#5 BRITISH ENGLISH PRONUNCIATION in 10 Minutes / BRITISH ACCENT Daily Training - Consonant /-l/

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hello everyone my name is Anna this is English like a native the channel that is dedicated to helping you improve your English language and we are live right now doing our 10 minutes pronunciation practice so if you're joining me for the first time make sure you hit that subscribe button so that you don't miss out on future lessons we are putting out lessons every single day at the moment I can't get enough of you I'm really loving teaching you all so much that I'm putting out daily lessons some of them live and some of them pre-recorded hello if you're just joining me today we're looking at a consonant sound all week we've been looking at vowel sounds but today we're looking at the consonant dark L sound the all sound so an L that appears in the middle and towards the ends of words so if you are particularly keen to improve your accent then stay tuned we're going to be here for definitely ten minutes and I'm hoping to extend this lesson because it's Friday to give you an additional ten minutes so if you just want the pronunciation practice stay tuned for ten minutes we're going to get onto it in just a moment and otherwise stay for the whole time so we're improving our pronunciation today that is what we're doing and yes we're covering the dark L sound I will explain a little bit more about that in just a moment before I start I just want to let you know that because it's Friday I've got to give away announcements to make the first giveaway announcement is anybody who decides to be generous enough to sponsor this video today so anyone who gets involved in super chat if you send a super chat to help this channel and to sponsor this video then I will be giving all donations a free copy of my English telephone English eBook so it's an e-book it's about twelve pages long and it basically goes through all the things that you'd need to know if you're working a lot on the phone talking in English on the phone or if you're phoning companies or businesses then the kinds of things you'll need to learn are all in this ebook and I'm going to give a free coffee to anyone who decides to send a super chat along to this video today so just something to keep in mind if you're feeling generous and want to help this channel grow the other giveaway is the 15 minute Skype call that I'm offering every month to my patrons and I've done it today with a random number generator and the winner of this month's 50 minute Skype call with me is Eric I hope you'll hear Eric you normally do join in these live lessons but Eric you were chosen at random your number was picked out and with the number generator and you will be getting a free 15 minute Skype call with me whenever you are free so drop your message and let's organize our Skype call Eric congratulations there'll be another giveaway for another Skype call next month and that will be for any patrons so any patrons will be automatically entered into that giveaway so congratulations Eric and fingers crossed for my other patrons next month okay so let me just say a quick hello to who is here a lots of people saying congratulations to Eric yes in fact Eric you are so interactive and so supportive and that I was really glad that your name came out so hello hello hello right so a lot of you are asking me what is a dark L what a really good question to start with so we generally in British English pronunciation will talk about the pronunciation of two types of ELLs a light hell and a dark hell and the difference in sound is this a light L is la la and a dark L is Oh Oh light luck dark or light luck dark oh la la oh it's a slight change in where the sound resonates but I feel it as the difference in the space with the back of the tongue you don't need to worry too much about the technicalities of how this is made but just so you know the tip of the tongue if this is your tongue and that's the back misses the tip and this is the roof of your mouth and these are your teeth to make the L the tip of your tongue comes up and touches behind the top teeth like this a light hell is with lots of space here si la la a dark L is with less space at the back like this all la the tip is still touching in exactly the same place la la la la it's just a difference in space at the back but don't worry too much about the technicalities because that can be confusing let's just go with the sound and the feel of it hello in Brazil hello Marcelo joining us again Thank You Thomas hi yes I've washed the turmeric off my tongue ah not orange anymore those of you who were here yesterday will know I had a very very orange tongue and if you didn't see that then the video is there to shame me forever on this channel so you can always go and catch up and have a good laugh at me but it's clean now I give it a good scrub all right so the dark hell this is how it looks phonetically sometimes it will just appear as an L without this sign but this sign is how I know to differentiate between a light L and a dark L so the dark L appears in words such as for Oh someone's just sent me a super that that means you are getting an e-book sent to you so hi Ana would love the book to improve my telephone skills with clients brilliant and stay tuned to the end I'm going to tell you how how we're going to sort that out so stay tuned to the end and they'll talk to anyone who sends super chats about how to get your ebook thank you very much that's absolutely awesome so we have full four four we have pool pool pool I know a lot of my students actually struggle to make this l at all so many of my students will say poor poor and do a W or full full and they won't put the tongue to the roof of the mouth but it's very important that you put that tongue tip up a full pool