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hey guys it's Janice from Ozark Family Homestead and today we are going to start a new what we in a week video so for the next seven days I'm going to try to remember to film our breakfast lunches and suppers and share them with you guys and just bring you along with us so here is day one oh what baby you watching she's hugging my leg okay this is day one here we go all right turn the camera around here to show you breakfast so we started off with some fried eggs and just made up a whole bunch of these put them in a cake pan and left them in a warm oven while the entire batch got done I do still have boys outside working with Sean so they haven't come in to eat yet girls are getting started eating though um a big package of turkey bacon from Sam's Club we will not eat this whole thing this morning we're gonna eat some of it for breakfast and then we're going to eat some with loaded potatoes later and maybe BLTs also if I still have enough left over after that so it will all get used up oh I've got boys coming in okay you guys ready to eat okay so yeah the fried eggs just came from our chickens and then the hash browns here these are the ones that I get from Sam's Club if you've looked at my Sam's Club hauls for each month I pretty much by at least one of these each month and the kids think it is an awesome amazing super duper treat because we are used to having my homemade bread toasted and buttered or Jam for breakfast so if they could have this instead of regular toast then it's a super duper treat and then we have some of our blackberries we are harvesting some every single day so that's part of breakfast this morning too for those of you that don't know we have seven children my husband and I so these are going to be the meals for our family of nine for the week and I will see you guys again at lunch wait a minute guys I wanted to show you everything all plated up here's one of them look at all those hash browns so this is why children go crazy because they get lots of hash browns oh and our eggs too someone had asked in our last what we eat in a week video the children like their fried eggs with hard yolks so I like mine softer children all like them harder and so we just make them the way they want to eat them so that's why they have hard yolks okay I think that's it I think I'm done oh good oh Wild Girl hey I do make messes it's an egg is the egg good [Music] it's a good egg you're welcome baby okay lunch time lunch time guys it is loaded potatoes for lunchtime uh we take the russet here these are the ones that I got on sale at 10 box at one of my recent uh weekly sale ad videos we have put them in the instant pot and Andrew's my lunchtime helper he's the one that takes care of this Andrew did you say 14 minutes all right 14 minutes and they come out and they doctor them up however they want them they can add butter sour cream salt pepper this is more of that bacon this is left over from breakfast just dice some up and add it we do have green onions this is just from our onion plants out in the green stock Towers right now and we use this little handy dandy tool I need to see about putting this on our Amazon store because this comes in so handy to you see how it's got the the lines there so it uh oh that's for my chicken sausage is going everywhere guys um this uh chops up the green onion very very well so I let them doctor it up however they want it of course and there's cheese there too and they can grate it up themselves okay now I obviously with my blood sugar issues I cannot have big old big old potatoes so Andrew is working on my chicken sausages yeah oh it's in there here okay you going around and take that lid off and I'll show them these are these chicken sausages that I get at Aldi they're just going to cook some of these up for me real quick and I'll probably eat two of these sausages put the other two in the fridge for later and there is cucumber tomato salad left over from our Independence Day celebration and that will be my lunch so all right that is everybody's I've got them they're coming and going I've got Andrew Sarah and Rebecca in here eating now and we'll get the others in here shortly and I'll see you guys back at supper time all right getting ready to get supper going here you guys I'm gonna give you a sneak peek as I'm getting started on it here this is a recipe called Spanish squash it's kind of like Spanish rice only there is no rice there is squash instead which is great for me with my blood sugar issues to not have that grain in there so I've already got the meat started with some onion in there I'm about to dice up mince up some garlic Scapes these are the ones that we harvested from our garden and they're keeping fine in the fridge for right now so I'm just going to use some of those this is our lemon squash and there's a crookneck squash in there too from our garden we are getting Peppers now but these are still Peppers that I got on sale a couple weeks ago they need to be used up so I'm using these first and leaving my garden peppers for a little bit and I'm not getting Tomatoes yet so we're just using a can of diced tomatoes today and then I'll add some seasonings and stuff to it and I will show you all what it looks like once it's cooked up and on the plate it's been a while since we had this because this is a seasonal dish for us so I will be back in just a little bit with you guys all right