Ladies, How Did a Guy RUIN Their CHANCES With You? (r/AskReddit)

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our slashes credit ladies have read it how did a guy ruin their chances with you there was a guy I'll call him James in high school who had a crush on me for years I only knew James liked me because all his friends told me James wasn't a shy guy he was hella intelligent and quite confident except around me he was super shy I get he found it hard to talk to me face to face and he kept texting me in the middle of the night every Friday like 3:00 a.m. telling me he wants me wants to kiss me and that I should go to his house yada yada I never replied cause well I was asleep I did actually develop feelings for him later on he was smart funny nice and good-looking then in my final year of school at the start of the year fab was still texting me all the same old stuff I was sick of the lamb a texts asking if I was a virgin and him telling me he wanted to kiss me nothing of real substance I grew tired of it and stopped replying to his texts this was around the time that my not then boyfriend from school was showing interest in me and that was turning into something and he became more interested once he found out James had been interested in me Rob's a competition thing fast forward to June that year I actually found out that James had been texting another girl in our year level and had a thing with her while he was telling me how much he wanted to be with me I wasn't friends with her per se more acquaintances if anything I chatted to her at a party about James because she found out about how he was texting me she was so mad at him and went and confronted him at the party by this stage I'd moved on and was in the early stages of a relationship with my now ex-boyfriend James was a nice guy at school who turned into a player he also became more interested in being cool drinking smoking [ __ ] friends and drugs than his education and setting himself up for his future his Jiki and heute intelligence was the reason I was attracted to him once he started valuing his education less and less a lot total interest last I heard he dropped out of university and wasn't doing much with himself yay I finally have one went on a date with a guy after slipping him my number my car broke down and he was the tow truck driver and he was cute ended up texting for a few days and then went out for a date first weird thing he didn't order any food he said he wasn't hungry whit but not a deal-breaker then like five minutes before I was done eating he tried to order food but the kitchen was closed he then tried to argue with the waitress about it this is where I was starting to get I fee I've worked in retail and customer service all my life so someone being rude to an employee is a total turnoff on top of this he kept talking about and bragging about how much money he makes the money thing comes in later he walks me home and he tries to kiss me but I don't hold hands on first dates let alone kiss he was considering grabbing a cab home since my car was in the shop and I don't remember why he didn't have his he said he would text me when he was home he lived like way way down the street from me and it should have taken him 30 to 45 to walk home he texts me in 15 minutes saying he's home I say that quote oh you got a cab he says no I rode a bike I asked him if he had rode his bike to the restaurant and didn't want to tell me and he said no he then texts me this on my way home I saw a bike in someone yard I was tired of walking so I took it and rode it home and now it's mine I then wonder to myself back roads if he has so much money why didn't he just call a cab instead of stealing a bike red flag for lying I asked him to confirm back roads so you stole a bike and he said that quote not really it is was in the front yard and they left it there so it's their fault I exchanged pleasantries for another text or two and then didn't text back he texts me a couple days later with a back roads and I let him know that the reason we weren't going to go out anymore is because he stole some kids bike and that kid is probably devastated he got mad at me and I ignored it TLDR guy stole a bike after our date after spending the date bragging about money and then said it was the bike owners fault for leaving it out in the open if you're gonna steal a bike first of all not and second of all don't tell your date about it I'm a girl but my best story has to do with another girl not a guy we were at a place after going on several dates and enjoying some really hot chemistry the plan was to hang out have some dinner and then hit the sack I had no car at the time and got dropped off so we have a pretty fair meal along with her roommates who were a couple separate from us chilling around the living room having some drinks and passing a blunt all good she had told me that she was a free-spirited hippie type and I was by no means against a little weed and alcohol in an enjoyable night oh well the couple roommates bring out some other stuff it was ketamine and they had various pills and other stuff that I didn't then and don't now have any ability or interest in identifying I sort of get a tight feeling in my chest drugs like that have a way of triggering me for a lot of reasons and I basically wanted out so she my interest snort some K and asks me if I want some I make some line about how I'm already feeling good from the drink slash weed it's all good thinking to myself [ __ ] I'm basically stuck here I had been having that good slash fun feeling of ohh soon we will be cuddling more and probably having some awesome sexual stuff going on and it turned to I wanted so in an instant think of a delightfully moist cake turning into the Gobi Desert well at any rate he snorted the K and thank the stars she still seemed coherent enough and didn't go into some sort of K hole so a little time