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hello everyone welcome to this lesson my name is Anna you're watching English like a native and today we are talking in the present tense so we're going to be covering a little bit of grammar which if you know me and you've seen many of my videos I don't normally talk about grammar but today hopefully we're going to do it in a very basic way okay so we're talking about the present the present tense and this was set up specifically at this time because of my wonderful patrons so Eric are you with me patrons are you with me and you'll notice I'm wearing a different color today which is a unusual you know I normally like to wear red so how are you how are you feeling what time is it with you hi Eric or you like all colors all colors are good for me thank you so much now this wasn't meant to be a patron only session but because I only had one patron dear Eric only one patron who had given me the thumbs up to say that he was going to be joining me I thought I would open it up to everybody from next week though the patron only sessions will be patron only sessions even if it's just one person so Eric maybe me and you will end up having a private lesson you never know if you are interested in what I'm talking about patrons patrons what's it's all about this is a special place where people who want to become supporters of this channel can go and for supporting this channel and helping me grow and helping me provide more better quality material for you guys they also get rewarded so they have access to all my videos early some of them have Skype calls some of them join me on my whatsapp group some of them what what else do they have some of them can decide which videos I make next some of them can appear with me in videos or we have a couple of patrons here excellent good so those of you who are my patrons thank you so much for your support it is always it helps me so much I can't tell you how much it actually makes a difference this is my job this is all I do so your help is my wages so thank you so much if you are interested in becoming a patron there is a link in the description box below along with lots of other goodies for you ah so let's get started if you are here then please click the like button and let's tell everybody that you're having a wonderful day so far that you're happy where are you watching from Turkey where else Istanbul in Turkey wonderful I've been there a few times who else have we got Italy ciao buongiorno Ukraine hello happy Friday do you have that Friday feeling do you know what I mean by Friday feeling a Friday feeling is how you feel on Friday because in in the UK and I'm sure in many countries Saturday and Sunday is our time off so to have a Friday feeling is to feel excited in anticipation for the weekend ahead hola in Spain hola and in hello Morocco Algeria Brazil so let's get started if you're new here and you've never seen me before please press the subscribe button I provide lots of English lessons and videos and help for you guys so press subscribe so you don't miss out on any future videos alright so let's talk generally about now about the facts about our habits I'm not going to bang on about to bang on is to go on is to repeat I'm not to bang on about rules and about titles for certain words because natives don't know grammar rules they subconsciously know how to form sentences but they don't know grammar rules we don't know what present perfect simple continuous all these words we don't use these words we don't know these words we don't learn these words so let's just talk in general okay so I'm going to talk about myself and I want you to do the same so Who am I generally and we're talking about facts here so what are the facts now what are generally the facts that will not change that's always the same I am Anna I am Anna who are you tell me I am who are you another fact is and it's true you might not believe it but it's true I am a woman oh no I'm not women I'm a woman I'm a woman I haven't had any coffee this morning that's the problem I am a woman so who are you I am also English that is a fact that will not change all these are facts they are true of all time I am Anna I am a woman and I am English tell me about you tell me some facts about you and of course we would all choose I am or we can shorten it to simply I'm which many people do I'm so I'm Anna I'm a woman and I'm English okay good morning in Tunisia so what would you say I am Tunisian we've got I am Oh all ha oh ha I am a woman and I am Ukrainian I'm David I am a photographer lovely I'm Cavett Kavita from India very good I'm a dancer or lovely I'm a boy good Thomas I am Omar I am a nice man good okay so generally you are a nice man lovely Claudia I am a nurse or I'm a nurse good Kavita I am a cute girl call Nadia I'm Moroccan good Holly I am I'm a tour guide make sure when you put I'm that you put the apostrophe so you don't want it to be spelt like that you must have the apostrophe I'm a tour guide I am Mitch Mitch auch I am a man and I am Thai hello in Italy hi Francesco I am a doctor lovely I'm a student so Nasra I am I'm a student I am a student I'm good at writing I am good at writing good I'm Francesco good ok so then we move on what do you do what do you do we normally say what do you do asking about your general location your work what do you do mostly with your time so what do you do I teach I teach I can say that on its own I teach then I say what do you teach I teach singing I teach in English I teach singing I teach English David says is there a problem not to put an apostrophe in I'm yes do put the apostrophe one of the biggest problems that I come across with students is they don't use punctuation and that makes it very difficult for us to understand them so punctuation is very important and not to be overlooked so you please do use punctuation particularly full stops question marks apostrophes and commas and I also teach English singing yes so think of this more like this I should have put lines rather than rather than commas so I teach singing and I teach English I teach singing and I teach English or I teach