How To Live On $1 A Day In 2024 || Extreme Grocery Budget || Variety & Over a Week Of Meals

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[Applause] [Music] Hello everybody welcome back a lot of you guys have asked if I will do the dollar a day challenge and I didn't know what this was so I went and looked it up sorry we're moving in the car but I went and I looked it up and it is where someone takes around a dollar a day the average that I have seen was around $160 to .75 a day and they feed them M El only themselves breakfast lunch and dinner for 7 days so we're doing that see what I can come up with see if I can do a little something something I'm feeling good about it so let's go to Walmart and let's get the items that we're going to use for this I want to try to get a lot of produce if I can for around a dollar a day I'm sorry yall there I don't think there's going to be any meat in this but we're going to have protein protein's going to be beans I love beans so let's go I'm feeling good about it okay let's do some of that these don't have a price anywhere but I checked online and it's $1.98 for 2 lb I just need two bananas some reason that is always more than what it is at the registers onions are the cheapest I'm looking for a tiny one that one looks rotten but it doesn't feel it so I want to get this boy garlic is 428 a pound I need just the tiniest one oh wow a smaller one I did 98 cents a PB for Romas and going get three two I dropped one ever getting the biggest one I could find because it's not by the pound the big one let's find a big one Dusty help me find the biggest one you can find cuz they're not by the pound they're just individually and I don't want a big one ooh there's a big one is it the biggest one I'll get this one found a cheaper onion a cheaper onion oh yeah let's get a cheaper onion y'all I'm also getting the biggest cucumber cucumber I can find because it is not by the pounda either it's 64 cents for just a cucumber so I'm going to try to find the biggest one I can find I'm looking for the cheapest Apple maybe I'mma hold it a cheaper one by 3 cents oh the last one the last dandelion of the Season I'm sorry I'm lame much does it cost howdy okay my total before tax was $10 23 trying to make it Focus right there after tax here in Tennessee it was $10.92 but we're doing pre-tax since everybody's taxes are different and some of y'all don't even have taxes on food I'm jealous so $10.23 is what I spent bell pepper banana cucumber corn onion um the Apple they had the wrong price but the Apple was the wrong price you see that oh I'm so bum they put the wrong price on the Shelf but it's okay I'm still at $10.23 at my Walmart eggs are $26 a dozen I'll put the screenshot here so you can see I didn't buy those because I have chickens that are laying eggs like crazy so there's no sense in me spending money on that when I already have it so I am going to be using 12 eggs for this but I am adding the $26 to the total so it'll be accurate so that brings my total to $12.29 now one person 3 m a day that will bring each day to $1.75 which is the typical amount that everybody's spending for these videos for these challenges so I think I did pretty good now we're going to see if I can stretch all this food for 7 Days 3 meals a day everything we have for this challenge I have one IR of corn one pretty large cucumber three Roman Tomatoes pretty large bell pepper an apple two bananas an onion a small head of garlic 7 oz of pasta Italian salad dressing mix 2 lbs of Pino beans we have 30 white corn tortillas Jiffy buttermilk biscuit mix and Jiffy corn muffin mix plus my 12 eggs that you don't see here for breakfast today on day one I'm going to scramble up two eggs and eat them on a tortilla I just put a little bit of salt and pepper in there there just like a little bit of [Music] oil in the pan I'm going to get my pan steaming hot so it doesn't skip I'm just going to do one of the eggs at a time just throw my tortilla over top and let this baby cook there's not a lot of strength to the egg yet so I don't want to turn it ready set flipper all right looks fantastic I'm just going to there we go there's one okay I think it's a good one food that got a little extra done on that side but it's okay then there we go there's my breakfast for day one okay breakfast the two eggs I love these things have you ever made these they're so good MH so simple they're really tasty I love these things um if you have cheese it's really good to put cheese on it these don't have cheese salsa too really good but this is great day one breakfast winner beans are going to be the protein for this challenge um I have 2 lbs of beans but I don't want to make both pounds all at once because this has the last seven days and I don't think beans will last a whole seven days without going rancid um it's usually like 3 to 5 days max so I'm just going to cook half of these beans for now and the other half in a couple of days um living on a dollar a day you're going to have to have some leftovers but I'm trying to make things that I absolutely love so it won't get tiring I won't get food fatigue so I'm going to go ahead and prep my beans and put them in the instant pot so they can get cooking um be sure to wash and pick through your beans pick out all the bad pieces