goes by and she makes the let's get ourselves to bed ovations at me I agree because there's really nothing else to do and the couple rumors have started mildly couple bickering I know now that one of them was annexed out but had just figured that he was tired or drunk no he had that head not going on so we set up in her room to get into bed I was at this point still vast and just really wanted to lay the eff down and she goes out to use the bathroom than glam bambam the fighting starts she's getting into it with the female roommate while Zanuck's dude is groaning for them to shut up it's yelling and furniture moving all around and holy [ __ ] Lal Lee trapped in bedroom in an uppper apartment without even the ability to jet out the window more yelling is exchanged it gets utterly silent I perk my ears up for signs of life and nope nothing then I realize that they are quiet arguing out in the kitchen I grab my cell phone and text a friend to come get me right now and figure it'll be about 15 minutes till they arrive so I have to make sure to stay safe in that time frame about 10 minimums go by and the girls have evidently made amends and are chatting in the kitchen both blitzed on whom on earth knows drugs but pretty sedate I make like I have to pee with my coat and purse in hand they just sort of laugh at me as if I were an unexpected guest on a TV show I leave the bathroom and haul ass down the stairs to my waiting right 0 / 0 were do again blocks are on all social media never got a text or phone call I learned last year that her drug behavior escalated into her territory and she overdosed on H all that when it seemed like I was going to have a nice fun lesbian sleepover hoo-boy when I was in high school this dude made it very clear he was interested in me through him he never outright said it and I would always him back that I wasn't interested primarily because I had a pretty serious boyfriend at the time boyfriend and I break up this dude who'd been trying to put the moves on me becomes incessant and I start trying to distance myself making his little conversation with him as possible ignoring his texts sometimes and basically doing whatever I could to make him understand I did not like him in any way while trying to keep the tenuous threads of my various friend groups unbroken this all comes to a head one week in early spring he's in photography class and has taken to carrying his camera around with him everywhere on Monday of this week he gets special permission from the coach to come to the gym and do some in motion photography for a project during his photo period which just so happened to be my fuzzy period I didn't mind this too much my friends and I just walked laps around the gym while he was up in the stands blessedly far away suddenly as we round a corner he literally jumps down from the bleachers snaps a picture of us me and walks away without saying a word then leaves the gym very soon after then no word or acknowledgement from him for about three days Friday that week he walks up to me while I'm waiting for a friend to finish at her locker so we can walk to class together places a handmade envelope with my name on it on top of the stack of books I was holding opens his mouth to say something and then just power walks away from me as quickly as possible inside was probably the most wild love letter I have ever read in my life it was to front and back pages of very small straight handwriting written on sketchbook paper detailing the first time he'd ever seen me how he knew from that moment forward he wanted to spend the rest of his life with me described the softness of my skin which he had never touched before the angle of my jaw how our wedding would play out down to the color palette in my dress and the names of our kids but the worst part an extremely accurate pencil drawing of me in his art style on the last page sitting at a desk concentrating on something it's the worst part because we had never had a class together at this point and the only pictures he had of me were in gym class he literally imagined me in this pose and drew it off the dome and every line was detail perfect he never spoke to me again I met this guy in Community College who I thought was really cute I was an awkward gangly girl who didn't know how to flirt though we actually became friends though and we often would hang out with the same group of friends one day he and I ended up getting sent on a fast food run for our group during a library study session in the car he suddenly interrupts something I was saying to ask so why haven't we been on a date yet I sort of froze I was happy he asked that awkward me had no idea what to say because the words got stuck in my throat well I apparently waited a second too long because he changed his tune he got irritated and said paraphrased because I don't have perfect memory oh I see it's fine you don't have to find a way to let me down easy I thought you dressed like a [ __ ] all the time because you wanted me but maybe you're just a [ __ ] [ __ ] it's too bad really I would have treated you like a human being I tried to explain I was just nervous but he wasn't having it he called me a number of other names and then just shut down this was a 19 year old dude who threw a tantrum like a twelve-year-old after that day he suddenly didn't hang out with us nearly as much anymore he pretended I didn't exist the idiot will never know I would have said yes to a date if he'd just had a few more seconds of patience bullet dodged edit holy [ __ ] did this get a lot of replies let me try to answer the majority of them here a lot of people referred me to ask nationís agrees i'm already subbed but since this is just a college story from like seven years ago without any pics for proof i don't think it at work plus I already got 1,000% more karma here than I thought I'd get so I wouldn't want to try and be greedy speaking