How to STREAM on TWITCH with OBS STUDIO (Full tutorial guide for beginners)

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so you have your twitch channel it's made and now  the only thing left for you to start streaming is   the broadcasting software and you've been  asking around and people keep telling you   obs studio is the way to go it's the best of  the best they might be right or maybe you've   been using another software to broadcast your  streams and now you're looking to maybe switch   maybe you feel like you're being held back well  hey guys Gael Level here and today i'm going to   be showing you the ultimate process of installing  and setting up obs studio in order to live stream   on twitch my goal for this video is to go step  by step from downloading installing setting it   up and then putting some overlays in order  to make it look good so hopefully by the end   of this video the only thing that you will have  to do is click that go live button now although   i'm going to be going step by step there are  a bunch of steps that you can actually skip   if you use today's sponsor now if you've been  following this channel for a little bit you   know that OWN3D.GG/GAELLEVEL is where you go to  get everything customizable for a live streamer   or even a youtuber but what if i told you that  the real streamers use OWN3D.GG/GAELLEVELPRO   seriously own just announced own pro which is  an obs studio plugin that gives you access to   everything you need straight into obs once  you install it it will give you access to a   library of overlays and alerts that you can just  scroll through pick one you like and then test   it click on it one click install easy clap now  let's say you want to add something like stream   labels aka latest subscriber latest follower own  makes it easy to do that from your source list   you would like to display your chat box into  your overlay no problem they are actually already   working on things like a dedicated twitch chat  bot and a possible copyright free music solution   that avoids you from getting those nasty dmcas  now let's talk about fees you almost got scared   there you thought there wasn't gonna be a free  plan well there is and the free plan is not a   trial it's free forever so if you want to test the  free pro that's fine but if you want to go pro pro   you can also do that i'll let you check  out the difference between the two plans   but in the meantime go to OWN3D.GG/GAELLEVELPRO  and step up your obs studio game and one extra   bonus about owned is that they're going to be  having some crazy promos during the holidays   both for own pro so OWN3D.GG/GAELLEVELPRO pro  but also OWN3D.GG/GAELLEVEL the difference here   is one is for that obs studio plugin and  then the rest is for just overlay packs   and alerts and graphics they're going to be  having some huge sale during the black friday week   black friday itself cyber week and pretty much  the whole month of december up until christmas   those promos are going to be from 50 off up to 60  off so just just letting you know okay links are   gonna be in the description okay so step number  one is going to be go to download   in order to download obs studio it's gonna look  like that so you can click download installer   find where you want to install it let's just click  save here so when it's done downloading you can   just click on it and we're just gonna install it  installation is pretty straightforward click next now as you can see i did not launch it immediately  that's because it is preferable to launch it as an   admin so if you add it here it will probably show  up here it's not showing because i already had it   but you can go to more and then click run add run  as administrator now this is what it should look   like once you open it if you get some prompts  for things like would you like to set up your   automatic wizard or would you like to connect  your twitch account you need to say yes and do   those things my computer already had a profile so  it did not give me those messages if you don't get   those dialog boxes you can just click on tool up  top here and then click auto configuration wizard   and then here it will give you a choice optimize  for streaming recording is secondary if you're   a live streamer then that's what you're going to  pick and then click next face canvas use current   is what i advise you using because it's going to  basically detect your screen in the resolution of   your screen base canvas is your current screen  what you see and in fps usually 30 to 60 is   usually the basics you click next and then here it  will ask you which platform you want to stream on   select twitch and click connect account so you  just type in your username and your password   uh if you have a token for your authentication  you can submit that and click ok and here you'll   click authorize basically what it will do is take  all the information from your twitch account and   then allow you to use that in order to stream  to your twitch account okay make sure those are   ticked prefer hardware encoding we don't  have anything to do here just click next   and now it will basically test everything  now when it comes to my internet connection   mine is really really bad i have 0.7 upload speed  because when you're broadcasting on the internet   it's basically taking your upload speed so that's  what matters your download speed doesn't matter   that much it's mostly the upload speed since mine  is so so low we're probably gonna get a very very   very low result and here we have the results  now beware because those results are not always   perfect for example um the server is automatic for  now but i saw that it was testing the uk server so   i will have to check to see if i'm on uk server  or friends server because i am currently in paris   and there is a server in paris video bitrate  422 