and there's rocks in these there's lots of rock I always find a rock so that's what I'm going to do right now go on with half of the that was loud half of the Pino beans in there look through and pick out any bad ones look for some rock y I'm currently washing my beans and I just want you to look at that murky icky water this is why it's important to wash your beans I fill them up and I just take my hands and I do this and D the water trying to get all that dried up dirt off cooking beans and Ana pot is so fast and easy you don't have to watch it you don't have to see if the water is going to boil out it's my preferred method I like to do 2 in of water above the beans it just makes me comfortable I I know that it's not going to run out of water be too thick we're going to throw in some salt just salt to taste I think beans need a lot of salt so I'm at least doing a tablespoon I'm going to do a little bit of pepper not much well that's a lot to some people but that's not much to me and at this point drop in some butter or drop you in some bacon grease that you saved you could use vegetable oil we're going to pressure cook this for probably 65 minutes there we go quick release when it's done now for my lunch and this is going to last me a few days I'm going to boil this pasta I'm we're going to make a veggie pasta salad and don't worry I'm going to add protein to it let's start chopping up our veg think I'm going to do one and a half of the tomato those and save the other one and a half for some makeshift Pico for a couple in a couple days use half of this and this I'm going to wrap up and put it aside or I might go ahead and make that Pico and just put it in the fridge okay there's one and 1 half tomatoes okay let's chop up this peer I'm not going to use all this pepper in this I'm going to put some of it into a container or something else but I'm just going to go ahead and chop it up it's a lot of pepper okay I'm going to do a big handful probably half of that I guess this other half I'm going to put in here save this for something else I'm thinking about it I'm just going to go ahead and make that makeshift Pico I don't have any limes but it's okay the other Mater just going ahead and going at it I'm going use this entire cucumber for this and I'm leaving the skin on CU I like the skin of a cucumber I love the smell of cucumbers smells like summer smells like Fresh Garden cucumbers oh I love it got those cucumbers in there now I'm going to go ahead and dos up the entire onion as well and divide it amongst and I'm trying to use every single bit of onion I can cuz this is a top week remember we're trying to live on a dollar a day so I'm trying to use every single bit that I can okay okay this half I'm going to put in those Tomatoes well for that Pico I mean it doesn't have the lime juice or cilantro but I hate cilantro anyways but this is still really good mixing it together I'm put the lid on this put in the fridge and we're going to use this in a couple days okay I'm going to put a little bit this onion for flavor into my bowl of Edge and then this onion I'm going to put it into my peppers and we're going to do something with that a couple days get that out okay I'm feeling good we got both of these prepped awesome we got our veg oh look how gorgeous I'm beautiful oh it smells so good okay I'm going to take that Italian seasoning that we got my mom makes this kind of pasta salad all the time but she put Salad Supreme seasoning in it and it's so stinking good but it's still good without the Salad Supreme seasoning going DP every bit of that in there I'm going to go in with a little bit of oil whatever oil you have I would say about a four of cup since I don't have Salad Supreme like my mom uses I'm just going to add some salt and some pepper to this stir this up Let it marinade until I'll show you the next step oh gosh it smells so good smells so good how pretty and it smells so good I said it 500 times but it does I love this pasta salad it's like my mom isn't a cook she doesn't cook very much but the things that she does make is pretty good in her pasta salad like this amazing that pasta we made is done I drained it and then I ran cold water over it so it would be cool because hot pasta and pasta salad it ain't good to me so you need to let it cool or run cold water over it and then we're going to dump that in there smells so good I'm excited for lunch this is going to last me a few days like yeah but I'm not done yet I'm going to go ahead and let this chill in the refrigerator and I'll show you the next step which isn't typical for this pasta salad um but since it's going to be my lunch I'm going to add some protein to it the beans are done I do want them to thicken up a bit cuz this is going to be my dinner tonight but I'm going to go ahead and take out the beans that I'm going to put into my lunch um I'm just scooping just scooping them out what a cup of beans I guess I'm going to let these drain and I'm going to rinse them off and get them cold and I'm going to go ahead and sauté I'm boiling these without the lid it'll make it more creamy and make them better all right it actually looks pretty pretty good and it smells great this is going to be my lunch today for the next few days they looks pretty tasty I love those little bow