LARGE FAMILY Meals - What We Eat When the Grocery Budget is GONE!

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hey guys it's Janice from Ozark Family Homestead I was not planning to do a video but I got a comment that I really liked and it was good it was a good idea so I'm rolling with it here so we're doing an impromptu video let me see here the comment I just looked at it was from Noreen and Noreen says you should do videos on meals you make to stretch the budget especially now when you're on a budget lockdown and I thought that's a good idea I'm gonna do that so Anna and I are in the middle of baking bread here so we're in the middle of doing that and I have a soup going so I thought I'm starting right now I will show you what we're having for supper tonight and over the next several days I'll just take a video here and there over what we're eating and what I'm using from my stockpile and from what I had gotten on sales previously and how it has been thrown together so that we all get to eat around here so I'm going to turn this camera around and show you what we're doing for supper tonight all right like I said Anna and I are in the middle of getting some bread then Anna's my big helper there uh dessert tonight we have a little bit of apple pie left over from David's birthday yesterday the coffee cake is for tomorrow we're having a church gathering at friend's house and Sarah who's been working hard in the garden the hands um she made the coffee cake today okay soup is in process over here this here I know that light is super bright guys but this chicken here this is one of our roosters uh he's already been boiled started pulling the skin off and I'll pick the meat off the bone here that's what was in process when I saw Noreen's comment by the way thank you Noreen I appreciate the comment so chicken is in process once I pull the meat off it's going to go in the pot too this is simply the water that the chicken boiled in so I'm going to use this if I need extra broth I have very good gelatinous broth in the fridge that I've already made previously now those little green peas floating in there are ones that Sarah harvested from our garden today here let me stir this up a little bit there's more in there and they're a little harder than they should be so we're gonna boil them really good in this pot we're gonna add some carrots and some rice and I'm not sure what all else I will video again when I have the soup done and I'll show you the final product so stay tuned for that I'll be back all right guys I have green tea steeping over here this is going to be for the next batch of Kombucha bread has less than nine minutes left in the oven this is going to be for french toast tomorrow morning for breakfast and then just you know for bread for the remainder of the week the soup is pretty well done here I am going to add some extra broth to it because I want to thin it out some so this is some of my broth that I've had made up and it's like jello right now but it will thin out as it heats up here in the pot Okay now what's been put in the soup there is again our rooster I had some fresh carrots still in the fridge from a the once a month shopping haul and I had frozen green beans still in the freezer ready to go I'm trying hard not to make a mess here you guys and um okay so let's see I had the chicken I had the fresh carrots I had frozen green beans I put minced onions salt and pepper in there peas from our garden and then of course our rooster and then the rice that's in there I already had some cooked rice that was left over from a previous meal and so I just threw that Frozen block of cooked rice in there and it's been thrown in also so I'm gonna go ahead and let this broth finish melting basically and I'll add more if I need to but otherwise we'll have this and I'll pull out a sleeve of saltine crackers for um everybody to have for supper tonight and I guess at this point we will come back tomorrow and I'll go over some of the meals that we're doing for tomorrow all right next day Sarah's doing breakfast this morning and french toast with those loaves of bread that I baked up yesterday see I'm gonna see what's in here so bread soaked in egg I think it's really flimsy it's really flimsy and then these are that's my sourdough bread oh that's your sourdough okay so I've got different types of bread going here this is sourdough that's um for me and then this kind the normal Mama finished ones in here okay all right now they're gonna drizzle uh maple syrup on that though too so that's for breakfast and then at the same time we're going to be prepping items to take um for our church Gathering today so I'll be back with that here in just a minute all right David what you think hmm he's got to think about it Sarah is it edible yes very good two thumbs up three three thumbs up all right Sarah it's a winner all right we're getting going on Church Gathering