how to brand your twitch stream like a pro || stream tips for branding your twitch presence

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[Music] hey everybody welcome back to my channel i'm hey shady lady and today we're going to be talking about how you can transition from being someone who makes stuff on the internet sometimes to being a proper brand how to get that professional streamer look ideally you want to keep a little bit of both of those things so that you can stay really beautiful let me show you an example really quick which one of these do you think looks better you likely went with choice number b right there's some charm in the first one but the second one has a lot more cohesion and it seems a lot more like they know what they're doing there's a consistency so in this video i'm going to be talking a little bit about designing your channel but this isn't specifically a graphic design tutorial this is more the concept of branding and some resources that are available to you to help you create a uniform brand across not just twitch but your other social media platforms i'm going to be reading a little bit off of a script so bear with me if i'm not looking at the camera and i do want to give a big thank you to my very first sponsor envato place it thank you so much for teaming up with me and helping me that bring this video to help everybody out with the branding getting the pro streamer look is have to do with attitude but i do think that a presentation will inspire confidence in a viewer to take you more seriously as far as twitch goes there's a lot and i mean a lot of different things that you'll want to have customized graphics for just on your twitch profile there's your profile picture channel banner video player aka offline banner channel trailer twitch panels emotes cheer motes cheer badges sub pages channel points the list goes on and on and on your streaming graphics like for obs include starting soon screens ending screens be right back screens chat boxes webcam frames transition scenes alert boxes social media banners and anything else that is custom to your specific content and when you get to your other social media you're gonna want youtube banners twitter banners and maybe custom stories and stuff for your instagram stories or fleets look there's literally so many graphics and so many different things that you need to have customized to look like you know what you're doing i don't want you to get overwhelmed though and i really think that you should just start with the bare basics which to me make sure that you get your profile picture get a nice headshot or a nice like logo picture whatever it is that you know maybe you're a v tuber you don't use your face but make sure that you have the same profile picture across all of your different social media platforms editing tie here i didn't mention but the reason that you want to keep the same profile picture and username too across all of your social media platforms is for like brand recognition this way i know if i'm familiar with you on twitch you have a specific picture and username on twitch when i go on twitter and maybe you follow me or i see you pop up on my timeline i'm gonna recognize that picture recognize that name know it's you immediately follow what we're wanting to accomplish in today's video is streamlining the process of getting those graphics set up through all of your social media platforms and your streaming graphics this isn't going to be an overnight process by any means and yes you want to get set up as much as possible in the beginning but also expect that you're going to be fine-tuning this possibly throughout your entire streaming career and all of you perfectionists that are watching you just gotta chill out and accept that it's not going to be this grand fantasy that you have in your head of yourself as a content creator you've got to start where you can start and then after a month or two be like you know actually i don't like how that looks i'm gonna change it and that's how you're just fine-tuning your craft over time okay so before you even actually make any graphics you have to know what your brand is and i think that starts personally with a strong username or a strong brand name the three major things that i recommend for picking out a brand name or username is a name that is easy to spell easy to remember and fun to say because you want when someone hears your name to not forget it so hey shady lady is a really good example it rhymes they're very simple easy words that there's never they're never going to be misspelled anecdotally i had thought about changing my username to the lady infinity a while back because i didn't like the negative connotations with the word shady but i learned when i was testing that new username out that a lot of people actually struggle to spell the word infinity if i gave someone my username word of mouth and they tried to look me up later they might not be able to spell it right they might not find the right twitter account so you you want to try to shoot for things that are easy to spell easy to remember fun to say that being said don't stop yourself from using big brain words that are difficult to spell if that really suits you and as far as your username if you can avoid using underscores hyphens or numbers if possible do that if i was hey underscore shady hyphen lady137 it's so much harder to communicate that and have people remember it and find the right profile now if the numbers are important as to you they define you then go for it for your name you want to try to pick something unique that stands out and defines you so another example is gamer girl 2020 is super duper generic right how many gamer girls are there but you could take that same concept so we've got gamer girl and you could try to just fine tune down into it a little bit so what kind of games do you like fps games what kind of girl are you a diva and there you go fps diva instead of gamer girl 2020 and i think fps diva has a lot stronger branding potential the way that i come up with usernames is i will sit down and i will write out a bunch of words on a piece of notebook paper uh just words that i like short words long words it doesn't matter just words that i like words that i'd like to use in the name all kinds of stuff like that i'll get between 15 and 30 different words and i will write them in like a scatter cloud type of format and then i will just sit there and stare at it and let my eyes flick around and see you know oh this word goes with this word and how does this work very well and it kind of helps me to to quickly brainstorm and kind of jumble up and mish-mash the words a little bit better i also really enjoy using username generators especially when i'm doing creative writing so i will link a couple of recommendations in the description box below is a really good example it's great for all kinds of things even if you're doing like a dnd campaign and you need a bunch of names of a tavern once