singing and English okay so tell me what do you do what do you do and what do you do generally so I'm not asking what you're doing right now I'm asking generally generally what do you do I study English brilliant perfect I study Business Administration perfect I work in administration good I I am a housewife good so Nadia you are a housewife I am a housewife but what do you do I clean the house I look after my family yes I look after my family I care for the children um nasara I study nursing so we're talking about general because NASA has written I studying but that's what you're doing right now we're talking now and generally generally what do you do I study nursing and Calif an I write and draw um Allen Reza says I am a programmer good so I am a programmer I program so that's what you do I program I'm an employee of technological society of the technological society and I work at I work in technological Science Society I work in I'm not sure what the technological society is to be honest and I study technology I study English these are all good so when we're talking about what we do generally so this is simple present if you are if you are stickler for the rules to be a stickler for the rules means that you that you like the rules you follow the rules all the time and and you don't like it to be any different so if you are a stickler for the rules then we're talking here in the simple present tense the simple present tense okay so in the simple present tense the verb to be we're always going to use I am when talking about myself I am I am but then when we're talking about what we do we use the verb in its perfect form in its infinitive I teach to teach I teach and one of you a new old says I'm retired so I relax because what you say I relax I chill out okay so I teach what do you play do you do do you do any sports do you play any games do you play card games board games I play squash I play tennis it's so simple isn't it I'm just using the verb in its base form I play I play games I play the piano I play the guitar I play the clarinet I don't really I do play the piano a little bit and I can also talk about and do tell me if you play anything long says I play soccer with my friends perfect I play workout you don't play a workout you just say I workout if you're something to go to the gym you build your muscles I work out I work out you don't play it I play basketball good but I'm not tall what does the matter as long as you're good I play cricket once in a while perfect I play football I play guitar since 2009 Leandre that's not right and we'll talk about we'll talk about that later on in the lesson and I play a violin and spellings wrong Jumma it's MV I not V a violin I play the guitar good cook okay so all these are base forms of the verb because it's something that's not just happening now but it's a general fact something that I'm doing generally it's a habit it's a habit that I play squash I didn't just play squash today I play squash every week I play squash all the time I played I play tennis all the time it's a habit it's generally what I do so I use the base form I play I live and I intend to live for a long time in London I live in London this isn't temporary this isn't where I'm staying for a week or for a few months this is all time I live in London I live in London okay and I live with Frank I live with Frank where do you live tell me where you live say I live in tell me and I live with and tell me someone you live with so Eman says I live in Jordan with my family perfect I live in Hugh who who I've probably not saying that right I'm almost certain they're not saying that right but what very good well-written make sure when you're talking about AI that it's always a capital letter regularly I see people writing about themselves like this I this is wrong you are important so make sure you always put a capital letter for yourself i I there's no exception to that rule you are always capital so please capitalize your I always Francesco did you live with me because you're called Frank and I said I live with Frank and maybe maybe are you here can I have another cup of tea please Frank my teas gone cold I play a fool sometimes with my friends I live in Dubai with my brother good I live in Vietnam with my parents perfect I live in San Paolo with my family perfect Juma says I'm in Ukraine almost three years now how can I say I live or stay so if you so you could just say I live in the Ukraine so an interesting point here if you live in the Ukraine the United States of America the United Kingdom the British Isles all these were all these places use the it's not true of every country of course but when you're saying you crane United Kingdom or UK and USA or United States of America you say the look okay I'm Ukrainian - says Julia excellency you'd say I live in the Ukraine I live in the Ukraine I live in Hue City Vietnam good thank Francesco thank you so much he says the tea is ready thank you guys if you're only just joining me now and you are not already a subscriber please do click that subscribe button and if you have joined you know who I am please give this video a thumbs up because every like helps me and that would be very kind of you make yourself a cup of tea because I think we're going to be here for another 20 minutes at least okay so we've talked about general fat what is true now and what is true in general let's now talk about what we're doing right now or actually should we talk about you so we talked about simple present for ourselves say III what if we're saying you you you so can somebody please write me a full paragraph well three sentences no four sentences say I am tell me your nationality tell me what you do tell me what you play and tell me where you live so for example I want you to write for me I am English I teach singing or I study English I play the guitar and I live in Vietnam so I want someone to write me a full paragraph and I'm going to use you as an example so someone please do that for me now I teach I live I I am something I do something I play and where I live okay Marco I um mark I can't use yours so I need I don't work I play