers you can use this for twitter posts um i got really into canva when i was working as a social media marketer i worked in social media marketing for the university of saskatchewan culinary services so i used to run the marquis hall page as well as the um like the cafeteria page for my university um and then i also the ice cream bus i used to work at i read their social media and i used to run um uh instagram and twitter for a physiotherapy clinic so i've done like a lot of this stuff and i find for instagram posts for stories for instagram stories like a lot of this stuff is wonderful you can use it for emails um if you're like um doing marketing emails you can make headers you can use it for like website elements you can use it you can use it all over the place they have so many different like we were saying with like the templates like if you need an email anything email header birthday email header pink email header email newsletter they have they've got everything if you look up instagram they've got instagram posts they got instagram reels they got the story they then they have like different themes clean minimalist instagram story they've they've got so much stuff so you can use it for everything and like i've used it for like my like personal twitter stuff too or like my personal instagram if i'm posting stories of different pictures i'll like use this to make collages because you can use it for free so why not there's yeah there's a ton of good stuff in here um so in the folders this is where like the all your designs if you go in here i don't have any designs right now so there's nothing there uh because i used a new account for this we can x that out if we go to our likes if we like elements which we'll go over later they'll be here um our logos so the so i mentioned i had my lemon and my my name in here there they are i also have them in my uploads area because i've also uploaded them separately yeah that is a very brief overview of where things are and now we're going to make something so let's pick a theme does anybody have strong opinions we could do cottage core we could do space we could do um astrology we could do we could do like a very sleek gamer type you know like here they even have a template for this let me just gaming yeah there we go like a cool sleek games with alfredo they've got they've got like the sleek um we could do like vibrant colors what what theme should we make i'm open to anything look they got they've got a retro video game one ready for you to use they've got so much stuff so if you have yeah if you have an opinion share if not i'll flower shop tea room hold on how down yeah even if you just type in gaming there's there's a that one there's there's more minimalist ones there's more busy ones you're making an offline screen right now amazing deep sea oh i like deep sea deep sea could be really fun i like this idea a hannah montana theme i'm thinking about it i'd have to download some pictures of hannah montana i don't think okay i so here's why i'm not going to i'm not going to do peanuts either even though i love charlie brown the reason why i'm not going to is those brands already have fonts associated with them whereas i want to build something up that doesn't already exist if that makes sense so instead of copying another theme and not a ryzen oh that's my that's my homebrew dnd world we'll do we'll do sea um even though the ocean is terrifying it's fine we'll we'll do deep sea um yeah i want to make something from scratch and not that it's not bad to like have an idea in mind if you're like i want hannah montana ish but i don't want to get sued by disney then you'd be using uh purples and yellows and like you could spend time on like pinterest or like you know looking at what other people are doing for inspiration without copying so let's do immersion therapy no let's do we're gonna do ocean like water themes but we're also gonna make it a little bit like fantastical um with like mermaids and are gnarls real anyways it doesn't matter um we're gonna yeah we're gonna do ocean ish themed um ocean man yeah we're gonna do ocean theme let's do it so um with that in mind and like we don't have to we don't even have to search ocean if we wanted to take this and make it ocean we could just make it ocean did you just ask if narwhals are real i just yeah i did yeah i uh i don't know and you asking me that makes me more unsure about whether they're real or not i've i lived in the prairies what do you want from me if i don't see a pineapple in that sea theme i will riot narrows it real okay give me i've only ever seen like cartoons of them okay they are real okay it's this is a tangent it doesn't matter let's make an ocean theme so yeah if we liked this but we are like oh but i want to do an ocean themed we could make this ocean theme um but also let's search ocean and see what they have can confirm they're real okay i'm sorry i come from the prairies that's my defense that's the defense i'm gonna go with um yeah so there's there's a lot of like stock photos of oceans i prefer using like not real pictures um i like using like cartoons and graphics and things [Laughter] you're not the real problem you're you're confusing me but you're also teaching me it's it's good it's good look at this we could this looks like a um brb screen waiting to happen to me like this could very easily like you could have your schedule for like your stream schedule on this side um you could have or you could have your chats um and you could have your brb stuff right there or you could have like brb written here and you could put like a video overlaid in here for people to watch while you're away um your nugget of wisdom that could be like you could put your name here you could have your logo here your username has the same number of syllables as spongebob oh no that's dangerous there's a song there yeah um so yeah you could make this into a brb strain this aesthetic does not speak to me uh so i'm going to keep clicking i like this one i like that this is kind of more minimalist um yeah cool okay so say we were gonna use this one for like a brb now the song is gonna be stuck in my head see this is your brb screen but you're like but i want it to be pink some elements come ready for you to change it so we could uh let's make that purple and let's make that pink and then we can change the background color so a lot of the elements that they have available are um very editable so you can so that's like super freaking easy right right so not all the elements are like this but a lot of them you think your offline screen is done i can't wait to see it i'm very excited i'm very excited to see it but yeah a lot of the elements you can change them up and then you could just be like okay stream starting soon and then you could have your name i'm gonna go delta lemon and if you're into minimalism there you go there's your stream starting screen [Music] if you want it animated to make it a little bit more fancy they have some basic animation on here too i should probably make some of my overlays at some point what are you doing right now um i do find when because like when i'm doing something i spend a lot of time being like is this the right color is this in the right spot resizing things getting things just right um the last time i redid all my stuff it took me approximately 10 hours but some of that was me just sitting here like moving something like slightly over being like do i like it here better or do i like it here better do i like this shade of blue or do i like this other shade of blue so some of it is that i love the persona overlays but i think that i should lean into my own brand yeah i get that because yeah i was i had the same thing when i was looking at oh job applications i'm so sorry um when i was looking at some other stuff like even like animal crossing because i love animal crossing and i was like should i do an animal crossing overland i was like i don't want to brand myself as animal crossing because i'm going to do more than just that not that you can't do other things within animal crossing overlay um the good thing with the thing i really like about the branded things especially the pre-made ones like like the persona one in particular is there is custom animations that look really good and make a stream look very high quality um and then when people come into your stream and they even if you're playing something else and they see like a persona overlay it there and if they like persona that's immediately a connection right there so that's like there are pros and cons to using like a game overlay versus making your own and i'm not here to debate that i'm here to just make some overlays um so if we wanted to make this a little bit more complex say we really like this but we want we want a narwhal and we can go over the elements and be like this is good but now we just need a few more things and i'm gonna look for an eyewall let's see what let's see what they got they got a lot look at all these things that they have oh they're not they're not loaded but you know they've got a lot of things and then if we go if we say we want an animated something um if you click on this little button here you can go static or animated free or pro i'm using cutest narwhals aren't they cute so let's look for an animated one so the the down oh there are no yeah sometimes if you get a little bit too specific they might not have anything so we'll just search c and we have the animated filter on these ones will take a little bit longer especially because i'm streaming so the downside is usually with the animated things you can't edit the colors oh that one's really cute um so that's that's one thing is when we put this on there's not going to be like a color editing thing so then in that case you might want to like build that overlay around that um and then you want to pick animated icons that like work with your branding this is this is going to be a little bit slow but that's okay the other thing that's really nice that i like a lot is the magic recommendations so when we clicked on this these recommendations came up they're still loading um but there are there are some things that came up that are very similar there's a little sky island there's mushrooms there's a little oasis there's there's egypt and if we hit see all anything that's like similar to this vibe we have going here they're gonna recommend it [Music] might be a silly question but once i've made something is there a way to export the palette that i didn't know i wanted until canva gave it to me so here's what i do so outside of canva the things that i like i don't know if there's a way to like export it properly i have a chrome extension this one's called stellar color picker but any any eyedropper tool um you you connect this is this is something i use a lot it's usually the first extension i put on when i have a new browser it's a color picker one and so you just like with a lot of these you open them up you hit pick and then you can pick anything on the page and so say you really like this orange and you want to use it for everything use the color thing you pick it and when you open it up here there's your codes for it and then you can listen hey corey how's it going and so then you can use the color picker to get your colors another nice thing too is like these elements that we've added and say we now we want to change this font so we click here everything every color we have used in this document is now listed here um and so say we want this same pink for this font here it's already here because we've used it on the design so that's kind of neat again the animated ones don't apply because they're a different type of file and you can't grab their colors but say you wanted the color of this book for your for your stuff just wait you could you can use your color dropper extension that you have to grab it and a lot of the ones that i'm used to corey corey thank you for gifting that soap to rose girls i hope you enjoy your emotes um hi thank you thank you so much for that cory that's incredibly kind there we go there we go thank you thank you for that i'm gonna have a drink because that was really sweet you oh yeah i have t i have t okay so yeah that is the things i i wrote a list down here and i've already deviated from my list of the way i was going to talk about things um the things i use with canva or like other things i use with streaming is um and that's the first thing i wrote down is a color picker so thank you for asking rose um because this app is pretty good for like keeping your stuff and um like again if you make a branding palette in your brand kit it will keep all those colors but sometimes you see something like say you say you have you you're like i want i want a narwhal i want the color of a narwhal i want the true color of a narwhal and so you could go over here and you could pick and you could you could grab the gray of this narwhal normals belly and then when you go into canva so the the colors when you go in here like those are document colors they have some default palettes you can also just search blue and it will it will actually make little palettes for you that you can use or once you have your narwhal belly color you can grab this hex coat in here and you can search it and it'll bring up the exact color that you i dropped before i want a narwhal they look very huggable do you have any color picker extensions you recommend i don't because i had one on a different i have like three different browser profiles that i use and the one i really like that i use on my other um thing apparently doesn't exist anymore because i tried to add it to this one and the page was down um so i would just find one the the two features i like the most you shouldn't have to pay for it i've used i used a bunch of different brands of color picker extensions i like it when it gives you a hex code and i like it when it has recent memory those are the two things i look for it's also nice if it looks kind of nice too but just look for either a color picker and eyedropper extension and yeah and again the recent memory is really nice because then if it's like three colors ago of something that you wanted you don't have to go and find it and color drop it again uh you can just you can just pick it from there so yeah that's what i would look for with like with the color picker i do think having colors that you build your brand on make things look more i mean like it makes things look a little bit more organized like because if you have soft pastels for three of your overlays but then one of them is in neon colors then there isn't that like brand unison brand unison um and you want to have like reoccurring things especially on things like instagram you want your feed to have some amount of consistency um from like a branding perspective so that people get a feeling when they look at your stuff and so that when they see certain colors it reminds them of you um yeah so that's that's the whole thing i'm not gonna talk about color psychology i'm not gonna because yeah and i'm not gonna talk about like a lot of that stuff but i like feeds that look very clean um and that have consistency those would be my biggest recommendations it's fascinating though yeah it's something that like i didn't realize i had knowledge of until when i was at my last job and i was leaving that job so i had to explain to the person taking over for me like how to curate the feed and things like that um and especially for instagram cute little seashell house yeah these assets are really cute and i kind of want to find one to use for my stuff now and another nice thing