Sharing some controversial opinions

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I think there's a lot of like kind of like again with raw milk a lot of fearmongering a lot of oh it's possible that you could get like leria from Deli meet or things like that and again you kind of just have to look at the numbers and where it's coming from and just do your due diligence and be aware of what's important for you and just make good choices based on your your experiences and your family and your values my name name is Lisa mother of eight and creator of the blog and YouTube channel farmhouse on Boon join me as I share with you my love for creating a handmade home from scratch cooking and a little mom and entrepreneur Life along the [Music] way welcome back to the simple Farmhouse Life podcast I have been requested so many times to bring on Meg from the holler Homestead to chat about their story of moving from California all the way across the country to buy a property totally debt-free and to cash flow their Renovations and build their Homestead from scratch also pregnancy and health during pregnancy controversial things like raw milk and ultrasounds so we're going to chat about all of that right me I'm looking forward to chatting with you not only about pregnancy CU I know you're currently pregnant and the things you avoid the things maybe you do to take care of yourself but I also am intrigued by your story I was watching on all your Vlogs trying to catch up because I've been following with you guys for a while but with what's currently going on so tell us a bit about yourself and your story and your family and then we can talk about pregnancy as well okay so I depends on where we start we are currently H North Carolina yeah broad overview okay long story short um my husband and I made an epic change and we went from Suburban California life to now we are homesteading on S acres in North Carolina yeah um a big part of that decision was because our marriage was not in a good place and my husband was working like every hour that God created and we needed a huge change and we kind of got down to the point where we were like well our marriage is not in a good way we're either going to split up or we're going to do something ridiculous and apparently our choice was to do something ridiculous so we packed all our family travel trailer right and traveled the country for 10 months found North Carolina and we were like this is it we're staying here we love it and that's what we've been doing since yeah and I know also I heard on your story that you were looking for debt freedom and you're doing all of this on a cash basis so you found a property it has some structures that need lots of renovation I know you've already been doing that for the last four years or so but you're doing this with the money that you have which I think is admirable and also kind of the American dream right so tell us a little bit about that like how's that going so um I guess I should clarify we do have a job we do YouTube full-time so we're not just like living on some giant nest egg somewhere but we well yes I meant with the money you're making not yeah not debt because yeah that's yes we all have jobs yeah yeah that definitely very very important to us um we spent a couple years paying off as much debt as we could in California like we had cars and we had some credit cards and stuff like that and so we spent a lot of time paying all that off and then we started attacking our mortgage and having that paid down quite a bit um and then selling in a sellers Market was really great so we had that to live off of while we were traveling and we used the rest of that what was left to buy our place which was not much left but we found a a trashy terrible property and we bought B it with cash that was very very important to us because we didn't want my husband to have to go back to work uh immediately so being able to do something without payments was a huge goal so we were willing to buy like the Trashy rundown property in order to make that happen and yeah so we just cash flow everything and I mean some months are better than others and it just depends on the season or what project we're doing but we do either we'll be saving up for a really long large project or you know if it's like Garden season then we just go pay cash for trellises and things like that but it's been very very important to us to stay debt-free so that we have a lot of freedom in our time and the decisions we can make as far as making money goes yeah that's exactly what we did as well so I think you guys started YouTube what about four years or did you start around the time you got your property or did you start before that we started before we started the year before we left California so it's been actually seven years now oh okay okay yeah so that's about the same kind of path we took we worked on paying down to where we didn't have any mortgage and we could buy our property with cash we also have a seven acre property and the same reason that you said you did it is we found that whenever we live that way even if it meant like buying things that weren't necessarily that great like you said you bought sort of like a r a rundown property we've done similar things with you know our vehicles and our prop needed a lot of work as well but the ultimate reason was just the freedom because you don't have to make any certain amount of money whenever you're debt-free you can you know try things they they might fail you can try a business