okay and the same with will will will so get that tongue tip up onto the roof of the mouth full pool will okay let's try it in a sentence so we have Paul the name Paul mulled over the will Paul Paul mold mold over the will mindful of the th the will in this case we're talking about the noun a will so a will is a document that says what you want to happen to your possessions and your money when you die who it got who who is going to get all your money who will get your house in all your possessions so a will is a document a will to mull over something if you mull something over you think about it for a while so Paul mulled over the will so Paul was thinking about the Wills okay mulled over mulled over alright let's just have a quick look at your comments here hello in Korea hello in Argentina hola buenas Dias um hello in Brazil hi Oh some of you asking how do you send a super chat if you want to get involved in the Swift chat very easy just down next to the emoji icon where you send emojis you'll see a little dollar sign put a comment in then press the dollar sign and then you can decide how much you'd like to donate to the channel okay and it takes you through from there or for some of you it's not available I am sorry about that hopefully one day it will be available everywhere could you please tell me how much does it take to get to an advanced level from intermediate how much does it take mean how long is a piece of string it really depends on how much you've learned up to now it depends on how much time and effort you're putting into practicing it depends what methods you're using to learn I've known people become you know really advanced in a very short space of time but they've also been living in a country where they are surrounded by English so it's it's almost impossible to answer that question the dark hell kills me yes it dark hell is difficult for a lot of people which is why I thought I would cover it today how do the Brits pronounce Russian names like Ivan and Vladimir there you go Ivan Ivan and Vladimir okey dokey I'm going to carry on so here we go I'm going to move on to the next sentence we have shall shall we fill the pool up so to fill up fill up these two words generally go together if you're filling something like filling a glass of water filling a bottle up we usually say up fill up fill it up I filled up my bottle with water I'm full up I can't eat anymore I'm full up so I'm telling you to fill no shall we fill the pool up shall we fill the pool up and what did I miss it's a question so I missed the question mark really important to add these points of punctuation because it really helps with the person that you're trying to communicate with it helps them to understand a lots of times my students will write to me my gold members will write in the whatsapp group and they won't put full stops commas or question marks and it makes it very difficult to understand their meaning sometimes so make sure we always add question marks if you're adding and asking a question is there a difference in pronunciation between to mull and to mull over no no difference mull it's just Mull okay shall we fill the pool up next one fill the bottle until it's full fill the bottle until it's full so for all these ELLs let's get that tongue up on the roof of the mouth fill the bottle until it's full okay then we have well-well wheel now these look exactly the same but obviously we've got our little apostrophe there well we will is the meaning so we say wheel wheel well wheel all leave later I marked these but I've marked them with a downward stroke because these are light hell's an L that appears at the beginning of a word is a light L almost every time I can't think of any exceptions always be a light L la la luck leave later not all leave all later which is dark if you're if Russian is your native language then you need to be mindful because you always do dark hell's so you need to do more light hills so make sure these are light well we'll all leave later okay so then we have the name Millie this is a girl's name Millie and this is a lighthouse mil-mil Millie Millie Millie Millie's a fool Millie's a for millions of fool for spilling if it was spill on its own this would be dark --spill --spill --spill but because we're saying spilling it becomes kind of light because we've got the ink at the end which is quite bright spilling spilling spilling and this is dark milk milk Millie's a fool for spilling milk Millie's a fool for spilling milk okay so it's a very quick touch on the dark hell I know it's a difficult one let's just go over those again so we have full pull we'll Paul mulled over the will shall we fill the pool up fill the bottle until it's full well we'll all leave a later Millie's a fool for spilling milk and then at the end I put Isle Isle Isle fully fully appreciate a like a share and a subscribe so guys if you're here with me now and you enjoy these short pronunciation lessons you're enjoying your day then please show your appreciation by giving me a thumb you know how much I like a thumb it's interesting actually because these lessons get around a thousand views but they only tend to see about a hundred thumbs so let's let's Friday be a happy Friday and let's break 200 thumbs so give me 200 thumbs if you can that would be awesome and if you know anyone who would appreciate or needs help with their pronunciation and do feel free to share these lessons wherever you can and if you're not already a subscriber then do make sure you press that subscribe button and the notification button so you don't miss any future lessons because that would make me sad if I was here talking to myself okay so let me go through some of your questions alright so I'll just tell you now and only one of you has sent a super chat so that means I'll only be sending out one ebook but if you would like