The End of the Grocery Budget + AZURE Standard Haul!

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welcome to Ozark Family Homestead yay hey guys it's Janice from Ozark Family Homestead and this is it what's on the table back here is the last of my grocery budget spending for this month um you guys already know that I am in the hole we've spent all that was in the budget I'm in the negative but there is a reason for that and we're going to talk about about that at the end of the video but uh we'll see also at the end of the video just how much in the negative I ended up going this month but um again we'll go over that at the very end um also in this video um I was going to do some thank yous we've been inundated with some really really cool gifts here lately and I want to make sure to say thank you to those that have sent gifts but first we'll just go through the stores here um where I've studied the weekly sale ads and found the best deals and then hopefully you guys can also utilize those sales as well after we go over them so here we go I almost forgot I've got my Azure standard haul here too so we'll go over that as well I'm going to start down here at the end of the table um at 10 box 10 box is just a local chain of grocery stores and I only go in to buy the things that are on sale so we'll go over here real quick the items that are on sale that are good deals at 10 Bock this week and these prizes are good through Tuesday June 11th so the 10box Aldi and Kroger deals that I'm going to show you make sure you go in by that date if you do want to go ahead and take advantage of them uh 10 box this week has their slicing cucumbers for 42 cents each as a comparison at Walmart you'll be paying 64 each for cucumbers there I passed that one up up did not get it but we're going to go over the items I did get the on the vine Tomatoes 10 box is selling them for 82 cents a pound compared to Walmart $1.98 a pound so that is a really good sale um I did go ahead and get just two bundles of the on the vine tomatoes and we'll work those into the meal plan sometime this week the white onions on sale for 58 cents a pound compared to Walmart you'd be paying a114 a pound there the chicken leg quarters these are 10 lb bags for $6 and at Walmart you'd pay $8.74 for that same number of pounds and then lastly the 80% ground beef at 10 box is 2.98 a pound um whereas at Walmart it's 378 per pound is the cheapest that I could find it online at Walmart and I did pick up one of the 10 lb rolls what I'm going to do at this point is uh take this and just chop it up into like 2 lb segments and put those in freezer bags we are actually out of ground beef for using just for our family I have bought some of these in the past and I have cut them in half so 5 lb and 5 lb and I have those set aside for whenever we host guest Gatherings here at our house like for making a big pot of chili or something like that but I have none that are set up in 2 lb increments just for our family so that's what I'm going to do with this one here and oh I did want to point out too that at 10 box they do add the 10% up charge at the register right when you check out that's supposed to be their profit is the 10% and even with the 10% added on all these deals are still really good prices so I do have to make sure I add that in my grand total at 10 box came to $36.40 and next we'll move on to Aldi okay I went and got me a little these lozenges here a friend from church gave me some of these cuz I've been so my throat has been so scratchy with allergies and stuff lately that I'm going to try to get through this video by using these so we'll see how this goes at Aldi I just picked up these items here but there are some additional ones in the sale ad that are decent deals here we go they're blueberries $1.99 for a pint which when I looked it up is roughly about 12 oz which breaks down to 17 cents per ounce at Aldi and at Walmart you would be paying 23 cents per ounce if you buy blueberries there the uh green grapes 1.29 per pound at Aldi compared to $312 per pound at Walmart I did go ahead and pick up just these two bags excuse me guys uh just enough for a snack for the children one day this week the cantaloupes $1.99 each at Aldi this week compared to$ 2.98 at Walmart the white mushrooms 99 at Aldi compared to a $188 at Walmart I did pick up one of those and then finally the frozen organic corn um $119 for a 10 oz bag at Aldi compared oh goodness guys trying to get through this compared to whates that say $169 at Walmart so those are the good deals at Aldi this week okay I'm back just had a coughing fit so that corn is $164 at Walmart compared to the $119 sale price at Aldi this week and my grand total at Aldi Just For Those few things came to $779 going on to Kroger I want to point out first of all before I forget they have the four times the fuel points going on right now and um that's where you can get gift cards to rest resturants and stores and Amazon and everywhere else and you will get four times the fuel points you do have to click the digital coupon in order to receive this though now in addition to this what I did have available to me on my ecoupons they had