like YouTube but the stakes just aren't that high whenever all of that money can just go into sustaining your family and not debt payments so that's that was our like exact story and I've found so much freedom in it as well and we've been kind of living like parallel lives here at sounds like which is yeah really so fun yeah it is great it's I wouldn't change it same same so you are currently pregnant with is this your fifth child sorry remind me if that's wrong six this is number six okay that's okay yeah okay yes yes so you're just like me also you have a lot of babies and you've done this whole pregnancy thing a lot so I'm sure that you've learned a lot throughout all of your pregnancies one of the first questions we had on here so let's just get right into the controversial stuff right away raw milk so I know that no matter what we say about this let's put the disclaimer out our own experiences so you can do whatever you want to do that's totally fine this is America but what has been your experience throughout your pregnancies have you I'm just like jumping like right out of the gate assuming you're cool with raw milk but I guess I don't need to assume anything have you always been cool with raw milk or are you not at all I am totally cool with raw milk it wasn't always that way because I kind of grew up with like standard you know uh nutritional education I guess we could call it correct yes but yeah I'm totally cool with raw milk and actually interestingly enough I kind of need raw milk during my pregnancy not necessarily for the nutrition but I get such bad heartburn awful awful heartburn and it's kind of the only thing that touches it so um I chugged raw milk like crazy with our last baby and I've been drinking a bunch of raw milk this time because I'm like I just have to survive and it's the only thing that deals with my heartburn but yeah I am totally totally an advocate for raw milk I think it's the best thing ever yeah I'm in that same camp and I've been in that camp since my second pregnancy so my first child I didn't really know about raw milk I didn't know like about anything you know I don't know if I drank any milk during that pregnancy I don't remember but by the second child I had learned about it and I was into it and so I have seven pregnancies under my belt where raw milk has been a staple it's been very important to my pregnancy and like you I feel like it's something that I even bulk up on during pregnancy like I'm more like I'm trying to get more in when I'm pregnant than when I'm not so for me it's like foundational but you know I know for a lot of people there's Spar surrounding that and and people say like this comment that was the original listener question that inspired this episode said that there's a ton of confusing info surrounding raw milk and that's just it if you Google it it is going to come back that you should not consume it during pregnancy has that been your experience as well yes and especially I feel like in the last couple years the internet is really censoring a lot of stuff so it's hard to find any information that's not the typical mainstream information and yeah it's definitely very very hard for that um I learned a lot through nursing traditions and West a price um my I kind of came onto the raw milk bandwagon probably about it was probably about baby number four actually um and it's harder to get it out in California just because of the rules and regulations out there but that was about the time that I was and it's expensive it's it was like $20 a gallon and it was not sustainable for us and I'm not a huge milk Drinker anyways I was like okay I mean that's that's all right but I Ely see the benefits and I agree with it and I think everybody should be able to make their own decision and I am one of those people that The Closer it is to the way God made it the better so um if it comes out of the cow not pasturized it's probably better for you that way right yeah yeah there's lots of information out there if you know where to look on what's in raw milk and then also I always encourage people to do is to find studies on like how many deaths there have been from consuming raw milk in I don't know what the data set should be 10 years and then look at how many deaths have happened from pasturized milk how many deaths have happened from spinach strawberries and then make your decision based on that not what could happen just look at what happened like what has actually happened have there been any large scale studies and look into some of that information that's usually where I tell people to start yeah that's usually where where I start as well that's always a really good indication um and you a lot of times you see numbers that you didn't expect going you know the opposite of what the conventional wisdom says I will say that yes you're probably well and you know this is with so many things in life too there's things you hear and inevitably I promise you there will be a comment on this episode that will say I know such and such who died from drinking raw milk and that's what you call anecdotal you have to look at the big picture when it comes to everything because there's never a risk-free choice no matter what you do I think we think certain things are risk-free just because they're the traditional con or conventional way but there's a risk on both sides and so usually you for your own personal you know your own decision- making you have to weigh out based on real facts and studies and not something like an anecdote