W SOUND - Learn BRITISH ENGLISH Pronunciation / Accent

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hello everyone how are you the timer is ticking we have three minutes and 12 seconds until I bring this lesson to you live hello Miguel hello long reject Eduardo shira's for San sir Juan Carlo how are you all it's so lovely to be here with you the weather at the moment in London is beautiful sunny blue skies and quite warm although this morning I woke up to gray skies and rain it was not pleasant and I went out in my coat with lots of layers in my jumper my jeans and my boots to make sure I stayed warm and dry and then the Sun came out and I boiled I absolutely boiled and melted in the Sun but I'm back now and I'm here with you to teach you some English pronunciation so where in the world are you watching from I'm very excited to be here and I'm going to start as we have two minutes left with a poem from one of my favorite poets a a Milne and this poem is called wind on the hill because it is quite windy here at the moment wind on the hill here we go no one can tell me nobody knows where the wind comes from where the wind goes it's flying from somewhere as fast as it can I couldn't keep up with it not if I ran but if I stopped holding the string of my kite I would blow with the wind for a day and a night and then when I found it wherever it blew I should know that the wind had been going there too so then I could tell them where the wind goes but where the wind comes from nobody knows and that poem is by a a Milne a a Milne is also famous for writing stories can anybody tell me which story a a male famously wrote one of my favorites actually so I've got people in from all over the world Costa Rica Istanbul France Germany Egypt Rio Kazakhstan Belarus Turkey India fabulous Brazil Somalia one of you is asking what are we waiting for we're waiting for everyone to arrive we're waiting for everyone to get their notification get themselves comfortable and get themselves in to this lesson and we're starting in four three two one hello everyone welcome to this English pronunciation class with me an English here on the channel English like a native and if you are very serious about improving your English but you want to do it in an interesting way then be sure to click the subscribe button and the bell notification button next to subscribe so that you don't miss any future lessons I'm always listening to your suggestions and your comments I can't always respond but I do listen so if you have any suggestions or you have any recommendations of lessons you would find useful then please feel free to add them into the comments box below and I will make a mental note of them so today we're doing a very quick lesson looking at the W sound the W sound what so this sound is commonly mistaken by a lot of my students with the V sound so many of you rather than saying what do this huh can you see the differ in the mouth shape Oh what has no teeth involved it's just lips rounded wah-wah whereas AV sound is the bottom lip and top teeth so we must make sure that when we see the letter W we only pronounce a what sound all right so I have my notes as usual and anyone who is a patron of a certain level or anyone who drops a super chat will receive a copy of these notes along with every other set of notes for patrons and or you can choose from any other notes from any other class if you do drop at a super chapped hello patrons I can see you're arriving in the chat room feel free to ask me any questions while I'm live here I will respond to you for sure if anyone in the chatroom on YouTube has any questions please hold it to the end and I will I will answer at the end so let's go straight into the lesson the W sound so here we go the W sound we already looked at how to pronounce W so let's put it into context so the word why why we asked that question all the time why why are you here in a different room I don't recognize this room Anna where are you there's another w where are you why are you in a different room well I've been work this is my living room isn't it beautiful this was the room that made me move into this house is so light and bright and beautiful it's good for filming I'm here because because my computer's here today that's why so why the next word is what another question word what what are you doing this is an easy one for most people but if you're new to this word the H is silent we just do what what what are you doing I'm teaching lesson what are you doing okay the next one is the word wait wait now a phrase that you're commonly hear and natives say is wait for it oh I'll turn that on to silent naughty Ana wait for it wait for it that means wait or wait for the moment wait for the call wait for the signal wait for it so if you've been told to run when you hear the gunshot if you're a runner in a race and you're ready to go and you're about to go the man who's shooting the gun might say wait for it wait for it go so wait for it the next one is want want want now this you you pronounce this almost like it's got an O in it or what want it's not ah like want what do you want I want all of you to have the best English in the world I want I want what do you want what do you want huh okay lovely then let's now move on to let's move on to some sentences shall we I can see a squirrel so I'm looking out of a window here and I'm being distracted by a squirrel it's a little animal running back and forth across my window it's so funny okay let's carry on so sentences we have what are you waiting for William oh no sorry I read that wrong what were in the past what were we waiting for William William is of course a British name or an English name sorry and it's the name of one of our princes Prince William William William William William what were we waiting for William now one word that many people have trouble with is this one were look at my mouth were were what were we waiting for William and be careful also with the ing waiting waiting what were we waiting for William I'm gonna do this one last time for you what were you we what were we waiting for William it's been a long day okay so here we go the next sentence that you're going to have is Wendy wondered why her washing was wet Wendy wondered why her washing was wet Wendy is another name for a lady a girl's name there's a famous Wendy in the story of Peter Pan Peter Pan you had Wendy Darling so that was her surname darling so Wendy Wendy Wendy wondered why her washing was wet