if you have a decent internet connection   you will most likely have something between 2000  and 6000 preferably 422s bitrate is going to give   you a very very bad quality but if you know that  you have a very bad internet connection you should   probably trust this auto configuration click  apply settings and since you're connected with   your twitch account it is actually going to give  you the chat right here and you can see if i click   and drag it's basically trying to predict where i  want to put it you want your chat to be here and   you can always resize it a little bit and this is  stream information now this is not really a useful   tab right now so we're going to close it  let's click ok the other useful tab that   we want is the activity feed basically we want  to know if someone just followed if someone did   this if someone did that because we don't have  alerts set up yet so we're gonna click on view   docs twitch activity feed make sure it loads  we're gonna wait and there it is and of course   you can place it wherever you want but this is  very readable if you will now we have our basic   setup time to explain the whole principle of obs  now this screen right here this is what you will   visually be broadcasting to twitch right now  it will be 1080p because my screen is 1080p   but the output on the actual website is going  to be different it's going to be smaller   because the the auto configuration decided that  for me now let's talk about the important sections   bottom left you will find scenes scenes is  basically segments it's something that will   comprise of a bunch of stuff a bunch of  images videos or whatever you can display   on one segment on one scene if we add another  scene we can switch in between those segments   and in different segments we'll show different  things so i'm going to go ahead and show you what   the typical twitch scene setup looks like so here  i have just a video this will show you in order   basically what the typical twitch scenes look like  the first one is going to be a starting soon this   is what you're going to be at when you just start  the stream in order to let people gather around   get the notifications and get hyped up for the  stream before it actually begins and then here   we will have something called the intermission  screen or the full screen webcam screen   basically that is when you are starting  the show the camera is going to be the   on the forefront and it's going to be the focus  and this is where you can say hi how you doing   and you can talk with your viewers already on  the right side you can see we have the chat   and our overlay still matches the same colors  because we had specific branding for this example   this is what the game scene will look like as  you can see the camera is smaller so we can see   the game underneath it and then at the bottom  you will find what is called the labels bar   or the stream labels and those are little graphics  that will show people who have recently supported   the stream by following cheering or subscribing or  donating and then this is a be right back screen   if you have to take a little break and this  will be a stream ending if you would like to   display a screen before the stream actually  ends to let people know hey the stream is   currently ending i don't advise you using it  but a lot of people seem to insist on using   an ending screen so there it is now that we have  this information we're going to create a bunch   of empty scenes and we are going to create the  typical scenes list so i'm going to call this one   i'm going to keep the first one for the starting  soon i'm going to call this one the intermission i'm going to click the plus to add another one  we're going to call this one the game scene we're just going to call it game  we're gonna call this one the brb and we're gonna call this last one  the ending okay there you go so   the easy way of adding what we call overlays  which is basically graphics that will show   on your stream is to either create them yourself  or of course you can go to   for example and you can get a bunch of them for  free if it's your very first time setting up obs   studio i advise you using a static overlay pack  and i advise you using a free one for example   this one was inspired by valorant you can just  type zero in the price box here and then add to   cart and just proceed to checkout and basically it  will give you all of those images those are just   images that you will be adding to obs studio  and also to your twitch channel if you want to   everything is included in this pack so the  easiest method well we're going to rename   this scene let's right click on it click  rename and we're going to type starting okay now one way to add a source is by clicking  the plus at the bottom of the source list here   but you need to make sure you know exactly  what type of source that you want to add   for example right here we want to add just  an image an overlay you're going to click on   the plus and then click on image we're going to  name this because there's going to be a lot of   sources at some point we don't want to get lost  so we're going to call this restarting overlay   and we're going to click ok and as you can see  it adds it plus it opens this dialog box that   asks me pretty much to find it so it can show me  a preview so we're going to go ahead and find it   wherever we saved it on our computer and i'm  gonna go find the starting student overlay   now it shows me a preview and i can click ok  and congratulations you have your first overlay   technically you can go ahead and click start  start uh streaming right now but you would only   stream this okay so this is the first overlay  this is the first scene technically you can   leave this like that it's fine for now let's  go to the intermission scene and we're going   to do