which is so tempting and easy to do right right I this is kind of like a ridiculous scenario as well but like there are people that have died from skydiving but that doesn't necessarily mean you're going to die from skydiving like I know that's really Broad and ridiculous well no that's a good example if you happen to know the one who did die of skydiving I completely understand why you're more scared of it because emotionally I am too but if you're trying to make a decision and you happen to know the one in whatever thousands of people that die from skydiving you still need to make your decisions based on the facts not how you're personally tied to it and that's how I feel with raw milk what gets confused a lot of times is we're looking at you know maybe like a story we've heard or fear-mongering statistics that aren't necessarily true so yeah right I think it's a good example totally okay so there is there anything that you do avoid we also had some questions about fermented foods like kombucha and kefir or cafir however you want to say that are you avoiding anything like that or what are you doing there no not really and there was a point like my early pregnancies where I did avoid like I didn't eat tuna I wouldn't eat sandwich like deli meat things like that and I actually had a conversation with a friend who's also pregnant right now a while ago she's like do you eat deli meat I'm kind of scared of it I was like actually yeah I do because this is my sixth baby and I want to eat what I want to eat yeah and I've never been sick from deli meat and like being pregnant itself is not the issue with deli meat like deli meat has the potential to possibly make anybody sick just like any other food could potentially make anybody sick if something were to be mishandled or mismanaged I don't worry about it I really don't cut out much of anything anymore aside from caffeine I do cut out caffeine just because I don't feel like my body does well on it and I don't feel like that's like it does cross into the placenta and the baby and I don't want to like you know load them up with caffeine and I actually have had a full calf coffee on accident this pregnancy like towards probably about the middle I went to the coffee shop I always ordered decaf but I like completely spaced it and I had a full calf and the baby was like going crazy and I was like I'm so sorry yeah I didn't mean to do that to you but that that's the only thing that I really cut out no no yeah I think there's a lot of like kind of like again with raw milk a lot of fearmongering a lot of oh it's possible that you could get like leria from deli meat or things like that and again you kind of just have to look at the numbers and where it's coming from and just do your due diligence and be aware of what's important for you and just make good choices based on your your experiences and your family and your values yeah that's really all you can do on the deli meat subject I'm with you I just don't worry about it so if we're you know somewhere and that's the option to eat I'm just eating the deli meat but one thing I will say about deli meat is it's not like milk where you're missing something that has so many health benefits it's kind of just an inconvenience and that's typically why I just like eh you know I read I read the numbers and I'm not worried about I'm just going to do it but at least with that right you're not missing something that has you know all of these vitamins and minerals and protein and all of that so you know I guess it's a less consequential choice if you will to avoid something like deli meat or what was the other thing you were saying like tuna oh yeah tuna I guess that's a pretty healthy thing but yeah I I'm With You by by the time that eighth kid rolled around I'm like yeah I don't or even the sixth or the fifth I'm like I'm I've just noticed that I've never gotten sick from this something tells me this isn't as big of a deal as you know maybe I originally had thought also it adds so much anxiety all the rules to me and I haven't looked into them for a while because now I I know how to be pregnant you know I'm more confident with that whole process but it just adds to anxiety my youngest sister she just had her B first baby less than a year ago and she kept asking me things like what about this what about this and I'm like oh just don't worry like you almost can't mess it up you know my husband and I have talked about this a lot lately of the idea from mainstream when you're pregnant that you actually are like sick and have a disease and you don't like your body just growing a human yeah and you're doing a great job at it so like all these rules and I mean some of them are are put in place for a reason like there are things that can happen but for the most part like you're just growing a human and your body knows what it's doing and as long as you're making like decent right choices it's it's not a hard journey yeah there's some like obvious things like drugs and alcohol but other than that I feel like you almost can't you know and maybe certain like Pharmaceuticals and whatnot but like just regular food that you give to your toddler but yet you're afraid you can't eat it I mean just yeah I'm very laid-back about that now what about like the kombucha the kefir or fermented foods are you doing a lot of that during pregnancy or do you prioritize those um it kind of depends honestly I've had kind of an aversion to like really acidic or fermented foods this time around so I just listen to my