that i really love about canva so say you really like you really like these images there are two things you can do you can click the little dot dot dot that's by each of these um it and it gives you gives you information here so these are the tags so you're like i want more i want more of these vibes and it's like okay if i search literacy and scenery and book those will bring me similar results normally these are i guess this is canva original so you they usually also have the name of the artist who has made these and then you can view the artist's portfolio to see more of their images which also helps for the consistent branding um yeah so it says all canva users get this video for free so this is one of their free assets which is really cool because some there there's so many apps that i've used where it's just like all of the free stuff is kind of and all of the paid stuff is really cute but there's a lot of good stuff for free on canva is there somewhere in discord i could post what i've just made with zero graphic design knowledge just skill in like 10 minutes yeah yeah you can um i would say in like the we have like a creativity channel don't we um art and creativity if you want or we have like secret streamer channels for streamers to talk about things if you want you can put that in like stream resources if you want um yeah it's totally up to you i appreciate your enthusiasm rose it makes me excited to talk about this stuff um yeah i'm gonna change the sky i decided i don't i don't want the orange sky because i want i want a blue sky so let's see if there's a nice blue here that we like that was kind of a greeny oh we have to change it on this as well so now because we use that element in our background it's now in our document colors which is really nice but one thing that we'll notice now there isn't a history so that orange we had before that orange is gone so if you're gonna think you might want that orange in the future i would either save it with the eyedropper or add it to your branding colors um or if you're lazy like i am um a around the a a different way to do it is like i i will often have an extra page up while i'm making documents just to be like i don't have a spot to use this sticker right now but i really like it and i'm gonna use it for something else so i'm just gonna stick it down here um and again there's a favorite function [Music] i'm not seeing it here though usually there's like a little heart thing you can do let's look for it later um but yeah i'll often have like an extra page where i just stick things that i like on to use later and something else that's very nice like say we also want to make like um a twitter header so we're gonna open that up so now we have our twitter header here we'll put i'm gonna name this to overlays overlays twitter oh hi wit no twitter we can copy paste between pages so if i want this instead of like searching for this in the elements i can copy paste this over between tabs you posted in the art and creativity channel yay your instagram expert klc so i'll leave that to you okay let's take a look let's see what rose made because i'm curious that looks so good look at the roses look at the font rose you did such a nice job yeah canvas camp is delightful you did a beautiful job it gives me stained glass vibes too like i really like it but yeah you can copy paste stuff from one from one tab to the next because usually like if i'm working up if i'm working on like my branding stuff i'll often have like eight tabs open and one is my overlays and one is my twitter header and one is my webcam overlay and all of those things i'll have them open on different tabs and i'll be like okay i can't use this element in my overlays but i want to use it in my twitter header which you can't use animated elements in twitter headers it's fine let's just pretend you can for a moment yeah you can just copy and paste in between things um and then let's find so i'm going to take off the animated filter so we're going to see static and animated results let's look for that narwhal we wanted look at these cuties look at these cuties let's take that one because because i love them so there we go there's there's our narwhal and again we can copy and paste it over we can how do i like things there we go so when we click on this there we can see oleg is the is the artist who made this narwhal so we thank oleg we can add it to our likes folder so it'll always be available through there or you can like you can make other folders so if you want different folders and one is like say you have two different themes like when you stream during the day you use one thing and you stream during the night use the other and i was like i want this for my day theme you can make a folder um that has like your your day narwhal inspiration versus your nighttime narwhal inspiration um yeah so those are some options and then yeah if you want to see more stuff that this creator made because you're like i need stuff that fits this aesthetic you can go and like so many of these artists will have so many assets and sometimes you have to do a bunch of scrolling because they make they make so much stuff lakes made a lot of things a lot of flags a lot of a lot of countries some aliens some a bunch of stuff yeah oleg's made a lot of designs and so now and then the nice thing too is say we have this here and we've we've already like moved off of this and we're like okay how do i i've forgotten that recently used exist and i want to find this again once we have the image selected we just click this little info bar and it has it has all of this information it shows the main tags that they use for this it has all the informations thanks for signing up kels all right and then say we we love this narwhal but we want to change we want to change its colors around i was like i don't want it to have a brown i want to have purple eyes now it has purple eyes i want this to be an orange narwhal uh with with the pink accents so i'm gonna i'm gonna just pick these colors there we go and again not all of their uh elements assets not everything can be edited like from colors i'm sure it depends on file types and stuff like that but a lot of them can so now we can have an orange narwhal and this is the only thing we've changed on this screen this is this is a template so let's this is our youtube's this is our youtube thing and instead of saying subscribe for more music say hey thanks for watching thanks for watching my video now i want my name down here i'm dell the lemon and i'm like i don't really vibe with this font um there's a lot of there's a lot of fonts to pick from there's a lot of fonts to pick from so maybe we want finger painting maybe we want maybe we want comic sans is comic sans on here they have coming soon comic sans like the whole discourse around that font is so funny to me it's so funny to me especially because i'm like guys it's an accessibility thing comic sans is good for reading surprised it's not there yeah sometimes they'll have like slightly off-brand fonts let's google it or not google but yeah so coming soon is probably their slightly off-brand version of it more sugar is actually one of i use this for my new stuff i use more sugar yeah the no-name comic font exactly exactly and if you really wanted comic sans you can import it you can import fonts that's not a problem um so i'm going to use this font because i like it obviously which is why i'm using it for my my stuff so i'll put that there and um there's whatever is easy to read for our dyslexic friends exactly and if you if you pick something that's not easy to read for for our dyslexic friends then at least that alt text like most apps you can add alt text on these days um i guess for stream or release that's not necessarily a thing but yeah that's definitely like pick accessible things like if i here here's here's just some fun like accessibility accessibility plus branding things when you add your um alt text for images like on twitter and stuff that's also good for your search engine optimization so if making things easier to access for a bunch of people wasn't enough reason for you to add alt text to your images if that's not good enough it's good for your branding it's good for your discoverability um and same for your overlays on like you want people to be able to read things if they can't read them what's the point so what's the point of having words if you can't read them if you're like hey this is kind of hard to read and try it on different screens too like i have two monitors here i'm very lucky to have a 32-inch monitor for as my main display and sometimes i bring things over onto my other monitor which is like old and outdated and the color is different at the top half than the bottom half um i bring things over here and i'm like is it still readable it's like readability is the most important part and yeah checking different screens and things like that but yeah alt text i would highly recommend alt text like on your websites on on twitter on everything that you could do at alt text um because it's good for everybody i don't know why i put that up there because like that is very hard to read and you're like oh but it's my aesthetic and i'm like but people can't read it fix it does canva allow you to import your own fonts yes on your home page here when you go into the brand kit you can upload fonts here and so you can you can add things in my aesthetic is hashtag illegible yeah exactly you want people to be able to read your stuff and often you want the font to be very obvious you want people to like look at it you don't have too many words on it i have like feelings about when people have too many text things on their instagram posts because in my opinion instagram the text goes beneath it but that's an opinion thing so i'm not gonna go off about that um but yeah say we want we want another we want something else to add to the c elements of this because right now it's just pastels with a narwhal um so let's look for uh seaweed i don't know if that's one word or two words well it worked out and look at that that is so colorful so delightful i'm gonna make that a lot smaller and so now if we download this as a video and if you use it at the end of your youtube videos when you're editing you have little animated elements and it makes it look so fancy it's delightful look at all this stupid i wonder if we can change yeah so this one we can change the colors so we'll make the dark color purple we'll make the light color bluish and we'll make the other light color pink and now we have really cool seaweed that still works with our aesthetic and these colors here like i said they take these from the documents so they will already go with your stuff and now these three colors or was it this one this one and this one that the seaweed used to be when we click off and then we click back onto our colors those are gone because they are they no longer exist on our documents get out of here i'm not doing that right now okay um yeah so now we have seaweed and if we want more of this seaweed um so let's talk about these other buns we have crop so like rave seaweed so say um so one of the things that i did like this that teacup that's kind of like down there on my screen by my follower goal i used it for an element where i didn't want the steam on it because i added an animated element of steam so i cropped it to crop out the steam um none of these elements really work for that i'll just i'll see if i can find it um mug we'll use this one so then you hit crop and then you can go like that and then you have a new image there you go um another thing that that cropping is good for is a lot of the basic shapes and gradients are either rectangles or squares um so say you have this rectangle and you're like this would be perfect if it was a square you can just crop it into other shapes it doesn't have like the exact dimensions on there so you might not get like a perfect square but you can make a lot of different shapes on there um flipping that's another oh so this is where i meant to go with this if we duplicate it which is over there so now we have two of the exact same ones so we don't have to grab the same seaweed elements and recolor it by hand i guess you could if you want because if you want to switch the pink and the blue to make it look a little different you could do that but if you still want it to look a little bit different so it doesn't look like you've copy pasted the exact same elements across the bottom you can flip it and we'll flip it horizontal and so that that creates like a mirroring or if we want like two like right here to make it look more interesting um it just adds some variety so there we go there's there's some seaweed down there for us we'll leave that there um so position this is like your layers so say we move our gnarl down and we're like okay that's that's really hecking cute but we actually want the narwhal to be behind it's already behind the seaweed okay so the narrows behind the seaweed if we want it in front of it we go forward so this is just like you picture it like you're doing a collage positioning is just where things are in relation to the other elements on your canvas um so that's what the backwards and forwards is one thing that i did discover that's like different than drawing apps because i also use like procreate when i'm drawing um when this is right here and i'm like uh i can't position it any more forward in relation to the things it is currently touching if i put this over here it's not on top but it wasn't it wasn't touching the seaweed before which is why we didn't have the option to move it forwards um that's something that is that tripped me up before so that's that explanation as far so we have a narwhal and now we want we want some animated bubbles so instead of looking for animated bubbles you just search for bubbles and then you go to your settings and you add animated and look there's some there's some cute bubbles that there we go so there's some bubbles the thing that i don't like about this is everything else that we have is kind of like 2d and flat and these are very 3d so they kind of stick out so i'm going to get rid of those ones those aren't the bubbles that i wanted got cute little heart bubbles there's going to be all sorts of like bubble speech bubbles mostly speech bubbles those aren't quite the bubbles that i wanted but we're gonna keep looking we'll see if we can find something no and sometimes it's just figuring out what the search terms are so let's search water oh that's a really cute little element i like that oh i accidentally added two because i'm impatient yeah we could add this to the bottom to add to like our water theme you don't want too much going on this is starting to be maybe too much it depends on your opinion though um so yeah let's say we love this we love this i'm gonna put this backwards so it's behind the seaweed we're like this is great but we don't we don't we don't like the plus signs anymore plus signs they're adding texture but they're not they're not doing quite what we want so we're gonna get rid of them and then we're like okay maybe we want maybe we want orange for that and this is these are two separate elements so we'd have to also change this one i really don't like that so i'm gonna do it what else do we want on here i'm gonna turn off the animated elements and i'm gonna just look for i don't know what i want so i'm just gonna search ocean and we might get too many things but i love this crab it's a good crab and it fits in so we're gonna put this crab here so we're like okay this is perfect now all we need is our logo um