FAMOUS Celebrities THAT ARE NOT AS NICE as they SEEM (Reddit Stories r/AskReddit)

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I'll slash ass credit people that work on movie sets what are the most entitled actors you have ever met also a TV set James Corden is an absolute jackass not the funny happy-go-lucky guy you see on TV my favorite James Corden moment was when Jimmy Kimmel won around a spill your guts or fill your cups by asking Corden to name one cameraman in the room right now that's the kind of joke that lets you know they hate each other I used to work in the industry for a while ask some colleagues about the worst people they've worked with more than one said Steven Seagal was a grade-a dauch bag another said Mike Meyers was a nasty piece of work from what I hear Mars is really hard to work with because he's an extreme perfectionist and wants everything done the way he has it in his mind apparently he we recorded his entire performance on Shrek because he wasn't happy with the voice it was a good decision because Shrek's voice is pretty iconic at this point but still a pretty massive change to demand Mike Mears puts up some fantastic work I think his decision is correct if you are only looking at quality of work and not quality of life Stanley Kubrick was famously just as bad on the director side of things as the old joke goes NASA wanted to fake a moon landing and hired Stanley Kubrick to do it but he was such a perfectionist he demanded they actually film it on the moon I used to work in the film and TV industry Tara banks legitimately will fire some people if they look her in the eye when passing in the hallway mostly interns on the plus side Tom Hanks and David Tennant are genuinely amazing and Eric Dane good guy once an actress yelled at one of our new writers and Eric heard about it he later came by to apologize publicly in front of the whole cast and crew even though it wasn't his doing love that guy and someone on the crew later tried to poison that actress so many years ago I worked at you've been Philly we had a reservation for Don King one night but he and his large party didn't show so about 15 minutes past close he calls and says he is running late but we'll be there in a few minutes owner asks essential staff to stay and about an hour later King and his party arrive his party eats and drinks until after midnight but when presented with the checking says one of his companions was unhappy with the food the waiter offers to take it off the bill King makes Marquis remark like of course you will he ends up leaving no tip on a nearly 2000 dollar bill while making staff work an extra three hours my sister is a writer and has met and worked with lots of people in Hollywood I asked her who the nicest celebrity she ever met was and she said without hesitation Luke Perry a quick message from our sponsor if you love meme Adam and other cool [ __ ] or you just want to impress your friends with the dope Naruto's sweater or hoodie you should really check out beautiful hallo car they have thousands of designs just waiting to be shown off by beautiful people like you or you can just buy a really weird-looking one for your mother and make her question ever having you click the link in the description and used to promo code meme or MEMS for discounts I was playing a background doctor on an ER type drama a couple years ago while rehearsing a scene one of the actresses said to the performer next to me tell him he can't stand there she was referring to me I adjusted my position and asked is here okay she said again to the actor next to me tell him I don't care just stay out of my way I asked is there some reason you're not addressing me directly and she turned around and walked away a few minutes late the scene was shot without further incidents I have no idea who this actress is she wasn't one of the stars worked in the business for about 10 years I found that reality TV stars were the hardest to work with I work mostly with stars from Bravo and they were all entitled and horrible sell observe met that were super nice Rihanna Kamel Tony Todd Peter Dinklage and Emmanuelle chick memory I'm requesting an AMA for the Bravo housewife sob worst stories from Bravo any tears appreciated even if it is ice-cold third hand here so who knows but a person I know has worked with Kevin Smith during the filming of live free or die hard a we are shooting Kevin seems I guess the call time was 7 a.m. everyone is ready lights on soundcheck yada-yada no Bruce Willis turns out he was at a nearby bar having mimosas the aid that went to get him was told I'm John McCain what are they gonna do fire me or something to that effect - Kevin's estimation 90k ice dollars were wasted in pay rental fees and wot not waiting on Bruce to be ready to go I was worried you were gonna say something bad about Kevin Smith cause he seems like a super cool dude in all the interviews I've seen of him had the privilege of meeting him once and he was so sound Kevin Smith saved me a lifetime of debt I was considering going to Vancouver film school and I heard he dropped out I was accepted and about to apply for loans when I decided to email him he a mild me back surprisingly and said something to effect that you are better off just learning on your own I was making an