Design Christmas phone wallpapers with me

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welcome to a super cozy super christmasy design video where today i am designing some phone wallpapers in a christmas style and you'll even be able to download them from free from my shop at the end of this video now i am feeling rather christmassy and what better way to share the christmas spirit than designing some funky phone wallpaper designs so if you are ready go and grab a hot cozy drink and let's get straight into the design so the aim of this video by the end is to have some wallpaper designs that you guys can download for free and use as your wallpaper hopefully this video goes well because i don't actually know how many i'm going to be making today but i'm going to do possibly a typography one an illustration one maybe like a collagey one and see if i can get them done okay on to the first design now what i'm thinking for this one is to do a really simple christmas repeated pattern that will stay the same and then have like different colored backgrounds that you guys can choose from so we do like real nice christmassy colors and then we'll do some other funky colors so you can choose which ones you want to download so i'm thinking of doing like christmas related stuff so like doing some christmas leaves some holly just some really simple stuff that will look really nice as a pattern so whenever i create patterns i always just use the pencil tool i actually use my mouse to do this people have asked if i kind of use like a drawing tablet i've always just used my mouse and i guess i've got pretty good at it so that's what i like to do so i'm just gonna go ahead and draw some leaves and get ready to create a really nice pattern okay so we now have our elements to our pattern and i know it's not looking like a pattern at the moment but trust the process we will get there so i've gone for some really nice sharp leaves and then some soft leaves to contrast each other we've got snowflake we've got some snow in there and i feel like it just reminds me of christmas already so the next thing is we're going to create the pattern so to do this i'm just going to go to object pattern and then make and then this will bring up the pattern i think i'm gonna go for the hex by column so that is basically gonna put the pattern in a hexagon for me so it's not in like a grid um i find the grid can be quite static so going for like the hexagon can actually change it up and make it look a lot less static so what i'm doing is i'm just gonna play around with this pattern move some of the elements around to make sure that it fits within one another um i like to do this because otherwise you can have overlapping bits um so once i've got that into place i will then go to my swatch panel where the pattern will now be i'm going to create a background to make sure i know exactly what color i want the pattern to be because obviously it is black at the moment so i am going to just go for a red color and then change the actual pattern i think i'll go for a cream and see how that looks so we're just gonna press done that looks pretty nice it does remind me of christmas already i love cream against the red which is beautiful so now i'm gonna just continue to make some different colored backgrounds to see what works nicely i think a really nice like olive green would look nice um and i think we'll leave that with the cream as well i think we'll go for like a blue as well um and then maybe a pink oh i love the pink against the red the pink and red is my favorite how insane does that look i actually might once i've done this download it and then actually put it on my iphone so you guys can see what the pattern looks like so you can get a feel for which one that you want they look pretty cool i think i might change the green one to a lighter green um no i don't like that why does that look horrible it looks really like old-fashioned when you when i change that i think we'll change that back to cream beautiful they look so good okay what i'm gonna do is i'll send it to my phone and we can have a look at the pattern i didn't think i would feel like this but having a christmas wallpaper has made me feel so christmassy and look how freaking cute is that wallpaper i am obsessed with this red and this pink color if you're not into the red and pink um the blue one i think will be really nice let me just set it to my wallpaper used as wallpaper oh my god that looks so cool made me feel so christmassy oh i love it okay right we've got four i think i created four colors for that one so we've now got four wallpapers that you can download epic now i think what i'm gonna do is move on to more of a typography based one and see what i can come up with probably using merry christmas as the words so around a year ago i used to create loads of 3d text and i feel like i haven't done that kind of typography in a while so let's do that because i actually used to love that style so so much so always choose a really nice thick type if you're doing 3d text so i've got some really nice type here and it is nice and thick and i can't actually remember if i need to do an outline or an output path so this may be a learning curve for me too okay so i actually realized that i didn't need to put an output path around it and i just need to outline the original type so i'm gonna get rid of that and we're gonna just start again so i'm gonna just duplicate the merry put it behind and drag it down a little so then we can create that really nice 3d effect so i'll select both of them and then we'll go to object is it object blend yeah object blend and then make and then that's created a really nice blended 3d effect for our type so i'll do the same for xmas 2. um okay we have got some beautiful type now and what i'm thinking of doing is creating some like low lights and some highlights around this just to give it more of an edge and to make it look pretty funky so the next stage is to go in and use the pen tool to create some lines on where there should be a highlight and where there should be a low light so i've gone in with the pen tool i've added the lines for exactly where i need darker parts to be and lighter parts to be um and now i'm going to grab the shape builder tool i'm going to select all of my type and then i'm just going to go in and select the parts that i want to add the color to this type is looking so sexy right now i am obsessed with 3d type like i said i haven't done this in a while so this is bringing back memories to doing this so we've got our beautiful type now i've added in some highlights some low lights and it's really made that 3d effect look insane so the next job now is to figure out a background for this so i'm thinking either a really dark color to match the really dark reds that color or to gray for the other end and go for a pinky color you got to test it out so we'll see which one looks better so the dark color if i add that it looks okay but i feel like the type gets a little lost so if we go in and try a pink color now that looks better maybe if i just change the actual type to something a little lighter it will look nice okay so that is added and that actually looks really really nice now um i feel like i could create a really nice pattern out of these words so i'm gonna have a play around and just maybe come up with two or three wallpaper backgrounds and just pick which ones look the best okay so i thought i was just gonna leave the typography with it either being like a really big wallpaper where the text is nice and big so you can see all of the 3d effects but i kind of want to make another one where merry xmus is like in the middle a little bit smaller and then we've got things going on around this so what i'm gonna do is create a maybe like lights that go like around the typography i don't know how it's gonna look but we'll test it out and see so i'm just going to grab my brush tool um it can be quite fiddly to make the line so don't worry if you go wrong um get it until