i have it in my uploads but also if we go into our folders can you freeze the um animation on an animation you can export and so this we can download it we can download it as a png or jpeg so it will stop the animation i don't know if you can pick which frame it's on let's take a look um no locking doesn't do it yeah that's not something i'm not i'm sure about i don't think so not that i know of not that i have encountered okay yeah so yeah if and again if you you downloaded this as a video just throughout the end of your youtube videos but you wanted to use it as a still for something else um you could just download it as a png and see how it comes out or you could um you could i don't know if screenshotting would work especially if there's paid elements it might watermark and it wouldn't i wouldn't recommend it there might be a way i don't know good question i'll look into it and i'll get back to you um but yeah we want our logo we want our logo and we want it so you can you can either click on it or you could drag it in either or and we want it right here and then there's like there's a bunch of like grid stuff so you can line it up you can see all the pink lines flashing um the solid lines means it's in the center of the page so this one's partially solid and partially dotted because it's centered in the page as well as centered with some other elements um i would like it to there we go so right there um you can see with the squares this is completely centered with this circle now even though it doesn't quite look like it but the image might not be perfectly square oh sorry about that talking a lot tonight okay um the other thing we can do oops let's undo that if i want like a a picture of the real me on there and i want it to be a circle so i have this um where is it i have this photo of me so i could put that on there um but i want it to be a circle the way you do that is you actually go into elements um we'll just exit out of all of this and we'll go into the frame section and then these are these are all the photo frame things so i just want the circle so i'm just gonna click on that it adds it to the center i'm gonna make it smaller i'm gonna line it up with this circle here and there we go and now i go to my uploads and i grab this photo of me and i drag it in and now i have a circular photo of me there we go so here's our youtube thanks for watching paige um if i was actually using this i would change quite a few things about it i'm gonna flip this these are no more parallel i think there are ways to get them to um sync up i don't know what they are i'm pretty sure there's ways yeah i really like the different frames for the photos um so one of the differences between canva free versus canva premium is with the premium with the paid feature you can export png's with transparent backgrounds so people who are like i just i just need a photo of myself for discord or something um create a design i just want to i just want a circular picture i'm just going to pick the instagram post one i'm like i just need a circular picture of me so i'm going to go to here i'm going to pick this i'll size it to fit the page and then i upload my photo i'm like but i don't want the white background i just want a circular picture of me when you go to download you pick a png because jpegs i don't believe can be transparent it's got to be a png and you hit transparent backgrounds and now when i download this it will be a circular photo there will be no there won't be this white square around it um so yeah the transparent background is a premium feature um and then say yeah so things that you would use that for um when i have made webcam frames i have made transparent things um so my last webcam frame that i had i'll just go over that really quickly while we're talking about pngs i'm just like i want it doesn't have to be that big because my webcam is not that big i guess unless we're on the just chatting screen um whenever i'm unsure this is again i'm not a graphic designer if i'm unsure of how big of something i need i'll kind of guesstimate 500 ish is like fine 1920 by 1080 is like average screen size um so we'll we'll do this one and say for my webcam so the webcam frame i used to have was just a blue background with a little like triangle in the corner with my name on it the way i've made that i don't know if this is the best way to do it but it's the way i did it and it worked um i was just like okay this is the ratio the aspect ratio of my webcam a lot of the ones you'll see are like 4x3 or things like that that's math things that you can calculate i'm just gonna be like my webcam is gonna be this ratio uh i'm just gonna make the backgrounds the color that i want because i haven't done branding colors these are all the default colors all these colors that i grabbed over here don't exist over here so you can either add them to your branded colors um you could also like go into your color menu and if you hover over it'll tell you like the number code um or you can if you if you have this color picker thing you can pick it you can just grab it and then you can copy paste it here bring it on over yeah i'd recommend if you're using the same stuff over and over and over again add it to your branding colors and the nice things too is when you come up with a color it'll tell you like oh these are these are some nice color palettes like this icy gradient one is very nice squid squirtle saw this over my shoulder and said the end card is i quote so cute i'm glad i'm glad they like this this this fun thing we threw together and yeah we're gonna make more stuff it's gonna be good um yeah now we have this color over here ta-da i need a moment because my throat is getting dry okay so yeah the way i did my webcam and again i don't know if this is the best way to do it but it worked um it's like say i just i just want a solid background color this is my solid background color i'll download this doesn't matter if it's a png or a jpeg i now have a rectangle and now um i want like a little triangle to go so if you think about it this is if we're thinking in the collage way again this is going behind your webcam as an image and then now we want something in front of your webcam so we need a separate element i'm going to add a page because you can just be like okay this was one color of pink and i won't need to download it again i almost always end up downloading things again and also it's just good to have it so you don't have to do it again even if it's only one element you want consistency so i i keep all my designs if once i like them um you can also duplicate stuff like let's go into sorry i'm jumping around a little bit like when we go into here once these load and we have a twitter header we really like but we kind of want to mess around with it and for some reason we i'm going to cough for a minute give me just a second wrong screen okay let's switch back over okay hello i didn't want to subject you to my coughing sounds um yeah you can duplicate things here so you can make a copy you could download it from here you can share it with somebody in case you want to send it to somebody i'm going to call for a minute here have full screen view yeah i was i was panic clicking a little bit um yeah you can you can you can duplicate stuff you can delete them from here it's all here um i wanted to talk about resizing but i want to finish what i'm doing first so now we want now we want something to be in front of our webcam so we're going to make a separate element um because we already have this color of pink it's already in our colors but we want to leave the background white so now we want something for uh our fork our foreground if we know we're gonna keep this ratio like our webcam is gonna be in this we're not gonna crop it or anything what you can do is you can be like okay i want i want my logo so for me it's my name i want my name here and i also want like my little icon on the other side of my webcam and i also want um a crab because we're going with an underwater theme if you want just like a bunch of little stuff we'll just we'll just stick it all right here so i'll put that there and then i'll put the crab over here and then we could search for a frame this is not what i wanted let's try border there we go so yeah look there's a there's a border and then let's line it up unfortunately it's square um so the way i cheat when i want a square border is i crop so you can crop by double click clicking and then i'm just going to remove that and then i'm going to grab another one and i'm going to make it bigger and i'm going to flip it this way and scroll it over and then i'm also going to crop this one hello hello i'm using the wrong buttons maybe crap why aren't you doing it we just we just did this this might just be me having a moment give me just a second [Music] okay well this again this might just be me having a moment um but theoretically you could crop it actually let's do this way we already cropped this one let's duplicate this one let's flip it let's flip it that way [Music] there we go and then we make this one bigger and it basically works oops what did i just do uh let's undo that because i don't know what i just did let's just make it bigger there we go that was a square and we made it into a rectangle it'll work better with some things than others um let's actually flip this this way too because that way it's not a perfect mirror of things humans are very good at recognizing patterns um so sometimes you want to shake things up enough so that it's not recognizable um and so let's say we want to we want to access this crap but it's technically behind in our collage layers it is behind this frame so we want to position this backwards and then we want to do the same with this one so we want to position it backwards or to back either um but say now we want to select all three of these things and move them around but we don't want to move our frame so we click this and we hit lock and then we click this and we hit lock so that way when we want to grab all of these three things but we don't want to change our border we can do that so that's what locking is good for once you have your background elements in or you have something in a spot on a design and you don't want it to move but you want to move other things lock it especially and grouping is really good too actually so say like i want to move stuff around and like i have spent a bunch of time getting these two things perfectly lined up and i don't want to have to do that again you can grab these two things by clicking and dragging and you can group and these two things now exist together which is really nice it's really handy especially like if you've lined up so say because like on your pages you want to have your twitter instagram and twitch you want those three logos lined up once you get got them all lined up and then you group them and then you can move them around and it's delightful so those are those are good things okay so we have this and we're like this is a really cute border we like it it does not match this color palette and we want that consistent brand we have pastels here and this is pastel and this is like kind of pastel but this frame is not pastel this image is not one of the images that lets us replace our colors um so something has to change and i'm going to decide that like i'll just pick a difference i'll pick a different border so i'm going to unlock this and then i'm going to delete it and we're going to pick something else something that matches our stuff so if you want and you don't have to do a full border here either um you could just do i'm gonna get rid of these things you could just do let's go into shapes i like shapes um so let's say we want i'm gonna grab this shape i like this shape and i just i just want something like that in the corner say let's say i have a round logo um i'll use this you you probably want your name at least somewhere on your screen is my understanding of branding on twitch is you always want you want your username somewhere um but i'm like i'm gonna put that somewhere else like we're here i don't have my name on here i have it up there so i'm just going to put my lemon here and then so i have this that triangle is the same color as this i'm going to download these together so transparent background we need that for this one it doesn't matter for this one but we need it for this one and we download them and it'll just take a moment you finish the scarf you are working on amazing hey caillous how's it going how are you today perfect so it zip them um so if you don't know how to unzip folders you can google it it's different on different computers it's not hard usually just right click and go extract but yeah now we have these two elements i'm gonna open up my obs for a second it's gonna do obs inception just a heads up it's gonna look a little funky for a second so hello this is my obs you can see all you can see all my garbage this is a lot so maybe i won't show this basically what you would do when you go into your obs and again people have different things you might have slobs you might have something else you would add this as an image and then you would put your webcam on top of it and then because this is a png all of this white space does not exist as a part of this image it's only this corner and so then you add this also as an image you put it on top of your webcam um in the corner and then because on obs i don't know how slobs work you can make folders so i have a webcam folder that i would put this background this background image on and then your webcam up next and then this on top of it and then i would group those and probably lock them once you get it in the right space um yeah so that's how that's like a very simple way to make a webcam frame i think they do have some let's take a look they might have some animated stuff because then instead of uploading as an image you would just upload it as a media source and you would choose it to loop and then you could have like a border with some designs on it so like since we're going with an ocean theme on this part maybe instead of no we'll keep it pink we'll keep it pink but we also want like a little wave um so yeah you just you change the type of media source you uploaded is you would download this and oh yeah sorry i got ahead of myself with this you can't download videos that are transparent i believe that is my understanding um so what you do is if you wanted that wave elements um you would have to either like put it on this background how it would be the best way to do that i think the best way to do it would be to have it as part of this screen and then we'll bring it down we'll bring it down here because yeah you can't have transparent stuff when you're downloading as an mp4 again that is my understanding once this little wave glows we'll just put it here because we'll imagine that the webcam is gonna be we'll just put in something give me give me something there there we go this is our webcam let's imagine for a second so for this part um you can add little animated elements you can put little bubbles and things um but you want to keep them as part of this because this can't have a transparent background um and then you'll just just have to imagine we'll go up to here i think i also have to update my pretzel playlist because this one ended oh no there it is there we go so that's what it would kind of look like in the end we kind of just threw this one together i never noticed that there's a sheep in this image um but yeah this would be sort of like your end result from using this is you would have that is your background this again