impulsive decision anyway never filmed [ __ ] and haven't since I would have been 50 grand in debt if not for him bam margera used to frequent a mall where I was managing a store he was always cool and never seemed pretentious one afternoon he came in with some friends and they were all obviously either high drunk or both they were in my store making a scene being obnoxious and started throwing around merchandise before I could say anything to them ban turned around and yelled for them to stop acting like [ __ ] children and to put everything back where they got it like good little pins they did what they were told he just looked at me and with a long and tired look on his face told me he was sorry about so yeah fam seems to be a good guy fading away fading away and I cannot stress this enough fading away I've had dealings with her personally and can vouch for her and Hitler Dennis and nastiness but my friend who works on movie sets as horror stories extremely demanding and also picky she brings her scales with her everywhere and will make anyone catering wait up in front of her she has a no eye contact rule which must never be disobeyed and she also yells and screams when things do not go her way while eye contact takes two to tango so she can go suck a D if she's not playing by her own rules I think it's a classic sign of someone thinking very highly of themselves and you aren't worthy of eye contact when we speak am I supposed to look to the side look down like I'm a peasant and you're the queen no fu you're human and so am I and if you are going to look down on me in this way then we aren't in speaking terms what a B my mom's friend did security for concerts she always told us about how nice the bands were but Adele was a nightmare her fans started to line up before her concert outside of the stadium and Adele refused to do sound check because she didn't want anyone to hear her for free and you couldn't look at her when she spoke to you act EC was the nicest band she encountered and the Foo Fighters for some reason I thought Adele would be a nice person not that it's any surprise to anyone but Michael Cera is a huge [ __ ] [ __ ] I watched so many young musicians come up to him during the sex bobomb to come up to him to talk about music or gush about how he inspired them only for him to either brush them off completely ask them why they are talking to him or just have security come take them away total D I always assumed that character of his in this is the end was just a gag law I went to school with a guy who wound up co-starring in a feature film I saw him in the bar one night he walked up to this table of women and said so who wants my autograph he even had a pen the women had no idea who he was because the movie he'd been in was some short-run b-movie nobody had even heard of insecure people who gained any sort of fame and recognition are the most cringy at all I am tempted to try this sometime just ask people if they want my autograph if they ask Who I am I'll show them a little Y out of video log have not worked on a movie set but worked for a cleaning company that was hired by production companies that came to the area to film Alberta Canada we would take care of the homes of some selves Tom Hardy was lovely very down-to-earth and friendly would walk by us in the house and always greet us and often talk about the weather and other mundane things small talk his whole entourage was friendly it was actually quite an enjoyable job good pay easy work nice environment etcetera when we cleaned Leonardo DiCaprio's place we were specifically told not to talk or look at him by the contact person my boss had we would miss have spoke unless spoken to first but the specific request for it made us uncomfortable one time one of my co-workers had a close encounter with Leo in his bathroom she was cleaning while he was coming in she jumped apologized and said I'll get out of your way she quickly gathered up all her cleaning stuff and hurried out he was totally silent and turned his head away from her it was weird and just a quick side note we had a specific way we'd clean so to not encroach on anyone needing the bathroom Leo's bedroom and bathroom were done when we certain he was up and about or out of the house and we always went as fast as we could the previous cleaning company that was there before us was fired because one of the workers said how are you or something like that to Leo that prior knowledge also made it harder working there oddly enough though Leo's entourage had a strange curiosity with us that felt uncomfortable in the opposite sense almost like they'd never seen people before law I have a friend who works on a lot of movies so she has worked with a ton of people from what I remember here are her thoughts on different people Jake Gyllenhaal's method acting style and requirements are annoying and strict so he can often be rude and hard to work with Laurence Fishburne initially comes off as a dick and absolutely hates when you call him Larry but he can swiftly turn that around and be a great guy and your best friend kinu Reeves is everything amazing you'd expect him to be but because he is so personable he doesn't have too many intimate one-on-ones with people and the Watson is a bit self-involved Matt Damon is super cool funny