ties the Hispanic brand of pasta those I love these things this bowl is huge this is day one lunch I have the pasta salad that we made looks great and I have half of a banana with a lot more of that pasta salad to go how so we got oh we got lunch it looks good smells good I love this pasta salad I can never get tired of this it's so good I love the tanginess of the Italian now beans in it aren't typical but I know we need protein so adding the cool beans in it actually didn't do anything to the flavor I can't even tell they're there took out with my dinner tonight my beans I'm going to make the corn muffin mix and it cost for one of the eggs that we have and a third cup of milk but I'm not using milk I'm using water does it look any different with water instead of milk it made six perfect not one dinner we are having sweet beans and cornbread Southern delicacy this is the best thing ever so yes I'm doing it loving it let's go I love some soup beans cornbread it's the best thing ever who's on a top budget this week I don't know I don't know her this is good eating day two breakfast I made the same thing as I did yesterday these got a little bit more crispy but that just has more flavor these are so good I swear they're so simple but they are tasty y'all day two lunch we're having the same thing as yesterday we're having the other half of that banana and some of that pasta salad I'm not eating as much as the pasta salad as I put in my plate yesterday cuz this is extremely filling I was barely hungry at dinner dinner yesterday so day two lunch I'm totally feeling these soup beans I'm so excited I had these tonight to eat as well because they hit the spot yesterday dinner tonight same thing as yesterday we're doing some sweet beans of cornbread this Jeffy buttermilk biscuit mix if I can talk is the best it only requires water so we're going to make this we're going to make make some regular biscuits but I'm thinking for my banana we're going to do something a bit different for some of these I'm just going to make them like the package says for now half a cup of water got me pan over here I'm going to go ahead and scoop out a few regular biscuits I'm using this scooper to make sure it's even okay three biscuits even let's do something weird I feel like it's going to be good just going to smush the banana mix it up with that biscuit dough and bake it like a biscuit is it going to be good I don't know in theory I think it will be [Music] did I just ruin them I don't know but we're going to find out I'm going to bake them on 450 for like 10 15 minutes biscuits are done these are done and these don't look too golden brown but these are done so I didn't want these to go anymore because I was afraid they would get to done but they they look odd but they smell so good I'll let you know if this is good or not I I have no clue ow it's hot but yeah I keep touching it ow I'll I'll see you in a second when it's cool okay it's what it looks like doesn't look bad did I come up with something amazing or something not amazing I'll let you know as soon as this cools it's like a breakfast pastry like one of the expensive ones you get at a coffee shop it's actually not bad I've already ate half of it I'm surprised that was a good idea I'm very surprised for lunch today I'm finishing off the rest of the beans it's a gigantic helping and I put two of those corn muffins in it I don't know if I can eat all of this but it wasn't enough to save for another day it's like one and a half servings so I probably won't be very hungry for dinner but this is lunch for day three quick dinner day three just got a bowl of that pasta salad because I'm not very hungry but this is going to be filling too I can never get tired of this though so good breakfast day four I think I lost count but I'm doing the rest of those banana biscuit pastries I'm eating both of them today because I'm a little extra hungry more than usual so I'm going to do both of them and they smell great they the banana turned a little darker when I heated it up in the microwave but it smells so good for lunch today I decided to make a little Scramble now I do not know the name of this dish a little Hispanic lady that I used to work with back in the day taught me how to do this and I when I remember it I do it a lot because it's really tasty so I put a little bit of oil in the pan with some peppers and onions I got two eggs and I'm going to whisk those up with some salt and some pepper now after I get those eggs whisked up pretty good I am going to dice up about three to four corn tortillas in like little 1 in squares as you see me doing right here um I just think it's better to do it in smaller pieces you could do it bigger if you wanted to but the little 1 in pieces perfect works perfect I'm going to start cooking my onions and pepper Peppers now I added a little bit of extra in there from what you seen earlier but I'm just going to cook these about halfway because Peppers take forever in a day to cook compared to everything else that I'm going to throw in here now once they're about halfway cooked I'm going to start tossing in those tortillas that we chopped up and you might think for a second that it's going to get smooshy and get icky but that's okay that's just the step before they start getting crispy