We are Back at It and Shopping for a LARGE family Party!

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Hello friends welcome back we are at my mom's house and we are going grocery shopping today for my sister's baby shower that we're having this weekend so right now and a granddaughter's birthday party because we were out of town and missed her birthday party so it's it's a combo so my mom is looking up another recipe so originally we were going to have a more traditional baby shower for my sister just ladies kind of brunch but when we all went out of town for a funeral in our family that was the weekend that we were going to have my sister's baby shower so this baby shower has turned more into just a family Barbecue and I just heard that there's going to be 40 we need a plan for 40 people well because all the people who were going to come to the shower now that my son-in-law is going to do some meat on the Trager and it's going to be a family event like just a regular summer barbecue there's going to be a lot more people so my sister planned the menu she is taking care of her and her husband are taking care of the pork butts they're going to smoke those and they're doing mac and cheese and then my mom and I are going to take care of all the sides so we are doing and the cakes and the cakes so we're going to do a baby shower cake and we're going to do a dessert for my niece's birthday she asked for brownies and my sister requested that we make collared greens KL SLA a roasted vegetable Chipotle salad that I made up one day and brought to her house and she wants me to make that again and then my mom and I were sitting here talking Mexican Street sweet corn salad yes and then my mom and I were sitting here talking and we realized we're missing baked beans and my mom and I and my dad really like baked beans so we're going to go ahead and make that even though my sister did not request that so she and another daughter-in-law is making the fruit salad with that yummy oh yeah uh mint lime dressing I'm sure Becky hasn't listed the recipe somewhere but it's very good very summery we made that for Easter we're just going through all the recipes my mom likes to print recipes out so do I and we're just checking the grocery list to make sure we don't forget anything I think we have it all on the wrist I decided I better get more powdered sugar because I'm going to do a a new cake decorating style I've never done kind of the Ombre from light to light blue to dark blue um for the baby shower cake and I needed to make sure I can make both dark blue frosting and white frosting and then mix it it was perfect timing my sister-in-law just text and said she's been making that salad the fruit salad every weekend for the past month and she said can I please trade with you either the corn salad or the collar greens and we said absolutely we happen to be sitting here riding out the grocery list now so we're going to go ahead and make the fruit salad so she doesn't have to worry about that and she is going to make the corn salad for us so now we have the list done let's finally head do you want to go to Costco first or windco Mom uh let's go to Costco first okay we were going to go to Costco first but I had a bunch of donation stuff in the back of my car and I needed to drop that off before we could put the groceries in so we are closer to windco so we're going to go to wico First that works do you ever get a grocery cart where one wheel goes left and the other wheel goes right the trick I discovered is to take one from a stack because the other ones that are random are the ones people have returned because it's it goes left when you want to go right brilliant we're going to do oursel a favor and get some Co SLA mix for the col SLA probably two of them right Mom oh yeah at least three maybe yeah because we're looking for 40 people okay for this party we're going to make some family favorites but we're also going to make some family favorites that we've never actually cooked before and one of those recipes is collared greens my mom loves collared so does my sister but we have never made them before so this is going to be a fun adventure to go on to see if we can make some really yummy authentic collared greens so we need four big bunches of collared greens and then I'm going to grab some of the fresh herbs we need I'm going to grab one bunch of cilantro a bunch of green onions and then we are going to grab some dried beans for the baked beans cuz we are going to make those and we're going to actually make them in the crock pot so it makes it for a really easy way to make baked beans if you want to make them from dried beans is to do it in the crock poot it does take a little bit of time I'll kind of we'll walk you through the whole recipe on how we're going to make or turn these dried beans into delicious homemade baked beans we got green onions we got collared greens cilantro uh we got peppers and we got cilantro cabbage we got the bags instead perfect we're not doing the corn so we don't need the cheese my sister-in-law will get that my mom always likes to look when she can find a reduced sticker Chile Colorado oh yummy went to we went to a really nice expensive Mexican restaurant and we both ordered it and loved it I decided too