HE'S LEAVING ME!!! A Day in the Life When Our Family Splits Up (DITL)

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hey guys it's Janice from Ozark Family Homestead and today's video is not one that I plan to make but this was kind of a spur of the moment thing so this is what's happening we are getting ready for Sean to come pick up most of the children and they are going to go on a trip so there is a family trip to Oklahoma and some of us have to stay behind because of the animals so uh I am staying behind with Sarah and Rebecca and Sean's going to take the other children to a 100th birthday celebration for one of his aunts his great aunts so this would be the children's great great aunt that they're going to go see and the families getting together for a big Domino's tournament and just fun times so Sean is taking a camera with him see now we're very very happy that we were blessed with two of these nice vlogger cameras he is going to take one and try to film some of their Adventures as they're traveling to Oklahoma and then Sarah and I will do a little filming here ours is probably going to be boring so what do you come see Mama where you at can't see you I got Rebecca down here [Music] so okay but we are in a hurry because they're wanting to leave this is like less than an hour so we have to get food ready because they're eating sandwiches I think you can see them on the table stacked up over there sandwiches stacked up games and books and DVDs and of course the suitcases Sarah's getting water bottles ready so lots of stuff going on here but we're gonna take you along for this adventure and uh hopefully everybody has a good time that's the plan anyway here we go okay we're getting things prepped so that everything can just start getting hauled out to the van um sandwiches Anna has already made up the sandwiches she's our expert sandwich maker around here you know what everybody likes on their sandwiches so yeah they're taking their things along so they will eat lunch on the road they will grab their water cups and keep those in their seats with them we've got this little rolling suitcase you're staying with Mama yes Anna goes bye-bye um so Anna and Abigail have their clothes and stuff in there this is a bag of games and DVDs and books this is an activity bag and of course you've already seen from the once a month grocery haul this is all the junk food treats that's going on the road with them they can snack on some of it in the van if they want to but um it's really intended to take to the Domino's tournament that the family's gonna have and this will be Community junk food at that point so all that is going and then little baggies of chips here too I'm sending that along with them as well and the boys have all their stuff in this it's not going to be a long trip so they can just consolidate all their clothes and now we're just waiting for the time to leave you put extra water in there right Sarah okay so there's extra Waters and we're gonna put the sandwiches in here too real quick [Music] and they're moving out feels like they're moving out they're taking enough stuff as if they're moving out now I gotta see if they can fit it all in there it's not a long trip but [Music] baby let me see can you make it go yeah yeah okay when doors closed it'll be in here pretty tight so I don't think anything there's no risk of it falling they've got their activity bag in the front right yeah I think they're gonna have is up there so okay I'm gonna close this [Music] Rebecca are you going with them are you staying with Mama you go with them I think you have to stay with Mama with Mama and Sarah I could put it right back up now you'd be good [Music] are they gonna go bye-bye Graham give David hugs and a growl yeah oh baby you'll be good okay okay [Music] all right let's go my baby hold down the fort oh my hi guys oh this is weird Rolling Hills foothills of the Ozarks okay so it's strange with them being gone and they haven't even been gone that long how long have they been gone maybe half an hour maybe 30 minutes okay so I went outside to hang up a load of laundry and Sarah stayed inside with Rebecca and what she just told me something that happened so tell me again so um Rebecca came in but she had her head down she looked very solemn I said what's wrong baby baby and she went Anna and an Abigail God I said well but we're fun we're much more fun than Anna and Abigail right and she had a very doubtful look on her face so we're not that much fun yeah and then you play piano for and that did make her happier yeah so me eat apples she says here let me turn the camera around you gonna eat apples are they heavy oh there's a whole bunch of them what's Sarah gonna make with all those apples Sarah what's your plan apples more applesauce and apple pie filling apple pie filling and we saw a recipe for Melissa K Norris their apple pie filling so I think we're gonna try that out where are you going with our apples I'm gonna hide them under a bed don't give her any ideas all right we're gonna start oh I've got some laundry there to fold getting caught up now that we've got the washing machine back working again and I think we're gonna look at um maybe putting out some of our fall decorations so I've been holding off um taking off my summertime tablecloth because of the washing machine but