guys got this all fixed up here everything is softened up got the peppers and the Squash and the tomatoes in there I'm gonna go ahead and put it in the bowls here we'll get it set on the table and see what everybody thinks I think this may be the first time that Rebecca oh my camera's steaming up I think this is the first time that Rebecca has had uh this dish so we will see what baby girl thinks about this okay guys I need input is it edible is it so gross mama how do you feed us this awful awful it's amazing Sarah says amazing what do you think Rebecca is it good that's a pepper is it good yeah once you eat it and not play with it okay what's that that's squash we're gonna eat it um there you go all right guys that is supper time Mama is gonna eat now and we'll be back tomorrow morning yes good stuff all right see you guys tomorrow morning all right guys next day next morning we are trying out that cream of barley if you saw my Azure standard video the most recent one we're trying this out as a replacement for Malt-O-Meal because some of the children were not liking the Malt-O-Meal so we thought we'd try this out so this morning is the big test it made up just the exact same way as Malt-O-Meal so it looks very very similar but of course malt-o meal is made with wheat and this cream of barley is made with barley okay so they added butter and cinnamon and maple syrup and some of them added milk to theirs too so we're going to go over here and see what you think good okay you like it better than Malta meal really Anna was the biggest critic of the malta meal so you think cream of barley good Mama yeah you that's your second bowl already I know you like it yeah yeah I have nothing to think to hurt too since I didn't eat them all to mail but I think it was pretty good okay it tastes like oats to me tastes like oats okay well you doctored it up very similar to oats all right guys Malto meal gets seven thumbs up Maybe all right guys 100 thumbs up all right we'll be back at lunchtime and see what we're having then all right a lunchtime update and actually this is going to be well we've got two separate lunches going on here so the first lunch is Sarah and I this is what we're having because we're not having what the rest of the family is Sarah and I are just doing leftovers this is the leftover Spanish squash from our supper last night we have some cucumbers that have just come out of the garden and then this is the water kefir that Sarah's making it's a probiotic drink so we're each having some of that and the rest of the family is going to have BLTs but I still have to slice up the bread and stuff for that so that is in process I am supposed to remind you guys that well David told me to tell you guys that I forgot something at breakfast he had kombucha with his breakfast this morning and when I got done filming he's like Mama you didn't tell him about my kombucha so if you need to rewind and look at David's kombucha on The Breakfast Table you can do that otherwise I'll be back in just a few minutes here and show you what the rest of the family is having for lunch all right I'm getting ready to start building sandwiches and I wanted to show you guys kind of how we line things up and do our assembly line for lunch children are coming in they know it's time to eat so I start off with our bread I just slice some of it up we'll slice more up as we need it this is the bread that I bake every week there's actually a video on how I grind the Grain in my Grain Mill and bake this bread so I'll link to that video in the description box below but they can get their bread I go ahead and buy just this squirt store-bought mayonnaise for things like this I will be making mayonnaise later on this week because I plan to make a seven layer salad to take to a family reunion and I was going to show you guys that as part of this video but we're using store-bought mayonnaise for these sandwiches this is some of the lettuce blend that I got marked down at Kroger on my last weekly sale ad video that was in there uh we are not getting tomatoes from the garden yet so these are store-bought Tomatoes those Aroma tomatoes that I got on sale probably a two weeks ago I'm thinking and they've been kept in the fridge and they're fine so Tomatoes some of the children want cheese on theirs uh somewhat Red Onion so we're doing that the pickles here these are ones from our garden last year that Sarah canned up some dill pickles I wanted to show you guys this little handy tool I purchased this off I think it was eBay a couple years ago and it is so handy for opening up these jars and I think it's like the real deal it looks old so maybe it's from the 1950s or something even I'm not sure but it's handy and it just makes it so easy to just pull that right off so if you can get one of those it's great I keep our jars of home canned goods in our Root Cellar so I had to go out and grab one of those and I've just reheated some bacon from yesterday morning's breakfast and we have more that we can heat up if they wipe this out so we'll start making up sandwiches and get them eaten all right boys have some sandwiches made up there's David's sandwich he likes playing there's no lettuce there's just cheese and meat on your sandwich okay then like it was sandwiches Burgers you just like it plain okay well at least you got your pickle now Andrew's is prettier over here bread crumbs there's bread crumbs on your pickle yeah see his is prettier