Perfect R Pronunciation | British English Pronunciation Lesson | Medial & Final R Sound

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hello everyone and welcome to another lesson with me Anna English here on English like a native today we are looking at British English pronunciation particularly for the letter R when R appears in the middle or towards the end of a word when do we pronounce it and how do we pronounce it so that's what we're going to be looking at today and if English in general is something that you are trying to improve whether it's British English or American English then you'll find lots of helpful lessons here on my channel you can just hit the video tab and search through over 350 free lessons at your heart's content and if you're not already a subscriber then I suggest that you press subscribe smash that subscribe button in fact and press the Bell notification button so that you know when I release a new lesson and when I'm live just like I am now hello I've got lots of you jumping in and saying hello it's lovely to see you all I also have my patrons in my patron chat room hello patrons and as always I've made you some notes now these notes follow the same format as last week I have made some beautiful-looking notes for you I also have included at the end of these notes I've included a quiz for you a task and I provided answers as well now I'm not going to include them in today's lesson the task is for you to do at your own pace the task is there for anyone who downloads the notes separately there is also an mp3 which I've lovingly made for you to accompany those notes and these this package mp3 and lesson notes will be available to my five-dollar upward patrons just look out in your dropbox in the next few hours after this lesson to anyone who drops a super chat donation and for anyone else they will be available actually they are available now to download to buy and download from my website which is British English procom and just in case you forget that's written down in the description box below but otherwise this lesson of course is free and I'm here to help you all with your pronunciation so let's get started the letter R the R sound now this is volume 2 because we're looking at medial R's I will come back and look at initial r's at another time so hopefully we know how to pronounce the r sound the r sound is created by parting the lips and curling the tip of the tongue up towards but not touching the roof of the mouth let's just have a look at that for any of you who are not sure so we have the mouth open the tongue tip curls if this is my tongue the tongue tip curls to point upwards towards the roof of the mouth as if you're going to make an L but we don't touch the roof of the mouth now the important thing is although we have the lips parted we don't want the lips too far apart we don't want a big open mouth because that will make the sound sound unusual so I tend to have my bottom lip ever so gently touching my top teeth when I make this sound the other important thing is not to allow the tongue to go backwards if it bunches two bunches to condense if the tongue bunches pulls right back then again you'll have an unusual sound which we don't want okay so now in a lot of other languages languages like Spanish for example the letter R is usually tapped or trilled this means that you touch the top of your mouth when making this sound in British English we generally don't do this we never trill it and we rarely tap it we occasionally do but very rarely so try to make these ours flat with that floating tongue not touching the roof mm-hmm okay let's try some examples let's go back to the notes so if the if the letter R begins a word then in British English it is sounded so in the name Robert or run or root then because that word begins with an R we will sound the letter but what happens when the R appears in the middle of a word sometimes we sound it and sometimes we don't so what are the rules well number one only sound R when it appears before a vowel and this is a vowel sound not a vowel letter necessarily so it has to be a vowel sound only sound it when it appears before a vowel sound number two we do not sound R if it appears before a consonant sound number three do not sound are at the end of a word do not sound R at the end of a word however there is an exception however rules one and two apply when talk taking into consideration the word directly following a word ending with the letter R so if the following word begins with a vowel apply rule one if the following word begins with a consonant sound apply rule - so is that a little bit confusing it might be for some of you hmm I find looking at rules tends to confuse me but what I mean is if an R begin if an R comes before a vowel like serene serene if you are serene serene this the letter after the R and the sound after the R is a vowel sound so we sound the R serene but if the following as a consonant like the word bark a dog will bark then we don't pronounce R at all bark bark but if you put two words together mmm let's have a look mmm let me write this into the patron chat room so you can all see it if we have for example if we have the word car if you have the word car the word car ends with the letter R if we say car park then the following letter and the following sound after car which ends with an R it's a consonant so this rule applies the following letter is a consonant so therefore R is going to be silenced we say car park car park but if we say the car is here if we say the car is here then the following sound after the letter R is a vowel sound it's a vowel sound so we'd say the car is the car is here the car is here the car is here that makes sense hopefully all right yes don't let me confuse you I do keep saying the letter if then if the following letter is a vowel or consonant but I mean a vowel or a consonant sound that's really important what is the sound not necessary not necessarily the letter ok so the just so you know the art in American