food Anna's chopping up some turkey pepperoni for some pizza dip yeah Sarah's washing up milk buckets so helping Abigail is grating up the mozzarella cheese for pizza dip we're gonna get some mashed potatoes going we're just doing instant to make it quick this morning brussels sprouts are in the oven they've got 36 minutes left and I'm getting going on the rest of the pizza dip over here coffee cakes already made cucumber tomato salad is already made we've got lots of plates spinning right now okay guys here's everything we're taken to the church Gathering today this is the pizza dip and again just everything I had on hand here in the house already I bought cream cheese with the once a month grocery shopping haul and the turkey pepperoni and the mozzarella cheese and I keep tomato sauce on hand so everything was off the shelf here I've had these bagel chips sitting in my pantry for a little while now I had gotten these on sale several months ago so they needed to be used up anyhow those will be used to scoop up pizza dip brussels sprouts if you saw the once a month grocery shopping haul you know that I stocked up on frozen Brussels sprouts so those just came straight out of the freezer mashed potatoes I have maxed out my mashed potato pot here here let me see what is this light is that any better um I get this was just instant mashed potatoes right off the shelf because I wanted it to be quick this morning since I had so many other things to get done so we're bringing those the um the lady that's hosting has gravy packets so she will have gravy to go on top of the mashed potatoes she's also providing beef brisket and baked chicken as well this is the cucumber tomato salad Sarah made this up for me this morning we used up the rest of our red onion we had the Cucumbers that I just got on sale this week it's in the the most recent uh sale ad haul video that I did and then Tomatoes were in the fridge just trying to keep them good I know you're not supposed to keep them in the fridge but mine were there because I had purchased them a couple weeks ago while they were on sale and they were Roma tomatoes so they do keep pretty well and then finally the coffee cake Sarah made the coffee cake last night and again just from everything we have on the Shelf so this will be lunch and supper we're eating two meals with our church family today and uh this is what all we're bringing so at this point I will see you guys tomorrow with tomorrow's meals all right next day guys and I almost forgot to record this so we are halfway through breakfast already breakfast is Let's see we had leftover turkey bacon from um what was the turkey oh from just bacon eggs and toast breakfast several days ago we've already used some of the leftover bacon for loaded potatoes but there's still more left over so bacon cheese omelettes and toast was for breakfast this morning had two of the little cast iron skillets going Sam's omelette is the only one left see is that any better there that's better maybe uh Sam's omelette is the only one left to go and he has asked for no cheese so his is just a bacon omelette with some toast and mine's Halfway Gone So this is all you get to see this morning we were hungry and we ate them up as fast as they got done so I will be back for lunch and supper today all right guys lunch time is going to be a treat I'm telling you we are having some fancy dish here that we call clean out Mama's fridge that is oh there's a pea pod Thief there yeah you eat it up okay clean out Mama's fridge is the actual name that we have for the meal when we pull out every little scrap every little odd and end that's in the fridge and that's what we eat for our meal what we're having we have leftover soup from the other night and it's one big Mass right now but it will thin out whenever it's heated up it's all that gelatin in that broth so we'll add a little bit more broth to that and heat it up on the stove top I have some hot dogs here and I still have buns left over from our YouTube party so somebody can pick hot dogs for lunch if they want that there are Abigail's raising her hand here are you picking hot dogs yes okay there's a little bit of pizza dip left over from the church Gathering yesterday as well as mashed potatoes and some of the beef brisket and the baked chicken were sent home with this from the Gathering so we have that a tiny bit of noodles here the egg noodles from David's birthday he had picked beef stroganoff for his birthday and all the meat gravy mixture is gone but this is left so somebody will wipe it out there is some turkey bacon and scrambled eggs someone can choose a little bit of berries here on the side some cucumber tomato salad again left over from the church Gathering pea pods from the garden Rebecca's already trying to wipe those out and then coffee cake for dessert so everybody can just kind of pick and choose what they want and it'll be a hodgepodge a