pretty much the same thing except we're  going to find the intermission overlay image intermission overlay okay find it and it says  intermission.png okay boom now there are two   things that is important about this specific scene  as we saw before there was my camera and there was   my chat box we're going to talk about the chat box  a little bit later but let's start by adding the   camera so we're gonna click plus and go to video  capture device and that's gonna be our camera as you can see whatever type of source you're  adding you're gonna have to rename it so   this is our camera if you have like a logitech  c920 you can also add that uh this is the device   you pick the thing and um resolution fps you  might wanna change that if it's like super small   for some reason but you know you have  an hd camera that is 1080p you can just   click here click custom and then pick  the resolution in this drop down menu   as you can see i like leaving it to  default because mine is working just fine   and then click ok now we have a camera the thing  here with the source list is that it's layers so   um let's say that this is my intermission overlay  and then this is my camera what happens is that   you can't see the intermission overlay because  it's behind the camera so in the list the order   actually matches the visual order so you  want the intermission to be on top of it   there you go and now it works right now if  you want to move things around there are a   couple of properties that you can change but  you can select it the camera that is you can   move it around of course you can drag the  corners in order to scale it if you have to   in this case i don't really have  to but most importantly which is   the biggest tip here is that you can  hold alt on your keyboard and crop it okay this case we don't need to because i thought  of it when i was making this overlay you just drag   it underneath it in the source and you're fine  we're gonna skip the chat for now but we're gonna   go back to it now for the game overlay we're gonna  do pretty much the same thing but obs actually   allows us to use some sources multiple times  so we're gonna add a video capture device and   instead of adding a brand new one we can click add  existing because we already added our camera we   can click ok okay and what we can do now is maybe  add a camera overlay so we can click plus image camera overlay and find the camera overlay  and this overlay pack you have the choice   between a short one or a wide one you  can go ahead and click on that wide one   it's easier because it's 1080p you just drag the  corners to make it match remember this is our   game scene so our game is going to be there so  we want our webcam not to be too big and we're   gonna drag it until it matches now all the  overlays don't necessarily match perfectly   so let's say if you have an issue right  here let's pretend that we have an issue   okay we would click on the camera and  remember alt and drag the sides to crop and now we have our camera overlay with our camera  now how do we make it so that if i want to move   it moves with it brought it back i'm gonna hold  shift and select both of them in the source now   i can right click go group selected items and  group them now they're in a group and it's   asking me to give it a name i'm just going to  call it cam easier to read okay now i can click   away and if i click here it's going to select the  group now i can move them together and everything   right i can even scale it together but if  i want to add anything to the camera for   example i don't like the fact that it's it's i'm  looking here and i want to look you know pretend   that i'm going to be looking towards the video  game i can right click on it go just transform   and flip horizontal i absolutely advise you  playing around with every single thing that   you see you should you should really look around  and see everything that you can possibly do but   we're doing the basics here now what is missing  our game what will be our game we want to capture   the gameplay now not let's imagine that we have  a game that is open we would have to go and click   on game capture which would add a screen that is  the game capture and then from this dialog log   box here in mode it will tell you capture any full  screen application so if your game is full screen   full screen on another screen it will capture  it but we can make it specific window just to   make sure that it's fine and in window you will go  ahead and find your game in here now and basically   it will show you a 1080p uh game capture window  and again it's going to add it to the top you   would want to drag it all the way down so that  your camera is going to be on top of it all right   okay for the bri back screen exactly the same  thing as the starting student screen click image brb overlay this is going to be click browse and be right back and those are  pretty much the basics when it comes to live   streaming on twitch having an overlay set  up with obs studio when something happens it   will show in your activity feed and when people  talk in your chat me and nightbot will respond   it will also show up on your screen those are not  things that people can see everything that people   will see on stream is what's here according to  the output resolution now we have an issue here   our issue here is that as you can see in our  audio mixer which is right here it's not showing   us any sources and here it's showing camera  but we don't see a microphone so let's fix this   we're going to go to settings and we're going to  go to audio okay so global audio devices this is   where it's at desktop audio is important it's  going to be the device that you're hearing the   sound from it will capture everything that  you can hear basically the stream will be   able to hear it you can leave it at