body in that and I don't I try not to prioritize a certain ideal over how my body is actually feeling so like I'm not going to force myself to eat sauerkraut or kimchi or whatever if I'm like I can't even get this down I'm gagging right right so it's really dependent on the pregnancy um with our our daughter our my last pregnancy I didn't really have a problem with it I think that was the one I was actually we found like the wild brine fermented sriracha and I like love that on everything and this time the smell of anything fermented I'm like not having it can't do it not eating it so I think it just depends on the pregnancy and I really do um it was probably number four that I really tried to be really in tune with what I was craving and what I didn't absolutely did not want to eat and I'm not going to force myself to eat anything I'm not cool with at the time yeah I think I'm with you on that I'm I'm totally same like it's again like more laidback the more pregnancies you've had more confidence in how you approach it now some people are asking about livestock are is there any certain livestock you try to avoid I know there's something with like when sheep have Lambs like lamming I'm not familiar with anything else that would be a problem or I don't know if you've heard about that I haven't heard about the Sheep No and for the most part I don't avoid anything mostly because I figure I'm already been around all these animals pre pregnancy so my body's going to be used to any of these things that you know microbiota that they're putting out that kind of thing and I'm I'm I don't feel I mean obviously I'm not rolling around in the pig pin but I wouldn't do that whether I was pregnant or not um so no I don't really avoid anything and even I was talking to my Midwife and she was mentioning cats and do you have cats your you're not supposed to to do the litter box and all that I yes we have cats but we've had cats since we got here almost and she said if you're already in contact with the cats then even changing litter box really isn't a big deal because your body's already used to that microflora that's going on it was just if you like got pregnant and then got a cat and so you're not used to it yeah so no I really don't avoid any livestock or anything I mean we're I can't stop doing what we're doing right just because I'm pregnant yes yes for my understanding the cat thing and the lambing is the toxoplasmosis and if you've been exposed in your life before it's okay so like I grew up on a farm Barn cats everywhere we had sandboxes so I'm sure like I like totally encountered toxoplasmosis before I still wouldn't like most like yeah I'm sure I did um and I'm sure all my kids have too because same scenario one thing like I try the only thing I'd say I would think about when I'm pregnant is is that just in case because I haven't been like confirmed that I've been in contact with it and then also like the consequences if you get that during early pregnancy are pretty big so like if our we have cats everywhere you know they get in the garden beds and they'll poop in there and if it's a young cat and they're getting it for the first time and they're Outdoors anyways it's like such a small chance because all these things have to happen but like maybe wear gloves when you're gardening but I totally was milking the cow till the day I had the baby you know like going to get the cow just all the things that didn't yeah I didn't worry about anything except maybe that tax toxoplasmosis has like fear mongered in my brain and I think that's scary but other than that and and also I want I do want to point out I don't know anybody who's gotten that so I I think in some ways it's overblown in my brain for sure and I'm I'm aware of that yeah yeah I mean obviously if I'm like digging in my garden and I see a chunk of cat poop I'm like playing with it yeah here we go let's dig in this no I'll avoid it but yeah I don't I think it's kind of like the food thing like things that have been blown out of proportion cats have been in existence with pregnant women for like literally thousands of years I think we're going to be for the most part yep yep I think you're right I want to take a quick break to tell you about a sponsor for this podcast that I absolutely love have loved for a really long time for years now that is tupes and Co which is a small family-owned made in America natural and organic skincare company I actually happened to know the owner and founder personally well not personally but we we we're in a text group and she is so sweet and genuine but more importantly than that whenever you're considering skincare is her products are absolutely amazing they work like the products I used to kind of Miss whenever I switch to all natural and organic where they cover and they make your skin look youthful if you're older or fully cover if you're younger and you have issues there whatever your skin type I have found that tubes and co- products work awesome I love them for cleansing for my skin care routine which I've been taking a lot more seriously lately so their seu Thorn cleansing oil the charcoal bar I use every single day I love the tonics and the serums especially the glow serum because it it really does make me glow I do that at night and then for my skin care during the day I usually will use one of their moisturizers like the Tallow balm which is made from grass-fed Tallow and then for the makeup my makeup look with tubes and Co I can't get enough of it I do their Foundation the blush