and intelligence James McAvoy is stellar to work with apparently she also has a huge crush on him M night Shyamalan is apparently an amazing father and one of the best bosses to work for I've heard several stories about the work he puts in to being a great family man 50 cent is god damned hilarious he was hanging out on set with my friend and a white girl in a kimono walked by and he yelled out oh [ __ ] they got the Asian jump off in here Russell Crowe is apparently super down-to-earth but he can get a bit isolated if you catch him while he's focusing Christian Bale acts kind of like keno but he also can be so focused on his work that he kind of forgets to interact with people Ryan Gosling is apparently hilarious and lovely Bryan Cranston is also what you'd expect he's a super nice guy who acts kind of like a father figure to most people so to answer your question Jake Gyllenhaal and Emma Watson are the worst I've heard about so far my uncle went to college with John Cena he said he would walk down the dorm halls naked they couldn't see him so it was okay late to the party but I knew Billie Joe Armstrong in the green day guys and the rancid guys in their early times from my punk-rock days I did not know them well but they were the nicest guys ever I was standing in line with some friends at one of their sold-out shows and the Legion darted out ran up to us and said what are you guys doing standing in line when there's equipment to be brought in don't be silly he then brought us back to their van and gave us each her symbol a bass drum petal etc something little we could each carry in and jump the line as roadies since we were old pals from early on I ran into him backstage years later at a Weezer show again I hadn't known them well but knew them a bit before they were famous Billy Joe came up to me addresses me by name and we had a nice chat success couldn't have come to a group of more deserving guys makes me happy to know Billy Joe is a stand-up guy and not secretly a doubt sure bag there was a point in my life where I listened to a lot of Green Day I don't much anymore that I have fond memories of that time and it's good to know one of my childhood musical heroes is a good dude I went to high school with Jon Heder was a friendly guy kinda goofy when Napoleon Dynamite came out and became a craze I couldn't believe it was him came to comment but then saw this my brother went to high school with him - I believe John's mom was a teacher there - Benedict Cumberbatch in the year below me inherited my prep school blazer from the hand-me-down cupboard my mum tells me not surprising since I like the only place you could buy them new was Harrods extremely pleasant fell out at 11 he was I went to secondary school with I saw Hempstead right brand from God he's always been a nice guy and glad to see he's doing well hasn't changed at all from what I've seen my husband grew up with rami malek probably comes at no surprise but he and his twin are just as cool and down to earth as you'd expect wait he has a twin a quick message from our sponsor if you love meme Adam and other cool [ __ ] or you just want to impress your friends with a dope Naruto's sweater or hoodie you should really check out the otter for halaqa they have thousands of designs just waiting to be shown off by beautiful people like you or you can just buy a really weird-looking one for your mother and make her question ever having you click the link in the description and use the promo code meme or MEMS for discounts my dad went to the next high school over from Steve Carrell and they hung out in the same friend group said he was goofy and funny but not exceptionally so they actually ran into one another at my great uncle's funeral a few years back and chatted a bit said he seemed like he was still a pretty decent normal guy tenner Lorna would get mad when people called him shark boy in high school can't say I blame him edit some SCV natives here so he went onto our light so people would call him something else and then appeared in a couple Adam Sandler movies because he wanted to get away from Twilight at some point you got her asked if he should be allowed to make his own decisions grown-ups too was his best work he is actually really funny in cuckoo I lived in the same neighborhood as Eminem growing up he was a few years older than me but since we both kind of stand out we ended up hanging out with the same people a few times before he got famous famous though he was already locally well-known we weren't friends though he was pretty serious and kinda seemed like a recluse but definitely not afraid to speak his mind if he felt it necessary never exchanged more than sup though were you there when he laid the smackdown on Papa Doc and the leaders of the free world these leaders of the free world rookies look he how can six tics be forces my dad grew up in the SAP aqua town on Long Island and was best friends in elementary through high school with Jerry Seinfeld Jerry would often jokingly call my dad the second funniest kid in school of course referring to himself as the funniest my dad also grew up in Massapequa Alec Baldwin's dad was the gym teacher not me but my aunt she knew snook during high school and at the time everyone there were getting into colors she decided to join in tied