SHOCKED By What We Found At Walmart

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welcome back to the channel guys hey everyone welcome back to Walker Farm F thank you so much for joining us on the farm today Ransom has some leftovers that we're going to be sharing couple pancakes we got one for Shelby and one one for Bella that's right one for Bella and one for Shelby so today is going to be kind of a fun day for me Ransom and me I know I know what are we going to be doing you want to tell them we're going to be trying to work on the bus to get it started and then we might go get a little snack yeah so so we are going to be taking our bus that we're converting to an RV it's finally summertime we're finally getting to work on it we're going to use it for our daily driver that means we're going to run errands maybe go get some fuel go to Walmart get some groceries for tacos tonight how are we going to uh find the parking spot for the bus at Walmart we might take up three I don't know but we're going to use it for our daily driver today also uh there's going to be some some um snacks involved so mazy's going to come along I know she wants ice cream you want ice cream yeah we'll find something fun we'll have to eat it in the bus fast though that's right also that ice cream costs money doesn't it money money everything costs money so um if you guys don't know this my my education is all in business I have my undergraduate and master's degree in business I like business and I want to teach the kids a little bit about economics today so we're going to do a little price comparison Ma's 10 years old so I told her we're going to compare some prices at the grocery store of things from 10 years ago and 20 years ago so 2003 is when I graduated high school Ransom 2013 is when Mazy Bor oh when she graduated kindergarten no not when she graduated kindergarten when maie was born so we're going to do some price comparisons but first things first let's feed the dogs and go see if we can start the bus so Ma's been playing with Belle all right Belle here's your breakfast b b show we so the very great thing about both of these dogs neither one of them are very food aggressive um if anybody I think Belle eats her food faster than Shelby does but M probably not with the pancakes not with the pancakes how was your pancakes this morning Mazy good I have bad news what we are out of chocolate chips so you want to go to Walmart and get some more chocolate chips in the bus in the bus all right have you f have you fed Benjamin yet have we fed Benjamin yes Mom fed him before she left so Cassie went to a basketball practice this morning she has open gym and that's where she's at so uh we are going to carry on without her and Ranger is at a soccer camp so he's having fun at soccer camp isn't he the bus needs to be ran it needs to be started needs a lot of things doesn't it R this truck needs yeah we need to start that truck up too uh we've been on went on vacation last week and we had a great time but now it's time to start the bus you can see all the grass growing around it yeah we're going to have to move it yeah that's another reason we need to move it isn't it yeah right now it just looks like it doesn't run so we're going to give it a test see if it does run and one of the things we're going to be working on today are letters so we want to try to get all of these old letters off uh that's the progress we're going to try to make [Music] today oh yeah she started [Applause] Ransom how did the bus sound good sounded really good didn't it so I just looked at the mileage again I can't believe it only has 73,000 M on it and this is a this is a 2014 model so it's only 9 years old we have tag we have insurance we have everything we need on this bus to start the uh the remodel Ransom so we got a lot of work cut out for us if you guys aren't familiar with this you're new to our Channel um we bought this a few months back uh we had a time getting insurance and getting tagged but now we have it figured out and Cassie and I both but Cassie really wants to insulate this floor so one of our biggest projects all these holes and then we're going to be putting down some kind of um foam board or insulation board something to insulate the floor Ransom like it looks like oh there's a what is it what is it see that bug right there oh I see oh I see it not in our bus get out of here get out of here you get out of here got got it I'm going to roll down the windows it's you going to roll a couple windows down okay I told Ransom he could bring one thing out so if you guys want to see what Ransom chooses to bring out uh we'll show you that right now okay Ransom I told Ransom he could pick one thing for the bus and what does he get a bed a bed hey you can't be sleeping on the job son well I also got one thing and I picked prime plus Wu beef so if we're going to work on the bus we need to make sure and keep our energy up and we're going to do it with prime plus wagu beef do you remember what these used to be called wag bar that's right wag bar and I bet your favorite one's