of proof a few people think it's just a lie I mean I have no way to convince anyone this happened except to give more details our group was actually a club at the school someone had the damn genius idea to found a jeek Club we got together on Wednesdays for a few hours and played card games like MTG and munchkin watch tanum drew played video games etc we were a club of about 50 people varied in ages from 18 to 40 this guy was a member for nearly six months and then stopped showing up he was a sore MTG loser too as for the 19 year old acting like a 12 year old comment I just meant that this was a man who should be starting to mature even a little who was still being the type of dramatic known to be associated with proteins just putting this one here to say thank you for all the replies and stories I'm reading every single one was chatting with a guy on a Cupid when I was active on it super cute amazing body seemed like a cool guy and gentleman we were getting around to the point where we were going to establish a date and he suggests going for a walk in the park at night oh okay red flag number one maybe he's just trying to be romantic I say let's meet somewhere in public first so we can get to know each other a little bit and suggested a popular bar slash restaurant in the area he suggests maybe a movie in to take that walk later on okay so to summarize he's not only suggested the sketchiest thing ever for a first date with an Internet stranger but is also now ignoring me giving him a perfect out and continue to insist on it finally he says sure if you're more comfortable we can meet in public what's your address so I can pick you up so I tell him have a car actually I can just meet him wherever we decide to meet meanwhile I'm already feeling annoyed and suspicious and halfway want to cancel this plan we haven't even made he starts getting super pushy about it saying he's a gentleman and he would never dream of letting me drive myself while he could pick me up and again tells me to give him my address so he knows where he can come get me at that point I'm done if I have to work that hard to try to convince you to not be a [ __ ] creeper it's probably not going to end up well for me ended up having to not respond and block after the insistence of getting my address thank God I never agreed to anything or gave him any of my info edit I want to clarify since I'm getting a lot of replies to the effect of yer overreacting he was probably trying to be a gentleman it wasn't just a walk in the park it was a walk in the park at night he emphasized that and insisted on it even after I stated that I would be more comfortable meeting somewhere public and populated he wasn't just offering to pick me up he was repeatedly asking me for my home address after I said I would have been fine meeting him somewhere in public I'm also seeing some replies from dudes who are concerned that they made someone feel unsafe by offering to pick them up as a courtesy offering is totally fine but you also have to be fine with the fact that not everyone is going to want to do that and accept it the first time you hear it edit to thanks to everyone responding with your support it means a lot and it helps when processing these incidents to know that a majority of people would agree with me if they experienced the same thing and to all the people replying with similar experiences I'm so sorry this happened to you and never feel bad about trusting your gut also thanks for the silver [ __ ] OkCupid I'm starting to think something similar happened with this guy I was chatting with extremely handsome really bubbly and upbeat seemed really passionate about his career in future and just had one of those warm charming smiles I was honestly surprised he matched me we start talking and he immediately asks for my number which I held off giving to him but eventually conceded whoops he begins texting me constantly through my phone and the app always variations if I miss you are you there wish we could meet up etc when I had a couple overnight shifts and couldn't text him it was I can't believe you're leaving me so soon after we just met he asked me three times where I lived not just the specific address but the general city which was displayed on my profile then he asked to see photos of me and when I again directed him to my profile he said what you don't have any other photos besides those then kept following up with I still haven't seen those pictures yet then he refused to have me drive to him I offered several times and he insisted which at the time I took as a green flag that he didn't want to lock me up in his basement or something he kept forgetting what I'd told him always pushing to meet up in the morning even though I repeated several times that I had work in the morning he'd forget and asked me the same thing the next day consistently his whole demeanor was very weird half unsettling and half but I the funny thing was I ultimately didn't even have to block him to get him off my back he was pushing to come to my place for like the sixth time and I mentioned my roommate not even to test his respond I just had casually thrown in something about her work schedule he completely switched gears and asked if she'd be there I answered that she most likely would be as she worked from home most of the time never heard from him again I'm in college and FAFSA book has just recently come out a handsome guy sitting next to me of the computers in the campus library introduces himself around ten minutes later I get a friend request from the handsome guy my name is unusual so I was fairly easy to find he starts flirting with me on Facebook until it's time for me to leave the library this flirt chatting continues for another couple of days before he asks if I want to have dinner with him I say yes and then tell him to meet me at my dorm / apartment on canvas I want my roommates to meet