I live I can't wait for a few more to come through so I've got a good one for an example I want ones on the positive so no negative ones as in like I do not so if we just have one paragraph where it's all something that you do something that you play somewhere that you live okay just waiting for one I study I play I live okay and then we're going to use yours yours is a perfect one for teaching so where is my red pen so we've got mmm Emin so emmalin says I am I am Alan so if I'm talking about you I'd say you are Eman you are Eman I'd say you've said you said oh where I I study Business Administration so I'd say you study I'm going to put be a business administration to make it quicker you said I play basketball so I'd say you play basketball you said I live in Jordan so I say you live in Jordan okay so notice how when I I said I am but we say you are so this is the the change in the verb to be job Lizzy has a lot of different versions it changes a lot so I am you are I am you are I know for some of you this is basic but it's important that we know these differences I am you are so I am Anna you are Ellen and I teach English you study Business Administration notice how the verb hasn't changed so regular verbs here do not change same again here I play squash you played basketball and here I live in London you live in Jordan so when we're talking about general fats stuff that's general about us the verb does not change apart from this one which is an irregular verb I am you are if I was talking about you in the third-person if you're not here and and I'm talking about he she or it then I would say Eman he is so I am you are he is he is Eman or you'd say she is or it is he so when we're talking he she it now this verb does change so we add an S on the end but obviously with studies we have to also change the Y for an is act lying so he studies ba business administration plays becomes just plays with an S um and lives also adds an S he lives so I am Anna you are Eman he is Eman I teach English you teach you study Business Administration he studies Business Administration I play squash you play basketball he plays basketball I live in London you live in Jordan he lives in Jordan um oh and I've spelled that wrong forgive me forgive me you know what I like with my spelling terrible okay so let's have a look at what you guys are saying I hope this is helpful I hope this is helpful for you and not too boring what will happen if I use the incorrect grammar in the conversation with native speakers well the floor will open up and swallow you I'm just kidding nothing bad will happen apart from potentially they could misunderstand you one of my students talks to me about his daughter a lot and regularly confuses he and she and so he'll say he talking about her where he should say she and so potentially I could think that he has a son or I could be thinking he's talking about someone else so it could it could cause huge miscommunication if your grammar isn't correct um yeah so grammar is important is it it's better to be understood that's the most important thing to be understood okay so so this is this is a simple present tense this is simple present this describes stuff that is generally true habits but in general things that are happening now and always or that have been happening for a while and we'll have to continue to happen for quite a long time so generally what's the facts okay so we've covered I you he she it if we're talking about they they they would be they are they study that would go back to a why they study they play that would go back to normal they live so there's quite easy so anything else we we are we study we play we live Vincent the most important thing is to communicate very well exactly you're exactly right they play that's right it isn't habit written with just one be very what I was testing you I was testing you you know why because I was reading The Hobbit just last night so I've confused myself with writing Hobbit I've actually done a lesson using the text for Hobbit Hobbit and I've gotten confused thank you for that correction see we're all learning together that's what I love about this community is we're not nasty to each other we support each other and help each other because nobody's perfect even as natives we are not perfect okay great so let's move on so let's talk about let's talk about present continuous what are we doing right now what are we doing now oh let me write down my arm is getting sore I like Hobbit the movie very much yeah it's good isn't it I love all the Tolkien stories right all the Lord of the Rings I have all the DVDs the extended versions hello in Chile can I use it for animal yes you could say the elephant it was coming towards me but if it's your pet you might refer to him him as he or she if I had a male dog I might say oh my dog he was so happy to see me so what and what are you doing now what are you doing now what's happening now so this is going to be present continuous so here these the same as before we'd say if I'm talking about me I am let me use the verb and we'd add ing so this is really easy so I am right now I am what am i doing what am i doing I am teaching that's what I'm doing right now I am teaching I'm also you could also say I am talking I am talking also and I so I had an accident on Tuesday night this is true I had an accident and I hurt my foot I fell and I hurt my foot I've damaged my ligaments in my foot so I could say I right now I am hurting my foot is my foot is hurting it is hurting so my foot talking about my foot it is hurting my foot itches her too ouchy ouchy ouchy so um Kavita has done a really good job there you've said you've done the you so I am teaching so you say you are teaching perfect so let's do it here you are so it's exactly what we used before I am you are I am teaching you are talking you could say that about me or I could say you guys are learning or listening I hope you are mm-hmm maybe you're not maybe you're making breakfast and you have me on in the background no not breakfast is it morning for anyone is it early morning for anyone so I am teaching hopefully you are listening my