going to be right inside somewhere if you can find it um oh there it is hot and spicy it doesn't take him long my favorite is the jalapeno cranberry prime plus wack beef bites so not only do they have uh bars but they also have bites was able to open that up all by himself because he's getting so big but the thing I love about prime plus wagu snacks is there's no loaded sugar so I'm not giving my kids a bunch of sugar and a bunch of junk it's protein packed um lower in sugar and it makes a great snack so for hardworking Cowboys like Ransom me uh prime plus wagu has started the cowboy Revolution and it's basically a subscription where you can sign up and get products sent to your door not only can you get the hot and spicy that Ransom has but you can get the original beef bar or the peppered or Cassie's favorite the Teriyaki and with the cowboy Revolution you automatically receive these great products to your door and the very first order you have it'll be 30% off of these products and then every order after that it'll be 20% off that sounds like a great deal so if you guys are interested check out our link down in the description and you'll be able to save 15% by using Code Walker 15 so that link is down in the description you can get you some great products I went ahead and opened up my uh jalapeno cranberry Ransom do you even want to try one of these or you just good on the hot and spicy I'm going a hot he he loves hot stuff I like a little bit of flavor and the texture on these is awesome so you guys check it out we're going to be keeping these in the bus while we work so we don't get too hungry right so Ransom said he can carry this cot in the bus all by himself if he needs help I'll definitely help him but he wants to have it in there in case he gets tired and needs to take a rest and I said well why not we've got all the room in the world why not have a cotton there need help up the stairs you need help up the stairs yeah okay ready then I'll set it up got it you going to take it towards the back of the bus I'm going to can me grab that I'm going to set it up like right here okay so if you guys missed one of our last videos we stayed the night in here we had our light set up we still have an air mattress I think right there um and different kind of power sources so ransom's going to set that up and I'm going to find a hiding spot Ransom don't look I'm G to hi find a hiding spot for my uh prime plus wagu beef I think it'll so Ransom has been asking and asking to do the heat gun so I've got him gloves he's got on long sleeves and I'm going to be right here with him so we're going to do the heat gun on some of these letters but I just remembered that today is egg day Ransom uhoh and I have about 12 or 13 dozen eggs so what do you say we make a delivery with the bus oh yeah sound good yeah okay so we're going to go ahead and try to get off a couple letters and when we get back we'll do the rest but we need to leave in about 15 minutes to do that egg delivery all right so to turn it on there's a one setting and a two setting so all you do is do that and then you hold it let's do the C first so hold it right there and just keep moving it around like that and so what we're trying to do is get the heat to activate the glue and release the glue does that make sense so it will release the vinyl so these are vinyl letters so you just keep doing that keep it moving okay okay hang on oh oh oh oh oh W see how that works now let's do the S no C now it's for the S Ransom says go for it bud is that what he would say yeah okay you keep it going keep it come down here to this s and get it started on me right here hold it there for a second right there you good mhm oh okay I think that's good you can probably go and turn the gun off for a minute now okay I think that's good I think I can peel this one once I get it started look at that see when that glue's warm it just comes right off well now we just have the SE to go away so that's just because that's just there because the sunlight hit this but the sunlight didn't hit that so that's what that would have looked like when the bus was brand new like in 2014 that would have been this bright color is that cool all right so we figured out what it takes Ransom goes over it two times and hold on the corner for 3 seconds on the [Music] p hold in this corner for okay and after we do that it takes enough Heat it peels right off we're Pros now Ransom so Mazy I don't think you've ever came with me to do egg delivery before have you so this will be their first time to go to the food pantry but um Ransom we missed one we missed the dash between Justice taiwa that's the school it came from we missed the dash we'll get it but it no longer says public school I think it already looks better Mazy what do you think looking good all right let's get our eggs all all right Mazy how many eggs do we have 2 4 6 8 10 12 13 dozen you guys ready to load them up yeah so we are going to take our school bus for our daily driver and we have 13 dozen eggs to deliver we're going to make a Walmart run this is going to