I do the eyebrow pencil if you're watching on the YouTube and not just listening on the podcast apps you'll see a full face done here in tubes and Co makeup I also have the tubes and Co lip gloss and mascara and it leaves nothing to be desired as far as quality but then I also don't have to worry about the ingredients that go into your skin your skin is your body's largest organ if you're going to worry about your food and all of that it also makes sense to think about what you're going to be putting on your skin and tubes and Co solves that problem for me I no longer am researching how to make my own makeup and all the things that I used to try because this works so well tubes and Co is offering simple Farmhouse life listeners 10% off your order you can use code Farmhouse over at tupes and Co that's t o PS and again use code Farmhouse tupes like soups but with the tea I get so many messages from people who say I love what you were saying on the podcast but what was it was it soup what was it so it's tupes like soups with a t use that code Farmhouse thanks again tupes and Co for sponsoring this episode okay so taking care of yourself during pregnancy productivity a lot of people are saying you seem to have a very full plate and you also seem to get a lot done how is that working out for you in pregnancy do you need more rest do you prioritize rest or are you just energetic all the time I'm a fairly energetic person just to begin with so that helps the first month of every pregnancy I've ever had I practically sleep the entire month that's always really hard yeah the first month all bets are off right oh my gosh it's awful and then like the last few weeks are awful as well yeah first month I don't you're not going to catch me out of bed and you're like getting quadas for dinner like nothing crazy okay yeah um that's that's the most difficult time for me since we've been here I've been very thankful because my husband is home he's home with us all the time yes I'm with you and that's a big help so it is such a blessing because he can feed the kids and he can take care of everything and he knows like I'm just gonna be passed out on the bed for the most part and he is such a huge help and I most of my kids are older now as well so they can pretty much take care of themselves when all of the boys were being born they were all two years apart and they were all little and it was just me at home that was more difficult I had a really hard time with that even though I was younger that was because you can't just go sleep when your toddler running around the house so that was really hard but I've kind of managed I mean like take a nap if I can or go to bed earlier just try to get more sleep and deal with being exhausted and know that it's not going to be forever once that second triester hits it it's a lot easier yeah yeah I think it's just the same thing like you were talking about with the food and all the other things the livestock you're just listening to your body you're not going to beat yourself up if you eat the wrong thing or if you're tired you have to take a nap this has become probably somewhat second nature to you at this point seeing as it's your sixth pregnancy you kind of know how to handle this and during certain aspects or certain times of the pregnancy you just need more rest and I'm with you on that especially the first trimester like after that I have really easy pregnancies so I feel like pretty good after about 14 weeks pretty much all the way until the end to be honest but that first trimester yeah like you said quesadillas scrambled eggs whatever just easy easy easy stuff for sure yeah and definitely removing a lot of the pressure from yourself that the same amount of housework does not have to get done the same amount of schooling does not have to get done like it's okay to step back and just be like I just need to take some extra time to stay awake and keep everybody alive and it doesn't have to be that same level of like Perfection that maybe you're putting on yourself or Society is putting on you like it's okay to just take a minute to have a nap yeah yeah I think that's totally true we had so many audience questions about managing a full plate and how you plan your week cuz you do homeschooling home studying homem making pregnant this can be very overwhelming so do you have a plan I know you guys you run your business together which is YouTube so I'm sure your husband's involved in all of this as well what does your planning look like like maybe at the beginning of the week or the month how does that look for you so every Sunday night I sit down with a notepad and I just write out the things that either absolutely have to get done this week or like I'd like to get done this week and um and then I go off our schedule too during pregnancy I also like having a full plate I try to dump stuff off my plate so right it's less commitments we the past couple months we've actually gone down to two videos a week rather than the three to four we were doing because we have to realistic about my time yeah that's a lot I did one a week yeah so we we usually do daily we've been doing daily for probably three years now I guess four days a week and that I mean I'm the editor so my husband mostly films everything and I will sometimes film like kitchen segments and then I edit and it takes me about four hours per video to not surprised and that was just getting to be too much I was like I can't do this and be exhausted and try to like you know keep everything