smorgasbord but bellies will be full so it all works out I'll see you guys then at suppertime and a supper update for today we are having these are salmon patties here A recipe that we've been making for like 13 years 13 years Sarah says what's on the recipe this is just salmon and again I stocked up on these these are all the stocked up on those in my once a month grocery shopping haul uh eggs this one in order to cut down on the carbs with my blood sugar stuff is half oats and half shredded coconut in there as a binder and then with some spices added in and we like to fry them up in some toasted sesame oil so we're having that uh we do have corn on the cob this was from my brother's Garden last year I just had it in the freezer waiting to be used up the asparagus this is what I had just gotten on sale in that last weekly sale ad video that I posted you saw that I used some of the last bits of my monthly budget on some sail asparagus and Sarah roasted that up for us tonight and then uh some more of that cucumber tomato salad we're just finishing it off and again that was cucumbers that were on sale this week tomatoes that were on sale last week so I'm just using up odds and ends that we have especially for fresh things here in the house we will see you guys tomorrow morning and we'll start it all over again okay next morning guys this morning we had soaked oats for breakfast basically this is just the night before you take oats and some water and some apple cider vinegar and we use spelled flour and you let it soak overnight in a separate container you take some raisins and some more water and let those raisins soak overnight the next morning you dump it all together and cook it up in a pot and then Sam I need to scoot over here you can doctor it up the next morning we like to put some butter and maple syrup and cinnamon in there and mix it all up and it's good stuff so this is breakfast and I will come back then for lunch time all right lunch time guys and I need to get a video squeezed in here before children take the rest of these little hot dog bun Pizza things so I'm gonna do a quick little rundown on this these are hot dog buns that we had left over from our YouTube party and they're still good but what we did is we opened them up put them in the oven what was it 375 yes at 375 just long enough to where they hardened it you know like they were stale almost these got a little bit too done here browned you want them to be hardened a little bit otherwise when you put the spaghetti sauce pasta sauce pizza sauce whatever you're going to use on it it'll just soak it up like a sponge and it'll be smooshy so you want to harden the bread a little bit so the bread went in the oven it got a little crusty hardness onto the top of it pulled it back out slathered some pasta sauce that we just had on the Shelf put that on there some of the turkey pepperoni I got I typically get those on my once a month grocery shopping haul I keep a stash of them some like pepperoni and some do not and then the mozzarella cheese we grated it up ourselves this is from those two pound blocks that I stock up on on the once a month grocery shopping hauls and then put it back in the oven basically just long enough to let the cheese melt and children go crazy over this this is a big treat for them and it uses up hot dog buns that we had extra of so that was lunch for today and I'll be back at supper and supper tonight is cheeseburger soup this is a family favorite everybody gets excited when we make up cheeseburger soup it's a fairly easy soup to make and a lot of the things you know I was able to get on sale here recently it's ground beef and if you all remember the previous video I had gotten a lot of that manager special ground beef marked down they're at 10 bucks so I've got that in the freezer it's just chopped onions shredded carrots which I bought during my once a month grocery shopping haul and then just some spices and butter and chicken broth again I make my own bone broth so I always have a good supply of some nutritious bone broth in the fridge uh cubed up potatoes and if you saw that video I got a good sale on those russet potatoes and I bought 30 pounds of them and some of those are in the pot right here and then a thickener of just some flour and then the butter there's some cheddar cheese in there which I got at my once a month grocery shopping haul they're at Walmart those two pound blocks and milk and we own a dairy cow so milk is not an issue we always have a lot of it so everybody's anxious to sit down and eat this one so we're going to get big old heaping bowls of cheeseburger soup ready and I'll be back with you guys tomorrow morning for a good breakfast okay new day new video Rebecca is ready she says give me my food are you hungry yeah yeah is that yours you can take your plate let's go take it to the table okay okay Samuel made breakfast for everybody this morning he