is very different so this really only applies to British English all right so now what we're going to do is go into some practice and what I want you to do is listen to me saying each example twice and then I want you to try and repeat it ok so just a listen and repeat so just so you know the letters that are highlighted in red or they might look orange to you they are silent okay so here's the first example garden garden now you try next example great great there you go so we did pronounce that R so let me have a look at you all we're going to do those two again garden garden your turn and great great good and I do you want to say a huge thank you for the first super chat that's come through from my lovely friend whose name I can never pronounce but thank you so much for your super channel it's very lovely to see you here I hope you're well and you said hi Anna hello to you too actually yes to me and my little baby boy who is growing every day and making me very hungry all the time but thank you for your kind donation that's very sweet of you alright let's put these two words together Garden and great in the sentence the garden looks great the garden looks great your turn fantastic let's do it together the garden looks great the garden looks great and that sounds great fantastic so the next words we're going to look at will come in handy for you I'm sure and they are the words sorry sorry now we have a vowel sound after so we make sure we pronounce those R's nice and clear sorry your turn and the next word is work work your turn this is a difficult word for many students I hear this mispronounced all the time so let's just come back to have a look at this so we have sorry sorry nice and easy I think sorry see how I smile into the end of it sorry sorry and then we have work see how my tongue stayed flat because it's a silent R we don't pronounce the R because the following letter is a consonant and the sound I shouldn't keep saying that I should say con sound the following sound is a consonant sound so we have a flat vowel work my tongue does very little until the end for the K work this is the problematic word for most people so make sure you've practiced that one and the sentence that I'm gonna give you here is I'm sorry he can't come to work today I'm sorry he can't come to work today your turn good all right let's move straight on because I don't want to keep you for too long today the next word another word that I hear a lot is the word world world a tough one world so the R is silent and the L is sounded so you have to get the tongue tip up on to the roof of the mouth world world we'll look at that together in a moment this one is also regularly mispronounced ha ha now you'll notice in the phonetic transcription I have got the letter R in there but it's in bracket and this means that it will only pre pronounced if the following word begins with a vowel sound so if you say it's her orange for example it's an orange that belongs to her we'd say her orange her orange so that our becomes a little bit more colored but if you say it's her bag beginning with a consonant sound we'd say her bag and the letter R doesn't appear at all okay so let's have a look at those two words together just to help you with that pronunciation we have world world C my tongue is flat until I bring it up for the ell world the same as work the tongue is flat for the beginning part work world okay and then the next word was ha ha see how flat my tongue is the whole time and the H is not constricted a lot of people do ha ha that's not right in British English we always have an open throat huh okay it's her world all right let's have a look at the others and all before I do hello Justin have I seen you here before thank you so much for your super chat that's very very kind of you you said Australian English is the same as British English in this regard one of the main reasons many Americans can't tell us apart it's a very good point it's a very good point and thank you so much for dropping in and for imparting imparting your knowledge I do want to do quite a lot more on Australian English I do a lot on American English but not enough on the differences between Australian and British English which are not that many actually it was probably why I haven't covered it so much but I do have some Australian stuff coming up so things to look forward to right so we've had her and world but what else do we have in this example we have turn turn another silent ah and the example sentence is he turned her world upside down he turned her world upside down he turned her world upside down that one together he turned her world upside down he turned her world upside down all right so the next little group of words and some very interesting was here one of them we use all the time and it's the word ah ah this one how are you mmm now it ignore this for the moment it generally is just a vowel sound so we hear this mispronounced all the time you have to think of it just like the long vowel are as I've highlighted there are how are you where are my books where are my students okay however of course if the next word begins with a vowel sound then the R the letter R will be pronounced not too firmly you might say they are over here they are over here they are over here so the art tends to join the following word they are over they are over here okay and then the next word I've got here is scare scare now I put this one in because I said if the following word begins with a sorry if the following letter all the following word begins with a vowel then it's going to be a sounded are right but in this case we have a letter following R that is a vowel but we're not pronouncing the letter R and that's because the final e here is not pronounced we say scare scare and the final II does not represent a sound in itself so that's why that bar becomes silent scare scare let me show you these two sounds together these two words rather so the first one ah how are you how are you nice and easy I don't want how