Momma is DOWN! Routines that Keep Our Home and Farm Running Smoothly

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[Music] foreign [Applause] hey guys it's Janice from Ozark Family Homestead and to be real honest I'm not feeling the whole making a video thing today but Samuel told me Mama maybe you can make lemonade out of lemons here so that's what I'm going to try to do I have not been doing well for I think today is day five the day that I Made bread my tooth began to hurt you can watch that bread making video there my tooth began to hurt but I had had allergies the day before so I thought well maybe it's sinus congestion or something you want to come sit with Mama yeah come sit with Mama you can sit over here yeah [Music] so I thought I had sinus congestion and sometimes I get sinus pressure in those teeth if I get sinus congestion but it kept going and what concerned me [Music] there you go all better what concerned me is it was just one tooth that had pressure on it and not the whole top back which is what's normal for me if I have sinus clogged up in my head and it continued to hurt it would come and go very tender finally yesterday which was day four I went to the dentist please tell me this is just sinus congestion I want to feel stupid if you tell me it is but it's a tooth that has had a root canal why in the world would a tooth with a root canal be hurting this badly and I've had the root canal for over 20 years so they did an x-ray it's not good and they found a big pocket of infection trapped up by the remaining root of this root canal tooth so I am now on antibiotics and I'm not one that takes pills baby doll yeah um you need a shirt off here anna can you help get baby doll's clothes changed so I'm on antibiotics now and the plan is once the antibiotics kick in and kill off this infection then I will go in next week and have the whole root canal pulled out and removed I'm not looking forward to that either and then there should be no more pain so that's where I'm at taking the antibiotics I'm taking painkillers now you guys I don't take that stuff I'm one of those Anna I am one of those essential oil medicinal herbs use food as your medicine kind of gals but I'm taking the painkillers you guys and it is the only thing keeping me functioning right now because it hurts a lot so this video today is going to be about what in the world happens in a large family household homesteading all the things when Mama goes down because mama has been down I am not a hundred percent that's what we're going to talk about today so here we go okay so when Mama goes down there are really three things that become a priority for me and that is food I've got to keep the people fed and that's laundry we just cannot go without doing laundry it is laughable just think of going without doing laundry and animals I do have still have my animal chores that I need to keep up with now all those things I will lessen the load some until I can get Back Up On My Feet Again and like for instance this morning I did go out and help Milk The Cow I still do that because that's an important job that I have as part of the family but Andrew took care of checking on the goats and ducks and meat birds I usually swing by after milking the cow and I check on the animals in the birthing pen and I did not do that this morning he took care of that for me laundry I I have to do the laundry it's it just has to be maintained no I don't have to do the laundry other children are capable of doing the laundry but they're usually picking up slack in other areas when Mama goes down laundry is something that I can still do I feel like I can still keep up with it so I do do my normal loads of laundry and I do still hang them up on the clothesline even when I'm down I've already done that today I was in the process of switching out winter spring summer clothing so all the winter coats and jackets were ready to be washed so I do have the last bit of those hanging on the clothesline today too so laundry goes on as normal animal jobs almost normal food I make do easier meals so I do cut back on that as well but obviously the people still have to eat so I can feed them but just not very time intensive things last night for supper it was the worst pain that I've been in with this tooth was last night and they had sandwiches for supper I buy cheap Aldi sandwich loaves of bread and keep them in the freezer and come in very handy when Mama is down they have bread they have lunch meat in the freezer it all gets pulled out they eat sandwiches and they're done so I'm taking care of things but things are dialed back considerably so the next thing I wanted to share with you guys is our routine that we have in place and why it is such a blessing during times when I'm not fully functional so that's what we'll do next walking back up to the house and thought I'd show you all the pretties that Sarah has out ready to go out in the garden I just think it's so pretty out here on the table melons and herbs flowers still some sweet potatoes that need to be pinched off she's already got some in there and I think this is supposed to be elderberry here so lots of Pretties okay heading back inside