an Amazon gift card deal when you bought an Amazon gift card you would get another 200 extra fuel points so that may be something to look into to see if you're able to go ahead and get extra fuel points on top of the deal that they have going on there okay in addition to that the two times the fuel points just for shopping over the weekend so clip that digital coupon and if you're shopping Friday Saturday or Sunday go ahead and get the extra fuel points the deal here oh Rebecca's back what were they chasing you yeah yes that's why you came in here like something was chasing you huh mhm okay better leave that alone why because Sarah's canning chicken I haven't told you guys this is what we've been busy doing here so in this cooler we've already we've done 10 chickens but we have 20 more chickens in here put it back put it back to process cuz we had some of our meat birds butchered and now Davis were you chasing her yes that's why she came running in she scared me okay the Life cereal is on sale this week these are 13 O boxes for $149 this is a digital coupon so make sure you clip it that means there's a limit of five on these as well so I did go ahead and pick up five of those boxes of cereal when you do the cost breakdown the unit cost is 11.2 cents per ounce which is great anytime I can get cereal for Less than 12 cents per ounce I go ahead and snatch it up uh comparison at Walmart the cheapest I could find Life cereal at Walmart was at 18.4 per ounce and that's if you buy the big bulk size boxes but that's the best price there so this is a good deal then going through oh baby are you filming that I'm filming that yes I am go ahead and leave it there so I can can film it for everybody why why so they can see the stuff I got she's my helper so the other item on sale I did not get this but they do have their ice creams for $1.99 that is a good deal again digital coupon so limit of five by comparison at Walmart if you were to get like one of these tubs right here you'd be paying $2.78 at Walmart instead of the $1.99 so that is a good deal I always check out the salad section and so I did pick up five of these crunchy taco salads this is going to be lunch tomorrow we'll probably just mix some chicken with it now I got abil coming in they just keep coming I'll probably mix some chicken in with it because as we're processing this chicken um in there we are cooking up some and pulling some meat off the bones and so this is what we're going to use with that salad and then the reduced bananas I went ahead and picked these up just for fresh eating this week so the snacks are going to be the grapes the bananas and then last week I did end up getting 40 lbs of oranges but I'm going to talk about that at the end of the video too because I have extra spending that you guys have not seen so I will I will go through all that at the end okay my grand total at Kroger which receipt is it it must be this one here $18.88 for the bananas the salad and the cereal Yep this is the right receipt see they got me all thrown off they came in and moved my stuff and then I can't figure out what I'm talking about anymore okay next we're going to move on to Azure standard I'm going to go grab a drink real quick all right as standard was an easy order as well I finally got my bags of allpurpose flour in I've been trying to order these for a couple months now and they've been out of stock so I did get two 25 lb bags of unbleached unenriched organic all-purpose flour and each bag cost $321 I also bought a 10 lb box of Raisin for $28.35 and we really we like these because raisins at the store I feel like they have like a oily substance on the outside of them and these do not we just like the taste and the texture of these better I am going to take this box and I'm going to put it in the freezer for about a week because at one point in the past we had little moth buggy things hatch and and by putting it in the freezer it kills off anything that might possibly be in there and I have never had that problem once I freeze the raisins after that point when they thaw I keep them in a glass jar on The Pantry Shelf so that is what that is and these two beautiful plants here are lemon balm I paid $3.95 a piece for these and I have a um pot of lemon balm and I've had it for years and this year it just did not come back so we're going to get a new patch started on the lemon balm here so at this point I feel like that was pretty quick I'm going to sit down well I'm going to show you guys the clipboard and we're going to go through and see what is my savings this week um compared by using the weekly sale ads versus if I had just gone into Walmart to get these things all right guys the list this week is pretty short and sweet but there is still savings here so these top two items are my 10 box items I have added that 10% up charge into my totals here too so the tomatoes on the Vine with the up charge I paid 235 for those two BND two bundles and at Walmart it would have been 517 that 10 lb tube of ground beef I paid 3202 and at Walmart it would have cost me $36.95 at Aldi I got those green grapes and I paid 636 you guys at Walmart it would have cost $15.38 for that