because we want these tortillas or at least I do like a tortilla chip cuz cuz that's what the lady that I work with taught me how to do so that's what I've always done now see here you might be thinking oh it's smooshy it's not working out it's okay that's the step before you get the little chippy chippy like consistency so I'm just pouring those two eggs over top of all of that that we make and I'm just going to start flipping this and rolling it around until all the egg is done now you can add some ham to this if you have ham any kind of meat some people even do this without the veggies and it's delicious either way this is customizable to whatever you have in your house you can top it with some salsa some sour cream cheese I just didn't have cheese in my budget or I would have had cheese for this you can do whatever you like I put some of that homemade makeshift Pico that we had and some salt and pepper on top I put a little bit of extra salt because I did make the chips the tortilla chips in this and it needed a little bit extra salt for that but it is so simple easy and delicious y'all now you notice I'm not talking here because I started coughing really bad this day and I lost my voice and I sounded so weird but it was delicious I could eat we are feeling good it's good it's delicious you really need to try this so simple great tasty phenomenal I'm telling you for dinner we're having some of that pasta salad and that ear corn that we bought I broke it in half and I cooked half of it so we are having pasta salad and a half of aner corn for dinner and I have so much of this pasta salad left over at this point do you see this this goes so far five breakfast I'm using one egg with a little bit of salt and pepper and I'm just going to make me a egg biscuit on one of those biscuits I've he a biscuit up in a microwave and I'm just going to cook this real quick is my breakfast for today I'm just having a egg biscuit simple tastes amazing y'all lunch today I made the other half of that corn on the cob and I'm eating some more of that pasta salad this is going such a long way and it's so good I like it so much that I'm not tired of it yet so I'm feeling good about that what is this day five day five lunch I love this stuff I'm going to start my second batch of beans I washed and I picked through all my beans and I did the same thing and put about two Ines of water over top in my instant pot I'm going to add my salt I'm going to add my pepper probably just Just A Pinch more salt still have this much of the peppers and onions left I want to shake about half of that in there well maybe a little bit more still got this bunch of the tomatoes and onions and I'm going to shake about half of this in there to I'm want to cook these for the same amount of time 65 minutes here are the beans I'm going to let these boil on sauté for about 5 10 minutes so they can get thicker and creamier these smells so good like oh I kind of like the way these smell these are a little fancier in soup beans I meant to throw all of my garlic in those beans I forgot so while those are sautéing I'm going to throw this in the oven and let it be roasted and then I'm going to squeeze the roasted garlic into those beans I just put it into this iron skillet with a little bit of oil I'm going to put the lid on the iron skillet and let it roast for about 15 to 20 minutes on 400 I still have two of the cornbread muffins left over so tonight for dinner I'm just going to eat a big bowl of beans and one of these these cornbread muffins so here's tonight's dinner got some beans and cornbread and for lunch tomorrow I'm going to do cornbread and beans again I'm going to put some more beans in this and I'm going to put this in the refrigerator and this is going to be one of my meals tomorrow now for all of these beans I have left over here I'm waiting for that garlic to get finished roasting and I'm going to put it in these beans then I'm G to smash these up and make me some reff fried beans my garlic is done this is the remnance of the garlic and over here is all that roasted and it smells so Divine it smells so good I wish there was smell of vision come on elong musk I didn't say your name right but you need to give us some smell of vision okay all of those leftover beans garlic I'm going to be using my imersion blender to make these refried beans but you can just use a tater Masher if you don't have one of these it'll work just fine these are still popping hot they'll thicken up as they cool down I'm going to put these up for tomorrow day six breakfast I am going to do something these biscuits and this apple I think I'm going to just cook the apples and smear them on the biscuits kind of like a jam I peeled and diced that apple and I put it in this pan pot um with about A4 cup of water I'm just going to shake a little bit of salt and we're just going to cook them simple you could use cinnamon if you have cinnamon a little bit of sugar if you have sugar but I'm not using Pantry items for this so I'm just going to do basic cooked apples this is today's breakfast we have cooked apples over top of biscuits I half the biscuits warmed up this is today's lunch I finally finish it off this is every last bit of that pasta salad this is huge this is all those refried beans we made yesterday I'm not