there with the with the green and the red okay they're all munching on pickles over here so okay go ahead and eat guys and we'll be back I guess we'll see you guys it's supper time again all right Sarah was in charge of supper tonight and looky looky what she made for everybody got some this is called lasagna soup it's so good it's so good they love it let me see is this lighting is that any better I don't know if you can see it better or not got those um well we can use any type of noodles in it sometimes we even use the brown rice quinoa noodles from Aldi and but this is just regular rotini noodles in here it's really just whatever we have on hand so Sarah is putting it in bowls and she is going to grate up some mozzarella cheese on there and then do you have the bread out yet no okay well here I'll come back in just a minute and show you guys the bread and stuff too we have french bread as well we'll be right back all right Sarah's got the bowls made up over here they're ready for the table still a little bit in there and here's the bread I did not bake this today I actually um I baked four loaves late last week before our fourth of July celebration that we went to at a friend's house and we only used three of the loaves so this has been wrapped up in the freezer since then I just pulled it out this morning and we're slathering some butter on it this is butter from Daisy our cow and they're gonna have this French bread along with the lasagna soup tonight and I guess I have to point out Sarah you made supper tonight because mama is busy I am baking bread there we go I have bread going and I was working on YouTube stuff so I did not beat you and force you to cook supper because I'll get those comments some people need to learn to keep their mouth shut their mama didn't teach them that did they if you can't see nothing nice don't say nothing at all there you go okay and then obviously with the pasta and everything this is not a mama friendly meal French bread and all that so this is the mama plate here I'm having the last of those chicken sausages that I had heated up uh was it yesterday I've lost track of time some cucumbers from our garden and blackberries from our property and then cheese and the one little lonely cherry tomato that we've got and I think this is the second cherry tomato that has ever come in from the garden this year so there's the mama plate they are ready to eat so I'm going to start giving them their food we'll see you guys tomorrow morning all right guys next morning this is actually Independence Day so this is our fourth of July breakfast here this is egg Pizza it is just mushrooms and onions and green peppers and tomatoes all sauteed up in some butter add some eggs and let it harden up a little bit on the stovetop before putting it in the oven at 350. once the eggs are all cooked oh I forgot you put cheese on top too once the eggs are all cooked you turn it to broil for just a few minutes to turn that cheese a golden brown slice it up like pizza and then put it on the plates so we're going to have that there are some fermented pickles over here these are still from our garden last year they've been in the refrigerator they're preserved through fermentation so we are still eating on these and then toast and this is from that bread that I was baking yesterday evening while Sarah was fixing our supper oh she's glaring at me now you guys okay we're gonna get some plates made up and get everybody to eating over here all right guys lunch today you guys have seen this before we had extra hot dog buns left over from that sale from the weekly sale ads last week at Kroger and so these have been turned into pizzas so yep put them in the oven just enough to get the bread hardened up a little bit put some pizza sauce on there what baby what baby you gonna eat some pizzas yeah yeah put some pizza sauce on there somewhat pepperoni and some do not so that's what is for lunch today we'll see you back at supper say bye now of course guys I can't have those pizza oh hot dog Pizza bun hot dog bun pizzas is that what we're gonna call them okay I can't have the hot dog bun pizzas so I'm just having a salad for my lunch and then look what Sarah has made to go with supper tonight so that'll be yummy yummy for them we'll see you at supper all right guys next morning we're having oats for breakfast this morning Sam is gonna get started making up some bowls here now you probably noticed there was no supper last night and that's because I had a pretty substantial adrenal crash and I have been either sleeping or sitting in a chair with a heating pad on my back so there was no mama making supper last night and um everybody just kind of foraged around for supper so my back it's still cramping up pretty bad but we're moving on to the next thing and that is breakfast um I did four cups of oats with four cups of water last night and soaked this overnight with a fourth cup of spelled flour and four tablespoons of apple cider vinegar and cooked that up with two cups of raisins that had been soaked overnight in water as well so this uh sorry guys my back is cramping up pretty bad Sam is making up bowls here with some butter in it and some cinnamon and some maple syrup so this is what children are eating of course I cannot have this I'm just having some fried eggs for breakfast and probably some avocado or something with it so um we will Lord willing be back at lunchtime all right guys lunch time