an ebook it's all about telephone English then I'm giving away ebooks to anyone who sends a super chat so you've got about five more maybe ten more minutes before I head off and super chats will no longer be available if you fancy sponsoring this video and donating towards the growth of this channel and helping me to help lots of people with English then hit that super chat button and I will send you an ebook today so it's XXR was very kind to send a super chat over thank you very much all you need to do is send me an email X Anna and I will email you back the e-book so my email address is English like a native at gmail.com and so that's just 4x sauna please don't everyone be sending me emails I won't respond but ik sana I will send you the e-book so thank you very much it's much appreciated as I'm sure everyone appreciates all the people who do help this channel including my amazing patrons I literally couldn't do this channel without the help of my patrons they donate to me every month it's not a lot but it's enough to keep food on my plate and it's enough to stop me from going back into a normal job so thank you to my patrons it means the world to me that you support that I do obviously I'm doing as much as I can in return and today I'm doing a lesson especially for my patrons only a live lesson on the on grammar you know how I feel about grammar but we're doing the past perfect tense and the simple past tense so we're going to be doing a lot of work on those tenses today patrons only so if you want to be a patron please come and join us I really need your help and the link the patreon campaign is in the description of this video you get lots of goodies for being patrons you get lots of love from me and lots of attention so feel free to come and check out those rewards over there now let's have a look at what you guys have to say hi Eric Eric you won you won Eric meaning you're going to have a Skype call I'm glad you're here so and Eric email me and let's sort out a time for skyping because you are a fabulous patron thank you very much you're well deserved all right so let's have that what you guys are saying if you have anything you want me to pronounce now is the time let me know I'm here for the next eight minutes can you pronounce will and will again so we will go we will go is we'll go it sounds like a wheel of a car wheel wheel wheel wheel and we'll we'll Ile I'll hear that difference in the vowel wheel me a new wheel will wheel will good afternoon Anna hello long how are you does the I've seen some of your other videos I like the British accent which you have now I have a question just in British English we have to pronounce the sound L in that way yes in British English and American English actually and Phil so if I'm if I'm speaking with an American accent I would sound a little it like this I fill the pool up so yes I would say wheel and we'll and uh I'm just trying to think of things I can say in American accent um Paul Paul mulled over over the will so yes if I'm speaking with an American accent I still have light ELLs and dark hills and so yes is the answer and if you're American and you're going oh I'm offended please don't be offended I know my accents aren't perfect ah what else have you got is there a difference but no no no I've seen that one already does cup a cup of tea equal cup of tea yes so cup up see you PPA means a cup of tea or a cup of something it's usually tea but you you just say cuppa jords do you fancy a cuppa on a copper and that means tea a cup of tea what else do we have what is the difference between the pronunciation of full my cup is not full and full the difference is the vowel so you have full full is a short up full and full long vowel ooh full full full full and look at the placement of my lips full full all right fully thank you from Algeria well thank you and welcome the lateral L is that's the comment lateral L I you talk about natural plosives I can I can talk about that in a different lesson but that's quite advanced and why don't you have a podcast because I don't have enough time I did start a podcast I have two episodes in my podcast but I literally don't have enough time I have three YouTube channels and I can't I can't manage to do everything because I do everything I do everything myself and and yes I don't sleep enough hmm what is the right way to say can't can't I'm scared to pronounce it the wrong way you know why yes I do know why we don't say can't we say car nice open vowel the tongue is flat big space are our two fingers are I can't I can't stand it I can't stand it any longer I can but I can't can can't how do you pronounce vanilla vanilla vanilla ice cream yum-yum Anna how do I get the e-book fit toe Vito Vito all you have to do to get the free giveaway ebook is to a sponsor this video so you send a super chat over as a way of as a way of sponsoring and supporting this community to grow this is my full-time job as people know and I don't make much money doing it so it's very very difficult and for me to have more time to give to you guys then I need more support so if you are able to and willing to sponsor then I am looking for ways to thank you and one way is to give you an e-book so if you want to sponsor this with a super chat then you need to do it quickly because I'm about to go in a few minutes but I will send you an e-book in return otherwise you can purchase the e-book on my website Anna what's the difference between use and use well one is as you've said quite rightly and one is a noun and one is a verb and the noun use use with an S and the verb use use I can't use it it is useless I can't use it it is useless so now these S verb is said o someone else has got an e-book okay awesome Thank You Diego you so much for your super chat and just like I mentioned before 2x honor for you to get your ebook just drop me an