a bandana to her arm later in the day he took it from her without a word turns out that people wearing her color were being hunted down overall pretty cool dude I hear he hasn't changed much ask your aunt if it's true that Snoop was really good at math but low-key about it can confirm once heard him say one two three into the four I went to high school with pink I was kind of shy but a lot of my friends were better friends with her she was alright I remember her singing to herself a lot hallo fellow Bucks County citizen she lives a few miles from me now her house and parents house is huge and her I heard about that I live a few miles from you as well I live in Bucks County too but I got the short end of the stick and live in a town where everyone is a failure want to guess what town it is Mike Myers went to a high school down the street from mine we hung out with the same people charmingly funny and very humble I haven't seen him for a very long time but I do watch his interviews and he seems to be the same guy he was I always loved it when he came on the TV wearing a Toronto Maple Leaf Jersey happy he has done so well he was a jerk ester and always good to people hasn't forgotten where he came from that's endearing and rare crazy how he went on to kill all those people I was once in a waiting area waiting to be called in for a job interview when randomly a four year old sat next to me he was super cute swinging his legs he looks at me and says I'm not afraid or Michael Myers anymore I responded with that's good and then he just says yeah always wondered which michael myers is he afraid of Austin Powers or the serial killer probably Shrek I went to school with Chris Pratt and he was a nice guy was able to bounce between all the different circle / orc leagues got along with everyone I wasn't surprised when he became famous my dad went to college with Stephen Fry said he was one of the funniest dudes he ever met also my granddad went to art college with John Lennon I unfortunately don't know if they knew each other well or not since my granddad passed away when I was six I learned that they went to college together through my mother my granddad knew John Lennon as they both went to the same church in Walton village as kids he thought he was annoying the only story he ever told me was about the time they both asked the same girl to a dance organised by the church and she picked John I asked him if he was bothered and he laughed like crazy and said I was at the time but I'm still alive so guess who had the last laugh okay granddad your granddad's a real savage went to high school with Neil Patrick Harris he wasn't a bad dude but wasn't humble in the least he was still working on two G Hauser when he was at school he wasn't allowed to be himself surrounded by fans and others he had a nickname of drama dork by some of the other cliques he hasn't gone to one of the reunions also went with Freddie Prinze jr. he was a cool dude but hung out with guys that stroked his ego and bullied others I was an unfortunate victim to that he hasn't made it to a reunion yet either edit spacing for clarity hallo from alba kirk my brother works at fool's paradise a magic store a twin rock in the late eighties / early nineties and said Neil Patrick Harris would come in frequently usually right as they were closing and had them stay open a couple more hours while he looked around / bored staff he wasn't unkind but perhaps a bit arrogant huge magic jeek my ex-husband went to school with Freddie Prinze jr. didn't know him well though not me but my dad used to be friends and play basketball with Shaquille O'Neal when they were around 13 they lived a couple houses away from each other at one point my dad always resorted to clinging to his leg to keep him from scoring he was a tank compared to my dad even back then my siblings and I found some pictures the other day of our mom with John Travolta and Peter Horton hanging out on the beach and with his private jet when they were younger our grand mal was and still is best friends with Ellen Travolta John's older sister my dad went to high school with George Lucas George was the same age as my arms and had a huge crush on her she was already dating my uncle at the time and was super popular so that never would have happened anyway my dad was a few years younger he was on the tennis team with George and would get rights to practice from him from time to time my dad said George was nice and also pretty nerdy no surprises there and my dad was too so they got along fine I don't think he was bullied necessarily but it definitely wasn't popular he had big ears they weren't friends but they were friendly at least as much as a senior would be - a scrawny freshman on the tennis team he also talked about the car accident it was a really huge deal in the town I like to think George Lucas would remember my family but who knows I like how you randomly throw in the size of his ears law my grandma was neighbours with Al Capone she casually told me that he would come over for coffee some mornings house was on 72nd and Prairie edit update visiting of my sister's she tells me that on grandma's wedding day they went to a speakeasy after a dance back at the table was an expensive bottle of champagne with a note attached from Al my ex's