default so it  will just match whatever windows has as the fold   for example right now my windows has my tv and  it will pick up everything that i play on my tv   it will pick it up or you can pick a specific  source if i have my headphones on at the same time   i can also make sure that everything that i  that i'm playing in my headphones is going to   be picked up and then my auxiliary audio is your  microphone and in this case let's pick something   else let's pick my vr headset microphone just to  show you and once you do this and you click apply   then ok you will see that it added  those two sources in every single scene right now our camera is actually not emitting  any sound so we want to hide this we're going   to click on a little cog wheel here and  we're going to click on hide that's it   to make sure that we just have desktop and  mic and of course we have this little graphic   visualizer to know that when we're speaking if  you want to mute yourself you can just click here   and as you can see it's not picking it up anymore  and now it's picking it up if you play some sound   on your desktop it will move like that too and  as long as you see those things moving that means   that stream can hear them okay now let's talk  about the extra steps for example on this overlay   you're supposed to have a chat box in general  you don't just want to see things happening in   the activity feed to thank people for supporting  you you would like to see a little graphic that   says hey this person just followed maybe a little  sound plays with it you would also maybe want to   have the name of your most recent supporters at  the bottom now twitch doesn't do that twitch does   not have alerts i mean unless you're using  twitch studio but don't use twitch studio   twitch does not provide those services basically  those cool little widgets and stuff which doesn't   really provide them obs studio does not provide  them either so you will need a company that allows   you to link your twitch channel with them and  then they will show things basically when you   get some alerts or change the little labels every  time someone new follows and stuff like that there   are multiple services i personally use streamlabs  there's also stream elements that you can use   they pretty much do the same thing maybe  differently but ultimately it's the same thing   so for this video i'm going to show you how to do  it using streamlabs and streamlabs is a service   not to be confused with streamlabs obs which is  a software made by stream anyways let's go to it's that simple and what you do  when you go to is that you click   login and you log in with your twitch account  it's going to ask you to authorize and all of that   and now it brings you to the dashboard don't  let this intimidate you okay um up top there's a   search bar where you can just type whatever you're  looking for you want the alert box that i talked   about let's type alert box it will bring you to  the alert box settings okay as you can see here   it says use the url below in obs studio so this  is the url that they are talking about okay as you   can see all of those things are checked that means  that we are about to add an alert box that will   display all of those alerts if any of those things  happen it will show up from that one alert box you   can actually uncheck them if you don't want some  of them to show up but ultimately this is here   okay so when i click copy i'm not gonna show you  how to customize your own alerts in this video but   um you should be using the default i don't  currently have the default but you'll see and   then go back to obs studio now anything that comes  from a website basically that you want to show to   display it's basically displaying from a web page  is going to be what is called a browser source   so when you add that to your scene you're going  to go find browser uh and we call this one alert   alerts and as you can see here it asks you for  a url and that is the one that we just copied   so let's just control v there you go now you can  leave it at this size if you want to that's 800 by   600 if you're just starting out that's completely  fine unless you have alerts that you want to be   really full screen then you can put you know 1080p  here so far so good just click ok this is going   to disappear and now we have this empty box but  what does it mean what does the empty box okay   uh basically it means that uh there's no alert  going on right now so that's why it's not showing   so what i'm gonna do is show you how  to test your alerts and click here   so on the streamlabs website you can test follow  test sub test resub test all of that i'm going   to lower my volume and and basically it will show  the alerts in the alert box so let's test follow   remember i have custom alerts they're probably  weird for you yours will not look like that and basically a little graphic will show up with  some text that you can customize i i i'm gonna   let you go play around with this page but there  you go someone subs if someone gives you bits   oh my god scares me and i have tts so let's wait  it out all right now you have your alert box now   if you want your alerts to actually show what  you want to do is copy them so right click copy   and you kind of have to paste them in every  single scene just to make sure that they show   up on every scene oh we didn't make an ending  screen that's fine let's just delete that one   and uh just like any other source you can move  it around you can play around with it and all   that now let's talk about the chat stream labs  also offers a chat box so back on their website   on that search bar you're gonna type chat and  you're gonna find chat box widget that's what we   want and we're going to do the exact same thing it  also works with a browser source now remember the   order of things we