email my email is in the About section of this video but also my email address is English like a native at gmail.com and I will send your ebook straight over thank you so much and it's going back to the comments did say quickly as a tongue twister look at Luke he is looking at Lily look at Luke he is looking at Lily look at Luke he is looking at Lily I like tongue twisters thank you we appreciate you thank you I appreciate you guys - you guys are always really helpful if you haven't already do give this video a thumb up I don't know how many lights were up - I can't see how many lights were up to but I'm I'm wanting to get to 200 so that that will make my Friday make my weekend very happy and I would you tell us five good British singers that you like oh well off the top of my head Adele Sam Smith and Ed Sheeran oh gosh British singers I mean I think of lots of singers but they're not always British those are those are the three I can think of off the top of my head but there are obviously lots of amazing singers okay hello I mean you subscribe a Hello Alfredo welcome thank you for subscribing how do you pronounce the word sibling sibling sibling that's a lie tell in fact sibling sibling I think when an L is followed by an ING then it's generally light sibling Fernando has asked for the pronunciation of the word calm the L is silent no touching the roof of the mouth calm calm oh Muhammad's upset are you just completely ignore my question I didn't mean to where is your question I can't see it guys you mustn't get upset if I don't see your question I I've got so many to look through and they keep scrolling up and up and up so please forgive me don't take it personally okay so Muhammad you've asked how do you pronounce knackered knackered no K is silent nah nah good knackered okay I hope that answers your question I think live lessons are more effective and sincere not sincerely more effective and sincere thank you what is what is a pip Pay Pal pelt Rawlins do you mean patrons I was talking about my patron a patron is someone who supports on a monthly basis they give a dollar a month or a few dollars a month or more and depending on what they give they get more opportunities so all my patrons get access to a live lesson every week a private live lesson all my patrons get access to all my videos early before anybody else I will always respond to all of their questions and then some get Skype calls and different bits and bobs so a patron noel patron and the link to the patreon campaign is in the description of this video and i can we get the e-book if we don't have a credit card the e-book is available on my website and you can use paypal but i don't know about if you don't have a credit card i think you can do a bank transfer is one option i don't know you have to look on the website double-check some people use the phrase she have a book instead of she has a book what's the difference she had the book is wrong that's incorrect she has a book is correct they have books she has a book okay hello from Kazakhstan hi what else do we have what are you up to equals what do you want no well if someone is being suspicious maybe someone's being nice to you when they're not normally nice to you might say watching you up too and that would mean what do you want but you can also say to someone hey what are you up to that could also mean what are you doing it depends on the context what are you up to this evening what are you doing this evening Anna you're amazing thank you and a thousand thumbs thank you very much Eric says there's now 95 likes 95 thumbs up has it past 100 yet have I had a hundred thumbs I'm sound so funny um five thousandth um for my teacher thank you I have to say goodbye goodbye Thomas how do you pronounce iron iron i iron my shirt notice the R is silent we just say I and I and it's like there's a year in the middle iron iron what about calm you've asked me ask that one I've answered that question calm is it insulting to call someone a fool yes pretty much if you're saying someone is a fool then that's I wouldn't like someone to call me a fool so yes let's say it's insulting patrons are like sponsors yes they are hello from the Ukraine hi Stepan oh you've retracted your message well I still say hi to you it is a pleasure to see you at work every day so I'm so I unfortunately at work every day oh okay I see we appreciate it if you would teach us the various ID sounds at the ends of words I do actually have a video lesson all about that the IDI endings so if you go into my channel click videos and scroll back it was a few months ago now but a few months ago I released a video with all the rules set out there clearly how to pronounce the IDI endings but yes it's a good idea I might cover it in a live lesson but there is already a video out there on it so go and check those out can I say maths maths the subject of maths th in 2's maths and 6 no S on that one is just 6 6 I don't think you would ever call for an S on that word sixths no you'd never say that you just say 6 6 it's a tough one it is a tough one what's the meaning of just the back of me ed and it means just the back of my head it may be and that's not a complete sentence but if you say it hit me just on the back of my head me ed just on the back of just on the back of an ED just on the back of a head I don't know what the meaning is that sentence isn't complete but Edie is short for head high in Poland what is your typical timetable daily I'm afraid it changes everyday because my my life is a bit chaotic so the best thing to do is follow me on Instagram and Facebook I tend to announce when I do the long lessons via those platforms and if you subscribe here and press the bell notification button you'll be notified when I'm live so that you don't miss out but I'm basically releasing something every day so if you come onto