it's a good workout for the mouth all right the next sentence is which way would the Wicked Witch wander oh I think I've got that wrong that way which way would the Wicked Witch wander to wonder is to walk off without a direction just to wander no no speed no purpose just kind of strolling gently which way would the Wicked Witch wander let me show you which way would the Wicked Witch wander and just making sure that that witch in both with the tip of the CH is nice and strong Xplosive which which which ok so the next sentence we have is we won't wish for wind it's not what we want we won't wish for wind it's not what we want and here oh we have a diphthong we won't it means we'll not it's a contraction for will not we will not wish we won't wish for wind it's not what I I want oh it could have been we want I can't read today goodness me and I wrote this we won't wish for wind notice how for has become fur because it's unstressed we won't wish for wind it's not what I want okay next one is willing cow's awake with the dawn willing cow's awake with the dawn notice how these double th's merge to become one th sound willing cow's awake with with with dawn willing cow's awake with the dawn all one sound awake with the dawn awake with the dawn and the very last sentence the very last sentence and they were asked York I'll answer your questions after this one we have weeping widows at windows howling wildly weeping widows at windows howling wildly so weeping is to cry if you weep you cry a widow is somebody who's married partner has died so your husband or your wife has died that makes you a widow there's the squirrel again he's so funny he runs this way he gets a nut and he runs that way he runs this way he gets a nut and he runs that way I wish you could see it okay so a widow their husband or wife has died so crying weeping widows at windows howling howling wildly so they're obviously very upset as you would be okay so that's the end and I've written a little poem for you the little poem goes like this alike is polite for the moment I am sparing subscribing is thriving and sharing is caring do you like that I wrote that especially for you so it means alike is polite so it's nice for you to say give a like to give a like for this moment that I'm sparing to help you subscribing is thriving the thrive is to do very well and to get better and to grow so subscribing helps this community to thrive to grow so that's even better and sharing of course is caring so if you care about other people and you want them to learn and you care about me and my channel then it would be very nice and very caring of you to share this video or this channel or any of the material that I put out for you okay so thank you very much for everyone who has watched that lesson patrons I'm going to come and answer your questions and then I'm going to answer questions on YouTube so thank you let's now go on to question time you're in a different room yes that's right hi Anna did you change the room or just the place where you sit yes I have changed the room I like I said I've been working in the front room recently because I've been doing some filming for my other channels and so my computer was here and so now I just thought I would go live here because it takes a long time to move my equipment into the other room and I got fancy nails again okay now YouTube talked to me what do you want to ask me how do I pronounce withdrawal withdrawal there you go hello everyone who's joining are there any newbies here anyone who's brand new to this channel let me know what what does rest-assured mean what does rest-assured mean rest assured when someone says to you rest assured it means you can be sure it means trust me be sure so if I say rest assured I will be live tomorrow it means trust me you can be sure I will be live tomorrow does that help I hope so could I know what is that bundle behind you this this is a bean bag this is a bean bag do you know what a bean bag is I'm wearing shorts so I feel a bit embarrassed to go and show you as long as nobody minds seeing my bare legs I'll go and show you so a beanbag there just because we only have one sofa so if I have a guest around there's not really anywhere for them to sit so we have a beanbag for people to sit in okay what does the Wicked Witch mean a witch is an old hag a horrible old person usually a lady and they're normally horror films usually they do magic and the Wicked Witch is a witch who is evil yeah I don't know if that explains it I'm not sure I hope so how do you pronounce poem poem poem there you go what else do we have Anna is it quite easy to tell apart an American accent from a British accent oh it is quite easy to tell apart in American and British accent but the Australian accent sounds so similar to British that I can't tell them apart can you help I am going to do an Australian accent video at some point within Australian they tend to go up a lot of the ends of their words they're very they sound very happy I'm doing a terrible accent I do apologise if anyone Australian is watching I'm sorry but yes they tend to just be very bouncy in their words and go up a lot there are a number of vowel differences as well but I have to cover that in a video separately I hope I hope that's helpful what else is there what is the difference between the sound like and sounds like oh sorry what is the difference between sound like and sounds like it should be sounds like so if you're saying it sounds like something else so I could say to you what's that fruit what's that fruit that's yellow and you peel the skin and it's really tasty and it rhymes it sounds like it sounds like banana yeah Oh banana sounds like is correct sound like I'm guessing in the context you mean isn't correct what else uh I saw in the dictionary at the word stupid is pronounced stupid instead of stupid I looked it up but I can't find anything my question is how to pronounce juice juice so it's stupid is the pronunciation okay so it's stupid strips to say the J in phonetics and the phonetic alphabet represents yeah yeah so stupid stupid there's lots of comments here I do apologize if I miss your comments I'm just they scroll they jump up and down it's so hard to see I'm always humming how do you pronounce overwhelming overwhelming and what does it mean if you are overwhelmed it it's normally talking about your capacity so imagine you are a imagine you're a glass and water is your stress levels water is the amount of things you can cope