fried up some eggs and of course the eggs came from our chickens and the hash browns came from that um it's that big shelf stable carton of hash browns that I get from Sam's Club so that's what those are from it's an easy peasy breakfast of course I can't have the hash browns here you want to take this this is Abigail's plate go put it in Abigail's spot okay um what was I even saying I've lost my train of thought babies do that to you I lost my train of thought so okay this is Anna's don't drop it you know Abigail's gonna help is it hot hot the next one is David's okay David's we'll let Abigail help okay oh I know what I was saying of course I can't have the hash browns with the blood sugar issues so my plates down there on the end I'm going to add avocado to mine so I'll just have fried eggs and avocado this morning I will be back with you guys at lunchtime okay guys it's not lunch time just yet for us I'm skipping over to something to do with supper time I will come back to lunchtime though here in just a little bit right now though I'm going to get something started we are going to have eggplant lasagna for supper tonight is that a spoiler alert sorry but this is eggplant that we had harvested last summer from the garden and dehydrated and this is what the eggplant slices look like all shriveled up and dried and what I'm going to do is I'm going to eyeball it and throw some in this bowl that I think we will use for our lasagna tonight and then I'm going to cover it up with a whole bunch of hot water and just let it soak for hours and hours today oh look some of them were bright pretty yeah I think did we put lemon juice on these Sarah some of them I think maybe those had lemon juice but either way they turn out fine and I never know how many to put in the bowl because dehydrated always looks so much different than rehydrated so we may have super eggplanty lasagna tonight I'll just make a stretch we'll make it stretch or it'll be uh skimpy I don't know what we'll end up with if it's skimpy I'll make biscuits no I'm making french bread to go with it too so we're gonna have eggplant lasagna and French bread for supper tonight but obviously this needs to be getting going hours ahead of time uh so it can be rehydrated in order to be baked I'm thinking there's that much left in this do we have another container I have a whole nother okay this is an old Honey Jar from Azure standard this is what I use these big gallon plastic jugs for um I'm not sure I'm indecisive anyhow this is what I'm working on now we are going to have not chili chili for lunch I'm about to get started on that and uh we'll come back I'll show you how this turns out tonight okay making lunch now that not chili chili that I told you about and Anna's being my camera woman back there so she's getting the hang of this whole filming the family thing so not chili chili um I'm using up the uh ground turkey that I purchased at either Walmart or Aldi whichever one's cheaper and I keep a stash of that in my freezer so I have that and I'm seasoning it up again with that homemade sausage seasoning and I have just about used it up so I will be making a video soon on this homemade sausage seasoning be on the lookout for that one this not chili chili calls for celery I have no fresh celery left now if I was on the ball I would have soaked some dehydrated celery that I have on my pantry shelf that I didn't get to that this morning so there will be no celery in this not chili chili instead I pulled some dehydrated kale off of the shelf and I have just plopped a big old handful of that in the pot it also calls for garlic but we just harvested garlic scapes off of our garlic patch in the garden and so I am mincing up some garlic and I'm going to put that in there to saute with the meat and the onions and everything else so it is all coming together I'm just using canned navy beans today instead of just dry beans that I've soaked so that makes it go quicker for a lunch if we have not chili chili for supper time then I'll usually use dry beans and soak them that way so it'll be ready here shortly and I'll show you it all in a bowl ready to eat okay still working on the not chili chili and I wanted to show you guys these are the spices that I'm putting in there this actually this oregano on top is from our herb garden but all the others I've purchased I think probably from Azure standard and I want to show you my broth it's a solid at this point it's just a a big gelatinous thing I could actually I can pick it up with my hands because it just comes out in cubes here so I'm about to pour this broth in the pot so it can start liquefying basically melting and then I'll dump the cans of the navy beans in and it'll pretty much be ready so we are just about there all right not chili chili is done Sarah has already taken off with her Bowl that's why hers is empty over there she was getting hungry yes she's nodding her