foot it is hurting nasara says I am eating dinner and I'm watching your English lesson I'm watching your English lesson or English video I'm watching your lesson Toyota good what's the difference between hurt and pain it's interesting and I would never say I pain I would say I hurt I could say I feel pain I feel no I don't feel hurt I just I hurt and I feel pain but they're both the same obviously they mean the same thing we just use them in slightly different ways I'm watching you on YouTube so the important thing to remember with talking about now is we use the present simple of to be I am you are he is she is it is they are we are and then we use the verb with ing on the end it's really simple right really simple if anyone got any questions about this so this is what we call present continuous but honestly most natives do not know the phrase present continuous this is something I've had to learn so I can speak to you about it I know how to use all these but I don't know the phrase present continuous most natives don't know the phrase present continuous so if you say to a native but what is the present continuous of this they'll say huh what but just know if you're talking about now we add in I am laughing I am talking I am listening I am hoping I am praying I am thinking so when we talk about where we live earlier I said I live in London lots of students tend to say to me when I say where are you from they say I am living I am living and I've done the wrong I am living in wherever I am living in the reason it should be I live in and not I am living in is because this suggests that it's just something you're doing for now but you're not going to be living there for very long so this is wrong we don't say i am living in unless it's like three weeks so i'm moving house right now i am living in temporary accommodation for three weeks i am living in temporary accommodation for three weeks and then i'll move into my new house when i move into my new house i'll say i live in bristol i now live in london at the moment at the moment for a short period of time I am living with my mum until I can get my own place I am living with my mum until I can get my own place okay Kelly fan is saying I am getting a shower good I live Mars in Vedas as I live in Mars we say I live on Mars I live on Mars what's the weather like up there and I'm watching my beloved teacher teaching me a great lesson and can I say I have been living yes we'll come on to that in just a moment all right so long as you know the difference so on a shoe where you live and that's where you live you're not planning to move in a few weeks you say I am living temporarily I am living both it's where you're permanently based I live in or I live here I live there I live next door okay so that's really easy what are we doing now oh I'm parched remember this word parched means I'm thirsty this looks disgusting but I promise you it's a very healthy and very tasty drink it's my vitamin C drink okay if you're here and you're new please make sure you click that subscribe button hello thank you for joining us and please if you are here whether you're new or not please click the thumb please click the thumb all right let's talk about let's talk about present perfect continuous present perfect continuous so present perfect continuous is something that started in the past and is still in progress so it's something that started and is still in progress so it's when we use I have been and has been so what have you been doing today so before I said what what are you doing and now I'm saying what have you been doing so the clue is in the question what have you been doing so I would say I have been and then you'd use the verb and ing so I have been something ing I have been doing something for some and you might use I'll bring this up in a minute there's rallies down here for and since so I have been what have I been doing this morning this morning I have been teaching and I use this because it's something I started earlier today and I'm still doing now I have been teaching and a little clue to help you know you're in this tenses I might say I have been teaching since or four so I could say I have been teaching since 8 o'clock this morning so I have been teaching since that tells me when the action started well it tells you when the action started I have been teaching since 8 o'clock this morning and I use this form to say still happening now I have been teaching since 8 o'clock this morning I'm still teaching now and I have been thinking about going out tonight so it's something I started to think about this morning and I'm still thinking about it I have been thinking about going out tonight I have been thinking about you all day okay some of you are saying that you're leaving so you've got things to do if you're leaving have a nice L and OH excellent so Zhi Bing Mui has said I have been learning English for two years perfect good so I could say I have been teaching you guys for 40 minutes I've been teaching you guys for 14 minutes and Toyota I have been studying cool if I say what have you been doing you say I have been studying that's what I'm doing can you not see my textbook my whiteboard I have been cleaning my flat perfect Claudia maybe you could come and clean my flat I'm joking I been think about you I have been make sure you should use have being I have been I have been thinking about you I have been living in the Ukraine for three years good so at the moment I think you are living in Vietnam Vietnam now I live in London I'm living in London I have been writing my thesis very good I've been watching your lesson for one month and watching your lesson for one month if you're talking about a specific period of time one hour three days one month you'd say four for this amount of time if you're talking about a specific point in time where it started five o'clock Monday last week last last year so you're saying when it started not how long you'd say since when did it start while I've been doing it since the fourth of April how long have you done it for I've done it for one month since when what point for how long I've been listening