great-grandmother grew up in an apartment building in Chicago told her that she and her friends would sit out on the stoop and occasionally this very nice man Capone would come around with a few very pretty dressed up painted up ladies and he'd give the kids candy and help some of the families pay rent and groceries I imagine that was when criminals still considered themselves to be gentlemen outlaws him away I don't really know how to say it but read accounts of Capone from others and he sounds like a real gentleman if you didn't know what he did I think it was more of gaining the public's trust so they would be less likely to rat you out to the cops the accuser would do the same thing when they were at the height of their power in Japan just take a look at how people think of Pablo Escobar in Medellin the guy behind the whole Kony 2012 movement had a mental breakdown at the peak of its popularity Conny 2012 was surreal I have never seen something climbed so high so fast only to virtually disappear a week later even the shittiest and most overused members have had longer lifespans I remember going to class in college and the girl next to me was asking me if I saw the Connie video I said yes I still have not actually seen the Connie video really surprised no one's mentioned CeeLo green one minute he's a beloved musician the next he tweets that it's not rape if she's passed out dropped overnight done edit wow I didn't think anyone would even see this a few people have pointed out that I have a simplified a bit /uu slash twenty seven to twelve gave a better explanation I feel like you missed a key point drugs a woman has sex with her while she's passed out is convicted of the above then tweets that the conviction was unfair because she was unconscious so it doesn't count robbing fyke while it started with grinding with Millie on the VMAs his hand up the skirt of young woman while married to Paula Patton finished it blurred lines had set him up for it pretty well the hand skirt thing was the straw that broke the camel's back blurred lines simultaneously made and killed his career I've never seen anything like it that time beloved he's Minh winner / NFL legend comedic actor Raj Simpson committed that double homicide allegedly and then despite his complete innocence wrote a book on how if he had committed double homicide he would have gone about it funny story I read somewhere that the ghostwriter who wrote that book for him said something like there is not a single doubt in my mind that he killed them Ashlee Simpsons SNL Fiasco getting caught lip-synching was bad enough but the awkward shuffle afterwards really sealed her fate yeah that's the sad thing in the age of celebrities brushing off sex tapes and people's careers bouncing back after racist outbursts assault CCTV in court lip-synching isn't even that bad in fact it's happened to many artists before and after if she had just left the stage right then but she had to do that awkward 19th century gold prospector dance that's what made the clip endlessly playable and viral enough to have really killed her career Oscar Pistorius ACK of the Blade Runner shot and killed his girlfriend roses are red violets are glorious never piss off Oscar Pistorius Bob Parsons founder of Go Daddy he was rollin in the riches until his vacation video surfaced where he has seen standing next to an endangered elephant which he had shot and killed the video then switches to a clip of about 30 to 40 African villagers pulling apart and eating said elephant roar now it wouldn't have been so bad if the villagers hadn't all been wearing bright orange goddaddy hats talk about a PR nightmare the original video is still on YouTube somewhere best part was the ac/dc playing in the background tonight akela posted an article on her blog literally saying Hitler did nothing wrong and it's all been downhill for her since then she still gets around though she was also spouting BS like if the earth is round why do skyscraper stand straight up this one was at least a few months ago if the earth is round why do skyscraper stand straight up holy doodoo this is Jaden Smith level hilarious Gary Glitter for that split-second click on the icon by the technician when the computer he sent in for a pair opened up all his kid events years ago I worked with a guy who was friends with the guy who found that stuff on Gary's computer the guy who found it was only late teens early twenties and had to receive counseling as a result of seeing those images I don't want to know but that must have been some very bad to do one there I took a computer forensics class in grad school and we met with a police officer in charge of scanning computers for bad stuff including childhoods I asked him how he can distinguish child vids from legal team droids he said that the stuff they find isn't questionable stuff its pictures that feel like a punch to the gut the moment you see them I can't imagine seeing that as part of my job Jennifer gray hid stardom in the mid / late eighties with Ferris Bueller's Day Off and dirty dancing then had plastic surgery that left her unrecognizable and barely got any rolls ever since nobody puts Baby in the corner but a botched nose job will the nose job was actually done well too well she looks too generic now and can't get work she