head over there so Yep this is it it's basically it's like just a white chili you know white beans and then with the ground turkey I know some people put chicken in it but this is a ground turkey and I like the way the kale looks at it so I like knowing I don't have to have fresh celery on hand in order to make this the kale works just fine so this is our lunch today and I'll see you back then for supper tonight when we're having that eggplant lasagna and homemade French bread okay guys French bread is done but I am just now getting ready to build this uh eggplant lasagna I wanted to show you how the rehydrated eggplant turned out before I just cooked it up so these you know so very pliable now no more hard and crunchy chips and I'm just going to lay these flat inside the pan so instead of using like lasagna noodles I'm going to use these and that way it's similar to lasagna still but it doesn't bother my blood sugar at all doing it this way and then those that don't have to worry about blood sugar can load up on some buttered fresh French bread and and they can be happy so I'm going to go ahead and build this lasagna and we're just going to do layers of the uh eggplant spaghetti sauce meat cheese eggplant spaghetti sauce meat cheese and pop it in the oven until everything is cooked up and then we'll be ready to eat and I will I will bring you back for that are you ready to eat yeah yeah hungry hungry hungry okay Sarah is slicing up that French bread and we'll slather some butter on it I just pulled the eggplant lasagna out and it looks good we just need to cut into it now and Dish everything up so we'll get it on plates and I'll show you what it looks like and okay here it is guys you can see there's there's eggplant mixed up in there amongst the meat and the cheese and the sauce so just instead of noodles it's eggplant from the garden and everybody seems excited about it so this is what we enjoy using our eggplant as hey guys so I messed up and I forgot to record breakfast this morning we've all been a little sick and I don't know it just got away from me totally forgot but this morning was either homemade yogurt and they doctored it up with honey or maple syrup blueberries things like that for those that had stuffy noses they just had eggs some fried eggs and toast so it was a really simple breakfast lunch today we were supposed to be at a friend's house having playtime and eating lunch with them and again because of the stuffy noses that didn't happen so instead for lunch at friend's house we're having clean out Mama's fridge again so I'll spin the camera around here and show you guys all of our fabulous leftovers that we're having today okay there is a little bit of the chicken vegetable rice soup with some egg noodles thrown in a tiny bit of hash browns some turkey bacon and salmon patties cheeseburger soup some oatmeal uh eggplant lasagna there and then once all the leftovers are eaten up they can always make up a peanut butter and jelly sandwich oh I did pull out some fermented pickles too if anybody wanted those with theirs and one little lonely piece of French bread left over from last night's supper so we are just going to be cleaning out Mama's fridge and throwing together a quick lunch when plans did not go the way we expected them to today so I will be back for a supper update assuming I remember I'm going to try really hard to remember though you guys I'll see you at supper all right it is suppertime and I remembered to film it yay Janice we're having grilled chicken drumsticks tonight and then the last of the zucchini baby girl are you hungry yeah hold on we'll put some on your plate grilled zucchini normally we do parmesan zucchini where it's roasted in the oven and then parmesan cheese on it but I'm out of Parmesan cheese and I don't get to go shopping again until after the next payday on the 10th so we just grilled the zucchini and I think they look really really good so I'm looking forward to that and then just some peas that I had frozen peas um just in the freezer that I stocked up on it the once a month grocery shopping haul uh the drumsticks would have been from a sale I picked up this soup would be around 10 pounds of drumsticks and then lastly some potatoes that went through the instant pot these are those russet potatoes that I had gotten on sale at 10 box and bought 30 pounds of them so that is our yummy supper for tonight and I guess I will be back look at this look at this little beggar you want your food you are a hungry baby okay all the babies plate and I'll see you guys tomorrow morning all right breakfast this morning Abigail had something that just happened lost another tooth I don't know how she's gonna eat breakfast I don't know I'll try this morning Sam made breakfast for us we've got turkey bacon and fried eggs and toast some have butter on their toes some have Andrew what jelly is this apricot what red bud Red Bud jelly