just added the alerts here in  obs and as you can see i added the alerts on top   of everything else because visually it needs to  be on top if you want it to be on top go back to   stream labs and we're going to do the exact same  thing and we're going to copy that thing up there   that link up there when i click that plus well  we don't want to add chat on this starting   student screen let's go to intermission click on  that plus click browser and then click chat box   i'm going to select this replace it but here's an  issue here we don't want this to look like that   okay we want this to have pretty much the same  shape as what we're seeing here so what we can   do is move it first of all we're going to move  it and then we're going to play around with the   values here until they look like what we wanted to  look like so the width we want that to be at least   400 let's click away is it not updating  and the height is probably going to be 700   let's click okay oh that's nice that's actually  perfect oh my god i nailed it in the first try   what okay uh you might have to play around  with it a little bit more but there you go   technically you have a chat box now if you  type in your chat it's gonna show up here and if you don't like the way the font looks  or anything like that you can just go back   to the website here and play around with  it until it looks like something you like   a little bonus tip is that if you switch scenes  and you come back and this is empty you need to   right click on chat box click properties and then  here it will probably have this ticked saying shut   down when so it's not visible you need to uncheck  it okay that's why it stays here let's talk about   stinging transitions sticker transitions are going  to be at the bottom of your audio mixer so you can   click scene transitions here and as you can see i  have it on a fade and i can play around with the   duration of that fade but there's a bunch of  others you know there's also swipe there's cut so   it's a little brutal there you go and you can add  extra ones if you add them that doesn't mean that   they're going to be necessarily selected is just  you can add multiple ones and then you can pick   them depending on which stream it's gonna add them  because right now by default i only have cut and   fade that are set and i'm gonna have to add those  so i can select them later on let's say swipe   add swipe just gonna call it swipe that's  fine and here you can preview the transition you can swipe in i don't know what the difference is oh   the difference is that the a doesn't move here  so the b comes in or the a moves away and to   reveal the b let's click okay and then we can do  this or that but 300 seconds milliseconds is too   way way way too fast i like having  mine to be at least one second or   there you go that's smooth fun fact this is  actually the transition that i use on my actual   live streams anyway so chat box what else is  missing all the labels at the bottom here so   we can go back to streamlabs the  website and let's type labels and this is where it gets a little complicated  okay because you kind of have to download   something here in order to make it work let's  click windows it's a small little software   basically that will be creating text files  and those text files will be updated every   time there's a new activity if someone follows  you there will be one file that's called recent   follower and someone else follows you this file  will be updated automatically with the new name   and this is what we'll be able to display so  while this is downloading with my very very   bad internet connection i can show you what it  would look like you can go ahead and click text   and let's call this one recent follower you would click ok and this  is basically the basic text   source okay type whatever we'll show you here  and um yeah you can select the font up here like this one click ok i have a cool  font but when it comes to the stream   labels since i said it will be creating those  files you would have to click read from file   and then browse and you will have to find  where those stream labels decided to put   your files that is one of the things that uh  if you're using streamlabs obs you don't have   to deal with this because it's already  connected it's already it already knows   what your labels are but also if you use  own pro so that's own gg slash get level pro   it's a plugin for obs studio that will help you  just click add it's a plugin for obs studio that   will help you just click plus just as if you were  adding any other source and then pick your labels   without going through stream labels okay so here  it is let's click to open it again connect with   twitch again type your username and password again  authorize and then here you can choose your output   directory that is where those files are going to  be those text files remember talked about them   one easy way to not lose them is  to create a folder on your desktop   ctrl shift n and call them stream labels and  go inside of this and then click select folder   all right wait a couple seconds it's going  to load up you know your last activity   and i'm going to go ahead and open that folder  to show you what's in there so if i go to desktop   stream labels and as you can see there's a  ton of text files i encourage you to read   them all to see what is possible to display but  we're mostly interested in the ms right here   most recent cheering most recent follower most  recent subscriber now back to obs studio remember   we had our text we click read from file we clicked  browse and now we're gonna find our most recent   follower desktop stream labels gonna type m on my  keyboard most recent follower right there and i   will have the name of my most recent follower  and i can actually format it again select the   fonts like the