the channel every day you'll see something new I think you're not British um oh you're saying Koran Kiran I think you're not British ID where is Koran Jan Oh guys you having a conversation I'm sorry I'll leave you to it I would like to ask how to pronounce theatrically theatrically could you pronounce some of the words with silent letters yes Tok Tok Noel wawk wawk Noel PAH palm palm of my hand Noel and I do have a video that covers some of the 10 common words with silent letters go and have a look for that that's in the video backlog and can you pronounce palm tree palm tree palm tree Jenna can you read my comments where are your comments my love ah well I can't see it sweetheart Jenna okay um I simply I want to marry someone from Britain if you could help me and maybe bring bringing me your brother I would be happy learning English with my British husband I can't help you there darling I don't have a husband myself so you know we're both were both searching so I'm sorry I can't help you are you keen on literature yes I am I love literature in fact I have been doing some ASMR videos reading some of my favorite stories I did one that's already released which is the Hobbit ASMR is whispering so that you can relax and so I've done that one already and I'm about to release another one as soon as I've edits it so stay tuned okay I'm going to just do a few more comments and then I'm going to have to go and prepare for my lesson with my patrons um hello in Venezuela oh yay we're on 110 likes woohoo thank you guys keep rockin teacher your classes are too interesting thanks thanks a lot Mustapha you're always so supportive let's explain when to pronounce alphabets like that um I could do a lesson on the alphabet your ASMR video is so relaxing I'm good I'm glad you enjoyed it I wondered if it was a bit weird but um but some people like it so Alice's I feel super creepy while listening to ASMR yeah I feel a little bit like that too but everyone kept asking me for ASMR videos so you know I have to try and please everybody so if you don't like them you don't have to listen to them but if you do like them you find it relaxing is a good way to learn to learn why you're very relaxed is a great way to take information into your brain and so if you're listening to English while relaxing then it's a good thing but if you if it does if it's not for you that's okay you don't have to listen to them how can I pronounce my name in British English Mahmood Murad Mahmood Murad hi Anna I know it's out of subject but I want to ask you when do we use have + verb + did + verb although yeah let's keep the grammars to the grammar lessons alright it's hard to it's hard to explain off the cost difference between shall and should shall and should shall and should I shall be doing it I should have done it say 3 th 3 and through 3 and through can you say something in a cockney accent or I kavanah are you do ah I don't know what to say to be honest but this isn't a very good cockney accent up the Apple and pears give a call on the dog and bone anyway that's enough hello and kitty you've just joined this is telling into a general Q&A um let's do a cross-promotion on instagram Oh English freaks sure well drop me a message guys and let me let me know about your Instagram page yes and if you are not following me on instagram guys I do daily pronunciation videos on Instagram so if you're keen to sound more British or to generally improve your English pronunciation then head over to Instagram and join me there and make the most of those resources plus it's not just me there are many other amazing English teachers on Instagram doing fabulous work I see them every day I think what they're doing is great and it's a great free resource for you to make the most of so do head over to Instagram and join us there my Instagram link is in the description of this video along with loads of other helpful links I talked he credits audio audio book free trials all sorts of stuff so and a link to have your own British mug so do check out those links that I put in there for you alright I'm what does Keane mean to be Keane is to be eager is to be enthusiastic I'm keen to meet you I'm enthusiastic and excited about meeting you [Music] great okay Anna you have made a team of people who love English language I like everyone yes we are community we're a team we're a team of English learners all learning English together so keep calm and carry on alright guys I think I have babbled on enough it's time for me to leave you to your day if you are a patron I will see you at four o'clock for our fabulous grammar lesson be prepared to write because we're going to be doing lots of writing and corrections on your simple past and your perfect past tenses so I'll see you at 4 o'clock and via the patreon page is where I'll post the link those of you who sent me super chats then do send me an email and I will send you your ebooks and thank you again for your super chat donations it really makes a difference to this channel and guys if you haven't already pressed the thumb or the subscribe button then do that now and I will see you over the weekend lots of love mmm-ma bye from London bye
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 20,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, English lesson, English like a native, Present Tense, Tenses, English grammar, Grammar, vocabulary, esl, english, English speaking, speak english, pronunciation, british accent, british pronunciation, pronunciation in english, british english pronunciation, english pronunciation practice, learning english pronunciation, phonetics pronunciation, accent, Sound english, Country names, pronounce countries
Id: ex4FMfbRY84
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 14sec (2354 seconds)
Published: Fri May 12 2017
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