yes baby lunch time is hamburgers and typically we don't have buns with our Burgers but you'll see here in just a minute yes we're gonna get you Burger now oh this is the hamburger seasoning that uh Andrew puts in that's for the burgers yes that's what Andrew puts in the meat while it's still raw and then patties it out and puts it in the skillet these are some sweet potatoes that we harvested from our garden this past fall they have been stored in the garage this whole time and they cook up just fine we have some purple ones and then the others are more of a white fleshed sweet potato there so typically we do not have buns whenever we just eat and but today Sarah had buttermilk left over from making butter that she needed to use up so Sarah made biscuits she made lots of biscuits and a lot of these will go in the freezer to be used later yeah you can go eat don't you have a plate already yeah she's got a plate on the table already so some children are choosing to use these biscuits as hamburger buns like David so and then I have some cucumbers from the garden Sarah's already sliced those up I've got cucumbers there on my plate there's banana bread here but that is going for we have a homeschool event tomorrow with the Homeschool Group what baby yeah you can go sit by Abigail and you go eat you can say prayer and then eat okay okay all right guys that is lunch I feel like I'm getting back on my feet again my back pain is not what it was earlier today so hopefully I'm coming out of that and it'll be all good so I will hopefully see you guys at suppertime there was one other thing I wanted to point out before we moved on here before somebody says your hamburgers look like little meatballs instead of burgers because somebody will say that won't they baby they fit perfectly on the biscuits so that's how we like the hamburgers that's all I have to say about that so we're at supper um I'm I'm filming um I'm staring for those who don't know um mama was back down her back was bothering her really bad so I and so Andrew and I whipped up Psy supper Andrew's the one in Orange for those who don't know and we got canned ravioli out this is when some of the little ones favorites and I also made biscuits today um from buttermilk that I had leftover from the homemade butter right there and I had some greens left over that were going bad so I picked out the good ones and made it up a little side salad that they could just dish out for those who wanted it so for Anna's ceiling one is grab that so I guess Daniel will finish that off and Mama and I we don't eat raviolis so I made us up chicken salads here um I just put on some things that were coming out of the garden on top um some cucumbers and peppers so we made up that Rebecca is is it good oops are we going to take that as a yes okay can you say are we gonna see you guys at breakfast then okay bye so um we missed filming breakfast and okay we had cereal for breakfast um just um it was corn flakes that I believe we got on clear on clearance from Kroger and then of course fresh Daisy the cow milk and then we went to a homeschool play date for lunch uh we brought banana bread and the pasta house salad that Mama makes so good and um so we had lunch there so that's my breakfast and lunch sadly were not filmed we were a little um busy this morning and we forgot to pick up the camera and film but we are gonna film supper so I thought we'd come and try to patch up this little bit of a mess we we made and hopefully you all for forgive us so we're going to see what we have for supper here okay so here's the food we all um have for supper daddy grilled us chicken here it's so good and um these are biscuits left over from yesterday I just heated them back up in the oven we've got Daisy butter for it um we've got green beans about half of these are ones that we actually got from our own garden so I'm really excited for those the potatoes have already been mostly gone they're almost them are on people's plates but these were buttered parsley potatoes I'm sorry guys if you haven't caught on I have a tad bit of a stutter and um so here's what a finished plate looked like I don't this is my my plate I don't get um I don't I choose not to have the the biscuits and um mama can't have the potatoes or the biscuits because of her blood sugar so I made her up a beautiful nice pretty salad she loves my salads and I like making them it's like the art of the salad I like making making them pretty so I made her up one with all that it has our lettuce greens and our peppers and our tomatoes so I made her up that and I guess that's all we're having for supper tonight well mom and I are having for dessert oh yeah here's Mama's isn't that salad so pretty so for a dessert mom and I are having a cantaloupe we got it it smells so good and then everyone else yeah yes from the guard the garden and um for everyone else they get banana bread and chocolate chip cookies not a bad dessert so we'll see you guys at breakfast if we remember to get the can the camera tomorrow morning hey guys next morning yes the mama is still here and I'm planning to help with breakfast this morning I'm still having some back pain but it is coming and going now at least and not constant so I am able to be up and to help out somewhat so I'll go through what the plan is for breakfast this morning all right girls are getting ready to go outside and feed the cats down at the barn this morning look at you looking