same amount so really good deal on the green grapes that one little cube of mushrooms I paid $ 9 it'd be $188 at Walmart the Life cereal at Kroger that is on sale I paid $7.45 for the five boxes and at Walmart it'd be$ .96 the reduced bananas I paid $131 and it'd be $158 at Walmart and then the salad kits that were on markdown I paid $910 and at Walmart it'd be $19.90 if I had bought those there so my totals my out of pocket was $595 and Walmart regular price would have been $928 which means I saved $33 and22 Cents by looking for the sale ads and the marked down items in the stores and I'm happy with that especially with it being a smaller than usual total so um let's go over my grocery budget for the month and see just how much I overspend spent out of that $1,100 a month budget okay guys first of all I am so sorry for the coffin and just sounding awful I am getting better I really am every day I can talk a little bit more um I'm just I'm feeling better this tickle in my throat is just it's sticking around and it's frustrating but I don't feel awful so if you watched last week's video you will know that I had already delved down into the negative on our grocery budget I was actually $11 and 54 negative at the end of last week's video and I'll put a link in the description box for that video in case you missed it I do begin with $1,100 at the beginning of the pay period to cover all of our groceries from the store and household goods and things like that then I do a once a month stock up where I top off all the pantries and freezers and then I start hitting the stores each week and specifically focusing on the loss leaders the best of the best deals in the sale ads and I do that each week and I make a video on that each week too I did a run at Sam's Club and did a video on that as well and what I didn't show you is after last week's video there were some items at Kroger that they were out of stock on specifically um the naval oranges and strawberries and Sean did run in last week and picked some of those up for me plus some extra things that I used for David's birthday party we're going to talk about that some more too um we got some extra ice cream some celery for potato salad which we have growing in the garden but it has bolted so we had to get it from the store and oh some little um lower carb hamburger buns some of that stuff so that spending that extra spending that I did not video was an extra $556 and so that now left me in the whole $67.20 for the month now the weekly sale ad deals this week the 10 box Aldi and Kroger items right here that we just went over that my out of pocket was was $630 which now then that makes me $13.30 in the negative but wait there's more cuz I had the Azure standard haul here as well and um those of you that don't know I volunteer as the drop coordinator for our Azure Standard Group and in return for doing that they do give me a bit of a credit on my account so I did not pay the prices that you saw here is not what my out of pocket was my out of pocket for these items here was $357 after that credit was deducted so grand total this is the end of the pay period wrapping up all of my spending for the month in the negative obviously $165 37 cents now those of you that have been watching know that we celebrated um our son David's 13th birthday and we fed we had about 60 people over here at the house and did hot dogs hamburgers we had a lot of food and I do have a video that I have filmed but not posted for you guys yet about the food prep for the birthday party that ought to be coming up soon but I took that out of my grocery budget so the fact that I'm $165 37 in the whole means the way I'm looking at it is that's what I spend on birthday party food for these 60 guests that I wouldn't normally have in just my feeding my family budget so I'm not I'm not beating myself up over this $165 that was for David's birthday and so it's a good thing also I've been thinking about this so when the other children the older children had their big 13th birthday things that they chose I didn't take that out of the grocery budget they had they rented a laser tag place I didn't take that out of the grocery budget they got a professional cake made up I didn't take that out of the grocery budget that was taken out of the gifts I have a separate budget for gifts and that's what I would have taken those things out of but for Davids I didn't because it was food and I was buying it anyway so I didn't take for instance like my Sam's Club receipt and go well we're going to take the hot dogs and deduct that out of the gifts budget and the Big Tub of pretzels we're going to deduct that out of the gifts budget I didn't I didn't put it in different categories I just lumped it all in groceries sorry guys because it was food so it would have made a difference I think if I had you know shuffled things aside out of a gift budget but okay now I feel like I'm rambling plus we had two ladies that sent gifts money gifts to help with David's birthday party too so thank you thank you for that really do appreciate you guys blessing us in that way I feel like the tickle's about to start again so I'm like stop swallow take a