expensive I can make this at home so I compared a lot of recipes kind of picked what was the common denominator but it required dried peppers that I had never bought before so I knew they had them at wico I came to wico in the produce department they have boxes but they're not clearly labeled which kind is which in the boxes like you're supposed to know well I didn't know which pepper was which kind the recipes didn't have pictures of them or anything and there was this little Hispanic Grandma choosing peppers and I asked P please would you show me which of these peppers and she gave me a lesson oh nice it was she was so kind and so helpful was here at that was here at wico and then she said don't buy this one here go over to the this the Mexican section where they're in Saran those are fresher than these over here she just I just wanted to give her I did give her a hug when she finished giving me a lesson on how to choose peppers and I've made it now twice and it was Primo awesome we'll have to do that for um barbecue this summer something yes mhm I have to say it is a lot more fun when we get to go shopping together and do these big cooking days together I'm really grateful that this was able to work out this way so we're just crossing things off the list we're going from one end of the grocery store to the other and we just randomly went down the household items and my mom found something she's interested in it's a plug that you put into an outlet and it has your cords go instead to the side to the side so like behind a couch or something that might be nice yes windco has kind of like Aldi cuz we don't have Aldi just random house hold and kitchen things in case you need something my niece for her birthday dessert wants brownies and we've got a box brownie mix we are going to make that we got at Costco because they are our favorite these are better than the dried peppers in the boxes over in the produce department oh interesting oh I've never I never even noticed these before so for the chili colorado you needed the ones in the Saran bag over there and then she showed me how to pick out see know they got scrambled up so she told me to look for consistent color like that one isn't this is a different kind and I don't remember which one oh yeah like this one is kind of different color versus that one's all consist to Black oh interesting my sister is making pulled pork and she was very specific on what buns she wants and she wants these small smaller buns well cuz we have all the sides and if you have if you put a big old hamburger bun on there like you know one of these big ones yeah then you don't want all the sides you don't have room for your sides is that everything I think so yep my mom's trick is to always park next to the cart return the reason I parked next to the cart Corral is for many years I had lots of little people and I couldn't put them in the car and leave them in the car while I return my cart or the other way around so even if I had to walk further I always parked as close to a cart Corral as possible even in the rain she had four in five years so it was bus lots of Littles yeah are these like the UV yeah UV [Music] absolutely this looks like you too Mom this color long SLE it does yeah I'll get this one and this one medium we're going camping this summer and a couple of people were going camping with have boats so this would be perfect for that what's this one these are short sleeve uh these aren't these aren't uh Sun shirts oh there's the set right there my sister-in-law was just telling me that they had these shorts here with the built-in oh yeah yeah these are kind of cute too little squirt hi how's it going see this blue one would be nice with this uh oh yeah this one right here oh yeah oh wait no sir yeah that would look nice good Garden shoes for sure as long as you don't leave them out in the sun yeah I bought these last summer and I left them in the Sun and they kind of all warped and changed shape they don't have arches so I can't wear them can't wear them I was looking for one of those last summer and they didn't have them anymore so we end up getting those umbrellas and I really like the umbrellas we got it's a good price $19 yeah $40 off yeah only $12.99 are they polyester I made that mistake once I bought she uh 50% recycled material yeah polyester I am now a fan of cotton cuz it breathes a little better and doesn't hold on to dog hair this looks nice so this is a life comforting cooling throw it is $14.99 my mom just called my sister to let her know that that popup is on sale $40 off they just changed it this morning and my sister's at Costco but a different Costco and she just put it in her car cuz we're going to have the barbecue at her house and so she wants some shakes supposed to be pretty warm this weekend I think it'll be nice yeah hey these are really cool are nice you know what's what's nice about them the handles come off oh and it has a big straw and a narrow straw oh interesting I really like this I think they're on sale they are $7 off so $16.99 for two oh that's really cheap yeah you buy them at Target and they're 20 bucks for one I like the colors too yeah I'm actually going to get this one are you yep I'm going to get this one well we'll have to test it out yes my