you've got your username solidified you're going to want to move into picking your mood slash color palette that you want to go with for your graphics okay so the colors you pick for your branding do have some psychological impact on attracting new people to you i'm not going to dive super deep into this right here but you can pause the screen if you want to read a little bit more about the typical psychological associations with certain colors i don't think you have to be this analytical about choosing your colors i've never picked colors from my brand based on psychological associations i've just focused on colors and palettes that i personally enjoy maybe focus in on your favorite colors or colors that work with you maybe your hair color is always pink and that should be a major color choice in your design or maybe everything you own is yellow you've just always had an affinity for the color yellow maybe you really really really love cows and so you want to work black and white uh and the cow pattern into your branding think about stuff that you already love and enjoy you want to work yourself in personally to your branding as much as possible you might already have your favorite colors picked out and you're ready to go but if you need a little help try some color palette generating websites i really like because you can quickly generate new palettes and it gives you five choices on the screen so i've got these five colors up i'm just gonna hit the space bar i already personally really like that palette uh but that's pretty much the colors that i'm wearing right now let's say we really like this shade of blue here we're gonna lock it in we're hit the space bar and you can see everything shuffles except that blue i think that's gonna look really nice with this orange so we're gonna shuffle again shuffle again i like this is kind of desaturated green black would be nice to go with this and let's find one to finish out that's kind of nice too so there's a really kind of funky color palette right here um but that's an example of how you can just kind of grab some colors if you're having trouble coming up with your palette on your own now we're going to need to focus in on your logo slash associated imagery i'd like to say this should be the very last step but maybe you're super artsy and you already have a doodle that you've held on to for a while and it's inspired you entirely so your username and color palette is actually branched off of this doodle you did that you wanted to be your logo but if you picked your username and colors first then we've got to look in it logo design your logo could be something as simple as just a really cool drawing of your initials so like hsl for me and hey shady lady but you could also pick an aesthetic shape you like and i like to abide by the keep it simple stupid method kiss method just keep a very simple shape that's easy to for the eye to understand what it's looking at when it's very very small so it could be a moon a heart a star a football a game controller keep in mind that in the gaming sphere we all are going to resonate with that gaming controller so you might want to try to be a little bit more unique if you don't have any graphic design experience you can't draw you're not like an artsy person you might want to consider commissioning a logo design and you could search on etsy for logo design find an independent artist there are some cheap options there are some really really really expensive options or you could search on fiverr as well those are two really good resources for for finding artists but as a starting streamer this can get really expensive so you can also use websites to generate logos for you to just get started and if you're thinking with your big brain you want your logo to be able to function as possible merch as well like t-shirts designs or a coffee cup but most importantly it's going to be slapped on everything you do across social media so you want this to be eye-catching easy to read easy to understand what you're looking at and translate well in a very small format it needs to look good as a tiny little thumbnail too you don't need to get overly detailed this is why a lot of logos are typically very simplistic think about the instagram logo it's a simple square with a circle in it the twitter logo it's a little bird facebook is just an f twitch is that little chat bubble with eyeballs in it think about how simple these large company logos are and keep that in mind when you're trying to come up with your associated imagery with your brand and i'll put on screen the one that i'm using for my shady lady website i did try to keep it simple i chose the pentagon shape because i don't see it used very often and i thought it had a nice effect i do have a big focus on the third eye but i also wanted to have a feminine feel to it and now you actually want to get started into designing those graphics and there's a lot of different options for designing like i said you can either commission some artists or you can get a subscription to adobe photoshop or the adobe packages if you can't afford that then you can use the photoshop duplicate photo p which i did an overlay tutorial using uh in the last video it's a free photoshop duplicate and it's great you want to take the color palette the logo and the username and you want to work them into these graphics across everything and like i said on twitch you don't need every single different asset but i would at least recommend a starting soon screen that could also function as a be right back screen or just kind of your main like logo screen and here i'll show you mine that i use on my twitch for example so you can see it has art that i got from an artist the color palette the moon the only thing i'm missing on there and i'm actually surprised i thought it was there was my actual username so uh you probably want your username on there somewhere so i would recommend at least that screen and then matching overlay graphics that will go with your color palette that can kind of keep a cohesion with what you're doing now i'm going to show you guys on which is today's sponsor a little trick on how to get a free cute animated alert that's fairly customized for your stream graphics they have free options here it is a monthly service though if you're interested i have a link for 15 off down in the description box or in the pen comment so you know check that out okay so when you get to you're going to want to make an account so you can log in and everything and in the top navigation bar is going to want to go under gaming browse through the freebie section if you like to they have all kinds of good stuff here there are animated logos logo design stream overlays starting soon screens twitch banners offline banners overlays panels all kinds of good stuff here right i want to show you guys how to make an alert though which i don't think they actually have worked into the website but i was playing with this the other day and i was like well we're