cute with your hat on and your sunglasses you're the coolest cat feeder that there is okay now I'm getting ready well David's taking composting stuff out this morning and I'm gonna get going on breakfast so this is the plan yes you wanna you want them to see you baby look at you and your sunglasses and Anna too yes okay go go take care of the meow meows okay here is the plan for breakfast this morning okay I have leftover potatoes from when we had loaded potatoes for lunch earlier this week so I'm gonna dice those up and then I have some leftover turkey bacon gonna dice that Up dice that up too and put it in the uh the cast iron skillet over here with some eggs and I think I'm going to scramble up about 20 eggs I typically do around 24 but with these acting as fillers I don't think I'll need quite that many so I'm going to start with 20 if I need more eggs I'll add those to the skillet as well there are still biscuits left over from Sarah making them a couple days ago and we're gonna eat those up or I'm not they are going to eat those up with their breakfast this morning and whenever we have left over we'll go in the freezer at this point so with the biscuits they'll have some butter from Daisy or cow and I am going to cook in the skillet with regular store-bought butter I wanted to show you guys the difference since I had them both laying out here the butter from our cow Daisy is that beautiful yellow and the store butter just looks so pale next to it so that's the plan for breakfast I'm going to get me a cup of coffee and start putting all this stuff together and I'll bring you guys back when I have it ready for the plates all right here we go everything is ready to go Sarah's being noisy she says I'm so sorry she's going out to milk the mama goat out there and let's see it looks like it's super duper bright over here guys but this is the scramble I went ahead and put some cheese on top because Anna came in and said oh it looks so good are you gonna put cheese on it so we put cheese on it I put some of the biscuits in the oven just to warm up just on a low temp to warm up and so we'll get ready to put this on plates I'm going to wait to make up some plates because if Sarah and David are out doing the goat I'm just going to leave theirs staying warm until they get back in now I obviously cannot have the potatoes and all that stuff but I am finding that I do need some carbs when my adrenals crash like they have the past few days so I am having fried eggs this morning with some bacon and a thin piece of that whole grain toast that I make up from spelled and hard red wheat so that is breakfast this morning and I'll make up plates as children come in from their morning chores all right some are already eating here and it's got her plate here and she chose Red Bud jelly for her biscuit I'll put a link in the description box I see yours has butter on it every time I mention Redbud jelly someone has never heard of it before so I will put a link this is jelly made from the flowers of the red bud tree in the springtime they're pretty purple flowers and they make a really a really unique jelly so we like it we try to make it every spring and the children think it's yummy yummy yes so yummy yummy yummy all right so we have some plates made up some are eating some are still making up plates so we will Lord willing see you guys back at lunchtime oh don't mind my table it's wash the tablecloth day you guys if you've watched a lot of our videos I always have a tablecloth on my table because this is an old antique table and it is it's pretty rough underneath on the actual wood so it's washed Mama's tablecloth day so you get to see my roughed up table anyhow I'll see you guys back at lunch all right Andrew is the lunchtime helper so he is making up some homemade Hamburger Helper type dish he's already browned up the two pounds of the ground beef he has some elbow macaroni going over here and then we make up our own we don't have a little powder packets that are inside like the macaroni and cheese box so we use this instead and I just buy it from Amazon here is the little recipe let me see can you guys see that five cups of elbow macaroni two pounds of ground beef 16 tablespoons of butter that's two sticks one cup of milk and then one cup of the cheese powder is what we use for our family size batch of course I'm not having this for lunch so I'll just get something leftovers or something I don't know and I'm making yogurt at the same time so that's what's going on in the kitchen and I intend to come back when everything is all put together and ready to go okay it's Rebecca's you're welcome it's that homemade Hamburger Helper I just gave her a little tiny bit of this is fermented kimchi this is from our cucumbers from last year and it's a little spicy and it's just been preserved by fermentation and then being in our refrigerator ever since last year so Abigail do you want that much just start off with a little one yeah okay so it is a little spicy but it's really good and this is how the homemade Hamburger Helper turned out you want more or is that enough yeah do you want more okay and you can always come back for seconds too so okay Andrew's loading up on the kimchi he knows that he likes it so he's gonna get some of that and the plan is to be back for supper tonight I have some lamb thawing some of our lamb that we raised here and that we butchered ourselves so what baby what I don't understand what's