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Have you been searching on the internet and YouTube and all you want to know how to do is make a simple biscuit   but you're intimidated and really don't know  where to start. Well this is the video for you.   This recipe only calls for two ingredients and is  the easiest recipe for any beginner around. So, you can't mess this one up y'all. So stick around  if you want to learn how to do this y'all. First thing you'll want to do is grab yourself some  um vegetable shortening. Put it all in your pan   and have it ready to go once you get your um  biscuits together. Just making sure I have a whole   lot of shortening in the bottom and the  sides of that pan right here. Okay, we're going to set that over to the side. Okay,  so you can probably see here that I have   my mixing bowl and I have a little strainer. I  am going to sift my flour through the strainer.  Now you don't have to do this if you don't  want. If you sift your flour through a strainer   similar to this one, your biscuits will be super  light and fluffy. Okay, so this recipe calls for   two cups of sifted flour. See there's my  one cup and I'm gonna put that in my sifter and then I'm just going to dab it just like this and let it go through  there. It's going to get rid of any clumps   that is in your flour. Do it this way or you can just do it that way  or you can just move it around like this. I'm going to go ahead and add my second cup of flour.  Now you don't want to pack this down or anything.   So, here is my second cup of flour and so I'm  just going to dab it on the sides. Try to get   all those clumps out of there. Okay, as you can  see there they are those the big clumps that   you do not want in your biscuit. This is the flour  that you're gonna have it's super light and super   fluffy. This recipe calls for one and a half cups  of whipping cream. I'm just gonna go ahead and pour   all of that in here at once, because I know this  is exactly how much whipping cream that I'm gonna use. So, now we're gonna get to mixing. We're just  gonna start mixing it all together with your hands And just incorporate all of the flour and that  whipping cream all together. Now I will tell you   it's gonna be sticky. It's gonna be super  sticky y'all. See it's stuck on my hands. and we still have some dry flour on the  bottom. So I'm gonna try to get some of this off and try to get that uh dry  flour that's on the bottom here.   Okay y'all, so this is a really big ball  of dough. It's still super sticky which is   which is what you want. It's okay for it  to be sticky. I'll be right back hold on.   We now have our wax paper and I'm going to get  a little bit of flour and just put it on there kind of spread it out a little bit. And  now, you'll want maybe a tad bit more flour   just put it on the top so you  can actually grab your dough. Okay, so this is what your dough looks like. It's  not going to be perfect and it's still sticky.   So, now what you want to do is just kind of move  it around a little bit and kind of work it.  If you can see I'm kind of  folding into little sections just trying to work it together so it's not as  sticky. So, I think this is good enough for me to start cutting out. Okay, so we have our pan right  here and we're ready. We have our biscuit dough   Now you don't have to have a rolling pin to um do  biscuits. You can just smash your biscuit dough   down until it's to your desired thickness. I like  mine to be about a half inch to an inch thick.   So, I like my biscuits to rise really well. Okay. So,  you're just gonna get a little cup or something   you don't have to have a biscuit cutter and you  just uh do it like that. Just cut them out okay It's that simple. Just use a cup. Okay, so I am going to put  my biscuits in my little container here   and I want them to be touching each other. So,  you want to make sure there's plenty of room   in your pan here to take up all of those  biscuits because we're going to be making more.   We're going to use up every bit of this dough. See, See how I'm just moving everything  around and making sure there's plenty of room?   So, you'll just want to get that dough It's a little bit stuck right here so I'm gonna  put a tad bit more flour. See y'all, this is the   simplest biscuit I think anybody can make. You  want to if you don't want to be intimidated on   making biscuits this is super easy. There's there  is no wrong way to make this type of biscuit Now you'll want to use every  bit of this biscuit dough.   You don't want to waste it.   Let's see. See I'm in a little bit of a predicament here.  This is what I'm gonna do. I'm  just gonna make two small biscuits. And I'm just gonna slightly roll them in my hand  to try to make them um as even as I possibly can.   and I'm gonna try to squeeze some of this out.  I'm gonna put that in there just like that. I'm gonna make a little bit more space. Now, you can  use any type of um dish to cook your biscuits in. I'm just gonna squeeze that one  down in there and you'll see   how they rise. So, this is what they  look like before I put them in the oven   but before we do that we're going to put an egg  wash on top because it gives it a a beautiful   golden brown on the top of your biscuits and it  just looks so good after they're finished cooking okey-dokey. Okay y'all we're putting these biscuits  in the oven. I have my oven set to 450 degrees Now I'm just going to let that cook.  I'm going to set a timer for 10 minutes   but um I know it's gonna  take longer than that so   um I will let you know how long it took to  cook in my oven. Be back in a minute y'all. It's taste test time. But before we taste  this fluffy biscuit oh my goodness look   at that it's just so flaky and nice and  golden brown on the top and the bottom.   I'm gonna put some butter on these on both sides  and just let it melt down into that biscuit. The moment of truth. Are you ready? I know I  am y'all. This is gonna be good! Here we go. Oh my goodness! This is the best two  ingredient biscuit I think I've ever eaten. If you want to make biscuits for your family and  you want a simple easy recipe that's no fail but   you're just beginning making biscuits, then this  is the recipe for you. They are so delicious and so fluffy. Y'all let me tell you about this  biscuit. This is the best two ingredient biscuit   I have ever put in my mouth. And this goes  great with butter and honey or butter and jam.   You can put sausage gravy, milk gravy, whatever  you prefer on your biscuit.  You can make sausage egg and cheese um biscuits you know  for breakfast or bacon egg and cheese.   The sky's the limit on what you want to eat with your  biscuits. Well y'all that wraps up this episode on   How Do You Cook Back To Basics. I hope you enjoyed this  video. If you did, please hit that thumbs up button   and please do consider subscribing to this  channel and don't forget to hit that bell   notification because you don't want to miss out on  what I have coming up. Till next time. Bye, Bye now. Ahhhhh...Some good Stuff!!
Channel: How Do You Cook - Back To Basics
Views: 1,304,639
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 2 ingredient biscuit, 2 ingredient biscuits, 2 ingredient biscuits with heavy cream, 2 ingredient biscuits with whipping cream, 2 ingredient biscuit recipe, 2 ingredient biscuits YouTube, simple 2 ingredient biscuit, best 2 ingredient biscuit recipe, how do you cook 2 ingredient biscuits, how to make 2 ingredient biscuits, How to make biscuits, how to make two ingredient biscuits, how do you make biscuits with only 2 ingredients, biscuit recipe, how do you make homemade biscuits
Id: DeenU2T7S2U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 25sec (685 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 07 2021
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