going to check out their animated logos to make a follow alert or other alerts i'm going to drop down and select the free option over here just for the sake of this video and for this you can fully customize the look of everything so i just kind of want to look at the animation and see which one i like the best so let's go with this one right here because i like how that animates on screen now we're going to say thanks for the follow let's see how that looks we are going to change this i'm not like a storm trooper kind of girl but it does come with audio already on it so you can either pick one of their songs and they do have a pretty decent library of a bunch of different songs that you can use so there's a little alert sound or you can just turn off that audio track up here i'm gonna turn it off personally but we're going to go ahead and change this image to something cute so let's type in the word cute and see what we get that is super cute actually pretty on brand for me i'm going to come up here and customize the colors a little bit my hair is pretty close to that color but i'm going to change it to be like a little bit more peachy orangey um so we've got thanks for the follow or we could take out that second line because it's actually a little hard to see and on the bottom line we could just put new follower to actually be able to make this work well as a an alert you're going to want to make this green screen so change the background to a really vibrant bold green so if your logo works with the color like a green color like this then uh you might be kind of out of luck as far as this this this little trick here is gonna work for you so we're gonna have this bright green background in order for it to generate the video for you you have to click the play all button which is in the bottom left corner and let it play and load in so there's our little follow alert that's very cute we're gonna click the download button we're gonna come down here to get the free watermarked low res version it does have a watermark in it it's not super duper visible though and this is a free option so what it what can you do we've got that downloaded so i'm going to show y'all we're going to come into streamlabs or whichever one you use for your alerts i use streamlabs you might be using stream elements but go into where you edit your alert so i'm in my alert section i'm going to come down to the followers the follow section so i've got the image spot right here i'm going to click the upload button to get a new one go into the upload section click on that get that new one right in here go ahead and select it and then we're going to save what we've just done so that's saved okay now let's see what that looks like you can see we have we have the alert popping in i'll have to move my text around a little bit but the green background's awful sure yeah but now what we're going to do is we're going to chroma key out that background so right click on the alert box go into filters click on the plus sign to add a chroma key effect click done you can just keep color type on green and that should fully take care of this so we're going to go ahead and click done and now we're going to test the new follow alert at that that's really cute right okay and that was i made that for free on the playset website i was showing you guys and then one more thing as far as actually getting your branding cohesive um i just want to show you guys really quick under the twitch overlays section that they have all kinds of overlay options some of these are premium but a lot of these are free and there are some really cute ones there were some really cute ones that just came out with pride that i just think are so like super pastel in kawaii and i was like oh ding so the overlay comes with a webcam frame and the actual overlay itself you can update what the text says on it you can change the color palettes entirely and you can even pick like new images or different images that pop up here so as far as actually having that pro streamer look you want to have in my opinion a graphic version of your logo and username a starting soon screen slash a title screen a just chatting screen or a screen that you can switch to when you're welcome welcoming in a rage to your channel a gaming scene or a scene specific to the type of content you produce say you're an art streamer or an asmr streamer you want a main scene for your main content a webcam frame in case you need to go real small an alert box an ending scene is a nice idea specifically so in case you forget to click in stream after you raid someone you've already switched to your ending screen so people aren't going to see you sitting there early after your stream is over and uh i would recommend definitely twitch panels which place it had a spot where you could make free twitch panels but there are other websites online that can also offer options like that and a transition scene really adds a lot to the presentation of your live stream especially as far as professionalism goes and that's going to wrap it up for the tips and ideas that i had for getting your branding in place so that you can look a little bit more professional with content creation if you'd like to see me take these steps and actually create a brand out of what i've just said then check out the video that i'm going to be posting next week that's going to be a companion video to this where i actually i'm going to create a brand from the ground up following all of these steps using the same websites and everything yeah i suppose that's gonna wrap it up for this video um thank you again so much to place it in vato for sponsoring the video and y'all make sure to check that link out in the description box for 15 off you can catch me on my live streams at shadylady i go live a couple times a week we play starde valley over there definitely like this video and subscribe if you'd like some more twitch tutorial content in your feed come hang out with me on instagram twitter also my discord community the offbeats that you're welcome to join we are very new streamer friendly there and i'm about to go put up my reaction to the demon slayers episode four and five over on my anime channel so i hope you all have a great week or weekend thank you so much for watching and i will see you in the next video bye [Music] you
Channel: HeyShadyLady
Views: 12,023
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, how to twitch, twitch channel tutorial, twitch stream guide, grow on twitch, pro streamer, get better at streaming, streaming tips, how to stream on twitch, streaming, livestreaming tips, streaming tips for beginners, beginner streamer, beginner streamer tips, streaming tips and tricks, new twitch streamer, how to talk to yourself twitch, stream tips twitch, twitch tips for girls, how to grow on twitch, how to grow on twitch 2021, twitch branding
Id: nZo6Jsox46g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 25 2021
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