with so you have work you have your family you have your friends and then if other things come into play maybe maybe your friends are giving you a lot of pressure to come and see them and spend time with them and then maybe your family is asking for a lot of your time and maybe work is getting very stressful maybe there's a lot of deadlines you have to hit and your glass might get more and more full until it overflows when overflow is it means you find your life or your work or your family overwhelming so it things they overflow so if I suddenly if someone says something really really nice in the comments and it surprises me and it makes me feel full of emotion I might start crying because I feel overwhelmed I feel overwhelmed so I have so much emotion so much feeling I'm it's too much I'm overwhelmed and it spills out of my eyes but if you look in the dictionary there's probably an easier and easier way of explaining that have you ever watched friends yes I have I love friends I probably watched it over and over and over again how does your tongue move from P to the th sound in depth depth your tongue isn't involved with the P it's your lips for P DEP DEP my tongue is their depth depth depth you see my lips exploded my tongue pushes through depth depth how can I improve my British accent Kemal I have lots of videos here to help you with your British accent another thing you can do is listen to many many many recordings or if you can get people live if you live around English speakers listen surround yourself with English speakers listen like you do as children and and repeat and just absorb that sound and repeat it and mimic it I have put a link for an order audiobook trial in the description below I am NOT being sponsored by them by the way but I think they are I'm an audible member I took the free trial and then carried on afterwards I subscribe to them and I think listening to audiobooks is a fantastic way to learn a language and certainly to learn an accent and you can get so many books on audible so there's a free trial there for 30 days so my suggestion to all of you is to take that opportunity those 30 days and then once you get to 30 days if you don't want it cancel it but I promise you if you make the most of it and try to listen to at least 5 books I promise you it'll make a difference anyway is free so it's worth a try otherwise there's also an option to I do have an online course as well an accent reduction course a pronunciation course it's quite reasonably priced but it's not free but if you are interested in that the link is also in the description below you need to go to my website British English procom okay so stunningly says with world you pronounce it world it rhymes with hurled that's right so world world I'm guessing someone was asking that one thank you for helping out what kind of accent do you have says Marcelo I was actually born in the north of England but I I changed my accent I softened my northern accent and changed it to a general southern kind of a soft neutral standard English maybe a soft RP sound can you recommend some pages I I'm not exactly sure what you mean by pages it's kind of Kylie Minogue still famous in the UK well she is to me I'm in my 30s but I know who Carly Minogue is absolutely please pronounce source source source what do you pronounce how do you pronounce wonder wonder wonder I wonder I wonder alone in the what in the woods I wonder is that ah like up and above it's the upside-down V yeah okay I'm going to do a couple more questions and then I'm going to go and make my dinner because I haven't had dinner okay so what the patrons are saying this place is better I like that poem can you send me the text later yeah sure I'll send it to you and I'm glad you liked it don't get used to this place and because I have to move my computer back into the office soon I'm sorry I can't work in my living room because it becomes very difficult to separate your work from your private life J hi Anna I'm wondering about the pronunciation of these words below are they pronounced the do we pronounce the Col Col syllable oh I see okay so here's how you pronounce them technically tecnique so it'd be technically technically practically automatically mechanically psychologically and historically it becomes what's called a lateral plosive it's exploding at the back of the mouth like that technically you see I hope that helps okay while teach awesome this is very useful thank you very much silent Newton sauce that's right stunning I thank you again for your help can you recommend a site for pronunciation this one this is the perfect site for pronunciation I have so many videos here based on pronunciation please don't go anywhere else I mean you of course you can go to other places there are other sources of course but have you looked at all the videos on this channel I have over 200 lessons all three or four you have you used them okay guys I'm gonna call that a day thank you so much for joining me I will be live again tomorrow I'll probably be doing a topic tomorrow so make sure you join me for that the time I imagine will be around midday because I do have an appointment in the afternoon so let's say let's say 12:30 12:30 UK time hmm does that sound good to you 12:30 UK time tomorrow I'm going to do some form of topic I'll figure it out I'll think about it in the morning do my prep and then surprise you with my topic I have just released a Scottish accent video at Glasgow accent video if you haven't watched it please do go and watch it and like I said if you're new here please make sure you subscribe do give this video a like and if you can share any of these videos or this channel with your friends then that would mean the world to me that would be amazing I hope to see you again tomorrow thank you so much guys have a lovely evening wherever you are in the world lots of love
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 20,648
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, british accent, british pronunciation, learn english speaking, british, english listening practice, english lesson, english vocabulary, intermediate, learning english, Anna English, w sound, pronounce, pronounce w, w in english, english w, english w sound, british w, british w sound, how to say w sound, how to say w
Id: uXN3By2DxSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 12sec (1692 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2017
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