going so we went down if you're doing four a week that's a 4our workday four days a week which I I use that amount of time to like do a lot of other things like that's a lot of time you know yeah I mean like business wise yeah yeah it's a ton of time so we that was part of like getting things off my plate is just like cutting back a little bit and that's also part of like the beauty of being debt free is we can do that we have the freedom to do that because I mean that is a paycheck hit but without having the uh the overhead of like a mortgage and car payments and stuff like that I can take that time yeah to be more present in my pregnancy than freaking out and worrying about having to work all the time yeah and from a um I'm just curious from like one YouTuber to another do you find that your views haven't really suffered because I used to do two videos a week for five years maybe and then in the last year I went down to one and I feel like my views people just watch the one twice as like I get twice the views on the one as I used to get on the two you know like the added up so you know what I'm saying is My Views are the same have you found that to be the case yeah it it kind of balances out yeah so I don't know if it's just it's easier for more people to watch less videos because you know not everybody has time like every single night to watch a video kind of thing so they just it's easier for them to catch up but yeah it does seem to balance out a bit Yeah there might be a little like small hit initially but it's not yeah once they get used to you're only watching one I find that they end up watching all my not not everybody but a lot of my subscribers will watch every video as opposed to picking between the two that I did that week like I think they think okay I'll catch up on this one but I can't watch both so they just pick one that's kind of been my experience so I don't know that's off topic but I do think that that actually doesn't hurt too bad yeah ites it's a lot easier too because now now I'm sitting here going well why have we been doing four videos a week for so long if we can survive on two right that's a lot easier I don't know about you though but like whenever I started doing one video a week I started packing more things into that one video so whereas like I used to do two videos and I'd maybe make a recipe or two per video now I'm making four recipes on one but anyways I don't know if you've done that but I've kind of done yeah I seem to be doing that as well because it's it's less work in the long run because you're doing less days so yeah I just kind of like oh let's just add this in as well so what does postpartum look like for you this isn't your first go around how much do you take off whether that's business or homeschool how do you rest so this has changed over the years with all of our different babies and our lifestyle changes and stuff my last pregnancy number five our daughter was the first one where Ben has been home full-time so that postpartum was the most it was also our first home birth the all the boys were Hospital births and then he had to go back to work within like 3 days and this was my home birth it was the most amazing experience ever and he was home so postpartum for me after her was like I spent probably four five six days pretty much in bed just snuggling and nursing and resting and letting my body do what it needed to do like I said earlier my kids are older so they're capable of cooking dinner my husband can cook dinner and like everything was just so relaxed and that's what I plan on doing again this time is just spending probably about a week mostly in bed letting my body rest the way it needs to and I did listen to my body a lot with we call her buggy that's her nickname is buggy everybody knows her as buggy just listening to my body going okay can I get out of bed right now do I want to get out of bed right now do I feel like I can like physically support myself by being up and around and and after a couple days it was like yeah I'm I'm good with this I feel like you know getting and walking outside and and getting around and if my body had been like no you need to spend another day or two in bed I would have been like okay that's fine we can do that yeah yeah so there again just listening to your body this isn't your and you you asked about schedule and at home school to at home school all that very minimal home school very very minimal home school I have some workbooks I throw the workbooks at the kids they know how many pages to get done a day super easy and I feel like you know adding another baby and just how the family Dynamic changes is school in itself I mean that's a very important life lesson of like adding more people and figuring out how to you know be a family of eight rather than seven and that's all very important as well those are huge life lessons that they're learning that they're not going to get from a book and math is not going to teach them so yeah again very minimal homeschool we just kind of survive for a while yeah very minimal official homeschool but like you said kids learn all the time whether you are trying to organize that learning or not and that's something I've learned that my kids pick up stuff all the time even if we're not doing like during the school hour so we have our school time that we do every single day and then you know there's a lot of other hours where they're home where we're not doing school but they learn just all the time it's just basically what kids do so even