it is washed it's ready to be folded and put away and we'll pull out the fall one instead so yes fun to-do list while the rest of the family's gone two you have a whole bunch okay guys we're gonna spend the majority of this trip going through the state of Arkansas so what's this say up here State Farm Arkansas welcome to Arkansas [Music] is that fun come get Mama's I almost forgot to show them your new skirt that you made up and yours yes you got yours too yeah okay so tell us about the skirt okay so I wanted to make myself a good durable um wintertime skirt City so yesterday morning I got it decided I was going to make it whipped it up in maybe two hours um this was scrap material that you were just you were just given some material and it's a good thick yeah that's the chippies yes it's a thick hunter green very good fall skirt and you just did a cinch waist didn't you yep just um drawstring I actually pulled it out of um yeah it's actually the band from um one of my pants I just pulled it up repurposing things yeah so you're set for fall and it's so comfy I love it and you already have plans to sew more oh she told me yesterday this skirt will be perfect for what did I say yes yes I'm wearing it to a friend's house next time we go there are plans yes yes it's good so we're gonna getting into uh kind of a flat area now here in uh eastern Arkansas in eastern Arkansas and we're coming up on Walnut Ridge little interesting thing about Walnut Ridge during the second world war it was a training facility for the Army Air corps so a lot of uh World War II Pilots were actually trained here in Arkansas fly we'll be approaching Walnut Ridge here pretty soon and just kind of showing how the geography is a little bit different come down here it's kind of this uh Valley area it's a lot more flat sitting here a gigantic field of solar panels charging this substation here I don't know how well you pick them up but it's just acre after acre of solar panels okay it's lunch time we are grabbing sandwiches and chips who made the sandwiches okay we just pulled over real quick to get out our sandwiches and I'm gonna go ahead and eat while we're driving so we're not losing time and we can keep on trucking okay we're getting out stretching our legs we're just a little over halfway everybody doing okay okay you think we can make it the rest of the way without stopping we'll see okay we will continue on our journey this there's a see it clear power plant Arkansas Nuclear One this day is the only nuclear power plant that I've ever personally seen if you can get a shot of it here as we across the bridge you can see it top of the cooling power there there it is steam coming off the top [Music] how's everybody doing back there pretty good guys what the signs say welcome to Oklahoma entering the Cherokee Nation okay about to exit off of Interstate 40 and get on the Muskogee Turnpike and I guess until this point we have not told you where we're going we're going to be going to Muskogee for their family reunion if you've ever heard that Merle Haggard song Okie from Muskogee that's where we'll be going well we are in downtown Muskogee Oklahoma Bronx Muskogee is uh I hate to say not what it used to be gotta got some run-down places here and kind of looking old here in the old downtown area we don't smoke marijuana in Muskogee except there we've made it here to Muskogee y'all looking forward to eating Brahms yep okay we'll go get us some Brahms Anna you're hiding back there we'll go get us some Brahms and they'll uh head to the hotel you like your Apple can you tell them what is it called an apple ring yeah yeah Appleby because it goes on your finger no did it go it went on Mama's finger okay okay it's more tasty than fashionable um all gone not yet and why do we have an apple ring because Sarah's doing something what are you making I'm making us up our own special dessert a special dessert it's um the cinnamon Maple sourdough apple pie recipe from Farmhouse on Boone I've never done it it's so good and we want to have something special while the rest of them right no you went on my fingers she thinks that's so funny so yeah we've just been doing odds and ends jobs since uh everybody left you wipe down the cabinets in here because they were grimy so she got all the all the cabinets wiped down and cleaned up we just put some things away and I just brought in the laundry so I don't know a little bit here a little bit there I'm gonna check on animals here in a little bit and shut it down all right guys present day Janice here um a little behind the scenes Samuel and I are working on getting the video edited up but we've ran into a little dilemma because you see at this point in the trip Sean was not comfortable taking the fancy vlogger camera into the restaurant and also filming um the family during the Domino tournament so we're gonna have a little snippet here in the video where I'm going to show you some pictures because he did take pictures just not video and I will show you some of the pictures and just kind of narrate what happened at this point and then the videos will pick back up again here just a little bit further on in the video so now I want to take you through what happened once we got to Muskogee so we were all excited to go inside Brahms and eat we don't get to eat at Brahms very often it's an