so from what Sarah had canned this watch take a big old bite no so that's our big breakfast for this morning we'll come back for lunch here soon we're about to wrap up this week of what did we eat all the good things okay see you guys at lunch Rebecca is eating her lunch before Mama even gets to film it the potato's gone where'd the potato go is that where it went yes everybody can see your half chewed potato it was loaded potato it was a potato with some butter and some shredded cheese and some turkey bacon and some salt and pepper is it good mm-hmm is it good stuff yeah Andrew do you have a potato that is not in your mouth already here we go loaded potatoes russet potatoes scrubbed clean and put in the instant pot under pressure for is it 12 or 14 minutes Andrew does 14 minutes and let it depressurize naturally put some butter sour cream salt pepper green onion I like green onion on mine shredded cheese a little or a lot if you're Andrew and some bacon it's good stuff and potatoes are on sale so good deal um I'll see you guys at supper time now all right it's supper time there's Rebecca back there say hi meet that you eat that okay so today we're still feeling a little sickly over here made up a stew just with some a beef roast potatoes that were on sale carrots green beans onions um I even put some of our garlic Scapes in there and Sarah made up biscuits and they're chowing down he's good stuff what you like the biscuit yeah she ate them all you ate them all are you eating your potatoes you eat your yum yum that's a carrot all right we'll see you back at breakfast and this morning's breakfast is what we call sausage scramble it's some of that Frozen one pound packages of the ground turkey from either Walmart or Aldi and I put my homemade sausage seasoning in there scrambled up or cook up the meat very well then scramble up some eggs in there with it and we have that sausage Scramble with some of my homemade bread toasted with either butter or Redbud jelly Andrew likes Redbud jelly on his so that is breakfast this morning I'll see you guys for lunch we are about to wrap up this what do we eat in a week series you gonna tell them say bye yeah what are you having for lunch Abigail I'm stew and biscuit and you have a messy face you eat biscuit too what's that that's stew yeah it's stew and biscuit yeah so leftovers for lunch I had some grilled chicken legs Sarah's over here making up massive guacamole um this video we're going to go ahead and start editing this before supper tonight but uh tacos Taco salads and big batch of guacamole is what's for supper tonight there were yeah this is what's left of the grilled chicken drumsticks there were some potatoes from our loaded potatoes lunch yesterday and the stew is being wiped out so this is gonna be the end of it big old massive piece of ground beef for the tacos tonight too all right guys that's it I hope you enjoyed our weekly what did we eat around here video that we're just wrapping up I'm making this video real quick here because Samuel is in there on the computer editing the rest of it and he said Mama I need an ending so this is the ending this is the end of the video I can tell you tomorrow's menu is already planned out we're gonna have muffins for breakfast and it's going to be with something in my freezer either Frozen cranberries that I got on sale around Thanksgiving or frozen bananas that turned brown and then just got stashed in the freezer or frozen pumpkin from pumpkins that we've grown ourselves and roasted and put in little Ziploc baggies in the freezer so muffins for breakfast BLTs for lunch with that leftover turkey bacon from breakfast just a couple days ago and our homemade bread and tomatoes that were on sale a couple weeks ago that I have stashed in my fridge and they've kept fine and a little bit of lettuce from the garden and supper tomorrow night is going to be a roasted turkey again got those on sale around Thanksgiving then just sitting in my freezer waiting for a time when I need it and something with potatoes those russet potatoes that were on sale and I do still have one meal's worth of asparagus from what was on sale um the last sale ad I was able to buy from so sorry if I'm croaky guys we've all been sick this week and I'm still trying not to have a coughing fit while I'm recording here if you liked this video please give us a thumbs up and subscribe if you have not already and if you don't mind please tell your family and friends spread the word to watch Ozark Family Homestead our whole family would appreciate it thanks guys bye-bye thanks for watching Ozark family homes and bye are you
Channel: Ozark Family Homestead
Views: 331,800
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: chAz4nAjQjI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 25sec (2305 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 10 2023
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