she saying Andrew me too okay me too yeah she says is it good stuff yeah good stuff all right guys uh we'll see you back at suppertime all right supper time guys tonight for supper we had this is some of our lamb that we raised and butchered earlier this spring and I just cooked it up in the instant pot because I went grocery shopping today and started supper super late so instant pot was the fastest way to get it done uh some green beans had about half of these are from the garden and the other half are just from the store green beans corn on the cob came from my brother's Garden last year and this corn has just been in my upright freezer ever since then so we're trying to use that up before we get a fresh batch from him hopefully this year and then zucchini this is parmesan zucchini that was cooked in the oven and then the last three minutes of it it was the broil setting went on and it really made the parmesan cheese on top really crispy and then we've got the herbs in there too so that is supper for tonight I've got children waiting on me over there to eat some of them have their corn on the cob cut off because well like Sarah with her braces and stuff isn't going to be eating corn on the cob so another two whole years for another two whole years poor Sarah for Rebecca uh-huh you don't eat corn on the cob either do you no you eat it off the cob you're already eating okay guys we're gonna pray and then eat I'll see you guys tomorrow morning I guess you say bye yes all right breakfast time guys and this morning easy peasy breakfast for children these are those uh pumpkin raisin muffins what baby yeah you can eat you can go and eat your muffin muffin and milk from Daisy the cow yum yum that's your milk yes uh there's a whole video on Sarah making these pumpkin raisin muffins and then we just stored them in the freezer to pull out whenever we had a busy morning that we needed to just eat and go so that's what these are now of course Sarah and I are not eating pumpkin raisin muffins her because of the sugar well me because of sugar too but different reasons um so Sarah has made up these beautiful omelettes for the two of us and mine has some turkey bacon in it with some green onion tops from our garden you getting choked up Sam sorry it was it was I I I drank too much water it choked on the liquid and I am again having some of this whole grain bread that I make with my adrenals being so sore you all right Sam yes okay so okay cheese omelette Sam you're throwing me off here and some coffee all right do we need to go so Sam can finish his coughing fit you know what I'm done you're done you're done okay he's done all right we're gonna get to eating breakfast we do have our family reunion today are you a little bit excited about the family reunion a little bit yeah and so we're gonna get some food ready to take to the reunion and I plan to show you what's on the agenda there as far as food goes so we'll see you guys in a little bit [Music] [Applause] [Music] down to the last one okay guys I'm working on the things that we're taking for the meal at the family reunion today the seven layer salad is already done and I'll show you that just before we get ready to leave I've got the green beans all thrown together just a handful of these are from the garden but the rest of them are frozen green beans that I bought during my once a month grocery shopping haul at the beginning of the pay period so those aren't going to cook and I'm going to begin working on this quinoa dish over here I think quinoa is a weird food that a lot of people aren't familiar with so I was going to show you that real quick let's see I hope that shows up for you guys quinoa is actually not a grain I'm pretty sure it's technically described as a seed and so this is a really nice grain like food for people with blood sugar issues to eat because it's kind of like a rice but it's not and it doesn't affect my blood sugar like grains do so I've got my broth out of the fridge and this is just bone broth a lot of people I'm not going to say a lot several people in my last what we eat in a week video saw this bone broth and thought oh look at that fatty broth that's awfully unhealthy for you this is not fat this broth here is gelatinous it this is made with bones there is no chicken fat in the pot whenever I'm making this broth it's just bones and it's the gelatin leeching out of the bones that makes this so thick so this is not fat this is bone broth here but I'm getting the rest of my ingredients together and I'm going to make up this quinoa and I'll show you what it looks like at the end I think it's pretty so okay here we go okay I needed to come in here and get some garlic for that quinoa dish and I thought I'd show you guys this is last year's what's left of the softneck garlic from last year so this is the braid that was made up for the soft neck we've just been snipping off a clove or a bulb here and there as we need it so that's why there's some empty spots and we're working on finishing off this braid of soft neck garlic softnet garlic lasts longer than hardneck so we eat our hard neck garlic first then we switch over to the soft nut garlic and once we finish up this braid we'll start getting into the most recently harvested garlic so I thought I'd show you guys that now I'm headed back to the kitchen back and I almost forgot Sarah's got cookies going in the oven too she's taking chocolate chip cookies for the family