size and all that in whatever font  i want you can click ok and i can just place it why they what that why are they am i why are there people in my  chat i'm not live am i live no i'm not live were there random people in my chat okay that was  surprising alright so uh so you can just place the   labels just like that now the cool thing with me  and other people who make overlays is that they   will create labels bars that are just graphics  where you can just place those those names so   it looks even better i was watching a youtube  video and looking at your panels at the same time this is great okay i'm gonna flip my camera  because it's bothering me there we go okay   that's better so i was talking about graphics  uh stream labels graphics that i call labels   bars uh let's go back a little bit here  okay for example in this i have a specific   graphics for example if you're not affiliate  you can get donations through streamlabs right   you can get followers you can get donations  and this is supposed to be top donation if you   are affiliate you'll get subscriber donation  and cheer like most recent for all of those   so we're gonna use the non-affiliate one okay  so i can go ahead and add this it's an image we're gonna call it labels bar go find where it is   and add it as you can see it's going to be added  to the top here everything is fine click ok   drag it down you can either put it here if  you don't want to put it here you can put it   wherever you want but this overlay pack was kind  of made for it to be here we can scale it first   and then place it now remember the order we have  our recent follower that is on top of our chat box   and our in our chat box is on top of the alerts  the alerts is usually what you want to be showing   all the time you don't want anything to obstruct  the alerts so you want that to be all the way to   the top every single time or you can just drag  it put it up there you go in this case we want   our recent follower to be on top of the labels bar  boom now here's the issue if you are getting for   example if you're setting this up right now and  that the name changes and it's a very long name it   will overlap on your graphics and you don't want  that so one way that streamers usually do is that   they add a scroll filter that means they limit the  limit they limit the width and it will not go over   so we can right click on recent follower  and we're going to enter the world of   filters boom oh my god don't be don't be  intimidated okay bottom same thing little plus   add a new filter and what is it that we're trying  to do we're trying to scroll so click scroll   click ok and now we can find the horizontal speed  to make it move we can make it go crazy but that's   too distracting okay we don't want to get the  attention away from our beautiful face right okay   drag that to the side so you can see what you're  doing and here we're going to click limit with   all right as you can see 100 too small let's  switch 300 still too small to 3 000 way too much   let's go with 600 not enough 800 that might just  be it okay nice okay now you have to do it for   this in that two oh my god what a headache do i  need to add a new one how am i gonna make sure   that everything matches i'm gonna have to find the  exact same font the exact same this the exact same   that no you don't have to okay now let's talk  about the power of copy pasting in obs studio   let's right click on our recent follower and let's  copy now we're going to talk about the difference   between paste reference and paste duplicate  now right click as you can see you have both   of those paste reference is basically pasting the  same source that means that it's linked with the   old one if you modify the first one the second one  will be modified too we don't want that because we   know that we're gonna have to choose a different  file right the next file is gonna be most recent   donator so we're going to click paste duplicate  where it's going to give us the same source   but there are two different things so i can modify  this i can double click on this and go find my   most recent donator scroll down boom most recent  donator and click open and if i click ok here   i can drag down here boom and it already has the  filter because we duplicated it right now the   only thing that might get confusing is the order  remember to put them all all of them needs to be   underneath the alert but also you will want to  rename this to recent donator just to make sure   you don't get confused right and then we still  copied the first one so let's paste duplicate   another one another one as dj khaled would say  and let's drag this about here again double click   on it find top donator so this one is all time top  all time top donator again take it take 30 seconds   and look at all the files to see what is possible  click ok you're good now let's rename this all right and let's drag it down i remember when  we grouped up the camera with the camera overlay   this is too many this is too much right if you  want to have a quick glance and know what's   going on this is too much so let's group up all  the labels together to have with to stay with   the labels bar so i'm gonna click on labels  bar and i'm gonna click on that last label   holding shift on my keyboard right click group  selected items and call this one labels that's it   just labels and we can collapse the group like  this and now we can also move the group like this   we could also scale the group like this just  keep it here now remember the copy paste   you can actually do that for um everything almost  every source so let's right click labels but this   time we're going to copy reference because our  label is cool we want our label to stay the same   right so if i want my labels to show up in game  i can just right click here paste a reference   and my