mom and I are just wandering and looking at the different clothes items they have and this is a cute squirt a little bit fancier this is $13.99 and it comes in a few different prints o those look cozy these are on sale right now for $12.99 you find something good mom travel pants Oh for like airplane yeah but no fr pocket oh yes front pocket yes well I've been I was going to and from Texas all the time yeah not going anymore but the these kind of pants are wonderful for an airplane and I only have one pair left they are $14.99 yeah I'm going to you get a pair I'm going to try them well you're just I'm got a killing going on here what the H you let C I haven't been shopping at Costco forever oh really there isn't a Costco where we were in Texas no Costco this is like the fourth or fifth squirt different squirt we have seen must must be the trend now yeah I like the feel of this fabric I do too we're going to the cold room for fruits and vegetables we're actually going to get on task now oh look at that we've wandered off we're not on task anymore all in one inable so yeah so you can get on the back oh wow look if you go over the side you can get on the back oh I see you can climb in the back yeah that's cool oh yeah oh and it's a seat or you can take a kid oh wow that look like and it has an ankle strap and it fits in a backpack it turns into a backpack this is a Transformer off to the produce now all right first thing that was on our list a bag of limes we don't need corn cuz my sister-in-law is going to make that recipe now is this enough yeah we're going to do ourselves a favor if we can find a good looking fruit plate and then we can just cut this up a little bit smaller since it's fancy should we get the colored carrot or roasting yeah sure yeah that would be fun fruit lime sugar snap beas cauliflower mayo and bacon on my own last week or the week before I can't remember now I attempted to make homemade croissants and they turned out so well I ate one of Becky's croissant for breakfast this morning I heated it up in the microwave with raspberry jam it was so good good I'm going to make them again it was just something I did kind of on a whim randomly and they turn out really well and they weren't as hard as I thought they would be they took 3 days to make I think we need to make them for the family reunion this summer because the shape was better you know they look like this I didn't shape them like that she made them look like hogy buns they were just a rectangular shape like this and can't you just see deli sandwiches bill your own made on those croissants for a picnic that'd be pretty good yeah I think you can make them and freeze them too so maybe I'm sure you can they they weren't hard they were time consuming but a lot of the time was them just sitting in the the freezer oh my goodness doesn't that look good oh yes lemon blueberry is that I don't think I've ever seen that before I haven't either that looks so good I was looking at these almond filed danishes I love almond paste oh and this is New Morning bunt these are croissant pastries all butter orange dust cinnamon and granulated sugar wow and they look like they've been popular cuz there is a lot of empty spaces on this tray oh this is where my mom just was this loaf is $8.99 and so are those croissant things $8.99 we don't even need to go in the dairy section today Mom yeah look at this have you ever tried durian before no they have durian ice cream I've never tried it before what is it durian is that fruit that is very spiky pungent okay Custard likee flavor with real Duran pulp well it's not going to be here very long but look at this oh my goodness now that would be they are Reese's Peanut Butter Cups frozen dessert 1799 for 24 pack actual size that would be pretty good these are really good actually I haven't had them in years I didn't care for them I like Costco's brand of these Costco has one oh right here it's right next to it yes better than those oh really but they're $4 cheaper yeah and they're I like them better but I can't keep them in the freezer anymore cuz you will eat them because I eat them so I don't buy them it is crazy on this day and we are walking down aisles I hardly ever walk down so it's kind of fun to see all the different yummy things they have this is interesting two eggs sausage and cheese well you made a whole big video on making those didn't you I yeah but those are like low carb cuz they don't have a um they don't have a bun they're two eggs oh it's egg sausage oh yeah that would work too mhm look at this croissant bread mom could you imagine making french toast out of that oh it is have you ever had it before no but that sounds really good oh this is what it's on Sample sample of it yes cuz if we run out I'm going to have to quit with some Jam because I want my bread is it good very tasty I don't know that I'd want french toast I think I would just like it toasted that would make really good excellent sandwich with some cream cheese or Dill cheese Dill cream cheese this is my favorite kombucha at Costco and I'm going to get a case because it is $4 off 430 430 off and then Mom I've seen these go around have you seen these no they are Die free they're just made with fruit juice made with apple grape fruit puree oh okay