oklahoma-based company and where we live they don't have Brahms and we go inside into our surprise there are family members in there already eating of course it surprised them and so that we got to visit earlier than expected and so that was a lot of fun sitting there and eating our Brahms and already getting to visit so we arrive at the hotel and all the other family is already made it some of them had actually spent the previous night there so we we check in we got two rooms connecting rooms which worked out really well me and the girls stayed in one room and three boys stayed in the other uh so we go downstairs in in breakfast area if you think of how hotels serve breakfast and they'll have that little area that we could eat in uh what my family always does when they have a little family reunion at night they will have a domino tournament we play dominoes late into the night so you know visiting with everyone and having snacks and playing dominoes having a really good time and split up into two teams uh kind of the uh the older the adults and then all the kids played in the other team about midnight uh we called it quits they kept playing past midnight but we'd been on the road all day and we were a little whacked out so we went on to bed at midnight let them keep playing so the next morning we get up everyone has breakfast together downstairs and we find out when they calculated all the scores the two teams together who won the domino game and ended up being Andrew now our family also has this thing where there's a trophy and whoever wins the Domino tournament takes a trophy home for the year well Janice had won it the previous year so we already had the trophy we brought it with us thinking someone else would would win Andrew Wynn so we end up taking the trophy back home with us okay it is the morning and we are packing up and loading back up to hit the road here in just a little bit and it's like a puzzle we have got to get everything arranged just right in the area that we got left Annabelle if you are watching please walk away turn this off do anything do not keep watching Mama spoiled your birthday present so please walk away don't listen I want to still be a surprise sorry Annabelle okay I think this is boring but this is just kind of what we're doing while Sean is gone with the other kids what baby she's watching Little Einsteins so this is something that Sam and Sarah would watch a lot whenever they were little I see you baby and so but the younger children really don't watch TV like my older ones did whenever I was a younger mother and I use the TV more often than so this is a treat for Rebecca to be able to watch um a little cartoon and I've been in here working on thank you notes to send to people and Sarah is out in the garage she's sewing I think she's sewing a skirt for a friend's birthday that's coming up so I just thought I'd touch base with you guys real quick Sean and the kids I'm sure they're having the fun time out there on their trip but um we're just doing you know boring stuff animal chores just the basic things so I'm gonna touch base with Sarah real quick okay Sarah tell me what you have going on out here okay so this is a gift I'm making for a friend who better not be watching and um okay so it all started this spring I learned to try on one of the dresses that I had made for myself and it Fitters so well and she looks so beautiful and I was like okay I've got to make her one have to so I'm making her this dress I'm kind of altering it a little bit so that she gets room to grow in it but I think the pink is it looks just like let me get in a little closer and see it's just uh it's a very beautiful dress a little checkered pattern we should probably um maybe get your dress out and so everybody can see okay what in the end it should look like okay okay so this is the dress that you're using the pattern for and this is Sarah's dress this is one she made for herself with the pretty blue and the sash are on the waist that way for my friends dress is gonna be a darker pink yeah not the same pattern yeah so a bright pink to pull out the the pink color in the checkers there and what's nice about this dress is it's very versatile because of that sash you can wear it for a while and just cinch it in tighter when you're smaller or loosen it up if you have a growth spurt and in the back I want to show the little button there on the back yeah it's just got a little Purl button there on the back so I think Annabelle will like it and I hope she's surprised and I haven't messed it up apparently I wasn't supposed to say anything but I already recorded stuff and then Sarah told me that um yeah Annabelle better not be watching okay here we are leaving Muskogee we kind of came in Muskogee on the south side in the old part of town and now we're leaving Muskogee on the on the North side which is the newer part of town this is kind of where all the businesses are so they've kind of got to see the old Muskogee and now the the new moscope leaving the Muskogee Nation at Cherokee Nation okay [Music] what's that there [Music] okay we are heading back eastbound on interstate 40. so we'll tell you a little story a little over 20 years ago here on the Arkansas River where the eye where the interstate 40 Bridge crosses the Arkansas River although 20 years ago a barge early one