you wouldn't export that there that's how it would look but you export this as a png no moving images because otherwise you can't have the transparent background you need the transparent background for this to work and then you could add some little some little thingies around the end if you wanted to um yeah so that's how you do the webcam stuff the other thing i wanted to talk about was resizing so that is a pro feature that is not a free feature so say you love this you love this this is great um and you want to make a twitter header um but this is like the wrong file size you hit resize you can do custom or you can like you can search because i don't know i don't know what a twitter header side size should be off the top of my head but they already have it for us so we hit that one we hit copy and resize and it doesn't it doesn't make it perfect but it brings everything over for you the other way you can do it is if you already have this twitter header thing open i'm gonna get rid of that guy and i'm like i want i want this but i want it over here you can just click and drag copy everything go over here hit paste it doesn't do it as nicely but it still brings everything over so this kind of like tries to work with you a little bit and we go over here we can see that like there's like a now a slight line in between those two images it's a little bit of a mess but that's okay so what we're gonna do we're gonna put that there we're gonna put that there and we're gonna turn this into a twitter header um whether or not you want to have bannon in-game action okay i'll avoid text that's not a problem i didn't expect that to get redeemed today you call me off guard peanut um yeah we're gonna turn we're gonna turn this into a twitter header uh we're just gonna copy this image a bunch of times we'll bring it over here um and again if you want some variety like you can either try and line this up or you can flip it uh like that to go this way actually now that's reflected so let's flip it the other way looks great thank you i think it's kind of fun and then we're gonna paste another one and put it there and we'll paste one more you can also just make these bigger but it depends what kind of effect you're going for um these appear to all be lined up and now i'm gonna try and select all these without selecting everything else i'm going to position them to back because i want i want this stuff on friends spirit is the vice of life hey peter how's it going today um being gay is my spice in life i i support i support i love it is spice isn't it it's delightful i don't want to move these things ever again and they're going to get in my way so i'm going to hit lock and now those are stuck there but i can still move my other things i'm already just finished cooking dinner nice i hope you had something delightful um and then we'll move these waves we can't use these waves it's a twitter header we have to get rid of our animated elements we have to do some other stuff being sad is my spicy oh no peanut no um let's say we want this as our background color so i'm going to make this real big and then i'm going to do that and then i'm going to position it to back there we go i like that we're gonna lock that in place and now we can get all this other stuff like all these little things without accidentally grabbing these background things can you shift click to select multiple things individually good question yes you can yes you can and now we have this group of things and say we want to keep them all grouped then we just hit group and now these things all move together um then you might go to click the narwhal you can still edit the normals colors you can still like filter the photos um but you will always move them together so that you anger yeah watching anime that is described as most anime it's with spice and life respect i respect yeah those are some of the things you can do and you can move around these bubbles you can rotate them um you can do some really nice stuff i would recommend so if you have a if you're going for some minimalist stuff especially for a twitter header having a gradient like this pink is dark over here and then lighter over there it's just a small very subtle way to make it look a little bit sharper my current twitter header let me just open it up on a different window because i have a different canva account i wanted i wanted a blank one for this because it starts to give you smart recommendations and i wanted just like the the regular stuff for this um having the gradient makes it look a little bit sharper so actually i can just copy paste so we'll make a new page and i will open this in a different window let me drag this over here for a second so i can show you mine i guess i could also open up twitter but this works too um my designs my twitter header there it is so i'll just copy paste and bring it over so here's most of it it didn't bring the background because the background is why didn't i bring the background i thought it was an element but oh it didn't copy it because it's a background oh well that's okay so what i did is we'll look at the background tab this is an excellent chance for that i used one of these that's what i did um i think it was this one and then i just changed the color to something else no it was a different one but this is a similar idea so it's very it's very minimalist having more than one account no it's not i just needed it i just like i said i wanted i wanted a different look and i wanted like clean clean fresh start um and then we can adjust this color we can make it oh yeah here we go we can filter so these are like your instagram filters your drama your grayscale all those good things your effects they have like the duotone the pixelates so you can take like the images that they provide you with those elements and you can pixelate them you can glitch them like there's there's a bunch of things in here you can do um slice frame shadow so if you're going for like a glitch effect has canvas sponsored you nope um i did i did apply but when i was doing the application on the camera website the like apply button when i would hit it after filling everything else would just swirl non-stop so i was like maybe next time we'll leave it for now um but say you're going for an ocean glitch or something i don't know you can like you can filter sorry you can which one was it again i thought it was a jest but it's not it's not crap there are things that you can do and it's it's all good or sale because like i really like no not for you for you i need to select this canvas i really like this background but it had a texture that i didn't really like so then i just went into oh it's the effects one that's what i was trying to find where you can like duotone things you can also go into adjust you can blur and so that takes away that texture that was already on here you can brighten it up you can also if you double click you can change which part of the image it is um so then it can look like that so like because with these with these background things um let's say you really like these colors but you don't actually want to see the hearts we can go into adjust we can blur it a whole bunch because then it still gets the colors and then we can brighten it up a little or what i actually meant to show you right there is say we want this sunset but we want more of like this color range than this color range so we just pull it down and then we can adjust and if we want it like that blurriness we can do that so those are just like some simple ways to not have just a solid color as your background because it looks nice on some things or like on some elements but on other things it doesn't look fancy or like it the quality doesn't look as nice unless you like without the um the slight change up in color so that's just like a simple way to spice things up yeah yeah my five minutes of not being able to type this up so now i'm gonna start typing so this is the twitter header on my twitter header i want um i want people to know when they come to my twitter that i cast on twitch so i'm going to write twitch tv delta lemon and i don't need any other text on it i know i'm i'm having a moment i'm like what's on what's on mine again it does say twitch tv and then like because like i'm going with um a fantasy slice of life cafe so i have a slogan so i did include that online i don't know if having a slogan is a thing i don't think it's something you need if you want to like say our theme is um variety broadcasting under the sea here we go um this is this is just how you make it wider or shorter but this is how you actually like choose where it's aligned um but we want to make it bigger [Music] i want to make it bigger let me there we go you can click a drag or you can adjust the font size i wouldn't put anything too low because on like mobile and different things i think it's around here is where your profile picture has some overlap so i would caution between putting things too low and double check i don't want a plus sign double check on twitter and if you need to upload something and then take it down because you realized it doesn't quite fit in the way you wanted it to that's okay there's nothing wrong with that we're gonna put these off to the side and then um i don't want that picture of me i'm gonna have a picture of me on twitter because like i said my profile picture will show up right there so i don't really need another picture of me i can choose where i want to center things i can add and take away elements say if i want this right here you can't really read that so you could make this text white what up peanut um this text is not white so those look a little bit off so i'm gonna change it to you're gonna go to sleep have a good night peanut thanks for hanging out i hope you have a lovely evening this is still really hard to read so i'm gonna go to elements and i'm gonna grab i'm gonna grab a square and i'm gonna make it bigger and then i'm gonna crop it down i could have grabbed a rectangle but the square was right there i don't know because you want like i said you really making things readable if you can't read it what's the points night peanut see you later if you can't read it what's the point so i'll put that there this brings a lot of attention to this and less attention to this so i would say your title your your you i'm gonna prioritize that so i'm gonna bring that to the front i'm gonna put this here so this is the first thing people are gonna read even though this is at the top because it stands out a lot more there's more contrast with these colors i'm gonna make sure this is centered it's centered with the page which means this is not centered uh is that it no that's definitely not it that's it there we go there we go um i don't like this font so i'm gonna change it you could make it the same um i would recommend when you're picking fonts for your brand um look at font stuff like if you look on pinterest there is like font there's boards there are people who like do font design who will tell you this font looks good with this font or if you're using a sans-serif font be sure to pair it with this or if you're using scripts script fonts this is the best pairing for that um so there are people out there who will share that information with you um so yeah we could use the same let's see what i did on mine i use quicksand so i'm going to just use that right now so yeah for my main font i used whatever that was called and then i used quicksand for the smaller one because they complement each other but they're still different and adding like differences that work together just add more interest to your image um yeah there we go there we go um and then yeah whatever you want to put down here if you wanted we could put that down there that's kind of hard to read and again i can't remember how high up the profile picture comes and again you could you could upload something and then be like wait that doesn't work and then take it down again i think i changed my header like three times last week as i was like changing my mind about what i liked um and then i'm gonna make this now roll real big because i love it so much and i'm gonna just put it peeking out at the corner here and then i'm like wait a second this one's a different color then one of the other ones we don't need this tab anymore i thought we changed the color of it maybe we changed it to orange we don't need that one anymore we're gonna change it again let's change this one to be blue yeah and then sure there we go that blends in with our palette a bit more and then let's put the crab here i would like to add this might actually be a better spot for like some seaweed and stuff because part of this is gonna get covered and i think versus mobile versus like your web browser where your profile picture is changes but you still want to have like some some something just so that your image looks balanced that's what i'm trying to say i'm not saying you can't have big empty spaces i'm just saying that you want things to be balanced this image is very top-heavy so you want to balance it down down here hey gems how's it going today we're going with a pastel under the sea theme for what we're making today so we've done our youtube let's we'll add a page title here this is a youtube card there we go um let's make a oh there's our stream starting soon screen which is not done because the colors don't show up the colors don't show up well at all there we go that's better perfect there's our minimalist stream starting soon um let's see let's add like some important elements so uh i have twitter and people should know that i have twitter so i'm gonna search twitter some of these as you can see like the pro ones those ones cost money if you don't have the canva account there's a bunch of free stuff too um i like to use the round ones and then you can recolor them so we're going to make that we don't want it darker no maybe not and then we'll make this the same color as the wave maybe i don't think that pops enough especially when it's smaller depends how much pop you want actually now that i'm looking at it i don't mind it cool there's our twitter and yeah mess around with colors line things up the way like all that good stuff and then i have instagram so i'm gonna search for instagram and i'm gonna hope there's a round one hello there we go there's a round one this is a pro one but that's okay because i'm using a pro account this one you can see is transparent this one was not transparent i picked the same pink to make it look like it is this one actually is transparent which is kind of nice there we go and now i'm going to zoom in here to like there and scroll down so i can make sure not you not you you so this one is 116 by 116 so we will try and get there yep and it even told us that they were like aligned at the top we'll grab these they're aligned at the top and they're the same size so that's good so we have two of these elements this is the wrong shade of pink hmm there it is there we go instagram twitter what else do i have i have coffee so we'll look up coffee and see what they have oh there we go it got the right thing in the end um none of these are a circle but that's okay it still fits in it's just taking a moment to show up hello hello let's just try again it might just be being slow for a second there it is we'll make it the same purple color this one doesn't quite fit in with our other ones but it works maybe we'll put it on the other side of our name because it's a little bit different whoops so that was a case of let me go back out i wanted to click and drag and grab these two elements but i accidentally