you going to get them we got a sleepover for sleepover with some little grandkids we'll put them in the freezer is that what you want thick sliced bacon sure what's down here that's turkey turkey and fin uncured you want to get this one yeah zero sugar added cuz we're going to put a bunch of sugar in the yeah in the beans that's funny we've already looked at these pots we've been here and looked at these pots now they have some really pretty hangy baskets but I got my hangy baskets from a local did you go to that Nursery that you were going to go to on Mother's Day yes well actually went the day before oh these are hanging baskets too but they look kind of dried out yeah they need a little water oh my goodness they have tomatoes I've never seen a sorting variety Tomatoes oh big beef celebrity oh cool they're huge and they look really healthy yeah they look they're not yellow or Twiggy m- my mom wanted to look at the books for my niece for a birthday present and I was looking at the books too and this go Dog go was one of my favorite books growing up so it's kind of fun to see that they had some really fun books at Costco on this day I don't always look at the books and it was fun to see what they had I've seen these at Trader Joe's in a little container and so many of you all said that they are delicious oh Pop would like them yeah he would in his salad on his salad yes he would okay they have well they have smaller ones at Trader does if you want to try it first before getting a hold back what's not to like about that dad's favorite oh those look good I kind of like them too it's kind of like a peanut brittle but it's a lot less sugar to nut ratio and it's cashews almonds and papitas oh yummy very tasty not too sweet we just got back to the house and we just put stuff directly into the outside fridge because we're going to be doing most of the cooking tomorrow today we're actually going to be making the cake so that we can bake the cake freeze the cake and then tomorrow mom is going to decorate the cake all you know what we forgot the lemons for the lemon poppy seed cake so we just called Mark and he's going to pick some up along with our lunch so that we can uh bake the cakes today and not make another trip yeah so he's going to get back we're going to sit down eat some lunch relax for a few minutes and we're going to get up bake the cake so that we can freeze the cake so that when I get here tomorrow we can do all the side meal prep decorate the cake and do the rest of the cooking tomorrow for the party on Saturday but I thought it'd be fun if we open these and give them a try I think you saw everything we got we got everything on our list except for the lemons plus some fun extra things my mom did go back and she ended up getting four of those thermal flasks well let me show you why okay last year I bought oh wow eight of these stainless steel they're incredible they keep liquids cold ice 24 hours some were just stainless steel and and I I bought an assortment of colors so that when guests come we everyone can identify which one is theirs but they're peeling they they look gross yeah they look gross so my hope I don't think is that well this is plastic the outside is plastic so my hope is these they say their dishwasher safe I don't know if these did or not they probably weren't which is why they peeled I did take did take one and very diligently very took forever I peeled it all so it was just a stainless steel cup so a stainless steel cup so you are going to like the handle if you've never had a water cup with a handle I have not you're going to like it yes and it says it comes right off so we'll see if I like it I can use it and if I don't I don't have to okay so let's try some of these jalapeno crisps I'm sure they're the same ones that you can get at Trader Joe's oh they're smaller than I was expecting they look like French's French onion you know that you get in a can can you see those you were saying what did you say that I said these would be really good on oldfashioned green bean casserole like a retro green bean casserole M they're not spicy I was thinking they would be good on a toss salad to add some oh yeah oh these are really good mhm those are good Mark's gonna love them we're hungry okay we're going to close it up for now the last one I ate when you're done yeah when you're done you can taste it so much for not being spicy that's really good really spicy afterwards thank you Mom for going shopping with me it's so good to be back home nothing like home sweet home and being around my family well thank you for being here if you enjoyed this I can pop a couple other videos of me and my mom shopping and cooking so you can go enjoy those between now and my next upload if you're new thank you for being here if you're returning I appreciate every single one of you for taking time out your day to spend time with us we can't wait to see you next time I hope you are having a fantastic day and we'll see you next time bye friend bye bye
Channel: Acre Homestead
Views: 145,196
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Id: RxAL2H8xv2k
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Length: 24min 40sec (1480 seconds)
Published: Mon May 27 2024
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