okay now we're back inside and I want to go through how just the daily upkeep normal getting things done around the house gets done when mama is not really able to keep children on tasks okay so things like milk buckets from this morning Sarah takes care of washing those up she does that every day that's her job this would be a mama job right here these are all the cleaned winter coats and jackets this will just sit and I will get to that putting things back in tubs and hanging things up when I get to feeling better this you may have seen these lists in the background of some of our other videos these are just keeping children on task sheets that I've made up this is why we can function even when I go down hard the children each have the daily tasks that they are expected to um accomplish including let's see if I don't know if you can see these some outside jobs that it's divided up for each child for the week um weekly tasks brushing bear the dog burning trash scrubbing the chicken's bowls so things like this continue to happen and each child has their own individual list so they know what they need to be working on if I see a children just sitting idly by I can say do you have your school jobs done do you have your weekly tasks done do you have your outside jobs done so this is a tool that I've used over the years so that children know to do the next right thing things like dishes yes my dishwasher is still broken we are still hand washing dishes but I did not hand wash dishes this morning Samuel takes care of all the breakfast cleanup oh look at them over there yep he does all the breakfast actually he makes breakfast and he does the cleanup for us so Samuel takes care of that lunchtime is Andrew's job he will be pulling all the leftovers out today and then he'll also take care of cleanup for lunchtime Sarah and I usually go together what do you got all gone it's all gone Sarah and I go together and we do we do supper time jobs so dishes we have a procedure for keeping up with those as well the procedure goes a lot smoother when my dishwasher is working so everything's breaking in my house my dishwasher my mouth and everything so that's how we keep up with dishes things like cleaning off the table after meals and sweeping up the floor in the kitchen in the dining room we have a system in place for that David takes care of this after breakfast time Abigail does it after lunch time and Anna does it after supper time so the system's already in place and I don't have to worry about it okay so what is the mama gonna end up doing today since I'm feeling puny um today I'm going to do mostly sit down paperwork ish kind of things today is the day the new sale ads come out so I'm going to go through 10 box Aldi in Kroger and figure out the sale items that I want to go ahead and get for this sale period and we're also due for our once a month grocery shopping haul so I need to go ahead and go through all my pantries and freezers and everything I've already done a video on that and start my process make that list get ready for that shopping haul which I'm hoping to do tomorrow so should be a video up with that assuming that I am functioning enough to actually do that so that's what I will do today I do intend to make supper tonight Sarah and I work together for supper time tasks and lasagna soup is what's on the menu for tonight so if for some reason I'm like down in bed just out out Sarah could handle that herself but I do intend to be the primary maker of the supper if at all possible let me think is there anything else I made a call to Azure standard today just piddly things I'm not going to go outside and be healing up potatoes I just I don't have it in me to do something like that so laundry light food tasks paperwork Keeping Up With Children I will say children probably maybe like it when Mama is sick because they get a little bit more free time I do let them just just go outside and play and get along so Mama doesn't have to break up fights or do much disciplining or anything like that so they get a little bit of extra free time but again I'm diminishing my normal duties just to give me a little bit of extra time just to focus on getting better so hopefully the tooth thing will be resolved within a week I'll be back at 100 percent and it'll all be over with I'll be thankful for that so I'm sorry this isn't a more peppy perky video I'm not feeling peppy and perky right now but if you did enjoy it if you did glean some sort of benefit out of it go ahead and give us a thumbs up please I would appreciate it take pity on the poor mama and give me a thumbs up go ahead and subscribe to our Channel if you haven't already and share it with your friends and let them know they should be watching Ozark Family Homestead so until the next video I will see you later bye guys
Channel: Ozark Family Homestead
Views: 11,670
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mom is sick, large family routine, family running smoothly, homestead chores, root canal extraction, root canal failed, chores for children
Id: nzJq9iVXKv0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Wed May 10 2023
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