if you're putting things in front of them you know giving them creative space to play and to try things it's going to be summer probably like you're having the baby soon right so it it'll be nice outside yeah in couple weeks probably okay yeah I don't know when this is coming out but certainly you've had the baby by the time that this comes out I would hope so yes yeah yes absolutely someone asks about ultrasounds and I I've touched on this here and there but it's one of those things that I like I just no matter how many bad things I read about ultrasounds it just really truly does not seem to make that big of a difference ultimately I don't know what your take is on this or if you're really strong on like no ultrasound or yes ultrasound I'm kind of like very whatever about the whole thing to be honest I I think that kind of goes back to looking at like numbers right and seeing if there's any specific evidence of things going very very wrong or things turning out badly I don't know a lot of babies that have been born that have been harmed by ultrasound in the long run so for me it's very like again you have to make your own decisions and you have to do this right for yourself with our daughter I did not have any ultrasounds but that was because she was I was pregnant with her during 2020 and they weren't really available and I wasn't going to go through all of that just to get one yeah stuff with 2020 just to get an ultrasound and my Midwife was super cool and I trust my Midwife like she could feel and you know with the Doppler and all that kind of stuff to know if if anything was up now with this one I've had two ultrasounds and that was mostly to just like check in and make sure everything was cool at the very beginning and I'm not upset about it I don't feel like I did it with Victor to my my most recent I've had probably three babies where I did no ultrasounds at all and then my last baby I was too far removed from reading about it and I was like but I want to and I just and I know I'm doing my own little anecdote thing that I said not to do but I have eight kids and I've had ultrasounds on some and not on others and I just can't tell a darn difference and so I guess that's again that's not the way we make decisions that is not the way we do that right but right that's what I did and I think there's kind of like we were talking about like not adding stress to your pregnancy I was actually getting very stressed out by by not seeing my baby and in the first couple weeks so um it was less stressful to me it pulled a lot of stress off of me to go get an ultrasound and make sure everything was okay and I think the stress can do a whole lot more damage in the long run than just going getting an ultrasound or two for you know five minutes at a time right exactly and that's it too I did such short little ultrasounds and I was with you I had for whatever reason like some anxiety about my last pregnancy I don't know why because everything was 100% fine I think I yeah I just had a few like anxieties about it for whatever reason and I agree with you I'm like this ultrasound is not going to be worse than this because I'm going to feel really good if I just you know have this confirmation and so I think it's I think it's hard being a mom today because in some ways we have access to information on things that are truly bad truly harmful we get to know like information that maybe we didn't have access to years ago but then sometimes the amount of information this wasn't even a question so many years ago people weren't like up at night thinking oh should I have gotten that ultrasound just so many so many things we're so worried about today I uh I think it's hard being a mom it is very hard it's like information overload the internet makes everything so much more difficult than it needs to be yes like this just being such a big question you know like this somebody lots of women have stayed up late worrying about it I know I've contrib to it because I know I have talked about not doing ultrasounds on podcasts years ago like I definitely you know had that stance and it's not at all that I'm saying they're great I just kind of feel like it's something probably not to get too worked up about personally yeah for sure are there any vitamins and supplements you take regularly through pregnancy so I am terrible about taking vitamins I try to but I'm really aable about remembering to take vitamins and especially since we've been out here and we've been homesteading I really try to let food be the vitamins um I think nutrition really should come first and foremost from your actual food rather than just trying to make up for deficiencies with a bottle of vitamins um certainly with the standard American diet which I I was eating for a lot of our boys vitamins were probably a very good idea and I did keep up on my pre- needles a lot but um my St on that has changed so much I'm not saying vitamins are bad at all and I do have vitamins that I have around when I remember to take them but I really think a lot of our nutrition should come from our actual food that we're eating yeah first and foremost I completely agree with you I've I've heard or read some studies about taking vitamins before you're pregnant because it can help like especially as women age the egg to divide and all of this stuff and so I I'm think there is some evidence to that but most of us don't even I don't know like think about that before we're pregnant because we're not pregnant we're not thinking about getting pregnant