be fun all right so that's Mazy seat Ransom you're going to have to sit up here when we drive okay buddy that's okay okay can't [Music] so we made it to the food pantry but it is way over there and uh we don't have very good parking so we had to park way back here but are you guys ready to get the eggs yeah okay let's get them carried oh my water is in there here we'll get your water out here we go so we had to park the bus way over there and go down to the right guys we're going to go past the T5 I'll walk in all right we made it I'm going to turn the camera off so we didn't record inside because there's just a lot of people in there isn't there guys and uh they didn't ask to be on camera and we're not going to video everybody but we got all the eggs dropped off 13 dozen at the food pantry and I would say that was a success in the bus but now there's a ice cream place across the street and Ransom has been hankering for ice cream too it's hot it's hot he said so we're going to go check it out so what's this ice cream place called Frozen heer the Frozen heer so let's go see what the Frozen heer [Music] has so they also have Dr Pepper float root beer float some new flavors which one are you going to try Mazy um Dr Pepper Dr Pepper I get vanilla and out of all these flavors Ransom what are you going to have vanilla vanilla that's Ransom he likes spicy stuff and uneventful ice cream what do you think good you going to have it oh that's good is it good okay Mazy we came just at the right time an entire School showed up is that crazy some people are going to have to sit in the board there sto living even showed up for ice cream there's your where's your a l at right there all right everybody's got their ice cream all right we're going to go run more errands go to Walmart have fun bye all right so that was fun kind of an impromptu stop on the uh the route today a lot of kids I don't know there's probably a hundred wasn't there yeah and uh Cassie's sis sister one of those last ones there I don't know if you recognize her or not but her name is cind and a lot of people mistake her for Cassie sometimes so all right let's look both ways across the street they don't even look they were worried though because they saw our school bus and they thought oh no another school came at the same time nope that's just Walker Farm fam going out on their daily uh chores we're at Walmart so you guys finished your ice cream yeah still working on it yeah okay well we made it to Walmart and uh we are going to go in and you remember the assignment for the day oh yeah no idea um prices gallon of milk different things we're going to track a few prices and see what the price difference is from 2003 when I graduated high school that's 20 years ago 2013 when Mazy was born okay and I'm going to help you Pi out snacks oh and we have to get stuff for supper taco stuff yeah sound good yeah so I'll be on your well we got the bus parked it's not it's not the easiest thing to park but I think I kind of got it I think I kind of got it in there we'll see so while we were out and about I just remembered Ransom there's a guy that uh does painting here in town and he's more affordable than probably most body shop so we're GNA see if he can give us an idea a ballpark of what it would cost to paint our bus you want to yeah all right we'll go see we're going to go check it out well we stopped and asked and he said ballpark $110,000 uh but his problem is he don't have a shop big enough to get it in and paint it so that would be the problem working with um the guy here he's very affordable too so I'm guessing that's probably on the low end of what it would take um he he said looking at the paint that it already has a vinyl wrap would adhere to it really really well and he thinks that would be the best route to go so uh a vinyl wrap's about $110,000 as well so there you go it's about $10,000 no matter what but uh we'll kind of investigate a little more think about painting it ourselves and go from there but Ransom what what do you think $10,000 is it worth it no no magic decided to take her a break rather paint it ourselves you just rather paint it ourselves I just don't know how it would look if we painted ourselves what Mazy cost less cost less okay the kids say we should paint it ourselves what do you guys think that'd be a heck of a job uh but we can probably do it maybe maybe I don't know so we had to take a little bit of a break didn't we Ransom y went in the house but we're going to get back to the bus in just a minute try to finish it up Cassie should be home anytime with a ranger from soccer and ransom's going to feed Benjamin a bottle so we've got two little babies on the farm one being right back there she's following us you see her and Benjamin's going to follow us too and Benjamin's going to follow us too so I'm going to we're going to go ahead and let Benjamin out if we can um and let him eat sometimes we feed him inside sometimes we feed him out so come on Benjamin buddy all right let's bring him back here in the shade Ransom it'll be a good place to feed him