grabbed the background so i'm going to hit undo i'm going to grab this wave image and i'm going to lock it so now it's stuck there so i can click and drag and grab these two things and i'm going to group them because i spend all that time lining them up i don't want to do it again so i'll move them over i'm going to re-center my name there it is so that the solid line is centered with the page this line means it's centered with something else so i want the solid line i can also make that smaller just so that it's less in the way then we'll recenter it perfect so we'll put these two this dotted line means that it is i want it lined up through the center it does do the um like it um snaps to grid which is helpful sometimes and other times it's like please stop helping stop helping there might be a way to change those settings i haven't looked into it though now that i'm saying it out loud i'm like i wonder if you can toggle that cool so those those are our things and now because it's our stream starting sir and we want a little bit of animated something um we could take these animated elements from our youtube end card but maybe we want something else i'm going to call this starting soon [Music] um and if you want i wonder if they have a timer on here they don't have an animated one yeah i wasn't sure that seems more like a widget thing that you could put on top of this i wasn't sure if they would have like a five minute timer animation um let's look at what else so we want c but we also want animated so we're gonna go to this toggle we're gonna hit animate we're gonna apply the filters i'm gonna see what comes up so maybe maybe your theme is literary sea adventures you're cornering the niche markets of um of books meets the ocean so this would be a fantastic element to put on your stream starting suits thing and like it is very soft colors you could definitely edit these colors to like fit in a bit more with this um but now what you do is you would download this um as a as an mp4 you would add it to your obs you would make sure it's looped canvas seems like a great tool it's delightful i love it i use it for everything like my um the coffee cup next to my follower goal that's from canva all my overlays have been made on canva i'm a big fan which is why we're doing this um there we go so we added this and we've talked about the magic recommendations however if you click on one thing it will recommend other things i'll give it a look amazing amazing and if you want um oh that looks kind of neat that's kind of cool um if you do the canva exclamation point in chat it'll give you a sign up code that will give you and me both a free premium element so that's kind of neat um yeah that's the one cool there's our stream starting soon screen let's let's leave it there uh we don't want this element anymore we decided to use this one so we're good so now we want i usually do just chatting last i like to do everything else first so let's go back to templates look at this let's look at the sea stuff so that's the original one that we grabbed that we turned into this and let's scroll through um there was one up here that i kind of liked we talked about that one a little bit let's look do we want to look at this one yeah maybe we'll look at that one just wonder this one let's look at this one ah sh amber sure why not i don't know cool um these are not our colors it has so every color we've used on this one and this one is here but also this template that we just pulled up it added all of those other colors in so let's start changing things let's make this pink and let's make this so these are pre-existing elements that are already here and i'm just like clicking on them and being like these are not my colors change them into my colors make them pretty so i think these are this is supposed to be the sand and this is supposed to be the water so we'll grab this element [Music] um our sand is gonna be you know let's make the sand pink and the water purple so then we'll pick this one and we have this purple oh i'm on the wrong elements undo i want this element hello i think i'm selected the right one no yeah it's that light pink color should be good let's make the water purple um do we have a shade of purple that we like we like this one so we have our eyedropper tool that we talked about so we can do that or we could add it to our branding color or we can go in here we can hover over and we can see the code there so those are three ways to grab your colors from one thing to another so i'm gonna copy paste that code we're gonna bring it over here oops click on this color type in the number it brings up the exact same color so our water is purple and then um there's another nice purple that shark has disappeared um and let's just search purple and then it comes up with a bunch of a bunch of color palettes for us i kind of like that one oh i've selected the shark you know what i'm going to delete the shark because i don't actually like it and the same with that fish that way i can actually grab this element that i wanted purple so yeah because we're doing background colors they're kind of sort of similar around the same palettes but then we got to make our foreground elements pop we don't want too much contrast in the background like this is the background is two elements right now it's the water and it's the sand so the sand is a soft pink purple is also like purple and pink or similar um and we want soft shades i kind of want this one to be a little bit less dark we could actually pick the same no i don't like that i lied [Music] and this is where you get into just just clicking just clicking a bunch of a bunch of clicks that works for me i know that one's more blue but it it'll work i'm trying to convince myself that'll work because i don't actually like it what am what matters and i don't wanna if i like get bogged down in details we're gonna sit here for nine hours because like i said that's about how long mine took just change colors until you like what you see and just trust your eye trust your eye that is like if this isn't if you're looking at this and i'm like this is not quite right go on pinterest if you go on pinterest and just search color palettes um there are also apps where if you find an image that you really like you can upload the image and it'll build a color palette for you um yeah just spend some time figuring out the colors that you like uh we're gonna make we're gonna change this color we're gonna make it a little bit brighter but not that bright that's also because it doesn't contrast enough this is supposed to be the foreground colors further away from you get duller colors closer towards you are brighter so you want i like that one and that one's good too let's use this one here and then we'll use the purple for this one and then for this one maybe that yeah that works and we also want to change the spots to like a lighter we go there we go it's starting to pop um this was our technical difficulty screen so we'll change this to technical difficulties and then i can't spell hello there we go um it should remember we don't have to actually like click it like that i just click it once go into fonts it has your it usually has your recents there's our recent searches we'll go back here scroll all the way to the top it's nice that it remembers where you had last scrolled to so if you click one and don't like it you don't have to re-scroll back to where you were um we used this font before hi darker man [Music] five six seven eight hello raymond hello hi md14 hello i hope you have room we've got room we're just doing some crafting um i'm bringing some friends over hi we're we're crafting we're making stream element overlays so i hope i hope that's something of interest to you because that's what we're making right now is i'm teaching people how to use canva for overlays bringing some friends over i can't wait um yeah this is what we're up to what have we covered so far we made we made a twitter header there's the we're going with a uh pastel under the sea theme just as an example we've got a narwhal friend we've got a crab we've got some seaweed i see that you have a goal to hit so i'm trying to help you out with that thank you so much um let me let me give you a little shout out uh i know how to do things i'm learning um there we go how oh i've heard good things about bravely default too how was it i've heard that it's good um sorry my my brain is blanking welcome in welcome in uh hi i'm dell i use she day pronouns and i've been streaming for just over three months i'm relatively new around here um i stream city skylines i stream stardew valley currently playing hollow knight it's so much fun i'm so glad to hear that i'm so glad to hear that i guess not currently playing hollow knight that's the main game i've been playing lately like i said we're crafting tonight we're building stream overlays um with a pastel under the scene theme that's what we're up to right now this is what we made this is our youtube end card that we made with some animated elements this is our stream starting soon thing that we made this is our technical difficulty screen that we're currently working on so that's what we're up to that's what we're doing i i really appreciate you um coming by and bringing bringing some people over and helping me reach my goal it means a lot to me i'm turning like it's making my heart happy and i'm starting to get anxious because i'm like that was really sweet i have anxiety so that's that's where we're at i love canva isn't canva wonderful that's what i'm like because i just made um my new overlays recently and i was getting a lot of compliments so i was just like let's let's explore canva together let's make things and that's what we're doing so we just we just pasteled the crap out of this except these fish don't fit in so we're gonna we're gonna make them softer we're gonna make them lighter that they blend in with our stuff that orange you know what let's make pink clownfish why not we're not pink clownfish and we've also um so another thing with colors it's so good and free and i love it exactly exactly it's so good it's so good thanks steven for putting that that in them chat that's um so if you click on that link you'll get a credit for a free asset and i will too which is fun i'm currently using pro because i have the free one month trial i'm really happy with how this fish turned out so instead of like redoing that fish i'm just going to copy paste this one i'm also going to change its mouth to be dark purple so that it's softer i can never see nemo the same way again after tick-tock i don't want to talk about it i'm going to duplicate this one because we don't need to redo it and then there's one over there too um so we are talking a little bit about contrast so these colors in the background are all very soft they contrast with the sand which is the foreground um the colors that are closer to us are more vibrant and then i don't want to use black on here at all because we're creating a very soft palette so the less contrast there is you want contrast see the different layers um but you don't want too much contrast because if this is like defined lines but then this thing over here that's closer to us does not because we're going to change its eye color to purple um then it will throw off your balance so hello i had the wrong thing selected that was the turtle and now we'll pick this color for that that looks a little bit haunted also looks a little bit haunted i want a dark pink what happens if i just look up pink there we go that's better so yeah more contrast as you come forward but if you're going for a soft aesthetic less contrast but still readable that turtle has seen some things i don't know what you're talking about there we have a good technical difficulty screen did we change much from this no we just changed the colors and we have a beautiful technical difficulty screen and if you threw this on your stream and use it people would be like wow that looks so good and you could be like i made that i made that and then you'd be like wow you must be a pro and in your head you're like i just i just changed the colors on a pre-existing image but nobody needs to know nobody needs to know and that's what we did with this one too so now let's make a break screen we're just gonna keep scrolling through these ocean templates we're gonna find another one and we're gonna do basically the same thing you can make them from scratch especially when you start shh it's a secret it's true it's true we don't want too many people to know um once you find start finding stuff you like once you get an idea and an eye for what fonts you like what colors you like you can build things from scratch absolutely um sorry i just saw this and i was like this is a good just chatting screen so i'm gonna change this to just chatting um yeah you can build things from scratch if you want i'm not gonna because these already exist so why would i why would i [Music] thank you kimchi apple thanks for that follow welcome on in i hope you're having a lovely time of it we're we're having a nice time i i would say oh this could also make a good just chatting just chatting screen hello kim choo choo hi welcome one in this could also be a good just chatting screen um again i was saying earlier i don't really like using real pictures so i would get rid of that and i would like put something else in here i would get rid of this calendar all of these all of these things they're gone and then you just stick your webcam in here we changed the colors up obviously we'll get around to it we'll get around to it what are what are those hard to see hello hello welcome we're gonna make this suggest chatting straight up even though i said we're gonna make that other just chatting screen they're both good actually this will be our break screen this is our be right back streamer needs to take a break this is our just chatting screen yeah that's what we're gonna do so i'm gonna delete that right now i'm gonna move this out of the way i'm gonna i'm gonna get rid of all that i don't i don't want that we're gonna change these colors to be the branding colors that we came up with so i've talked a little bit already about our brand new colors but for anybody who who has recently joined us and the brand kit once you have come up with your colors once you have a palette that feels good for you you can put it in here and then when you go into your colors it'll always be there for you um we are coming up with this brand that we're working on right now so i haven't added thing you can anything you can see i have my lemon and i have my name in here you can upload fonts to use we can do all that stuff you know all this stuff but for now we'll just pick this one and we'll pick this one because these are all colors we've used on these this is another reason if you want you could have a separate file you could start a new design for your just chatting screen your ending screen i like to do them all in the same folder i put all my overlays together because it just builds this color palette for me i know a certain lemon with your lemon oh yeah oh yeah the lemon emo makes it makes me happy i think i think it's very cute i'm very happy with how it turned out big fan of lemons okay um what do we want our background color to be do you want it to be more bold she's the sister of kimchi apple no way what a small world streaming like i have just been floored by the community and like how small of a world it really is it's just it's just blown me away and it's such a it's just such a lovely space to be in and i'm i'm so happy i had a happy cry yesterday so i'm