him first and then run interference if they have a bad feeling about him he gets to the apartment where he begins to brag about all the money he just inherited and how he's so frugal he doesn't even go to college here he just uses the library because it's free I'm looking at my friend and she is giving me the signal that she's not into this guy me either he continues bragging about himself before he asks me if I have a car I say yes and he said me too I have a blah blah blah some car that's supposed to impress me he then follows it up with one a race I look at my friend and she laughs and says yes before I could even get a word out we get out to the parking lot where he crawls under his car and does something with the pipe / muffler area he either added or removed something he told me he shares this car with his mom and she doesn't like whatever he was doing to it my friend is giggling the entire time we get in our cars and drive over to a vacant parking lot and line up side-by-side my friend in my passenger seat is at this point laughing uncontrollably we both step on the gas II head straight for the end of the lot I turn left of the exit and drive away me and my friend sat in the McDonald's parking lot laughing at my situation for a couple of hours until we were certain he was gone he was so full of himself and very obviously a liar I was not born wealthy and money was not important to me that he talked about it non-stop attempting to impress me you could tell none of what he was saying was true to this day almost 15 years later my friend will randomly text me won a race I've told this one before but I was 16 almost 17 and he was asterisk 17 almost 18 we met at work and immediately clicked me being the romantic that I'm fell for him hook line and sinker he wrote me notes drove me everywhere at cetera met my family and everyone loved him we all went to this big Fair in our town with my parents and a few of their friends and some of our friends met up with us they're having a great time until I'm standing next to him and this woman come up and throws me down to the ground screaming at me chaos entails she's hitting him screaming at me everyone's thinking she's some crazy nut bag and everyone's yelling my dad's friend who is loud and intimidating yells for everyone to stalk so it turns out she's his wife and he's 27 years old my dad loses his damn mind as any that might when their daughter is being attacked by crazy wife and lead to and tells him he's going to have him arrested for rape we hadn't had sex yet so I'm mortified telling my dad I'm still a virgin in the midst of all this insane commotion in my dad's friend is holding him back and tells my now ex to do TFR there before my dad kills him I'm bawling mortified embarrassed etcetera everyone's reassuring me I was totally the victim e.t.c trying to console me my little 16 year old innocent heart was shattered he of course quits working where we worked and three weeks later shows up telling me he is divorcing his wife for me and asking me to leave with him and he'll take care of me blah blah blah well guess whose dad was picking her up from work that day he happened to show up to the end of my shift my dad pulls up sees John talking to me gets out of his car and starts chasing him my dad is chasing this man around the fast-food building where I worked as cars are going in and out I'm again mortified and just yelling at my to stop so he can leave and my dad is yelling to anyone who would listen that this man is a child molester and tried to rape me and John eventually just runs down the street and keeps going never saw him again law I met a guy on Goff it was my first time ever using a dating site I was new to the area and wanted to meet new people outside of my only girlfriend I had known from living in Florida prior I wanted to meet people outside of my comfort zone he picked me up in a really cool old-school 1960s Corvette he was attractive and tall conversation is going great we arrived at the restaurant he tells me he can't drink due to a concussion and I should order a drink if I wanted I ordered a martini and we got to chit-chatting some more this is when [ __ ] gets weird he tells me the reason for his concussion 'is that he is a semi-pro wrestler for i insane clown posse I knew if I kept as a music group who painted their faces like clowns and rapped the entire date was him showing me videos of himself wrestling on YouTube he asked if I liked his beard it was kind of like a chin strap type facial hair being polite I told him it looked nice he told me he spent an hour drawing on his beard for our date I ordered a second martini he goes on to tell me about his wrestling character who he made up himself it was a guy who smokes meth and acts psycho in the ring tweaking out he shows me more YouTube videos seriously a [ __ ] hour and a half of YouTube videos of him wrestling a tyke matches i order in third martini he makes a comment about me ordering another drink I assume because he doesn't want me racking up a tab the martinis are $8 no biggie I was more than happy to pay for my meal in drinks he actually assumed I wanted to go back to his house and watch a movie possibly more wrestling videos it's a hard no from me i text my girl SOS and she comes to the restaurant to rescue me when she comes to get me he freaks out makes a scene and tells me I was using him for a free meal flips the patio chair and table in a Hulk like Rage me and my girl run to her car in the next hour was enraged messaging me via off I gave up on meeting new people on dating sites after that thank you so much for watching please like and subscribe the channel
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Id: OEG5B_pff7o
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Length: 24min 34sec (1474 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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