breath and see if we can move on again I will get better guys I promise I will get better so let me stop here I'm going to go ahead and take a drink and I want to go over some of the other gifts that you guys have sent us recently you've been very very sweet to us so I'll be right back okay guys I am looking at the gifts here that you all have sent us very generous gifts and I want to make sure number one you guys know that we received it and it's not lost out there in you know the mail system somewhere and that we're thankful for you guys thinking about us so um first of all okay this gift is not here miss Darla we received the gift that you sent for Sarah's friend Emily and Emily actually came here today to get her gift from you and she was here while I was filming the grocery part of the video she has now left but thank you for thinking of Emily Emily is just she's a sweet sweet girl such a hard worker and she was the one in the video helping with the tornado cleanup she got things done so Darla thanks thank you for thinking of Emily and um just being generous to all I mean my good I don't even know my words feel cheap so I just we're very grateful okay Veronica Veronica has sent so much and um really blessing the children just blessing our family um Veronica we have received um I think it was two shipments of the the drinks um just to stay hydrated through the summer thank you for that uh the Twizzlers um some of those were shared during the birthday party with friends too so they were thoroughly enjoyed um Abigail's jewelry box is here and she loves it she was wearing one of the little necklaces today the kids went to a birthday party with friends and uh they had to make sure that they wore the pretty necklaces that came with the jewelry box um David's gift the water gun that you sent they're going to have a lot of fun with that and the jewelry boxes for Sarah two of them arrived I don't know if you intended for two of them to arrive there's a larger one and a smaller one and I'm they are they are gorgeous um here is this is the smaller one I don't want to tip it too much or it'll fall out of the box this is the smaller one and it's just they're so so pretty but we did get two of them so thank you for think think of our family that way um then I'm looking at Miss Lynette the summer fun box has arrived and the items that you listed in the um gift receipt thing are all there so they are going to have a ball with them this Summer um the boys were excited about the Frisbee they thought it's awesome we have nothing even close to that so they're excited for it Debbie I did receive the sheets so thank you thank you for thinking of us and we're going to be transitioning girls bedrooms and stuff now that we're kind of reaching the end of the boy bedroom so thank you Debbie and um Miss Lori I think I'd mentioned your gift in a previous video but David had not opened it yet because it wasn't his birthday yet he did open his birthday gift finally once his birthday reached here and um of course you guys know he loves space with this telescope and everything else so a really awesome book on Space let me see it's big big book there and then to kind of go along with the theme the movie so very sweet gift Lori thank you U Miss Christa had gifts for David as well and they were right up his alley um of course you know books are the thing um how to build a building but then if you guys have seen his um cardboard box ships that he builds look what she found Miss Christa found that for David so I think that's really really neat Miss Florence from Switzerland we did receive the last of the metal plates thank you for thinking of us we've just been thrilled getting mail from another country is is just wild so thank you for that and Miss maranne I received your very sweet sweet letter so you are very dear to me and I love the way you love on me so thank you for sending the letter I am good I am fine if I could just get my throat to work the way it's supposed to all the time I would be great so okay guys here let me see if I can spin around here real quick quick can you see I tried to lay them out here a little bit so I could give you all a peek here of the things that we have received but thank you guys thank you for being a blessing to our family um I'm sorry I sound rotten and I'm sorry I couldn't get through the video without coughing at you guys but I do hope you enjoyed it and if you did please give me a thumbs up take pity upon me and give me a thumbs up double check that you are indeed subscribed sometimes YouTube unsubscribes people and I don't know why and then finally if you could share our videos with others just let them know about Ozark Family Homestead and our channel can continue to grow so we love you guys and we appreciate you very very much and I'll see you on the next video bye-bye thanks for watching Oz family Homestead bye bye
Channel: Ozark Family Homestead
Views: 11,785
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 6LDk705SaB4
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Length: 27min 37sec (1657 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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