reunion so again I'll show you this stuff whenever we get all finished up I've got to get this quinoa dish put together okay lunch time is if you watch the last video on what we eat in a week you'll already know clean out Mama's fridge that's the name of the meal where we clean out all the odds and ends of food and we have if you want it to sound fancy you can call it a buffet or a smorgasbord but it's really just a hodgepodge of all kinds of random stuff Sarah has made up my plate for me already with just some tiny little hot dogs this is a golden zucchini that was part of supper last night and green beans from the garden there is it's a copycat salad from Pasta House some of that is left over from our homeschool event grilled chicken left over from a supper the other night I had two boys that didn't eat with us that night because they were at a friend's house so there's not usually quite this much left over after a supper and let's see over here there's some homemade Hamburger Helper lasagna soup uh breakfast this was that potato turkey bacon scrambled egg cheese mixture there um that's what the zucchini was in that's why it's empty the cream of barley cream or Malt-O-Meal potatoes green beans oats with raisins there's one little lonely white fleshed sweet potato here Sarah's claiming that one and then a few more of those little tiny burgers so okay we're just gonna get everybody in here eating Sarah's got her first batch of cookies out this is for the family reunion and I'm still working on getting that quinoa put together and on the stove green beans are done now for the family reunion so we're just gonna keep plugging away at it and doing the next right thing I obviously won't be around here for supper tonight because we're eating at the family reunion but I do intend to check back in with you guys real quick before we head out for the reunion and show you all the food stuff when we have it all ready to go so I'll see you guys in just a little bit all right we're getting ready to head out to the family reunion I'm going to show you the food that we have made up to take with us these are Sarah's chocolate chip cookies these are a sugar-free cookie a peanut butter chocolate chip this is that seven layer salad which is romaine lettuce frozen peas diced celery green onion tops we were able to use our garden ones for that and then I made up a homemade mayonnaise and then there's a grated cheddar cheese and bacon we use the turkey bacon on top these are green beans that you saw me fixing earlier and this is what the quinoa dish turns out like it I did add spinach that's what the green is in there and some tomatoes so I like with the orange carrots it just it's colorful and I think it's pretty and it tastes good and it's an alternative to any type of rice dish for me especially but even if you don't have to watch your blood sugars I think it's tasty it's seasoned with salt pepper and Thyme so this is what we're taking we're gonna head out we're running late like we typically do but we're gonna go have a good time and I plan to see you guys again tomorrow morning all right morning time breakfast time we're tired time we got home super late from the family reunion last night what baby I know I'm gonna eat in just a minute so we got home super late from the family reunion last night and I am missing children and it's sad for Mama Samuel and Andrew and Anna stayed with grandma and papa they're going to stay for several days and go to what we like to call Grandma camp there so they're gonna have a good time but it's quiet and it's weird in the house right now so yesterday when Sarah made me that omelette it was so so good and so pretty that that's what everybody's having this morning Rebecca has already eaten hers and now she's proceeding to make a mess with her muffin so they're having muffins that were left over from breakfast you know Abigail's got her muffin right there and David's got him a muffin over there so uh bacon cheese omelettes with muffins and I have some of our green onions added to mine we're gonna eat and then we've got to get things done we are three people down for our morning jobs so we got to hustle hustle and catch up so oh and these children will have a turn at Grandma Camp too we just divide them up so it's not so much at one time so you don't have to feel sorry for the Poor Pitiful ones left behind let's get that sad face oh they're so sad all right we'll see you guys at lunchtime all right so you guys know we got home super super late last night we had a late breakfast so we just skipped supper we didn't even do a lunch we just snacked a little bit you had some what'd you have you had some muffins and I think you had cookie yeah yeah that's a good healthy lunch right it it tided you over so we've pulled out all the leftovers again clean out Mama's fridge these were just made fresh yesterday this was for the family reunion there's still a little bit of potatoes back there and a little bit of Hamburger Helper and a little bit of lasagna soup this is stuff that didn't get eaten up yesterday at lunch so at this point if it's not eaten today we're just gonna send it out to the chickens uh this quinoa was left over from the family reunion a little bit of that pasta house salad and Grilled Chicken still what baby so that's all our food food again we're three people down because they are um away at Grandma's you getting ready to eat cookie you eat your supper and then you can