labels are here and that's the group that  i just uh pasted in right i can collapse it here   collapse my camera group i want my alerts to  be on top though okay make sure you don't drop   it inside of the group and you're fine and you're  just fine oh i want it to be in my bri back screen   easy clap paste reference it's here make it in  the middle nice another thing that i want you to   play around with is the transform properties you  know right click on stuff go transform make sure   you understand everything that is here you realize  that you can't just rotate stuff willy-nilly it's   going to be 90 degrees know the that's the best  way to know the limitations uh let's right-click   paste reference again boom pretty much and  you can place it wherever you want just make   sure the alerts on top okay right here it  would add it to the group but oh up top here   it's on top just like you're gonna be on top of  the twitch game all right i believe this is all   for a basic all you need to do now is click start  streaming and automatically pretty much is gonna   you know what we should what happens if we click  start streaming now now um you wanna go back to   your audio mixer if you want to have i don't like  talking about checklist before streaming but the   good thing is to make sure that you are on the  starting soon okay and then you would click start   streaming then everything would start if you want  to play music you can open up youtube maybe not   youtube actually you can open up your favorite  non-copyrighted music um service and then when   you're ready you go to the intermission you stop  the music or you know you lower the music and   you're like yo yo what up it's me the brand new  streamer on obs studio i just watched the tutorial   and now my stream looks amazing and i did not have  to pay anything and then when you're ready to go   in the game of course the game is not here but we  have the game capture okay it will show up here   and you'll be like oh my god i'm playing games  and you're like oh i got a poop i got a poop   and you'd be right back and you go back to the  game directly or if you're like be right back   and then you're like you know what i'm not feeling  well those tacos they killed me you go back to the   intermission and you let people know hey you know  i gotta go now but we're gonna raid someone this   video is going to be way longer than i anticipated  but those are the basics your desktop audio is   going to pick up your game it's going to pick  up the music that you're playing again if you   can hear it stream can hear it always take a  look if you're not sure about you know audio   volume and stuff like that for example you can  see that the green is going here and not higher   if desktop audio goes higher that literally means  that your desktop audio is louder than your voice   nothing should be louder than your voice you're  the host of the show anyways as i said owned pro   will actually help you skip a couple of those  steps i will be making a separate video on how   to install it and how to use it just to make sure  that everyone is clear and everyone understands   how it works if i forgot or if i left out a couple  of things definitely let me know in the comment   section below if there are things that you're  just interested in you would like to know about   let me know i'll definitely be making more  obs studio tutorials i've been neglecting   obs studio and everything changed since my  last uh tutorials on obs studio so once again   in order to get cool overlays like that go  to there are paid ones   if you were to add animated overlays you would  just add media sources let me show you real quick   so click plus and go to media source if it's  animated if it moves because that's where you   can get like movie or video files like mp4 webm  dot mov dot avi and all that stuff it's media   not image but again as you can see there's a ton  of sources make sure you read and you you kind of   figure out what they all do for the filters same  thing make sure you figure out what they all do   the properties when you right click what does  that do what does it do being curious like that   is the best way that you're gonna actually be  able to learn how the ins and out of obs studio   anyways in the meantime i gotta tell you guys  thank you so so much for watching this long video   hopefully everything was clear enough can't wait  to read your comments if you have any questions   any like more particular questions you can also  join my discord links will be in the description   i also have a bunch of affiliate links in the  description if you'd like to help out but you know   just getting overlays from  should be enough to help me out and support the   channel that all being said if you check top  right of your screen right now youtube will show   you what they think is the best video you should  watch next and at the bottom of it you will find   my most recent video so check him out keep on  learning about streaming that being said thank   you so much for watching i will see you guys next  time go out there make me proud Gael Level out
Channel: Gael LEVEL
Views: 275,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: twitch, streaming, twitch tips, how to, tips, twitch advice, live stream, live streaming, live streaming tips, twitch tv, obs studio, obs tutorial, obs setup, streamlabs obs, obs scenes, obs studio tutorial, obs studio tutorial 2020, obs tutorial 2021, streamlabs, how to stream on twitch, stream witch obs, best obs settings, obs transition, obs scene transitions, livestream, how to use obs, complete guide, how to stream, obs streaming tutorial, how to setup obs, obs, studio
Id: qhKYOiVTAcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 13sec (2473 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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