you feel like it's perfect to you so brush has been added and i'm going to just bring xmus i think in front of it so it looks like it's going like through it looping around it and then it's including the typography within the lights okay now i'm going to add in some lights i don't want to make them too detailed because it will take away from our original typography so i'm just going to add in some circles that are going to represent the light and see how that looks so um i feel like something is missing like it looks quite flat right now so maybe if we were to add in um some highlights or maybe change the colors of it let's change the colors of the balls to like that nice lighter red and see how that looks okay that definitely looks a lot better i feel like that was missing i do feel like something is missing um it could potentially be some like highlights on the ball so let's add in a pink little ball within the ball see how that looks okay that is bringing it more to life and it's adding in more of a 3d effect to go with the typography that we have created okay i'm actually really pleased with how these have turned out so we've got three different ones at the moment and we've got one that has the really nice lights i changed one to just include mary at the top and then xmas at the bottom just to keep it a little more simpler we then got merry xmas massive as a wallpaper so once again i'm gonna send it to my phone and see how it looks as an actual wallpaper on my phone oh she is so cute how cute does that look with the lights i actually really like that i don't know which one is my favorite maybe like i changed this to it maybe like three days before it's actually christmas because it might be a little too soon right now whereas the other one you can kind of use throughout the whole of december but it looks really cute i'm gonna do the other ones and see how they look as well i actually really like this one although you can't really read that it says merry christmas i kind of know what it means so i might make that just a tad smaller so you can read it but i love how you can actually see all of the detail within the typography that we have created let me know which one is your favorite so far how mad is it that something so simple like changing your wallpaper to something festive can make you so damn happy because i feel so happy right now um okay so we are going to do this as our last one because i can feel the creativity running out of me but we're going to put everything into this one um i feel like this one could be like a really nice collage and use really nice like christmas stickers so that's what we're gonna go for we're gonna absolutely ram everything in this one and make this one a little more chaotic than the other ones because i feel like they were a lot more simpler and i feel like christmas stickers will look really cute as a wallpaper i've actually just had a really really good idea so i put out a color palette for the fierce the bold and the daring the other day on my instagram if you don't follow my instagram go and check it out because there's some really good color palette inspos on there um and what i thought i'd do is i take one of the color palettes and actually use it because i've been wanting to use one of these for ages so what i'm thinking is there's one on here which is like a red a really nice sort of dark blackish color a cream and then a green which i think is actually really christmassy so we're gonna use this color palette and we're gonna create an iphone wallpaper the hardest thing to do is to just start an illustration or a design so what i'm thinking for this collage is to include some typography and some christmas illustrations and then combine them all together to create a really packed nice collage so i think the first thing i'm gonna do is like a really cute santa stop here circular sign okay how cute is that santa stop here sign i love the colors on this one already so i'm so glad that we went for this color palette next thing i'm going to do is create like a really nice merry christmas type to make it look like it is a sticker i'm just going to basically add like an outer path to everything that i'm putting on here just to make it look like it is a sticker so a little tip for you if you are creating a sticker filled design i actually got so engrossed within that design that i just didn't want to stop so i have designed a hot chocolate which if you don't know already i absolutely adore hot chocolate um we've got the santa stop here sign we've got merry christmas and i thought it'd be cute to do like something funny um and like punny like so i'd put a badge on there and i put socks again question mark because let's be honest everyone gets socks for christmas and although there might be that gift where you're like oh i got socks whatever they are actually really useful and i do love a good pair of socks so i thought that would be cute to add that on there uh we've got ho ho ho handle with care some other like really cute twinkles and some snow on there and now we're gonna turn this into a pattern so we're gonna do exactly the same as before we're gonna go to object pattern make now instead of there being equal space on this one where the other one was really simple i am gonna overlap overlap overlap i want it to basically feel really compact as if stickers have been like stuck on one another and you know when you like collect stickers and you just keep sticking them on stuff i want to get that feel that everything has been placed in there and it is just over packed because i feel like it would look really cute so we're going to do that okay i'm really having to trust the process right now because this is like overpowering for my brain i'm not sure if i actually like the look of this but you got to try these things to see if they work so i've just been overlapping within the pattern to make sure that it actually looks right and i'm going to see what it looks like as a swatch so it actually looks okay at the moment i need to add a cream background so we'll add in that background i'm just gonna move a few bits about because i feel like they need to be overlapped in certain positions so we're gonna do that and then we'll see the final result okay i feel like this one is gonna be like marmite people are either gonna really love it or people are gonna hate it so if you're more of like a minimalist designer i don't feel like this wallpaper is gonna be for you but i actually really like it and we're gonna see what it looks like on my phone i'm actually not gonna lie i didn't think i would like this one but i think it may be my favorite how freaking cute i actually love that it is just like everywhere but you can actually see merry christmas there in the middle oh i actually really like this one so what i think i'm gonna do is are do some more colors just to switch it up and maybe do like more funky colors uh most christmas colors and just give you guys some options please let me know out of the three that i have done so far which one is your favorite and which one are you going to be downloading so that is the design video done and i am just feeling so christmassy and in such a like cute and happy mood because i now have some wallpapers that i can change throughout christmas please let me know which one you've downloaded or the one that you're actually going to use as your wallpaper if you do end up using them please make sure you tag me in your stories on instagram so i can share them across my instagram too and others can get in the christmas spirit and have some funky and cool wallpaper if you have enjoyed this video make sure to give it a big thumbs up hit that subscribe button and i will see you at the next video you
Channel: Abi Connick
Views: 3,827
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to have an aesthetic phone
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 30sec (930 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 12 2021
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