where it's a little bit cooler right here right here now you can go ahead and Fe Benjamin Benjamin he's looking at me cuz I'm bigger I got your bottle good okay two hands Benjamin is getting so big and no his tail still hasn't fallen off but you can see it's shrinking it's quite a bit smaller than the rest of so I wanted to let Benjamin out because I wanted to see how Bella would react with Benjamin out here I want her to see him and um basically just be this isn't your food just be uh non-aggressive and just get to hang out with him for a second Benjamin's a little bit different he's kind of like a puy isn't he yeah Bella come here come here Bella let's let Ransom feed while we come over here okay so Bella is doing awesome uh I think that Shelby is really enjoying having a a friend not being the only dog she's kind of always been one to follow so it's been interesting watching her be the one that's kind of the leader she kind of gives uh Bella boundaries and tells Bella when she when she can play and when she can't play but most of the time it's all about playing because Shelby's still kind of a puppy hang on come here Bella Bella Bella come here we need to let Benjamin eat two hands buddy got he's strong the bigger he gets the stronger he gets you know that yeah and he's getting very strong isn't he but we want him to drink all his bottle so he can grow up and be a big RAM for us all right Ransom you want to show us how much he ate J go he drunk it all good job Benjamin all right come on down here all right you want to trade me you take the camera I'll take Benjamin oh come on buddy you're getting big watch out all right that'll work so we have not let Bella in there yet we're going to wait until she leads a little little bit better and I'll take her in there on a lead but uh we'll continue to work on leash training and when she's ready we'll take her in and let Zena kind of give her the Run of things right Zena's the boss of that pin now time to get the heat gun and start doing it again time to work on the bus some more yep all right so we are back on it got the heat gun ready to go got our assistant Bella out here to help and we're going to try to finish this up um ROM says he wants to do the little letters now we turned the bus uh forward so we're going to knock this out go for it r so on two uh one or two these small letters probably just one will be enough okay we've got two different settings on our heat gun okay let's try that going and turn it off so let's see little more I think I can get it so as long as I can get it started look at that long as I can get it started we can get it off and Mazy said she'll be out in a minute she wants to try too if she remembers to come out she might forget so we're going to knock this out Cassie will be home so we'll catch up with her when she gets home and Ranger maybe he'll help too look who showed up when the work's almost done just like a blister Ranger I'm joking how was soccer camp good did you work hard mhm was it hot indoor or outdoor today in outdoor outdoor well we so Ranger said did we get on the inside nope we got the letters off on the other side the public schools and now we're taking off these little letters and then we're going to take off these and then you or me or somebody's got to get up here and take off school bus on the front and on the back sound good rer will Ranger you going to volunteer him sure all right we're going to keep working on it stick him up oh you better watch out he's armed and dangerous you're doing a good job so those are I think paint on it's spray paint is iton what about diesel fuel we need to get diesel fuel no you need to know that it's only diesel Here's your sign for all those people out there driving a car that don't know what that is well if it didn't if it wasn't going to get painted or wrapped we would leave it like we'll try to leave our logos and they can get masked but uh anyway I don't know what all we'll have to take off depending on where we take it we may end up needing to take off these stickers too but those will come off real easy but what do you think Cass looks good the other side is off Public Schools is off on the other side so ready ransom's hard at work ready dad ready what about this up here that's coming off next so Mazy wanted to have a little bit of fun too so we're going to let her try it Ransom gave her all the rundown of it good job Ransom oh mie just turn it on it's just like a a hair dryer scary it just sounds like a you don't have to be scared here watch daddy watch okay you want to peel it off yeah okay so all you do is we're just heating up the glue and making the glue loose okay Ransom you want to hold that by the handle and now we're going to take this and do a little start bless you now this will be the part that you do just a second and then once you get it started now just pull it nice and slow good job you did it good job maie so it's getting hot and I am now working by myself uh but one of the most important things to take off for us is a school bus sign I wish that we could take this really good