necessarily so I think when it's actually super important is when a lot of us aren't even concerned with it yeah right and and if you do a lot of research like particularly into like Western A price foundation and nourishing Traditions that is a lot of um cultures they do make sure that you are nutritionally on top of things before you even can see yeah and like we just don't live in a culture that that is prominent and like you said like most of us aren't even thinking about getting pregnant or if we are thinking it's been a very brief amount of time like not years so yeah yeah definely yes exactly not not the timeline that most other cultures have or had in the past so yeah it's just kind of like well I mean if you're eating well to begin with and then you're eating well through the pregnancy and if you're getting like blood work and stuff done you're going to be able to tell like like my iron was kind of low with this one and I had a a slight vitamin D deficiency so it's like okay well I'm going to up that raw milk and the eggs to deal with the vitamin D and eat more you know beef Tallow and stuff like that and um I started eating a bunch of steak to deal with the iron deficiency and it's been great so I think a lot of that should be covered by your actual diet hey who can argue a steak I know I really wanted steak with this pregnancy and now I know why yes I always want steak okay I won't keep you too much longer but I want to talk a bit about we had a question about me meal planning and menu planning I know you share quite a bit on your Channel about this but what does that look like for you are you a meal planner I go through es and flows so a lot of times yes I am a meal planner just because it helps me remember to like pull things out of the freezer or you know our schedule is kind of busy right now my husband does a podcast once a week the kids and him do karate twice a week so like things have to be done by certain times so that helps me to plan just as far as like getting on dinner on the table by like 5:30 um I also have seasons where I'm like forget it I don't even care we're just going to eat whatever I feel like eating for the day and that definitely happens I think in like first trimester for me is I don't plan because nothing sounds good I don't get morning sick I know a lot of people are going to be mad at me for that but I'm not a person who gets morning sick but I do have a lot of food aversions and smells are a thing for me I feel like that's the same thing I don't know that's what I call morning sick personally when you can't stand a certain food to me that's like queasy nausea type feeling okay yeah like I don't I don't vomit I guess so that's why I've always said I never get morning sick oh yeah I don't vomit but I'm still morning sick okay I'm counting it yeah okay we'll go with that then okay but I just don't like there's so many things that like I would plan it and then by the time I go to make it I'm just like I can't eat this tonight and I don't want to smell it so it just goes out the window but the rest of the time for the most part yes I do a menu plan I usually sit down Sunday night and I'll ask Ben and the kids hey is there anything in particular you want to eat this week or like I'll think about what's in our freezer like we have an influx of pork right now but not so much chicken so I need to focus on cooking pork yeah and I'll just base meals off of that and and then obviously our schedule and what needs to be easy and what could be like a long like Sunday dinner kind of thing yeah sounds like you guys do a lot of your planning on Sunday which I think sets your entire week up for expectations being met knowing what you need to do where you need to be what you're eating do you guys have family around or is Sunday like are I don't know for me on Sunday a lot of times we're going to visit family but you're from you know you're across the country so is your family still over in California yeah they are okay well I cannot wait to hear everything did you find out if this baby is a boy or a girl no we have not found out our last one was a surprise and it was the most precious thing ever so we decided to wait again okay oh man so yeah after four boys you had a girl and then we'll see what this is so I cannot wait to hear about it yes follow along with all of that tell the listeners where they can best find you and follow along with your continued Journey as it unfolds I know you're adding on to your house and you're building out this from scratch Homestead basically right yeah yeah we are adding onto our house because I mean more kids means more space so we're adding a room and extending the laundry and Pantry kind of thing but yeah so you can find us the best place to find us is on YouTube at the Haller Homestead don't we don't have a Facebook anymore and I don't keep up with social media much while I'm pregnant just for my own yeah mental sanity so the best place to find is is just on YouTube cool awesome well thank you so much for joining us mate yeah thanks for having me it's been fun right well thank you so much for listening to this episode of the simple Farmhouse Life podcast and I will see you in the next one [Music]
Channel: Simple Farmhouse Life
Views: 45,054
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: simplefarmhouselife
Id: 80MxEtUPKMg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 57sec (2697 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2024
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