heating up this entire Bowl because I'm not going to be using this entire bowl for this we're going to make some tostadas with these corn tortillas that we have we still have some Pico and it seems still be good so I'm just going to take out maybe a small Bowl's worth and heat it up in the microwave yep I'm doing the microwave y'all I'm going to Bain my toast tadas in a little bit of oil I have made me three toast hot shells made them a little crunchy and I'm just going to put my reffed beans on top and I'm just going to put some of that makeshift Pico on top in here it's my dinner tonight easy and I'm excited for these refried beans let's try out the toast AAS I haven't tasted these beans yet so I'm pretty excited to taste these I hope they're good they smelled amazing that is the best R fried beans I I've ever made oh my I'm making them like that all the time day seven breakfast I'm going to make another one of those scrambles I'm not really sure the name of this dish but it's really good so I just put a little bit of oil in a pan and I put some more of those peppers and onions and I chopped up some tortillas and we're just going to get those crispy kind of like tortilla chips um West up two eggs with a little bit of salt and pepper and we're pouring that over top and we're going to cook until the eggs are completely finished then I'm just going to put a little bit of salt and pepper on top and the homemade Pico well make shf pico and that is my breakfast for day seven lunch today I was going to do this yesterday but I decided to finish off that pasta salad instead I can get it open these are not reheated I'm going to reheat the beans and cornbread from yesterday or day before yesterday popping hun this is my lunch today beans and cornbread and these are a little bit different than normal soup beans of cornbread these have a hint of a more like Hispanic flavor I would say before I decide on dinner tonight I'm going to take a look at what we have left it's not much but let's take a look we have quite a few corn tortillas left two eggs left I'll just a little bit of the peppers and onions just a little bit very very little of the onions and tomatoes we have a ton of the refried beans left a ton dinner tonight I think I'm just going to repeat last night's castas or maybe make it in a taco form um yeah I think after this challenge I'm going to have some corn tortillas left some eggs left and some refried beans left which I'm going to freeze those beans cuz those are bomb I love those and honestly this could probably go to 8 days it really could go to 8 days we could do some tortillas with eggs like in the beginning of the video we could do the scramble we could do a few things this could easily go for eight days so let's go ahead and make dinner for tonight I took four corn tortillas and I cut them up I think I'm going to make homemade chips and we're just going to do chips and bean dip let's make some homemade tortilla chips I have my chips and I decided to make it nacho style top it with the rest of those onions and peppers and tomatoes and onions I have and here we go here's my dinner for tonight I have to tell y'all this week I have honestly this is what I've ate all week this has been my dinner lunch breakfast all week all right um I wanted to make sure in this video that I showed you day by day what I did I wanted you to see that it is 100% possible I know a lot of people um kind of do the shortcut way they wanted to say this is my dinner Days 1 through 4 I wanted to show you day by day cuz I didn't want you thinking in the back of your mind oh but does it really last that long I wanted to show you that it does in fact last that long I didn't want you second guess of me just thinking I was saying it lasted me 1 to 4 days or whatever I wanted you to see that it did I ate this for seven straight days I was full the entire time I woke up a little extra hungry one day um but that's because I was extra busy the day before and I went to sleep and you know it was like a whole it was a whole meal but I just wanted to show you guys day by day what I had for breakfast lunch and dinner to show you that it is possible I didn't want to just say hey guys this is what I'll be having days blah blah blah and just show you one day of it I wanted to show you all of it because I really want to show you guys that it is possible to eat good on a budget and here's my dinner tonight this is good and it's so good these R FR beans I made are awesome well that's what I did for around a dollar a day I did it I'm so proud of myself this one this one was fun this is probably this is probably one of the favorites of mine that I have done so far this was awesome I love this this was it was so fun it was just so fun I hope you guys enjoyed this video I hope this gives you some ideas ways to Stretch A Buck I hope that it helps you guys I hope you enjoyed this video I love you so so much I will see you Monday baby I love you guys remember as always be positive and kind and happy and I'll see you later T bye
Channel: SouthernFrugalMomma
Views: 64,383
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: b5XhHyOi030
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 51sec (2631 seconds)
Published: Fri May 17 2024
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