not i'm not gonna do that today that's not what we're here to do today this is too light and i don't like it i need more contrast there we go that's better um i want a different background color ah that's a cute strawberry that's a good strawberry sorry getting caught up in cute emotes i'm gonna change this pink to be orange and i'm gonna change the background color to pink because so far this doesn't fit in with our brand that we're building 50 more to go we're getting there ah you'll love to see it you love to see it okay i want a softer color for my background i want it to fit the palette but i want it to be softer you know what we're going to do we're going to put our gradients in the background yeah so let's go into the backgrounds let's go into the backgrounds um this is soft i like that and then we'll just pick more of a pink and then we'll adjust it we're gonna make it brighter does that fit in with our other stuff i like this gradient here so let's do that instead this element needs to be a different color so that it stands out we'll adjust things as we go um yes this is gonna be just chatting so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put not one of those i'm gonna put an empty picture frame in here so that i remember that this is gonna be where our webcam is no that's not what i wanted oh it's because we have the background selected that's why it's doing that so i'm gonna click off of that there we go oops i'm gonna lock that in place and we're gonna make this bigger so that's that's gonna be our webcam we're gonna have that that all up in there we're gonna unlock this we're gonna put it backwards uh and we're gonna make this a little bit smaller and now we're gonna adjust the backgrounds um so there so what we could do is we could grab a gradient square there's lots of lovely uh gradient stuff let's take a look oh it's because i have the animated filter turned on i was like where did it go there we go gradients there's a ton of gradients in here um we could just grab a square or a circle and make the background i'm just gonna that's pink and blue so we're gonna grab that we're gonna make sure it's the right pink and blue so that it fits in and then i guess it's more of a purple i think this pink was a little bit more vibrant [Applause] no it was that one there we go that works for me i'll just drag it down we could also just copy paste it here we are cool this is gonna be our background color so i'm just gonna go like that i'm gonna position it to the back and we're gonna lock it because we're not gonna touch it again [Music] and that's already starting to look more like the other colors we've been using it fits in with the branding a little bit more that we're creating there we go um i'm going to make that a bit smaller because yeah it depends what you want on your just chatting screen some people will have their chat up so if you wanted you could put this off to the side you don't want too much of it covered actually you don't want any of this covered um because your webcam unless you use frames and like leave an empty square your webcam is going to be on top of all of this so we will put that to front you can add elements on top as separate images um there are like a bunch of tricks you can do but for like the sake of ease it's just easier to plan to have like this is your background image and then you can add layers on top of it [Music] hi seymour junior welcome on and i hope you're having a lovely day thanks for being here we are designing overlays on canva for streamers so that's what we're up to let's make that bigger i think because like i i i have anxiety um and i've talked about it and part of me is just like i don't i don't i don't know why you picked me but i appreciate it thank you so much um so i think that's why i may be feeling a little bit anxious now um but that's just me and i just i just like to share but yeah if you wanna it's nice to meet you it's nice to meet you too it's absolutely lovely to meet you if you wanna plan to have your chat window over here you could plan to have a chat window over here or you can make a separate element for chat windows and we could do that later i just like to give back to the community thank you [Music] thank you there's our chat window obviously we'll change the colors but to fit in with our stuff there we go there we go um and then yeah we have if we want we if we love this crab we're gonna put it on the screen we'll just paste it over here come to me and then we can add those elements and we can make a beautiful just chatting screen i also like to let people know what i'm doing um and so this is the font we've been using we can either copy paste it or once you've uploaded your branding fonts they'll all be available in here or you can have like a fancy one like this anytime i use this font i feel like people are like so fancy and i'm like thanks i made it myself so this is two different um titles that they group together i'm just gonna get rid of that one we're gonna call this just chatting um we're gonna stick it up here it doesn't really pop though so we can change the colors of it and we're gonna change the no i like the font it's still even though it's different from our other fonts it still fits in it still looks good um let's collect this one collect click let's make it darker so that this pops more uh but that still goes with that i don't really like that right there i don't really like that color okay that's better and you can change the colors of the texture so we can make this very purple let me make it pink i like it white it pops um and then yeah you can add things you can take things away we should put our name and our logo on this so we have our lemon here or we can go into our logos there's our lemon under the sea lemon we don't want that so we'll put it down there uh canva looks like another program i could have fun with when i purchased my dry tablet i started messing around with my artistic problems i didn't know existed yeah i love um i got a free ipad for signing up with rbc bank so and so i bought an apple pencil so i use procreate um so that's what like i made my del the lemon thing on girl creates and then i just imported it here as a png and then i use it with canva and like because i also i do dmd stuff and i have like starting screens for my campaign where i upload uh like i add a new picture to like the map that they're on so they have an in-game calendar and like a landing screen on roll 20 and i used canva to like organize the map and some of the things like that so there's so many things you can use canva for um my slogan and lemon don't necessarily go with this theme but we're just making this fur i forgot you're canadian yeah we're canadian we were talking about five alive that one time because apparently that juice is just canadian um i was like i know those letters yeah i'm from saskatchewan and now i live in nova scotia so hi i'm very canadian um a timbits double double you know canadian there was every every time i mention um like toonies and loonies i had to show one of the tooties that i had on stream one night because it's a glow-in-the-dark toonie um so we had a whole thing where i was like trying to hold it up to the camera and like trying to make it dark but make it so you could still see it because it glows in the dark bagged milk we actually in saskatchewan we don't have back milk and um i haven't seen it here in nova scotia either so i think that depends on where you are yeah timmy's is very canadian when i went to europe one time for like a 17 day trip when i got home to the toronto airport the first sign i saw was a tim horton sign that said welcome home and i was like a little bit ashamed at how much like after being out of canada for a while it was like ah timmy's some people think it's chocolate art toonies oh it is here okay yeah um and when i say toonies and loony sometimes people are like that's not real and i'm like no it is it's that's what we call our money and our passports glow in the dark and uh i remember because we have plastic money too we used to have bagged milk in bc but i haven't seen it in so long yeah when we uh because i i moved to nova scotia last year and we drove across canada and like we would stop in at like shoppers or whatever to grab like some you know water or whatever whatever we need snacks for the day and in some provinces they would have baked milk our money smells like maple syrup yeah i was just gonna say when we first got the plastic money one of my jobs that i used to work at at an ice cream shop um was cash only which was one of the last places in that city to still be cash only and the day we got the new plastic money we were all like sitting there like scratching the maple leaf and sniffing it it was a good day i think we've made a beautiful just chatting screen we could add some animated elements though we have big milk here my parents get a lot oh okay i just haven't been paying attention i guess i haven't been watching but yeah canada isn't real it's it's a it's a it's a wonderful place um i want i want some seaweed that's what i want for 97 for four bags really that's really cheap i want this one i want the rave seaweed that doesn't show up at all if we had a lighter background it would i'm gonna get rid of it it's the standard price the more you know the more you know i want an animated cv so we're gonna hit this button and we're gonna hit animated i'm gonna apply that that's the only one okay well we'll replace this one with this one because it'll pop over here um i'd highly recommend when you're making overlays choose your animated elements carefully because you don't want too much going on on your screen it will get distracting and you want people to you know you want to you want to if you're here to see you you want them to see you you want you want other stuff too but that is cheap then again bc actually stands for bring cash and see i'm thinking me and my partner are thinking in the future that we're gonna move to bc um because we really like nova scotia but our families are in like saskatchewan and so it would be just like a little bit closer but still coastal but i'm like hmm halifax is also pretty expensive so just depends where you go so expensive why does everything have to cost so much so all the time um so we could add more on here but i'm assuming when you have your just chatting stream if you have your chat pop up that takes up stuff if you have your alerts coming up if you have emojis pop or not emojis emotes popping up on the screen there's gonna be other stuff going on so it's up to you how much stuff you put on it we could we could grab this starfish though i like the starfish yeah there we go now it's perfect ontario's plate is yours to discover but gas is the highest okay we were talking one night about like all of the different canadian license plates um i'm gonna take a mental break from this because we have been doing this for two hours um we were talking about license plates one night and bc is beautiful british columbia alberta is wild gross country saskatchewan is why am i blanking on my home province um land of the living skies manitoba is friendly manitoba ontario's is yours to discover uh quebec says something in french nova scotia is uh your atlanta uh canada's atlantic ocean playground canada's ocean playground pei is something about the birthplace of confederation je m's vienne there we go thank you apocrypha um which i think means i am something i don't know french um i can't remember what newfoundland and labradors is i remember myself there we go thank you um but new brunswick does not have one they were like nope we're okay ontario should be good luck [Music] incredible incredible um but yeah new brunswick was just like nah we don't need one i'm like okay all right you do you cool cool cool i also don't know what the territories is i believe the um [Music] one of them is a is shaped like a polar bear because um at my grandparents cabin growing up one of our neighbors was from the northwest territories um and i think it's shaped like a polar bear if i remember correctly here to leave alert while i'm busy i like your editing work i kind of miss doing it almost makes me want to get going again i don't i don't know what that is but enjoy your look thanks for being here i appreciate it i'm i'm glad i'm glad you're enjoying it um yeah i have this is the first time we've done a stream like this it's too cold to read plates up there that checks out there are uh anytime i hear about how much they have to spend on groceries up there because like everything is so much more expensive from bringing broad up there it's ridiculous absolutely ridiculous um i've known people in saskatchewan it was not uncommon to like go up north to work for a few years because you could make really good money working up north but then you hear about like the cost of the groceries and everything except that it's like oof oof yeah i don't other than now that i think about it because i had those neighbors at the lake and i guess my partner has a family member who lives in uconn but i don't know a lot of people from up north um yeah yeah canada it's real i swear i promise it's real i'm trying to decide if now's the time to take my break um a lot of them would pay for your housing and you get great money yeah yeah the work up there it absolutely sounds worth it um yeah i'm gonna take a quick break so i'm gonna put words on stream on and take a quick break let them think we're a myth canada is full it's true we're we're out of room there's there's no more room it is what it is so we've done let's take a look at what we've done let's see let's take a look here we are um oh yeah i hid my webcam hello i'm back i'm gonna move me there oh there's my lemon i forgot to bring it with me before oops we're out here learning no let me just grab the lemon let me just grab the lemon there we go i think that's better okay you made the wall on canva i did that's the secret i did um yeah we're back that was the break i've been talking like a lot so my brain is starting to empty out a little bit i just went over my my talking points for what we're learning in camera tonight we've covered most of them but there's a couple things else i want to do so let's let's review we went over all of these things we looked at these are all of our designs which are currently generating probably because they're on we don't have anything shared with us damn canva make irl things right there's our brand kit where you can upload your logos your palette once you have one you can upload custom fonts you can do a content planner if you have your together which i do not you can plan things in advance it's incredible you could create a team and work with other people invite your friends you got folders you can like things you can buy things you can share things you can you can do the things this is the general overview of everything we've covered so it's going to be a little bit brief this page was a a webcam overlay so that's kind of what we were doing here we can close this one now we've done that uh this is our twitter header go team um the theme we decided to do for our examples tonight is pastel under the sea we've got a narwhal friend and a crowd we can close this one down these are our overlays that we are making just as some examples we've done some cool work and this is a copy of overlays that we resize to twitter headers just as an example to use the resize button um yeah that's that's some of what we've done tonight so this is a youtube end card this is a starting scene screen this is our technical difficulties because you never know when you're gonna