morning hit the bridge and knocked the bridge out the bridge completely collapsed uh it was foggy there were dark drivers did not realize the bridge was gone here is the replacement Bridge here and you see the river for the Arkansas River how big it is a bridge completely collapsed Vehicles began driving off of this bridge into the water [Music] it's all said and done 19 people lost their lives as their cars went into the river below and because obviously not only the loss of life but a pretty big disruption to uh Nationwide travel because Interstate 40 is a primary Highway for the United States connected in east and west but that bridge that we just crossed is the one that replaced the one that was knocked out by that barge it was a really terrible tragedy and I've only been through here a few times since that happened and I always think about that and all the people that lost their life Bridge collapsed they said no see this over here Sam there's the big Cherokee Casino and Hotel this is here near the uh Oklahoma Arkansas line because you're in Cherokee Nation here or one of the ways that the tribes have really made a lot of money is by opening casinos and so they I put them here especially near the state line so the people come in out of Arkansas get into uh okay I don't know when it'll be but I'll be back to my home state again but see the signs leaving Cherokee Nation leaving Oklahoma welcome to Arkansas we'll be in Arkansas for several more hours okay guys we are uh leaving Brahms we're gonna start heading back home now they just put a DVD in it's Rogers and Hammerstein's Oklahoma and so they'll be watching the musical Oklahoma on the way home y'all have a good time okay and I already pulled them and asked them what was their favorite part of the trip and they said they like playing dominoes playing dominoes with the family so okay we'll take off and I'll see here in a little bit if everybody's still awake I suspect that at some point I'll look back and see some uh some passengers asleep the first person I lost was Sam he fell asleep for anybody I hope that this really picks up on The View here we're on an Overlook at a rest stop and I hope you can really see that view it's absolutely gorgeous come around here a little bit more real pretty Overlook here yeah really really pretty getting closer to home and I think I'm losing them see how far I get until they wake up okay guys we're almost there I know it's a short trip but let's see what's the sign gonna say right up here see it there we go we're back home Missouri welcomes you hello she's waving yay they're alone they made it back up I think they missed you guys [Music] everybody's excited what'd you get Andrew yeah did you replace a string on it it looks nice though this is your grandpa's guitar how neat needs a little bit of work yeah into the touch strings it's your daddy you want the Domino trophy did how was you anticipating on it he says I wasn't even trying yeah you must be really good at dominoes everyone else is pretty bad how'd you get her to get you a present all the dogs did you get a big kiss what's in there [Music] please thank you it's chocolate is it a chocolate brownie what do you what do you say to Anna I think she likes it [Music] there's books Uncle Larry sitting home Uncle Larry sent books oh is it a box of books oh good times so the first thing Anna does when she comes inside she puts on pajamas and grabs blankie because blankie is special did you take blankie with you okay I was like I don't remember seeing it here but are you glad to be home did you have a good time but you're glad to be home that's the way it's supposed to be you're supposed to go and have good times but always it's good to come home so now we got stuff to put away all kinds of stuff and the trophy for dominoes and we've got a bunch of junk food that came home with them so apparently everybody else brought a whole bunch of treats too so and he even brought us Brahms Cup this is a nice one of the girls was it a milkshake looks like this was a chocolate milk oh man there's no it's a chocolate milkshake this would be Andrew well I play Andrew's camera so I don't typically crave too much of the stuff that I can't have anymore but Braum's Ice Cream it's probably a good thing I didn't go along I would have been tempted last time guitar today and it's not been played since at least not the United States when he died yep last person to play it was Paw Paw Sam a good kind of strange isn't it I just want to explain that last clip you saw with Andrew with the guitar that guitar belonged to my dad now my dad died in 1996 and that guitar has been stored away in a closet ever since so my mother brought that guitar to the family reunion so that Andrew could have it so there he is with the guitar the last time hands touched that guitar to play it was my dad's and so it means a lot for him to have it hope you enjoyed this video if you haven't subscribed yet please do so give it a thumbs up until next time thanks for watching Ozark family homes and bye bye
Channel: Ozark Family Homestead
Views: 19,857
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: mMUeg-eMR2o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 50sec (2030 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 25 2023
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