to you since four o'clock perfect i I I have or you say I so you can shorten this to I've but you must use both of these words I have been I've been I've been waiting here for 20 minutes I I have been to go London six times that's not right and you could say I have been going to London I have been holidaying in London for many years but you can't say I have been go to London six times you could say I have been to London but then we're talking in a different tense so we're talking about things that are happening now that started a little while ago I have been learning English since I was in elementary school perfect good let's let's talk about you you have been you have been teaching you have been teaching and we have been learning they have been she has been oh there's a change if you do she or he or it it becomes has being she has been teaching so if you're talking about me to somebody else you'd say she has been teaching since 10 o'clock she has been teaching me for a year it has been raining this morning it has been raining all morning it has been raining all day it has been raining all day I have been thinking for several minutes what to write about you could say I have been thinking several minutes about what to write she has been writing for she has been waiting for a train for two hours a train a train or the Train I've been trying to call your attention for one hour I've been trying to get your attention trying to get your attention she has been there for three days yeah yeah she has been there yeah she's been there for three days I mean that works as a sentence it doesn't quite fit into this structure but it works I have been sleeping since our wedding oh gosh must be very tired sorry my wife has been sleeping since our wedding you mustn't you must have tired her out okay so that's present perfect continuous let's move on to present perfect simple see the problem with all of these is that they all sound the same you simple present present continuous perfect present present perfect continuous present perfect simple they all sound the same if they were if they were very different it would be much easier to remember these titles for these tenses don't you find it confusing I'm Dyslexic so if if things are too similar I get them very confused if those of you who don't who haven't heard of the word dyslexic before it's people who they think about things differently so like that's why my spelling isn't so great because I see things differently and I work things differently in my brain okay so we're talking about perfect present perfect simple present perfect simple so this is basically talking about something that happened in the part that started in the past but it has now finished but what just happened has had an impact on the present okay so this is um I I have so I might say what happened might be a good what happened Oh what happened you say I have no let's say what have you done would be a better one what have you done ah what have you done I have so what have you done today I have eat in the past of it I have I have played so hello good morning hi what have you done today well I have played tennis so I am a bit tired I have played tennis so I'm a bit tired so it's something that I've done recently it's recently finished and it's had an impact on how I feel now okay so I have played some using the past of love ugh I music I have you have we have he has she has it has what's the difference between okay look we're not talking about past today not talk about past today but if we did it would just simply be I played I played and I have played and but this is more like something that's just recently happened it's not happening anymore and it has an impact on what we're talking about now so it has an impact on the present then we use this tense I have played I play tennis so you might use you might use words with it like already so if you say to me would you like to play tennis and I go oh I have already played this morning I've already played this morning sorry so the fact that this action is completed it's having an impact on my on what we're talking about now it's having an impact because I can't play with you again because I've just played I have already played this morning I have already played we could also say I would I said just didn't I so say just that means it's happened literally few moments ago I've just finished I have just finished so why why haven't you washed the dishes I have just finished eating give me a chance I have just going there I have just finished eating I have just finished eating we might also use not yet so I would say I have not yet um I I'm not yet played I've not yet played with you with with him hmm yeah so if it's in the negative um why don't why don't you partner up with Frank oh I can't I have not yet played with him I've not yet played with him so work yes yes it does I've not yet played with him can we just say T just finished eating can we just say I just finished eating sometimes you'll hear natives missing out this and just saying I I just I just finished but it should be I have it should be I've so again this can be shortened to I've I've just finished just finished eating I've not played yet Emmet yes you can split them up I've not played yet why are you waiting all right why are you still here I've not played yet I'm still waiting to go on I've just finished my homework a very good well ed very good why aren't you wearing a seat belt I've just got and just got into the car please give me a break I mean that works that works it doesn't follow this format but it does work I've been planning to visit London some day yeah that works with a previous one we talked about and let's look at some other words that you might use with this one so you might use so far so you could say and I've I've learnt I have learnt I've learnt five words so far I've learned five words so far I've learnt that subtly the past form I have learnt five words so far so how's the studying going you're still studying I am studying I have been studying since 8 o'clock this morning and I have learnt five words so far because so this is something you've done