need one [Music] this is our just chatting screen with a space for um if you wanna have your chat up here on screen there's a nice little box for you um this you wouldn't actually need if you're exporting you would delete that that was just to give us an idea of where the webcam will be so that's just a placeholder image um we haven't done the be right back screen this you can do you can do whatever you want with it like you could you could have it here i would the things i would recommend putting on your be right back screen you have a dumb question there are no dumb questions stephen i believe what's your question this gives me a chance to drink more water um how do you disable snapping that is something that i don't know if it exists let's google it uh canva can you disable snapping um enabled by default to disable it click the view tab canvas snapping view grid view zoom oh interesting you can see all your stuff at once well i guess this is where you can be like how do my things look side by side i don't want to be in there is it in here is it in nope there are some quick commands in there um snapping add images to design [Music] um adjust backgrounds okay let's go on to here give me more information oh this isn't this is canvas not canva hmm oh there's a youtube video on it there so apparently there is a way there's a way to do it um and it looks like they tweeted about it too so it looks like there might be a way to do it because yeah grid snapping can be it's there to help but it's one of those things that can actually just make everything worse sometimes because you're like no no don't don't snap to that don't i don't want you there i understand that i was trying to make last week um instead of because i know some people the way they have like their setups um is they have basically like the whole screen is like an overlay and then they have a window for their gameplay which is a really cool thing to do that's not something i've totally figured out because i don't know how to like snip out a section to make it transparent i guess the best way to do it right now would just to be the plan to put your webcam on top of it would be the way to do it as far as i know but what i was trying to make for my stream is instead of having a whole overlay i just wanted a strip at the bottom that's basically as big as like my taskbar is here that just has like latest follower latest tipper like that information with like a cute a few cute little things and i was trying to get things lined up just right so that like the coffee thing lines up and all of that stuff and the snapping was was starting to frustrate me so it looks like according to google it looks like there might be a way to turn it off but i'm not gonna watch a youtube video on it right now um if i figure it out i'll either tweet about it or put it in the discount discord hold command on mac or control on pc thank you steven thank you for taking the time to find the answer i appreciate it because that's you asked a question and then you figured it out yourself and then you shared and i appreciate it because that's the game changer so there we go the hot tips from steven if you hold ctrl or command and grab an image then you don't have to worry about snapping if you want snapping just don't touch the button and it'll give you all those lovely grids thank you that's delightful um yeah let's finish this screen we could also make an ending screen if we wanted but i think like if anybody wants to see it let me know but i think we've got the general idea and then we'll just go over a few other tips and tricks and then i think we're i didn't want to have to google it and thought you might know oh i totally get that absolutely welcome in a i can't hang or al can't hang i can't tell if that's an lrni welcome on in i hope you're having a delightful day thanks for being here um yeah we're crafting hello ow gotcha alcante thank you thank you for confirming that for me um oh more friends marcel sent me over that was so delightful of him that's very sweet i appreciate it um hi hi everybody i'm dell you know what he's he said so many he's it's been um i have anxiety and when i get anxious i stutter so let me just take a breath and try again it's very lovely that he's taking the time to do it i appreciate it so much i'm gonna play a little raid video for you because we're not doing things we usually do tonight normally we play games but tonight we're crafting [Music] thank you juice14 i know how no 19. i don't know how to read roman nowhere else hi welcome went in i'm gonna play a little read video because again this isn't what we normally do so that'll give you a little bit more of an idea about what we normally do um yeah here's here's a video hello [Music] it's a good day this means i must fight [Music] i know how to play dark souls saying that now is gonna eat me in the butt later for some reason i'm liking me in the butt doesn't sound like the right saying i think i've messed it up but i can't remember the proper one that's exactly me i'm wonderful at every game i've never encountered i assure you let's be real he doesn't do anything it's a good plan it's gonna be very cool probably perhaps as long as nothing floods between now and then it'll be fine always ready to snack snacking and crying are my specialties so yeah before i thought it was the hegling that was ruining our reputation but it was definitely the fact that i was selling people poisons to like murder people and like set things on fire and cheat on their partners so i think we've demonstrated some growth and i'm really proud of us let's go team yeah that's that's our relatively new raid video thank you everybody who's seen it a bunch of times and for still laughing at it stacking and crying is a mood right right um those are my hobbies snacking and crying sometimes at the same time it's the life it's it's delightful uh that's an 18 that isn't 18. i i can read roman numerals um hi i'm dell um i'm a relatively new streamer i started just over three months ago we play a lot of like slice of life type games i love building games and micro management type things tonight we're crafting tonight we are making overlays for streaming using canva um hi welcome on in i've been talking for a lot like i know i talk every night when i stream but this is using my brain differently um so yeah uh that's what we're up to and words are hard welcome hi let's go back so we're building overlays these are the overlays that we're done we're going with pastel under the sea we just discovered if you want to avoid snapping you hold control or command when you grab something and then it won't grid snap but if you want the grid snap just don't touch that button and then you can move things so that's what we just discovered i'm going to change the color of these things um we're probably getting close to being done excuse me um we're probably getting close to being done this tutorial i don't know if we'll play a game for a bit afterwards or if we'll call it uh but if you have any questions or if there's anything you'd like to see with canva there's a few more things we can do with it so yeah that's where we're at right now if you have any questions let me know if there's anything that you're like hey can i make this in canva let me know um so the other things we're going to go over something that we can make that i've made before is like a latest follower element for streaming um and we're also going to do background removing because you can use canva to remove backgrounds from like selfies and things like that i'm just checking my list of um we went over how if you click on an image you can see this is canva original stickers but if we go to like one of the designers i usually is iconsie and so if we search icon z no these are icons i want to see icons oh i have the animated filter on once again let's try again let's see i can't see no okay so let me show you how that was supposed to work let me open up so this is these are my things i need to turn the music back on there's the music these are my things these are what i use from this is my stuff i've made tick tocks on here um that was a twitter header that i didn't end up using um this is my offline screen that's something i haven't used that's a border that i'm planning on using like underneath my stream um these are my overlays this is my twitter schedule that i post every week like these these are my things um so the way i wanted that to work is let's go into my twitter schedule so when we're in here i believe it's this one so this is by sketchify so if we really like this hey mark how's it going today how are you we're crafting how are you if we hit view more by sketchify everything this artist has made on canva is now available for us um and so if you really like their style you can grab it here and look they have neat stuff like this too this would be a wonderful webcam frame he's doing legos right now but i wanted to come say hi hello dark not mark sorry you're right hi dark how's it going i hope the legos are going excellently we're crafting over here too this is my first crafting stream um yeah we're making stream overlays that's what we're up to but yeah this would make and like you can change the colors of this so if you really like this and you want to use this as your webcam thing but it's not the right colors you can just change the colors and just export this as a png and you could use that as a webcam frame who's mark i don't know don't know him um this is so as i was saying earlier when i'm making things on canva this is what i'm actually making this is where i put things where i'm like i like these elements and i want to use them but i don't know where i'm gonna use them yet i need to make an overlay can you tell me what i want um i can't i wanted to say something funny but i blanked so that's what you got uh yeah i use canva if you want i don't know live your best life i use coffee and cute things because that's that's what i like i still laugh there we go um so my partner and i um we've been together for almost i can't remember if it's almost 7 years or almost 8 years i can't remember it's getting to that point um and when i first started streaming i said something i was just like i feel like i don't know how to tell jokes on stream and he he was just like i don't think he's like you're funny but your humor is not necessarily from sharp wits and i was like all right all right i'll take that that's fine here's just one of those moments that's like i really appreciate this honestly we're having a nice moment here um that was that was delightful i just keep looking at these and i'm like these would make these would make such good stream overlays you don't even have to you don't even have to do anything just grab one of these recolor it and use this it's cute as heck so if you want like a vintage internet theme if you want to goodle world's awesome mom and use that as your webcam or really there you go it's right there it's right there um or if you really like this coffee cup which i obviously did because i put it here um you just click this little this little info button there it is i can't see it i knew ikonzi was was a person that i really liked their designs of um and yeah here's the other thing mom of the whole world i guess so gaya is that you um you don't have to do what i do and have an extra page where you put the things you like because you can just favorite them when you hit this info you can just add it to your likes and then when you go to your folders it'll just be in your likes and there's there's the things you like you don't need to do this i just this is this is my kind of organizing this is why i love pinterest because i could see them all right here you can also see them all right here but sometimes you want to move things around you want to see how things look with each other you want to you want to test things out and that's what i like having there so yeah these are these are things i like this is my um this is almost my be right back screen but i was thinking about using this for something else here's here's what i tweeted out to advertise this stream that we're doing right now um this is this is my my tweeter image that i used canva for streamers there we go um it has my branding it has images that work with my other things um yeah and i just i just move things around until i like them um the the most important things that i think i've said tonight is make sure things are readable make sure you can read things and even if even if it's so clear even if it's very clear always add alt text always add alt text to your images whenever possible add alt text and um just make sure the image like looks balanced you don't have to be a graphic designer to be like does it look right and sometimes you got to walk away for like a day and come back and be like okay what do i like if you're looking at something and you're like this isn't quite right move things around just don't be intimidated by it if you need to put on some inspirational bob ross in the background he can guide you through things like he talks about color theory he talks about like the way that when colors are further away they are duller when they're up closer they are more vibrant which is how we made um this screen we made sure that because like duller like um less vibrant colors weren't showing up here so we use them in the background and then things pop as they move forward bob ross is delightful i'm a big fan of bob ross yeah those are um those are our main talking points oh yeah the last thing i was going to talk about is how you can use canva for removing backgrounds um i don't think i haven't tried it with this image so let's give it a go uh adjust i can't remember where this is right now no it's none of those i know i've used this before let's just add it like this and see if we can remove effects let's see if we can background remover there we go let's take a look gotta have the peace sign and it'll do its thing and yeah you can also like you can edit it but yeah then you get you get you can get a photo of yourself with no background it's pretty decent i've never actually had to adjust anything um and that's a really quick and easy way to make things look really good is the background remover right right gems it's so good i love the background remover i remember like doing it manually as a kid using microsoft word because i didn't know about other programs and i wanted to remove a background and like tracing the line onward i don't know why i did that and now canva will just do it for you and the thing i really like to do with this as well is um we can then put this into this circle and then we can make it the same size as the circle and it looks really cool and it looks really professional even though i'm doing that in the photo it still looks pretty cool um and that's also a great way to like add uh profile pictures i do it manually in paint yep i get that and now i'm trapped in an orb oh no yep that's imprisoned for my crimes that's what i get um and yeah there that could be a twitch profile picture export that as a png or even a jpeg because it'll automatically turn into a circle for you um and it looks neat i also i really like like a black and white photo with a colored background because then you don't have to balance the colors because i'm not great at photo editing when it comes to that so yeah a black and white photo with a colorful background love it and it yeah it was it was so easy it makes things so easy yeah so let's see we've made we've made a bunch of screens we didn't finish this one we could finish this one we could do that in a second that way i can