have cookie and then they've got cookies there's some banana bread a little bit of muffin left that'll be dessert then for tonight so easy peasy we're shutting it down we're still tired because yesterday was long and fun no baby no no she's gonna try to knock herself over okay and we've got laundry to fold up still too so all right guys I'll see you in the morning all right guys everything is just falling apart around here we are so off kilter with children missing and stuff so Sarah and I because I'm blaming you two it was both of our faults forgot to film breakfast what did I do what did I do what baby yes that's your plate you can go ahead and eat baby we had french toast for breakfast and it was all gone I went oh I didn't film so French toast was breakfast this morning the non-frenched toast eaters had the bacon and cheese omelettes with the green onions again we're on a kick on those loving those omelets lunch it's boring guys this is leftovers again the uh the other stuff got that didn't get eaten yesterday got pinched to the chickens so not wasted just sitting out to the chickens and so we're having that leftover quinoa and green beans from the family reunion and then the grilled chicken so David's having kombucha with his there's one piece of banana bread left and still a whole bunch of chocolate chip cookies we are just not going through the food that we typically do with Samuel Andrew and Anna being gone so hopefully I will remember tonight supper time that's the plan see you guys at supper okay guys I remembered it's supper time yay so I'm gonna show you what we're doing we've never done this before let's just end this video with a complete surprise to where no one knows what in the world we're going to end up with I don't even know so I'm gonna flip the camera around and show you what we're working with and then we will all find out together what we end up with tonight let's go see okay so I still have three children gone and I didn't really have a good plan for tonight everything just fell apart as far as the planning goes guys so we've been flying by the seat of our pants here for the majority of this video I did recently get this smoked sausage for free that would have been on it may have been my last weekly sale ad video where I got that for free and then we just have some produce here a lot of which has come from the garden the asparagus was on sale in this last weekly sale also we are going to make some sort of Skillet stir fry something with asparagus and peppers some this is our last one from the store isn't it okay we have other peppers that are from the garden that we can throw in there these are those Chinese long beans that come out of the garden and you can kind of see those some of our zucchini this is a lemon squash and onion from the store the garlic Scapes here are from our garden putting some of those in there we're just gonna see what we end up with we'll put it in a big Skillet and we'll let you know if it's decent or not so we're gonna get chopping and then we'll show you what we ended up with in the skillet all right guys this is what we ended up with and I tell you I've already taken a bite of it and it's good so yeah we use the toasted sesame oil in there I added some salt and pepper there's just that oh that beef smoked sausage ring is in there Peppers asparagus a lemon squash which is like a crook neck and zucchini did I say green pepper I'm losing track guys onions garlic Scapes long beans just stuff that we had in the fridge to use up uh sauteed it in that toasted sesame oil um everything is still kind of crispy and good again there's only six of us here tonight what baby are you hungry yeah yeah we'll get you a plate just six of us here tonight since Samuel Andrew and Anna are at Grandma's house so this will be enough for us we do still have cherries left over from snack just put me some food on my plate [Music] um and then there's still chocolate chip cookies left over too so we will have plenty to eat all right let me get you some yum yum okay here we go all right guys that's it you ready to eat yes thank you for tagging along with us this week week and a half I don't even know how long it's been at this point I feel like we've been filming our meals for a long time and things did not go as planned so thank you for hanging in there even though things didn't go as planned and this is we got some gifts in the mail today uh Sean went by The UPS Store our mailbox and a sweet sweet lady that watches our Channel sent some bubble toys for the kids and these are popsicle molds for making fancy popsicles this is a big upgrade from what we've got and the piping the bags for piping out icing or for piping out pudding in these so that'll be some other food stuff that we can make soon so we're gonna go ahead and eat guys if you like the video please give me a thumbs up and please subscribe if you have not already you know how to do it yeah and if you could tell your family and friends to watch Ozark Family Homestead it would help our family's Channel grow and we sure would appreciate it thank you so much guys bye-bye [Music] thanks for watching Ozark family homes bye bye
Channel: Ozark Family Homestead
Views: 154,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: T7eJvfzd95c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 15sec (3375 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 13 2023
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