and it's finished those words are learnt I have learnt five words so far you can say I have eaten already you can say that I have eaten already I have eaten already I have eaten already you can say up to now I have learnt five words up to now and C's you'd say I have worked I have worked I have worked all night I have worked since 8:00 p.m. last night I have been working since I have been working since 8:00 p.m. last night wolf eyes'll saucy how use being so if you're only just joining we covered some of the other forms of the present tense so what you can do is slide back and go back to the beginning of the lesson okay let's just look at some others up to now till now till now we can say till now um I was um I have how would wait how would I use that till now until now I have slow that until now I have slept until now I've only just woken up I have slept until now I have watched a wonderful play recently I you would say I have just watched I have just watched a wonderful play I have just watched a wonderful play ok so I have I have you have we have they have she has he has it has and in the past film of that verb okay well that basically covers the present so talking about things in general I am you are and then when we use verbs I play I learn I study these are things in general we don't change the verb and then we were talking about what are we doing now what are we doing now I am learning you are learning and then we talked about things that started in the past that are still going on I have been learning since I have been talking for and then things that started in the past have finished but still have an impact and I have played I have taught I have spoken to you about okay all right I hope you found that helpful like I've said on many occasions grammar grammar rules can be very confusing and English people do not learn grammar rules we don't go to nursery as tiny tots and sit there sucking our dummies with teachers talking to us about present simple simple past present continuous we don't learn these ever we don't learn these we learn through interaction we learn through what we hear we learn that for me to talk about what I'm doing now I must say I am doing this now I am doing this now I am eating now we just learn through absorbing the language and I think this is the best way to learn well it's the best way to become fluent and to sound like a native but as most of you like to know the grammar rules that's why I thought I would do that lesson for you but it's even I find it confusing and I am fluent so I would say don't get too hung up on the rules don't worry too much about the rules just keep absorbing the language you should be trying to speak every day I do have daily pronunciation videos on Instagram so if nothing else come and join me on Instagram and every day listen to that pronunciation video and just repeat it to yourself you should be watching programmes you should be watching films in English have the subtitles if you need to but try to do it without subtitles for a little time to just get used to watching listening understanding the situation and maybe you'll only hear a few words you understand but that's how children learn that's how we learn the language in the first place you should be writing don't ignore the writing you should write your shopping list in English write out some notes in English everyday what else should you be doing you should be listening she'll be listening so you know radio programs podcasts audiobooks I've just discovered audiobooks and I think they're fantastic especially when I'm trying to sleep I'm actually releasing a video later this evening which is an ASMR video which is about listening and absorbing while you relax I don't I've never done one before so you might hate it you might love it I don't so you can give me your honest feedback when I release it but I decided to do this because of well people requesting it but also because I listen to audiobooks when I try to sleep it helps to relax me and it's fantastic and there is it and you can get free audiobooks I know some of you don't have much disposable income and just want as many free resources as you can get which is great and the internet is so good for that but there is a link for a free audible trial which can get for 30 days and in 30 days you can listen to 30 books and when you're on that trial there are many free audiobooks as well so if you go to the audible link it's just in the description box here download the free trial I try and try and listen to at least ten audiobooks and you'll be amazed from listening how much your your English comes along okay and also of course YouTube videos I have over a hundred videos here have you seen them all that not just me there are plenty of youtubers here as well who are doing fantastic lessons in English so you know make YouTube part of your daily viewing all right guys I'm going to go thank you to my patrons as always and from next week I will be doing patron only sessions even if it is just with one or two students so potentially if you are a patron you are very likely to get a very intimate one-on-one focus lesson with me so if you are interested in getting involved with that I'm also doing giveaways for my patrons every month if you're a patron even if you're just paying one dollar a month patrons will be entered into a giveaway and get a free 15 minute Skype call with me whoever wins that is and I've only got like what nine patrons so your chance of winning is very high if you're interested in that and all the other awards that come with patronage then the link is in the description otherwise guys have a fabulous day thank you for joining me take care give this video a like and make sure you're subscribed ah [Music]
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 18,579
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Present Tense, Tenses, English grammar, English Tenses grammar, Grammar, vocabulary, esl, english
Id: wHir46uXg14
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 28sec (3688 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2017
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