are you which is what I hear a lot nice and open ah I always say imagine you're at the dentist and they or the doctors and you have a sore throat and they want to have a good look down your throat and they say open your mouth and say ah ah this is how I imagine this word how are you and scare scare scare okay fabulous let's have a look at the sentence shall we so the census goes why are you scared of it it's just a cat why are you scared of it it's just a cat why are you scared of it it's just a cat nice and easy okay so moving on down we have another version of ah so I hear this when it's weak when this is in a weak position and if you're not sure about weak forms then I have covered weak forms recently so go and catch up with that video but when it's weak it's pronounced exactly the same as this one ah but when it's in a strong position we say our our our and again we don't pronounce the are by rule but if the following word begins with a vowel sound then we will pronounce the R okay then the next word is hero hero hero and because it's following with a vowel sound we have a sounded our and the example sentences he is our hero he is our hero he is our hero so let's have a look at those words together we have our our I love that word ah such a movement at rhythm I believe our our and hero hero hero hero this beautiful doesn't it so much movement and melody this is why I think it's really nice to articulate and to enunciate your words fully because it just sounds lovely alright so we have a handful more 1 2 3 4 5 more words and then all put into a sentence for you and then we are coming to the end of the lesson I can introduce the task for you but the answers will be reserved for those who have dropped a super chat for those who are $5 upwards patrons and for anyone who purchases the mp3 and the notes on my website but we will look at the task together anyway okay so I'm just gonna have a quick look at what my patrons are doing hello patrons hi so I got Peter here hi Peter hello a bit late joining hope you're having a good day yes I think they're having a lovely time agreed there are not many differences with the UK you're in Australia aren't you Peter so you're saying there are not many differences between the UK and Australia it was thought I was a New Zealand er when I was last in London it was quite funny there are some differences slang mostly yeah there are some differences of course there is a an accent difference but they are not as strong in most cases as the differences between British English and American English but again it all depends on the particular region that people are from all right so before we jump into the very last section of these notes if you are finding this use then please do show your appreciation by giving this a thumb I think sometimes you guys enjoy it but forget to do the stuff so if you can give it a thumb then that really does help me out do comment below let me know what sounds it is that you struggle with I always read all of your comments I can't always respond because honestly there are not enough hours in the day but I do read them all and they always make notes of suggestions that you make so if you have a particular subject or a particular pronunciation problem or words that you just find very difficult then I make a note of them and at some point in the future I do intend to help all of you with all of your issues okay so let's get on to that last section so we have try now a lot of people struggle when are follows a tea or a plosive sound like tea it's not so when it follows a tea your tongue goes from touching the roof of the mouth straight into the curl so you're touching the roof of the mouth with the tip of your tongue and just go true true true you just bring it down try try try it now for me good and then the next word we have is grow grow like me I grow bigger every day my baby grows bigger every day Gora Gora that one's a little bit more difficult you have the tongue the back of the tongue up for the gun and then you're flipping forward to the are grow grow grow you have to keep the lip up here against the teeth grow grow grow try grow the next one is the word three another one that people really struggle with and are following a th3 three and the reason it's difficult is because the th is tongue between the T and then pulls back quickly to the r throw throw now this is an occasion where it sounds like we have a tapping R because the tongue touches the teeth as it comes through to the our position three three but I hear a lot of Spanish speakers and there's other language as well that trill bear are naturally when you get to this point where the throw I hear it go crazy with a big trilling our I can't give you an example because I can't trill my our it's the one thing I can't do which is very frustrating but try not to go crazy with that that are they're just one very quick tap and then flat three three okay then we have a tree a tree it's come very dark all of a sudden doesn't it we have a tree TR double e tree and we have prize prize prize proper okay I'm seeing questions coming through with words be having our in about pronunciation I will do them in a moment okay so just hold your questions till the end and I will answer as many as I can in whatever time we have left so let's try this particular sentence using those words try to grow three trees to win a prize try to grow three trees to win a prize how's that try to grow three trees to win a prize okay alright so I'm gonna let you have a look at this task so the task is you have to highlight the silent ours within the passage so looking at this passage which ours do you believe would be silent now if you want to pause the video here and have a look through that task you can but like I said the answers will be available to my patrons anyone has dropped a super chat and they'll also be available on my website which is linked down in the description box below but for now it's my time to give you a little attention and answer any questions that