sticker off and put it on that school bus over there because that one has an older um sticker on it but these are just stickers once they come off they're going to be all flaky and not going to be able to reuse them or anything so I'll get this off and I'll show you the final product of the day a bus without stickers so I just finished up and you can see it is no longer a school bus so I will say we save the hardest for last when we save the school bus up in the top because those dudes were hard they make good really good stickers and and uh they were really hard to get off but I think it really looks like a new bus now now that it doesn't have those decals on it and it doesn't have the school bus language on it uh starting to change the looks of it and it's all in preparation for whatever direction we go whether we wrap it or we paint it all this stuff's going to have to come off one way or the other so the next thing um we're not going to do it today but we have all the reflective tape it's kind of do Department of Transportation required reflective tape it's usually on large Vehicles like I don't know stock trailers and buses and things like that so I'll probably take this off last uh I don't think it'll be very hard to get off again with the heat gun you just heat it up and it will peel right off it's already in a long line so I'm going to save that until a little closer to time until we um get ready to take it to wherever it's going to to get done and we need to get on that because time of ticking we need to knock it out but there you go we are finished for now and the only thing left to tell you about is the lesson and economics that I had for the kids I already went over it with them so I'll catch up with you guys in a little bit maybe with Cassie and go over a little bit about inflation how much really has happened on everyday items that we get at the grocery store just like we got while ago we'll see so unfortunately time got away from me the other night so I'm going to wrap it up today this is the next day or the next day I don't know which day it was and I thought I'd do it out here in the garden because well I love the garden and the garden is not quite inflation proof but after you have your inputs uh there's a lot of room to avoid the grocery store so I am going to give you guys some of the um lessons that I gave the kids in inflation and I think it's important for every kid to know that about the economy and prices and this and that not too much age appropriate but you guys know we're in a big inflation right now a lot of hard times for a lot of people and um a lot of it's because prices keep going up so quick rundown here eggs 2003 a124 a dozen 2024 $214 a dozen uh 2013 it was about half1 67 so I'm just going to go from the the 20e mark uh apples 96 cents to a137 that doesn't my battery went dead so I had to get a new one apples 96 cents to a137 doesn't sound that bad but that's a basically a 40% markup um bacon back in 03 was $329 a pound and 13 it was $529 today $731 a pound milk was $22.76 a gallon 20 years ago 10 years ago it was 346 now 484 so it has went up a lot and beef over double so let's see it was $245 cents a pound in 2003 and this is just your regular ground beef 2013 it was 382 today $556 a pound so I know those prices might be different in your area so what I did is I found some historic prices online and then I went to the grocery store the kids and I went through and and kind of marked those down so I'm enjoying the the summer being able to be home with the kids and do things with them um I've been able to uh go different places with Mazy and Ransom have a lot of one-on-one time with Ranger and different ones so it has been awesome but like I said if you are being hurt by the recession and you have a little piece of ground the garden is one of uh probably the best ways to curve that again because seeds probably haven't increased that much your inputs versus your outp puts on the garden are going to pay off over time so something to think about so that's all I have today I wanted to wrap this video up before I start editing but don't forget if you're interested in prime plus wagu beef check out the link down in the description you'll be able to save some right now which could also help with the recession we thank you guys for following along and for myself and Bella we hope you have a great day and God bless
Channel: Walker Farm Fam
Views: 27,213
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: walker farm fam, walker farm fam youtube, inflation, walmart, inflation comparison, bus, school bus conversion, redneck rv, rv, rv conversion, garden, gardening, tornado warning, Out of control, DIY, Skoolie, skookie conversion, satisfying, so satisfying, satisfying video, sticker removal, removing stickers, family, family friendly, family vlog, vlog, daily vlog, school bus, walmart haul, walmart shopping
Id: gJhZts_a39Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 58sec (1858 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2024
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