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foreign [Music] so it has been quite a week so far um we brought home a new milk cow and her calf friends of ours were um selling her because they downsized their Homestead and did not have the pasture they moved from one Homestead to another and when the snow all melted they realized that they did not have enough pasture for a cow and calf and they decided to stick with their milk goats and offered us this cow and her heifer calf at an amazing price and of course we couldn't say no so we are getting used to milking two cows and um we're still adjusting to setting up our rotational grazing which that has been going very very well and the cows are catching on really fast and the other thing is summer vacation has started here this week was our children's last week of school so Monday was the first day of summer vacation so we are adjusting to brand new routines and schedules and a lot less of a rigid schedule especially in the morning so tonight we have a potluck at church and I am going to make a chicken and rice casserole and the chicken and rice casserole calls for cream of celery soup cream of mushroom soup and cream of chicken soup so I'm going to make the cream of chicken and cream of celery soup I'm not going to use the cream of mushroom because I don't have any fresh mushrooms and although I do believe I could find some if I went foraging I do not have the time to go foraging for mushrooms today so I'm just gonna be using cream of chicken and cream of celery soup in my casserole for tonight's potluck and I have rarely if ever in my 20 years of homemaking bought cream of something soup um my mom made the cream of soups and that's how I've always done but I've never actually written it all down until I started sharing recipes on Instagram and YouTube so today I am going to show you how I make cream of soups and hopefully it'll be simple enough that you feel like you can Dive Right In and not have to buy any more Tin Can soups the ingredients are very simple Whole Foods and you will be surprised at how simple it is so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to start with cooking some rice and I've got some broth and some chicken and we're gonna cook the rice in some of the broth but we're also going to use some of the broth to make our cream soup so first up I'm going to make the cream of celery soup and for that I am going to chop up my celery Real Fine using some of the leaves as well now this is store-bought celery because I do not yet have celery in my garden so the first thing you're going to need is three to four tablespoons of fat you can use butter or Tallow or lard I am using bacon grease because that's what I have lots of right now so now we're just going to add our celery into the fat and saute it a little bit so that it releases its flavor I'm going to add a little bit of onion as well you could even add some garlic if you want to find so once your veggies are sauteed when they're tender and it's just starting to change color like these have started turning a little brown then I'm going to add my flour and I've got about four tablespoons of flour it's going to make a paste you're just gonna stir this fat and the veggies around until the you've got no more dry flour left and now you're going to add your liquid you need one cup of liquid so I've got I need one cup of liquid so I've got half a cup of chicken broth and half a cup of cream you can use water and milk or just chicken broth and now we're just gonna simmer this until it gets thick this is also where you add salt and pepper to taste I'm gonna start with about a fourth a teaspoon of salt and about a fourth of a teaspoon of pepper you can see how this is thickening up real nice [Music] it's perfect [Music] all right there we go that is one recipe's worth of cream of celery soup now if you were doing cream of mushroom soup you would do exactly the same you would take your mushrooms saute them in the fat and then proceed from there so we're gonna set this aside and we're gonna proceed with the cream of chicken soup so now for the cream of chicken soup we're gonna start out the same way we're gonna take our three tablespoons of fat and I'm gonna saute some onions in here and this is where you would put your little pieces of chicken in too if you were um wanting just plain cream of chicken soup but since I already am going to have chicken in my casserole I'm not gonna put any chicken in my cream of soup so I add my flour to the fat make a paste and then add my liquid and then we add our seasonings salt and pepper and then we just simmer it until it is the desired thickness so there we go we've got one contain one tin cans worth of cream of chicken soup one tin cans worth of cream of celery soup however if you've been on my channel I'm sure that you're wondering if I'm making only a 9x9 pan or a 9x13 pan um so now that I've showed you how to make one tin cans worth because most of the recipes that you come across are gonna ask for one can of cream of something soup so I'm gonna write the recipes as you know so that it makes the same amount as one can of store-bought cream of something soup but now I gotta set this aside and I gotta make a big batch of cream of soup for this casserole that I'm putting together because one will be for potluck and one will be for the family so I need I need six cans of cream of soup so I've made two I need to go make four more and when I do that I'm going to show you another trick for what to do if your cream soup doesn't thicken so if you're like me and you get overconfident in your ability to make cream soups and you stop measuring your ingredients you might get to the point where your cream soup just doesn't thicken up and that's usually because um you didn't add enough flour which usually starts because I didn't add enough fat so then I didn't need enough flour to make everything to soak up all the fat so what you can do then is you take a gravy Shaker and you put two parts of flour and three parts water so that's two parts of flour to three parts water shake it up real well and then when your cream soup is simmering you add that so if your cream soup is simmering and it's just not getting thick that's when you can stir in some more flour and water mixture and simmer some more and just like that you've got a nice thick cream of chicken soup or whatever cream soup that you are making and now we're ready to assemble our casserole so I've layered in the bottom of my pan my cooked chicken it's actually it was some canned chicken and canned turkey and then I cooked some jasmine rice in chicken broth with seasonings in my insta pot and I'm just going to layer that Rice right on top of my chicken and turkey [Music] and once the chicken and rice are layered in then you're ready to add your cream Soups On the very top of the casserole so cream soups when you buy them at the grocery store really aren't that expensive they're usually under two dollars a can so you might be wondering if it's really worth the time and effort to make your own cream soups and I'm going to tell you why we choose to make our own cream soups um number one the cream soups that you buy at the store have anywhere from 15 to 20 ingredients and most of those ingredients are synthetic flavorings and colorings and seed and nut oils all things that our family tries to avoid avoid whenever possible when you make your own cream soups you have four to six whole food ingredients and these are a lot more nutritious than the cream soups that you buy at the grocery store so yes the added nutrition and the exclusion of flavor enhancers and other ingredients that we try to avoid it makes making my own cream soups definitely worth the time that it takes you can make your cream soups ahead of time they will keep in the refrigerator for up to two weeks and I have even Frozen some cream soups and they come out of the freezer just fine so the original recipe called for Buttered Ritz cracker crumbs on top of the casserole but I have all these sourdough cracker crumbs that end up in the bottom of my container of sourdough crackers and I'm just gonna Crush these up even finer and sprinkle the top of my casserole with these when you want to serve this casserole you will bake it at 350 until it's warm all the way through and the time that this will take depends on if you are putting your casserole into the oven when it's still warm like mine is right now or if you're gonna refrigerate it for a couple days but you'll need to figure from 30 to 60 Minutes well this brings us to the end of today's video thank you for being here and watching don't forget your complete recipe is in the description and good luck with making your cream soups and I hope you never have to buy another tin can of soup at the grocery store don't forget to subscribe and share and watch all our other videos on homesteading lifestyle hacks and recipes and gardening and until next week we will be right here on our little corner of land taking care of the animals working in our garden and of course spending lots of time in the kitchen prepping nutritious food for my hard-working family [Music] thank you [Music]
Channel: Homesteading with the Zimmermans
Views: 162,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3Wr4ZIfKmWQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 58sec (898 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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