try and remember if i've forgotten other things let me go over my list because i made a list over earlier to try not to forget the things i wanted to talk about so uh pro versus free when you have pro canva you get more of these elements for free if you have the free canva and there's you there's just one element there's just one element you really want either you can get points by like referral codes which is why if you put exclamation canva in chat you'll get points and i'll get points um which you can use towards images that are not free they do have a ton of really good free ones though um but say there's say there's one say these sparkles are paid but they are like the icing on the cake that you need for one of your images you i think it's usually about a dollar maybe two dollars to buy an image and then it'll be in your purchased folder because that happened to me when i had my old theme before i changed things over i found a neon saturn that looked exactly like that one i had behind me and i was like i need this it was a dollar so i just paid a dollar and then it was mine um but yeah if you pay for the canva monthly or yearly you get access to all of their elements for free um you can only do png's which are transparent backgrounds you cannot do that with a free account you need a paid account to do the png's with the transparent backgrounds um but you again you can get a month free trial and you can get a lot done in a month um some animations oh this is this is the thing i forgot to talk about so if you want to spice this screen up just a little bit let's go into animate um and like there's so the crowns those are the ones that cost money um i really just like block because like just like every five or ten seconds whatever you set it to it'll just do one of those and it's just a nice way to spruce things up and look nice um so i really like block the rest of them affects all of the elements and like rotates which can be a little bit much in my opinion but it depends what you're using it for um yeah there's there's all of these different things so just when you're on just like on your regular page there's just this anime button here and you could you could choose different animation effects um so you want to download this screen but you don't actually want that to be flashing just download it as a png or jpeg um resizing yeah that one we talked about but if you want to resize this song is funky um you can just do it on here and it'll resize it for you or you can just open up a new thing and copy paste things over both work so those are those are the big things between canva free and canva pearl those are the things that i've noticed the most um the other things i use in supplementation as i use an extension it doesn't matter which one just a color picker so you can grab colors when you see them and you like them and if it stores a couple that's nice too um i also use procreate because i do digital art so if i want elements like this delta lemon i painted that on procreate and then just imported it in so that way you can have a little bit more customization uh the branding kit we went over so that's just where you can add your logo you once you get your palette figured out you can create a palette to create consistent branding once you have fonts you like you can add them in here too um yeah teams you can like images you can have folders of all that stuff we talked custom sizes we talked about the templates hey solomon how's it going how are you today so we'll do an it will make an instagram post and story um i want to do those because i think those are good things to have yeah and this this auto saves so when we go back into all your designs i'm going to refresh it dude great things are you i'm good we are creating stream overlays and stream elements using canva so that's what we're up to tonight we made a twitter header we made a webcam overlay um we made a circle png of me and this was just we can delete this one that was just an example so we can delete that one and then it's still thinking about our overlay so it'll get there so never mind uh let's make an instagram post there we go and so we we have our branding now creative juices yeah i think that's what i'm starting to feel so fried i'm not used to using my brain this much um we have an ocean theme that we are doing we want to make an instagram post a lot of these use real pictures and again i like the cartoons this one is perfect because this one is exactly like our uh just uh stream starting soon that screen that we made this one and it's the same wave so if we wanted to make an instagram post you could just change up the colors and be like hey i started streaming recently and i want to tell the world and you could just go slash your name and then you could just you could just get rid of that and you could just post it just like this on instagram or you could change the colors to be the same as this and like every time like maybe every time you have an announcement like say you're you are a game design company designing a game called cyberpunk 2077 and you keep on having bad things happen and you want people to know when they see a certain image that you have bad news you could just take this and always use it when you're telling bad news i don't know why that's the example my brain picked on but that's that's where i went with that um so this could be this could be your news instagram post and you just change the colors and the title to be like i have i have uh updates and then when you post on instagram because you don't you don't want all your text on here that's not what instagram's for you if you like you don't want a whole bunch of text on your image you put that text down below on instagram don't see any yellow in this picture but yeah this could just be your updates and so you post this every time you have you have news and then you write your stuff down below and that's that's your instagram post and then you're like okay i made this but now i want to make it into a story so you can either go back to here start create a design and pick instagram story or if you have a pro account you can just um i think you just hit type in story yeah story ad instagram story we'll pick that one copy and resize it'll just bring everything over here for you and so obviously it's not perfect so you want to bring that down and then whenever i'm doing this stuff i always open up instagram and check because like usually i think your name is here and there's usually some buttons down there so you don't want to have too much overlap so keep instagram open so that you don't put text see i'm going to open it right now just so i remember i'm going to look at somebody's story and um yeah so like you don't want anything up here because here is like their name like the name and username and then down here there's the send message so just just leave those parts of your screen and then like if you're posting it to twitter double check and see what twitter covers up if you're making a tick tock post because like i'll i'll import my videos into here for tick tock and put them on here and then like add my branding elements but you want to make sure because usually there's text right here and then there's there's things right here on tick tock so you got to make sure that you don't put important stuff there and then usually so if you're doing your update in your stories this song is a bit too much going on hello um you might want to put more information here and so with this you could bring this up but not too high up because there's there's stuff there you could bring this down and then you just go to text if you've added your branding text it'll automatically make this your branding text and then you could be like i have an important announcement but you don't want to wallow text here or else people are not gonna they're not gonna read and watch your instagram stories so if you can just like maybe like maximum like four stories because you know how it is when you see like a whole bunch of dashes on somebody's story and you're like okay so you don't want too many of those you don't want it you don't want to get too bogged down and you don't want too much text on each string not everybody knows that you can like hold the button to watch your stories longer my brand yeah and then like if you want to make all four of them here the other nice thing here too i don't know what's up with this playlist either hello um this playlist okay i have like a playlist i made but it's only five songs so we'll see what we can do um they have a bunch of templates in here for stories so if we want to search ocean in here um i'm trying to see some of these will have more than like they'll be like a pack um so like okay basically what i'm trying to say is instead of just being one it'll be like four templates um oh that's really cute there you go there's there's your update all you do you take the screen you change it to your fonts you maybe put your like your logo up there you change it to your colors and it's perfect let's take ocean out of here um let's go into here like this one these are yeah these are some pro ones where are some folders to show what i'm talking about um yeah there's a 10 things and you can use these for personal use anyways like if or if you want engagement like these ask me anything if you can't think of what to post on instagram but you need engagements just go on to here they've got like ask me three questions what is your favorite that'll give you ideas of things you could post this or that oh here's one i've used this one at one of my jobs before so i used to work at a holistic physiotherapy clinic and we were announcing that we had a naturopath doctor a lot of people don't know what a naturopath doctor is i didn't so we used four of these with lots of photos to just be like everyone like one sentence on each of them to be like this is an idea of what a naturopath doctor does um so if you want to tweet or sorry fleet or like story like a little bit about like an update or something that you're doing coming up with a bit of information spread that information off across just a couple of different designs you can find these packages that change things up but still have coherent branding and you can use them i really like this whale um yeah and again you don't want too many words in your instagram post because those go underneath you just want to catch people's attention and then they'll go read and then with your story again some people don't know that you can pause your story so that's something to think about um cool we talked about how to save things how to recolor things uh favorites background remover custom sizes does anybody have any questions does anybody want to see me make something like if there's something that you're like hey show me how to do the tick tock stuff because it's different than the other stuff if there's anything else you want to see please let me know i'm gonna i'm gonna have more water because i've been talking a lot tonight um and i'll open up our overlays again because i think we did a good job and if not what part waits for the night we'll go right i think i already know who we're gonna raid so um i will be uploading this to youtube so if you missed the beginning if there's parts you want to hear again this will be on youtube eventually do you do subtitles to canva i don't i am very lucky i have a dish uh uh uh access i have access to um the adobe suites because zach uses it for work and i get i get a student discount on it so i do use um adobe for that you definitely could though you absolutely could let's take a look i think yeah tick tock video and yeah they have end frames in here too if you want like a professional looking end view for a tick tock um they have a bunch of templates in here so let's take a quick look because i already uploaded a video just in case something like this came up so i'm gonna put this on i don't think it will play sound yeah it will i wonder no because you'd have to be able to pin it okay no i don't think you can uh there might be a way but i'm not sure oh something else that i've discovered for people who are looking to um post like clips and things is streamladder um this is free and this is delightful so if you have a video of you doing something you can enter the clip url you don't even have to download it or you can download it and then when you downloaded it you pick the section where your webcam is you pick the gameplay you want to be covered and it will like stack it so that your webcam is on top and your gameplay is on the bottom like the tick tocks i posted the past few days from hollow knight where it's my webcam up top and then the gameplay on the bottom um was done using stream ladder so i'd highly recommend it so that because like the first few tick tocks that i post i just posted them like like this with a background but it will crop your webcam and then it will crop like this section of the gameplay and stack it for you and it is amazing and it has changed my life so yeah stream ladder also very good also would recommend if you're turning clips into tick tocks really appreciate this technical review cam but i'm glad i think it i had a lot of fun um canva is incredible you can create incredible things you can make custom things for anything like i feel like pastel under the sea is a little bit niche like not a lot but it's a little bit um [Music] and so you can you can make your own stuff anybody can make their own stuff it shouldn't be scary i know a lot of people get um nervous at the idea of doing creative things when you don't consider yourself a creative person but it has like if you're nervous about balance pick a layout that's already there and just change the elements if you find like like i found a space background i really like so i replaced the planets with fruits and i changed the colors and then i i think it turned out really well so yeah that's canva that's canva we did it we did it we did a crafting stream and yeah if anybody has any questions feel free to tweet me to talk to me in the discord um i'm always happy to talk about it make some thumbnails with this hell yeah i did that i did um i did the art for like my doom playthrough but then i assembled it in canva and i did the text with canva and then once i had it done all i had to do was change the number on canva for like the first video the second video and then just like take it out it's you can use it for so many things it's so good it's so good so yeah canva it's really good um and if you if you enjoyed this if you learned something if you make something it would mean a lot to me um and you don't have to like but if you wanted to if you tweeted me and tagged canva in it and talked about this that would be really cool i was looking at some of their um like their branding stuff and to become like a canva partner you have to get like a million views a month um and that's not gonna happen for a little while so um yeah just just to be like hey boot me with engagements it'd be very much appreciated we can show them what small creators can do [Music] [Music] do [Applause] [Music] hello
Channel: Del The Lemon
Views: 3,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: content creation, how to make overlays, setting up a stream, streamer resources, content creation resources, stream overlays, stream elements, overlays, stream resources, new streamer, twitch, twitch set up, canva tutorial, canva for overlays, canva for streamers
Id: T01Oq3JZntM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 158min 22sec (9502 seconds)
Published: Tue May 18 2021
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