looked great with her old nose she had this French Gaelic look about her a quick message from our sponsor if you love meme Anam and other cool [ __ ] or you just want to impress your friends with a dope Naruto's sweater or hoodie you should really check out the Aussie for halaqah they have thousands of designs just waiting to be shown off by beautiful people like you or you can just buy really weird-looking one for your mother and make her question ever having you click the link in the description and used to promo code meme or MEMS for discounts Petros taught betting on baseball while a player / manager in the league including on his own team was ruled ineligible for the Hall of Fame despite surefire Hall of Fame numbers has probably cost himself millions in potential earnings though he is now back as a fox analyst 25 years later he also had to go to Club fed for cheating on his taxes although from his book it kind of sounds like summer camp he stayed in a cabin and played softball every day he does make the argument that if he'd been an alcoholic or a cokehead he'd have been sent to rehab at full pay but because he was a gambling addict he gets blackballed on the other hand he could have gambled on literally anything other than MLB games he could have gambled thousands of dollars on children sack races and the MLB wouldn't have cared Azealia Banks and her feud with Zane it scared off the little remaining fanbase she had after years of pointless Twitter drama now she liver streams cooking recipes on Facebook what a waste of talent she tweeted herself out of a career I hope she gets the help she clearly needs as a year is a god damn mystery to me I'm not sure if she's purposely coming off as hypocritical or she just has no filter allowing to think tweets through before hitting send it's not like the Zane drama was the first time she said dumb [ __ ] online all because 212 turned out to be a manga does she have any clout Megan Fox made one of hand comment about how working for Michael Bay was like working for Hitler and Steven Spielberg advised Michael Bay to cut her from the Transformers franchise because it offended him so much she's in his ninja turtle movies now though chrisp annoyed killed his family and committed suicide over a weekend destroying his entire history and WWE / wrestling would still like to know what happened those few hours I remember watching Raw when that happened and it was an entire binoy tribute Memorial then the next day or so more news came out about what really happened and it was just heartbreaking it all came out pretty fast that episode of Raw was nothing but tributes to him I think by the time Smackdown rolled around that week the news of the murders had come out and Vince announced at the start of the show that there would be no further of mention of the knight's name it was so surreal to experience Synod o'connor for standing against child abuse and denouncing the church I went through 16 years of Catholic schooling my family was fanatic in their beliefs when Synod made her statement and ripped up the picture I started looking into the allegations what I found shook me to the core and I had to renounce my Catholicism watch the movie the Magdalene sisters it depicts just one part of a very large-scale scandal of abuse that was sponsored then covered up by the Catholic Church I'm going to go old school here and say Fatty Arbuckle though the fault largely lies with the media rather than his own doing article was one of the most popular and highest-paid silent movie actors of the 1910s but after he and some friends hosted a drinking party at a San Francisco hotel a woman who attended fellow and died a few days later a friend claimed that article had raped her despite there being no evidence to support it the media ran with a story first claiming that the actor's size caused traumatic injuries to the young woman then saying he had violated her with a champagne bottle Arbuckle was tried for apron manslaughter three times the first two resulting in missed trials before he was finally acquitted in the third but the damage was done his reputation was shattered not only was his career ruined many of his older films were banned and or destroyed it's a fascinating and sad story generally considered the first true Hollywood scandal Aaron Hernandez he was a tight end for the New England Patriots in 2013 at the age of 23 he killed a man and is now serving life in prison without the possibility of parole killed at least one complicit in up to four deaths I live in Massachusetts the Hernandez saga took over my office for a while and then petered out after he went to prison but nothing compared to how the flatter that is still discussed Charlie Sheen I hate to think how he actually got AIDS winning Tiger blood I hope you enjoyed the video make sure to LIKE comment and subscribe for our flow daily and suggest what subreddit I should cover next thank you and happy travels
Channel: CRedditor
Views: 43,289
Rating: 4.752914 out of 5
Keywords: reddit, askreddit, askreddit funny, top posts, top posts of r/, r/, r/askreddit, reddit stories
Id: sUF8moD5Qe8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 43sec (2083 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 25 2019
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