you've got over the next five minutes if you are leaving me at this point thank you so much for joining me please make sure you subscribed and press the bell notification button next to subscribe so you don't miss out on future lessons and also come and follow me on social media I do lots of different things on the different social media so come and join me on Instagram for sure are you lots of pronunciation videos regularly on their Facebook and also Twitter it just helps me to stay in touch with you and get to know you a bit better okay so firstly my patrons hello Peter apparently three Australian accents only who knows that's right there aren't many Australian accent differences it's just more to do with how thick the accent is and that means how strong it is there is not much variation compared to the UK no absolutely or the US a trilled are you're asking me what is a trilled are shrilled or is it's when you roll the only up I can't really do it but it's when you vibrate the are a lot it rolls okay let me have a look at your questions someone asked me oh yes it's Rochon said how do you pronounce the word wrong wrong wrong now notice the W is silent it just becomes the letter R wrong so there you go I hope that helps and could you say red lorry in the truck park red lorry in the truck park red lorry in the truck park the only one silent there is the R in the word park because the following sound is a consonant sound okay Amahle says try pronouncing Shh tree chewy I'm not sure I know that word to be honest I don't know that word I'd have to look it up in the dictionary but you've asked the word Street Street Street so it's not a sure sound it's a you give me the s and then the T and then they are Street Street okay so you have to practice that sound first okay Dada Dada Dada what else do we have sorry if I've missed your comment this is so many to catch up on sprang SPR spray spray you just have to work those sounds together quickly sprang sprang sprang okay and what else do we have how do you pronounce Rhys Rhys that s is more like a Zed because it's voiced Rhys risen and reason all of them are pronounced like Zed's Rhys risen reason okay who else do we have I'm trying to find the ones with an R in because that keeps it on topic try so Rodrigo says try bloom three hemp trees in your yard and try try to it has to be try to run away from the police so you need to add those two little words in to and the bloom three hemp trees in your yard and try to run away from the police okay thank you I have a problem pronouncing birthday says Shiv birthday a lot of people struggle with this but that's the flat vowel sound I talked about earlier bur tongue between the teeth birth day birthday and in fact I'm gonna give you a cheat here rather than trying to get day the of day on the roof of the mouth put the D between the teeth birthday birthday birthday birthday if you think of it more like that it might help you I know it has worked with other students Oh Justin bless you thank you so much you've just dropped another super chance very kind of you it's very generous you said Australian accent is a spectrum based more on economic status than geography the wealthy speaks similar to a British RP and the uncultured speak with a bogan accent I hope I've said that properly the broadest Australian accent okay that's interesting yes I do want to delve a lot more into Australian culture and Australian accents because I haven't really I'm just no like a generic Australian accent I haven't really looked into those differences so thank you for sharing that okay a few more and then I will have to say goodbye tea wall okay I'll go off-topic here I've got our spree that's a good one Neelam says spree if you go on a shopping spree that means you go to spend lots of money oh I'm going on a shopping spree spree spree okay progress progress progress rural I have asked this one all the time rural and luxurious luxurious and foreign foreign release release Rodriguez asked the difference between rise to go upwards and rice something that you eat rise rice rice rice alright my darlings okay I've got a park the car in Harvard Yard good one thank you car park the car in Harvard Yard that comes one of my patrons and okay Peter's not agreeing with the comment about Australian accents it's something I definitely just do some research on and then we'll see what we come up with okay okay so ladies and gentlemen I'm not gonna take any more of your time thank you for joining me if you can't share this lesson then please do it really helps if you want to join me on social then there's lots of links down below so please do come and join me it'd be lovely to see you otherwise take care have a lovely day and a lovely weekend oh and I won't be here on Monday because here in the UK it's a bank holiday Monday it's a public holiday so I will be probably releasing a pre-recorded video maybe if I don't release it on Saturday but I won't be here I'll be here on Tuesday instead let me check my diary Oh quick mmm okay I've got two lessons there okay yes I will be here on Tuesday at four o'clock how's that okay my darlings take care see you on Tuesday and goodbye oh I do this every time every time I go to leave my software decides to have a little fries but it's come back now all right I'll see you soon bye guys you
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 27,854
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Anna English, british english, english lesson, Live english lesson, english vocabulary, learn english, live lesson, learn english live, english, british, speaking english, toefl, ielts, english phrases, Live, pronunciation, english accent, british accent, sound british, british pronunciation, english pronunciation, pronunciation lesson, pronunciation letter r, r sound, medial r, british r sound, how british say r
Id: G3MqmWhotSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 52sec (2092 seconds)
Published: Fri May 04 2018
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